Recipe for waffles with condensed milk in a waffle iron. Waffles with condensed milk are the same taste familiar from childhood. A selection of the best waffle recipes with condensed milk

Probably everyone remembers the taste of homemade crispy waffles that our mothers prepared for us. And with condensed milk this delicacy became even tastier.

Waffles with condensed milk - basic principles of preparation

Making waffles at home is quite simple. It is enough to have a simple device - an electric waffle iron. But even if you don’t have one, don’t despair, waffles can be made in the oven using a special silicone mold, or fry them in a grill pan.

Waffles can be served by pouring condensed milk over them, or roll a thin waffle into a tube so that there is a hollow space inside and fill it.

There are a lot of waffle dough recipes. To make the delicacy a rich golden hue, more sugar is added to the dough, and margarine and milk make them crispy.

It is better to make the condensed milk filling with butter, as the waffles become soggy from the liquid and become unappetizing.

You can add ground ingredients to the filling. walnuts, peanuts or almonds. Boiled condensed milk itself is quite thick, so it can be used independently.

Roll the waffles while they are warm. Cooled waffles will break.

Recipe 1. Waffles with condensed milk


stack fine sugar;

a pack of oil drain;

stack wheat flour;

five chicken eggs.

pack of plums oils;

400 g condensed milk.

Cooking method

1. Place the butter in a small saucepan and place it over low heat. We wait until the butter melts and cool.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, pour in the melted butter, add granulated sugar and flour. Knead the dough until it has the consistency of pancakes.

3. Preheat the waffle iron. Spoon the dough onto the bottom portion. Omit top part and fry the waffles until golden brown.

4. Roll the finished wafer into a tube so that it remains hollow inside. Bake the waffles in this manner until the dough runs out.

5. Remove the butter for the cream from the refrigerator in advance. When it becomes soft, pour condensed milk into it and beat until you get a smooth, dense mass. Keep the finished cream in the refrigerator for an hour.

6. Fill the pastry syringe with cream and fill the wafer rolls with cream on both sides. We leave the waffles for six hours so that they are properly soaked.

Recipe 2. Waffles with boiled condensed milk and peanuts


300 g plums. oils;

200 g white sugar;

150 g peanuts;

two large eggs;

500 g boiled condensed milk;

half a kilogram of flour;

450 ml boiled water;

10 g vanilla sugar;

baking soda;

half a lemon.

Cooking method

1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave it until it becomes soft. Pour sugar into it and grind until white. Beat in the egg and continue beating until smooth. Remove the zest from half a lemon using a sharp knife or the finest grater. Add the zest to the dough and add vanilla sugar and soda. While stirring, add the sifted flour and knead into a thick dough.

2. Add water little by little and mix the dough, adjusting its thickness. You should get a mixture of consistency thick sour cream.

3. Heat up the electric waffle iron. Place a spoonful of dough in the center, press the top part down and bake until golden brown. Remove the finished waffle and roll it into a tube.

4. Pour the peanuts into the frying pan and dry them. Turn off the heat and cool. Rub the nuts with your palms to remove the husks. Place the peanuts in a blender bowl and grind not too finely. Combine it with boiled condensed milk and mix.

5. Place the filling in a pastry bag and fill the wafer rolls on both sides.

Recipe 3. Banana waffles with condensed milk and grated chocolate


wheat flour – 200 g;

oil drain – 30 g;

milk – 220 ml;

white sugar – 80 g;

one and a half bananas;

two large eggs;

soda - on the tip of a knife;

baking powder – 5 g;

condensed milk;

grated chocolate.

Cooking method

1. Peel the banana. Cut it into pieces, put it in a deep bowl and mash with a fork until pureed.

2. Sift the wheat flour twice. Add the rest of the dry ingredients to it and mix.

3. Separate the yolks from the yolks. Add milk and mashed banana to the latter. Stir until smooth. Pour the milk-banana mixture into the flour and knead the dough.

4. Melt the butter, cool and pour into the dough. Mix again.

5. Beat the whites with a mixer into a thick foam and carefully fold them into the dough. Stir.

6. Heat the waffle iron and lightly grease it with butter. Spoon the dough into the center, cover with the top and bake the waffles until golden brown.

7. Place the finished waffles on a plate, pour over condensed milk and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Recipe 4. Coconut waffles with condensed milk


half a can of coconut milk;

5 g baking powder;

¼ pack of drained butter;

raspberry essence;

two chicken eggs;

150 g wheat flour;

granulated sugar;

condensed milk;

100 g coconut flakes.

