Why first Doctor Elders and then Ionych. Why did the doctor of the elders become an “ionych”? Other works on this work

Take it with you on the journey, leaving the soft teenage years into stern, embittering courage, take with you all human movements, do not leave them on the road, you will not pick them up later! N. V. Gogol. Small but very capacious stories by A. P. Chekhov are not always easy to understand if you don’t remember life position a writer who was strict, first of all, with himself. Everyone knows his statement: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” Less well known is another: “You must be mentally clear, morally pure and physically tidy.” And it is this, in the words of M. Gorky, the ardent “desire to see people simple, beautiful and harmonious” that explains Chekhov’s irreconcilability to all kinds of squalor, vulgarity, moral and mental limitations. Indeed, what is wrong, it seems, in the fact that a person wants to earn money? more money like Dr. Startsev? What’s special if he wanted to simultaneously serve in the zemstvo and have a large practice in the city?

But, reading the story "Ionych", we understand how money can gradually and imperceptibly displace it in a person. living soul, and the desire to live calmly and hassle-free makes him physically and morally inferior. Dmitry Ionych Startsev, the hero of the story "Ionych", was appointed as a doctor to the zemstvo hospital in Dyalizh not far from provincial town S. This is a young man with ideals and a desire for something high. In S. he meets the Turkins family, “the most educated and talented in the city.” Ivan Petrovich Turkin played in amateur performances, showing tricks and making jokes. Vera Iosifovna wrote novels and stories for herself and read them to guests. Their daughter Ekaterina Ivanovna, a young pretty girl whose family name is Kotik, played the piano. When Dmitry Ionych visited the Turkins for the first time, he was fascinated.

Chekhov himself noted about the Filimonov house (prototype of the Turkins) in notebook: “All this in a boring gray city seemed funny and talented.” Startsev was in a wonderful mood after the evening and, “having walked nine miles... did not feel the slightest fatigue.” He fell in love with Catherine.

During his life in Dyalizh, this feeling turned out to be “the only joy and... the last.” For the sake of his love, he is ready, it would seem, to do a lot. But when Kotik refused him, imagining herself to be a brilliant pianist, and left the city, he suffered for only three days. And then everything went as before. Remembering his courtship and lofty reasoning (“Oh, how little those who have never loved know!”), he only lazily says: “How much trouble, however!” Physical obesity comes to Startsev unnoticed. He stops walking, suffers from shortness of breath, and likes to snack.

Moral obesity is also creeping up. Previously, he favorably differed from the inhabitants of the city with the ardent movements of his soul and ardor of feelings. For a long time they irritated him “with their conversations, their views on life and even their appearance.” He knew from experience that you can play cards with ordinary people, have a snack and talk only about the most ordinary things. And if you start talking, for example, “about politics or science,” then the average person becomes confused or “takes up such a philosophy, stupid and evil, that all that remains is to wave your hand and move away.” But gradually Startsev got used to this life and got involved in it. And if he didn’t want to talk, he kept silent more, for which he received the nickname “the inflated Pole.”

At the end of the story, we see that he spends every evening at the club, plays screw, has a snack and occasionally intervenes in the conversation: “What are you talking about? Huh? Who? When Kitty was convinced that she had mediocre abilities, she lived in hope of love Startseva: But this is no longer the same young man who could come on a date to the cemetery at night.

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Why Doctor Startsev became “Ionych”

Chekhov - master short story. He was an irreconcilable enemy of vulgarity and philistinism, hated and despised ordinary people who live in their own little world, fenced off from everything in the world. That's why main theme His stories became the theme of the meaning of life.

At the end of the 90s, Chekhov created the so-called “little trilogy”, combining three stories: “The Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”. These stories are only related to each other common theme, the theme of rejection of the case, whatever it may be. In the first story, Chekhov shows us in a grotesque form a man in a case, a teacher Greek language Belikova. This is an ominous figure, she instills fear in those around him, and only death reconciles him with reality. As Chekhov writes, Belikov lay in the coffin almost happy - he had finally found an eternal case. In the second story, Chekhov writes about a man who had one and only dream - to become the owner of an estate and have his own gooseberries. In the third, the landowner Alekhine talks about himself - about how he and his beloved woman did not dare to meet their love halfway and abandoned it. All these are manifestations of case life. The little trilogy therefore appears before us as a single work, internally complete. Chekhov intended to continue this cycle of stories and add new works, but he did not carry out his intentions. There is reason to think that at first the story “Ionych” also belonged to the cycle.

