How to make sourdough bread: the correct and complete recipe

Bread always accompanies us; we are used to eating absolutely everything with bread. If for some reason you do not want to buy ready-made bread in the store, or this is not possible, you can bake this product at home.
You can bake any bread, such as rye or wheat. Everything will depend on what kind of flour will be in this moment in stock.

By the way, crispy crust and soft bread are very easy to achieve - after the bread is ready, leave it in the oven with the door open for about half an hour. To prevent the crust from crumbling too much, place a damp towel on the bread after baking.

Homemade sourdough bread

To prepare the starter, it will be enough to add 100 grams of rye flour and a third of a glass of water. Mix the mixture thoroughly, leave for a day at a temperature of 25-27 degrees in a 0.5 liter jar
A day later, add the same ingredients in the same ratio and mix thoroughly.
After the starter starts to grow, remove 50% of the mixture from the jar and add the same ingredients - again for a day.
We repeat this process daily until the starter becomes viscous and there is no persistent yeasty smell in the jar.

Recipe for making sourdough bread dough

1. Take 200g of starter, put it in an enamel bowl, add 200-400 ml of water, salt, spices - to taste. Then add flour. You can experiment with any types and ratios. Please note that the flour must be sifted through a fine sieve, otherwise there will be lumps in the dough.

2. You need to knead first with a spoon, after the dough is more or less formed, you can start kneading with your hands. This must be done very intensively until the product becomes homogeneous and viscous.

4. For baking, preheat the oven to about 150 degrees, leave the dough to rise (by volume) - you need to pay attention that the container should be at least several times larger. Once ready, transfer to a cold baking sheet and bake. You can also use a mold, but you will have to grease it with vegetable oil and sprinkle the surface with flour. There are silicone molds - you just need to cover them with an even layer of flour.

5. The finished product is baked at a temperature of 200-240 degrees, for about 40 minutes. The time may vary, you need to check periodically, as soon as the crust appears - you can check by piercing it. The crumb should return to its shape after compression. You can cut it only after it has cooled; if you want to cool it faster, put the finished loaf on a towel and cover it with the second one on top.

Recipe for homemade rye bread without yeast

After I became interested in baking bread at home, I tried many recipes. The recipe for this bread attracted me because the dough is prepared without yeast, using sourdough. The starter, which you need to prepare yourself, takes 72 hours to mature!!! And then the bread needs to be kept for 27 hours (in the original 39!!!). The first time I did everything as it was written in the recipe. The bread didn’t turn out the way I imagined it... But I didn’t give up!!! I re-read the recipe again, took into account all the nuances, decided to change a few things and cook it again! My family kept nagging me, telling me to calm down and give up on this matter, but I still decided to achieve my goal. I must tell you that according to the recipe it would be nice to put beet molasses in the dough, but no matter how much I looked, I couldn’t find any molasses. It’s good that you can replace it with brown sugar (not just cane sugar, but dark brown!). The main ingredient is patience! Let's get started!


For sourdough:
1 day:
Rye flour – 4 tbsp.
Warm water – 4 tbsp.
Day 3:
Rye flour – 2 tbsp.
Warm water – 2 tbsp.

For bread:
Rye sourdough – 2 tbsp.
Rye flour - 300 gr.
Warm water - 180 ml.
Salt – 1 tsp.
Beet molasses or brown sugar - 2 tsp.


1. First, prepare the starter. Mix flour and water. Cover with a napkin and put in a warm place (25-30 degrees). At first, your “flour porridge” will not show signs of fermentation, but on the second day it will become “alive”, you will see bubbles, and the mass will begin to increase. After exactly 48 hours, you will add more flour and water. Move, cover and put back in a warm place for 24 hours. Do not cover tightly, otherwise the starter may become moldy.

2. 72 hours have passed. Now you can knead the dough. Mix the starter, salt, sugar and water. Gradually add flour. The dough must be kneaded for 5 minutes.

