An easy way to pickle cucumbers for the winter. The most delicious pickled cucumber recipe

For many years, cucumbers have been a good addition to any meal. The only pity is that they quickly keep up and retreat just as quickly. But the housewives adapted to this peculiarity of theirs. They prepare cucumbers for future use. Previously, this vegetable was salted in barrels and stored in cellars and glaciers. However, with the advent of glass containers, changes were made to the preservation of cucumbers - they began to be prepared for future use in jars.

Most often they are marinated with the addition of vinegar. But, unfortunately, not everyone can eat sour pickled cucumbers. This is where brining comes to the rescue. Pickles in jars taste little different from those in barrels. But so that the products, so diligently collected and stored for the winter, do not go to waste, you need to know some of the features of this type of procurement.

Subtleties of cooking

  • The best varieties for pickling are Vyaznikovsky, Nezhinsky, Dolzhik, Borshchagovsky, Ryabchik. Cucumbers for future use must be grown in open ground. You should not salt greenhouse cucumbers, as they are watery and tasteless.
  • To receive products highest quality, you need to use young cucumbers. The smallest are pickles - greens 3-5 cm long. Then come gherkins - cucumbers no more than 7 cm long. The optimal size of cucumbers for pickling is up to 12 cm long. You can pickle the fruits and bigger size, but in this case they will take up a lot of space in the jar, and cutting them into cross sections for pickling is not accepted. Large cucumbers can be left for pickling.
  • Cucumbers have neither a pronounced taste nor aroma. Therefore, they are salted together with herbs and aromatic spices. Each housewife selects a bouquet of herbs individually, taking into account the taste preferences of her family. But there are popular herbs and spices that are most often used for pickling. These are dill, garlic, hot red pepper, peppercorns, horseradish, tarragon, savory, coriander, celery, parsley.
  • Cucumbers are pickled together with cherry, oak, black currant. The leaves of these plants contain tannins, thanks to which pickles remain dense and crunchy.
  • Sometimes 1-2% sugar is added to the brine to accelerate fermentation. It is used when large or slightly wilted cucumbers are being salted.
  • The quality of the final product also depends on the salt. If the salt is bad, then it will not completely dissolve in the brine and will form a sediment, and a mold-like coating will appear on the vegetables.
  • Typically, 6-7 percent brine is used for pickling small cucumbers. But if you have to salt larger specimens, the amount of salt is increased to 8-9%.

Lactic acid fermentation of cucumbers

Lactic acid fermentation is a mandatory process during salting. It proceeds best at a temperature of 20-22°. At this time, various types of bacteria multiply, including putrefactive ones, but lactic acid ones gain the upper hand. This is celebrated around the fifth day. You may notice that there is more brine and the weight of the cucumbers decreases. The fact is that during this period the juice from them goes into the brine.

Then comes the second phase of salting. Jars of cucumbers are taken out to a cool place, where for 15-20 days the lactic acid bacteria continue to intensively secrete lactic acid. Together with the brine, it penetrates into the fruits, due to which they begin to gain weight again and become denser.

Then comes the third phase: fermentation almost stops. The cucumbers continue to absorb the salty solution. At the end of this period they become usable.

Recipes for pickled cucumbers in jars

Salting in jars is very convenient because it does not require specially equipped rooms with low temperatures for storage, which are needed for pickles in barrels.

Cucumbers in jars are salted in two ways. In the first option, these vegetables are first pickled in any container (barrel, pan, bucket) according to your favorite recipe, then transferred to jars, filled with the same brine, but filtered, and closed with lids. When sealed, it is pre-pasteurized.

In the second option, cucumbers are pickled immediately in jars.

Pickled cucumbers in jars: first recipe

  • fresh cucumbers – 1.6-1.8 kg;
  • salt – 70 g per 1 liter of water;
  • dill – 40 g;
  • garlic – 8 cloves;
  • red hot pepper in pods – 5 g;
  • parsley, celery - to taste;
  • horseradish (root) – 5 g.

Cooking method

  • First prepare the brine. To do this, dissolve all the salt in a small amount of hot water and then combine with the rest of the water. Let the brine cool and settle. Then filter through several layers of gauze.
  • Sort the cucumbers by size. Set aside crooked, overripe or oversized fruits.
  • Soak the cucumbers in a bowl of cold water for 5-8 hours. This will help restore their freshness and juiciness. In addition, when pickled, such cucumbers remain dense and there are no voids in them.
  • Trim off the ends where dirt can accumulate. It is also believed that this is where the most nitrates are. Wash the fruits thoroughly.
  • Place the cucumbers upright in clean jars. Fill with brine. Close with lids. Leave at room temperature for 3-4 days.
  • When lactic acid fermentation begins, pour the brine from the jars into a saucepan and boil.
  • Rinse the cucumbers.
  • Wash the greens, peeled garlic, and whole pepper pods.
  • Place the cucumbers vertically in the jar, rearranging them with spices. Pour in hot brine.
  • Place the jars in a wide-bottomed saucepan and cover with lids. Pour hot water into the dishes up to the hangers of the jars. Pasteurize for 15 minutes at 90°.
  • Remove the jars from the water and immediately seal them tightly.
  • Cool upside down.

