Author of the Bremen Town Musicians surname. Who wrote the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen"

Despite the fact that in childhood everyone at least once watched the hand-drawn cartoon of the same name by the Soviet film studio “Soyuzmultfilm” and even remember snatches of songs from this famous cartoon, few have read the fairy tale itself, which was the prototype for the cartoon. And the fairy tale was written, by the way, by the famous brothers Grimm. Yes, they were the authors of The Bremen Town Musicians, but from the original version in the interpretation of Soviet animators, all that remained was a set of domestic animals, supplemented by a man nicknamed Troubadour who had come to them from somewhere (history is silent about this). And the original meaning is mentioned only in passing, and even then not in a line. We'll figure it out.

Initial version

The version of the original authors of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” is somewhat akin to our Russian folk “The Tower of the Fly”. Only in the “Tower of the Fly” a fly flew past the pot, but remained to live in it. Then, one by one, other animals ran past and, after another short dialogue, remained to live in this peculiar little house. The end, however, of the fairy tale was deplorable. The bear did not climb into the pot, but sat on top and made a rustling noise to all the inhabitants of the unique fairy-tale “house”.

Here the beginning is almost identical. The donkey was kicked over the fence for his old age and clumsiness by the previous owner, and he, without thinking twice, went to the city of Bremen to become a musician (why and why he was driven to a career as a musician is kept silent). On the way, he is accosted by other homeless animals who were kicked out by their owners, and the rooster was in danger of having his head cut off on the occasion of the arrival of guests. Walking through the forest, they discovered a hut with robbers.

Having mounted each other, the animals screamed at the top of their lungs, each in their own way, and scared away the robbers. Afterwards, one, however, tried to return, but in the dark he was scratched, bitten, kicked, and shouted “Crow!” in the ear, after which the robbers left this damned place forever. And the animals allegedly began to live in this house and live, and not know grief.

However, several unanswered questions remain:

  1. What did they eat there after they devoured everything that was on the robbers’ table?
  2. What happiness is it to live in hunger in the middle of the forest?
  3. Why are they called “musicians” if they never made it to Bremen and the only thing they know how to do is scream in their own way at the top of their lungs. It turns out that all the animals around are musicians?
  4. Still, one has to doubt that it was “robbers” who lived in the hut in the middle of the forest. Maybe it was quite civilians, how do animals understand this?

Oh well. It is what it is. One can only guess what the authors of The Town Musicians of Bremen were smoking while they were coming up with their tales.

An animated musical of the same name from the Soyuzmultfilm studio

Apparently, the cartoon was conceived by the Soviet authors of The Town Musicians of Bremen as a continuation of the story written by the Brothers Grimm. Here the animals have already taken full control musical instruments. Apparently, hunger and need drove the poor animals out of the forest hut and forced them to return to their original goal of the journey. Somewhere (again, probably on the way to the same glorious city of Bremen) they also picked up a man - a brave young man nicknamed “Troubadour”. This is precisely a nickname, since no mother would be so creative as to name her child such a unique name.

It is not clear whether the owner kicked the young man out, whether they were going to cut off his head or simply fired him from his job, but he became the life of the company and, as we assume, part-time leader of the vocal and instrumental ensemble.

It so happened that the head of the Bremen Musicians VIA Troubadour was lucky enough to fall in love with a local princess in a dress with a short hem, and with the help of the company he manages to enter the palace and see his beloved. After the “outpouring of songs,” the princess left the palace to, apparently, live with the “musicians” and their vocal-instrumental leader in their hut in the forest.

Parallels with the original version in the animated musical from Soyuzmultfilm

The only time something similar to a fairy tale happened in the cartoon was the moment when the VIA “Bremen Town Musicians” kicked out the cartoon Vitsin, Nikulin and Morgunov from, again, a hut in the forest. There they had to pile on top of each other. That's all. There are no more coincidences at all. Only names of pets according to the list.

“Unkillable” neither by time nor by changes in the political course of the song

The songs really turned out to be long lasting. To this day, not a single self-respecting DVD karaoke disc can do without Troubadour's serenade. Yes, and in karaoke bars, no, no, and they sing songs from this vital and revered cartoon to this day. This raises the question, who was the author of the songs of The Bremen Town Musicians?

The music for the songs was written by the famous Soviet composer Gennady Gladkov. The no less famous cultural figure Yuri Entin was entrusted with composing the poems. All the songs were performed from start to finish (except for the parts of the inarticulate king and the irrepressible princess) by Oleg Anofriev. They did it simply excellent. You heard it yourself.

Vasily Livanov and, again, Yuri Entin were appointed to the position of “inventor” of this responsible version, since his poems turned out to be almost the only texts uttered by the heroes in these adventures.

In the photo below are Vasily Livanov and Gennady Gladkov.


And now that we all know about who, how and when wrote the original version and took part in the creation of the cartoon, we can peace of mind review it again. Enjoy watching!

Arts and entertainment

"The Town Musicians of Bremen": who wrote this fairy tale?

June 2, 2014

Who among us as a child did not watch a cartoon or read a book about the Bremen Town Musicians? Almost everyone has at least once somehow come into contact with the wonderful story of traveling animals, but not everyone knows who the author of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” is.

Meeting the main characters

The story begins with how four future friends met. First we talk about Donkey, who was very old and not suitable for ordinary work, so the owner decided to starve him to death. The donkey, being a smart animal, decided to run away in search of better fate. On the way, he meets the Dog, whom the owner wanted to kill, because he is no longer as nimble as before and is not suitable for hunting.

They decide to become musicians together and go to the city of Bremen. Along the way, they “pick up” two more comrades, whom the owners also wanted to get rid of: the Cat and the Rooster. That's how we met Bremen Town Musicians. The author then sends a friendly company in search of a home.


