Labor biography of a worker ant. Murovei - biography, photos, songs, personal life, albums, videos, height, weight Miko Ant biography

Childhood years Greetings to guests and regular readers of the site website. So, rap artist and beatmaker Murovei (read as Murovey), whose real name is Anton, was born on May 10, 1990 in the city of Smolevichi (Belarus), where he spent his childhood and teenage years. ABOUT early years there is minimal information available in the public domain. It is known that Anton’s parents saw him as a designer or artist. But fate decreed otherwise and Murovey went musically of his development as a person.


Regarding creative path, then the artist began his activities as part of the Baza 8.5 team and together with them took 1st place at the festival Rap Music, which took place in 2008. Soon Anton changed the group and became a member of the duet Slozhnie. A year after this, the team received 3rd place at the Rap Music festival. Also, Street Awards 2011 (Belarus) gave the artists first place in the “debut of the year” category. The spring of 2012 was marked by the release of the album “Behind the Sixth Layer”. It was also awarded Album of the Year (Street Awards 2012). 16 compositions, including two joint track s and bless (Shahmen) were highly appreciated by the listeners.

Murovei - Virshi (2012)

A couple of months after the release, the group broke up, as a result of which Murovei began solo work. It is also necessary to mention the fact that in addition to releasing tracks, the artist was also seen in battle competitions. One of these was the “9th official battle”, where the rapper lost to Tipsy Tip in the third round. In May 2013, a release called “Solo” was presented, which was released on the artist’s birthday. 10 solo tracks were performed in the rapper’s signature style: with an abundance of interesting text turns and a unique flow. A year later (in May 2014), “Killer” is released, which is the second solo album of the hero of our article. The artist presented 15 audio tracks, and such artists as Dirty Louie, Tipsy Tip and Fuze took part in the recording of the release.

Murovei- White crow(year 2014)

The fall of 2014 was marked by the release of an instrumental release called "Plissa". This is a collection of instrumental compositions from 2011-2014. The creative material was waiting for its time and, to the delight of fans, was formed into a full-fledged release. Each track reflects a certain stage of life and mood of Anton himself.

Murovei - Touch (2014)

"One Whole" is the next album, which is released in April 2015. Despite the fact that there are several releases in the discography, Murovey considers this album to be his first studio one. These words are explained by the fact that the guy took a very responsible approach to recording the tracks, of which there are 10. The guests are such artists as Braza is completely crazy and Jin 8.5.

Murovei - Sendai (2015)

January 2016 was marked by the release of the “Records” release. Nine very unusual tracks with a signature instrumental from Anton himself leaves few people indifferent. Rem Digga, Viba (TGK), Rigos and OU74 bring signature and stylish notes to the sounds of the tracks.

Murovei- Best friend(2016)

"Schod II" is a collection of Belarusian tracks, which will be released in November 2016. In addition to all the others, the hero of our biography was also noticed at the release, who appeared before the listener with the track “Abrakadabra”. The release "Gloomy Season" was presented in July 2018 and consists of 10 compositions. The album features artists such as Pastor Napas, VibeTGK, monkeradeou? And . It should be noted that the rapper is no stranger to experimentation, so the record contains songs with newfangled beats - to such fans early creativity you have to get used to it, because this is a response to the demands of modern trends.

Murovei - Underwater Rocks (2017)

Unpleasant events were associated with the recording of the release: at the stage when almost everything was already done, the beatmaker’s computer, where all the projects were stored, flies away - the guys had difficulty restoring the lost material. Also near Warsaw (where Murovey moved to permanent residence) he gets into an accident - the car crashes into a tree. This unpleasant event occurred at the moment when the artist turned on the title track from the album. Passengers were injured, but in the end everything turned out well. In December 2018, a battle to the beats of Murovei vs (Pit Bull Battle V, BPM) was presented on YouTube. As mentioned above, the artist has already been noticed in battle competitions, so for the rapper such an experience is like a return to the roots of his creativity.

Murovei vs Mighty Dee (Pit Bull Battle V, BPM) (2018)

Kendrick Lamar, J Cole, Flying Lotus are the performers who are interesting to Anton and are on his playlist. He looks up to similar artists creatively and follows their development with close attention.

Personal life

As for his personal life, there is no specific information about this. But it can be argued that thanks to his own charisma and charm, Anton does not suffer from a lack of attention from the female sex.