Cooking method

1. Pour coconut milk into a deep container. We beat eggs into it. Melt the butter in a water bath, cool and pour into milk. Add a few drops of raspberry essence to this. Whisk everything until smooth.

2. In a separate cup, mix flour with coconut, baking powder and granulated sugar.

3. Gradually add the dry mixture to the egg-milk mixture and knead into a dense but flowing dough. Let it sit for ten minutes.

4. Warm up electric waffle iron. Place a small amount of dough on the surface and cover with the top of the device. Bake until golden brown. Place the finished waffles on a wire rack.

5. Combine condensed milk with coconut flakes and pour over the finished waffles.

Recipe 5. Curd waffles with condensed milk


cottage cheese – 200 g;

vanillin - a pinch;

eggs - two pcs.;

salt – 2 g;

granulated sugar – 50 g;

condensed milk;

fresh berries;

baking powder – 5 g;

flour – 90 g.

Cooking method

1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve so that the consistency of the dough is soft and homogeneous. Add eggs, granulated sugar, vanillin and salt to it. Grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

2. Sift flour and baking powder into the curd mixture and mix.

3. Heat up the electric waffle iron. Grease the ribbed surface with oil, lay out the dough and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. The layer of dough should not exceed half a centimeter.

4. Cover the dough with the top of the appliance and bake for about ten minutes until they are bright golden brown. Place on a plate and cool. Pour generously with condensed milk and sprinkle with fresh raspberries, strawberries or currants.

Recipe 6. Waffles with boiled condensed milk in chocolate glaze


a pack of margarine;

stack wheat flour;

five large eggs;

stack granulated sugar.

Chocolate glaze

20 g melted butter;

50 ml boiled water;

150 g each of cocoa powder and powdered sugar;

boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method

1. Grind the eggs with granulated sugar until white. Add flour and pour in melted margarine. Knead the dough, the consistency is slightly thicker than for pancakes.

2. Heat the waffle iron well. Grease the ribbed surface with oil and spoon out a small amount of dough. Cover with the top of the device, lightly adjust and bake until golden brown.

3. Remove the finished waffle onto the board. Place a spoonful of boiled condensed milk on the edge and roll it into a tube. We continue to bake the remaining waffles using the same principle.

4. Pour water into a bowl, sift powdered sugar into it and add cocoa powder here. Cook over low heat, stirring continuously. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, add ghee.

5. Dip both sides of the tubes into the glaze and place on a plate. Sprinkle the treat with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7. Brussels waffles with condensed milk


one and a half to two stacks. sifted flour;

table salt - a pinch;

one and a half stack. light beer;

5 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;

90 ml vegetable oil;

chicken egg;

small chocolate bar;

60 g orange or lemon zest;

condensed milk;

5 g vanillin.

Cooking method

1. Combine all dry ingredients in a separate bowl and mix.

2. Mix separately vegetable oil, egg, lemon juice and light beer. Shake until smooth.

3. Combine both mixtures and knead into a homogeneous dough without lumps.

4. Bake waffles until golden brown.

5. Break the chocolate bar and melt it in a water bath. Combine with condensed milk and pour the resulting mixture over the finished waffles.

Before adding the dough, warm up the electric waffle iron thoroughly.

Don't add too much dough, otherwise it will start to come out and burn.

Only roll the waffles when they are warm, otherwise they will start to break.

For flavor, you can add vanilla essence, citrus juice or any other flavoring to the dough.

It's great that it exists huge amount Soviet recipes, which have not gone out of use to this day. So, among them are not only chocolate sausage, “nut” cookies and “potato” dessert, but also puff pastries with condensed milk. This is a great alternative for small evening gatherings if you absolutely don’t have time to prepare complex cakes and pastries.

No difficulty

For some reason, most people have a stereotype that sweets and baked goods of this type are very difficult to prepare, but crispy tubes with condensed milk are the exception to the rule.

The process of making them is so simple that after the first time you will definitely want to please yourself and your loved ones with such sweets again and again, and the ingredients can definitely be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

Of course, you should clarify about special equipment, which is necessary to bring the recipe for condensed milk tubes to life. Basically, it should be an ordinary waffle iron, which any self-respecting housewife has in her arsenal, but if you are not one of them, then don’t be upset.

The fact is that the waffle iron can be easily replaced with our usual oven. We will look at this method in more detail in the second recipe.

