What impression Chichikov made on the house. An essay on the topic “Chichikov’s acquaintance with the city of NN. Provincial town in the poem “Dead Souls”

In his poem “Dead Souls,” Nikolai Gogol made an attempt to show the life of the Russian state, to understand and realize what the character of the Russian people and the entire people is, and reflects on what the path of development of Russian society might be. According to the author himself, he created a poetic plot where the reader, together with the main character of the work, travel around Russia and meet different people, although most of them are landowners, but they all have absolutely different tempers and fate. Therefore, the motif of the road, wanderings and travels is the main one in Gogol’s work.

That is why the author uses such a literary device as creating a generalized image that will be a typical phenomenon or character for that time. Background of everything Gogol's work- this is himself and his arrival in the city of N.

At this moment the acquaintance of the main acting character with city officials, they all manage to invite him to visit them. In the exhibition of Gogol's poem it is given detailed characteristics the main character and a general portrait of all city officials of this district city, which is typical for many cities in Russia.

The author describes Chichikov’s arrival slowly, unhurriedly, as if in slow motion. Gogol gives a lot of details so that the reader can more deeply feel and understand everything that happens in the poem. The details include men who have nothing to do with the main character. But they, sitting on a log lying along the road, carefully, but lazily and slowly, watch how Chichikov’s carriage moves along the broken ruts, at that moment they are occupied with only one topic - will the wheel of the carriage in which the main character travels reach? poems to Moscow or Kazan.

There are other similar author's details in the poem: a young man walking along the pavement accidentally turned to the carriage that drove past him and looked carefully. Gogol recalls the innkeeper, whose helpfulness goes beyond all boundaries.

All these Gogol images emphasize that life in the city to which the main character arrived is boring and sleepy. Life in it proceeds slowly and unhurriedly. Porter's description of Chichikov is also interesting, about whom the author says that he is not at all handsome, but at the same time, his appearance cannot be called bad.

In terms of its thickness, it is neither thick nor thin. He cannot be classified as a young person, but he cannot be called old either. That is, it turned out that he did not have an accurate description. But the hotel premises, the furnishings of the room where Chichikov stayed, are described specifically and in detail. The things that Chichikov has in his travel suitcase are described in detail, and detailed description lunch menu for a passing person.

But Special attention The reader is attracted by the behavior of Chichikov, who talks with all the city officials. He meets everyone who is present at the reception with the city governor and asks in detail about all the landowners who are in the area. He is interested in the state of their farm. By the way, for all questions he asks almost the same questions: were there any illnesses, what was the condition. And he explains all his strange questions as idle curiosity. The reader also does not know for what purpose this official came to the city and why he needs such information.

Gogol's description of the city emphasizes its typicality and ordinariness. So, all the houses in the city have a beautiful, but identical mezzanine. The author ironically shows what signs the hero encounters in the city. All of them are not related to the trade and craft activities that they conduct. But Gogol emphasizes that in the city there is great amount various drinking establishments.

The city garden looked poor and unkempt, but the newspapers described it as the main decoration of this provincial town. Agriculture was destroyed, the roads had long since fallen into disrepair, but at the same time the city governor was only being praised. And this description of Gogol’s city could be suitable for any Russian city of that time.

The author shows us the entire path of the main character. The very next day, he begins to visit the “glorious” people of this city as an official. He managed to visit almost everyone, so they soon started talking about him as a person who knows how to treat people subtly. Chichikov had mastered the main skill of flattering people, which is why those around him had the best opinion of him. It is easy for him to receive an invitation to come on a return visit. And in order to put an end to this good and flattering opinion of the city society, he diligently prepares for the governor’s ball.

But let's see how Gogol describes provincial society. There are no specific individuals in it; for the author, they are all divided into two types: thick and thin. This generalized division of society is necessary for the author to show psychological picture people who are in power. So, in Gogol’s description, subtle officials follow fashion, their appearance and are interested in ladies. They set themselves the main goal - money, success in society and entertainment. Therefore, such thin representatives of society are left without money, mortgaging their peasants and estates, spending them on entertainment.

The complete opposite of them are fat officials. They differ not only in appearance, but also in lifestyle. Their main hobby and entertainment is cards. AND life goal theirs is completely different: they are only interested in material gain and advancement career ladder. Gradually they have both a house and a village. And when such an official retires, he becomes a good landowner.

It is to this division that the rest of Gogol’s description of the landowners is subordinated. All these images are typical and characteristic of all of Russia. The wasteful landowners are Manilov and Nozdryov. Landowners-acquirers: Korobochka and Sobakevich. Therefore, such Gogolian digressions about the division of landowners and officials of the district town help to reveal ideological meaning the entire poem.

Chichikov easily communicates with officials of a provincial town: he plays card games with them, argues with everyone, but in such a way that those around him really like it. Main character skillfully supports any conversations, and soon those around him notice that he is quite intelligent and knows a lot. But at the same time, Chichikov does not tell anyone anything about himself, trying to pass it off as modesty.

Thus, officials and landowners learn about him that he once served somewhere, but now that is behind him, since he was fired, as he himself put it, for telling the truth. And now he is looking for a place to quietly spend the rest of his life. Chichikov easily charms those around him and everyone has a good impression of him.

A detailed acquaintance of the main character with the district town occurs in the first chapter, which is important for the entire composition of Gogol’s poem and at the same time it is also an exposition. It describes the main character and talks about the city's bureaucracy.

"Gogol's poem Dead Souls" - Gogol conceived great work similar to Dante's Divine Comedy. Work on the poem began in 1835. N.V. Gogol. What kind of Russia appears before us? 1) What are the opinions of officials and landowners about Chichikov and why? Paris – Germany – Rome – Jerusalem – Russia. Lesson objectives: F. Moller. Work in groups: 1) Trace the route of P.I.’s walk. Chichikov around the city.

“Characteristics of the poem “Dead Souls”” - Gogol’s greatest work. The history of the concept of the poem and its implementation. Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya. Glory. Dead Souls. Manilov. Chichikov. Box. Departure from Paris. Characters of the poem. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. First literary experience. Chichikov's arrival in the provincial town. Gymnasium in Nizhino. Gogol's letter.

“Plyushkin in “Dead Souls”” - Traits of manic stinginess are combined in Plyushkin with morbid suspicion and distrust of people. Plyushkin is the image of a moldy cracker left over from Easter cake. Among the “dead inhabitants, terrible with the motionless coldness of their souls and the emptiness of their hearts.” The image of Plyushkin completes the gallery of provincial landowners.

“The history of the creation of “Dead Souls”” - A depiction of the life of Russian landowners. Gogol intended to make the poem three volumes. Not everything is dead in this kingdom. Plyushkin. "Dead Souls"- greatest work Gogol. Image of the Motherland N.V. Gogol portrayed it realistically. On March 9, 1842, the book was approved by the censor. Box. Gallery of landowners in the poem.

“Poem Dead Souls” - Nozdryov. Tendency to scam. Pettiness (petty stinginess). Stinginess. Letter from Gogol to V.A. Zhukovsky. Adventurism. Clubheadedness. Plyushkin. Narration about the life fate of the hero poems by Chichikov. Sobakevich. Devastator and destroyer of the economy. The scam had strong legal and economic grounds.

“The work “Dead Souls”” - Quiz based on the works of N.V. Gogol. Entering art world“Dead Souls”, you will see all of Rus'. Basic diagram. Periods of life at the time of work on “Dead Souls”. Memories of N.V. Gogol. Construction of the poem “Dead Souls”. How scary our Russia is. What is N.V. Gogol like, known to you? “Blessed is the gentle poet...” N. Nekrasov.

