Illuminati and Masons: who they are and what are their goals. Secret gestures of the Freemasons and the Illuminati

Secret societies

Secret societies have been present in human history since ancient times. It all started thousands of years ago with the "brotherhood of the serpent", a secret society that referred to Satan (the great serpent) as being able to help people return to Eden. The Illuminati consider Satan to be a good god and the God of the Old Testament to be evil. They believe that Satan gave people knowledge, while God is trying to prevent it. Satanism was developed from this perspective and is practiced within secret societies to this day.

There are various theories about the origin of secret knowledge in secret societies.

I will mention here the two most common ones:

Sumerian inscriptions from 6,000 years ago, which are stone slabs, talk about the Anunnaki - “who came from Paradise.” According to researchers such as Zecharia Sitchin, David Icke, William Bramley 6, the Anunnaki were the gods mentioned in the Old Testament. They were aliens who came to Earth and created humans as slaves for themselves. Sumerian scriptures speak of Anu, who was the ruler of the Anunaki, and of Ea (Enki), whose equivalent is Satan. It is said that he was the only one who gave knowledge to people in the Garden of Eden and created the first secret society - the notorious “brotherhood of the serpent.” It is said that the Anunnaki came to Earth in order to develop its resources, and primarily gold, which was not enough on their planet, although it was an important element of their atmosphere. This Ea, being an excellent scientist, created man as a hybrid of primitive earthly life and an alien race.

Enki (Ea)

At first, people were intended only for service and could not reproduce. Later this changed. Ea did not like the fact that the creatures he created were an inferior race. He wanted to enlighten them, teach them who they were and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them that every human being is a spirit inhabited by a body, and after the death of the body, it continues to live and is reincarnated into a body on Earth.

David Icke, who has studied the Illuminati for decades, claims that the supreme races of the Illuminati are shape-shifting reptiles, aliens not from outer space but from another dimension, and that THEY are the Anunnaki “gods.” According to him, they are the ones responsible for all secret societies. These creatures have the ability to change into a human form, and Icke says he knows of hundreds of witnesses who have seen them transform back into reptiles.

The Christian view of this fact is that the Anunnaki were actually the giants who walked the earth that the Bible tells about. These giants were the nephilim, who rebelled against God and for this were overthrown to Earth from Paradise, led by their leader, Satan. Christianity explains the theory of transformations by the fact that the aliens are actually demons and nephilim. They claim that the people seen changing shape are actually just possessed by demons due to their activities. black magic. And sometimes demons “look through a person” and appear in the form of reptiles or “gray aliens.” There may be different conclusions - different points view of the same thing?

Whatever the truth, something is definitely going on. There is too much evidence, and in the internet age, people all over the world have become easier to communicate.

This may be the reason why we now hear so much about this phenomenon, which was kept silent about for so long. You cannot hide information on the Internet. On the other hand, we can't take everyone who speaks on the Internet seriously, because information like this can cause a psychological chain reaction. Some people "believe" that they experienced something that actually did not happen. This is not a religious site, so I will not expand on this, especially since I do not know the answers to many questions. On the contrary, one of the site’s goals is to explain the situation in the world from as objective a point of view as possible.

The truth is that throughout history there have been secret societies behind the scenes. The original brotherhood split into numerous cults and sects due to conflict at the top. Various poles of control emerged, which secretly fought each other (and still continue to do so) invisible to the ignorant majority. They have invented various religions, sects and cults so that people will be busy with nonsense instead of paying attention to what the brotherhood is really doing. They began to manage the churches in order to enslave the people [On the third priority of management, owning the first (our note on translation)] and incite them into sectarian strife. Most wars were ideologized as wars of “faith.”

From the original brotherhood came the Masonic orders, the Rosicrucians, the Knights Templar, the Ordo Templi Orientis 8, the Knights of Malta and others. Some may argue that Freemasonry is charitable organization and even Christian society. Yes, they say all this there, and the majority of ordinary members of the order believe it. The vast majority of Freemasons are good people, ignorant of what goes on at the higher levels. They do not know that Satanists and worshipers are standing over them dark forces. They do not serve God, they worship Satan or Lucifer, and this is the essence of what is happening in the modern world.

Bavarian Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), originally a Jew, converted to Catholicism and ended up creating a "new" secret society called the Illuminati. In fact, it was not a new society at all, it existed under different names for a long time, but during Weishaupt's lifetime the organization opened publicly. It is unclear whether he was under anyone's influence, but most researchers, including myself, agree that Weishaupt was nothing more than a puppet in the hands of the Masonic elite.

Freemasons have recently founded a new branch of Freemasonry - Scottish Rite Freemasonry with 33 degrees of initiation. Today it is one of the most influential secret societies, including prominent politicians, religious leaders, businessmen and other people useful to them. The facts indicate that Weishaupt was sponsored by the Rothschilds, who then and now are the heads of Masonic structures around the world.

The Illuminati have their own hierarchy of initiations ABOVE (or more precisely after) the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even people who have reached higher degrees Freemasonry, have no idea about the degrees of the Illuminati - this is a secret. Weishaupt dreamed of ruling the world, and he developed a clear strategy for creating a “one world government” and a “new world order.” All this was recorded in the so-called “Protocols” Elders of Zion» 9, which made it possible to blame the Jews if the plan failed.