Pickled cucumbers in jars: recipe two

Ingredients (for one three-liter jar):

  • fresh cucumbers – 1.6-1.8 kg;
  • horseradish - 1 leaf;
  • dill umbrellas – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • black currant leaves – 5 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • water.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cucumbers. Soak for several hours in cold water. Wash. Trim the ends.
  • Place vertically in clean jars while adding washed greens.
  • Add salt. Fill with cold water. Cover the jars with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3-4 days. To ensure that the salt dissolves well, periodically turn the jar upside down, after closing it with a lid. Don't worry about the cucumbers being too salty: they will take as much salt as they need.
  • When lactic acid fermentation begins, drain the brine: you will no longer need it.
  • Pour clean water into a jar of cucumbers and pour it out immediately.
  • Pour in cold water again. Close the jar with a tight-fitting nylon lid. Place the jars in a dry, dark, cool place.

Pickled cucumbers in jars: recipe three


  • fresh cucumbers – 1.6-1.8 kg;
  • dill (greens) – 50 g;
  • garlic – 6 g;
  • ground red pepper – 1.5 g;
  • horseradish (root) – 6 g;
  • black currant leaves – 10-15 pcs.;
  • tarragon leaves – 6 pcs.;
  • salt – 70 g per 1 liter of water.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine by boiling water with salt. Cool and then strain it through several layers of gauze. Let it sit.
  • Sort the fresh cucumbers, leaving only small and medium ones (no more than 11 cm long).
  • Soak the fruits for several hours in cold water. Wash. Trim the ends.
  • Wash the greens and garlic well in cold water.
  • Place the cucumbers along with the spices in a jar.
  • Pour in the prepared and settled brine. Close the lid. Place in a warm place for 12 days to ferment.
  • Then add brine to the top of the jar.
  • Pasteurize for 15 minutes at 90°. Seal tightly.

Pickled cucumbers in a jar - hot, spicy, pre-pickled in another container

Ingredients (for one three-liter jar):

  • fresh cucumbers – 1.6-1.8 kg;
  • dill (greens) – 40 g;
  • dill seeds – 1.5-2 g;
  • horseradish (root) – 5 g;
  • wild garlic (wild garlic) – 1 stalk;
  • hot pepper – 2 g;
  • salt – 60-80 g per 1 liter of water.

Cooking method
Stage one:

  • Sort the cucumbers. Soak in cold water for 5-6 hours.
  • Wash thoroughly. Trim the ends.
  • Prepare the brine. To do this, pour salt into the pan and pour water. Boil it. Refrigerate. Strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Wash the greens, peppers and peeled horseradish.
  • Place the cucumbers in a saucepan or barrel, topping them with spices. Fill with brine. Place a circle and put pressure on it.
  • Leave the container in a warm place for 4-5 days for lactic acid fermentation. When fermentation stops, remove film, foam, and mold from the surface of the brine. Add fresh brine. Place in a cool place to allow the cucumbers to salt. But at the same time, be sure to remove mold every day and wash the circle with pressure.

Stage two:

  • Remove the pickles from the brine and rinse well in cold water.
  • Place in clean three-liter jars.
  • Strain the brine in which the cucumbers were salted through a cloth. Pour over the cucumbers. Cover the jars with sterile lids.
  • Place the jars of cucumbers in a wide container (basin), pour water up to the hangers of the jars and place on the stove. To prevent jars from cracking, place a wooden circle or soft cloth on the bottom of the dish. Bring to a boil. From this moment, note the time and sterilize the cucumbers for 25 minutes.
  • Seal the jars hermetically. Refrigerate.

Note to the hostess

Cucumber brine after lactic acid fermentation is usually cloudy. During sterilization, the microorganisms that caused this fermentation die. During storage of cucumbers, all the turbidity settles to the bottom and the brine becomes transparent. If you shake a jar of cucumbers, the brine will become cloudy again. The sediment does not affect the quality of the product in any way.

You can preserve cucumbers without your own brine. In this case, you need to prepare a new one. To do this, take 30 g of salt, add 7-8 g of citric acid and dilute them in 1 liter of water. Cool the brine, let it settle, then strain.

