How to dance at a school disco in high school. How to behave at a disco so that everyone will like you Preparing for dancing

Club culture in lately is becoming more and more common. However, for many people it continues to remain unknown and incomprehensible. That's why they avoid going to clubs, fearing that they won't look right or behave wrong. However, the rules of etiquette in nightclubs are not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

The first thing anyone who wants to have a good evening needs to do is choose a club and ask what program is planned there. Then you should dress appropriately for a particular event, perhaps even do a special hairstyle and makeup. Then you can safely go to the club - either alone or in the company of friends - and have fun. If the club has a special plan interesting program You may need to reserve a table in advance.

Types of nightclubs

Don't think that all clubs are the same. Each has its own characteristics, each tries to stand out in some way in order to attract visitors. In one club, for example, they may offer to take part in some fun prank, in another there is an almost solemn atmosphere, in some the attention is focused on the bar and restaurant, in others on the dance floor.

Dance clubs

There are two types of dance clubs: techno and disco.

Techno clubs are considered the coolest. Their distinguishing feature- DJs.

By the way, it is not at all necessary that the club that was recommended to you for techno will actually have an experienced DJ working on the turntable who can create truly beautiful compositions. Sometimes he plays ready-made tunes written and recorded by other DJs. Moreover, the club may not play techno music at all.

Techno music is exclusively electronic. No musical instruments are used to create it.

Disco clubs are the most common. They must have a dance floor and, if the club is large and popular, a bar.

Young people aged 13 to 25 hang out in such clubs. While techno clubs can be open from dusk to dawn, disco clubs usually close around midnight, adjusting to their clients who need to get home by transport in the morning to go to school, college or (which happens much less often) to work.

You won't hear techno music in such clubs. DJs play ready-made compositions, guided by both their own taste and the preferences of visitors. Of course, in this situation, popular pop songs are most often included, rock is less often, and slow music, setting up a romantic mood and implying slow couple dances, is even less often included.

Since, as already mentioned, disco clubs are currently the most common in Russia, they will be discussed below.

Music clubs

Music in a nightclub is not only needed to dance to, you can simply listen to it. It is for this purpose that music lovers come to music clubs. There you can hear music of various genres. But the most popular are jazz and various directions rock.

Today, many clubs are opening with a decent and classic atmosphere for people knowledgeable in good music. They are somewhat reminiscent of the ladies' salons that were created in England in the 19th century. wealthy aristocrats. They serve punch, tea, coffee, sometimes champagne and always cakes, buns and sweets. The atmosphere in these clubs is downright Victorian. In them you can see such furnishings as expensive carpets, elegant sofas and ottomans, decorated in an antique style, candelabra and chandeliers with sparkling pendants, curtains and antique tea sets. Most visitors similar establishments- these are, as a rule, people older than middle age, but not yet old, who prefer to spend time in good company, talking, listening classical music. However, here you can meet people of all ages - both young and very old.

There are also music clubs where mostly teenagers gather. What brings them to the club is not only the desire to socialize, but also to listen to young aspiring performers who are appearing on stage for the first time. Such clubs differ not only in the age of the visitors, but also, accordingly, in more free manners of communication. To satisfy their requests, club leaders organize a variety of masquerade events, practical jokes and presentations.

Coffee shops

Recently, many nightclubs have opened in Russia, where the main drink is coffee in all its forms. How do you like sour or salty coffee? Coffee with ice cream or garlic? With vodka or amaretto? You may also be offered a drink in which the concentration of caffeine is many times higher than usual, which makes coffee quite harmful to health. If you do try it, your legs will probably be weak and your hands will shake for the next few hours. However, there is no need to seriously fear for your health: the price of such a cup of coffee is such that rarely does anyone order more than one.

Of course, coffee shops have their own etiquette. Regulars of such establishments feel comfortable, like at home, and visit them quite often.

A special stand hanging in a prominent place on the wall of the hall is used by regulars to stick notes on it, where they tell friends and acquaintances their phone numbers and other information, as well as offers to call the coffee shop directly to get in touch with them.

When you come to a coffee shop, do not under any circumstances call the cezve a coffee Turk - this is a sure way to win the contempt of connoisseurs. Those who want to show themselves as a regular at a coffee shop should know that “cezva” is a Turkish word meaning a ladle-like vessel made of wrought copper with thick walls and a long handle, designed for preparing coffee. In Russia, the same object is often called a Turk. However, it is more correct to use the Turkish name “cezva”.

Before ordering coffee at such an establishment, carefully study the menu. The fact is that coffee shops offer a wide variety of coffees, which can differ significantly in taste. Sometimes they mix coffee different varieties, sometimes, in addition to coffee and sugar, other ingredients are added: salt, cinnamon, cloves, lemon, alcoholic beverages, etc. Some of the types of coffee offered may not be to your taste at all.

According to coffee etiquette, this drink should only be drunk from... porcelain cup small size.

But don’t get carried away, even if you really liked the drink you ordered. The coffee in coffee shops is quite strong, and after drinking a few cups you may feel sick. Remember that a coffee overdose is no less dangerous and painful than a drug overdose.

Elite clubs with restaurants

Elite clubs that offer visitors very expensive entertainment - such as restaurants, casinos, bowling alleys and billiards - are considered uninteresting among true connoisseurs of club life. They are visited by wealthy and respectable people who want to see people corresponding to their social status on vacation.

