What awaits our planet in the future. Climate change on the planet - what awaits us in the future

Q. What future awaits the Earth and its population in the next 50 years, what will the life of our children be like, what are we preparing for in order to meet the future “fully armed”? In particular, what awaits Russia, the EU countries and globally in general.

A. In the next 50 years, the map of the Earth will most likely change. The cataclysms that occur will intensify. A strong migration of people to the East will begin. As has already been said by many seers, such as Nostradamus, Vanga, Casey, the map of the world and Europe will change. The landscape will remain almost the same in Russia, Siberia, in particular in the Ob River area and in India. These landscapes will remain unchanged.

There will not be some kind of global catastrophe that will wipe out continents from the face of the earth, but life will become less and less comfortable. In particular, this Western Europe, therefore, the movement of people to the above areas will begin.

People's worldviews will change greatly. The very formulation of the question “to meet fully armed” is not entirely correct. The desire for spirituality will need to be invested in your own children in order to come to such an understanding that this means not trying to conquer the world and your conditions from nature, not fighting with the elements, but adapting to it, learning to appreciate everything that is around, nature, water, air. Save, take care, understanding that your descendants will live after you. This is what you need to invest, this is the most important thing. Move from the state of consciousness of the consumer to the awareness of what needs to be created. If you destroyed something in nature, restore it, clean it, put it away. Then everything that happens will be perceived more harmoniously, consciously. Then the actions will be clear. There should be interaction, not confrontation.

Indeed, in the situation that is happening now, the consciousness of many people is actively changing.

Q. What exactly should children be taught?

O. Love and respect those around you. Take care of what surrounds us. We are now so far removed from the natural state. We need to take the children somewhere into the forest, to the river, to the mountains more often. Learn basic things, how to survive in natural conditions, what our ancestors could do for many millennia in a row and what we have forgotten how to do. This is not about going back to the stone ax and starting over. The sooner this awareness comes, the sooner we can change the course of events and not turn life into a disaster. We need to teach children basic things, how to warm up in natural natural conditions how you can feed yourself. We shouldn’t perceive this as something that threatens us in the future, but it greatly expands our consciousness. But such an attitude towards the world and the nature of nature gives an experience that does not allow one to destroy what exists. This is the moment of creation, the moment of creation. Not just how to make money, being fixated on the material side of life, but discovering these facets.

The closer we are to this natural state, the more closely we communicate with the grass, with the trees, with the earth, the more knowledge and worldly wisdom we will receive. This is what we need to teach children. They are now very divorced from nature.

Q. How will a person’s life change in general?

A. More and more energy will be spent on creating comfortable living conditions for yourself. Japan has already felt this, and Europe is also beginning to feel it. A lot of effort and energy have to be spent to create comfort for oneself where there was none for natural reasons, for example, artificial continents are created, lands in wetlands are reclaimed. The earth will still return everything to its place. To maintain this confrontation, more and more energy will be expended, as natural resources, and human. It's very difficult. Create for yourself in the conditions of the Far North the comfort that can only be had in the tropics. And people are now striving for this. Instead of interacting with nature, they resist it.

Q. So you need to learn to be natural?

A. Yes, and don’t be afraid of it. You also need to teach your children not to be dependent on their attachments. Therefore, it is said that there are more aspirations for spirituality, and not for the material world. The fear of losing your comfort zone in itself is destructive to human existence, human essence.

Q. It was said earlier in the readings that the level of solar radiation will increase, is this true?

A. Yes, such an outcome is very likely.

Q. And how to prepare for this?

A. The right way of life. This concerns nutrition, this concerns thoughts. A person who is clean inside will perceive radiation calmly, it will not be destructive for him. This is both the physical and subtle bodies. This is spirituality, this is a clean body, this is a way of life, nutrition, thoughts.

Q. Will there be a pole reversal?

A. The axis will move. Within 50 years some shift will occur. It is difficult to say how much this shift will be, 40-43 degrees.

Q. Displacement, not revolution?

O. Offset.

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In 2040, all continents of the Earth are threatened with severe drought. As a result of the cataclysm, the climate and weather conditions will change. The cause of climate change is a significant increase in the emission of greenhouse gases into the near-Earth atmosphere. This prediction was voiced by leading experts at the US Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).

According to climatologist Eiguo Dey, global temperature rise environment combined with significant climate change will be the main cause of dry weather around the world. To conduct a detailed and accurate study, NCAR scientists applied in their work the developments of an intergovernmental group of experts, namely their methods of computer modeling of climate change (IPCC).

If the calculations carried out are correct, then we should expect devastating consequences from the drought approaching the planet. Southern Europe will be particularly affected by climate change. Latin America, most of Asia, the Middle East, the central part of the USA and Africa.

Drought will have a significant detrimental impact on water resources, agriculture and tourism, this forecast was voiced by Eiguo Dey.