Taste and color

If you have already decided that you will prepare waffle rolls with condensed milk, then you should decide in advance. The fact is that for filling you can take not only regular, but also pre-cooked condensed milk.

This way, you will not only improve the taste of your dish, but also make it more interesting. And if after cooking boiled condensed milk is put in the refrigerator for several months, it will turn into wonderful toffee due to the crystallization of sugar inside it.

List of ingredients

It is so simple that you hardly even have to go to the store, since wafer rolls with condensed milk contain only basic and affordable components:

  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Chicken egg - 5 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 cup.

And for the cream:

  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Regular/boiled condensed milk - 400 g.

First recipe: tubes with condensed milk

To prepare the waffle dough, beat the eggs until fluffy, then add everything required quantity Sahara. Continue using the mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved in the liquid.

Then add melted, but not hot, butter and all the flour into the liquid, sifting it in advance. Gently knead the dough, which is more like a pancake-like consistency, as it should be very elastic.

Preheat the waffle iron in advance and, if necessary, grease its parts with butter.

Pour the batter onto it, then, based on the specifics of your technique, wait the required amount of time so that the waffles are cooked but not dry out.

While the dough is still hot, roll it into a thin tube and secure one end with a small glass or wine glass. In this way, prepare all the tubes for filling, and while they are cooling in their “simple” forms, we will prepare the cream.

To do this, remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens slightly, then beat it together with the condensed milk.

The finished cream needs to be put in the refrigerator for 45-60 minutes so that the oil in it sets and it thickens.

After cooling, you can fill the tubes with the finished cream using a pastry bag or an ordinary spoon. The filled products should stand for 2-3 hours at room temperature so that the dough is thoroughly saturated with cream, after which the dessert can be safely served.

We got such a wonderful sweetness for tea, and the most important thing is that the recipe for tubes with condensed milk was so easy to make, and the result met all expectations that we didn’t even regret the time spent.

Second recipe: an interesting alternative

This adventure is only suitable for those who are not the proud owner of a waffle iron, but who really want to try homemade straws with condensed milk.

  • Prepare the dough exactly as stated in the previous recipe, then preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees.
  • Ready dough spread with a spoon or spatula on a silicone mat, trying to form a circle, and then send the baking sheet with the preparations to the oven. IN in this case we can't tell you exact time cooking, but it can range from 4 to 10 minutes. As soon as the dough turns golden and the edges brownish, feel free to remove everything from the oven and again form tubes using glasses and cups.
  • Again, we prepare the cream, let it harden, fill the tubes, leave them to soak and again rejoice and pamper ourselves with homemade sweets.

Once again, we have proven that the recipe for tubes with condensed milk is a real find for any housewife, which both adults and children will always be happy with. And the most important thing is that here you can experiment, add nuts, berries, replace cream with cottage cheese and much more that will make your life sweeter!

The final sweet chord in any festive dinner, very simple in its execution and magnificent in taste. taste qualities, can become waffles with condensed milk. The idea of ​​this sweet treat belongs to German chefs who created a dessert from batter and called it waffel.


Products made from liquid dough, made using special molds, are waffles. On their surface, depending on the pattern on the waffle iron, a checkered print characteristic of this dish is obtained. Such unusual crispy cakes are usually coated with fruit, fondant or fat fillings. They are very tasty in any of their forms; each country now offers its own recipe, but in our country waffles with condensed milk are considered especially popular.


Waffle dough has the most simple set of ingredients and the easy way preparations. with some skill, they are prepared in literally a matter of minutes and can become great addition with your daily morning tea or coffee. But do not forget that it is thanks to the filling that this delicacy becomes very high in calories. So, one hundred grams of this product can contain up to nine hundred kilocalories. This figure varies mainly due to the cream, thanks to which the waffle cake becomes so tasty.


The composition of waffle cakes is simple, but even here the manufacturer often sins by adding hydrogenated fats and harmful oils. Therefore, if you choose straws, then homemade ones, made exclusively from fresh eggs, sugar and flour. Homemade waffles with condensed milk (photo of a homemade dessert) do not contain preservatives, flavorings or improvers, have a wonderful taste and aroma, and most importantly, everyone at home, without exception, likes them. The easiest way to prepare this dessert is with a waffle iron. Our grandmothers used special cast iron devices for these purposes that were difficult to use. Modern market has greatly facilitated the work of housewives, now the manufacturer offers us electrical devices that, during the baking process, apply exactly the same pattern in the form of a honeycomb to the future tube.