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    • In the fall of 1835, Gogol began working on “Dead Souls,” the plot of which, like the plot of “The Inspector General,” was suggested to him by Pushkin. “In this novel I want to show, although from one side, all of Rus',” he writes to Pushkin. Explaining the concept of “Dead Souls,” Gogol wrote that the images of the poem are “in no way portraits of insignificant people; on the contrary, they contain the features of those who consider themselves better than others.” Explaining the choice of the hero, the author says: “Because it’s time, finally, give rest to the poor virtuous man, because [...]
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    • Chichikov met Nozdrev earlier, at one of the receptions in the city of NN, but the meeting in the tavern is the first serious acquaintance of both Chichikov and the reader with him. We understand what type of people Nozdryov belongs to, first by seeing his behavior in the tavern, his story about the fair, and then by reading his immediate author's description this “broken little fellow,” a “historical man” who has a “passion to spoil his neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all.” We know Chichikov as a completely different person – [...]
    • Gogol's poem “Dead Souls” is one of the greatest and at the same time mysterious works of the 19th century. The genre definition of “poem,” which then unambiguously meant a lyric-epic work written in poetic form and predominantly romantic, was perceived differently by Gogol’s contemporaries. Some found it mocking, while others saw hidden irony in this definition. Shevyrev wrote that “the meaning of the word “poem” seems to us twofold... because of the word “poem” a deep, significant […]
    • In Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" the way of life and morals of the feudal landowners is very correctly noted and described. Drawing images of landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the individual suffered moral degradation. After writing and publishing the poem, Gogol said: ““Dead Souls” made a lot of noise, a lot of murmur, touched many people with mockery, truth, and caricature, touched […]
    • Plyushkin is the image of a moldy cracker left over from Easter cake. Only he has a life story; Gogol portrays all other landowners statically. These heroes seem to have no past that would be in any way different from their present and explain something about it. Plyushkin's character is much more complex than the characters of other landowners presented in Dead Souls. Traits of manic stinginess are combined in Plyushkin with morbid suspicion and distrust of people. Preserving an old sole, a clay shard, [...]
    • The poem "Dead Souls" reflects social phenomena and the conflicts that characterized Russian life in the 30s and early 40s. XIX century It very accurately notes and describes the way of life and customs of that time. Drawing images of landowners: Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich and Plyushkin, the author recreated a generalized picture of the life of serf Russia, where arbitrariness reigned, the economy was in decline, and the individual suffered moral degradation, regardless of whether she was a slave owner or [... ]
    • Compositionally, the poem “Dead Souls” consists of three externally closed, but internally interconnected circles. landowners, a city, a biography of Chichikov, united by the image of a road, plot-related by the main character’s scam. But the middle link - the life of the city - itself consists, as it were, of narrowing circles gravitating towards the center; this is a graphic representation of the provincial hierarchy. It is interesting that in this hierarchical pyramid the governor, embroidering on tulle, looks like a puppet figure. True life boils in the civil […]
    • Landowner Appearance Estate Characteristics Attitude to Chichikov's request Manilov The man is not yet old, his eyes are as sweet as sugar. But there was too much sugar. In the first minute of a conversation with him you’ll say what a nice person he is, a minute later you won’t say anything, and in the third minute you’ll think: “The devil knows what this is!” The master's house stands on a hill, open to all winds. The economy is in complete decline. The housekeeper steals, there is always something missing in the house. Cooking in the kitchen is a mess. Servants - […]
    • At the literature lesson we got acquainted with the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". This poem gained great popularity. The work has been filmed several times both in the Soviet Union and in modern Russia. Also, the names of the main characters have become symbolic: Plyushkin is a symbol of stinginess and storage of unnecessary things, Sobakevich is an uncouth person, Manilovism is immersion in dreams that have no connection with reality. Some phrases have become catchphrases. The main character of the poem is Chichikov. […]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is one of the most brilliant authors of our vast Motherland. In his works, he always spoke about painful issues, about how His Rus' lived in His time. And he does it so well! This man really loved Russia, seeing what our country really is - unhappy, deceptive, lost, but at the same time - dear. Nikolai Vasilyevich in the poem “Dead Souls” gives a social profile of the Rus' of that time. Describes landownership in all colors, reveals all the nuances and characters. Among […]
    • Landowner Portrait Characteristics Estate Attitude to farming Lifestyle Result Manilov Handsome blond with blue eyes. At the same time, his appearance “seemed to have too much sugar in it.” Too ingratiating look and behavior Too enthusiastic and refined dreamer who does not feel any curiosity about his farm or anything earthly (he doesn’t even know whether his peasants died after the last revision). At the same time, his dreaminess is absolutely [...]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol noted that the main theme of “Dead Souls” was contemporary Russia. The author believed that “there is no other way to direct society or even an entire generation towards the beautiful until you show the full depth of its real abomination.” That is why the poem presents a satire on landed nobility, officials and other social groups. The composition of the work is subordinated to this task of the author. The image of Chichikov traveling around the country in search of the necessary connections and wealth allows N.V. Gogol […]
    • Gogol was always attracted by everything eternal and unshakable. By analogy with Dante's "Divine Comedy", he decides to create a work in three volumes, where he could show the past, present and future of Russia. The author even designates the genre of the work in an unusual way - poem, since different fragments of life are collected in one artistic whole. The composition of the poem, which is built on the principle of concentric circles, allows Gogol to trace Chichikov’s movement through the provincial town of N, the estates of landowners and all of Russia. Already with […]
    • Chichikov, having met landowners in the city, received an invitation from each of them to visit the estate. The gallery of owners of “dead souls” is opened by Manilov. The author at the very beginning of the chapter gives a description of this character. His appearance initially made him very pleasant impression, then - bewilderment, and in the third minute “... you say: “The devil knows what it is!” and move away..." The sweetness and sentimentality highlighted in the portrait of Manilov constitute the essence of his idle lifestyle. He is constantly talking about something [...]
  • The poem "Gogol's Dead Souls" summary in 10 minutes.

    Meeting Chichikov

    A middle-aged gentleman of rather pleasant appearance arrived at a hotel in a provincial town in a small chaise. He rented a room in the hotel, looked around it and went to the common room for dinner, leaving the servants to settle in their new place. This was the collegiate adviser, landowner Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov.

    After lunch, he went to explore the city and found that it was no different from other provincial cities. The visitor devoted the entire next day to visits. He visited the governor, the police chief, the vice-governor and other officials, each of whom he managed to win over by saying something pleasant about his department. He had already received an invitation to the governor for the evening.

    Arriving at the governor's house, Chichikov, among other things, met Manilov, a very courteous and polite man, and the somewhat clumsy Sobakevich, and behaved so pleasantly with them that he completely charmed them, and both landowners invited their new friend to visit them. The next day, at dinner with the police chief, Pavel Ivanovich made the acquaintance of Nozdryov, a broken-hearted fellow of about thirty, with whom they immediately became friendly.

    The newcomer lived in the city for more than a week, traveling around to parties and dinners; he showed himself to be a very pleasant conversationalist, able to talk on any topic. He knew how to behave well and was sedate. In general, everyone in the city came to the opinion that he was an exceptionally decent and well-intentioned

    Chichikov at Manilov's

    Finally, Chichikov decided to visit his landowner acquaintances and went out of town. First he went to Manilov. With some difficulty he found the village of Manilovka, which turned out to be not fifteen, but thirty miles from the city. Manilov greeted his new acquaintance very cordially, they kissed and entered the house, passing each other at the door for a long time. Manilov was, in general, a pleasant person, somehow cloyingly sweet, had no special hobbies other than fruitless dreams, and did not do housework.

    His wife was brought up in a boarding school, where she was taught the three main subjects necessary for family happiness: French, piano and knitting purses. She was pretty and dressed well. Her husband introduced Pavel Ivanovich to her. They talked a little, and the owners invited the guest to dinner. Already waiting in the dining room were the Manilovs’ sons, Themistoclus, seven years old, and six-year-old Alcides, for whom the teacher had tied napkins. The guest was shown the children's learning; the teacher only reprimanded the boys once, when the older one bit the younger one on the ear.

    After dinner, Chichikov announced that he intended to talk with the owner about a very important matter, and both went to the office. The guest started a conversation about peasants and invited the owner to buy dead souls from him, that is, those peasants who had already died, but according to the audit were still listed as alive. Manilov could not understand anything for a long time, then he doubted the legality of such a bill of sale, but still agreed because
    respect for the guest. When Pavel Ivanovich started talking about the price, the owner was offended and even took it upon himself to draw up the bill of sale.

    Chichikov did not know how to thank Manilov. They said a hearty goodbye, and Pavel Ivanovich drove off, promising to come again and bring gifts for the children.

    Chichikov at Korobochka

    Chichikov was going to pay his next visit to Sobakevich, but it started to rain, and the crew drove into some field. Selifan turned the wagon around so clumsily that the master fell out of it and became covered in mud. Luckily, dogs were heard barking. They went to the village and asked to spend the night in some house. It turned out that this was the estate of a certain landowner Korobochka.

    In the morning, Pavel Ivanovich met the owner, Nastasya Petrovna, a middle-aged woman, one of those who always complains about the lack of money, but little by little saves and collects a decent fortune. The village was quite large, the houses were strong, the peasants lived well. The hostess invited the unexpected guest to drink tea, the conversation turned to housekeeping, and Chichikov offered to buy dead souls from her.

    Korobochka was extremely frightened by this proposal, not really understanding what they wanted from her. After much explanation and persuasion, she finally agreed and wrote Chichikov a power of attorney, trying to sell him hemp as well.

    After eating pie and pancakes baked especially for him, the guest drove on, accompanied by a girl who was supposed to lead the carriage onto the high road. Seeing a tavern already standing on the main road, they dropped off the girl, who, having received a copper penny as a reward, wandered home, and went there.