3. It will stick to your hands, so you can sprinkle it with flour.

4. You will get a small bun. Form it into a loaf. Take a baking sheet, cover it with paper and place the dough on it. Top wrap cling film, cover with a napkin or towel and put in a warm place (25-30 degrees) for 27 hours. In my experience, it is advisable not to touch or knead the dough. Wait for it to ripen. The dough will increase, but not much.

5. Only after 27 hours, you remove the film, sprinkle thickly with flour and place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and immediately reduce to 200. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

6. When our bread is ready, do not take it out of the oven, leave it to cool with the door open. You can take it out warm and wrap it in a towel for 10 - 15 minutes. Here it is, our long-awaited one!

7. Well, of course you ask what it tastes like))) A little sour, typical of the taste of rye bread. The crumb is a little sticky, like Borodinsky’s. My family really liked it))) Cut it into thin slices, spread with butter... but you can do it without butter!

8. What if you put a piece of sprat on the slice? spicy salting…))) Well, sooo tasty!!!

How to make regular bread at home. Jamie Oliver's recipe

1 kg wheat flour
2 tbsp. Sahara
2 tsp. salt, it’s better to use sea salt
500 ml warm water
2-3 packets of dry yeast or 30 g of fresh yeast


1. Place the flour in a mound on a clean surface and make a large “well” in the middle. Pour half the specified amount of water into the well, then add yeast, sugar and salt. Gently stir the contents of the “well” with a fork.

2. Slowly gather the flour along the edges of the mound with your hands and mix it into the center of the “well”, being careful not to damage the walls, otherwise the water will definitely spill out. Continue filling the “well” with flour until the total mass thickens and acquires the consistency of viscous porridge - now you can add the remaining water. Continue kneading until the dough no longer sticks to your hands. Sprinkle flour on your hands periodically to make the dough easier to handle (some flours require more or less water - add as much as you feel comfortable with).

3. When kneading the dough, work with your hands - push, fold, roll, pat and slap the dough for 4-5 minutes until it becomes elastic.

4. Do not pour a large number of flour onto the dough and place it in a large bowl. Cover with cling film and set aside for half an hour to an hour until it doubles in size; It would be ideal to place it in a humid, warm, windproof room.

5. When the dough has doubled in size, knock out the air by kneading and twisting for 30 seconds. At this stage, you can add any seasonings and ingredients to improve the taste. Place in the pan and leave the dough for another half hour to an hour until it doubles in size again.

6. Place the dough on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour and place in a preheated oven. Do not slam the door suddenly, otherwise you will lose some of the necessary air. Bake at the temperature (the same applies to time) specified in the recipe. You can check the readiness by knocking on the base of the bread - if the sound comes as if from emptiness, the bread is ready. Place the finished bread on a wire rack and set aside for 30 minutes. If you end up with more bread than you need, feel free to put it in the freezer.

Bon appetit!

I started baking rye bread about two years ago. The first bread was kneaded from pure rye flour. It was difficult and sticky, but with the help of flour I shaped it into a cavorga, left it to proof for many hours, and then put it in the oven. I baked it for a long time, about 50 minutes to be exact. It's a pity that there are no photos. It was something. Terrible, uncooked, stone. Dasha didn’t give the chickens biscuits.

But I had the starter and I didn’t want to give up. I really wanted to revive the preparation of sourdough rye bread, as my grandmother did in the village.

So, we take the starter out of the refrigerator (it’s called a starter) and begin to “revive” it. To do this, leave it for an hour at room temperature, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of rye flour, mix, cover with a lid with holes or gauze and place in a warm place. I placed it near the battery. After 3 hours, the starter has risen well and you can start kneading the dough.
Prepared everything you need:

I do this according to the established scheme. The basis is always the same: flour and sourdough, and the rest can be changed. But this way I succeed more successfully.
Sift wheat and rye flour:

I pour the starter into it:

The starter has risen almost to the brim, so I keep it in a liter jar.

