How to hang pictures in an original way: rules and little tricks. How to hang pictures correctly

It is convenient to arrange works of different formats (size, shape) in tiers, but not “ascending and descending” - this is a deliberately unsuccessful composition. To check how a composition of paintings will look on the wall and mark places for mounting, use this technique: trace each painting on paper, cut it out and pin it on the wall where you would like to see it.

What you should immediately pay attention to:
1. Ceiling height.
In a room with high ceilings, if the paintings are small, it is better to place them in groups, placing them, for example, around the largest piece.
In rooms with low ceilings, it is advisable to place paintings vertically rather than horizontally. Since horizontal placement will make the room even lower.
A massive, elongated painting will not look good in a room with low ceilings.
2.Genre and placement.
Landscapes and still lifes will look good in the living room or bedroom.
Remember that portrait is a difficult genre to perceive, with a strong psychological impact, its placement should be considered separately.
Follow the theme of the room; watercolors with plant compositions are good in the bedroom. “Gastronomic” still lifes for the kitchen. Fans of the museum genre decorate their offices with canvases of battle scenes. Abstract, non-objective paintings are usually classified as the “office genre”.
3.Background for the picture. Wall color.
Paintings with bright colors will look good on dark walls, while paintings in darker and dull colors will suit light walls.
Museums often paint the walls of exhibition halls in colors that were fashionable in the era to which the paintings on display belong (for example, the works of 18th century artists were exhibited against a red wall). Sometimes they choose a color that is present in small quantities in most of the paintings on display.
Black and white photographs go well with almost any wall color.
4. Proportionality of the size of the painting. Location.
When hanging a picture, you must remember that the height of the middle of the image should be at eye level of the person looking at it (approximately 142-175 cm). This is the most convenient way to view the image. In this case, the upper canvases can be slightly tilted by adjusting the length of the cord on which the painting hangs and the height of the loops.Paintings different sizes hang according to the principle, the higher from the eyes, the more picture.
It is very important to consider the proportionality of the size of the painting relative to the furniture over which it is located. The picture should neither dominate nor be lost.
Don't forget about the lighting!

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 1

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 2

Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 3


Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 4


Schemes for placing paintings and how to hang paintings correctly - 5

If you like a painting in a store, don't rush into buying it before you've found the right place for it. Measure the dimensions of the painting and cut out the layout from cardboard or paper. After that, attach this layout in different locations - above the sofa, or. Calculate the height and be prepared to even move the furniture before you find the right one for the painting or composition of paintings right place.

2 Choose proportions

The painting should be in proportion to the furniture in the living room: this is very important for the overall composition of the interior and visual perception. It should not get lost against the background of the furniture or take away all the attention.

It is believed that the painting is placed optimally if its side borders are slightly shorter than the furniture over which it is located. The same applies to compositions from paintings or photographs. The exception is the option when the designer fills the entire wall with paintings according to the gallery principle (now this is a fashionable microtrend), but at the same time the remaining walls should be completely free.

3 Think about the background

If you do not follow the museum principle described above, then you need to create some kind of “buffer space” near each painting to relax visual perception. This technique will allow you to fit the paintings into the most organically.

4 Create a plot

Figuratively highlight the center of the picture or composition so that the middle horizontal line of the picture coincides with the focus of the eye. The easiest way is to hang a picture or several pictures in the center of the wall. Match the image and style of the plot to the style and concept of the interior: for example, classics are friends with symmetry and stricter lines, and are combined with bolder colors and images.

Avoid placing paintings near high cabinets and below 60 cm from: if you want it low, it’s better to just place the painting leaning it against the wall. Please note that large vertical images can visually increase the volume of a room or wall, and too small paintings will not look very organic on an empty wall.

5 Large-scale composition

If you have enough wall space to place large number small paintings or posters, it is better to approach this task with preparation. Take your time and put together the perfect art composition in different styles. Ideally, you need to experiment with future hanging, laying out the composition on the floor and choosing an asymmetrical scenario, in which large images gather small-format illustrations around them.

