The most interesting board game in the world. The best board games of all time

Ten best games according to our customers - the simplest, most fun and sociable. It was not easy to choose them: sales statistics speak more about the popularity of the games than about their versatility. Therefore, when compiling the rating, we also focused on your reviews. Let's check if you've played all the games on our hit parade.

1. Imaginarium

How nice it is to put a Russian game in first place in the rating! In "" you need to come up with associations for strange pictures on cards, trying to get at least someone to guess your card, but not everyone. The creators of Imaginarium, Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov, were big fans of the Western game "" with similar mechanics, but did not repeat it completely, but changed the scoring system and added several new rules. The paintings in the Imaginarium are also original - they were painted Russian artists. Maybe it’s more interesting to understand the depths of the domestic subconscious? And that’s why Imaginarium is so much more popular than its Western counterpart?

“Wonderful game! Both children and adults enjoy playing! During the game, all participants are better revealed as individuals, so in addition to having an interesting pastime, you can learn something new about each other.”


“An excellent game, it’s always interesting to play, despite the fact that there aren’t very many cards in the set, you don’t get bored with them, because different moods bring different associations =)”

2. Activities

“The Elias game is not new for us; we played it avidly with friends at home, in the country. When the question arose about how we would entertain the invited guests, there was only one answer: Elias and Activity!”


4. Uno

“The game Svintus was liked not only by children, but also by adults. I recommend purchasing the game if you want to have fun with friends."

Galina Vladimirovna

7. Considerations

In "" you will have to think quickly, as indicated in the title. Each turn you need to open two cards from the piles: one shows the situation, the other shows a letter. The first person to come up with a word with the given conditions wins a card with a letter. At the end of the game there is a tally and the player who comes up with the most words wins.

Why is it fun in big company? Just imagine how you open the cards “weighs more than a ton” and “F”, and your friend joyfully shouts “ass”. By the way, it’s worth agreeing in advance which words are prohibited in the game.

“Funny game. Played New Year's Eve, maybe that’s why they didn’t think very quickly. But the game is fun, I recommend buying it"

8. Munchkin

The best proof of the popularity of “” is the number of versions and additions. For example, our section with games in this series takes up two pages of our online store. What's good about this game? The fact is that if you delve into the rules once (it will take 15-20 minutes maximum), then you can play Munchkin around the clock, it is so exciting and replayable. Each game depends on the character of the players at the table and game situations are extremely rarely repeated. In addition, you can always buy a couple of add-ons (we already said that there are a lot of them).

For those who are hearing about "" for the first time, it is a card game in which you need to hang yourself with clothes and measure your strength with monsters. For defeating monsters you will receive levels and treasure cards - some can strengthen you, others can harm your opponents, and the universal ones can do both. To win you need to be the first to reach the tenth level, and this is not easy and terribly fun!

“The game will hook you and you will want to play other Munchkens, try them all and replay them! Keep in mind - I warned you))"

9. Bang

"" is similar in meaning to the mafia, only the action takes place in the Wild West. Also in the dark roles are played: the sheriff, his assistants, bandits and a renegade who plays for himself. Now you need to take turns taking turns drawing cards from the deck and activating their abilities. For example, a weapon shoots at enemies, a mustang allows you to get within range of a shot, you can hide behind a barrel, beer has healing properties, Indians harm everyone. To win here you will have to show both eloquence (at the beginning of the game no one knows who is for whom, only the sheriff is revealed) and ingenuity.

10. Dobble

And we will close the selection with a very simple and quick game in which all your attentiveness and ability to think quickly will be useful. The round cardboard discs have different symbols drawn on them - every two have at least one item in common. You need to take turns opening the disks and comparing them with yours: whoever sees a match first takes the disk for themselves. The one with the most wins!

"" is one of the best family games, but we added it to adult selection, because adults also enjoy playing it. And at alcohol parties, this test of attentiveness becomes even more difficult!

In winter, we spend more time indoors: in our own cozy apartments, escaping the bitter frost, or at a party - talking and destroying industrial supplies of tea. How can you have fun and bond with your friends and family while learning something new about their personalities? Play board games with them! We have collected 15 of the best games that can be easily found in stores.