The sourdough turned out good and there was a lot of it. 1.5 cups would have been enough for me, but I ended up with 2 cups and left another 100 grams for the “starter”. Closer view of the starter:

You can see how it bubbles. For those who need lean bread, you can also add a glass of warm salted water and knead the dough.
I will make the dough with butter. This way the bread will taste better, won’t go stale for at least a week, and won’t cause any bread disease.

Melt the butter (a mixture of oils) in the microwave. This is how it turned out:

Dissolve salt and sugar in a glass of warm water. We add little salt, so this is the norm for our family. If I don't put any salt at all, no one will notice. Therefore, for those who like it saltier, adjust the amount of salt. Sprinkled the mold with flour.

Mix the dough. First, mix everything with a spoon, and then with your hand. You don’t need to knead for a long time; thanks to the mixture of flour and butter, the dough kneads quickly and comes off well from your hands.

I folded the edges and gave it the shape of a flattened bun. The bottom view is a little strange, but the finished product will look smooth:

Turned over and sprinkled with flour:

4 hours have passed:

You can still wait for the rise, if you have time, or you can already load it into a preheated oven. I also selected the baking mode through trial and error.
I place the pan with bread on this stone:

It's made of clay. Handmade. I don't remove it from the oven. I place the pan on it and don’t worry that the bottom will burn and the top will be raw. You can put a metal container with water. I did this before when there was no stone. I preheat the oven to 230 degrees Celsius. When the temperature is set, I load the pan with bread. During baking, the temperature is kept at 230 degrees. I bake for 35 minutes.

35 minutes have passed. Let's take a look in the oven just in case. But the smell of bread speaks for itself.
This is how the loaf turned out:

And this is the view from the bottom:

I wrap it in a towel and put it on a stand to cool.

Bread weight 1kg 200g. This is not a light loaf like in the store, but a weighty loaf.
After the bread has cooled, I cut it in half for clarity:

Here's a closer look:

Basically Rye bread bakes like wheat, the only difference is in the flour. Here is my wheat bread recipe: my wheat bread recipe.

And if anyone is interested in how to make sourdough from scratch, here is my sourdough recipe: my sourdough recipe.

I indicate the time from the beginning of preparing the starter until it comes out of the oven.
Cost: this is the cost of one loaf (loaf).

Cooking time: PT08H35M 8 hours 35 minutes

Approximate cost per serving: 30 rub.

Fragrant, rich, with piquant sourness and an appetizing crispy crust. All this perfectly characterizes sourdough rye bread. Currently, it is confidently gaining positions on the tables of many families. And every housewife considers it her duty to learn how to cook it.

Classic rye sourdough bread in a bread machine

It is believed that the process of making bread is extremely complex and labor-intensive. However, it is not. Every housewife can make her own rye bread in a bread machine.

Recipe for making sourdough rye bread in a bread machine

For preparation you will need the following products:

  • Water 0.5 l;
  • Rye flour 480g;
  • Wheat flour 220g;
  • Refined vegetable oil 55 ml;
  • Sugar 65g;
  • Salt 25g;
  • Sourdough 200g;
  • Cumin seeds.

Place water, vegetable oil and sourdough into the bread machine container. Add all the dry ingredients there - salt, sugar and both types of flour.

Attention! The flour must be sifted before kneading the dough. This will saturate it with oxygen and add airiness to the future bread.

At this point, active participation in cooking ends, and the matter completely passes into the hands of the bread maker. The operating mode must be set manually.

Modes and times:

  • Kneading 15 minutes;
  • Proofing 4.5 hours;
  • Baking 1.5 hours.

After completing the work, be sure to take out the bread and let it cool completely.

How to make it in the oven

Baking rye bread in the oven is also quite simple.

To prepare you need to take:

  • Sourdough 100 g;
  • Rye flour 300 g;
  • Wheat flour 300 g;
  • Salt 25 g;
  • Water 550 ml.

Mix all dry ingredients (salt and both types of flour) well. The flour must first be sifted. In a second container, mix water and starter. Then you need to combine both mixtures until smooth. It is important to knead any dough using wheat flour very well, because... this promotes the formation of gluten.