Pre-pickled cucumbers in another container can be prepared according to any recipe. Only the composition of spices changes, thanks to which the cucumbers turn out hot, garlicky or spicy. The amount of salt remains the same.


Hello my dear readers! Do you think it’s too early to give recipes for winter preparations in April? I think not. After all, “an egg is expensive on Christ’s day” and by the beginning of the season you will already be able to pick it up without haste necessary recipes. Today I will talk about how to prepare crispy pickles for the winter in jars. Yes, so that they taste like everyone’s favorite barrel ones.

For many years I have been planting a couple of beds of cucumbers so that in the summer I can enjoy salad and prepare crispy pickles in liter and three-liter jars for the winter. I specially plant salad and pickling cucumbers. I already told you - be sure to read it so that there are no disappointments and misunderstandings. All my recipes involve the use of the best cucumbers for pickling.

Throughout my “married” life I collected various recipes and technologies for preparing pickled cucumbers. Almost all recipes yield crispy, wonderful results. delicious cucumbers. We eat some of it even in the summer - we love young potatoes with pickles, and some of it we eat for the winter.

What's winter without pickles, team meat hodgepodge and the legendary New Year's Olivier? Crispy pickled cucumbers are absolutely necessary for preparing all these original Russian dishes (although we take them if we don’t have them). How good is stewed pork with pickles! Be sure to cook it sometime.

On a note

Cucumbers can be soaked in cold water for several hours before pickling.

Crispy pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter - the best recipes

Crispy pickles in jars, filled with clean water for the winter


  • Fresh, recently picked cucumbers.
  • Brine prepared at the rate of 133 g of salt per 1 liter of well, filtered, spring, artesian or any other good water.

Cooking technology

  1. Wash the “greens” with a brush to remove the black “spikes”.
  2. Pour cold brine so that it covers the cucumbers. They don’t need to be put in a jar - you can pickle them in a tall saucepan.
  3. We give cucumbers 4-5 days to “think” at a temperature of 21-22°C. During this time, they will “salt” and become transparent inside.
  4. Place spices in clean, sterilized containers. For a liter you will need 2 cloves of garlic, 1 bay leaf, dill umbrella, 2 cherry leaves, 2 black currant leaves, an oak leaf, a quarter of a horseradish leaf or a horseradish root the size of half a little finger, 3-5 black peppercorns, a piece of hot capsicum.

    On a note

    To prevent pickles from being hollow inside, place a grape leaf in the jars

  5. Place pickled cucumbers in jars. In a three-liter one: the first and second rows are vertical, the third (if available) can be horizontal.
  6. Fill with prepared (filtered, settled) or spring (well, artesian) water without salt to the top. Cover with plastic lids and place in a cellar or cold pantry. The cucumbers will be ready after 21 days.

    On a note

    Unfortunately, only cellar owners can afford to pickle cucumbers for the winter using this recipe. Pickled cucumbers turn out crispy and remain that way until the next season.

Cold pickling in jars for the winter with vodka


  • The cucumbers in the quantity you have are fresh, strong, and suitable for pickling.
  • Brine at the rate of 2 heaped tablespoons of salt (preferably gray rock salt) per 1 liter clean water.
  • Spices and herbs - as in the above recipe. You can add celery stalks, tarragon, thyme to the set - it’s up to your taste.
  • 1.5-2 tablespoons of vodka (for a 1 liter jar).

How to cook

  1. If you are sure of the excellent quality of the water, then you should not boil it. Dissolve salt in water.
  2. Wash the cucumbers and dry them. Place the spices and herbs at the bottom of the container (dry and clean). Place the cucumbers very tightly. I usually hold the jar at an angle - it’s more convenient and the installed cucumbers don’t fall.
  3. Pour brine into each one almost to the top, pour vodka (1.5-2 tablespoons into liter bottles, 4.5-6 tablespoons into three-liter bottles). At this moment, it is better to remove weak-hearted men “from the battlefield.”
  4. We close the jars with plastic lids (or twist-off lids) and put them in the cellar for a month. For the winter it is worth doing only to owners of cellars and extensive cold storage rooms and non-freezing dimensionless loggias.

Pickled cucumbers followed by canning for the winter


  • Fresh cucumbers are medium in size, with underdeveloped seeds.
  • Filling: for 1 liter of clean water, 2 level tablespoons of salt.
  • Spices and spices, as in the above recipes.

Cold salted for the winter

Hot salted for the winter

  1. The brine is immediately poured in boiling form. Leave the cucumbers in a warm place for two days.
  2. After the required time has passed, drain the brine, then proceed as in the previous recipe.