(Total 15 photos)

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1. "Carcassonne"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–6
  • Age: 8+

Carcassonne was invented in 2000 in Germany, and already in 2001 it became the game of the year in this country. The rules of this family turn-based strategy game are simple: players gradually build a field by placing cards depicting the area on the table, and occupy them with their pieces, which become knights, peasants or monks, depending on their position. The task is to occupy as much territory as possible, including fields, rivers and castles, thereby gaining maximum quantity points.

2. "Munchkin"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 4
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

“Kill the monsters, grab the treasure, set your friends up” - this is the motto of one of the most popular games this year. "Munchkin" is a parody of both turn-based and card games. The rules here are quite complex, you will have to figure it out, delving into every detail: there are cards, doors, monsters, races and levels. As well as “clothes” and the possible death of the player. However, having understood this role-playing game, the whole company turns from normal, mentally healthy people into uncontrollably laughing hysterics with signs of paranoia. The fact is that during a game you can help your neighbor (of course, for selfish purposes) or hinder him (with the same ones). Due to the complex combination of cards and moves, a controversial situation may arise that is not described by the rules. The creators of the game propose to solve it with a loud squabble between the participants. The winner is the one who first reaches level 10, fighting monsters and cunning opponents.

3. "Monopoly"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 2–8
  • Age: 8+

"Monopoly" (in the USSR and Russia also known as "Manager" or "Businessman") - the most popular economic strategy of all times and peoples. Since Charles Farrow sold the first 5,000 homemade copies of the game in his native Philadelphia in 1935, one and a half billion people have played it. If anyone has forgotten the rules, here they are summary: having starting capital At the beginning of the game, participants must increase their fortune and ruin their opponents. All this happens on a square playing field, and the “businessmen” use cards, money and chips. The classic Monopoly has acquired many additions that can be found in any online board game store.

4. "Elias"

  • Classic: 4
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: unlimited
  • Age: 6+

The Finnish board game Alias ​​has become the most popular in the country. This is largely due to the simple rules and the excitement that Elias ignites in the participants. The rules, without going into some nuances, are something like this: in a minute, which is counted by an hourglass, you need to explain as many words as possible from the cards to the players of your team. The use of synonyms or English translation is prohibited. In expanded versions, sometimes words have to be drawn, pantomimed, or explained with certain emotions: theatrically sobbing or laughing inappropriately. The winner is the team that is the first to reach the end of the game board, on which all the players' successes are recorded.

5. Marrakech

  • Classic: 1
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 6+

Marrakesh is one of the most popular board games in France and Austria. This is a very beautiful family economic strategy, which is primarily unusual for its “chips” made of fabric. The Marrakesh market lives its own fast-paced life, and you will soon have to choose the best carpet seller. It is for this funny title that the participants have to fight.

6. Jenga

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: unlimited
  • Age: 6+

Jenga in Swahili means “Build!” (this is an imperative). But this game is really about breaking as slowly as possible. From the base of the tower, installed at the very beginning of the game, players take turns taking out bars and placing them on top, making the structure higher and lower and less stable. The loser is the one during whose turn (or immediately after) the tower collapsed. The game of Jenga is quite tense, so the whisper of a walker: “I will kill the one who breathes” is a completely normal situation.

7. Scrabble

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 8+

Scrabble or Scrabble are as classic as Monopoly. Scrabble has long been recognized in pop culture main game for bores, but that doesn’t make it any less popular. Participants receive seven starting letters (104 in total) and lay them out on a field of 15 by 15 squares, making up words. They, of course, should be as long as possible, this guarantees victory in the game. Not everyone knows, however, that in the Russian version of Scrabble you cannot use any words other than common nouns in nominative case. You can’t use a dictionary either; more precisely, you can, but only to check whether the word that appeared on the board really exists.

8. Scotland Yard

  • Classic: 3
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

Scotland Yard is a game named after the London police headquarters and pays tribute to the legendary British detective stories. The field depicts a map of central London; at the very beginning, players choose a criminal by drawing lots, who puts a cap on his head to hide his eyes. The rest are policemen who will catch the robber. He, unlike his pursuers, walks “secretly,” writing down his moves on a sheet of paper, but not showing it to others. Once every 5 turns he reveals his location. The police must work together to corner the criminal.