Murovei now

Murovei is a talented performer who, thanks to his perseverance, has managed to reach certain heights. The musician is not going to stop there, and the stable fan base that has formed over many years of creativity is waiting for the guy to release new tracks and concert performances.

: ( Official page on Instagram)
Stills from music videos dhhtv, RAP CREW, Bumaga Production, LOMOV PRODUCTION, fire weather, Pit Bull energy from YouTube
Anton's personal archive

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The article was prepared by the resource "How Celebrities Changed"

Miko is a Moscow musician, producer and beatmaker. More than ten years ago he created a large recording studio and label GLSS. He took part in the creation of albums by Russian rappers Ptakhi, Slim, Center, Smokey Mo, Mota, ST, Christina Si, Tati and many others. Author of the song “Girl in Trend,” which became a hit in the summer of 2019.

Childhood and youth

Miko Ivanov (as the president of the recording studio calls himself on the Internet) was born in the early spring of 1988 in Moscow. Eleven years including preschool education, he studied at school-lyceum No. 951, in Northern Medvedkovo.

As a ten-year-old schoolboy, the guy became interested in hip-hop, R&B and rap, and participated in the popular collections “RAP Breakthrough”, “RAP Info”, “RAP Moscow”.

Recorded two of my own solo album- in 2001 “Ready to Death”, in 2003 “Life Begins”. Participant in the 2005 rap battle, in which he became the winner from the RAP CITY team.

Already in his teens, Miko toured, gave interviews, and participated in radio broadcasts.

Creative career

The ability to work with recording equipment, honed on the music that Miko processed and recorded himself, allowed him to realize his dream. In 2005, with a team of three people, he created a large recording studio and label, GLSS RECORDS. He started working as a sound producer with popular performers.

Among those who appreciated the quality and professionalism of his recording studio were Bianca, Dominic Joker, the American group ONIX, Max Pokrovsky from “Nogu Svolo”, Anastasia Volochkova, Joseph Prigozhin, Nyusha, Ivan Urgant, Anna Sedokova, Yegor Creed, Ptakha, Kaspiysky cargo and many others. Miko collaborated with the creators of the show on TNT Black Star and Gazgolder.

The main advantage of the studio, according to its visitors, is a comfortable working atmosphere, high quality compositions, a constant desire to improve and master new levels of sound in texts and music.

In 2017 Miko released documentary about his work called “Five Elements”.

"5 elements"

The video project became a prologue to the release of the album “Moscow”, in which twenty new songs appeared at once. Among the performers are such famous people in the world of rap and hip-hop as Guf, MC Molodoy, Slim, Ptah, Kravets, Lock-Dog. Miko wrote all the music for the lyrics himself.

Personal life of Miko

The wife of a famous Moscow producer and beatmaker was a beauty from the Ivan Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Miko's wife's name is Milena Bazhunaishvili, she fully supports the activities and all the endeavors of her beloved man.

MikoGLSS - famous Russian producer, co-owner of the label "GLSS", who began his career as a hip-hop artist and rap musician. In 2005, all of Moscow knew about him as the most professional beatmaker.

The musician became famous while working at the Moscow recording studio "GLSS", located in the center of Moscow. Currently, half of the compositions of Russian rappers are recorded on his beats.


Miko was born on March 20, 1988 in Moscow. The beatmaker has Armenian roots. True, the musician calls himself Miko Ivanov.

Childhood and youth

Miko spent his childhood and teenage years in Moscow. At the age of ten, he began listening to rap and tried to compose lyrics and hip-hop music himself.


Miko studied at the Moscow Lyceum No. 951. school years became interested in hip-hop. As a teenager, I tried to compose recitatives and rap music. Performed his own rap works. The young man performed on stage and even dreamed of becoming a rap singer. In the future, the talented guy tried himself as a performer of his own songs. True, he soon realized that he liked composing music more.


In 2005, the guy was only 17 years old. Despite his young age, he was a true professional in the field of rap music, which he had been fond of since childhood. Together with friends (Sergei Levitan and Denis Kokain), the musician opened the GLSS recording studio in the center of Moscow.

Since 2006, Miko ended his career as a rap artist and devoted himself entirely to writing music for clients of his studio. The following artists collaborated with his label: Guf, Bianka, Mot, Ptakha, Slim, Nyusha, Dzhigan, Eldotoche, Nogu Svelo, Nikita Dzhigurda, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Joseph Prigozhin, Masha Malinovskaya, Caspian Gruz, Yegor Creed, Anastasia Kochetkova and many others.