And the plan failed! An Illuminati messenger was killed by lightning as he galloped across a field, and the "protocols" he was carrying were discovered and made public. This happened in the 1770s. Weishaupt and his Illuminati "brothers" were forced to go into hiding and work underground, since the activities of their organization were prohibited. The Brotherhood decided to never use the term "Illuminati" again, but to maintain their agency to achieve the goal of world domination. One of these agent groups was the union of free masons - Freemasonry, which earned good reputation in society.

It is believed that Weishaupt was killed by his own Freemason brothers because he could not keep his mouth shut and continued to use the name “Illuminati.” There may be other reasons.

The secret goal, however, remained. Weishaupt and the Rothschilds then became the head of the Illuminati (and remain to this day). They were greatly helped in achieving their goal by the Freemason Cecil Rhodes, who in the 19th century tried to build a one-world government led by the British Empire. This plan was financed by the Rothschilds. And it was Rhodes who created the secret society " Round table", named after King Arthur and his Round Table, in which the elite of the brotherhood still sits today.

The First and Second World Wars were attempts to seize power. When they failed, the following happened. After the Second World War, people were so tired of all the horrors of murder that they joyfully welcomed the creation of the UN, which declared its goal to prevent a repetition of the horrors of the Second World War. However, in reality, the UN is an important tool for the Illuminati to unite all countries into one. This typical example the work of the brotherhood, illustrating their scheme: “problem-reaction-solution”. By starting two world wars they created a problem. In turn, this caused a reaction from the population, who wanted a solution to the problem of wars.
Thus, the Illuminati easily achieved the creation of the UN - another step towards a world government. This obviously led to the emergence of the European Union (EU), which, if looked at with an unclouded eye, is evolving towards the largest fascist state ever to exist, in which the individual country is left with fewer and fewer rights and independence, and Europe falls under the arbitrariness of a small reigning group - the central government. Who runs the EU? Freemasonry and the Illuminati.

By supporting catastrophically progressing inflation, international bankers (read Illuminati) made us believe that the problem will be solved only by a single currency of the European mint - the euro. As long as this project is safe, the European Central Bank has complete control over the European economy and can take us wherever it wants. Some politicians are simply short-sighted and power-hungry, others are afraid of facts and work for (or with) the Illuminati. Innocent people who are deceived suffer the most. Isn't this a betrayal beyond understanding!

The European Union may soon expand to the United States of Africa, Asia and South America. Eventually, these countries may merge into one giant fascist state that will last for thousands of years, just as their occult beliefs say. And then the “Golden Age” will come - the age of the Antichrist.

Secret societies and the Illuminati, among others, believe in the power various characters. The world is full of their black magic symbols. Despite this, we are so used to seeing them everywhere that we don’t pay attention. The Illuminati believe that the more symbols there are, the more powerful their magic. The emblem of the Illuminati and the “new world order” is the “pyramid with the all-seeing eye”, which you can find on the US one dollar bill (a few years ago the Vatican issued a series of stamps containing this symbol). The all-seeing eye is the eye of Horus, also the eye of Lucifer. The history of this symbol goes back to the era ancient egypt. Appearance The one-dollar bill was designed by the administration of President Roosevelt, and the following letter from Wallace 10 of 1951 shows that the president put a lot of work into its design:

“Once in 1934, when I served as minister agriculture 11, I was waiting in the outer office of [State] Secretary [Cordell] Hull 12. While I decided to leaf through a US State Department publication on the stand, entitled "History State Seal United States." Opening page 53, I found on it a color reproduction of the reverse side of the Seal. Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum shocked me - it meant “a new course for the ages.” I took the publication to President Roosevelt and proposed that a coin be minted that would show both sides of the Seal.

Roosevelt, looking at the color reproduction of the Seal, was at first struck by the presence of “ all seeing eye" - Masonic interpretation of the Great Architect of the Universe. He was then impressed that the beginning of a “new order for centuries” had been laid in 1776, but it could only be achieved under the supervision of the Great Architect. Roosevelt, like me, was a 32nd degree Mason. He suggested printing a stamp on a dollar bill instead of a coin, and he himself decided to talk to the Secretary of the Treasury 13.

When the Ministry of Finance showed the first print, I saw that the obverse of the Seal was on the left side of the bill, as it should be in heraldry. Roosevelt also insisted that the word order be changed so that the phrase “of the United States” would appear under the obverse of the Seal... 14 Roosevelt was very meticulous about details and loved to play with them, whether it was designing a house, a post office branch or dollar bill."

More recently, we began to discuss with great interest everything related to worldwide conspiracies, world authorities, hidden societies and other similar topics. This was facilitated by cinematic films and fiction. More and more people began to remember all kinds of secret organizations and societies, sects. A lot of data has appeared on the World Wide Web. Most often, discussions and disputes arise regarding several secret societies: the Illuminati and the Freemasons. They are designated as similar, and as enemy, and as the same.

Everyone intends to set people on the righteous path

After reading the works of D. Brown, who subtly felt that the reader lacks mysterious and supernatural detectives, people imagine the Illuminati as threatening and furious. Should know perfectly historical moments to find out who the Illuminati really are and whether they can be found today.