6 Group of paintings in the corner

Angles - weak point in many apartments, but if there is a small empty partition after the corner, this is your case. There will also be its own line of symmetry - the joint between the walls: in this case, the composition will stretch horizontally in one direction and take up space in the wall on the other.

7 Pictures on the shelves

One of the most simple circuits, which allows you to harmoniously arrange photographs in frames - organize them on several. For example, fill a niche or space between cabinets in this way. You can arrange the paintings one next to the other or even overlap.

8 Gallery hanging

This museum technique, in which images are attached to fishing lines, is often used in cases where it is not possible to drill into walls in ten places. For an apartment there is a simpler and original technique- stretch the fishing lines in the space of a large frame, and hang the paintings symmetrically in it.

9 From floor to ceiling

This vertical strategy can also be adopted if you are not afraid of bold experiments. Obvious advantage This approach means that the collection can be supplemented and modified according to one’s mood, without fear that the scheme will fall apart if any fragment is removed from it.

10 Above the door

Usually it is recommended to place photographs and paintings at eye level to make them easier to look at, but the design world also knows more cunning tricks. For example, too high ceilings in the living room (and this happens!) can be visually lowered if you hang images right at the ceiling - above the line of cabinets or doorways.

An experienced decorator or artist understands at first glance whether the wall is suitable for placing paintings, what quantity will be optimal and how they can be arranged. But among our readers, there are probably many who are far from this. And paintings are hung in the house for two reasons: either they especially like something, or because “that’s the custom.”

Indeed, paintings perfectly decorate the interior, especially if they are in harmony with the style. It is also very important to hang them correctly on the walls or place them on another plane, for example, on shelves. This is exactly the question we will tackle in the new guide for those who like to decorate walls.

Help with this difficult issue We will have a professional artist Cedar Lee, who has been working in the gallery for more than 10 years, and her own paintings are present at many opening days major cities USA and Canada.

This guide is divided into several parts:

  • The 6 most important rules for hanging pictures from Cedar Lee are short and easy to remember;
  • 10 examples of placing different numbers of paintings in the space of two rooms;

Let these rules and little tricks help you place your favorite paintings so that they really decorate your home! And don’t forget to read our detailed article about paintings in the interior from a designer’s point of view, and also look at other galleries on similar topics, links at the end of the publication.


tip 1:

Start with modeling. If you liked some painting in the salon, do not rush to purchase it, at least until you find a worthy place for it. Measure the dimensions of the painting, and make a mock-up of it at home from cardboard. Apply it to different walls, adjust the height, you may even need to move the furniture a little. Then step back and see what happens. Repeat until optimal impression is achieved.

tip 2:

The proportionality of the size of the painting relative to the furniture over which it is located. This is one of the most important rules. The picture should neither dominate nor be lost. The best option is that the outer vertical lines are slightly shorter than the length of the furniture. This applies to chests of drawers, consoles, and sofas. The same applies to a composition of several paintings, unless you decide to fill the entire space of this wall in a gallery style. But in this case, the remaining walls should be free. Look at the examples:

tip 3:

Never try to fill the entire wall space with paintings or even all the walls in the room. You don't live in a museum, do you? Around each picture there should be a certain “buffer” - a free part of the wall necessary for the eyes to rest. The size of the free space should be proportional to the size of the picture. It is this rule that will help you enjoy your favorite collection or even one painting to the fullest, and the interior will become harmonious.

tip 4:

Focus on the center of the picture. Her midline horizontally should coincide with the focus of vision. If you have high ceilings, choose the middle of the wall for this point. The same applies to a composition of several paintings.

It is advisable to tie the format of the composition to the style of the interior: for classics there are stricter rules and symmetry is important, for modern style You can use more free techniques. Check it out in the pictures:

how to determine the correct height for big picture: the focus of vision of the person standing next to her should be in the middle

elegant classic solution: use the space between windows, create a central axis of symmetry

for originals: dissimilar paintings can be combined with other elements of wall decor, fitting into an imaginary rectangle

tip 5:

Try to avoid hanging paintings next to tall cabinets and never lower them lower than 60cm from the floor, unless you are deliberately placing paintings on the floor - only contemporary paintings are suitable for this purpose.