In such clubs, the dance floor, if present at all, plays an extremely minor role. It sounds in the restaurant live music, bar counters shine, mirrors and chandeliers shine. Visitors to such establishments calmly walk on marble or expensively carpeted floors or sit at pre-booked tables, or even in separate rooms.

People come here not to have fun, but to work: they make appointments, conclude contracts, make deals. Or, on the contrary, they want to have dinner in a relaxed atmosphere and exchange a few words with friends.

Some elite clubs, where you have to pay a lot of money to enter, have a fixed membership system. Visitors are given membership cards that they can show off to their friends.

Clubs for sexual minorities

Homosexuality is quite common in the world, both male and female. However, many continue to view this phenomenon negatively. In this regard, representatives of sexual minorities prefer to meet in special closed clubs.

Both abroad and in Russia there are clubs for adherents of same-sex sex. They are not advertised, but they are not hidden either. Anyone can come there.

Stories that obscene morals allegedly reign in clubs for sexual minorities, that regulars begin to harass those who come there, even against their desire, are nothing more than rumors. In reality, nothing like that happens. As in other clubs, disco comes to the fore here. True, men dance with men, and girls dance with girls. In the club for boys, boys receive a significant discount at the entrance, but girls do not, and on the contrary, in the club for girls, girls get discounts. In all other respects, there is practically no exoticism.

In gay clubs you should carefully monitor your speech. Common expressions and swear words, which you may unknowingly use in everyday life, may be offensive or provocative to homosexuals.

Clubs for sexual minorities have their own customs and rules of etiquette. For example, very often in such establishments there is only one toilet room per visitor of one particular gender. In many clubs, video and photography are strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the rules of behavior in homosexual clubs are not much different from those accepted in nightclubs where heterosexuals gather.

What to wear to the club. Face control and dress code

For a party in a nightclub, you need to prepare accordingly, choose clothes, do your hair, makeup, etc.

Since the rules of decency, that is, etiquette, differ somewhat in different nightclubs, it would be useful to find out in advance what exactly is recommended and what is not allowed to be worn in a particular club.

So, if you are going to have fun in a regular dance club, avoid wearing too formal clothes. You will greatly surprise the people who come there to have fun if they see your tuxedo or business suit. Also, do not dress too simply, especially in a sporty way. Men can wear trousers or jeans, a fashionable and stylish jacket or a silk shirt.

Women may be advised to wear the clothes they wear at ordinary days, the one in which they look most advantageous. You can dilute or refresh it with some kind of accessory, for example a scarf, tie, brooch, belt, etc. Jeans, T-shirts, etc. are completely acceptable.

It’s better not to wear completely new things to feel more confident.

In general, modern fashion is quite simple and democratic. You can wear almost any outfit to a night dance club. Of course, many young people prefer to wear jeans, which have recently become truly universal, canvas trousers and jackets with many inserts, appliqués and pockets. No one is afraid of even such a combination as jeans and a velvet jacket or jacket. On the dance floor, such an ensemble will come in handy: beautiful and elegant, even romantic.

Today, many people wear clothes with a specific sexual connotation, which allows them to show off their legs, bust, bare stomach, arms and, of course, neck in all their glory. If you know when to stop, such things will look great on both an adult lady and a young girl. Of course, excessive exposure of certain parts of the body will be considered indecent in any society. But, on the other hand, since people go to nightclubs to socialize and, of course, to dance, the clothes should not be Victorian. It will probably be uncomfortable to dance in it.

Shoes should be given no less, and perhaps more, attention than clothing. If you're a woman heading to a club to dance, choose shoes that are comfortable but nice and not too worn. Even fashionable sneakers are acceptable. Hairpins, on the contrary, are best avoided. By the end of the evening, your legs will be tired, swollen, walking will become painful, and your face will have a martyr's grimace instead of a smile. Shoes should match the clothes and, together with them, hair and makeup, create a single image.

Wearing high-heeled shoes increases your height by several centimeters at once. If at the same time you are taller than your gentleman, he may be offended by you.

Men are also best dressed in nightclub soft, slightly worn, but not old, low-heeled shoes. Moccasins will also work. Under no circumstances should you wear slippers, sandals or flip flops. This is indecent and inconvenient. They will constantly fall off and get in the way of other visitors.

Women are advised to give great attention makeup. It shouldn't be too bright. You can find out what kind of evening makeup is in fashion this season from the latest fashion magazines or on websites on the Internet. However, you should not copy it, even if you liked it: first you need to understand whether it suits you. If the club is hosting a themed party, the makeup can be brighter. For example, on Halloween, natural makeup will look unacceptable.

However, we should not forget that in clubs it is often very hot and stuffy, dancing will probably make you hot, so it is better to use mascara, and any cosmetics in general, that are stable, otherwise your fashionable makeup will “float” within 30–40 minutes after wearing it. how do you come to the nightclub.

Choosing perfume is a responsible matter. Of course, you can give preference to fashionable perfumes, however, as in the case of makeup, it is important that they emphasize your image, or rather, complete it. When using perfume, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Very important point– choice of hairstyle: it should be fashionable, stylish and in harmony with the appearance. Recently, many hairdressers have begun to offer new service– creating a club hairstyle. If you can't style your hair the way you want on your own, you can turn to a professional. With the perfect hairstyle, you are sure to turn heads at the club.

But even if you look, according to your standards, as needed, you may not be allowed into the club. There can be many reasons for this. However, not everything is as scary as it might seem at first glance. So, what do you need to do to pass face control?

