What does the word legend mean? The meaning of the word legend in Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. Sentences containing "legend"

Legend is a story passed down orally by people, with the aim of explaining mysterious or supernatural events, mixing real facts, imaginary or fantasies, and which change in the imagination of people.

As they become popular, legends tend to be reproduced and written down in the form short stories and written stories, especially in books.

Etymologically, the word "legend" comes from medieval Latin, meaning "to be read."

Legends originally told the stories of saints, but these concepts were transformed into stories that told about the culture of the people and their traditions.

Legends attempt to provide explanations for all events and situations, including things that have no proven scientific explanation, such as the supposed supernatural phenomena .

Legend can be explained as the degeneration of myth because, as they are passed down orally from generation to generation, they change over time. As the popular saying goes, “He who tells a story adds a point.”

The origin of the legends is based on four theories that try to answer: biblical theory, based on the scriptures; Historical, originating from different mythologies, allegorical, which says that all myths are symbolic, containing only some moral or philosophical truth; And physics, which uses the elements of nature as the basis of everything (water, fire, earth and air).

Discover 5 of Brazil's most mysterious legends!

Urban legend

The main characteristic of urban legends is their modernity, that is, they are related to current or contemporary events.

Urban legends tend to be sensational or conspiratorial, with the goal of finding, like classical legends, answers to any information and events that do not have a scientific explanation.

Learn more about the meaning of conspiracy theories.

Some of the urban legends that have attracted greatest attention in Brazil include, for example, the legend of the Chupa Cabra, the Loire of the Bathroom, the Man of Saco and the legend of the Fofana Doll.

Urban legends are often created to scare and frighten people. If you dare, check out 5 urban legends that will keep you up tonight.

Folk legends

Brazil is a rich country of popular culture, and one of the characteristics that helps to recognize this title is precisely huge amount folk legends.

From north to south, each Brazilian region has its own legends, such as the legend of Shachi-Perera, the legend of Kurupira, the legend of Iara, the legend of Caipora, the legend of the Headless Mule, the pink Boto, and many others.

Find out more about the meaning of folklore.

The consciousness of people does not make a serious distinction between traditions and legends. Besides, modern science it is also not always possible to confidently distinguish them from each other. Just like legend, legend is a genre oral creativity. The word “tradition” quite accurately reflects the essence of this work. This is a story of historical content that is passed on from mouth to mouth, passed on from generation to generation. A legend is a narrative of a religious nature, which is inextricably linked with historical events.

Up to XIX century Not everyone could read books, much less get an education. But every person wanted to know about their roots, culture and religion. Traditions and legends were replaced by common people historical literature talking about past events. But - this is not historical, but only captured highlights individual events.

The Latin word for legend is “that which is to be read.” Initially, the legend was a story about the pious lives of saints. Then it changed to religious-didactic, instructive, and sometimes fantastic biographies of historical and fictional people, whose lives and deeds bore generalized character traits of the people living in a given area. The most interesting thing is that all these wonderful stories were perceived by people as having happened in the past in reality, despite their fabulousness and fantastic nature.

Some legends are really very similar to fairy tales. The difference between them is that fairy tales are mostly made up, while legends are based on a real event, albeit described in a fairy-tale form. They are taken much more seriously, as a real case from which it is necessary to draw a conclusion for one’s benefit.

For example, in the Middle Ages there were legends whose characters were damn people. "The Legend of the Flying Dutchman" is perhaps the most popular story of the time. There are many options for its narrative, but the essence is the same. The ship "Flying Dutchman", punished by God, is forced to wander the seas forever, because... his captain cursed the Creator and contacted the Devil. Impressed by this legend, the navigators of that time claimed that they had actually seen this damned ship. Who knows what really happened there... Nevertheless, this legend “lives” in people’s memory to this day.

All events that take place in legends are described and assessed from the point of view of understanding folk tradition Christian standards of life. Along with people and animals, angels and demons, God and saints often descend to earth, taking on different guises. Unrecognized, they walk along it, rewarding the righteous and punishing sinners.