    On a note

    Cucumbers opened in winter taste like lightly salted, as if they were salted three or four days ago

Salted for the winter with sterilization

Crispy salty ones for the winter according to the unusual recipe of my Hungarian godfather

  1. Filling: a tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Spices for a one-liter jar: 1 bay leaf, 2-3 cherry and currant leaves, 1 young grape leaf, large pod hot pepper, a piece of horseradish root, the size of a little finger, 5-7 black peppercorns, 1 oak leaf, 2 cloves of garlic, an umbrella of dill.
  2. Place herbs and spices on the bottom. Place the fruits, pour hot (70-80°C) brine, put a piece of black cracker or just a crust of black bread on top.
  3. Leave to ferment at room temperature. We taste it, if we like the taste of the cucumbers, then we interrupt the fermentation process.
  4. We drain the brine, wash the fruits, throw away the “used” spices and herbs. Wash the jars with hot water and place them on the bottom. liter jar 1 tablespoon of ordinary white flour, fresh herbs and spices, cucumbers, pour boiling brine, pour a tablespoon of vodka, a tablespoon of 9% vinegar, roll up with sterile lids.
  5. We store pickles in a cool pantry and open them for Christmas (at in this case December 25).

Pickled crispy cucumbers for the winter in filtrate filling

Ingredients for preparing fermented cucumber filtrate

  • Rejected cucumbers (large, overripe, with any defects).
  • 10 g of salt for each liter of slurry obtained from rejected fruits.

How to prepare the filtrate

  1. We wash the fruits and grind them using a meat grinder, blender, or food processor.
  2. We measure the volume of the resulting pulp, add salt from the above calculation (10 g for each liter of mass).
  3. We leave the slurry in the kitchen for a day or two.
  4. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

How to salt using filtrate


Pickled cucumbers, pickled cold or hot, filled with this tasty liquid, taste excellent.

I suggest using the following recipe for pickling followed by marinating:

  1. We salt cucumbers in any way.
  2. Drain the liquid, rinse the cucumbers with hot water, put a set of herbs and spices in three-liter jars, put the fruits, pour 10 ml of 9% table vinegar, add 5 g of salt, 3 g of sugar.
  3. Bring the drained liquid to a boil, fill the jars, and place them in water heated to 50-60°C for sterilization.
  4. Sterilize for 12 minutes, close with sterile lids, and cool as quickly as possible. Can be stored at room temperature.

    Keep it clean when making pickles and not a single jar will “explode.”

My dear readers! If you decide to pickle cucumbers for the winter according to any recipe I presented, then I am ready to answer all your questions about the cooking technology. I will answer everyone!

Crispy and tasty pickles for everyone for the winter! Today is May 1 - in Transcarpathia, cucumbers are planted on this day, thus celebrating International Workers' Solidarity Day. And I would like to say an old, but so relevant today slogan for everyone: “Peace! Work! May!”

See you again, my dear readers! I will be immensely grateful for your comments and reposts of the article in social media.
Always yours Irina.
In addition to a completely unromantic article, I would like to present you with a romantic, beautiful and tragic video. released 45 years ago legendary film the great Franco Zeffirelli "Romeo and Juliet" with magical music Nino Rota. It seemed to me that there was no better way to film or write it. The new movie is great and Eternal love exists, believe me...
Abel Korzeniowski - Romeo and Juliet - Eternal Love

Tasty and crispy cucumbers are not always obtained, but this disadvantage is possible. So, for pickling, you need to choose small vegetables, with thin skin and a gimlet-like surface. As a result, they will be well salted and there will be no voids in them. Also, before salting, you should select cucumbers of the same size, so the process will take place in all fruits.

Cucumbers turn out very well, they are salted in... For pickling you will need the following ingredients:

25 liters of water;
- 600 g salt;
- 10 g tarragon;
- 100 g dill;
- 5 heads of garlic;
- 25 cherry leaves;
- 20 oak leaves;
- 20 blackcurrant leaves;
- 1/2 pod of red pepper;
- 1/2 horseradish root.

First of all, make the brine. You need salt in warm water. Then sort the cucumbers and rinse them with cold water. After this, line the bottom of a wooden barrel with washed oak, cherry, black currant leaves, also add dill, horseradish, tarragon, and garlic. Now in tight rows vertical position cucumbers are placed. Make spacers between them using seasonings and leaves. Close the barrel tightly, filling the top bottom. Now, through the hole that needs to be made in advance in the bottom, pour in the brine and seal it with a wooden stopper. It is important to prevent the cucumbers from floating after pouring it, so you should tightly cover the lid of the barrel with a wooden circle and place a weight on it. Through this you can take a sample from pickles. If the cucumbers are not salted enough, you should wait a few more days.