    Chichikov at Nozdryov's

    At the tavern, Chichikov ordered a pig with horseradish and sour cream and, eating it, asked the hostess about the surrounding landowners. At this time, two gentlemen drove up to the tavern, one of whom was Nozdryov, and the second was his son-in-law Mizhuev. Nozdryov, a well-built fellow, what is called blood and milk, with thick black hair and sideburns, rosy cheeks and very white teeth,
    recognized Chichikov and began to tell him how they walked at the fair, how much champagne they drank and how he lost at cards.

    Mizhuev, a tall, fair-haired man with a tanned face and a red mustache, constantly accused his friend of exaggeration. Nozdryov persuaded Chichikov to go to him, Mizhuev, reluctantly, also went with them.

    It must be said that Nozdryov’s wife died, leaving him with two children, about whom he had nothing to do, and he moved from one fair to another, from one party to another. Everywhere he played cards and roulette and usually lost, although he was not shy about cheating, for which he was sometimes beaten by his partners. He was cheerful, considered a good friend, but he always managed to spoil his friends: upset a wedding, ruin a deal.

    At the estate, having ordered lunch from the cook, Nozdryov took the guest to inspect the farm, which was nothing special, and drove for two hours, telling stories incredible in lies, so that Chichikov was very tired. Lunch was served, some of which was burnt, some was undercooked, and numerous wines of dubious quality.

    The owner poured food for the guests, but hardly drank himself. The heavily intoxicated Mizhuev was sent home to his wife after dinner, and Chichikov started a conversation with Nozdryov about dead souls. The landowner flatly refused to sell them, but offered to play cards with them, and when the guest refused, exchange them for Chichikov’s horses or chaise. Pavel Ivanovich also rejected this proposal and went to bed. The next day, the restless Nozdryov persuaded him to fight for souls in checkers. During the game, Chichikov noticed that the owner was playing dishonestly and told him about it.

    The landowner was offended, began to scold the guest and ordered the servants to beat him. Chichikov was saved by the appearance of the police captain, who announced that Nozdryov was on trial and accused of inflicting a personal insult on the landowner Maximov with rods while drunk. Pavel Ivanovich did not wait for the outcome, jumped out of the house and drove away.

    Chichikov at Sobakevich's

    On the way to Sobakevich, an unpleasant incident happened. Selifan, lost in thought, did not give way to a carriage drawn by six horses that was overtaking them, and the harness of both carriages became so mixed up that it took a long time to re-harness. In the carriage sat an old woman and a sixteen-year-old girl whom Pavel Ivanovich really liked...

    Soon we arrived at Sobakevich's estate. Everything there was strong, solid, durable. The owner, fat, with a face as if carved with an axe, very much like a learned bear, met the guest and led him into the house. The furniture matched the owner - heavy, durable. On the walls hung paintings depicting ancient commanders.

    The conversation turned to city officials, each of whom the owner gave negative characterization. The hostess entered, Sobakevich introduced the guest to her and invited him to dinner. Lunch was not very varied, but tasty and filling. During dinner, the owner mentioned the landowner Plyushkin, who lived five miles away from him, whose people were dying like flies, and Chichikov took note of this.

    Having had a very hearty lunch, the men retired to the living room, and Pavel Ivanovich got down to business. Sobakevich listened to him without saying a word. Without asking any questions, he agreed to sell the dead souls to the guest, but charged a high price for them, as for living people.

    They bargained for a long time and agreed on two and a half rubles per head, and Sobakevich demanded a deposit. He compiled a list of peasants, gave each one a description of his business qualities and wrote a receipt for the deposit, amazing Chichikov with how intelligently everything was written. They parted satisfied with each other, and Chichikov went to Plyushkin.

    Chichikov at Plyushkin's

    He entered a large village, striking in its poverty: the huts were almost without roofs, their windows were covered with bull's bladders or covered with rags. The master's house is large, with many outbuildings for household needs, but they are all almost collapsed, only two windows are open, the rest are boarded up or closed with shutters. The house gave the impression of being uninhabited.

    Chichikov noticed a figure dressed so strangely that it was impossible to immediately recognize whether it was a woman or a man. Paying attention to the bunch of keys on his belt, Pavel Ivanovich decided that it was the housekeeper, and turned to her, calling her “mother” and asking where the master was. The housekeeper told him to go into the house and disappeared. He entered and was amazed at the chaos that reigned there. Everything is covered in dust, there are dried bits of wood on the table, and a bunch of strange things are piled in the corner. The housekeeper entered, and Chichikov again asked for the master. She said that the master was in front of him.

    It must be said that Plyushkin was not always like this. Once he had a family and was simply a thrifty, albeit somewhat stingy owner. His wife was distinguished by her hospitality, and there were often guests in the house. Then the wife died, the eldest daughter ran away with an officer, and her father cursed her because he could not stand the military. The son went to the city to enter civil service. but he signed up for the regiment. Plyushkin cursed him too. When the youngest daughter died, the landowner was left alone in the house.

    His stinginess assumed terrifying proportions; he carried into the house all the rubbish found around the village, even an old sole. The quitrent was collected from the peasants in the same amount, but since Plyushkin asked an exorbitant price for the goods, no one bought anything from him, and everything rotted in the master’s yard. His daughter came to him twice, first with one child, then with two, bringing him gifts and asking for help, but the father did not give a penny. His son lost the game and also asked for money, but also received nothing. Plyushkin himself looked like if Chichikov had met him near the church, he would have given him a penny.

    While Pavel Ivanovich was thinking about how to start talking about dead souls, the owner began to complain about the hard life: the peasants were dying, and taxes had to be paid for them. The guest offered to bear these expenses. Plyushkin happily agreed, ordered the samovar to be put on and the remains of the Easter cake brought from the pantry, which his daughter had once brought and from which the mold had to be scraped off first.

    Then he suddenly doubted the honesty of Chichikov’s intentions, and he offered to draw up a deed of sale for the dead peasants. Plyushkin decided to sell Chichikov some runaway peasants as well, and after bargaining, Pavel Ivanovich took them for thirty kopecks. After this, he (to the great satisfaction of the owner) refused lunch and tea and left in excellent spirits.

    Chichikov is running a scam with “dead souls”

    On the way to the hotel, Chichikov even sang. The next day he woke up in a great mood and immediately sat down at the table to write deeds of sale. At twelve o'clock I got dressed and, with papers under my arm, went to the civil ward. Coming out of the hotel, Pavel Ivanovich ran into Manilov, who was walking towards him.

    They kissed so hard that both of them had toothaches all day long, and Manilov volunteered to accompany Chichikov. In the civil chamber, it was not without difficulty that they found the official in charge of deeds of sale, who, having received the bribe, sent Pavel Ivanovich to the chairman, Ivan Grigorievich. Sobakevich was already sitting in the chairman’s office. Ivan Grigorievich gave instructions to the same
    official to fill out all the papers and collect witnesses.

    When everything was properly completed, the chairman proposed to inject the purchase. Chichikov wanted to supply them with champagne, but Ivan Grigorievich said that they would go to the police chief, who would only blink an eye at the merchants in the fish and meat aisles, and a wonderful dinner would be prepared.

    And so it happened. The merchants considered the police chief to be their man, who, although he robbed them, did not behave and even willingly baptized merchant children. The dinner was magnificent, the guests drank and ate well, and Sobakevich alone ate a huge sturgeon and then did not eat anything, but just sat silently in a chair. Everyone was happy and did not want to let Chichikov leave the city, but decided to marry him, to which he gladly agreed.

    Feeling that he had already begun to say too much, Pavel Ivanovich asked for a carriage and arrived at the hotel completely drunk in the prosecutor's droshky. Petrushka with difficulty undressed the master, cleaned his suit, and, making sure that the owner was fast asleep, went with Selifan to the nearest tavern, from where they came out in an embrace and fell asleep crosswise on the same bed.

    Chichikov’s purchases caused a lot of talk in the city, everyone took an active part in his affairs, they discussed how difficult it would be for him to resettle so many serfs in the Kherson province. Of course, Chichikov did not spread that he had acquired dead peasants, everyone believed that they had been bought alive, and a rumor spread throughout the city that Pavel Ivanovich was a millionaire. He was immediately interested in the ladies, who were very presentable in this city, traveled only in carriages, dressed fashionably and spoke elegantly. Chichikov could not help but notice such attention to himself. One day they brought him an anonymous love letter with poetry, at the end of which it was written that his own heart would help him guess the writer.

    Chichikov at the governor's ball

    After some time, Pavel Ivanovich was invited to a ball with the governor. His appearance at the ball caused great enthusiasm among all those present. The men greeted him with loud cheers and tight hugs, and the ladies surrounded him, forming a multi-colored garland. He tried to guess which of them wrote the letter, but he couldn’t.

    Chichikov was rescued from their entourage by the governor's wife, holding on the arm a pretty sixteen-year-old girl, in whom Pavel Ivanovich recognized the blonde from the carriage that encountered him on the way from Nozdryov. It turned out that the girl was the governor’s daughter, who had just graduated from the institute. Chichikov turned all his attention to her and spoke only to her, although the girl got bored from his stories and began to yawn. The ladies did not like this behavior of their idol at all, because each had her own views on Pavel Ivanovich. They were indignant and condemned the poor schoolgirl.