While drought begins in these areas of the planet, Northern Europe, Russia, Canada, Alaska and India, the reverse process will occur - a significant increase in humidity levels. The consequences of such a process are unpredictable. One of the most likely predictions is that many large metropolises of the world, including Moscow, under such climate change conditions will become unsuitable for normal human life.

By the end of the twenty-third century, the level of humidity and temperature in these cities will increase so high that the people of the future will not be able to exist in the surrounding conditions.

This rather unexpected discovery in the field of climate development was made by specialists from the Australian University of South Wales, which is located in Sydney. According to experts and scientists, in the next few centuries Moscow, Delhi, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Tel Aviv, Shanghai and many others major cities the world will be completely unsuitable for existence. In cities, if the humidity rises, it will be so deadly hot that a person simply cannot breathe.

According to scientists, people of the future who find themselves in such unsuitable and extreme living conditions will leave the territories of cities doomed to certain death.

Experts justify their conclusions with facts obtained from a study of the growth rate of significant changes in the planet’s climate.

The consequences of climate change are still evident today. So in the summer of 2010, Moscow and the entire territory of central Russia were sweltering from the high temperature of an abnormal heat wave. Along with very high temperatures, the country's population was tormented by extensive forest fires and suffocating smog. Under such conditions, the mortality rate increased significantly. In Russia, according to statistical data, 60 thousand more people died in 2010 than in 2009.

The conclusions of Australian and American scientists, which are disappointing for humanity, are based on forecasts of greenhouse gas emissions.

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Global warming, asteroids, ozone holes - our planet is constantly under threat. What cataclysms will happen on Earth in the future and how will it die? Let's turn to the experts.

Apophis 99942 (2029)

The current headache for astronomers is the asteroid Apophis 99942, which today poses the greatest danger to the Earth. According to NASA researchers, the planet should expect an unexpected guest as early as 2029. The asteroid weighs 46 million tons and has a diameter of approximately half a kilometer. According to NASA forecasts, if this “baby” collides with our planet, it will cause a catastrophe, in comparison with which the cataclysms that destroyed the dinosaurs will seem like a mere trifle.
According to 2009 data, the risk of disaster is 1 in 250 thousand. No reason to panic? You are mistaken; by cosmic standards, such a figure is quite a significant indicator. Moreover, according to William Eidor, a member working group This is the first time NASA has shown interest in asteroids.

Waterworld (3000)

If humanity does not suffer from the impending cosmic threat, then civilization will be destroyed by the well-known global warming. True, “destroy” is a strong word. We will simply live in a “water world”, just like in the old Hollywood movie by Kevin Coster. Scientists predict that in a thousand years, temperatures could rise by 15 degrees Celsius, and sea levels could rise by more than 11 meters. At the same time, the inhabitants of the ocean will also have a hard time - the level of acidity in the water will increase, which will lead to mass extinction of species.
Fortunately, according to the head of the study studying the consequences of global warming, Tim Lenton, dire predictions can still be avoided. But for this, humanity will have to urgently reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions and moderate its greed in the use of resources.

Gamma rays (600 million years)

And yet there are such cataclysms that a person cannot avoid. True, fortunately, such a catastrophe will not happen soon, but in 600 million years. The fact is that the Earth will face an unprecedentedly powerful stream of gamma rays, which will be emitted by the Sun. This will create huge ozone holes, or rather destroy a good half of the Earth's ozone layer. The consequences are obvious - the transformation of our planet into a desert and the mass extinction of all living organisms. For example, one of the largest extinctions in the entire history of the planet - the Ordovician-Silurian extinction, which occurred 450 million years ago, according to one version, was the result of an outbreak of gamma radiation from a supernova located six thousand light years from Earth.

New Venus (1 billion – 3.5 billion years)

The planet will not have time to recover from the next “ sunstroke", as the star will bring her a new surprise. According to scientists, in about 1 billion years the sun will begin its transformation into a red giant and all life on Earth will gradually be “burned out.” After some time, the Earth will turn into a second Venus, where the temperature has reached the boiling point of toxic metals, turning the entire planet into a toxic wasteland. Scientists made this conclusion based on observations of dying planets (KOI 55.01 and KOI 55.02) as part of the distant red giant KIC 05807616. By the way, Mars, which will be in the habitable zone, can become a salvation for humanity, if it still exists.

Core (5 billion years)

The continuation of the story of the two doomed planets, according to the publication Corriere della Sera: “does not arouse enthusiasm among astronomers.” Scientists were able to see what was left of the two planets as a result of the expansion of their “Sun”. All that was left of them were the kernels. According to NASA, the same will happen to our planet in 5 billion years, although its death will occur much earlier. With the beginning of the transformation of our star, the solar wind will intensify, which will throw the Earth from its previous orbit, which will lead to disruption of all life processes. The Earth is too small a planet to survive such a catastrophe, unlike Jupiter and Saturn, which, according to astronomers, have a better chance. But people shouldn’t worry, 5 billion years is almost an eternity. For comparison, the history of “homo sapiens” is only 60 thousand years old.

Thumbnail source: www.markthompsonastronomy.com