Pickling cucumbers in a jar

Not everyone has the opportunity to pickle cucumbers in a barrel, so this is in a jar. For this you need products:

3 kg of cucumbers;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 2 dill seed umbels;
- 3 black currant leaves;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 6 peas of allspice,
- 3 cherry leaves,
- 1 horseradish leaf;
- 90 g salt.

First the brine is made. Take a pan, pour water into it, dissolve salt in it and throw in 2 bay leaves. Place the bowl with brine on the fire and boil. Then place an umbrella of dill, blackcurrant leaves, horseradish, cherries, garlic and peppercorns on the bottom of a three-liter jar. After this, a layer of cucumbers is laid out, which are installed vertically. Now fill them with boiling brine and roll up the jar with a metal lid. Store pickles only in a cool place. This can be not only a cellar, but also a refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly deteriorate and the work will be in vain.

Related article

It’s good to have a few jars of pickled cucumbers in stock, because without them you can’t make rassolnik or hodgepodge. Properly pickled cucumbers are preserved to the maximum for the winter beneficial features, turn out tasty and crispy.

You will need

  • Ancient recipe: cucumbers 100 pcs, salt 1 lb, water 5 l, garlic, bunch of dill, currant leaves.
  • Cucumbers in enamel dishes: cucumbers 10 kg, dill (umbrellas) 400 g, horseradish root 60 g, garlic 40 g, cherry or currant leaves 100 g, hot pepper 15 g, water 5 l, salt 300 g, mustard powder 20 g .
  • Cucumbers in jars: gherkins 10 kg, acetic acid 150 g, bay leaf 30 g, hot peppers 15 g, water 5 l, salt for pickling 100 g, for scalding 300 g.
  • Cucumbers in cucumbers: 10 kg of medium-sized fruits, 10 kg of overripe fruits, salt 700 g, garlic and paprika 20 g each, dill umbrellas 300 g.


Select cucumbers for pickling that are healthy, not ugly in shape, green in color, 5-15 cm in size. Sort into three sizes: 5-9 cm, 9-12 cm, 12-15 cm. Ideal containers for pickling cucumbers for the winter are oak barrels, greens They have excellent taste and are stored for a long time.

A simple pickled cucumber recipe, found in an old cookbook: wash the medium-sized fruits well, place them in a barrel in dense layers, sprinkling each layer with currant leaves and dill. You can add cloves of garlic, it not only increases the taste, but also helps keep the greens strong. Press the cucumbers down with a weight. Dissolve salt in boiled cold water, pour this brine over the product and seal tightly. Store at 0+5 degrees.

You can also salt cucumbers in an enamel bowl; this is a more common container these days. Before salting, soak the cucumbers in cold water for 7-8 hours. This is done so that they swell, become elastic and, when salted, do not become empty or wrinkle. Place herbs at the bottom of the vessel, add a layer of cucumbers and more spices, and so on until the top. The top layer is herbs, take them only fresh.

Fill the cucumbers into the pan as tightly as possible, fill with brine, place a circle and press down with a weight. Let it sit in the room for two or three days, and then put it in the cellar or some other cold place. Keep an eye on the brine and if mold appears on the surface, remove it and rinse the circle and weight in boiling water. Prepare the brine as follows: dissolve the salt in a small amount of cold water, then add water to the required level. Let it sit for 8-10 hours.

Cucumbers pickled for the winter in glass jars are no less tasty. You can add salt using one of the methods described above, after a week put it in jars and fill it with boiled brine and close it. iron lids. Can you cook lightly salted cucumbers. Small fruits are suitable for this salting. Scald the prepared gherkins with water and salt, add 300 g of salt to a bucket of water, then pour over ice water and dry. Carefully place in jars in rows, add bay leaves and hot pepper. Fill with brine and roll up with iron lids. With this method of salting, use an additional preservative - vinegar, and then the cucumbers will be stored well.

Cucumbers pickled in cucumbers have an interesting taste. If you have overgrown cucumbers, you can use them for pickling. Place the prepared greens in a saucepan or jars, sprinkling each layer with finely chopped or grated overripe cucumbers mixed with salt, hot pepper, dill and chopped garlic. Press down the cucumbers with pressure.


The Russian pound is equal to 0.409 kg; 100 cucumbers are approximately equal to 10 kg.

Helpful advice

Ordinary pickled cucumbers will gain extraordinary strength and retain their bright green color and crunchiness if you add 1/3 of the oak leaf decoction to the brine. But at the same time, the cucumbers will become sour.


  • Book "Homemade pickles, preserves and marinades"

Cucumbers are revered both fresh and pickled or salted. Salads, soups, snacks - you can’t do without a cucumber anywhere. It is worth noting that cucumbers prepared for the winter are given special role, because it’s doubly nicer and tastier if they are collected from your own garden bed and rolled into jars according to your favorite recipe.