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–10
  • Age: 7+

"Uno" is a sophisticated version of the hit summer camps nineties "One Hundred and One". The game, whose name translates to "One" in Italian and Spanish, was invented in the 1970s, and there are almost no board game enthusiasts who don't know about it. The deck consists of 108 cards, divided by color and number from zero to nine. In addition to these, there are other cards that change the color that is in the game, the direction of moves, or allow players to exchange decks with any other participant. The point is to get rid of all the cards by shouting “Uno” when there is only one left in your hands. After one player wins, the others count the points. Each company sets its own threshold (for example, 400 points), after which the participant leaves the party, having suffered defeat. Experienced players suggest: to add some madness to the process, you can agree not to slow down and play as quickly as possible. If you hesitate, you pass the move to the next one.

10. "Activity"

  • Classic: 2
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 4–8
  • Age: 6+

"Activity" is not much different from "Elias", but this game cannot be ignored, because some people like it much more than its main competitor. Players quickly explain words to their team: with a drawing, pantomime or synonyms - depending on what is rolled. The task is to be the first to score a certain number of points. You can choose the difficulty of the task: if the team is ready for the test and successfully wins it, then it moves towards victory, accordingly, faster.

11. "Colonizers"

  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 5
  • Duration: 5
  • Number of players: 3–4
  • Age: 12+

Of all the classic board games, the German game "Colonizers" perhaps has the most difficult rules. Usually it takes hours to understand them, but the time spent pays off later: this is a real military-economic strategy, exciting and fascinating. The players’ task, as you can guess from the description, is to create a colony on the island of Catan and develop it faster than their opponents, gaining twelve victory points. Having one of five resources - wood, bricks, wool, grain or ore - you need to create roads, cities or settlements. You also need to think about the length of these roads and the ability of cities to defend. Everything is like in the legendary ones computer games like "Cossacks", only on your table.

12. "Twister"

  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: unlimited
  • Age: 18+
  • The American bestseller Cards Against Humanity was invented by graduates of a regular school in Illinois. The essence of the game is to answer rather funny and sometimes indecent questions as funny as possible or to fill in the gaps in sentences with wit. The driver chooses the funniest answer, and the player who showed a remarkable sense of humor gets one point. As a rule, the most bloodthirsty wins, because in the USA, where tolerance is the main basis social relations, this game is the only way to make jokes about blacks, Jews, Barack Obama and women. The Russian producers of the game have finally made a version in which there are no Americanisms, replacing popular US characters with the same Russians: Philip Kirkorov, Lev Leshchenko and so on. On the official website of the game, the developers offer approximately the following options: “No one can imagine that Lev Leshchenko’s favorite hobby is Baltika 9.” Cards Against Everyone is not recommended for anyone under eighteen years of age to play.

    15. “Evolution. Random mutations"

    • Classic: 1
    • Complexity: 3
    • Duration: 4
    • Number of players: 2–4
    • Age: 12+

    The game "Evolution" was invented by Russian biologist Dmitry Knorre in 2010 and has already been republished in English, French and German languages. The logical strategy is built on the principles of Darwinian theory: during the move, participants choose which features they want to add existing form. It is also worth paying attention to food and external conditions. The game lasts until there are cards left in the common deck, and the winner is the one who collected greatest number points.

    The game is an integral attribute of every person’s life. Some people prefer team games like football and volleyball, others immerse themselves in virtual world, while still others prefer to spend their leisure time playing board games. The advantage of such entertainment is the fact that the board gameplay is equally exciting for both children and experienced people.

    Most board games, despite their apparent simplicity, force players to seriously think about their next move. Distractions, bluffs, attempts to help or, conversely, harm opponents accompany every game played. Despite hundreds of “board games” released annually, hiding behind bright covers and unexpected plot twists, some games have been and remain “classics of the genre.” That is why we decided to make a rating of the best board games in the world, considered classics.