Also use visual effects: vertically placed paintings perfectly increase the height of the wall on which they are placed, and horizontally located ones increase its length.

tip 6:

Don't forget about lighting, it makes the picture more impressive and attracts attention to it in the evening. And one more thing about the design of the walls themselves: a monochromatic or not too colorful pattern is optimal.


10 options for hanging paintings

2-3 pictures:

Using examples you will see how you can place 2 paintings. For 3 paintings, the techniques are similar, but it is necessary to take into account their size and proportionality relative to the furniture standing next to them (see tip 2 from Cedar Lee).

4 paintings:

if they are the same format, we advise you to maintain symmetry, as in the left picture, and if they are different, you can play with rotating the frame by 90 degrees, the main thing is to choose a horizontal axis, relative to which the top and bottom edges of the composition will be at the same distance.

5 paintings:

a more strict placement is to fit it into an imaginary rectangle, a looser one is to group it around the largest picture, keeping a single line at the top or bottom.

6 or more paintings:

if you have almost a vernissage, and of a heterogeneous plan, the paintings can be placed more freely, however, do not forget that some element should be unifying (color or material of the frame, subject, style of painting). And another option is to arrange everything on neutral-colored shelves.

If we are not talking about paintings, but about a collage (lowest photo), all the elements can be placed in an original frame, this will create the necessary order and harmony.

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Many home and apartment owners would like to turn one of the walls in the living room or dining room into a real art gallery. But for fear of hanging something wrong, they often limit themselves to one lonely frame. Posters, oil and watercolor paintings, children's drawings, clippings from vintage magazines - the choice of images is huge. Today we’ll tell you how to combine them into a harmonious and stylish composition.

1. Determine the correct location of the paintings Before hanging pictures or posters, you need to determine the height and size of the composition. Objects should not be placed too high, otherwise they will be uncomfortable to look at. Stand in front of the place where the painting, photograph or panel will eventually hang. Note the level where your naturally cast gaze rests (without raising or lowering your head). Mentally retreat 2–3 cm from the bottom edge of the painting. This part of the image should be at the marked level. If the ceilings are low, then you need to retreat 6–7 cm from the bottom edge of the canvas. As for the size of the composition, focus on the parameters of the sofa, table, bed over which it is located. The optimal width of a picture or group of images is 75–90% of the width of the furniture.

2. We focus on symmetry The simplest solution is to decorate the wall with one picture. But with a whole series of images, things are somewhat more complicated. If you want to get a spectacular result with minimal effort, rely on symmetrical hanging of paintings. Mentally draw a line in the center of the wall and place one or two frames vertically on it. Hang the remaining objects on both sides of them at the same distance. It's impossible to go wrong here.

3. We arrange the paintings of the same size If you have several rectangular or square images of the same size in front of you, you are lucky. Arranging such a composition harmoniously will not be difficult. Pictures of the same size can be placed in one row at an equal distance from each other. But it's much more interesting when they hang on different levels. Such compositions look especially stylish with thematic cards or photographs.

4. Select the central object To make a poster or photo composition look more harmonious, choose the largest image as the central element. Hang it on the side or in the center of a group. Place several smaller paintings around. To balance the composition, use baguette or frames of the same thickness or similar design.

5. Place a round element The easiest way is to beautifully hang a group of rectangular and square elements. What to do, for example, with a stylish mirror, round frame or other non-standard object? The easiest way is to place it in the center of the composition and surround it with smaller images. Please note that in this case you cannot use frames of the same or larger size than the central element.

6. Think outside the box Try to create something non-standard and unusual, experiment with the sizes and shapes of the composition. Use a combination of photographs, drawings, art objects and souvenirs. Place them in the shape of a triangle, cloud or heart - let the decorative composition set the mood for the entire interior.

7. Arrange the paintings on the shelf If you are against spoiling the wall decoration with extra holes, but want to create a stylish composition of paintings and posters, use a long narrow shelf, or maybe several, for these purposes. Arrange the largest works first - they will become the basis. Place smaller frames or small decorative objects in front of them. Make sure that the images are of different sizes and do not cover each other.