Andrei Razin in his youth is a tender May. Tender May

Andrey Razin- ex-group leader Tender May», Russian politician, singer and music producer.
After the death of his parents in a car accident, he was raised in Svetlogradskoe orphanage.

The youth of Andrei Razin

Andrey Razin born September 15, 1963. In 1964, his parents died in a car accident, after which the boy was raised in an orphanage in the city of Svetlograd, Stavropol Territory. From 1978 to 1979, Andrei Razin studied at the Stavropol State Technical University No. 24, after graduating from college he received the profession of a bricklayer and, in the direction of the Komsomol, worked in the regions of the Far North.

In 1982, he returned to Stavropol and entered the Stavropol Cultural and Educational School. From 1983 to 1985, Andrei Razin served in the Soviet army. After demobilization he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan regional philharmonic society. For two years, from 1986 to 1988, he was deputy chairman of supplies at the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory, where the head of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev was from.

The creative path of Andrei Razin

In 1988, having received money to buy a tractor, Andrei Razin went to Moscow. There he put the “tractor” money to work: posing as Gorbachev’s nephew, he got a job at the Record recording studio, where he looked for new talents, and collaborated with the Mirage group as an administrator. At the same time he performed a duet with singer Katya Semyonova.

In June 1988, the group’s album “ Tender May" After some time, succumbing to the persuasion of Razin, who introduced himself as an employee of the Ministry of Culture, the creator of the group “Tender May” Sergey Kuznetsov arrives in Moscow. Then studio work and endless tours of “Tender May” begin, under the leadership of Razin. The group becomes mega-popular, and in order to earn more money, the producer creates doubles and arranges for them to tour in the regions under the veneer of Yura Shatunov.

Andrei Razin claims that on these tours, “Tender May” was the first in the domestic show business to earn a million rubles. Fans in all corners of the USSR are ready to give their lives for their favorites. Cases of mass suicides have been reported.

In the summer of 1990, Andrei Razin’s book “ Winter in the Land of Tender May", soon the first issue of the newspaper "Tender May" appeared. In 1992, Razin announced the breakup of the group.

Razin himself explains the collapse of the group by the fact that irreconcilable contradictions arose in Tender May, in particular, Yuri Shatunov wanted a solo career.

In 2009, the feature film “Tender May” was released, in which the role of Andrei Razin was played by actor Vyacheslav Manucharov.

In March 2019, Andrei Razin demanded that the Investigative Committee bring the leader of the “” group to criminal responsibility. Razin published a corresponding post on his microblog on Instagram, where he expressed the opinion that Shnurov insulted Moscow and its residents in an interview. In response, Sergei Shnurov filed a complaint against Razin with the Moscow prosecutor's office.

In addition, Shnurov’s lawyer turned to the Moscow department of the Investigative Committee with a request to check the words of the producer of “Tender May” for signs of a crime under Part 3 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code (calls for violence against citizens). Razin’s post was almost immediately deleted from Instagram, but another very harsh message appeared regarding Shnurov.

Andrei Razin: “Due to the fact that the Moscow government, after all, decided not to contact Sergei Shnurov after insulting Moscow and Muscovites with obscene words, I never received any apology from him to Muscovites. Moreover, Shnurov ran like a cowardly hare to the prosecutor's office with a request to protect him from Muscovites. First he said nasty things, and then he hides like a rat... In this regard, I decided today from the city of Tyumen, where I am on tour, to send by registered mail a statement to Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin to bring Shnurov to criminal responsibility for the acts that he committed against Moscow and Muscovites».

Political career of Andrei Razin

In 1993 Andrey Razin became rector of the Stavropol Institute contemporary arts at Stavropol University, which opened up space for political campaigns. In the elections of the President of the Russian Federation in 1996, Razin was a confidant Gennady Zyuganov: On April 2, 1996, they and Yuri Shatunov participated in a concert at the Taganka Theater. When Razin headed the Stavropol Cultural Foundation in 1996, he led the campaign to elect Alexander Chernogorov as head of the administration of the Staropol Territory.

In May 1997, Razin himself was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol branch of the Cultural Foundation, and in December he participated in the elections to the Stavropol Regional Duma of the second convocation and ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation as an independent deputy.

According to media reports, in February 2000 Andrey Razin was appointed advisor to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Vladimir Semenov and plenipotentiary representative of Karachay-Cherkessia in Belarus. In February 2001, Razin stated that the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Stanislav Ilyasov invited him to take a place in the republican government as Minister of Culture, and in December 2001 he was again elected as a deputy of the regional Duma of the Stavropol Territory in the Oktyabrsky district of Stavropol No. 17. He was deputy chairman of the regional Duma committee of the Stavropol Territory for industry, energy, construction and housing and communal services, and was elected head of the Stavropol Cultural Foundation.