My family simply cannot imagine their life without canned food - jar after jar is scattered with potatoes, barbecue, or at get-togethers with friends.

I’m especially good at pickling cucumbers, so I’ll share my secrets with you so that the cucumbers turn out to the highest standard, even the first time.

If you follow all the subtleties and do not deviate from the recipe, then you can boast of the title the best housewife, which prepares a delicious and crispy snack!

Pickling cucumbers has essentially two cardinal different recipes, which differ in the method of salting - hot or cold. I prefer the second option, which I inherited from my grandmother - there is no need to bother with brine. What to choose for yourself is a matter of your taste.

Before I found my recipe for pickling cucumbers, I had to try an incredible amount various options. At first, I didn’t succeed in anything worthwhile. As it turned out, the problem was not in the cooking method, but in the vegetables themselves. Either I chose the wrong cucumbers, or I prepared them incorrectly. So I returned to my grandmother’s recipes, learning how to select the right ingredients.

Little salting tricks

Therefore, before you figure out how to pickle cucumbers, check out these small (but very important!) tricks:

  • If you want delicious pickles, the recipe will not be the most important. It is much more important to buy fresh vegetables, preferably only collected from the garden. I am lucky in this regard - all my greens grow in my small garden.
  • Only pimpled vegetables are suitable for pickling cucumbers. In my experience the best varieties– “Rodnichok” and “Nezhinsky”. Although any will do - most importantly, with pimples.
  • It is extremely important that the vegetables are the same size. This is not essential, but otherwise the pickling of the cucumbers will be uneven.
  • Ideal if you can use spring or well water. In extreme cases, a store-bought one will do - it must be non-chlorinated. Therefore, never use tap water.
  • Trim the butts of the cucumbers and soak them in cold water. Most people recommend 2 hours, but I leave them on for 6-8 hours. A little trick: the water needs to be replaced with fresh water every hour and a half.
  • To ensure that vegetables are salted evenly, place them in jars vertically. Do not tamp too tightly - the snack will not come out crispy. But this is the most important feature!
  • With the cold salting method, you can simply wash the jars, but with the hot method, do not forget about steam sterilization.

Cold pickled cucumbers

For a three-liter jar we will need:

  • Cucumbers – 2 kg
  • Dill umbrella – 2 pcs.
  • Cherry leaf – 2-3 pcs.
  • Oak leaf – 3-4 pcs.
  • Black currant leaf – 2-3 pcs.
  • Grape leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves
  • Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Water – 1.5 l
  • Salt – 80-90 g

Other spices or herbs based on inspiration and to your taste. It can be mint, tarragon, basil, savory. If you like bright green cucumbers, like fresh ones, then additionally add about 50 g of vodka to the jar.


1. At the first stage, wash the vegetables and herbs, trim the ends of the cucumbers and soak them as described above.

2. Prepare cold brine

To do this, heat some water and dissolve salt in it. To make it easier to calculate required amount salt for large quantity conservation, take from the consumption of 50-60 g per liter of liquid. When the salt has dissolved, fill it with ice water and filter the resulting brine.

3. Now you need to place the cucumbers. To do this, divide our greens and garlic into several parts and alternate with vegetables. There should be leaves at the very top. Add pepper.

Many people close their jars with plastic lids right away. But I advise you to leave the preserved food to ferment for a day or two at a temperature of 25-30 degrees, covering the jars with gauze. Then we hide the jars in a cool place with a temperature no higher than +1 degree for 10-12 days.

Access to oxygen is important point to make delicious cucumbers. At the end of the fermentation period, we begin to try our appetizer. When ready, add brine (if necessary) to the top and close the jars. I buy special lids for hot dishes, which you first need to lower into boiling water for about thirty seconds, and only then close.

Preservation should be stored at temperatures up to +4 degrees, that is, in a cellar or refrigerator.

Hot pickling of cucumbers and tomatoes

I still have it in my inventory interesting recipe pickling cucumbers with tomatoes. I always close them together - it’s easier and much tastier. You need the following ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • Cucumbers – 1-1.5 kg
  • Tomatoes – 1 kg
  • Dill umbrella – 3 pcs.
  • Cloves – 5 pcs.
  • Black currant leaf – 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt – 4 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Black pepper, peas – 10 pcs.
  • Table vinegar (9%) – 3 tbsp.
  • Water – 1-1.5 l.


1. Sterilize jars with steam

If someone has not done this, then everything is very simple. Placed large saucepan and the water boils. You need to install some kind of mesh on top. Take a clean, dry jar, turn it over and place it over boiling water. Carefully remove after about 10 minutes.

2. Prepare cucumbers similarly to the previous recipe. Then we lay them in layers alternately: greens, cucumbers, tomatoes. Place peas and bay leaf on top.