Face control in a nightclub is the screening out of visitors who do not comply with the policy of the given nightclub. For example, they may not let in those who are too young, insolvent, from the “black list,” etc. Dress code refers to control of the appearance of visitors to a given club.

The appearance was discussed in some detail. However, it is worth adding that shoes that are more suitable for the gym than for the club may cause a delay. The same applies to clothes.

Some girls, even those who are already 20–24 years old, look too young, and the guard may mistake them for minors. To avoid misunderstandings, you must bring some document, such as a student ID. The reason for refusal may also be a too short (or, conversely, long) skirt or shorts. Sometimes visitors wearing sweaters are not allowed in. It is also better not to come to a nightclub with a large package or bag.

Perhaps you decided to visit the club big company. There is nothing illegal about this, but for some reason the guards don’t really like noisy companies. In this case, it’s easier to use a trick - break up into pairs or groups of 3 people and go inside without any problems.

Of course, you should not come to the club under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Sometimes ugly people or people with ordinary appearance are simply not allowed into the club. For women who do not have the correct facial features, this problem can be solved quite simply, just contact a professional makeup artist who will do makeup that emphasizes their strengths.

Many clubs, especially those aimed at the business public, do not allow people to enter not only in sports, beach and unkempt clothes, but also in military uniform.

If you are still not allowed in, under no circumstances should you start a scandal. As a result of this, you will be remembered well and will definitely not be allowed in next time. In this case, we can give only one piece of advice: do not be upset, do not be offended, and do not perceive this as a serious personal tragedy, because security guards are people too and their attitude towards you may be subjective. Just turn around and go to another club.

Parking. Entrance to the club. Security

So, you are near a nightclub. If you have a car, you need to find a place for it, after which you can enter the club and go through security.

Parking and parking

Most nightclubs, especially if they are reputable and have been operating for more than one year, provide parking for cars. However, its area is usually small, and you may not have enough space. There are also guarded parking areas intended for club visitors. They can be either free or paid. A small, less popular club may not have adequate parking. Then you will have to leave your car just on the street.

Money and its absence

You can significantly reduce your expenses on entertainment in nightclubs if you follow these recommendations.

When choosing a nightclub, give preference to the one that is closest to your home. The savings on tolls can be quite impressive. And getting home from a nearby club at night is much easier.

If you want to have fun at a club that charges a high entrance fee, try to go inside the club while the management is offering discounts on admission. Typically, nightclubs provide visitors with the opportunity to enter for free at an earlier time, that is, before midnight, as well as at weekdays(usually from Monday to Thursday). Therefore, before going to the club, call them and find out the opening hours. However, if you come to the club at a time when preferential admission is open, you will almost certainly be faced with a huge queue of visitors just like you who are eager to get inside.

When it comes to entry discounts, they come in many different forms. IN certain days, for example, visitors wearing yellow T-shirts may be allowed inside for free, while others may allow clients dressed in all red, etc.

One more in a good way You can save on entrance fees by purchasing a flyer - a small paper card that gives a discount on one or more constant visit the club that distributes these flyers. You can get it for free. They are distributed in specialized stores, cafe, etc. For example, a flyer for a rock concert can almost certainly be found in a store musical instruments. If you are a girl and want to go to a nightclub for free, in many clubs you will be able to do this, if, of course, the administration encourages it. The fact is that although girls are allowed inside for free and can even be offered a free cocktail, men will have to pay a fair amount of money to enter the same club.

In a nightclub, you have every right to dance, eat, drink, smoke, socialize and listen to music, but only if it does not cause inconvenience to others.

Rarely, but it still happens that men who had to pay for entry a large amount, they look at the girls gathered in the club as their rightful prey, so they behave in an extremely straightforward and openly boorish manner. To avoid conflict, behave calmly and very carefully. Do not go out with such a suitor, and especially do not get into his car, unless, of course, you want to brighten up your and his time in the supposed intimate way. If a man begins to pester you, politely but firmly tell him “no,” but so that he does not get angry and consider your “conquest” to be his main goal.

Entrance. Communication with security personnel

Upon entering the club, please hand over your outerwear, packages and bags to the cloakroom. Do not leave valuables or money in clothes or bags.

Remember that security has every right to check visitors to the establishment for illegal items that visitors may try to smuggle into the club unnoticed. Do not show dissatisfaction, this will only cause unnecessary suspicion and hostility towards you. You can enter into confrontation only if the guard exceeds his authority, for example, under the pretext of a search, he tries to violate the rules of decency (however, this happens extremely rarely).

Remember that in Russia it is prohibited to bring the following items into nightclubs:

Firearms, cold steel and gas weapons;

Cutting and piercing objects;


Drugs and any strong medications.

Most clubs also prohibit bringing soft drinks or alcoholic drinks that were purchased outside the club, so don't try this. Otherwise, you may hear the phrase: “The club administration reserves the right to refuse service to a visitor without giving reasons.”

If you violate the unspoken, and especially the public, rules of a nightclub, the security has every right to remove you from the territory of the establishment, and the administration has the right to prohibit you from further visiting it.

How to behave in a club

If this is your first time visiting a nightclub, an amazing adventure awaits you. The first impression is an unfamiliar atmosphere that excites the senses, cheerful people, a beautiful setting and booming music that makes the heart beat faster and the floor and mirrors vibrate.