Attention! The dough has a fairly sticky consistency, so it is better to mix it with a wooden spoon.

After the dough is ready, it must be placed in a mold and left in a warm place for about 5-6 hours. During this time it will rise and become porous.

The oven must be heated to 240 degrees and bake the bread at this temperature for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat to 200 degrees and leave the baking for 90 minutes.

Choux pastries

The most elegant and delicious version of sourdough rye bread is choux bread. It has unique taste qualities. It almost completely lacks the sourness characteristic of rye bread. The process of brewing flour gives the bread an unobtrusive sweetness and unusual aroma.

This cooking technology was widely used in pre-war times. Then the recipe was unjustifiably forgotten and only now this noble bread is confidently regaining its position.

Sourdough rye bread in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a universal tool in every housewife’s kitchen. She also does a great job making bread. Currently, there are a wide variety of sourdough bread recipes adapted for cooking in a slow cooker. The cooking technology is identical to cooking in the oven. Distinctive feature The only difference is that after the proofing stage, the bread is baked in the multicooker bowl. The temperature is set to 130 degrees and the bread is baked for 60 minutes. Then you need to open the multicooker, turn the bread over and bake for another 60 minutes at the same temperature.

Step-by-step preparation without yeast

Yeast is not used to prepare this type of bread. Sourdough made from yeast flour gives porosity, and it is also responsible for the characteristic sourness in taste. Today there are a large number of different recipes for making sourdough.

Here is one of them:

Pour 100 ml of warm water into rye flour weighing 100 g. Mix everything well and leave in a container of sufficiently large volume. A three-liter jar works well as a container for the starter.

Attention! The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

Cover the resulting mixture with gauze and leave for a day in a warm place. After this time, you need to add another 100 g of rye flour and 100 ml of water to the starter. Repeat all manipulations. After a day, add water and flour again in the amount of 100g. The final addition of flour and water occurs on the 4th day, and the mixture again remains standing for 24 hours. After this, the starter is ready. Thus, in general, it takes 400 g of rye flour and 400 ml of water to prepare the sourdough.

Once the starter is ready, you can start preparing it yourself. homemade bread.

All recipes are very similar to each other. The main difference is the use of additives in the form of cumin, coriander, various seeds and even dried fruits.

Homemade bread with hop sourdough

An interesting variety of yeast-free bread is bread with hop sourdough.

It is prepared from hop cones, which must be poured with boiling water (approximate ratio 1:2), brought to a boil and left overnight. The next day, the broth is passed through a sieve, sugar and flour are added. All ingredients are mixed very well and heated in a water bath. After this, the starter is put away in a warm place for 2 days. During this time, the fermentation process is activated.

Hops give bread a very pleasant aroma. It is also considered that this type has no bread negative impact on the human gastrointestinal tract.

Typical mistakes when preparing sourdough

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, it is necessary to take into account a number of features that will ensure an ideal result.

The quality of sourdough is negatively affected by such factors as:

  • Water temperature is too high;
  • Lack of oxygen access;
  • Storing the starter in the refrigerator.

Bread is a special product. He is revered in every family; not a single meal is complete without him. Delicious natural homemade bread will take its rightful place on every table.

Fragrant and porous rye sourdough bread is a real homemade product that you can easily prepare in your kitchen. It turns out so tasty that you will forget about store-bought bread options, creating this every day bakery product, fortunately, you will always have the starter at hand. Cooked rye bread does not go stale within 2-3 days; it can be used not only as an independent snack, but also as a base for sandwiches, and you can take it with you on a trip or on a picnic. Remember that sourdough bread is not very airy, so don’t expect an extraordinary “rise” from the dough.


  • 100 ml starter
  • 150 ml warm water
  • 1.5 tbsp. rye flour
  • 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour
  • 0.5 tsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

How to bake sourdough rye bread

1. We will create the sourdough from rye flour 3-5 days in advance and store it in the refrigerator. It is created very simply: mix 100 ml of warm water and 100 g of rye flour every day, leaving it at room temperature. Every day, supplement the starter with a new portion of dough from flour and water, stirring. Day after day, the starter will ferment more and more and emit a sour aroma - this means that the yeast in its composition has become more active.