    Unexpectedly, Nozdryov appeared from the living room, where the card game was going on, accompanied by the prosecutor, and, seeing Chichikov, immediately shouted to the whole room: What? Did you sell a lot of dead people? Pavel Ivanovich did not know where to go, and meanwhile the landowner, with great pleasure, began to tell everyone about Chichikov’s scam. Everyone knew that Nozdryov was a liar, nevertheless his words caused confusion and controversy. Upset Chichikov, anticipating a scandal, did not wait until dinner was over and went to the hotel.

    While he, sitting in his room, was cursing Nozdryov and all his relatives, a car with Korobochka drove into the city. This club-headed landowner, worried whether Chichikov had deceived her in some cunning way, decided to personally find out how much dead souls are worth these days. The next day the ladies stirred up the whole city.

    They could not understand the essence of the scam with dead souls and they decided that the purchase was made as a distraction, but in fact Chichikov came to the city to kidnap the governor’s daughter. The governor's wife, having heard about this, interrogated her unsuspecting daughter and ordered Pavel Ivanovich no longer to be received. The men also couldn’t understand anything, but they didn’t really believe in the kidnapping.

    At this time, a new governor general was appointed to the province and officials even thought that Chichikov had come to their city on his instructions to check. Then they decided that Chichikov was a counterfeiter, then that he was a robber. They interrogated Selifan and Petrushka, but they could not say anything intelligible. They also talked with Nozdryov, who, without blinking an eye, confirmed all their guesses. The prosecutor was so worried that he had a stroke and died.

    Chichikov knew nothing about all this. He caught a cold, sat in his room for three days and wondered why none of his new acquaintances visited him. Finally he recovered, dressed warmly and went to visit the governor. Imagine Pavel Ivanovich’s surprise when the footman said that he was not ordered to receive him! Then he went to see other officials, but everyone received him so strangely, they conducted such a forced and incomprehensible conversation that he doubted their health.

    Chichikov leaves town

    Chichikov wandered around the city aimlessly for a long time, and in the evening Nozdryov showed up to him, offering his help in kidnapping the governor’s daughter for three thousand rubles. The reason for the scandal became clear to Pavel Ivanovich and he immediately ordered Selifan to pawn the horses, and he himself began to pack his things. But it turned out that the horses needed to be shod, and we left only the next day. When we were driving through the city, we had to miss the funeral procession: they were burying the prosecutor. Chichikov drew the curtains. Fortunately, no one paid attention to him.

    the essence of the dead souls scam

    Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov was born into a poor noble family. By sending his son to school, his father ordered him to live frugally, behave well, please teachers, be friends only with the children of rich parents, and most of all in life value a penny. Pavlusha did all this conscientiously and was very successful in it. not disdaining to speculate on edibles. Not distinguished by intelligence and knowledge, his behavior earned him a certificate and a letter of commendation upon graduating from college.

    Most of all, he dreamed of a quiet, rich life, but for now he denied himself everything. He began to serve, but did not receive a promotion, no matter how much he pleased his boss. Then, having checked. that the boss had an ugly and no longer young daughter, Chichikov began to look after her. It even got to the point that he settled in the boss’s house, started calling him daddy and kissed his hand. Soon Pavel Ivanovich received new position and immediately moved to his apartment. but the matter of the wedding was hushed up. Time passed, Chichikov succeeded. He himself did not take bribes, but received money from his subordinates, who began to take three times more. After some time, a commission was organized in the city to build some kind of capital structure, and Pavel Ivanovich settled there. The building did not grow above the foundation, but the members of the commission built beautiful large houses for themselves. Unfortunately, the boss was changed, the new one demanded reports from the commission, and all the houses were confiscated to the treasury. Chichikov was fired, and he was forced to start his career again.

    He changed two or three positions, and then got lucky: he got a job at the customs office, where he showed his best side, was incorruptible, was the best at finding contraband and earned a promotion. As soon as this happened, the incorruptible Pavel Ivanovich conspired with a large gang of smugglers, attracted another official to the case, and together they pulled off several scams, thanks to which they put four hundred thousand in the bank. But one day an official quarreled with Chichikov and wrote a denunciation against him, the case was revealed, the money was confiscated from both, and they themselves were fired from customs. Fortunately, we managed to avoid trial, Pavel Ivanovich had some money hidden, and he began to arrange his life again. He had to become an attorney, and it was this service that gave him the idea of ​​dead souls. Once he was trying to get several hundred peasants from a bankrupt landowner to pledge to the board of guardians. In between, Chichikov explained to the secretary that half of the peasants had died out and he doubted the success of the business. The secretary said that if the souls are listed in the audit inventory, then nothing terrible can happen. It was then that Pavel Ivanovich decided to buy up more dead souls and put them in the guardianship council, receiving money for them as if they were alive. The city in which we met Chichikov was the first on his way to realizing his plan, and now Pavel Ivanovich in his chaise drawn by three horses was driving on.

    4.8 (95.91%) 88 votes

    ^ Image of Chichikov

    Chichikov is a dual nature. This is especially clear when meeting a blonde on the road.

    First, let's pay attention to the portrait of a stranger.

    All the symbolism of her description, all the colors have one easily distinguishable direction: a comparison with a just laid egg (the egg is the beginning of life), the predominance of one, white- the colors of innocence, day, beginning, contact with the rays of the sun, the source and engine of life and, finally, complete permeability, transparency for rays, for light, for sight - so contrasting with the hardened crust of senile immobility and stiffness.

    What was Chichikov’s reaction to all this? Unusual, unexpected for such a prosaic, calculating person: he became lost in thought, forgot about everything around him.

    Chichikov was destined to experience these sensations a second time. And moreover, sharper, in a new way.

    Chapter VIII. The governor's ball. Chichikov, erected public opinion into the “millionaires”, drowns in the bliss of veneration and glory... And suddenly a familiar blonde appears before Chichikov.

    What is Chichikov’s reaction this time?

    “Chichikov was so confused that he could not utter a single good words...” Fashionable phrase-mongers, dexterous dandies, whom the romantic story loved to portray, were not at a loss in such situations and knew how to express themselves gallantly and aphoristically with beauties. But was there much true feeling behind such words?

    It turns out that Chichikov's muteness is higher than the flow of eloquence of these romantic heroes. At least there is some genuine experience in it.

    But the narrator warns: do not exaggerate the strength of Chichikov’s experiences - “It is impossible to say for sure whether the feeling of love has truly awakened in our hero; it is even doubtful that gentlemen of this kind ... are capable of love.” But, be that as it may, the narrator insists on the unusualness of this feeling, as if it revealed something unexpected in this character: as if some force tore Chichikov “for a few minutes from the everyday flickering, from the stream of vulgarity and prose with which he was fused with every cell of his being.”

    Most of the characters in the poem live and act almost instinctively, unconsciously. What they think about their actions and whether they think anything at all is, as a rule, not told to us.

    Chichikov is a different matter. The next place is interesting. After one of his failures - dismissal from customs for smuggling - Chichikov reflects: “Why me? Why did trouble befall me? Who's yawning in office now? - everyone buys. I didn’t make anyone unhappy: I didn’t rob the widow, I didn’t let anyone go around the world... Why are others prospering and why should I disappear like a worm?.. And what will my children say later? “Here,” they will say, “father, the brute, didn’t leave us any fortune!”

    All the reflections that accompany Chichikov’s actions are a kind of attempt to understand them, to give oneself an account of them. You won’t find anything like this in other characters in the poem. They tend to act like beings of a low spiritual organization, almost like animals.

    And finally, one more, completely unexpected difference. "Passion" of Chichikov, the vice that took possession of him in in a certain sense narrower than other characters. Try to define in a nutshell what is special about Nozdryov - you will hardly succeed. Nozdryov is boastful and cunning, a “broken fellow” and a subtle rogue... It is impossible to define this character with one definition, and Gogol does not give such a definition. His phrase that Nozdryov “was in some way a historical person” is not a definition: this phrase is largely ironic and descriptive.

    But the author finds it possible to give a definition to Chichikov. “It’s most fair to call him: owner, acquirer. Acquisition is the fault of everything; because of him, deeds were carried out that the world calls not very pure.” Of course, Chichikov is very complex, much more complex than Nozdryov or any other character in the poem. And his character cannot be exhausted with one definition. Chichikov is insinuating and flattering; when necessary, arrogant, stubborn, persistent... but you never know what else can be said about this amazingly versatile and flexible person. But still, his main passion or, as Gogol said, “enthusiasm” can be defined quite definitely - “acquirer.”

    Of all the other characters in the first volume of the poem, only one is built on the same foundations as Chichikov. This is Plyushkin...