To do this, it is necessary to plunge into the Age of Enlightenment, that is, the mid-eighteenth century. As we know from history, drastic ideological changes were taking place in Europe at this time. Religion became obsolete, but there was nothing to replace it. Because of this it appeared large number theories of secret societies that tried to build a life on the latest views and beliefs.

Similar secret societies and concepts appeared at lightning speed. In addition, the Freemasons in the eighteenth century became very famous among a noble circle of people with a good education; the century itself was considered “golden”. The Masons had their own organized structure: a secret lodge with own terms, with a special celebration on the occasion of acceptance into the Masons, with rules within the society, with its own symbols and secret rituals hidden from the ignorant.

Like Masonic lodges, many secret societies began to organize. For example, the Order of the Illuminati (enlightened), which appeared in 1776 in Bavaria. The head of this order, A. Weishaupt, believed that humanity should be led by the “enlightened” and correct the world. The Illuminati wanted to create a different society without mystical, religious prejudices, prejudices and so on. At the same time, they were based on reasonable considerations of mercy, justice and rationality. This is how the Illuminati tried to make people equal, so that human relationships would become harmonious.

Are the Illuminati Masonic “heretics”?

At the end of the eighteenth century in Bavaria there were quite a lot of small secret societies similar to the Illuminati, of which there were no more than seven hundred people. Led by Weishaupt, the Order did not last even one decade. It was liquidated in 1784 by the government, as a confrontation began against very active secret societies. But the “enlightened” still had an important achievement - they can now be found on the official lists of secret societies. After the lists, the name of this society appeared in anti-Masonic books, and at the end of the twentieth century, various conspiracy theorists began to borrow this big word. Therefore, there is no all-powerful, completely disguised Illuminati secret society that controls world domination. At least there is no evidence for this that can be looked at.

The true Illuminati ceased to exist in 1785, the members of the society were distributed among various European Masonic lodges. Moreover, many were at first Freemasons, since Weishaupt lured to his side Freemasons who were at the lowest level and were not satisfied with their status in the lodge. It is quite difficult to understand issues relating to the Freemasons and the Illuminati. Most of the Illuminati were Freemasons in the past. Some even managed, while in the status of a Freemason, to join the Illuminati without leaving the Masonic lodges, and after 1785 they returned to the Freemasons. Everything is very confusing.

In other words, the Illuminati can also be considered Freemasons. However, the Illuminati had some ideas that differed from the Freemasons. First of all, this is a rejection of mysticism and religion. Weishaupt and his like-minded people believed in God as the Creator of the world, but they believed that this was where His active role ended. After the creation of the world, everything fell on the shoulders of humanity, everything began to depend on the morality, desire and reason of people. In this regard, the Illuminati had nothing to do with the mystical ritual rites and mysterious moods of the Freemasons. In other words, the Illuminati can be classified as a "heretical group" that has deviated from Freemasonry. It can also be noted that the Masons and the Illuminati had the same goal, but they preferred to achieve it through different means.

If you want to hide something, put it in a visible place.
(folk wisdom)

Imagine that in every country in the world there is a group of people who can officially do whatever they want, and at the same time no one can not only punish them for it, but even have the right to detain them!

The police, police, army, intelligence services and even counterintelligence do not have the right not only to detain them, but also to stop their cars. These "untouchable" people, thousands of whom live in every country in the world, are above the generally accepted system of justice, above the system of official power, and are not subject to it.

In addition, for them, communication with presidents, emperors, general secretaries, kings, lords, czars, “popes”, ministers, generals and other authorities of even huge countries like the USA, Russia, EU, India and China is a boring everyday thing.

Who are they: secret agents, intelligence officers, supermen, aliens, supermen, terminators, wizards? No, just diplomats and ambassadors - employees of the so-called embassies and consulates, of which there are hundreds in every country in the world. No laws apply on the territory of these embassies other than the laws of these embassies themselves. It's like a "state within a state."

Are there more suspicious places and people from the point of view of "conspiracy theories"? There are no such people in this world. Unfortunately, ordinary people blind and do not see what is happening every day right under their noses.

Every day people indifferently walk or drive past these mysterious “states within a state”, indifferently looking at the cars of the “untouchables” with diplomatic license plates of a special color, so that even the dumbest traffic cop knows: “don’t stop this car, even if it violated all traffic rules, but there’s a grenade launcher barrel and someone’s legs sticking out of her trunk!”

This is approximately what the diplomatic license plates of the “untouchable” Illuminati Masons in the Russian Federation look like. In other countries, other colors are used for such numbers - for example, green.

Who are the Freemasons and the Illuminati?

Here I use the expression “Masons and Illuminati” conditionally. They mean a secret world government - a group of people who have real power in the world and control the obvious puppet governments of all countries. These Illuminati Masons can be called whatever you like - the essence does not change.

The secret world government is a pyramid, it has many levels, and the lower levels do not know what the upper levels are doing. Therefore, in this pyramid there can be not only Masons and Illuminati, but also many other secret sects. Jews are also built in there, including Kabbalists.

They all function as a single pyramid of power, and carry out a single plan - a plan for the zombification and subsequent destruction of humanity in order to throw zombified people into hell. This is the will of Satan, the chief god and "great architect" of the Freemasons and Illuminati, whose symbol - the eye - can be seen at the top of the one-dollar pyramid:

Since the secret world government controls all media, there is a huge amount of misinformation in these media. Therefore, any search on the topic "Freemasons and Illuminati" will lead you to 99.9999% lies.