So what does a nightclub look like? Traditionally, a dance club consists of a dance floor, a bar and a chill-out area. The main part, of course, is the dance floor, because people come to the club precisely to dance. There must be a special place where the sound engineer and DJ sit. It can be located on a raised platform or simply be separated from the dance floor by a wall. There may be several bars in a nightclub.

A chill-out is a special place in a club equipped with armchairs or sofas. There you can take a little break from dancing. Sometimes a separate room is equipped for a chill-out, furnished with beautiful furniture, always sunbeds and speakers, from which a calm, not loud music. Pots with live plants can also be installed there.

The set of premises including a dance floor, bar and chill-out is standard, but nightclub owners very often try to add variety to it. In one club the main attraction may be some kind of art gallery, in another there is a giant aquarium, in the third there is a hall with trampolines, rings, etc.

Some prestigious establishments may have a VIP room where only the wealthiest clients have the right to be. This is done so that the rich feel like exceptional and most welcome guests, without mixing with the bulk of visitors.


A DJ is a professional musician who writes and mixes electronic music and who is invited to work at a club to provide music for the dance floor.

Every professional DJ adds “features” to his music - so-called sound effects, which are distinctive feature his music. They are different for everyone. There are no DJs who play exactly the same music.

It is around the DJ that both the music and the visitors of the night dance club revolve. It is the highlight of any party and event. His work is highly appreciated by both clients and the administration of the nightclub.

Rules of conduct in clubs at corporate parties

Nightclubs often rent various reputable enterprises in order to hold their corporate parties. The entire club or several specially designed premises can be rented. The entire club is rarely rented.

If you receive an invitation to a corporate party, you must follow the following rules:

The boss knows everything and notices everything, even if it seems to you that the boss has turned his back to you;

You should dress appropriately for the occasion. Jeans may be appropriate at a picnic or disco, but in this case they will only attract completely unnecessary, and, moreover, disapproving attention to you;

Don’t start talking about your work, because you, like your colleagues, came to the party to relax. There is a time for everything;

Try not to be the center of attention, unless, of course, this is provided for by the organizers of the event and your position;

A corporate party is not the right occasion to talk to your boss about a raise or promotion;

Don't pester your colleagues with inappropriate flirting;

A corporate party is considered a kind of work event, so do not drink a lot of alcohol and especially do not take drugs.

In nightclubs, you should never break dishes or break furniture, unless this has been agreed upon with the administration as part of an event or competition. In all other cases, you must apologize and pay for the damage caused.

How to get yourself in order

Correct your hair carefully. If earlier this was only allowed in the ladies' rooms, today you can, without leaving, right in front of others, fasten your hair with a ribbon or hairpin. Combing your hair in this case is considered indecent, because hair can get into a glass or plate, on the clothes, face or hands of the person with whom you are communicating.

Many years ago, women could only touch up their lips in the ladies' room or carefully covering them with a napkin. Today you can freely take a mirror out of your purse and lipstick or shine and fix your makeup. Nevertheless, it is considered unacceptable to pour out the entire contents of your purse (jars, pencils, brushes, tubes and napkins) on the table or on your lap and start “painting” your lips “in full”, that is, tracing their outline with a pencil, applying lipstick and gloss.

Previously, it was prohibited to use aromatic substances - such as perfumes and deodorants - in public places, including clubs. Today, etiquette allows you to spritz deodorant on your wrist or apply a drop of perfume behind your ear, but that's about it. Do not use deodorant or eau de toilette with a spray bottle.

If you want to lightly powder your face, use compact powder. Under no circumstances take out loose powder and a large brush: if you try to use them, some of the powder will probably get on those around you, which will be very unpleasant for them.

You can take photos and videos in a nightclub only if you have received permission from the administration of the establishment.

The most common drinks in nightclubs are definitely wines, liqueurs and, of course, cocktails, which are even more popular than pure alcoholic drinks - such as cognac, champagne, etc. In addition, there are many drinks that, like As a rule, they are used in nightclubs mainly as ingredients for preparing cocktails - these are vermouth, tequila, gin, etc. There are a lot of such drinks, it is not possible to describe them all in this book, so below only the most popular in Russian clubs

The drinks offered in the club can be drunk not only at the bar, although, of course, this is customary in society. However, since many rules of etiquette in nightclubs are significantly simplified, visitors can freely move around the club with a glass in hand, slowly sipping a delicious, beautifully decorated drink. The only negative point is that you cannot dance with a filled glass, so as not to inadvertently complicate the life of your partner and the people around you, or even yourself.

How to behave in a restaurant

Unfortunately, today many visitors to nightclubs do not want to bother themselves with observing the rules of etiquette, believing that the establishment’s employees are obliged to patiently endure all their antics and rudeness. But it shouldn’t be this way, because etiquette allows you not only to show respect for other people, but also for yourself, and therefore, you cannot do without it.

While sitting at the table, do not talk to the people sitting next to you. If you really need to tell them something, it’s better to sit with them for a while.

Bartenders and waiters

Both bartenders and waiters, first of all - ordinary people who deserve to be treated with sensitivity and respect. Therefore, if you have to deal with them, never do the following:

Don't snap your fingers in the air to get the waiter's attention. This is one of the most unforgivable sins in modern civilized society. In addition to the fact that clicking fingers irritates waiters, they also attract the attention of other customers, greatly disturbing them;

Never argue about who will pay the bill;

Do not call the waiter by loudly banging a fork, knife or spoon on a plate or glass, or by shouting loudly. It's better to wait until he passes by you and show him with a gesture that you need him;

You can tell the bartender from what ingredients and in what proportions the cocktail you ordered should be made, but in no case should you criticize his manner of work if you have not indicated in advance how exactly the mixing should be done.