    Maybe what we said makes Chichikov better than the other characters in the poem? On the contrary, it's worse. After all, he could be another person, his actions are associated with a certain awareness, reflection, and he is far from being so primitive. This means that the demand from him is different.

    Now we will understand the remark of the young Chernyshevsky about Chichikov: “this is the most difficult character.”

    But it is precisely the difficulty and complexity of Chichikov that predetermines not only his central place in the first volume of the poem, but also his supposed life path in subsequent volumes... After all, having the past behind him, he could also have a future. Developing over time, it is capable of undergoing changes. And Chichikov’s concentration on one “idea”, the definiteness of his passion, would have made correction easier. It is easier to free yourself from a specific “vice” (possessiveness, for example) than from vice in general.

    Gogol, in the first volume of the poem, hinted at Chichikov’s future rebirth and the edifying lesson that his “passion”—acquisitiveness—receives in connection with this. “And, perhaps, in this same Chichikov, the passion that attracts him is no longer from him, and in his cold existence lies what will later drive a person to dust and to his knees before the wisdom of heaven.”

    LESSON 76

    ...He's still some kind of strange scoundrel...

    I. Zolotussky
    I. Conversation on the following issues:

    1. What is the role of chapter XI in the composition of the poem? (Gogol included the biography of Chichikov in the last, XI chapter. This construction had a basis, because the hero’s past is not connected with the plot. Therefore, Gogol takes the biography out of the plot. And if we talk about the plot of the poem, then it ends in Chapter X with Chichikov’s decision to flee from the provincial city. Chichikov’s biography is important for motivating his actions and character traits. By getting to know it, we understand the reasons for his actions and the essence of his views on life.)

    2. Why did Chichikov buy dead souls?

    3. Why does Gogol call him “acquirer”? What is its difference from such “drives” as Sobakevich, Korobochka, Plyushkin? (This is a man of a new, bourgeois formation - an “acquirer”, a predator, a master. He has traits that landowners do not have - energy, will.

    And he is formidable because he develops with the friendly approval of those around him and with secret envy of his strength. After all, landowners are wasters of human dignity, and they end up “a hole in humanity.” But Chichikov is not going to die.)
    ^ Teacher's Word 1

    “Remember Chichikov’s traveling box - it’s a poem! This is a poem about acquisition, hoarding, squeezing out sweat in the name of a million... and what not! And a city poster torn from the pedestal... and a funeral card (telling his sober mind: hurry up, remember death)... The same pile of Plyushkin, only not disheveled... but brought into symmetry, where every object is relevant. .. Plyushkin’s pile is a cemetery of things, Chichikov’s box is a business man’s traveling suitcase.”
    4. What does Chichikov have in common with the landowners? What is the “core” of this image? (Chichikov is interesting in that he is a “collector” of the traits of all the characters of the landowners: in delicacy he is not inferior to Manilov (remember the passage through the door), he saves as persistently as Korobochka (remember his famous box), in frugality he is not inferior to Plyushkin, in collecting of all sorts of rubbish, by the way, too, he is stingy, like Sobakevich, he sells every penny, and he himself, according to the author’s definition, is a “hero of a penny,” and he is capable of lying no worse than Nozdryov.

    But Chichikov has a trait that makes him the first person - amazing flexibility, tenacity, survival in any conditions, at any time. The grain of this hero is the ability to adapt, guess people and get along with them.

    With Manilov he is cloyingly amiable, with Korobochka he is petty-insistent, with Nozdryov he is assertive and cowardly, he bargains with Sobakevich as relentlessly as Sobakevich does with him, Plyushkina conquers with his “generosity.”

    So, we get to know the hero enough before we read his biography. (Remember that this is the second hero who has a biography!)

    5. Why does Gogol’s hero go bankrupt every now and then, why do his scams, which at first so elevate him upward, always fail and fail? Why did Chichikov fail in his bargaining with Nozdryov?

    Let's get acquainted with a fragment of the article by P. Weil and A. Genis “Russian God. Chichikov”: “The rascal Chichikov turns out to be too simple-minded to fool Nozdryov, or Korobochka, or his partner-accomplice from customs. He didn't even bother to come up with a plausible legend to explain the purchase of dead souls.

    A small man with small passions (by the way, this is what Leo Tolstoy said about Napoleon), Chichikov knows only one goal - money. But even here he is not consistent enough. He remains in the city after registering the deed of purchase and falls in love with the governor's daughter.

    This is because Chichikov is actually not so much looking for capital, not so much waiting for the fulfillment of his insidious plans, but rather hoping to enter human life- to find friends, love, warmth...”

    What can you agree with here and what can you not?

    6. What interested Gogol in Chichikov, why did he make him a hero? (Let us remember that the time in which Gogol’s work was created was the first third of the 19th century, when the tsarist government, having dealt with the Decembrists, was intensively creating a bureaucratic apparatus, when the assertive Chichikovs, capable of making money from anything, took off.

    But the writer is not interested in a simple “scoundrel.” He paints a picture of a person whose positive inclinations have acquired a negative direction. The writer reproduces in detail the “formation of the soul” of his hero: in the conditions in which he grew up, adopted his father’s philosophy, nothing else could have happened. And what turned out was not a soul, but a chest with papers, money and other good things.

    Gogol is trying to understand the character of Chichikov: for this, he gives the only character a life story in all details. But how to do this if even the appearance of the hero is difficult to grasp?

    “Not handsome, but not bad-looking either,” “not too fat, not too thin,” “not too old, but not too young,” and so on. In everything there is moderation, the middle, impersonality, that which excludes human passions, a movement of the soul, but leaves room for the “penny”.)

    7. What shaped the character of the hero? What stages of development did Chichikov go through?

    8. Checking the individual task - a message on the topic “The Image of Chichikov” (on card 54).

    9. Did Gogol see the force that would bring salvation to Russia? (No, I didn’t, hence his anxious questions: “Rus, where are you rushing to? Give me an answer... He doesn’t give an answer!” He embodied his anxious thoughts in the image of a trio of birds, which is rushing to an unknown destination.)
    ^ II. Teacher's word.

    I. Zolotussky writes about the ending: “The comic journey ends tragically, and tragedy permeates the final lines of “Dead Souls” about the troika flying into the unknown. She still seems to be flying crazy, no matter where she is flying, and Gogol enjoys her flight itself, the whirlwind of movement, but the question is “why?” yet is not drowned out by this dust-raising whirlwind. And just in time she comes across a courier on the road...

    Gogol remembers who is riding in the chaise, and where he is going, and where the road lies. This is not the end, but the beginning, and the apotheosis of “fast driving” is not the answer to the question: “Where is the way out? Where is the road?

    Before this ending, Chichikov falls asleep, reassured by his successful escape from the city, and seems to see his own childhood in a dream - the author himself talks about it...

    It is this story about Chichikov’s childhood that then gives acceleration to his troika, picks it up as if on wings and carries it to the unknown 2nd volume.

    In this passage, the contrast is especially felt - the vast Rus' and the “government carriage” - a symbol of soulless, terrible state power.
    ^ III. Homework.

    1. Think about why Gogol called “Dead Souls” a poem.

    2. Mark the most striking ones in the text of the poem lyrical digressions(chapters V (a digression about a well-spoken Russian word), VII (about two types of writers; about barge haulers), XI (about the three-bird, about the road, about Rus' and its heroes, about the choice of a hero.) What artistic function do they perform?

    3. Individual task- prepare a message on the topic: “What does Gogol’s image of the road mean?” (according to card 55).

    Card 55

    What does Gogol's image of the road mean? 1

    The image of the road appears from the first pages of the poem. The poem ends with the image of the road.

    But what a huge difference between the first and last image of the road! At the beginning of the poem, this is the road of one person, a certain character - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. In the end, this is the road of the whole state, Russia, and even more - the road of all humanity, on which Russia overtakes “other nations.”

    This is a metaphorical, allegorical image, personifying the gradual course of all human history.

    These two values ​​are like two extreme milestones. Between them there are many other meanings - both direct and metaphorical, forming a complex and unified Gogolian image of the road.

    The transition from one meaning to another - concrete to metaphorical - most often occurs unnoticed. Here Chichikov’s father is taking the boy to the city; a piebald horse, known among horse dealers as Soroki, wanders through the Russian villages for a day or two, enters a city street... The father, having sent the boy to a city school, “the very next day hit the road” - home. Chichikov begins his independent life. “...For all that, his road was difficult,” the narrator notes. One meaning of the image - quite specific, “material” - is imperceptibly replaced by another, metaphorical (the road as a path of life).

    Chichikov leaves the city of N. “And again on both sides of the main path they began to write miles again, station guards, wells, carts, gray villages with samovars, women and a lively bearded owner... a pedestrian in worn bast shoes, trudged 800 miles, small towns built alive..." etc. Then follows the author's famous appeal to Rus': " Rus'! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautiful distance I see you..."