One must not confuse the official “seemingly Freemasons”, the fake “Bavarian Illuminati” and all sorts of clowns playing the role of “Templars” with the real secret world government. Clowns exist to deceive and misinform us - it is for this acting work that these clowns receive substantial fees from the world government.

Who is John Coleman?

Wide famous book John Coleman's "Committee of 300" ("Committee of Three Hundred") is the most typical example of Masonic lies and disinformation. Hiding behind a virtual person named “John Coleman,” the Illuminati reveals to us part of the truth about the real world order - mostly minor and minor facts. But they are diluted with a gigantic portion of lies. Thus the entire book becomes a lie.

And ordinary people are forced to either believe in such books or reject them. Both are wrong. That part of any book that is true must be taken as truth, and everything else as false. That is, strict logical analysis and at least a little wisdom are needed.

Unfortunately, approximately 99% of people are not capable of logical analysis, and they lack wisdom. After all mental abilities most people are short. Only selected people in whom divine factors are strong (remaining in them from past lives in which they were gods) are capable of this.

Most modern people are dominated by the factors of animals, lower spirits and the inhabitants of hell. It is in this the real reason, why the secret world government so easily deceived the whole world and rules it. Just 2 people can easily manage a herd of 100 cows, each of which is much stronger than man. This is the power of the mind that surpasses physical strength. Therefore, physically weak, but smart people can quietly rule billions of ordinary (stupid) people.

John Coleman, Viktor Suvorov, David Icke, Dan Brown are ordinary British disinformation agents, widely promoted by Masonic states. The media and forum conspiracy theorist trolls (this includes paid bloggers from the FSB) with the aim of deceiving and disinformation the population.

They just come up with all sorts of nonsense - something like science fiction - and dilute it with a lot of "conspiracy" information. This produces thousands of books describing all kinds of “conspiracy theories” and other “terrible secrets.” For some reason (think about why) these books are freely sold in every bookstore along with the “yellow press” and other rubbish. Where is Masonic censorship going?

The general rules on how to recognize a lie are as follows. If you saw in a book about the “terrible Rothschilds”, “creepy Rockefellers” or “terrible Morgans”, “Club of Rome” or “Bilderbergers”, supposedly “possessing enormous power”, or “aliens with the DNA of space lizards”, or “secret conspiracy Jews and other Elders of Zion" - this is an ordinary lie.

other celebrities are just fig leaves of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati themselves do not appear in the media, fearing popular anger and revenge. People with real power are almost unknown to anyone in the world, and you have virtually no chance of seeing them at least once in your life. They don't need popularity and fame, they just need power. Therefore, if a person is often mentioned in the news or shown on TV, with a 100% probability he does not and never has had real power.

A secret world government and a new world order have long been created

The correct worldview sounds like this. For many centuries (at least 500-700 years) the world has been ruled by a single government. Now it is in Britain, in London. From there they rule all the countries that are just British colonies.

Big Brothers, fashion models for the media, behind which the real rulers of the world commit their abominations.

forced zombie schools zombie media.

Our zombified parents and friends who were brainwashed before are very helpful in this matter - they also zombify us with the official state. lies from the moment we were born. And since we trust our parents and friends, we happily believe in the government. the lies that they put into our brains, without realizing their role as a state. zombie/government zombifiers in this zombie-viral marketing of the state. lies.

Thus, it begins to seem to us that the state. the lies that we have received and are receiving since birth are the “truth”, and all information that contradicts the state. lies (for example, what is written on this site) is “not true.”

And only a few people (we can consider them the chosen ones) - and I am among them - can break out of this information zombie slavery in order to realize the truth: the “new world order” has long been created and is functioning successfully, and all people are its slaves. The whole world has long been in the clutches of the Antichrists - the servants of Satan.

Welcome to reality, Neo!

Who needs borders, customs, visas, and international passports and why?

The borders between Britain's colonies were created in order to slow down and complicate the movement of people, to prevent the movement of the poor and those "undesirable" to the authorities (those who do not want to pray to money and be a slave to the Antichrist), in order to make society more controlled.

At the same time, the Illuminati Masons themselves can move between colonial countries quickly and freely, under the guise of “diplomatic immunity.” Thus, they gain a huge advantage over their potential opponents and competitors - secret sects who want to overthrow the Illuminati Masons and gain power over the world (and there have always been many such sects).

Just 100-200 years ago, nothing like modern borders existed at all, and people for many millennia - right up to the 19th century - could move (and moved) around the world quite freely and for free.

A horse or camel could simply be caught, and grass (food for them) grows everywhere and for free - unlike expensive gasoline for expensive and unreliable cars. You could travel for years without spending a penny. As a last resort, you could walk. Now this is impossible - there are borders everywhere, state borders. extortionist bandits with their own “registration”, etc., and weapons and self-defense from these state. bandits are strictly prohibited.

Let us at least remember the mass migration of people to America in the 19th or early 20th centuries - there they were processed upon arrival, i.e. no visas were required. People simply came and settled wherever they wanted. On any free territory, every foreigner who wanted could build a house for himself, and thereby become an American.