In 2010, Miko released his album “Moscow 2010”, dedicated to the capital of Russia. All the songs included in this collection were sung by performers who have lived in Moscow since childhood and have absorbed Moscow rap culture. The album contains several tracks, the music for which was written by Miko.

Personal life

Miko does not hide information about her personal life. The musician is married to Milena Bazhunaishvili. The lovers got married in 2018. It is known that the chosen one of the popular producer is a physician by training. The couple loves to travel and relax together. Miko posts joint photos on her pages on social networks.

Hobbies and interests

In his free time from work, the musician likes to travel, relax in tropical countries. He has his own page on Instagram with 1,169 posts. On this site, Miko posts her photos taken while working or relaxing. In some photographs, the Moscow producer poses with his beautiful wife.

Miko also loves watching movies. On his VKontakte page, the musician listed the following paintings among his favorites: “ Godfather», « Green Mile", "Scarface", "Criminal Connections", "Once Upon a Time in America". Among the books, the famous Moscow producer likes the works of Niccolo Machiavelli “The Prince” and “The Art of War”.

Last news

In 2017, a documentary film about the work of the producer “5 Elements” was released. This video is dedicated to the history of Russian hip-hop. Popular domestic rap performers and artists took part in the filming of the film: Seryoga, Bianka, Ptah, Anastasia Kochetkova, Anna Sedokova, Slim, Guf, Nevsky Beat, Papa Goose and others. The film was directed by Miko. In this film, each artist told what hip-hop means to him and why this genre is close to him. You can watch the documentary on the GLSS Records YouTube channel.

Currently, the musician continues to work in the studio and compose music. Not only Russian but also foreign rap artists and artists turn to him. The stars of Russian show business recorded at his studio: Lyubov Uspenskaya, Mikhail Galustyan, Ivan Urgant, Max Pokrovsky, Nikita Dzhigurda, Anastasia Volochkova.

Celebrities are attracted, first of all, by the high quality of products and the professionalism of the GLSS team. Miko admitted in an interview that the agency’s success is the coordinated work of all members of its team.

Currently, GLSS is a leader in the recording industry in Russia. True, the studio collaborates with another recording center - the creative association “Gazgolder”. These two major production companies are united by their work with rapper Smokey Mo, musical performer Slovetsky, the group “AK-47”, rap singer Tati.

Another studio where Miko works collaborates with the Russian record label “Black Star”. Together with this agency, GLSS writes music for hip-hop artist L’One, rapper Mot, artist Kreed, singer Christina Sy, DJ and singer Dj Kan.

The recording agency created by Miko collaborates with many Russian rap artists. The clients of this company are Slim, Guf, Ptah, Dzhigan, Master Sheff, Masta and Bely, Swift, Rough Nowhere, Tato, Karandash, Kravts, Gino and others.

Rap artists from Ukraine contact Miko's recording studio. For example, the group Karata, rapper Fog, Gerik Gorilla, Drago, rap singer Ar-Side.

All artists who contact the GLSS agency receive high-quality products. Musician Miko admitted in an interview that he works with each client until the music he writes is 100 percent consistent with the customer’s wishes.

Artists from different countries I'm attracted by the record agency's readiness to bring things to perfection. Artists receive not just music, but ready-made hits.

In 2018, the famous American group ONYX signed up with the Moscow recording agency GLSS. This group is considered one of the most influential and successful in the history of world hip-hop. The group performs hardcore rap and collaborates with many American record labels. In the GLSS studio, the rap band ONYX recorded a track with the Russian rap artist SLIM.

Musician Miko is proud that the professionalism of his employees is known all over the world. CompanyGLSS worked with American rappers Sticky Fingaz, Fredro Starr, US rapper Gangsta Boo, rapper Gripsta. Clients of the Moscow recording studio included American rappers Large Profesor, Ice Cube, US hip-hop artist Chingy, and American rapper and author of her songs Chyna Whyte.

Miko is a Moscow musician, a former rapper, who has a keen sense of music and knows how to write a perfect-sounding hip-hop piece. He has been collaborating with artists for almost 15 years. There is no such group whose work is not known to the musician. Miko follows everything that happens in the world of rap music. The musician writes world-class works. Every day new artists turn to the GLSS record company.

The producer admitted in an interview that the doors of his agency are open to everyone. He is happy to collaborate with young people, beginners and already famous performers. Miko knows how to promote a newcomer and what music to write for famous artist. All of it musical works- these are always hits and guaranteed success.