Legends were formed thanks not only to oral folk art, but also written artifacts, for example, apocrypha. Also among the written sources are some biblical texts.

The plots described in the legends are reflected not only in literary genres, but also in icon painting. The most a shining example serves as the icon “The Miracle of George on the Dragon”, which later became the basis for the creation of the coat of arms of Moscow Rus', and later the capital of Russia.

Legends and traditions are a genre that lives and develops. It is likely that the modern understanding of current events by ordinary people generates and collects conclusions and stories, rumors and stories that will reach posterity as vivid and instructive legends and traditions.

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The meaning of the word legend

legend in the crossword dictionary


Economic dictionary of terms


inscription on a coin, medal.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


and. lat. sacred tradition, belief about an event related to the church, faith; chetiya, chetya; in general, a legend about a miraculous event.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


legends, w. (Latin legenda - what needs to be read) (book).

    A poetic fantasy tale with religious content.

    Any fantastic story, poetic legend about something. event. Legends of the old castle. Medieval legends.

    Fiction, invention; something that seems incredible. This is a legend that is not trustworthy. There were whole legends about him.

    Inscription on the coin (special).

    Explanatory text for the plan, drawing, map, etc. (special).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A poetic legend about someone. historical event. Medieval legends.

    trans. About the heroic events of the past (books). A man of legend (a man with a glorious past). Live l. (about a person with a heroic, glorious past).

    Fictitious information about oneself from someone who is performing a secret mission (special). L. resident.

    Explanatory text, as well as a set of symbols for a map, plan, diagram (special).

    adj. legendary, -aya, -oe (to 1 value). L. genre.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. A poetic fantasy tale (usually of religious content).

      A fantastic story, a poetic legend about someone. event or person.

  1. An instrumental piece of a narrative nature, often embodying musical by some means. folk legend.

    What seems incredible; fiction, fiction.

    A fictitious biography of an intelligence officer for the purpose of conspiracy.

    trans. Inscription on the coin.

    trans. Explanatory text and a set of symbols for a plan, drawing, map, etc.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


LEGEND of the map is a set of symbols and explanations for the map.


LEGEND (from Latin legenda, lit. - something that should be read)

    in medieval writing - the life of a saint and a religious and moral story, a parable; in folklore - entered into tradition folk story about the miraculous, perceived by the narrator and the listener as reliable (the legend of the “golden age”); V latest literature any work that is distinguished by poetic invention, but claims to have some kind of authenticity in the past.

    In everyday meaning, something incredible, a fiction.

Legend (disambiguation)

  • A legend is one of the varieties of non-fairy tale prose folklore.
    • An urban legend is a short, seemingly plausible story based on modern technical and social reality.
  • Legend - an inscription on coins or medals around the circumference.
  • Legend - a caption under a map or diagram that explains the meaning of the symbols used.
  • A legend is a fictitious biography, history, or other narrative intended to conceal the truth.

Legend (women's football club)

Legend is an approximate synonym for the concept myth; The main characters of the story are usually heroes in the full sense of the word, often gods and other supernatural forces are directly involved in the events. Events in the legend are often exaggerated, and a lot of fiction is added. Therefore, scientists do not consider legends to be completely reliable historical evidence, without denying, however, that most legends are based on real events.

Differences between legend and myth:

  • legend - real events that later suffered many distortions. Often in legends in the name of one hero other heroes are included.
  • myth - completely fictional characters and stories.

Legends are divided into religious and social.

Legends were usually oral stories, often set to music; Legends were passed down from mouth to mouth, usually by wandering storytellers. Later, many legends were written down.

Since when legends were made about someone, this meant public recognition of his deeds, the word acquired an additional meaning: this is the name for events and figures who received recognition and honor.

Legend (numismatics)

Legend- the totality of all the inscriptions on the obverse, reverse and edge of the coin. Thus, a distinction is made between “obverse legend”, “reverse legend” and “edge legend”.