    Today, the top ten most popular board creations on the planet, suitable for players of any age, include:

    # # #

    10. Alias

    In Russified versions, this game, which has united millions of fans, is widely known as “ Say otherwise" or " Elias» (« Alias»).

    The plot of the game is extremely simple and resembles the game " Crocodile" One of the participants in the game draws out a card with a certain set of words, pictures or puzzles and tries to show their meaning to opponents with emotions and gestures. The winner is the one who can explain as many words as possible from the card in 60 seconds.

    This game is often used by psychologists and event organizers to integrate groups of people who do not know each other well.

    # # #

    9. Imaginarium

    On the ninth line of the ranking of world-famous board games is a game called “ Imaginarium».

    In concept and gameplay, this masterpiece is similar to another bestseller " Dixit" The walking player looks at the card with the image, comes up with and describes the image with which this picture is associated. Next, the playing card is placed face down on the table, and the remaining participants in the process try to choose from their set the card that, in their opinion, most suits the leader’s description voiced above. Difficulties often arise due to the fact that the drawings on the cards are very non-standard and you need to strain your imagination in order to get as close as possible to the correct answer.

    Some traditions have been preserved for years - and this is very good, because we all remember long family gatherings for bingo: the little ones could climb under a huge table with long tassels and listen from there “Semensemenych! Drumsticks!” What board games are popular to play now?

    Strength of sleep

    This is a variation on the theme of the beloved “Mafia”, but somewhat more interesting and curious. Every person plays “like a mafia”, honest people It’s simply not here. Each player has a hidden essence and secret goal, upon reaching which you can win.

    Clan Good dreams is at enmity with the Nightmare clan, and the Dreamers are generally against everyone and on their own. There are several strategies - one will need to wake up all opponents from the shackles of the starting state deep sleep, another - to wake up first, the third - to confuse everyone. Along the way, you will need to understand who to be friends with and who to conflict with, so you simply cannot do without a “poker face” and bluff, and everyone loves that.

    Price: 1080 rubles

    Click Moose

    A fast, fun and dynamic game - it can be played at any age: from those who have not even learned to read to completely grown-up uncles and aunts. On the table there are bright tokens with images of various funny objects, and in the center there is a token with a Moose. This is something you should never lose sight of if you want to win.

    A game of attentiveness and reaction - when a card with the image of a Moose falls out, you need to click on its token, or you will have to part with the trophies received in the process of falling out of other cards. In some ways this all resembles the aforementioned lotto, in some ways it’s just a fun and noisy event. It definitely won't be boring.

    Price 990 rubles

    Liar! Liar!

    The game is simultaneously reminiscent of “Crocodile” and the best examples of student skits. Each of the participants is invited to act out very imaginatively and vividly funny situation, while part of the role is spelled out in detail in the task, and the other part needs to be invented on the fly and improvised during the game.

    The rest will have to guess where the text is quoted from memory, where it is made up on the fly, and who is the biggest liar in the room.

    Price: 1490 rubles


    Another game for improvisation, attention, the ability to quickly concentrate and shine with remarkable acting skills. Each of the cards contains fragments of a large single illustration with many objects, details and characters. One of the players must quickly and expressively explain, and the others - from his team - quickly and efficiently understand and take a special thing from the table in order to be ahead of others.

    Among other things, sometimes you come across tasks to draw, sing or show pantomime - in general, in part this is again similar to “Crocodile”, but more complex, confusing and dynamic.

    Price: 1750 rubles


    The game will undoubtedly be appreciated by those who grew up in the 90s - this is exactly the same “Tanchiki” game, only in a board format. Familiar brick walls, ice, forest, water and concrete - and tanks, exactly the same, eight-bit.

    Of course, they can be controlled using the cards received - in this strategy you need to attack and defend, you can strengthen yourself with armor, if you're lucky - during the game, sudden independent bots appear. You can set obstacles and obstacles yourself, be friends with one of the players, or play against everyone at once. The only thing missing is the soundtrack - but you can whistle it if you want.

    Price: 1590 rubles


    Who is the best at separating flies from cutlets? Who is the fastest to understand the art of assembling the toppings, even if they are inedible and the burger is make-believe?