On July 1, 2008, by decision of the President of the Russian Olympic Committee, he was appointed General Director of the International Olympic Festival “Sochi-2014”. Also combined the position artistic director Russian Olympic Committee.

Andrey Razin he mythologizes his own biography in every possible way, every now and then giving the press a portion of “fried” facts. Thus, information appeared that in the late 80s, KGB Chairman Kryuchkov demanded that Andrei Razin be given a death sentence for embezzlement of socialist property - 80 thousand rubles. According to rumors Mikhail Gorbachev was ready to sign the corresponding decree and did not do so only for fear of mass suicides among the group’s fans. According to the same rumors, the criminal case was dropped only after the intervention of the deputy chairman of the then government Heydar Aliyev.

In February 2013, Razin received a party member certificate " United Russia", and two years later, in 2015, he was appointed to the position of adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.K. Isaev. Since 2015, Andrey Razin has been an adviser to the mayor of Yalta

Andrey Razin. Personal life

In the first civil marriage Andrey Razin a son was born in 1985 Ilya Razin, the existence of which Razin learned only in 2003. Ilyas became a hairdresser and lives in St. Petersburg. By first education, Razin's son is an economist; he previously lived in London and Paris.

From April 1988 to May 1989, Andrei Razin was married to Natalia Evgenievna Lebedeva, she now lives in Hungary. With third wife Faina Razina Andrey met back in 1984. However, the couple divorced

From 2007 to 2013, Razin was married to Maritana, which is still in 2001 gave birth to him son Alexander.

On March 10, 2017, Alexander Razin died of a heart attack. The cause was a history of acute respiratory viral infection, which led to acute myacarditis. At the time of his death, Andrei Razin’s son was only 16 years old.

  • In 2013, Andrei Razin married for the fifth time: the singer became his chosen one Natalia Grozovskaya, whom he met many years ago at the Record studio, and who subsequently toured with his group. It is known that Natalya lives in Las Vegas, but sometimes goes to Moscow.

Name: Andrey Razin

Age: 53 years old

Place of birth: Stavropol

Height: 173 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: music producer, singer

Marital status: married

Andrey Razin - biography

Where others passed by money, he simply picked it up. While the others were thinking, he acted. And he became one of the first Russian millionaires when he was not yet thirty. But today Andrei Razin would give all the money in the world for the life of one single person...

He always knew that he deserved more. Since childhood I have been inventing about myself different stories, and they turned out to be so coherent and believable that both the listeners and the narrator himself believed in them.

The biography of Andrei Razin seems to be woven from the life lines of several people. Orphanage worker. A graduate of a vocational school who received the profession of a mason. Builder of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline. Deputy chairman of the collective farm. Student of the Stavropol cultural and educational school. Tank commander. Assistant director for television. Administrator Anne Veski. Deputy Director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic. Singer in "Morning Mail".

It’s hard to believe that he managed to master so many different specialties in just 6 years! But show business turned out to be the most attractive for Andrey. The peak of his career in this area is “Tender May”.

The team's success story began in 1988, when Razin came to Moscow, got a job at the Ministry of Culture and headed a studio for gifted orphans. He obtained funds for “promotion” with the help of a photograph in which he was captured together with Gorbachev. He explained: “I am the nephew of “the one”,” and officials rushed to help. However, real fame and big money came when Andrei came up with several win-win business ideas.

Firstly, he realized that to promote the group it was very useful to tell touching stories about the guys. Cute boys with difficult fate packed stadiums! Secondly, it occurred to him that six concerts a day are much better than one: you can earn more, and your popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. And thirdly, he created clone groups that gave “Tender May” concerts (to a soundtrack) simultaneously in Vladivostok and, for example, in Moscow.

When the noise around the group began to gradually subside, Razin realized: it was time to switch to new level- and invested the money he earned... in himself. Got two higher education, defended his Ph.D., became a deputy of the Stavropol Regional Duma, and the number of positions he held in different years, simply cannot be counted: and the adviser to the mayor of Yalta, and the artistic director of the Olympic Committee, and the director of the Sochi-2014 festival... Razin quickly gained weight, and not only in a figurative sense - now respect-inspiring solidity was added to his natural charm.