    The transition from specific to general is still smooth, almost imperceptible. The road along which Chichikov travels, endlessly lengthening, gives rise to the thought of all of Rus'. Here you can’t even say that one specific image turns into another, metaphorical one. It’s just that the scale in front of us is increasing: the space that Chichikov’s troika crosses, endlessly expanding, turns into the space of the entire country, and this gives rise to the author’s inspired monologue about Rus': “...And the mighty space threateningly embraces me...”

    The famous Russian scientist and literary theorist A. Potebnya found this place “brilliant.” Potebnya was struck by “how cold reality suddenly interrupts a racing thought”; I was struck by the sharpness “with which this shows the contrast between an inspired dream and a sobering reality.”

    And indeed: the sharpness of the transition was brought by Gogol to its highest point. There are no phrases preparing the transition, no explanations from the narrator, say, of this kind: “But let’s return to our hero...” or “And at that time such and such was happening to our hero.” It’s just that one plan is “pushed” into another: the poet’s inspired speech is interrupted by the rude abuse of Chichikov and the courier he meets - and we, as if falling from heaven to earth, see before us not the fabulously unfamiliar space of Russia, but a concrete road, the one which Chichikov's troika is traveling...

    But then, just as unexpectedly, this picture gives way to another: as if Chichikov, his chaise, and the courier galloping towards him were just a fleeting vision.

    And it is no longer Chichikov who admires the road, it is not he who wraps himself tighter in his travel overcoat, who presses himself closer and more comfortably into the corner of the carriage. It is not he who is dozing, hugging his neighbor to the corner (Chichikov, we remember, was alone in the carriage: Petrushka and Selifan were sitting on the box.) It is not Chichikov who is inspired to admire the night that has come. “And the night! heavenly powers! what a night is taking place on high!”

    Who is this character? It seems that the same one who delivered a deeply inspired speech about Rus', in a word, is none other than the author. But here’s what’s interesting: having changed the characters, changing the tone of the story - prosaic, with colloquial remarks, to inspired, sublimely poetic - Gogol did not change his character this time central image- image of the road. The image of the road has not become metaphorical - before us is one of the countless roads of the Russian expanses, similar to the specific road along which Chichikov’s chaise is rushing.

    Gogol in “Dead Souls” develops the metaphorical image of the road as “human life” and at the same time finds his own original interpretation of the image.

    At the beginning of Chapter VI, the narrator recalls how in his youth he was excited about meeting any unfamiliar place, meeting new people.

    Now it’s different. “Now I indifferently approach every unfamiliar village and indifferently look at its vulgar appearance...” 3 here we are talking about irrevocable losses on the “road of life”, where something very important and significant is lost.

    “A rather beautiful spring chaise drove through the gates of the hotel in the provincial town of NN... In the chaise sat a gentleman, not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; One cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young. His entry made absolutely no noise in the city and was not accompanied by anything special.” This is how our hero, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, appears in the city. Let us, following the author, get to know the city. Everything tells us that this is a typical provincial city of tsarist Russia during the time of Nicholas II, a city whose “twins” we met in many of Gogol’s works. And the hotel here is “what hotels are like in provincial towns”: long, with painted yellow paint top floor, with cockroaches waiting for guests in their rooms. Having examined his room, Chichikov goes to the common room of the hotel, where, not embarrassed by the dirty walls, tasteless paintings on the walls, he sits down at a table with worn oilcloth and orders lunch, consisting of dishes usual for the tavern: cabbage soup, “deliberately saved for those passing through for several weeks”, brains with peas, sausages and cabbage and an “eternal” sweet pie. Already at dinner, Chichikov begins to satisfy his immediate interests. He does not have an idle conversation with the tavern servant, but asks him who the governor and prosecutor are in the city, what other significant officials and landowners there are, and how the latter are doing, and how many peasants they have. Having walked around the city, Chichikov was quite pleased with it, considering it no inferior to other provincial cities with necessarily bad pavement, shops with faded signs, “drinking houses” and a garden with stunted trees. Apparently, our hero had already stayed in such cities more than once and therefore felt completely at ease there.

    Chichikov devoted the next day to visits, visited all the more or less noticeable officials and, most importantly, found everyone mutual language. A feature of Chichikov’s nature was the ability to flatter everyone, to say what was necessary and pleasant to everyone, to “accidentally” make a mistake and use in a conversation with an official an address intended for a higher rank. His efforts were crowned with success: he was invited to the governor himself for a “house party”, and to others - for lunch, a cup of tea, a game of cards... Chichikov spoke about himself in general phrases, bookish phrases, creating an aura of some mystery, but undoubtedly producing favorable impression.

    At the governor's ball, Chichikov examines all the guests for some time, noting with pleasure the presence of beautiful and well-dressed ladies, men, handsome and sophisticated, like the St. Petersburg gentlemen. We encounter discussions about the difference life success“thin” and “fat” men and the author’s condescending indication that these arguments belong to Chichikov. Our hero, who does not for a minute abandon the thought of the commercial business awaiting him, does not follow the example of the “thin” ladies, but goes to play whist with the “fat” ones. Here he pays his attention directly to Manilov and Sobakevich, captivating them with “curiosity and thoroughness,” which are manifested in the fact that Chichikov first learns about the state of their estates, about the number of souls, and then inquires about the names of his landowners. Chichikov does not spend a single evening at home; he dines with the vice-governor, dines with the prosecutor, and everywhere he shows himself to be an expert social life, an excellent conversationalist, a practical adviser, talks about virtue and about making hot wine with the same skill. He spoke and behaved exactly as he should, and all the “significant” residents of the city were considered a “respectable and courteous”, “most courteous”, “pleasant” person. Well, such was Pavel Ivanovich’s talent. And it is quite possible that the reader, who picked up the book for the first time, would fall under the charm of Mr. Chichikov in the same way as the officials of the city of NN, especially since the author reserves for us the full right to independently form our own assessment.

    Poem by N.V. Gogol’s “Dead Souls” is the author’s attempt to show the whole life of Russia, to comprehend the character of the Russian people, and to determine the further paths of their development. N.V. himself Gogol said that the plot of “Dead Souls” is good because it “gives complete freedom to travel all over Russia with the hero and bring out many different characters.” Therefore, the motif of the road and travel plays such an important role in the poem. For the same reason, everyone literary image, derived by the writer, is not a random, but a generalized, typical phenomenon. Chichikov's arrival in the city of NN is actually an exposition of the poem. It is here that Chichikov makes acquaintances with city officials, who then invite him to visit them. It is given here a brief description of the hero himself and a group portrait of the NN city officials. The author describes Chichikov's arrival in the city deliberately slowly, unhurriedly, with a lot of details. Men lazily discussing whether such a wheel will reach Moscow or Kazan, a young man turning to look at the carriage, a helpful innkeeper - all these images emphasize how boring, sleepy, leisurely life is in this city. The author characterizes Chichikov himself rather vaguely: “Mr., not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin; I can’t say that I’m old, but I can’t say that I’m too young.” The author describes in much more detail the premises and furnishings of the hotel, the visitor’s belongings, and his lunch menu. But the hero’s behavior attracts attention: he asks in detail about everything, including about city officials, “about all significant landowners,” about their farms. The desire to know in detail about the state of the region, whether there were any diseases there, shows, as the author notes, “more than just simple curiosity.” The hero introduced himself as “a landowner, according to his needs.” That is, the purpose of his visit is still unknown and incomprehensible to the reader. N.V. Gogol describes the provincial town in detail, emphasizing its ordinariness and typicality, for example, houses “with an eternal mezzanine, very beautiful, according to the provincial architects.” The author makes fun of the signs of merchants and artisans (“Foreigner Vasily Fedorov”), and notes that drinking houses are most often found. The stunted city garden was described in the newspapers as a decoration of the city, causing “streams of tears as a sign of gratitude to the mayor.” The neglect of the city economy, hypocritical words in newspapers, full of veneration - these features have already been encountered in collective image district town in the comedy "The Inspector General". Chichikov's next day in the city is devoted to visits. He visited everyone he could and showed himself to be a person who knew the intricacies of dealing with people. He “very skillfully knew how to flatter everyone,” so he formed the best opinion of himself and received return invitations from everyone. The hero prepares for the governor’s party for a long time and carefully, since this party is very important for him: he must consolidate his success in provincial society. Depicting the entire color of the province at this party, Gogol introduces the technique of typification - a generalized, collective characteristic of “thick and thin.” This conditional division of all officials into two types has a deep meaning, justified both psychologically and philosophically. “Thin” officials “hovered around the ladies,” they follow fashion and their appearance. Their goal in life is entertainment, success in society, and this requires money. Therefore, “a thin man at three years old does not have a single soul left that is not pawned in a pawnshop,” this is a type of spendthrift in his lifestyle and character. “Fat” people ignore their appearance, and for entertainment they prefer cards. But the main thing is that they have a different goal in life, they serve for the sake of a career and material gain. They gradually acquire first one house in the city (in the name of their wife, out of formal precautions), then another, then a village near the city, “then a village with all the land.” After retiring, he becomes a hospitable landowner, a respected man. And the “thin” heirs-spendthrifts squander their father’s accumulated property. Gogol draws such typical characters in further chapters, showing a gallery of images of landowners as types of spendthrifts (Manilov, Nozdrev) or acquirers (Korobochka, Sobakevich). Therefore, this author’s digression by Gogol has a deep meaning for revealing ideological content poems as a whole. Chichikov's communication with officials further reveals his ability to deal with people. He plays cards with them, and, as is customary, during the game, everyone makes noise and argues. The visiting guest “also argued, but somehow extremely skillfully” and pleasantly for those around him. He knows how to support any conversation, showing extensive knowledge, his comments are very practical. But he says almost nothing about himself, speaking “in some generalities, with noticeable modesty”: that he served and “suffered for the truth,” “had many enemies,” and is now looking for a place for a quiet life. Everyone is fascinated by the new visitor, and everyone has the best opinion of him, even Sobakevich, who rarely said good things about anyone, invited him to visit. So, the first chapter of the poem - Chichikov’s arrival in the city of NN - plays an important compositional role - this is the exposition of the poem. It gives us an idea of ​​the city of NN itself, its bureaucracy, briefly outlines the main character and prepares the reader for further development events: Chichikov’s visits to the landowners of the province.