    You need to defend yourself from evil flies that are trying to destroy an almost finished culinary masterpiece, keep an eye on your opponents and have time to collect your Best Burger in the World, so there will be no time to be bored during the game. Suitable for children aged four and up and plays surprisingly well with adults.

    Price: 990 rubles

    Takeoff cleared!

    A game for those who are romantically in love with the sky and the wind - by the way, it was invented by a real civil aviation pilot, so everything is as it should be. The rules are very simple and immediately understandable: players need to bring their planes onto the playing field and move them using blindly received cards.

    Other players must interfere in every possible way and do not forget about their own aircraft fleet; you can control the vagaries of the weather and arrange crosswinds or icing of the runway to prevent others from taking off - after all, the final and winning at the end do not mean a point and a stop sign, but takeoff, space and freedom.

    Price: 1800 rubles

    Answer in 5 seconds

    Who can quickly name three Russian writers, three brands of cars starting with the letter “M”, three freshwater fish or three works of, say, Pushkin? Everything about everything is exactly five seconds - time has passed. More precisely, small metal balls ran and rolled in a special watch. Did you manage to answer? We've made some progress. Did you hesitate? Stand still.

    Two difficulty levels - yellow and red, to make it more interesting for children and adults to play this exciting quiz on equal terms. In addition to general erudition, the personal sympathies and preferences of the players are also checked - this way you can get to know each other much faster and learn more about each other if a friend of one of your friends suddenly happens to be at the table.

    Price: 1110 rubles


    Remember in the movie “Inglourious Basterds” everyone sat with mysterious faces and cards on their foreheads? This is the same game. A card is placed on your forehead with a description of the new you - it is attached to a special headband. Next, you need to quickly guess with the help of unambiguous questions from your opponents who you will be - a shoemaker? Tailor? Speak quickly, do not upset kind and honest people.

    The cards can contain both characters - real or literary - or simply something very unexpected and funny, indicated by a noun. The time to guess is until all the sand in the attached clock has spilled out, so it’s better to think quickly.

    Price: 1990 rubles

    Monopoly “Game of Thrones”

    It is still not clear to anyone what style the strategy game is designed in - by all rules it is a fairly ordinary Monopoly, but instead of Chance cards there are Valar Morghulis cards, and instead of the Public Treasury there are Iron Throne.

    An incredibly beautifully designed game - but after playing enough, you can watch several episodes again. And then a few more. Just to refresh the memories and wait for the very last season, in which everything will finally be clear. And then - play again.

    Price: 2300 rubles


    In our country, it is known to some as “The Leaning Tower” - and it is not very similar to any of the board games you know. The principle is quite simple: a high tower is built from perfectly even blocks. You need to pull out one block from the bottom floor and put it on top - so that the whole structure gradually becomes higher and less stable.

    The winner is the one who placed the last block without collapsing the tower. It captivates everyone, from young to old. Requires concentration and precision of movements - by the way, children quite often beat adults.

    Price: 1290 rubles


    Quite a simple and fun game that can be played by any number of players. It is very exciting and dynamic. All you need is a deck of special cards (by the way, it is very convenient to take with you, unlike most board games).

    You need to pay very close attention, remember well, and bluff if necessary - and it will still be interesting to play even in a company of more than 5 people at once, while ordinary card games in such numbers lose meaning and interest. The game is incredibly popular around the world - more than 150 million decks have been sold since its creation in 1971.

    Price: 390 rubles


    Carcassonne was invented in 2000 in Germany, and already in 2001 it became the game of the year in this country. The rules of this family turn-based strategy game are simple: players gradually build a field by placing cards depicting the area on the table, and occupy them with their pieces, which become knights, peasants or monks, depending on their position. The task is to occupy as much territory as possible, including fields, rivers and castles, thereby gaining the maximum number of points.