Now society is tightly controlled, so residents of many colonial countries cannot leave them at all, and residents of other colonial countries cannot come to them. Good example- North Korea, from which few manage to leave alive (and there are tens of millions of people who want to escape from there). In essence, this is direct, official slavery. Not so long ago, the entire socialist camp (about 1/3 of the Earth) was a slave concentration camp, from which only Jews had the right to escape. Now it is possible to escape from the Russian Federation, but it is not easy and very expensive.

To go to one of foreign countries, a person must collect a bunch of pieces of paper, waste many days and weeks on this, and spend a lot of money. But even if he does all this, there are no guarantees of obtaining a visa - embassies often refuse without explanation (“I didn’t like the face”).

In addition, even if a visa is obtained, if the border guards or customs officers do not like something about the passenger’s behavior or belongings, he may be removed from the train or plane and sent back home or even to prison.

Isn't this fascism?

Moreover: a person cannot freely carry HIS belongings across the border (not stolen!) - they must be checked, and if the inspectors don’t like something, the person will have to either lose this luggage or pay state fees. Extortionists will receive a large “fine,” or even go to prison for “smuggling.” Same with money: large sums own money You can't take it across the border!

That is, people cannot take with them honestly earned money and honestly acquired things, and you say “freedom and democracy.” Where is the freedom here? I see only brutal fascism, where the state. bandits can do whatever they want, but ordinary people do not even have the right to protect themselves, their children and their belongings from them.

People who lived just 500 years ago could not even imagine such horrors. The “Dark Middle Ages” is a paradise of freedom compared to the current worldwide zombie fascism. At least back then you could carry a gun to protect yourself. You could freely leave any country and settle, for example, in India, Australia or America. Nowadays, most people no longer even have this opportunity - in all countries of the world, “everything is seized” by local (i.e. British) governments. bandits.

We live in a concentration camp created by usurpers on planet Earth, which they turned into planet Britain, divided into many isolated concentration camps - “countries”, colonies of Britain. And between the colonies there must be an “iron curtain” (borders), guarded by the repressive apparatus of the state. bandits - slaves of the British fascists-anti-Christ. This is the harsh reality.

Why are embassies needed?

What role do the embassies of the colonial countries play in this global British concentration camp “planet Earth”, or more precisely, “planet Britain”?

They artificially slow down and limit the movement of people between colonies, issuing paperwork - the so-called "visas" - for a long and painful time, or refusing to issue them. The process of issuing them becomes as confusing and slow as possible. And besides, it requires a lot of money. And all in order to discourage us from leaving our concentration camp colony - “country”, “homeland”.

The less we move, the easier it is to control us, the easier it is to zombify us. After all, having seen the truth about another country with our own eyes, we begin to doubt the state. lies about this country, the flow of which rains down on us around the clock through zombie media. And this is very unsafe for the British usurpers.

That's why they make visiting other countries a complicated, painful and expensive activity that only rich citizens, i.e., can afford. no more than 10% of the population. And this percentage is rapidly declining in all countries - in North Korea it is already equal to 0, the same will happen to other countries.

In addition to controlling and inhibiting people, embassies also perform many other functions, the most important of which is the management of the colonies of Britain. In every embassy there are always agents of the secret world government from Britain - let's call them freemasons. Of course, most embassy workers are not Masons, they serve as a front for the Masons.

So, a Masonic ambassador from country B comes to country A. He meets with the government of country A and gives them some information. What kind of information this is, no one knows except these people. Neither the media nor other government. The authorities do not write about this, and if they do write, it is very brief, and only part of the truth - i.e. lie. Even 99.99% of the truth is a lie, because this 0.01% can change the meaning of what was said to the opposite.

Where is the guarantee that in this way the government of country A does not receive orders from Britain? There are no guarantees. Moreover: I am sure that this is the way orders are transmitted. The Illuminati know very well how unreliable all electronic means are (radio, internet, etc.), how easy it is to crack any code, and how often secret documents are lost, both electronically and on paper.

Therefore, there is no doubt: they use an ancient, proven method - oral transmission of secret information. No one except the recipient of the order and the transmitter of the order knows anything about this. No physical evidence - this is the essence of all secret sects like the Illuminati Masons. Otherwise the secret won't last long. The secret of the world government will be revealed - and the government will collapse, because there are many people in the world who are ready to do anything to destroy these Illuminati antichrists.

Opportunities of the "untouchables"

Embassy is a diplomatic representation of a state in the city where the government of another state is located or under an international organization. Legally, the territory of the embassy is not the territory of the state where the embassy is located (...) It is important to keep in mind that not every embassy employee is a diplomat. Any embassy must have a large number of auxiliary and technical staff (highly qualified workers, security, housekeeping employees, drivers, in large embassies also cooks, etc.). At any embassy there are also several people serving the transmission of encrypted information. (...) International law prohibits interference by diplomatic representatives in the internal affairs of the host country.
(from Wikipedia)

Freemasons and Illuminati are groups of people who are united by philosophical and mystical ideas of world domination. These groups existed in different times and are always characterized as closed (that is, not accessible to “outsiders”), these groups can also enter into opposition to government and religion. There is another interpretation: these are groups that secretly rule the world.

First Illuminati

It is believed that a certain Montanus is the first Illuminati. But, unfortunately, there is almost no information about him. What is known is that he was interested in Christianity, and almost entirely devoted his life to its study. Therefore, he decided to found a society with Christian ideas. Montand called his like-minded people and himself the Illuminati (light, enlightened).