3. Now boil water in an enamel bowl. Pour into jars and leave with the lid closed for 10-15 minutes.

4. Drain the water back into the pan. To prevent the contents of the jar from falling out, it is best to use a special plastic lid with holes.

5. Boil the water a second time and pour it into a jar. Add vinegar and cover the jar with a lid. We quickly turn the jar over and wrap it in a blanket or something warm. After a day, we remove the preservation in a dark and dry place.

In general, all the wisdom to have a tasty and crispy snack on your table in winter. I hope you find my recipe for pickling cucumbers useful and you will please your family. Happy cooking!

Cucumber is one of the most beloved and affordable vegetables in Russia. This herbaceous plant, known for more than six thousand years, is native to Southeast Asia and India. Cucumber seeds were brought to Russia around the eighth century, since then this vegetable has become widespread throughout the territory. Russian state. With certain skills, you can grow it on any summer cottage and even on your loggia or balcony.

Foreign travelers considered this vegetable our national food; not a single feast was without can't do without fresh and crispy pickled cucumbers. They are used both as an independent aromatic and savory snack, and as a component of your favorite salads (for example, Olivier salad and vinaigrette), and as an additive to sauces, and as a dressing for soups (for example, solyanka).

But cucumber in Russia is a seasonal vegetable, summer and autumn. To many housewives I want to treat my family and loved ones with salty crunchy homemade cucumbers and late autumn, and cold winter, and in early spring, when there is no new harvest yet, but you want something tasty. Of course, you can buy a ready-made jar of salted or pickled vegetables in the supermarket, but where is the guarantee that it will be tasty?

Secrets of making crispy pickles at home

It is very important to obtain good pickles for the winter:

  • selection and processing of all components for salting
  • choosing a cooking recipe.

Selection of vegetables and herbs for pickling cucumbers

Cucumbers. We choose fresh, smooth, preferably young fruits of the same size with a dense, coarsely lumpy skin and black spines (with white spines, they are good for fresh salad). Cucumbers should be chosen small or small (gherkins) so that they fit freely in the jar, are sweet in taste, dense with small seeds, and without internal voids.

If you buy fruits for harvesting at the market, then ask the seller about the variety. For harvesting, you need cucumbers of special pickling varieties (Nezhensky, Muromsky, Vyaznikovsky, Altai and many similar ones).

Water. When preparing cucumbers, water is very important component for preparing marinade or brine. Best to use spring, spring or well water. If this is not possible, then it is better to buy purified drinking water in a supermarket or pass tap water through a filter.

Spices and seasonings. Traditionally, garlic, horseradish (root and green leaves), cherry and currant leaves, dill (umbrellas with seeds and green leaves), black bitter and allspice (peas) are used. Each recipe has its secrets in the selection of herbs and spices, but the main thing: all herbs, leaves, roots must be well washed and cleared of soil, be fresh and fragrant. You should not use dried herbs.

Pickling jars. You can prepare pickles for winter storage in glass jars of any size. But very important wash the container thoroughly, but it’s better to soak in a solution baking soda for a while, then rinse well, sterilize and air dry thoroughly.

Choosing a recipe for winter pickling of cucumbers

Many recipes for preparing pickled crispy cucumbers at home are popular. Before pickling according to any recipe, it is advisable to soak the cucumbers in cold water (preferably well or spring) for at least 2 hours (ideally 8–10 hours).

The recipe is simple and one of the best

For a three-liter jar you need:

For determining the right amount of water The cucumbers are first placed in a jar and filled with water up to the neck, then the water is poured into a saucepan. From this amount of water the brine for pouring will be prepared.

All components must be washed well, jars sterilized, cucumbers pre-soaked!

Coarsely chop all the greens (dill, cherry and currant leaves, leaves and horseradish root), peel the garlic and cut large cloves into 3 - 4 parts. You can trim the ends of prepared cucumbers if you need to speed up the pickling process.

Place some of the chopped herbs on the bottom of the jar, then place the cucumbers tightly, sprinkling with herbs and garlic, to the very top. Cucumbers in a jar with herbs should sit for a while before adding brine to soak in the aromas.

The brine is prepared at the rate of two tablespoons of table salt (without a slide) per liter of water. Taken in advance a certain volume of water, add the calculated amount of salt, pepper, several pieces bay leaf. The solution is brought to a boil and poured boiling into a jar with cucumbers.

Cover the jar with a lid or gauze and leave to sour at room temperature. Gradually, the brine in the jars will become cloudy, and the cucumbers will begin to pickle. In about 2 days You should taste the cucumber, if it is salted and slightly sour, then proceed to preservation.