After 3 or 4 days, the starter must be poured into a container and stored in the refrigerator, using if necessary and feeding from time to time.

Pour the starter, warm water into a deep container, add salt and add 4 tbsp. l. rye and wheat flour. Wheat flour must be used, since rye flour is very heavy and the dough will not rise only on its basis.

Mix everything with a whisk or fork, turning it into a viscous mass. Leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature, but not less than 23 C. The lower the temperature, the longer the dough will rise.

2. As soon as the bubbles fall on the surface of the dough, pour vegetable oil into the dough, add the remaining flour and knead a loose dough - it should be sticky and viscous, but not dense!

3. Grease the bread pan with vegetable oil and pour the dough we created into it. Leave in a warm place to proof for about 4-5 hours - sourdough dough does not rise as quickly as yeast dough!

4. After the specified time, we will see that the dough has filled the entire mold - preheat the oven to 220 C and place the mold in it for 40-50 minutes. After 20 minutes, reduce the heat to 180-200 C.

Excellent homemade bread from wheat flour can be easily prepared not only with yeast, but also with sourdough. Today I will share with you a new recipe that should surely appeal to everyone who bakes bread at home.

Despite the fact that rye sourdough is used in the dough for this wheat bread, the finished baked goods are pleasant light color, with a wonderful taste and subtle sourness (this is typical for sourdough bread). To completely get rid of it, you can speed up the fermentation process by adding a very tiny amount of yeast to the dough (a pinch of fast-acting yeast is enough).

I must say that wheat dough with rye sourdough according to this recipe can be used not only for making bread. It is great for buns, baked goods and fried pies with sweet or savory filling. For sweet pastries I recommend adding 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to the dough and replacing vegetable oil with melted butter.


(220 grams) (150 grams) (100 milliliters) (1 tablespoon ) (1 tablespoon ) (1 teaspoon) (0.75 teaspoon) (0.5 teaspoon) (0.5 teaspoon)

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

This homemade bread recipe includes the following ingredients: active rye sourdough, milk and sour cream (both products of any fat content), premium wheat flour (if desired, can be replaced with first grade), granulated sugar, refined vegetable oil and salt. As an addition, you can use absolutely any seeds (I used white and black sesame seeds) with which to sprinkle the workpiece - this is not necessary.

Mix everything again with a spoon and now you can add wheat flour in parts, which is better to sift before doing this. The amount of flour may differ from that stated.

Knead the dough by hand or using a dough mixer (bread machine) for 10-15 minutes. It turns out practically non-sticky, tender and pliable. The dough, although soft, does not float - when you round it into a ball, it will hold its shape. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave it alone for an hour and a half in a warm place. After 40-45 minutes, do a light warm-up and warm up for another 45 minutes.

During this time, wheat dough with rye sourdough will rise well - three times for sure. Again, the fermentation time may differ from that indicated - it depends on the strength of the starter, the room temperature, and so on.

For this homemade bread, I recommend using a special baking pan, which I grease with baking emulsion. In general, you need to shape the workpiece based on how you plan to bake the bread - on a hearth or in a mold. IN in this case there will be a roll. Take the dough and gently knead it with your palms on a floured surface. Lightly flour your fingers as the dough is very tender and a little sticky. Fold it in half lengthwise, making a rough rectangle. The narrow side should be slightly shorter than the length of your baking pan. Roll the layer into a fairly tight roll. After each turn, be sure to press the roller to the layer so that later there are no voids (that is, large air bubbles) in the finished bread. Place the dough seam side down, cover the pan with cling film or cover with a towel, and leave to proof in a warm place until the dough has doubled in size. This may take 1-4 hours: such time discrepancies are normal. The fact is that the strength of the starter is different for everyone and so is the temperature in the room.