The most delicious dough

This main foundation is distinguished by its versatility. Each housewife prepares waffles with condensed milk in her own way. The recipe for a waffle iron always includes sour cream (two full spoons), flour (two glasses), half a stick of good butter and three eggs.

  1. In a deep container, beat the eggs and sugar separately until foam forms and the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. At this stage, you can add a little aromatic vanillin to the mixture.
  2. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to soften at room temperature. Combine it with sour cream, sweet egg mixture and mix well. Experienced cooks add a little salt to the dough at this stage, this will give it ready-made dish even greater brightness.
  3. Now you need to gradually add flour, this should be done in portions to avoid the appearance of lumps. It is not necessary to use all two glasses, the main thing is that the dough has the consistency of good thick sour cream.

Cooking waffles

Each experienced housewife knows several secrets that make waffles with condensed milk very tasty.

  • The secret of the correct dough is its thickness, it should be medium. Often the consistency is adjusted independently after the first trial preparation. Too thick dough will not bake well, and liquid dough will become brittle and brittle.
  • It is important to preheat the waffle iron well and bake the waffles at an even temperature.
  • Be sure to consider their cooking time. So, the first cake may cook more slowly, and subsequently the temperature of the electric appliance will increase, and it will take very little time to bake. Do not leave the waffle iron until you have adjusted this process. Waffles made with kefir or milk can take up to two to three minutes, but in this recipe with butter, the cooking time will be only forty seconds.
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to the grooved surface of the waffle iron, add a small spoon of potato starch to it. When purchasing and testing a new device, this must be done.

Pour no more than one spoon of dough onto a pre-prepared (heated) surface, level it in a circle and tightly close the lid of the device. The first shortbread may take longer to cook and may turn out brown; subsequently reduce the cooking time. Immediately after removing the shortcakes from the waffle iron, roll them into tubes and place them on a large plate in dense rows. If you hesitate a little, the dough will harden and you will no longer be able to roll it.


It is most convenient to fill waffles with condensed milk using a regular pastry syringe with a wide nozzle. Mix condensed milk in equal proportions with softened butter, fill the syringe with the mixture, press the piston smoothly so that the mass has time to move inside the tube. Fill the tubes from both ends and place horizontally on a wide plate. The crispy and aromatic dessert is ready and can be served.

Probably everyone remembers the taste of homemade crispy waffles that our mothers prepared for us. And with condensed milk this delicacy became even tastier.

Waffles with condensed milk - basic principles of preparation

Making waffles at home is quite simple. It is enough to have a simple device - an electric waffle iron. But even if you don’t have one, don’t despair, waffles can be made in the oven using a special silicone mold, or fry them in a grill pan.

Waffles can be served by pouring condensed milk over them, or roll a thin waffle into a tube so that there is a hollow space inside and fill it.

There are a lot of waffle dough recipes. To make the delicacy a rich golden hue, more sugar is added to the dough, and margarine and milk make them crispy.

It is better to make the condensed milk filling with butter, as the waffles become soggy from the liquid and become unappetizing.

You can add ground walnuts, peanuts or almonds to the filling. Boiled condensed milk itself is quite thick, so it can be used independently.

Roll the waffles while they are warm. Cooled waffles will break.

Recipe 1. Waffles with condensed milk


stack fine sugar;

a pack of oil drain;

stack wheat flour;

five chicken eggs.

pack of plums oils;

400 g condensed milk.

Cooking method

1. Place the butter in a small saucepan and place it over low heat. We wait until the butter melts and cool.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, pour in the melted butter, add granulated sugar and flour. Knead the dough until it has the consistency of pancakes.

3. Preheat the waffle iron. Spoon the dough onto the bottom portion. Lower the top and fry the waffles until golden brown.

4. Roll the finished wafer into a tube so that it remains hollow inside. Bake the waffles in this manner until the dough runs out.

5. Remove the butter for the cream from the refrigerator in advance. When it becomes soft, pour condensed milk into it and beat until you get a smooth, dense mass. Keep the finished cream in the refrigerator for an hour.

6. Fill the pastry syringe with cream and fill the wafer rolls with cream on both sides. We leave the waffles for six hours so that they are properly soaked.

Recipe 2. Waffles with boiled condensed milk and peanuts


300 g plums. oils;

200 g white sugar;

150 g peanuts;

two large eggs;

500 g boiled condensed milk;

half a kilogram of flour;

450 ml boiled water;

10 g vanilla sugar;

baking soda;

half a lemon.