But Montand was, to put it in our own way, a psychic; he foresaw the future and suffered from epilepsy. When his fit began while delivering a sermon, his followers admired it, considering it a sign of greatness.

main idea

As Montand believed, his seizures are a person’s connection with God. External religious ritual was important to his disciples. Thanks to this, Montand became the founder of the Illuminati. Montand was helped by two women who were his associates. Of course, Montana was persecuted by both the church and the state for such activities. But Montana's activities gained momentum every day, his meetings were held all over the world.


Some historians claim that the Illuminati existed earlier, around the fourteenth century. All their rituals and functions were similar to the lodges of today's century. Then they were called the Philadelphia Society (in France). The head of the Philadelphians was a priest who founded one of the French lodges. Later, the Philadelphians appeared in the eighteenth century, but they already constituted their own branch and did not belong to the Illuminati.

Society of Bavarian Illuminati

The concept of “Illuminati” now mainly refers to a secret society founded in Germany by A. Weishaupt.

The group, led by Adam Weishaupt, was called the “Society of Bavarian Illuminati.” It was founded in the second half of the eighteenth century. Her so to speak “Ringleader” was, if we speak in modern language, a lawyer, and taught at the university. Therefore, most often the people who were members of such organizations were educated people. The “Society of Bavarian Illuminati” accepted and developed the ideology of the Freemasons.

Freemasonry at that time voiced its path to human improvement best qualities: freedom, morality, humanity. It implied truth and equality of all people among themselves. But this idea seemed to Adam Weihshaupt “too superficial” and not carrying any deep meaning. And so he switched to the idea of ​​deism and enlightenment. Deism is a movement in society that recognizes God and His creation of the whole world, but denies supernatural phenomena. The ideas of enlightenment are rationality and freedom of thought.

Even A. Weishaupt believed that a person in himself is a good being, but what makes him negative is his environment, that is, society: the state, the church, and so on. Therefore, in his opinion, a person should be guided only by his own considerations and knowledge, and then morality will prevail over him.

As soon as the “Society of Bavarian Illuminati” appeared in the social movement, it was filled with professors from the university where the founder of this group taught. But this process was rather slow. As a result, a very close associate of A. Weishaupt, Baron von Knigge, thanks to propaganda, attracted a large number of supporters of the Illuminati movement. But after these two obvious leaders began to compete for power in society, it split. But after that they published several books together about the Illuminati. Before it split, the “Bavarian Illuminati society” was recognized as illegal and dangerous, both for society as a whole and for state power. Therefore, after the schism, Adam Weishaupt lived until the end of his death in exile. The structure of this order was simple and consisted of three degrees:

  • "Novices"
  • "Mineurals"
  • "Enlightened Minerals"

Enlightened minerals preferred to recruit people into their ranks on their own. They themselves selected the ones they needed, sometimes it took a very long time. long time. But when they selected the right people, they held special initiation rites into their group. After initiation into the novices, the “newborn” begins his activities “to the fullest.” He participates in various circles, meetings, studies the ideas of enlightenment, so let’s say he goes along career ladder up. Supporters of the Illuminati also become famous people, such as Johann Wolfgang Goethe and many others.

Conspiracy theories. Goals and objectives.

The Illuminati is an integral attribute of conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theory is a variety of conspiracies that are divided into types and subtypes. There are many different conspiracies associated with the Bavarian Illuminati Society.

The reason for these conspiracies was the desire to dominate our vast world, to control people’s thoughts, science and money circulation. The priest Augustin de Baruel (a supporter of the Illuminati) described many of them in his book. He believes that the consequence of one of them was the Great French Revolution. The priest also criticized Weishaupt; he considered him unworthy to be the leader of the Illuminati.

One of the goals of the Illuminati was the destruction of Christianity (the true teachings of Christ). This religion had to be “wiped off the face of the Earth.”

There is also an opinion that the active work of these lodges had a huge impact on the revolutions in Europe in the nineteenth century. Activists of secret societies opposed the authorities and conspired against them. Consequently, the practice of such movements pushed people to carry out various kinds of revolutions.

The Illuminati is an organization whose activities are aimed at controlling the entire world. But their members believed that they brought light to people, only positive things: equality, legality, order.

The Illuminati order aims to establish the power of its supporters. And when their power is established, their own ideology and religion will be created, their own apparatus for governing the World, and so on.

They always adhere to strict, special, their own rules. All ceremonies and rituals were carried out taking into account their customs. For non-compliance, members of society could be expelled, at best, or killed, at worst.

Illuminati today

Today, the Illuminati are a bunch of the richest people from all over the globe. They are the ones who rule the world today. They are also called “black rich people”. The entire power of the state is within their competence; they determine economic, political, spiritual, and social directions in politics. Many branches of management of this organization go to the Rothschild clan.

Even presidents are “nothing and no one” against them. Many countries depend on their opinion and decision. Therefore, countries can be called not free, but dependent. Roots family tree Illuminati families go deep, deep down (to ancient times). And for several thousand years they have not “mixed” their blood with others. Their secrets of origin are known only to a very close circle of people. Why are all the “bigwigs” of our huge society interested in their opinion?

Because the Illuminati have realized the hierarchy of six management priorities and are actively using them.