In dealing with women, he followed the same rule as in politics: “The more illusions, the more faith.” Andrei easily changed girlfriends, disappeared and returned without explanation. I learned that he had a son, Ilya, almost 20 years after his birth. In 2001, their second son, Sasha, was born. Soon his mother left for the USA and took the baby with her. But Razin, a former orphanage resident, understood how difficult it was for a guy to grow up without a father, and therefore insisted that his son would live either with him or with his mother. He doted on Sasha, cared for him touchingly and was sincerely proud of his successes in art (he drew well) and sports.

Trouble came suddenly: shortly before his 16th birthday, Sasha lost consciousness while walking: his heart stopped. The efforts of the doctors - a doctor who happened to be nearby and an ambulance crew - were in vain. Later the diagnosis was made: asymptomatic heart disease...

Now Andrei Razin is creating a museum where his son’s works will be exhibited. This is a memory and a reminder that the opportunity to hug your own child is more valuable than any money.

Andrei Razin had two sons. Moreover, the producer of the group “Tender May” learned about the eldest, 32-year-old Ilya, only in 2003. Currently, the young man lives in St. Petersburg, works as a stylist, and has his own studio in Sochi. Despite the years of separation, Ilya is close to his father and maintained a relationship with his half-brother Alexander.


Meanwhile, for several years, Ilya Razin has been dating model Elizaveta. Their relationship is more than serious - Ilya introduced his beloved to his father, and he approved of his choice. And last year, Ilya proposed to Elizabeth. The singer, Andrei Razin’s lover Natalya Grozovskaya told reporters about this.

“Ilya is getting married in August. Andrei hopes that Ilyusha will have many grandchildren, and they will help him recover from such a strong shock and grief,” Starhit quotes the artist. Let us remind you that Andrei Razin’s 16-year-old son Alexander died of a heart attack. The guy felt bad while walking with his girlfriend. She called an ambulance, and doctors tried to save Alexander for two hours.

Cardiologist, as the site previously wrote, possible reason The young man's death was attributed to lack of sleep and improper daily routine. According to her, many teenagers sleep only five hours a day, which causes changes in heart rate. In addition, some young people are ruining their health by drinking energy drinks, the harmful effects of which have been recognized by doctors around the world. However, according to another version, Sasha was diagnosed with a heart defect, which had not been diagnosed earlier and was asymptomatic.

Alexander Razin was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery on March 14. On March 19, the producer left a sad note on his Instagram account. "Now 9 days have passed since this sinner left, but beautiful world our son Alexander Razin. We, mother Maritanna and I, father, are madly grieving for this irreparable loss, but are immensely grateful to all our loved ones and relatives who supported us in these tragic days. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. May God protect you,” Razin addressed the concerned public.

Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin is best known to us from the group “Tender May”. Not everyone knows that he is a versatile personality. Andrei Razin achieved success not only in music, but also in many areas public life. He acted as a politician, manager, banker, music producer, singer, writer. Received the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea.

Biography: early years

Andrei Razin was born on September 15, 1963 in Stavropol. Father, Alexander Vatslavovich, is a Belarusian, a native of the city of Grodno. Mother, Valentina Ivanovna Krivorotova, resident of the Stavropol Territory. They met while studying at university.

In 1964, both of Andrei’s parents died in a car accident near the village of Konstantinovka, and the child was placed in a sanatorium orphanage in Kislovodsk. In 1972, Andrei was transferred to an institution for orphans in Svetlogradsk. It was here that creativity first appeared in the biography of Andrei Razin.

In his childhood he had excellent organizational skills. At the age of twelve, Razin gathered a team of classmates and earned his first money by harvesting grapes. At the age of thirteen, Andrei used these funds to relax at a resort.

In 1978, the guy entered college and received the profession of a bricklayer. In 1979, the Komsomol sent young man to the Far North, where he spent three years participating in the laying of a gas pipeline.

Returning to Stavropol in 1982, Andrei immediately entered the cultural and educational school. He studied there for a year, after which he was expelled. Then Razin was drafted into the army to join the ranks of tank units. He was transferred to the reserve with the specialty of "tank commander".

Returning two years later to hometown and after staying there for a short time, Andrei hits the road again. Now the city of Ryazan was waiting for him.


At his new place of residence, Andrei found a job at the local philharmonic society, taking the position of deputy director. Here the young man showed himself as a real leader. He easily made the necessary contacts, always knew how to negotiate with local officials, and creative ideas just poured out of him.

Such talents did not go unnoticed, and Andrei went to Siberia to work at the Chita Television and Radio Committee. Here he was appointed first assistant director, without having the appropriate education.