Rules of behavior in the restaurant

As already mentioned, depending on the status and type of nightclub, you can come to it in different clothes. However, if the club has a restaurant, the requirements for the appearance of visitors who come there are somewhat different. You should prepare especially carefully before visiting a restaurant. Typically, restaurants are located in expensive, presentable establishments, where wealthy people go, initially dressing in the latest fashion, and therefore the clothes they wear to a club restaurant, as a rule, satisfy the most demanding requirements of etiquette.

So, if you are going to dinner at a restaurant, you should definitely wear an evening dress if you are a woman, and if you are a man, then a suit and tie (men without a tie are not allowed in many restaurants) or a tuxedo. Although, in principle, the form of your clothing should correspond as much as possible to the class and level of the cafe or restaurant and, importantly, the nature of the event held there.

Always be polite and friendly in your interactions with establishment staff and other customers. If you have any complaints, politely and quietly express them to the head waiter, and do not make a scandal, even if you really want to do this, because restraint and calm produce a much greater effect than screams and demonstrative stomping of feet.

To say hello to friends who pass by your table, you don’t need to get up, but to talk to them, you should definitely get up.

The employee must escort the clients who enter the hall to the reserved table, offer a menu, give time to make a choice and accept the order.

Approaching the table, the man must help his lady sit down, and then take a seat opposite or to the left of her. If a man arrived earlier than a lady and is waiting for her at the table, the head waiter is obliged to escort the lady to the table. If a man was the first to take a seat at the table, and a lady came later, he must greet her by getting up from his chair and kiss her hand (the latter is not always done).

Once seated at the table, you can take your time studying the menu. The woman orders first. A man orders dishes if his companion asks him to do so. If you don’t quite understand what exactly is hidden behind one or another name of the dishes presented on the menu, ask the waiter about it.

Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. You should start eating only when all the guests at one table have been served the ordered dishes. Women are traditionally served first.

Drinks ordered must match the dishes. Wines go well with main courses, red with meat, and white with fish. If you don't consider yourself a wine connoisseur, ask your waiter for advice.

You should talk quietly at the table so as not to disturb others.

While sitting at the table, watch your posture. You need to sit straight, but without straining. You should only lean slightly on the back of the chair, and not lie on it with your whole body. Don't put your elbows on the table so they don't disturb your neighbors, and, of course, don't lean too low over the plate.

You may have questions about using cutlery. In this case, you should quietly and politely ask the waiter which device is intended for what. More details about cutlery, napkins and table setting rules were described above. They also apply to restaurants.

If you want to leave the table, ask permission from the people sitting at the same table with you. If you are sitting at a table and someone greets you, rise from your chair if you are a man and remain seated if you are a woman. It is indecent to talk on the phone while sitting at the table.

After finishing your meal, ask for the bill. It is usually brought in a folder or on a small tray. This is done so that the calculation can be carried out unnoticed. Tips to the waiter are about 10% of the total bill. They should be given at the time of calculation. Traditionally, the man pays the bill, both for himself and for the lady, but if she wishes, she can pay for herself.

For most men (not all), seduction in clubs is a difficult thing. Most prefer meet in stores, parks, on the playpen, and other places.

However, it must be said that in clubs there are much more HOT girls ready to meet than in other places. Of course, loud music interferes with communication. But it promotes faster rapprochement, because kinesthetic contact is considered the norm there! Besides, very hot and beautiful pussies go there! In some places in Moscow for example, you can meet girls not only highly intelligent and super beautiful, but also women other nationalities and skin colors. It is only important to know the places. We will publish a general list of places in the largest cities of Russia and Israel, and recommendations for them later.

In order to be successful in the club, it is important to follow certain rules. They have long been known to any experienced seducer. I will try to briefly talk about well-known strategies for working in the club.

So what do you usually do at the club?

You enter and confidently walk towards the bar.

Grab yourself a beer or other warming drink there, and while drinking it, look at the dance floor. Are you alone? If you come to the club alone, you are a loner guy. If with an unprepared company - a company of single guys. If there are no girls among you, this company is just extra ballast.

If you prefer to go to clubs in a group, make sure that they are prepared and have an idea of ​​the banal club rules acquaintance And seduction which I will present now.

Ok, by this stage you have already made several mistakes.

When you enter a club, many women and men scan you. Many people do this unconsciously. Who are you?

You can be the director of a company, simple guy, or you can be a simple guy - a friend of the club owner :).

If you are alone, then by definition you are a loner. This does not mean that a woman will attach it special meaning. But the fact that you are alone is an indicator that you have a lack of communication and your social significance falls for her.

Women look at who you communicate with and how. This determines your social importance.

Here are some tips to help you meet girls in clubs. Step by step!

1. Before entering the club.

It is in this place in Russia especially that there are often pandemoniums. This is a great opportunity познакомиться with someone in order to increase your social importance and accelerate for the upcoming activity.

Leslie: “I usually choose several outgoing people - guys or girls - and start communicating with them. The simplest thing is to ask a couple of questions. “Have you been to this club? How's the beer? How many dance floors? if you have chosen an adequate person, he will answer you something adequate and communication will begin. If you see that he has difficulty speaking - or he is very drunk and wants to answer something unfavorable for you - turn away from him and ask something else. This is how I usually tie it up acquaintance even before entering the club. And I’m not going in alone anymore.”