    N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

    1 - 2 chapters

    1. Who owns the idea for “Dead Souls”?

    b) A.S. Pushkin

    c) taken from the newspaper "Moskovskie Vedomosti"

    2. “Dead Souls” -

    a) novel

    b) story

    c) poem

    3. State the name and patronymic of Chichikov.

    a) Ivan Pavlovich.

    b) Pavel Nikolaevich.

    c) Pavel Ivanovich.

    4. Chichikov's servants:

    a) Osip and Matvey

    b) Peter and Erofey

    c) Selifan and Parsley

    5. Chichikov’s appearance:“...not handsome, but not bad-looking either, neither too fat nor too thin; I can’t say that I’m old, but I can’t say that I’m too young.”- indicates:

    a) an inaccurate description of Chichikov’s appearance;

    b) the duality of his character, flexibility, ability to adapt to circumstances;

    c) the typicality and generality of his image.

    6. What rank did Chichikov have:
    a) collegiate adviser;
    b) collegiate assessor;
    c) collegiate secretary.

    7. Who was the first person Chichikov visited in the city of NN?

    a) the police chief

    b) the governor

    c) vice governor

    8. What impression did Chichikov make on the city residents:
    a) no straightforwardness or sincerity!
    b) able to carry on a conversation on any topic

    c) neither this nor that

    9. What two kinds of men were at the governor’s house party:
    a) tall and slender;
    b) thin and thick;
    c) well-fed and beautiful.

    10. Favorite expression Manilova:

    a) “May day, name day of the heart”

    b) “Funny, funny!”

    c) “Let's all get out!”

    11. Feature Manilov, which Chichikov took advantage of buying dead shower:

    a) courtesy and courtesy;

    b) isolation and taciturnity;

    c) rudeness and assertiveness.

    12. Manilov’s attitude towards the economy, towards the serfs characterizes him:

    a) as a master who cares about the well-being of serfs

    b) as a reformer implementing his ideas on the estate

    c) as a person who is not interested in the affairs of the estate

    13. What were the names of Manilov’s children:
    a) Felix and Apollo;
    b) Themistoclus and Alcides;
    c) Filimon and Alexey.

    14. Chichikov, having left Manilov, changed the route because

    a) received a lucrative deal from Manilov, which does not require further participation in the “enterprise” of his business

    b) the driver, drunk, missed the turn

    c) decided to explore the surroundings

    Sample answers

    N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

    1 - 2 chapters

    The first impression of a character is always very important, so let’s turn to the first chapter and try to answer the question: who is he, Chichikov? And what techniques for depicting the image does the author use. Find a description of the portrait of Chichikov, what does the author emphasize in the image of the hero? – (The phrase is frankly ironic. The description of appearance is given as if so that the reader does not form any impression about the visitor. The construction of the sentence goes back to folk examples: in Russian folk tales We constantly come across expressions like “neither far nor near, neither high nor low.” A grotesque detail: the visitor blew his nose loudly: “it is not known how he did it, but his nose sounded like a trumpet.” The visiting gentleman behaves with emphasized dignity; there is something exaggerated, contrived in his behavior). – (The phrase is frankly ironic. The description of appearance is given as if so that the reader does not form any impression about the visitor. The construction of the sentence goes back to folk examples: in Russian folk tales we constantly encounter expressions like “neither far, nor close, nor high, not low." A grotesque detail: the visitor blew his nose loudly: “it is not known how he did it, but his nose sounded like a trumpet.” The visiting gentleman behaves with emphasized dignity; there is something exaggerated, contrived in his behavior).

    Gogol is a master of detail. This is especially evident in the description of Pavel Ivanovich’s luggage. Things help to understand the essence of the hero. What did Chichikov's things tell us? – (A spring britzka, “a suitcase made of white leather, somewhat more worn out,” “a mahogany chest with individual linings from Karelian birch, shoe lasts and a fried chicken wrapped in blue paper”; a cap, a rainbow scarf - all the objects hint at something in Chichikov's position, habits and character. He is apparently not too rich, but wealthy, travels a lot, loves to eat, and one can even conclude that he was richer before than now: a suitcase made of white leather and artfully made. made chest - expensive things.) - (Spring chaise, “a suitcase made of white leather, somewhat more worn out”, “a mahogany chest, with pieced linings from Karelian birch, shoe lasts and a fried chicken wrapped in blue paper”; cap, rainbow scarf - all the objects hint at something in Chichikov’s position, habits and character. He is apparently not very rich, but wealthy, travels a lot, loves to eat, and one can even conclude that he used to be richer than now. : a white leather suitcase and a skillfully made chest are expensive things.)

    – We will learn even more about Chichikov if we read the little story with the poster. Find this episode, highlight keywords, which help to understand the character of Pavel Ivanovich (It is clear that Chichikov is a businesslike, meticulous man, studying the city as a field of a future battle. No wonder he asked the tavern servant, the watchman, looked at everything carefully, “as if in order to clearly remember the position of the place” And one more thing is curious: after reading the poster, Chichikov “folded it neatly and put it in his little chest, where he used to put everything he came across.” .) (It is clear that Chichikov is a businesslike, meticulous man, studying the city as a field of a future battle. No wonder he asked the tavern servant, the watchman, looked at everything carefully, “as if in order to clearly remember the position of the place.” And one more thing is curious : after reading the poster, Chichikov “folded it neatly and put it in his little chest, where he was in the habit of putting everything he came across.”

    What impression did Chichikov manage to make on the officials of the city of N? (Ch. 1) What impression did Chichikov manage to make on the officials of city N? (Ch. 1) He knew how to please everyone, had an attractive appearance, was able to support any conversation, a most courteous person, had refined manners, etc.) He knew how to please everyone, had an attractive appearance, was able to support any conversation, a most courteous person, had refined manners and etc.) - In chapter 11, Gogol poses a question to the readers: - In chapter 11, Gogol poses a question to the readers: “Who is he? So, a scoundrel? “Who is he? So, a scoundrel? 1) -Let's try to answer this question. 1) -Let's try to answer this question. To do this, let's turn to chapter 11 and work with the text according to plan): To do this, let's turn to chapter 11 and work with the text according to plan):

    Plan of Chichikov's childhood years. Chichikov's childhood years. Studying at school. Studying at school. Service in the treasury chamber. Service in the treasury chamber. Participation in the construction commission. Participation in the construction commission. Customs service. Customs service. Invention of a new method of enrichment. Invention of a new method of enrichment.

    Studying at school. - How did Chichikov take advantage of his father’s advice? - How did Chichikov take advantage of his father’s advice? How did you pass it? school years? How were his school years? (He is a bad friend, he does everything for profit, to please teachers; the episode with the teacher testifies to Chichikov’s spiritual meanness.)

    What goal did Chichikov set for himself when entering life? (Enrichment, worship of the penny.) (Enrichment, worship of the penny.) Conclusion: Already in childhood and adolescence, Chichikov developed such character qualities as: the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, the manner of pleasing, finding benefit in everything for oneself, spiritual meanness, etc. Conclusion: Already in childhood and adolescence, Chichikov developed such character qualities as: the ability to achieve a goal at any cost, a manner of pleasing, finding benefits for himself in everything, spiritual meanness, etc. - A central place in Chichikov’s biography is occupied by the description of his career. - The central place in Chichikov’s biography is occupied by a description of his career.