Pour the brine from the jar into a container (you can do it together with the herbs), boil it and pour it back into the jar with cucumbers, then quickly roll it up. If jars of cucumbers will be stored in a warm room, and not in a basement or cellar, then before sealing the lid, add a tablespoon of five percent vinegar to the jar.

Pickled cucumbers prepared in jars for the winter according to the proposed recipe will be perfectly stored for a very long time.

Recipes for preparing cucumbers for the winter using the hot method

There are many recipes for preserving pickles for the winter using hot steam and boiling brine.

Recipe No. 1 (hot method)

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly and leave in cold water for several hours. Wash the greens (leaves and dill) thoroughly under running cold water. Peel the horseradish root and rinse.

Place chopped herbs, pieces of horseradish root, a few cloves of garlic, then prepared cucumbers at the bottom of the jar. Into a filled jar Boiling water is poured in and left in this form for 20–25 minutes. Next, the water from the jar is poured into the pan and boiled again. Add salt to the boiling brine, add granulated sugar, and pour into a jar with cucumbers. Cucumbers sit in this brine for 15–20 minutes.

After this time, the liquid must be drained and boiled again. Add the required amount of vinegar to a jar of cucumbers (without brine). Boiling brine is poured into the cucumbers and sealed with lids.

Recipe No. 2 (With aspirin. Yes, yes! With the same one for colds)

Required Products:

Prepare fresh cucumbers and selected herbs in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Wash glass jars and caps thoroughly and sterilize them.

First, sprigs of dill, parsley and two or three cloves of garlic are placed in the jars (you don’t need much), then packed tightly cucumbers almost to the top and a layer of greens with garlic. The contents of the jar are poured with boiling water and left for an hour. Then the brine from the jar is poured into a container, put on fire, brought to a boil, granulated sugar, salt, and peppercorns (several pieces) are added.

For the cucumbers remaining in the jar, chop one acetylsalicylic acid tablet(aspirin) so that the preparations are well stored at any temperature and do not ferment. Cucumbers are poured with boiling brine, the jar is sealed with a sterilized lid.

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe have excellent taste, crunch well and are stored for a long time at room temperature.

Recipe No. 3 (Hot salting with citric acid)


Prepare cucumbers (wash and keep in cold water for five to six hours), sterilize glass jars, prepare herbs and spices.

Since cucumbers prepared in this way are significantly reduced in size, they must be very place tightly in a jar before salting, then pour boiling (preferably spring or well) water, close the lid and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Then, pour out the water. Boil another portion of water and pour the contents of the jar again, let stand for 15–20 minutes. Pour water into a container, add salt, granulated sugar, a few bay leaves and peppercorns, put on fire and bring to a boil. Place citric acid in a jar on top of the cucumbers, pour in the prepared boiling brine and quickly seal with a sterilized lid. Pickles in jars are ready for the winter.

Recipes for cold preparation of cucumbers for the winter

The cold method of preparing pickles for the winter is the simplest and most common. Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare such canned food.

Recipe No. 1 (without vinegar)

Necessary ingredients for a three-liter jar:

Prepare cucumbers, herbs and jars for seaming as in the previously described recipes.

To the bottom of the jar put greens(currant leaves, several pieces of bay leaves, dill leaves), chopped garlic cloves, horseradish, pepper. Then fill the jar with cucumbers and leave to stand so that the cucumbers are saturated with the aromas of herbs and spices.

100 grams of table salt are dissolved in water, and the cucumbers in the jar are poured with this solution, leaving 2-3 centimeters empty. Bank covered with a plastic lid and leave for 5 days. Then, after the brine in the jar becomes transparent and sediment forms at the bottom of the jar, the liquid is poured out of the jar. Pours into a jar of cucumbers cold water and rinse several times to remove the sediment. The bottom of the jar should be clean, without sediment.

The contents of the jar are filled with prepared brine to the very edge of the neck. After this, the pickles in the jars are sealed with lids.

Recipe No. 2 (with mustard)

At the bottom of a sterilized jar put greens, peppercorns, a chopped piece of root and a horseradish leaf, one or two cloves of garlic. Then the jar is filled with cucumbers, sprinkled with garlic, and garlic is also placed on top.

IN boiled water dissolve the salt. Pour this cooled solution over the cucumbers. Add mustard powder to the jar. Then cover the jar with a lid and leave to infuse, salting lasts about 5 days. Then everything is as in the previous recipe.

Cucumbers pickled according to this recipe will retain their color until winter and will become aromatic and piquant in taste. So, from the many proposed and known methods preparing crispy pickles for the winter, choose a recipe to suit your taste. Summer pickling of cucumbers for the winter - crispy, aromatic, spicy vegetables on the table all year round for you and your loved ones.

Bon appetit!