Many cultural events took place in Chita. I came to one of them famous singer Anna Veski. A sociable young man met her and quickly found her common language. The singer left the tour with a new administrator. While occupying this position, Andrey traveled to many cities Soviet Union and gained extensive experience in show business and useful connections.

Then, for unknown reasons, Razin returns to the Stavropol Territory and gets a job as chairman of a collective farm in the village of Privolye, in the homeland of Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1988, Andrei receives money to purchase a tractor, but leaves for Moscow. The collective farm was left without new equipment, without money and without a chairman. So it began new stage in the biography of Andrei Razin.


Razin invested the money intended for the purchase of a tractor into the development of his career. He got a job at the Record recording company and began searching for young talents. For greater authority, Andrei introduced himself as the nephew of Secretary General Gorbachev.

The first project in the biography of Andrei Razin, which brought him success, was the Mirage group. With this group, the young man tried himself as a vocalist, performing as an opening act.

Stellar success

In the same 1988, the album of the group “Tender May” from Orenburg fell into the hands of Razin. Andrei learned that the fate of the lead singer of the young group was similar to his own. This made him want to help the teenager.

Introducing himself as an employee of the Ministry of Culture, the aspiring producer contacted the creator of Tender May, Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov, and invited him to a meeting in Moscow.

To promote the team, Andrei invented a method that had not been used by anyone before. He recorded a million cassettes with songs from a then unknown group and distributed them among conductors railway. The voice of Yuri Shatunov was heard in all the trains of the Soviet Union. At the same time, Razin continues to perform with his songs.

Very little time passed, and the whole country listened to “Tender May”. The group became a cult group; it attracted stadiums of fans. But here’s a strange thing: this group could perform in different cities at the same time. Razin was the first to create clone groups, and the phonogram was his assistant in this matter. No one could surpass the record success of this project.

IN professional biography Andrei Razin's "Tender May" served as an impetus for achieving enormous popularity.

In the early nineties, Razin published several books about the cult group: “Winter in the country of “Tender May””, “Tender May”, “Party Man”. Since 2006, he has been a member of the Union of Journalists of Belarus and the Union of Journalists of Russia. He is also a member of the Writers' Union of Belarus.

Period of political activity

With the disappearance of “Tender May” in the biography of Andrei Razin, the time has come for change. He decided to enter politics.

In 1993, Razin headed the Institute of Arts in his native Stavropol. He was also chairman of the local Cultural Foundation. For many years he was a deputy of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory.

In 1996, the aspiring politician appeared as a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov in the presidential elections. The following year, Razin acted as a candidate for deputy State Duma RF. In July 2008, Andrey was appointed to the post general director International Olympic Festival "Sochi-2014".

In 2013, Razin became a member of the United Russia party. In 2015, he was appointed to the position of adviser to the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A.K. Isaev. Since 2015, he has held the post of adviser to the mayor of Yalta.

Banking sector

In 2014, Andrei Razin went into business in finance. He acquired a stake in Doninvest Bank, joined the board of directors and became its president. During his reign, the bank's capital increased. Razin initiated the expansion of the business and opened several offices, including in Crimea. After a six-month reign, he resigned.

In the same year, he acquired a stake in the United National Bank in the city Nizhny Novgorod, became its president. A year later he resigned.

Personal life

In the biography of Andrei Razin’s personal life there were several marriages, the first of which was civil and took place in the eighties. The young man did not know that after breaking up with ex-lover his son Ilya was born. Andrey became aware of this only in 2003. Ilya grew up and became a famous stylist who owns his own studios in St. Petersburg and Sochi.

In April 1988, changes occurred in the biography of Andrei Razin. He married Natalya Lebedeva. The family existed for a year. After the divorce, Natalya left for Hungary some time later, and Razin married a girl named Faina. They had known each other since 1984. This union also ended in separation.

While in Sochi, in the late nineties, Andrei met Maritana and created a civil family with her. With the appearance of this girl it happened happy event in the biography and personal life of Andrei Razin: his wife gave birth to his son Alexander. The marriage was legalized only in 2007. Soon Andrei returned to Faina again, and the child was forced to live periodically either with his mother or with his father.

In 2013, Razin, at the age of fifty, announced his upcoming marriage in the “Live Broadcast” program. His chosen one was Natalya Grozovskaya - former soloist"Tender May."

Andrey Razin today

March 10, 2017 in the biography of Andrei Razin occurred terrible tragedy. His son Alexander suffered a heart attack due to complications from an acute respiratory viral infection. This happened while the guy was walking with a classmate.

A passing doctor, Alexey Koshcheev, tried to provide first aid to Alexander. Twice they managed to start the young man’s heart, but they could not bring the guy back to life. Sasha was sixteen years old at the time of his death.