    • Classic: 5
    • Complexity: 4
    • Duration: 4
    • Number of players: 3–6
    • Age: 10+

    “Kill the monsters, grab the treasure, set your friends up” - this is the motto of one of the most popular games this year. Munchkin is a parody of both turn-based and card games. The rules here are quite complex, you will have to figure it out, delving into every detail: there are cards, doors, monsters, races and levels. As well as “clothes” and the possible death of the player. However, having understood this role-playing game, the entire company turns from normal, mentally healthy people into uncontrollably laughing hysterics with signs of paranoia. The fact is that during a game you can help your neighbor (of course, for selfish purposes) or hinder him (with the same ones). Due to the complex combination of cards and moves, a controversial situation may arise that is not described by the rules. The creators of the game propose to solve it with a loud squabble between the participants. The winner is the one who first reaches level 10, fighting monsters and cunning opponents.


    • Classic: 5
    • Complexity: 3
    • Duration: 4
    • Number of players: 2–8
    • Age: 8+

    Monopoly (in the USSR and Russia also known as Manager or Businessman) is the most popular economic strategy of all times. Since Charles Farrow sold the first 5,000 homemade copies of the game in his native Philadelphia in 1935, one and a half billion people have played it. If anyone has forgotten the rules, here they are in a nutshell: having starting capital at the beginning of the game, participants must increase their wealth and ruin their opponents. All this happens on a square playing field, and the “businessmen” use cards, money and chips. The classic Monopoly has acquired many expansions that can be found in any online board game store.


    • Classic: 4
    • Complexity: 2
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: unlimited
    • Age: 6+

    The Finnish board game Alias ​​has become the most popular in the country. This is largely due to the simple rules and the passion that Elias ignites in the participants. The rules, without going into some nuances, are something like this: in a minute, which is counted by an hourglass, you need to explain as many words as possible from the cards to the players of your team. Using synonyms or English translations is prohibited. In expanded versions, sometimes words have to be drawn, pantomimed, or explained with certain emotions: theatrically sobbing or laughing inappropriately. The winner is the team that is the first to reach the end of the game board, on which all the players' successes are recorded.


    • Classic: 1
    • Complexity: 2
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: 2–4
    • Age: 6+

    Marrakech is one of the most popular board games in France and Austria. This is a very beautiful family economic strategy, which is primarily unusual for its “chips” made of fabric. The Marrakech market lives its own fast-paced life, and soon you will have to choose the best carpet seller. It is for this funny title that the participants have to fight.


    • Classic: 5
    • Complexity: 2
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: unlimited
    • Age: 6+

    Jenga translated from Swahi means “Build!” (this is an imperative). But this game is really about breaking as slowly as possible. From the base of the tower, installed at the very beginning of the game, players take turns taking out bars and placing them on top, making the structure higher and lower and less stable. The loser is the one during whose turn (or immediately after) the tower collapsed. The game of Jenga is quite intense, so the whisper of a walker “I will kill the one who breathes” is a completely normal situation.


    • Classic: 5
    • Complexity: 3
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: 2–4
    • Age: 8+

    Scrabble or Scrabble are as classic as Monopoly. Scrabble has long been the go-to game for nerds in pop culture, but it hasn't become any less popular. Participants receive seven starting letters (104 in total) and lay them out on a field of 15 by 15 squares, making up words. They, of course, should be as long as possible, this guarantees victory in the game. Not everyone, however, knows that in the Russian version of Scrabble you cannot use any words other than common nouns in the nominative case. You can’t use a dictionary either; more precisely, you can, but only to check whether the word that appeared on the board really exists.

    Scotland Yard

    • Classic: 3
    • Complexity: 3
    • Duration: 4
    • Number of players: 3–6
    • Age: 10+

    Scotland Yard is a game named after the London police headquarters and pays tribute to legendary British detective stories. The field depicts a map of central London; at the very beginning, players choose a criminal by drawing lots, who puts a cap on his head to hide his eyes. The rest are policemen who will catch the robber. He, unlike his pursuers, walks “secretly,” writing down his moves on a sheet of paper, but not showing it to others. Once every 5 turns he reveals his location. The police must work together to corner the criminal.