2. How do you enter?

It is very important to log in correctly :).

I'm serious - the first glance, the first impression of you will work for you if you do everything right in the future!

You walk in with a confident gait. Directly, and as soon as you catch the glances of girls walking by, just say hi. If you bump into a girl and she wants to pass by, make eye contact and say “hi.” Sometimes you can even block her path for this. And say “hello, let’s go to the dance floor,” after which, without waiting for an answer, you take her hand and drag her to the dance floor . If she doesn’t come, you say, okay, I’ll be right back.

In any case, don't waste your time. Entered - immediately go to the dance floor. To познакомиться, use the automaticity rule here. Act like an automaton - you go on the dance floor and dance to the girl. You start dancing with her and squeezing her.

3. Rule of communication in the club: I'll be right back

A club is a closed place. During the evening you will encounter the same person at least 5 times. And once you have opened her, there is no point in communicating with her for a long time, unless everything is going swimmingly for you. As soon as you feel that she wants to leave, do it first! Say “I’ll be back now,” or “wait, I’ll be back”! and get away from her, you can add “while you can have fun with your friends.”

Then she gets the feeling that you left her. Not her.

And after that, immediately start tying acquaintance with another group girls. Communicate constantly, switch from one group to another. Then after an hour of communication, everyone within sight will know you.

They may have just seen you with the girl you left. And therefore they will communicate with you with great animation and enthusiasm! For the one you left, your social importance will increase. And the next time we meet, she will be very happy to meet you!

At most, at the third such meeting, with normal interest, you can take her to a chill-out for a more intimate conversation.

4. Why is it bad to look at the dance floor?

When you look at the dance floor, you lower your social importance in the eyes of women.

When you don't pay attention to the dance floor, but do something more interesting, their interest in you increases significantly. They start asking why is this guy so independent? He's probably so cool that what's happening on the dance floor isn't interesting to him!

It is also advisable to go out on the dance floor without looking closely at it for too long. I often see this situation: “a guy looks at the dance floor for 5 minutes, and it’s written on his face - is there something terrible there? And then it gets resolved, or someone picks it up. His social significance for those outside the dance floor, and even more so for those on the dance floor, whom he so diligently stared at, is decreasing.” Chance to start acquaintance, get close to the pretty one girl drops noticeably.

5. Capture the attention of the majority

if the dance floor is small - about 5x5 - dance in the center of the dance floor.

If it is huge, try to attract the attention of as many people as possible. That is, to be visible.

Never hang out on the outskirts of the dance floor. Always be in the center!

6. Participate in competitions

Sometimes clubs hold competitions and events. One day my friend and I went to a club and won all the competitions. Our social significance became such that the attention of bartenders, DJs and vacationers was focused on us. AND women they ran up to us, they wanted познакомиться, pulled us out onto the dance floor. As a result, there I communicated with the most attractive young ladies and had a lot of fun when I went home with the girl!

I’m in clubs, trying to shine as much as possible in order to seduce the brightest women there!

7. Don’t drink alcoholic drinks in the club.

This is advice to all seducers - during seduction - do not drink! Use your natural state. If you can’t speed up, learn to do it without alcohol! Otherwise you will become a complete alcoholic.

To the girl more pleasant познакомиться and chat with a sober person a man. If you're drunk, you won't be able to think straight, and you'll be unlikely to have a suitable acquaintance, V best case scenario If you leave with whom you came, at worst it will end up in the toilet.

Leslie: “When I hang out in clubs, people often ask me, “What were you smoking?” I induce this state of sausage in myself without LSD or alcohol. This skill is very useful for both practice and health!”

Guys come to discos and clubs to dance, sit with friends, and make acquaintances. Such places are always crowded and music is constantly playing. So it's no surprise that the atmosphere is captivating.

This is where the problem begins for many: how to dance in a club correctly for guys. Let's try to figure it out.

How to proceed?

Guys often visit clubs to meet girls. I want to attract her attention. This can be done through dance. It’s not that difficult for a guy to learn how to dance beautifully in a club. You can watch your friends while they dance. The best thing to do is watch video lessons on club dancing at home, then try to repeat the movements in front of a mirror.

We decided to learn to surprise our friends, then the plan is this:

  • pick up club music. This style can be techno or R'n'B. You need to learn to get real pleasure from these styles;
  • the selected music should be played at home every day. Turn it on in the morning, at breakfast;
  • This way your favorite compositions will gradually appear, the rhythm of which will provoke you to dance. Try improvising. Many guys like to dance to music at home;
  • pay attention to how guys dance in clubs. If someone’s movements attracted attention, repeat after him at home accompanied by music;
  • Having mastered basic dance moves at home, you won’t be afraid to try yourself at a disco.

It is important to stop being tight and shy. Try not to think about how you look from the outside. The main rule at the disco is: be yourself!

Be yourself

In order for a guy to learn to dance in a club, he needs to be able to listen to music and be charged with its energy. Not everyone can fully concentrate on dancing. Therefore, you should practice at home first.

Spend a little time doing dance moves and you'll soon be able to feel free, no matter where you are. Watch videos of how to dance for a guy in a club more often and simple movements will become imperceptible and automatic.