    Service in the treasury chamber. 3) - How did Chichikov’s career begin? - What means does he choose to make a career? - How did Chichikov manage to win over the police chief? 3) - How did Chichikov’s career begin? - What means does he choose to make a career? - How did Chichikov manage to win over the police chief? (Chichikov’s career began in the government chamber, where he was assigned immediately after graduating from college. “Getting around” the police officer was the first and most difficult obstacle that he managed to cross. As in the story with the old teacher, when Chichikov refused to help him, it convinced him that success in life can be achieved the sooner and easier the faster a person frees himself from the principles of morality, honor, decency that fetter him, that these principles interfere and harm those who are determined to win their place in the sun .) (Chichikov’s career began in the government chamber, where he was assigned immediately after graduating from college. “Going around” the police officer was the first and most difficult obstacle that he managed to cross. As in the story with the old teacher, when Chichikov refused to help him , it convinced him that success in life can be achieved the sooner and easier the faster a person frees himself from the principles of morality, honor, decency that fetter him, that these principles hinder and harm those who are determined to win their place under the sun.) ***We see that the same qualities that were discussed above were not only not lost, but also developed. ***We see that the same qualities that were mentioned above were not only not lost, but also developed.

    Participation in the construction commission. -Where did Chichikov move from the government chamber? - What have you achieved in your new place? -Where did Chichikov move from the government chamber? - What have you achieved in your new place? - Why did he have to leave the commission for the construction of a government building? - Why did he have to leave the commission for the construction of a government building? (The next stage of Chichikov’s career was participation in the commission for the construction of a state-owned building. It brought him substantial acquisitions, significantly exceeding the income that he had while occupying a “grain place” in the state chamber. But unexpectedly he was appointed to the commission new boss, who declared a decisive war on bribery and embezzlement. True, he never managed to restore the necessary order, because he soon found himself in the hands of even greater swindlers than those whom he dispersed (an expressive touch from Gogol, which emphasizes that the eradication of social evils does not depend on the good or evil will of the boss). But Chichikov still had to look for a new place. The catastrophe that befell him destroyed the fruits of his “labors” almost to the ground, but did not force him to retreat.) (The next stage of Chichikov’s career was participation in the commission for the construction of a government building. It brought him substantial acquisitions, significantly exceeding the income that he had , occupying a “grain place” in the treasury chamber. But suddenly a new chief was appointed to the commission, who declared a decisive war on bribery and embezzlement. True, he never managed to restore the necessary order, because he soon found himself in the hands of even greater swindlers than those. , which he dispersed (an expressive touch from Gogol, which emphasizes that the eradication of social evils does not depend on the good or evil will of the boss). But Chichikov still had to look for a new place, which destroyed the fruits of his “labors” almost to the ground. , but did not force him to retreat.)

    Customs service - How was his career as a customs official? - Why did it end in failure? (As before, Chichikov begins here by ingratiating himself with the trust of his superiors, showing extraordinary “quickness, insight and perspicacity. For a short time, the smugglers could not live from him.” Having thus lulled the vigilance of those around him, even receiving a new rank , he again turns to fraudulent operations, and they brought him a fortune of half a million.) (As before, Chichikov begins here by ingratiating himself with the trust of his superiors, showing extraordinary “quickness, insight and perspicacity. For a short time there was no word from him living for smugglers.” Having thus lulled the vigilance of those around him, even having received a new rank, he again turns to fraudulent operations, and they brought him a fortune of half a million.) (However, fate prepared a new blow: Chichikov did not make peace with his accomplice, and he wrote on denunciation. And again he had to lose everything.) (However, fate prepared a new blow: Chichikov did not make peace with his accomplice, and he wrote a denunciation against him. And again he had to lose everything.) Conclusion: Consequently, the stages of Chichikov’s career are the story of his ups and downs, but with all that, it reveals such traits of his character as energy, efficiency, enterprise, tirelessness and perseverance, prudence, cunning. Conclusion: Consequently, the stages of Chichikov’s career are the story of his ups and downs, but for all that, it reveals such traits of his character as energy, efficiency, enterprise, tirelessness and perseverance, prudence, and cunning.

    How did Chichikov react to all his life failures and failures? (After each failure he had to start all over again, almost from scratch, but this did not stop him. Even after the disaster at customs, which, it seemed, could “if not kill, then chill and pacify a person forever,” his irresistible passion for acquisition: “He was in grief, vexed, grumbled at the whole world, angry at the unfairness of fate, indignant at the injustice of people and, however, could not refuse new attempts...” (After each failure he had to start all over again, almost from scratch, but this did not stop him. Even after the disaster at customs, which, it seemed, could “if not kill, then cool and pacify a person forever,” his irresistible passion for acquisition did not go out: “He was in grief, vexation. , grumbled to the whole world, was angry at the injustice of fate, was indignant at the injustice of people and, however, could not refuse new attempts ... "

    Invention of a new method of enrichment - (In search of new profits, being an insignificant attorney, he discovered the possibility of profitable transactions with “dead souls” when he was busy mortgaging the estate of a bankrupt landowner into the treasury.) - (In search of new profits, being an insignificant attorney, he and discovered the possibility of profitable deals with “dead souls” when he was busy mortgaging the estate of a bankrupt landowner into the treasury.) How did he get the idea of ​​acquiring “dead souls”? How did he come up with the idea of ​​acquiring “dead souls”?

    - “Here is our hero in full view, as he is!” 1). And we return to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson: - “Who is he? So, a scoundrel? -Let's see how Gogol answers this question (reading the text). -The author tries to defend Chichikov, calling him more of an owner, an acquirer, than a scoundrel. But he immediately notes something repulsive in this character. Gogol evaluates the hero ambiguously, ambivalently. -The author tries to defend Chichikov, calling him more of an owner, an acquirer, than a scoundrel. But he immediately notes something repulsive in this character. Gogol evaluates the hero ambiguously, ambivalently.

    Why does Gogol place chapter 11 at the end of volume 1, and not at the beginning? (The hero’s past is not connected with the plot, so he takes the biography outside the plot. Chichikov’s biography is important for motivating his actions and character traits.) (The hero’s past is not connected with the plot, so he takes the biography outside the plot. Chichikov’s biography is important for motivating him actions and character traits.)

    Lesson summary. The image of Chichikov is a huge discovery of Gogol in Russian literature. With development public relations old feudal serfdom was rapidly collapsing. The Manilovs, Nozdryovs, and Plyushkins were no longer able to govern the country, the state, or even their own households. Time has called to life new people, energetic, dexterous opportunists who know how to conquer living space for themselves, such as Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, whose image represents the broadest socio-psychological generalization, allowing us to talk not only about a literary hero, but also about Chichikovism, i.e. . special socio-psychological practice for a fairly wide range of people. Chichikovshchina threatens the world with its militant, ever-increasing meanness. It brings with it the complete destruction of humanity itself. in a broad sense words. Chichikovism is terrible because it hides behind external decency and never admits its meanness. The world of Chichikovism represents the most terrible, lowest, most vulgar circle of Rus' “from one side,” and therefore the first volume of the poem ends with it, covering all the phenomena that deserved the most merciless satirical ridicule. The image of Chichikov is a huge discovery of Gogol in Russian literature. With the development of social relations, the old feudal-serf system rapidly collapsed. The Manilovs, Nozdryovs, and Plyushkins were no longer able to govern the country, the state, or even their own households. Time has called to life new people, energetic, dexterous opportunists who know how to conquer living space for themselves, such as Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, whose image represents the broadest socio-psychological generalization, allowing us to talk not only about a literary hero, but also about Chichikovism, i.e. . special socio-psychological practice for a fairly wide range of people. Chichikovshchina threatens the world with its militant, ever-increasing meanness. It brings with it the complete destruction of humanity in the broadest sense of the word. Chichikovism is terrible because it hides behind external decency and never admits its meanness. The world of Chichikovism represents the most terrible, lowest, most vulgar circle of Rus' “from one side,” and therefore the first volume of the poem ends with it, covering all the phenomena that deserved the most merciless satirical ridicule. Gogol asks the readers a question. Gogol asks the readers a question. (“And which of you, full of Christian humility, not publicly, but in silence, alone, in moments of solitary conversations with yourself, will deepen this difficult question into the interior of your own soul: “Isn’t there some part of Chichikov in me too? ") (“And which of you, full of Christian humility, not publicly, but in silence, alone, in moments of solitary conversations with yourself, will deepen this difficult question into the interior of your own soul: “Isn’t there some kind of parts of Chichikov?”) - How would you answer this question? - How would you answer this question? Conclusion: Chichikovism is also characteristic of modern society, The Chichikovs are thriving today, and the blame for everything is acquisition. Conclusion: Chichikovism is also characteristic of modern society, the Chichikovs are thriving today, and the blame for everything is acquisition.