    • Classic: 5
    • Complexity: 3
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: 2–10
    • Age: 7+

    Uno is a sophisticated twist on the 1990s summer camp hit “One Hundred and One.” The game, whose name translates to "One" in Italian and Spanish, was invented in the 1970s, and there are almost no board game enthusiasts who don't know about it. The deck consists of 108 cards, divided by color and number from zero to nine. In addition to these, there are other cards that change the color that is in the game, the direction of moves, or allow players to exchange decks with any other participant. The point is to get rid of all the cards by shouting “Uno” when there is only one left in your hands. After one player wins, the others count the points. Each company sets its own threshold (for example, 400 points), after which the participant leaves the party, having suffered defeat. Experienced players suggest: to add some madness to the process, you can agree not to slow down and play as quickly as possible. If you hesitate, you pass the move to the next one.


    • Classic: 2
    • Complexity: 3
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: 4–8
    • Age: 6+

    Activity is not much different from Elias, but it’s impossible not to mention this game, because some people like it much more than its main competitor. Players quickly explain words to their team: with a drawing, pantomime or synonyms - depending on what is rolled. The task is to be the first to score a certain number of points. You can choose the difficulty of the task: if the team is ready for the test and successfully wins it, then it moves towards victory, accordingly, faster.


    • Classic: 5
    • Complexity: 5
    • Duration: 5
    • Number of players: 3–4
    • Age: 12+

    Of all the classic board games, the German game "Colonizers" perhaps has the most difficult rules. Usually it takes hours to understand them, but the time spent pays off later: this is a real military-economic strategy, exciting and fascinating. The players’ task, as you can guess from the description, is to create a colony on the island of Catan and develop it faster than their opponents, gaining twelve victory points. Having one of five resources - wood, bricks, wool, grain or ore - you need to create roads, cities or settlements. You also need to think about the length of these roads and the ability of cities to defend. Everything is like in legendary computer games like “Cossacks”, only on your table.


    • Classic: 5
    • Complexity: 1
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: 2–4
    • Age: 5+

    Yes, this is a game about how to hug a girl you like around the waist, without having the right to do so in any other situation. This is also the only floor game on the list. Well, who doesn't love Twister? The game, by the way, was not at all popular among Americans until American actress and sex symbol Eva Gabor played it with the TV show host on the evening show.

    Cards against everyone

    • Classic: 2
    • Complexity: 1
    • Duration: 3
    • Number of players: unlimited
    • Age: 18+

    The American bestseller Cards Against Humanity was invented by graduates of a regular school in Illinois. The essence of the game is to answer rather funny and sometimes indecent questions as funny as possible or to fill in the gaps in sentences with wit. The driver chooses the funniest answer, and the player who showed a great sense of humor gets one point. As a rule, the most bloodthirsty one wins, because in the USA, where tolerance is the main basis of social relations, this game is the only way to joke about blacks, Jews, Barack Obama and women. The Russian producers of the game have finally made a version in which there are no Americanisms, replacing popular US characters with the same Russians: Philip Kirkorov, Lev Leshchenko and so on. On the official website of the game, the developers offer approximately the following options: No one can imagine that Lev Leshchenko’s favorite hobby is Baltika 9. “Cards Against All” is not recommended for persons under eighteen years of age to play.

    Wild jungle

    • Classic: 3
    • Complexity: 2
    • Duration: 1
    • Number of players: 2–15
    • Age: 7+

    This game is loved all over the world for the surge of emotions and adrenaline that it gives. The essence is extremely simple: participants gradually reveal their cards and, under certain conditions and coincidences, must be the first to grab the totem standing in the middle of the table. The game perfectly trains attentiveness and reaction, and at the end of the process, half of the players' eyes twitch: each game is tense and exciting.

    Evolution. Random Mutations

    • Classic: 1
    • Complexity: 3
    • Duration: 4
    • Number of players: 2–4
    • Age: 12+

    The game "Evolution" was invented by Russian biologist Dmitry Knorre in 2010, and has already been republished in English, French and German. The logical strategy is built on the principles of Darwinian theory: during the course of the game, participants will choose which features they want to add to an existing species. It is also worth paying attention to food and external conditions. The game lasts until there are cards left in the common deck, and the winner is the one who scores the most points.