As a rule, the legend contains the name or abbreviation of the issuing bank or mint. On commemorative coins given brief description a certain historical event, person, etc.

The legend of a coin often appears as quick way determining the safety of the coin.

Legend (cartography)

Map legend- a list or table of symbols on the map with an explanation of their meaning. Map legends are generally not unified, but are standardized and mandatory for use on topographic maps.

On maps, the legend is placed in free space so as not to hide the necessary objects on the map. In atlases it can be placed on separate pages. Designations on map legends are collected in groups: roads, hydrography, settlements and others. On the legends of small-scale maps, cities are indicated by punches. City plan legends include designations of city blocks and public facilities. Map legends may include statistical information.

Legend (fight show)

Fight show "Legend"- a Russian sports organization that conducts tournaments combining fights with the participation of world kickboxing stars and fights mixed rules(another name for MMA is from) and the show.

"Legend" was founded in 2013. a team of four people: Ruslan Suleymanov, Timur Solovyov, Vladimir Voitekhovsky and Alexey Mikhailin. The idea of ​​creating a fighting show “Legend” arose at the opening of the “Martial Arts Club No. 1”, which brought together many K-1 and MMA stars.

On May 25, 2013 in Moscow at the Small Sports Arena “Luzhniki” the promotion’s debut tournament was held with the participation of world kickboxing and MMA stars: Badr Hari, Zabita Samedov, Alexander Emelianenko, Jabar Askerov, Artur Kishenko and others. The second tournament, called “Part 2: “Invasion”” was held in Moscow on November 8, 2013 and included 9 K-1 and MMA fights (four K-1). The third tournament took place on April 5, 2014 in Milan, its program included 7 K-1 fights.

After holding three tournaments, the organizers decided to take a break until 2015.

Legend (film, 2015)

"Legend" is a British-French film directed by American director Brian Helgeland based on the book by John Pearson “The Art of Cruelty: The Rise and Fall of the Kray Twins.” The screenplay was written by Helgeland himself, marking his return to the crime genre for the first time since L.A. Confidential. The film tells the story of the Kray twins - Ronald and Reginald - gangsters who terrorized London in the 60s, whose cruelty and instability were legendary. The plot covers the period from the beginning of their criminal career to their imprisonment in 1969. Premiere in the UK - September 9, 2015, in Russia - October 1.

Examples of the use of the word legend in literature.

It is this terrifying and painful appearance of the world that forces the Buddhist to adopt an abstract attitude, just like the Buddha himself, according to legend, embarked on his path under the influence of a similar impression.

walks legend about how at one of the congresses a certain scientist presented so many abstracts that they had to devote as many as 2 special sessions to their consideration.

True, it was preserved in the Septuagint legend that Habakkuk lived during the era of captivity.

The only evidence legends, a credible indication that Habakkuk was a Levite.

True, in the Ainu legend it speaks of a woman who gave birth to a son from a clubfoot, and many mountain Ainu are proud of the fact that they allegedly descended from a bear.

I will introduce you to the legends about the Archipelago and the islands of the Kargad Empire, I will retell legend what my friend Aikhal the Silent once told me.

Maybe your religion is based on a story written by you legends helped support Acceleration in some sense - I don’t know, and the gods don’t know either.

Akutagawa drew materials for his short stories from historical chronicles, medieval anecdotes and collections of ancient legends.

But the fact that he didn’t find out anything about the Perst-Capsule, he simply forgot to ask about it from the ex-Coluny-Wretched, an old man, not shackled and not bound, one of those who, according to legend, entrusted to guard the Alatyr stone, Shevrikuk was now annoyed.

What the school veterans said about Alksnis sounded like legend.

During the Albigensian wars, the clergy attacked legends about the Grail and declared them vicious, and sometimes heretical.

And that's when they transformed legend about Amirani into the myth of Prometheus, the rebellious titan.

The Indian told a lovely story legend about the love of the heavenly apsara for the main god of the Indian trinity, Brahma.