At first, all the little animals were going to settle down right in the forest, but it was terribly uncomfortable there, and one of them noticed a house nearby, where they decided to go. It turned out that robbers lived in this forest hut, but this did not frighten the “musicians,” who immediately gathered and began to “play” their melodies. The cat meowed, the donkey brayed, the rooster crowed, and the dog barked loudly. The robbers were very scared and immediately ran away.

The “musicians” were not at a loss and settled down in a comfortable house for the night. Later, the main robber - the ataman - sent his henchman to see who drove them out of the house. The messenger, once in the house, only suffered a new attack from the residents: the Cat scratched him, the Dog bit him, the Donkey kicked, and the Rooster began to crow loudly. The robber returned to the chieftain, told him about all his adventures, and it was decided that witches lived in the house, and entry there was ordered. After this, the only residents of the house in the forest were the Bremen musicians.

Video on the topic

Who wrote the fairy tale

The authors of this not-quite-children's fairy tale were the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, known not only to every adult, but also to many children. They were born in the city of Hanau (Germany) in the family of an official, one year apart, Jacob was born in 1785, and Wilhelm in 1786. Future writers grew up in a wealthy family, they were raised in an atmosphere of kindness and love.

Together they graduated from high school in just four years, instead of the required eight, and went to receive a legal education.

Both brothers worked as professors at the University of Berlin, jointly wrote “German Grammar”, and compiled a dictionary.


But to this day they remain famous for their unusual hobby, which I became interested in while still a student. They studied folk tales and adapted them in our own way. One of them was history, the main actors which were the Bremen musicians known to us. Who wrote this fairy tale? The answer is simple: they created their stories together. But this is far from the only thing famous work famous authors. They also wrote “Puss in Boots”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Cinderella”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Snow White” and many others, among which one of the most famous fairy tales is “The Town Musicians of Bremen”.

Who wrote these fairy tales, what lies behind them? This is the question that researchers asked, because some of them believe that the Brothers Grimm merely processed and retold already existing folk tales.

Now, after so many years, it is difficult to say how the Brothers Grimm wrote their fairy tales, but the fact is undeniable that now one of the most famous stories remains the fairy tale "The Town Musicians of Bremen". Now you know who wrote this work.


The Brothers Grimm are Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who lived in Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries. Jacob Grimm was born on January 4, 1785 and lived until September 20, 1863. Wilhelm Grimm was born on February 24, 1786, and died on December 16, 1859. The birthplace of the Brothers Grimm is established as the city of Hanau, but then they moved to the city of Kassel and lived there for a long time.

The brothers were almost the same age. Come on, they were very friendly since childhood. Jacob and Wilhelm were keenly interested folklore and linguistics, they collected throughout the country. Among their most famous stories are reworked folk tales, but most of the brothers are their own composition, including about the Bremen Town Musicians.

As soon as Jacob and Wilhelm accumulated a decent number of stories, they published a collection, each time calling it “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm.” It is under this name that collections of their fairy tales are published even now; the books have a name all over the world. The brothers were interested not only in fairy tales, but also in linguistics. Together with two other major German philologists of their time, they were the founders of German studies and philology German language.

Closer to their old age, Jacob and Wilhelm began compiling a German dictionary: at that time, no one had ever done anything like this in Germany. The brothers worked on the dictionary until their deaths. Wilhelm managed to finish the letter D, and Jacob, who lived 4 years longer than him, completed several more letters. He worked until his death, which overtook him, sitting at his desk and describing the word Frucht, fruit.

The contribution of the Brothers Grimm to the development of German philology is so significant that they were decided to be depicted on the 1000 mark banknote that existed in Germany in the past. And in honor of the heroine of the fairy tale “About a Fisherman and His Wife,” whose name is Ilsebill, an asteroid was named in 1919.

The fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” itself tells how, during an adventure, they found a home for themselves. The main characters are several animals who were offended and driven out by their previous owners. These are a donkey, a dog, a rooster and a cat. They decided to try their luck in the city of Bremen, hoping to become musicians there. But it turned out to be a long one, and they stopped for the night in the forest. Here a company of animals stumbles upon robbers. The animals climbed on top of each other, and each performed their own music. The donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat meowed, and the rooster began to crow. The robbers were taken aback by such a howl and fled in fear.

A little later, the robbers sent one of their own to check what kind of terrible gang drove them out of their beloved house. But the animals unanimously attack the representative of the gang, and he says that the house has been seized by terrible bandits. The robbers gave up trying to return their house, and as a result of the fairy tale, they themselves never reached Bremen, but they successfully set up their later life.

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If you decide to write a fairy tale, then carefully think about what it will be about and what it will teach the child, because any fairy tale is a kind of lesson for the child. Try to make him like this lesson.

You will need

  • imagination


If you decide to write, then the most important thing is to come up with interesting ones. Writing about grandma and grandpa is, of course, a classic, but it’s only suitable for very young children, i.e. the readership will be small. But new characters may well attract slightly older readers, especially if they are depicted on a colorful cover. So, you've come up with the main characters. Now we need to give them interesting ones. The name of the hero can be directly related to some feature of his character. For example, call someone who loves to travel Brodilkin, and it will immediately be clear who we are talking about.

Come up with it. The name should be intriguing. Let’s say, not “Friends’ Journey to Pick Berries,” but “How Brodilkin and Neryashkin Picked Strawberries.” Let it be clear in the title what you are going to talk about. Now the most important thing is to come up with a plot. The more action-packed the tale, the more interesting it is. Remember "Geese-Swans": how many dangers the heroes had to overcome. Take this (or any other) tale as a template. Your characters must overcome some obstacles, perhaps fight with enemies and certainly defeat them, perhaps outwit the robbers.

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