In the biography of Andrei Razin, family and children occupy an important place, so for him this was a severe blow of fate, from which the unfortunate father cannot recover today. Later, doctors discovered that the guy had a heart defect, which was not diagnosed in a timely manner.

Andrey has an excellent relationship with his eldest son; his father takes an active part in Ilya’s life. The young man married the girl Elizabeth, whom he had previously met for a long time. According to Natalya Grozovskaya, her husband is looking forward to his grandchildren.

Below see a photo of Andrei Razin’s wife. In the biography and personal life of a successful producer and politician today there is one beloved woman - Natalya Grozovskaya.

Andrey Razin continues creative activity, he goes on tour and takes part in television programs.

Razin Andrey Aleksandrovich (according to some sources, real name and surname Vadim Krivorotov) was born on September 15, 1963. Parents died in a car accident. Brought up in an orphanage.
From 1978 to 1979 he studied at the Stavropol State Technical University No. 24. Upon graduation, he received the profession of a bricklayer.
From 1979 to 1982 he worked in the direction of the Komsomol in the regions of the Far North in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym. Participates in the construction of the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline.
In 1982 he returned to Stavropol and entered the Stavropol Cultural and Educational School.
From 1983 to 1985 he served in the ranks Soviet Army. After demobilization, from 1985 to 1986, he worked as deputy director of the Ryazan Regional Philharmonic.
From 1986 to 1988 he worked as deputy chairman of supplies at the Sverdlov collective farm in the village of Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory.
In 1988, having received money to buy a tractor, he went to Moscow, where he got a job at the Record recording studio. There, his responsibilities include searching for new talents, as well as communicating with suppliers of film, equipment, etc.
In June 1988, the album of the group “Tender May”, recorded in the city of Orenburg, fell into the hands of Razin.
On July 4 of the same year, succumbing to the persuasion of Razin, who introduced himself as an employee of the Ministry of Culture, the poet and composer, creator of the group “Tender May” Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov arrived in Moscow.
On September 9, 1988, the lead singer of the group, Yuri Vasilyevich Shatunov, arrived in the capital. This is followed by work in the studio and countless tours of the group, whose leader is Andrei Alexandrovich.
Soon Razin convinces Kuznetsov to write down for him solo album, which is subsequently served under the guise of “Tender May”.
On February 3, 1989, the “Vzglyad” program announced the opening of a criminal case against A. Razin by the prosecutor’s office of the Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow under Article 1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
On April 29 of the same year, Andrei Aleksandrovich Razin married Natalya Evgenievna Lebedeva.
In January 1990, the criminal case against A. Razin was terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti.
In the summer of 1990, Razin’s first book, “Winter in the Land of Tender May,” was published.
On August 1 of the same year, the first issue of the newspaper “Tender May” was published.
On April 1, 1991, Andrei Alexandrovich’s second book, “Party Man,” was published.
At the beginning of 1992, Razin announced the collapse of the group "Tender May".
In 1993, Andrei Razin became the rector of the Stavropol Institute of Contemporary Arts at Stavropol University.
In the presidential elections of the Russian Federation in 1996, he is a confidant of Gennady Zyuganov. On April 2 of the same year, they, together with Yuri Shatunov, participate in a concert at the Taganka Theater.
In 1996 he headed the Stavropol Cultural Foundation.
In the fall of the same year, he led the campaign to elect Alexander Chernogorov as head of the administration of the Staropol region.
In May 1997, he was elected chairman of the board of the Stavropol branch of the Cultural Foundation.
Later, on December 14, he was elected to the Stavropol Regional Duma of the second convocation. Also in December, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Stavropol single-mandate electoral district No. 55 as an independent deputy. In the elections he takes 2nd place out of 16 (14.38% of the votes), losing to Vasily Iver (18.08%).
In February 2000, according to media reports, he was appointed advisor to the President of Karachay-Cherkessia Vladimir Semenov, plenipotentiary representative of Karachay-Cherkessia in Belarus. In October 2000, he registered as a candidate for the post of governor of the Stavropol Territory. In the elections on December 3, he ranks 6th out of 13, receiving 3.78% of the vote.
In February 2001, he states that the Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic Stanislav Ilyasov invited him to take a place in the republican government as Minister of Culture.
On December 16 of the same year, he was again elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Stavropol Territory in the Oktyabrsky district of Stavropol N17. He is Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Stavropol Territory on Industry, Energy, Construction and Housing and Communal Services.
Elected chairman of the Stavropol Cultural Fund.