Dmitry Ionych Startsev, the hero of the story "Ionych", was appointed as a doctor at the zemstvo hospital in Dyalizh not far from the provincial town of S. This is a young man with ideals, with a desire for something high. In S. he meets the Turkins family, “the most educated and talented” in the city. Ivan Petrovich Turkin played in amateur performances, showed tricks, and joked. Vera Iosifovna wrote novels and stories for herself and read them to guests. Their daughter Ekaterina Ivanovna, a young pretty girl whose family name is Kotik, played the piano. When Dmitry Ionych visited the Turkins for the first time, he was fascinated. He fell in love with Catherine. This feeling turned out to be “the only joy and... the last” during his entire life in Dyalizh. For the sake of his love, he is ready, it would seem, to do a lot. But when Kotik refused him, imagining herself to be a brilliant pianist, and left the city, he suffered for only three days. And then everything went as before. Remembering his courtship and lofty reasoning (“Oh, how little those who have never loved know!”), he only lazily said: “How much trouble, however!”

Physical obesity comes to Startsev unnoticed. He stops walking, suffers from shortness of breath, and likes to snack. Moral obesity is also creeping up. Previously, both with the ardent movements of his soul and the ardor of his feelings, he stood out favorably from the inhabitants of the city. For a long time they irritated him “with their conversations, their views on life and even their appearance.” He knew from experience that you can play cards with ordinary people, have a snack and talk only about the most ordinary things. And if you start talking, for example, “about politics or science,” then the average person becomes confused or “takes up such a philosophy, stupid and evil, that all that remains is to wave your hand and move away.” But gradually Startsev got used to this life and got involved in it. And if he didn’t want to talk, he remained silent, for which he received the nickname “the pouty Pole.” At the end of the story, we see that he spends every evening in the club, plays vint, has a snack and occasionally intervenes in the conversation: “What are you talking about? Huh? Who?" When Kotik became convinced that she had mediocre abilities, she lived in hope of Startsev’s love. But this is no longer the same young man who could come on a date at night to the cemetery. He was too lazy spiritually and morally to love and have a family. He only thinks: “It’s good that I didn’t get married then.”

The doctor’s main pastime, “which he became involved in unnoticed, little by little,” began to take pieces of paper out of his pockets in the evenings, and then, when there was a lot of money, to look at houses intended for auction. Greed overcame him. But he himself could not explain why he alone needs so much money if he is depriving himself of even theaters and concerts.

Startsev himself knows that he is “getting old, getting fat, declining,” but he has neither the desire nor the will to fight the philistine. The doctor's name is now simply Ionych. Life path completed. Why did Dmitry Startsev turn from a hot young man into an obese, greedy and loud-mouthed Ionych? Yes, the environment is to blame. Life is monotonous, boring, “passes by dullly, without impressions, without thoughts.” But it seems to me that, first of all, the doctor himself is to blame, who lost all the best that was in him, exchanged living thoughts for a well-fed, self-satisfied existence.

The image of Doctor Startsev reminds us of Gogol's characters from " Dead souls". He is as dead as all these Manilovs, Sobakevichs, Plyushkins. His life is empty and meaningless, like their lives.

In conclusion, we can recall the words of the hero of the story “Gooseberry” that a person needs “not three arshins of land, but the entire globe.”

In his story “Ionych” A.P. Chekhov illustrated the process of transformation of a normal person interested in the world around him into an ordinary man in the street, who is bored and indifferent to his own life.

Dmitry Ionych Startsev, main character works, was appointed zemstvo doctor in Dyalizh not far from the provincial town of S. He was advised to get acquainted with the Turkin family, which was “pointed out ... as the most educated and talented.” Ivan Petrovich Turkin played in amateur performances, loved to tell jokes and anecdotes; his wife, Vera Iosifovna, wrote novels and stories and eagerly read them to guests. Their daughter, Ekaterina Ivanovna, a young pretty girl, whose family name was Kotik, played the piano.

When Dmitry Ionych visited the Turkins for the first time, he really liked Ekaterina Ivanovna, and a little later, her charm grew into falling in love. During his entire life in Dyalizh, this feeling turned out to be “the only joy and... the last,” he “pictured kisses, hugs in his imagination,” “he wanted to scream that he wanted that he was waiting for love at all costs.” . But his love was not mutual, Ekaterina Ivanovna refused to marry him, and, imagining herself to be a great pianist, went to study at the conservatory. Dmitry Ionych was sorry “that all his dreams, yearnings and hopes led him to such a stupid end,” “his pride was insulted,” but he did not suffer for long, only three days, and then slowly began to turn from Dmitry Startsev into just Ionych.