Emphasize inclusion legends about Tristan and Isolde, already at this stage, not just in the Arthurian cycle, but also connecting it with the motive of the search for the Grail, i.e.

This same struggle between the forces of light and darkness for the possession of a symbolic maiden, which continues into eternity, is also described on the pages legends Arthurian cycle, but there it is fought not for the hand of Croydylad, whom Gwyn seeks to kidnap, but for the beautiful Guenhwyvar, the wife of no longer Gwythyra, but of Arthur.

- (from the ecclesiastical Latin “legenda”, the plural form of the neuter noun “legendum” “a passage to be read”, later interpreted as the singular form feminine). 1. In the original meaning of the word L., passages “lives” and ... ... Literary encyclopedia

Legend- LEGEND (from the Latin word legenda, something that should be read, or recommended to be read) is a term used in several meanings. IN in a broad sense unreliable narrative about the facts of reality, in a narrower... ... Dictionary literary terms

- (Latin legenda, from legere read). 1) in the Roman Catholic Church, a book for daily readings. 2) church or religious tradition about some miraculous event. 3) the story of saints and martyrs. 4) in general, legends about miraculous events. 5) ... Dictionary foreign words Russian language

Cm … Dictionary of synonyms

- (foreign language) fiction. Wed. On the way you come across a silent old man, a kurgan, or a stone woman... and little by little steppe legends, stories of people you meet, tales of a steppe nanny come to mind... A.P. Chekhov. Steppe. 4. Wed. Lygenda (joke) with a hint... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

1. LEGEND, s; and. [from lat. legenda what should be read] 1. Based on oral traditions, a poeticized tale about a historical or fictional person, event, etc. Ancient l. L. about the city of Kitezh. // Fictional, embellished... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (from Latin legenda, literally what should be read), 1) in medieval writing, the life of a saint and a religious moralizing story, a parable; in folklore, a traditional folk story about the miraculous, perceived by the narrator and... ... Modern encyclopedia

- (from Latin legenda lit. something that should be read), 1) in medieval writing, the life of a saint and a religious moralizing story, a parable; in folklore, a folk story about the miraculous that has become a tradition, perceived by the narrator and the listener... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

LEGEND, legends, women. (Lat. legenda - what needs to be read) (book). 1. A poetic fantasy tale with religious content. || Any fantastic story, poetic legend about some event. Legends of the old castle... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Inscription on a coin or medal. See also: Coins Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

legend- LEGEND, myth, belief, tradition, legend... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech


  • Legend, Alexander Zevaikin. "Legend" is the first collection of stories by Alexander Zevaikin. The reader knows him from individual publications in periodicals, in the collections of the Mordovian book publishing house. His stories...
  • Legend, Jude Deveraux. The novel “Legend” tells the story of an American girl, Cady Long. Since childhood, every night she has dreamed of an Arabian prince on a beautiful horse, calling her to follow him; but every time she never succeeds...

Legend, - s, feminine
1. A poetic legend about some historical event. Medieval legends.
2. figurative meaning. About the heroic events of the past ( bookish). A man of legend (a man with a glorious past). Living legend (about a person with a heroic, glorious past).
3. Fictitious information about yourself from someone who is performing a secret mission ( specialist). Resident legend.
4. Explanatory text, as well as a set of symbols for a map, plan, diagram ( specialist).
adjective legendary, - aya, - oe (to 1 meaning). Legend genre.

Examples of using the word legend in context

    . Here the feldkurat is referring to the church legend about the Catholic saint John of Nepomuk, whose head, as they say legend, after execution she was sewn into a bag and thrown into the Vltava.
    . You're alive legend.
    . Moreover, legend almost unknown to anyone, but it turns out that the black crown exists, and, therefore, another myth becomes reality.
    . It was during these fruitless wanderings through the swamps that he, or rather his accomplice, caught the eye of some of the local farmers, and legend O monstrous dog received new confirmation.
    . Fortunately, legend Syda gave him a completely legitimate reason to come here armed: as a private detective in the employ of Senator John Keddrick.