The very atmosphere of the disco is conducive to dancing:

  • very loud, rhythmic music;
  • club lighting piercing with laser beams;
  • beautiful dancing girls.

Stop thinking that everyone can dance professionally. It’s easier for some to plunge into club life and feel comfortable, while others feel more constrained. The main thing is to start. Forget about all the difficulties and problems, leave them outside the disco door. Just be yourself and dance.

Girls like confident guys

If you have already come to the disco, you should not sit at the table. Try to behave relaxed, but within reasonable limits. Girls pay attention to guys who look natural and can make confident decisions.

Don't be afraid to take to the dance floor. You've already watched enough lessons on how to dance at a disco as a guy. All that's left is to try. Girls love determined guys - go for it!

Professional lessons

Try making an appointment with dance professionals. There are many advantages here:

  • meeting new people (and maybe a new hobby);
  • It’s always fun and positive here;
  • physical fitness support;
  • will teach you to move beautifully and correctly;
  • complexes (constraint and tightness) will disappear.

You can take such classes for a month and learn basic movements. Then it’s easy to develop the acquired skills. Many guys are so passionate about training that they begin to regularly attend classes and even participate in public speaking.

If the embarrassment still outweighs, then leave the home option. Looseness will come with time. Every business loves consistency. This is the only way to achieve it desired result. Watch the video more often about how a guy can learn to dance at a disco. You won't even notice how the music will captivate you.

Keep it simple

Most young people in discos and clubs do not know how to move correctly. They don't know the moves of a certain dance, or they can't follow the rhythm. But most often no one sees this. And all because you don’t have to think about what people will look at and discuss about you. These are complexes that need to be gotten rid of urgently.

It’s a little easier for girls than for a guy to dance in a club. Compared to guys, it is easier for them to express their emotions by dancing. They are more relaxed and know how to present themselves correctly. Observe their behavior. Learn not only to hear music, but also to feel its rhythm.

Nowadays it is not so difficult to learn any activity at home. This also applies club dancing. All you have to do is find a suitable video and practice constantly.

When many people are dancing at the same time, it is much easier to blend in with the crowd and start moving to the beat. In dance you can express any emotions, the main thing is to completely liberate yourself. How to teach a guy to dance at a disco - simple movements will help you start dancing. Repeat all the movements after the worried one, surrender to the rhythm of the music. Everything will work out!

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 41 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

For a girl, a disco in high school is always an exciting event. And many people are usually worried about how they will dance there. But you can have a great time and dance your heart out no matter what kind of company you have or how good of a dancer you are.


    It doesn't really matter what a girl looks like. The most important thing is to be confident in yourself, then you will certainly look attractive. Therefore, about a week before the disco, you need to become more and more confident. Take a shower every day, take time to care for yourself: apply a pleasant-smelling lotion or cream to your body, wash your face using cleansers, lotions, masks and facial scrubs, moisturize your skin with cream. Tell yourself to be very pretty, even if you don’t believe it. After all, if you don’t consider yourself attractive, how can the guy you like consider you attractive?

    When dancing with a guy, imagine that you are dancing with a girlfriend and, without any hesitation, move the way you want. Then your boyfriend will be as early as you dancing.

    Practice dancing every day a week before the disco. Use both fast and slow music to learn how to dance and slow dance in close contact with a guy, and fast dancing in the company of girlfriends.

    Be confident! The best thing that a girl (as well as a guy) can take with her to a disco is self-confidence and a smile. This always attracts people, they will gravitate towards you and you will have a good time.

    Don't stand on the sidelines and get out on the dance floor. While others are supporting the walls, go to the center and dance!

  1. Be calm and collected; you don't want to be too weird and eccentric, and you don't want to be too boring. This may turn people away from you!

    • Start dancing with your friends to get used to the situation a little and gain confidence.
    • After all, it's fun! Dancing should be fun, not stressful.
    • Think about how you would dance with your friends, say at home, and move the same way, just sticking to the rhythm.
    • Let your hair down, straightening it first, or, conversely, curling it into curls (whichever suits you best). This will give you something to keep your hands busy, and guys love it when girls smooth their hair while dancing. But bring a bobby pin because you might get hot with your hair down.
    • If you accept that there are people who will criticize and discuss you no matter how well you dance, then you will simply stop caring whether others will like your dancing.
    • Wear jeans and a sleeveless top or off-the-shoulder dress. You're bound to be hot and sweaty, and the last thing you want is sweat stains in your armpits. You can also try wearing something made of a fabric like acrylic, which is good at hiding sweat stains. And with jeans, you will be sure that the boys will not want to lift up your skirt, but if you are sure that your gentleman is not one of those, then you can safely wear a skirt or dress.
    • If you're the type to make up your own music, you can give the CD to a DJ to play. DJs love it. And this could be your musical debut.


    • If you don't want to do dirty dancing, ie. cling closely to a guy while dancing, then don’t do it. Never do anything against your will just because someone is putting pressure on you.
    • You don't necessarily need a disco date. In fact, it will be even more fun if you don't have one, because there you can meet some nice guy and dance calmly with him, and no one will stand behind you.
    • If you came to the disco for the music, then be prepared to be disappointed. After all, the DJ may not play your favorite songs during the entire disco. Just hope you get a DJ with good taste who will play some decent music.
    • If you're asked to dance by a guy you don't really like, just say that you need to find your girlfriend right now, and grab some drink or water and go outside with your friend where you can breathe fresh air and cool down. Only come back when the song is over, and try not to walk around that guy.