Remembering his courtship and lofty reasoning (“Oh, how little those who have never loved know!”), he only lazily said: “How much trouble, however!”

The lack of bright emotions, fresh impressions, constant communication with boring and narrow-minded ordinary people, from whom Dmitry Ionych initially tried to distance himself, had a detrimental effect on him. He became heavier both physically and mentally, his life lost more and more color every day. And then, when a few years later he visited the Turkins’ house again and saw Ekaterina Ivanovna, he suddenly felt that even these people were no different from the gray philistine masses, and “thought that if the most talented people in the whole city are so mediocre, then what there must be a city."

Since then, he never visited the Turkins, and the more time passed, the more he turned into Ionych: he became “plump, red,” “his throat became swollen with fat, his voice changed, became thin and harsh,” “his life is boring.” , nothing interests him.” Why did this transformation happen? How did he turn from a living person into a soulless, half-living creature? The environment is probably to blame, the uninteresting surroundings, the eternal monotony.

Disappointment in the Turkin family was the final impetus for his transition to a new entity. But we must not forget that the person himself is always to blame for his situation; it is he who makes the final choice on how to build his life. And it turned out to be easier for Dr. Startsev to turn into Ionych than to continue to be a full-fledged person. It was precisely the reluctance to fight for one’s life, the lack of desire among most people to develop and to somehow separate themselves from the stagnation that reigns all around that Chekhov wanted to show in this story.

- the main character of the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Ionych", which connects all parts of the work. It’s not for nothing that Startsev’s patronymic was chosen as the name. It indicates not only the main character, but also changes in his soul, inner essence. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov believed simplicity, spiritual and external beauty best qualities person. He condemned those who violated this harmony, allowing themselves to turn into a mentally, mentally and physically wretched person. This position found an echo in the writer’s work, including in the story “Ionych”.

At the beginning of the work, the author respectfully calls the young zemstvo doctor Dmitry Ionych Startsev. He was recently sent to Dyalizh, located near the city of S. A. P. Chekhov draws attention to the man’s love for his work and desire to help others. The reader appears before the reader as a kind young man prone to philosophical reflection. Startsev lives modestly, doesn’t even have horses, but knows that it all comes with time. Dmitry Ionych's heart is open to love, and he meets it while visiting the Turkins.

Startsev meets the daughter of the famous master Ivan Petrovich Turkin throughout the city. At first, the girl evokes only the doctor’s slight sympathy. He is touched by her figure, naive childish expression and manners. Sympathy quickly turns into love. Twice Dmitry Ionych tries to confess his feelings to the girl. The first time Catherine mocks him, laughs at him, and the second time she completely refuses.

However, Startsev is already confused in the new society and its values. He understands that he can earn decent money. The doctor is completely immersed in his work, but now his main goal is not helping people, as the Hippocratic Oath suggests, but getting rich. During the day he devotes himself entirely to making money, and at night to primitive entertainment: cards, clubs, alcohol. He noticed the stupidity of the ordinary people with whom he played cards, but did not try to debunk it, since he knew that his career depended on “the highest circles.” The Doctor tried to invest most of the money he earned profitably, for example, in the current account of the Mutual Credit Society.

This lifestyle affects both the character and appearance of the hero. Four years after Ekaterina Ivanovna’s refusal, we meet Dmitry Startsev again. Now he is not only a zemstvo, but also a city doctor. The man manages to see patients in Dilyazh in the morning, and then goes to his office in the city. “He put on weight, grew fat and was reluctant to walk, as he suffered from shortness of breath.” These are the first steps on the path from Dmitry Startsev to Ionych. Little by little he began to resemble ordinary people, but differed from them in his beliefs about the importance of work.

At this time, Startsev receives a letter from Ekaterina, but he does not want to see the girl. A few years later we see the final transformation of Dmitry Startsev into Ionych: “...he, plump, red, rides a troika with bells...”. He loses all respect for people, considering himself superior to them. Ionych is now “heavy and irritable,” with a “thin and harsh voice.” The hero changes so much that we understand: the bridges to the old young doctor have been completely burned.

Who is to blame for the transformation? , the environment or Startsev himself? Probably all the circumstances had an influence, but main role The hero’s internal weakness nevertheless played a role in the spiritual degradation.