Often in society the symbolism and behavior patterns of the Masons and Illuminati are used without understanding the meaning of these symbols. A striking example We can use the fashion that appeared in Russia in the 90s, which still exists today, of “shaking fingers” and “saying hello like a brother.” The first is a clenched fist with the index and little fingers extended. The second is a handshake with a hug (as in the photo below).

Both elements, the criminal gangs that spawned in the 90s, were adopted from the film “ Godfather”, and the Italian mafia, in turn, is owned by the Freemasons/Illuminati. Now this is fashionable in the Caucasian diasporas, street gangs and various gopotas who believe that this is “according to concepts”. So now you say that the Illuminati and Freemasons do not influence our daily lives!

Organizations they use:

  • Skull and Bones - Yale University Fraternity
  • Council on Foreign Relations - semi-secret organization of the Rockefellers, "Rockefeller's Ministry of Foreign Affairs"
  • Round Table – extends British dominance in the world.
  • German Society for Foreign Policy, etc.
  • Total control is the ultimate goal

    The ultimate goal of these organizations is to create an order in which it will be possible to control absolutely everyone. To maintain its dominant position in the world.

    As long as people are difficult to control, there is a high probability of losing the privileges of the World Government. If we make an analogy, for example with the rules traffic, then it is known that a single car can paralyze the movements of the entire city. So here, the uncontrolled action of any person can lead to reactionary forces.

    Total control methods

    To achieve the goals of absolute control, the following solutions are proposed:

    • Single electronic document. it will contain complete information about a person (will include a passport, driver’s and other licenses, insurance policies, etc.). Blocking such a document will completely stop any movement of a person in society.
    • Unified e-wallet and replacement paper money to electronic ones. Naturally, any financial transaction will become controlled, and blocking the account will leave you without a livelihood.
    • Implantable electronic chip. This is the third and final phase. After the chip is implanted into a person, all his actions and movements will be controlled by the system. After this, the process of overthrowing the World Government will be impossible (as they hope).

    Feminism is a world government plan realized

    As you know, women differ from men in their way of thinking. They work better left hemisphere, which means that it is more difficult for them to think analytically and it is easier to deceive them. That is why the care and protection of women has been a normal phenomenon at all times.

    That is why there has been powerful propaganda and struggle for women’s leadership rights in the world. The goal of the World Government is to place at the head of society not a man, as has always been the case, but a woman, who is much easier to deceive.

    The enormous propaganda support for homosexuality also serves this purpose. The main thing is that the man and woman change places in society, therefore, such a society is easier to manage.

    The means to achieve the goal include, but are not limited to:

    • Creation of glamor magazines with images of strong and independent woman who has no time for family and children.
    • Support and promotion of homosexuality at a high state level.
    • The creation and financing of feminist parties and movements that first sought equality of women in society, and upon achieving this goal began to achieve complete dominance.

    And although the Illuminati most likely includes the Freemasons, the difference between them is small. The driving force behind both secret lodges is pathological greed and lust for power. The goal is to establish a new world order with the undivided power of sick degenerates.

    Do you need it?

    What should I do? Only knowledge will break the chains of slavery! Learn for yourself the six management priorities (Enough General Theory Management) and apply them in life. Then power will pass to you. It's simple.

    Many have heard the term “Illuminati,” but few people know who it is. This cult has been shrouded in mystery from the very beginning of its activity. Representatives of this ghost organization live in every corner of the world and they are always far from ordinary people, before whom ordinary people experience a mystical feeling.

    Who are the Illuminati and what do they do?

    The Order of the Illuminati is an occult-philosophical organization that secretly influences the lives of all people. According to some historians, the Illuminati ("enlightened ones") are involved in political life many countries actually high level. The greatest power in the order belongs to the 7 highest Illuminati, who are trained from birth. Ordinary Illuminati clearly fulfill their roles and their actions often lead to armed conflicts, financial and political crises.

    Who is this - the Illuminati:

    • prudent, intelligent individuals with a wide variety of talents;
    • insensitive and heartless leaders who use ordinary people as puppets.

    Illuminati - symbols and signs

    The most famous symbol of the Illuminati is the pyramid. It can be seen on the dollar bill. The pyramid symbolizes the structure of society: the bulk of people and the enlightened layer are separated by an “abyss.” In addition, there are also such signs and symbols of the Illuminati:

    Illuminati - myth or reality?

    Questions about whether the Illuminati exists and who it is have been worrying people for many centuries. Since representatives of this society strive for global domination, their representatives include dictators who tried to conquer the whole world. The Illuminati also includes 13 well-known families in the world, including the Kennedys, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Onassis, etc. Proof of existence secret order The Illuminati are also organizations such as the UN and the EU, which prevent wars, but at the same time unite countries.

    Where did the Illuminati come from?

    The whole truth about the Illuminati is revealed by studying the history of the cult, which originated approximately two thousand years ago. Its first representatives include worshipers of the Greek goddess Cybele. The founder, Priest Montanus, performed dark and cruel rituals involving mutilation. Despite the prevailing paganism at that time, Montanus took Christian principles as the basis for his cult. Members of the sect were considered enlightened - possessing secret knowledge. The sect was persecuted by both pagans and Christians, because was very different from both the first and the second.