Cooking method

1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave it until it becomes soft. Pour sugar into it and grind until white. Beat in the egg and continue beating until smooth. Remove the zest from half a lemon using a sharp knife or the finest grater. Add the zest to the dough and add vanilla sugar and soda. While stirring, add the sifted flour and knead into a thick dough.

2. Add water little by little and mix the dough, adjusting its thickness. You should get a mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream.

3. Heat up the electric waffle iron. Place a spoonful of dough in the center, press the top part down and bake until golden brown. Remove the finished waffle and roll it into a tube.

4. Pour the peanuts into the frying pan and dry them. Turn off the heat and cool. Rub the nuts with your palms to remove the husks. Place the peanuts in a blender bowl and grind not too finely. Combine it with boiled condensed milk and mix.

5. Place the filling in a pastry bag and fill the wafer rolls on both sides.

Recipe 3. Banana waffles with condensed milk and grated chocolate


wheat flour - 200 g;

oil drain - 30 g;

milk - 220 ml;

white sugar - 80 g;

one and a half bananas;

two large eggs;

soda - on the tip of a knife;

baking powder - 5 g;

condensed milk;

grated chocolate.

Cooking method

1. Peel the banana. Cut it into pieces, put it in a deep bowl and mash with a fork until pureed.

2. Sift the wheat flour twice. Add the rest of the dry ingredients to it and mix.

3. Separate the yolks from the yolks. Add milk and mashed banana to the latter. Stir until smooth. Pour the milk-banana mixture into the flour and knead the dough.

4. Melt the butter, cool and pour into the dough. Mix again.

5. Beat the whites with a mixer into a thick foam and carefully fold them into the dough. Stir.

6. Heat the waffle iron and lightly grease it with butter. Spoon the dough into the center, cover with the top and bake the waffles until golden brown.

7. Place the finished waffles on a plate, pour over condensed milk and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Recipe 4. Coconut waffles with condensed milk


half a can of coconut milk;

5 g baking powder;

¼ pack of drained butter;

raspberry essence;

two chicken eggs;

150 g wheat flour;

granulated sugar;

condensed milk;

100 g coconut flakes.

Cooking method

1. Pour coconut milk into a deep container. We beat eggs into it. Melt the butter in a water bath, cool and pour into milk. Add a few drops of raspberry essence to this. Whisk everything until smooth.

2. In a separate cup, mix flour with coconut, baking powder and granulated sugar.

3. Gradually add the dry mixture to the egg-milk mixture and knead into a dense but flowing dough. Let it sit for ten minutes.

4. Warm up the electric waffle iron. Place a small amount of dough on the surface and cover with the top of the device. Bake until golden brown. Place the finished waffles on a wire rack.

5. Combine condensed milk with coconut flakes and pour over the finished waffles.

Recipe 5. Curd waffles with condensed milk


cottage cheese - 200 g;

vanillin - a pinch;

eggs - two pieces;

salt - 2 g;

granulated sugar - 50 g;

condensed milk;

fresh berries;

baking powder - 5 g;

flour - 90 g.

Cooking method

1. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve so that the consistency of the dough is soft and homogeneous. Add eggs, granulated sugar, vanillin and salt to it. Grind with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

2. Sift flour and baking powder into the curd mixture and mix.

3. Heat up the electric waffle iron. Grease the ribbed surface with oil, lay out the dough and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. The layer of dough should not exceed half a centimeter.

4. Cover the dough with the top of the appliance and bake for about ten minutes until they are bright golden brown. Place on a plate and cool. Pour generously with condensed milk and sprinkle with fresh raspberries, strawberries or currants.

Recipe 6. Waffles with boiled condensed milk in chocolate glaze


a pack of margarine;

stack wheat flour;

five large eggs;

stack granulated sugar.

Chocolate glaze

20 g melted butter;

50 ml boiled water;

150 g each of cocoa powder and powdered sugar;

boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method

1. Grind the eggs with granulated sugar until white. Add flour and pour in melted margarine. Knead the dough, the consistency is slightly thicker than for pancakes.

2. Heat the waffle iron well. Grease the ribbed surface with oil and spoon out a small amount of dough. Cover with the top of the device, lightly adjust and bake until golden brown.

3. Remove the finished waffle onto the board. Place a spoonful of boiled condensed milk on the edge and roll it into a tube. We continue to bake the remaining waffles using the same principle.