    What you will need

    • Guys (informal appearance): a nice clean T-shirt, sneakers, for example, Converse, Nikes, Vans or others, jeans. Use a little force to style your hair somehow. Do not wear a sweater or sweatshirt, they will make you very hot.
    • Boys (Dressy Look): Nice jeans, no ripped jeans or skinnies, just nice and fashionable, and paired with a button-down shirt or polo.
    • Guys (semi-formal): trousers and a white, black or pastel button-down shirt; possible with or without a tie.
    • Guys (formal appearance): tuxedo or dark suit.
    • Girls (casual look): jeans, low-top shoes, perhaps Converse sneakers, along with a fitted shirt or sleeveless top.
    • Girls (dressy appearance): short skirt And beautiful top; T-shirts are also allowed, but not encouraged.
    • Girls (semi-formal look): short evening dress.
    • Girls (formal appearance): most beautiful dress, which you have.

This is a place where you can be free from the boring images of everyday life. Here you can have a great time with friends, light up, have fun and, of course, dance to your favorite music.

In a web of complexes

But not everyone can throw away their inhibitions and join the dance. Some people are hesitant to step onto the dance floor for fear of being ridiculed for their awkward moves. They prefer to sit at the table, gazing with envy at the lucky ones who were lucky in childhood to end up not in a cross-stitching circle, but in a choreographic studio. Gradually, their self-esteem, and therefore their mood, drops to zero, and the desire to have fun is replaced by the desire to leave this holiday of life for the elite. Is this a familiar situation? If even a hint of a positive answer flashes through your thoughts, you urgently need to save the situation.

How to learn to dance at a disco in order to become an object of envy yourself? Let's try to figure it out.

Everything is much simpler

95% of the guys and girls who fill the dance floors of modern clubs, in principle, do not know how to dance. They do not have choreographic training, they do not know the complex movements developed by famous dance directors, and even the educational videos “How to learn to dance at a disco” passed their attention. Nevertheless, many of them blend quite harmoniously into the atmosphere dance clubs. What is their secret? No, this is not a great gift, not a miracle or magic. This is the ability to feel the rhythm and move to the beat. Yes, yes, if you plan to become a frequent visitor to discos and an active participant in dance performances, you need to learn to feel the music. There is no way without this.

In reality, dancing at a disco is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Dance is an expression of feelings in movement. Ladies are more emotional, so learning to dance at a disco is easier for a girl than for a guy. But representatives of the stronger sex are also able to comprehend the art of dance. Move as you feel, but don't go too far. In order to understand how acceptable your dance feelings are to visual perception, depict your dance at home, in front of the mirror. This way you can look at yourself from the outside, understand which of your movements look attractive and which need to be cut out without unnecessary doubts.

Green light for the dance floor!

Of course, nothing adds confidence like perfect knowledge of your business. A mathematician can easily solve complex equation, even if you wake him up in the middle of the night, the historian will tell you about the exact chronology at any moment important events, and the dancer will be happy to show several original steps completely strangers. In other words, in order to learn how to dance at a disco and conquer everyone with your dance, you need to be patient and prepare for the training course.

Most effective way- go to a fashionable choreographic studio or hire a private teacher. But not everyone can afford it.

Fortunately, modern technologies allow you to learn almost any skill yourself. Today there are a great many step-by-step training videos that allow you to master dance art and understand how to dance beautifully at a disco.

You should not try to become a professional in the world of dance in a few days by learning complex steps and combinations. Start with the basics. Learn one simple movement at a time, polish your skills. When you have accumulated a sufficient number of movements in your arsenal, try combining and alternating them, inventing your own dance style. Gradually you will understand how to learn to dance at a disco and not be shy, because you will have something to show on the dance floor.

Initial arsenal of movements

If your imagination does not have a creative springboard and is not at all aimed at creating new dance movements, use a set of existing ones that will help you figure out how to dance at a disco for a girl:

Move your body from side to side;
- make swinging movements with your hips;
- depict snake-like movements with your head;
- make circular movements with your shoulders;
- draw waves with your hands;
- hold your back gracefully;
- do not forget about the movement of your legs, move them smoothly and progressively.

1. Be relaxed and don't be shy. Remember that people on the dance floor are more focused on maintaining their image than talking about others.

2. Listen to music and catch the tempo. The melody will help you tune in to the desired wave.

3. Observe the movements that people use during a particular dance. Perhaps some of them will successfully fit into your style.

4. Enjoy your movements. Remember that dancing at a disco is not an exam. This is your freedom of action.

5. Improvise. Perhaps you will find a style that everyone will be delighted with.

Perfect image

So, you've learned some cool dance moves and are ready to show them off to the entire dance floor. But in order to become a real disco star, it is not enough to move well, you need to complement your skills with an interesting visual image.

To go to the club, choose original clothes with a non-standard cut and shimmering texture. Don't be afraid to be original, because disco is the place where people strive to stand out from the gray mass. So feel free to dress up in clothes that seem too bright or chic for everyday wear, but do not forget about your sense of taste. Choose exactly the outfit that will favorably emphasize the advantage of your figure and hide any flaws, if any.

Choose beautiful shoes that match your outfit. But do not forget that you will need to move all night, and this is problematic in uncomfortable shoes that rub. So make sure your shoes are comfortable. Complete your look with original accessories. Even the most beautiful outfit looks dull without decoration.

Be individual! And you will certainly get the desired public attention.