    Then the teaching begins its journey around the world. The Illuminati include the brotherhood of Syrian dervishes who worshiped the divine light, which existed 4 centuries later than the cult of Cybele. The common people respected the wandering representatives of this movement for their knowledge and ability to heal with prayers and spells. The authorities considered the brotherhood of dervishes illegal and brutally persecuted them, organizing public executions of individual preachers.

    Secret teaching has revived again in Afghanistan. In the 15th century, the followers of Bayazet Anzari, who similarly called themselves enlightened, set as their goal the conquest of the entire world. Adherents of the doctrine received magical knowledge, which was supposed to ensure the successful achievement of the goal. However, the first steps - attempts to conquer India and Persia - failed due to the arrogance of the cult leaders.

    At the end of the 18th century, the Illuminati society in once again revived in France under the leadership of the Polish freemason Gabrienka and monk Joseph de Perietti. During this period, the Illuminati covered many European countries with its presence, and the largest branch settled in London. Interest in the cult among ordinary people increased many times over; even a book “Secret Societies” appeared, which described the terrible rituals of the Illuminati, although for the most part this was the fruit of the author’s imagination.

    One of the most famous societies, the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, was founded in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Ingolstadt. The leader of the adherents was Adam Weishaupt, a theologian and philosopher. The order is associated with many different conspiracy theories related to the conquest of world domination and the seizure of total control over people, scientific resources and money.

    How to recognize the Illuminati?

    The Illuminati society did not accept and accepts everyone under its wing. To recognize a cult adherent, you need to take into account several signs together. A person must:

    • to be rich, influential, ambitious;
    • belong to a powerful family;
    • graduate from a prestigious university, famous example– Yale University, where the Young Illuminati Society operates – “Skull and Bones”.

    Illuminati philosophy

    The secret society of the Illuminati calls its main idea the bringing of society and the whole world to a new order, independent of religions and illusory ideals. Adherents of the cult strive for triumph over time and space, therefore they consider themselves above not only people, but also the law. Ordinary people for the Illuminati they are just tools, a weak-willed mass that they control.

    What do the Illuminati want?

    The goals of the Illuminati have remained unchanged since the creation of the organization - this is control over the world through the management of people. using many techniques.

    1. Public opinion is corrected using literature, media, and rumors.
    2. Base habits and weaknesses are encouraged - homosexuality, promiscuity, the pursuit of pleasure.
    3. The population is being indoctrinated with views that are ready-made and beneficial to the Illuminati, and spiritual forces are being undermined by empty demagoguery.
    4. Strong personalities not associated with the Illuminati are deprived of any support and are suppressed.
    5. People are intimidated by riots, wars, famine, and the spread of infection.
    6. Assistance is provided to states with the goal of attracting people to their side.
    7. Laws are being adopted that undermine individual freedom and worsen education.

    Illuminati and Freemasons - the difference

    The Illuminati and the Freemasons are similar organizations in worldview, and their members often switched from one to the other in the 18th century. It is believed that after 1785 the Illuminati cult dried up, and only the Masons remained, who can be considered the successors of the “enlightened ones.” The difference between these two societies is that the Freemasons were more drawn to mystical rites, and the Illuminati preferred to influence people with money and power.

    Who opposes the Freemasons and the Illuminati?

    The Masons and the Illuminati are currently the oldest societies, a kind of “gentlemen’s club”. However, there are those who want to destroy the Illuminati - such organizations include the Order of the Dragon, which includes such powerful families as the Habsburgs, Stuarts and Romanovs. It is believed that adherents of the Order of Malta, the Order of the White Eagle, the Swan and many others are opposed to the Freemasons.

    How to become an Illuminati?

    For the most part, modern Illuminati are Freemasons, members of the Order of Skull and Bones. You don't get into this student society strangers- only members of powerful and wealthy families. Other people with any talents - singers, actors, scientists, etc. can also be attracted to the number of adherents. Candidates of applicants are considered by the lodge, and a decision is made after voting - three negative votes are the reason for refusal.

    Illuminati in show business

    The Illuminati considers show business one of their tools for influencing people, especially young people. The goal of these figures is to alienate the younger generation from their parents and guide them along the right path. Illuminati stars - who are they:

    Illuminati - interesting facts

    Based on the foregoing, we can admit that the Illuminati rules the world and is a real force that decides the destinies of individuals and entire nations. Some people believe that President Trump is the king of the Illuminati because... the victory of this politician was predicted by the Portuguese mystic Horatio Villegas. The mystic also associates the beginning of the third world war with the election of this president. There is a version that the Illuminati were Isaac Newton, Nicolaus Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei.

    Another interesting fact is that the hierarchy within the Illuminati order and in ordinary society often does not coincide. Those. a person with a high rank, for example, in the government of a country, in an order, can only be an ordinary performer who does not make any decisions. And an insignificant owner of a cafe or hotel among the Illuminati can have real power and might.

    Some are also associated with the Illuminati mysterious deaths show business representatives:

    Books about the Illuminati

    The teachings of the Illuminati have been described more than once in literary sources.

    1. “Illuminati. Trap and Conspiracy by Luis Miguel Martinez Otero. The book tells the story of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt.
    2. "Angels and Demons" Dan Brown. An adventure detective story about a mysterious order and its confrontation with the official church.
    3. "Falsified History" by Etienne Casse. This book turns all the reader’s ideas about the world upside down and tells not only about the Illuminati, but also the Masons and Templars.