4. Pour water into a bowl, sift powdered sugar into it and add cocoa powder here. Cook over low heat, stirring continuously. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, add ghee.

5. Dip both sides of the tubes into the glaze and place on a plate. Sprinkle the treat with powdered sugar.

Recipe 7. Brussels waffles with condensed milk


one and a half to two stacks. sifted flour;

table salt - a pinch;

one and a half stack. light beer;

5 ml freshly squeezed lemon juice;

90 ml vegetable oil;

chicken egg;

small chocolate bar;

60 g orange or lemon zest;

condensed milk;

5 g vanillin.

Cooking method

1. Combine all dry ingredients in a separate bowl and mix.

2. Separately mix vegetable oil, egg, lemon juice and light beer. Shake until smooth.

3. Combine both mixtures and knead into a homogeneous dough without lumps.

4. Bake waffles until golden brown.

5. Break the chocolate bar and melt it in a water bath. Combine with condensed milk and pour the resulting mixture over the finished waffles.

Before adding the dough, warm up the electric waffle iron thoroughly.

Don't add too much dough, otherwise it will start to come out and burn.

Only roll the waffles when they are warm, otherwise they will start to break.

For flavor, you can add vanilla essence, citrus juice or any other flavoring to the dough.

Arriving in once again on a visit to my parents with my children, I found a waffle iron in one of the many cabinets. Judging by the documents preserved in the box, next year the waffle iron will turn a quarter of a century old! Memories from childhood about crispy sweet wafer rolls with condensed milk inside forced me to wash the device of old grease and start cooking. The instructions for the waffle iron contained several recipes, but there was also a greasy piece of paper with a recipe, and that’s exactly what my family used to make waffles.

Only this time I decided to replace the water with milk, although only melted milk was available, and make the filling from cream with boiled condensed milk and butter.

So, to prepare crispy waffles filled with condensed milk I needed:

  • 100 g of spread, there was no margarine in the nearest store;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 glass of premium wheat flour;
  • about half a glass of milk;
  • 100 g each of butter and boiled condensed milk.

IN detailed instructions When preparing waffles from a box, it was said that all products for kneading dough should be at the same room temperature, accordingly, they should be removed from the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking.

How to prepare waffle rolls with condensed milk:

1. Rub the spread with a spoon until white with sugar.

2. Break the eggs into the butter mixture and whisk everything with a whisk to get a homogeneous mass.

3. I sifted a glass of flour into it, whisked everything again, or rather didn’t even whisk, but simply stirred with a whisk until there were no lumps left in the dough.

4. Next, the recipe required adding liquid to the consistency of sour cream. I have no clear memories of the consistency of sour cream during my childhood, I added milk intuitively, it took me half a glass of milk. As a result, the dough turned out approximately like pancakes. Now the dough needs to stand and “disperse”.

5. At this time I started preparing the cream. I just stirred the soft butter with boiled condensed milk very well with a spoon. At the same time, of course, like an old woman, she noted that condensed milk is not the same today... She put the cream in the refrigerator.

6. Before baking the first waffle, it was recommended to grease the surface of the waffle iron with oil; I greased it with a little vegetable oil.

7. Turned on the waffle iron at medium power and waited until steam came out of it (as advised in the instructions).
8. As you can see from the recipe on the piece of paper, you had to use some kind of spoon from the set to spread the dough, but, naturally, this set no longer survives. Practice has shown that to bake one waffle you need to spread about one and a half tablespoons of dough, so it’s better to find a scoop of just that size.

9. She closed the lid of the waffle iron, but did not press it with force, otherwise the result would not be waffles, but a thin crumbly cobweb. It took about two minutes to bake one waffle (at first you can spy on them a little, then everything is cooked automatically).

10. Using a small knife, I picked up the edge of the waffle and removed it from the surface, put the flatbread on the table and rolled it into a tube along the long side. I performed the entire procedure with my hands, which is quite tolerable.

11. Next, I baked the waffles until the dough ran out. The photo shows about 2/3 of what happened, since the first wafer rolls were mercilessly eaten by children.

12. It's time to fill the wafer rolls with condensed milk cream. My parents didn’t have a pastry syringe, so I just put the cream in a bag the old fashioned way and cut a small hole in the corner of the bag. I squeezed cream into each tube on both sides.

Wafer rolls with condensed milk are ready! They turned out exactly like what I ate as a child - indescribably delicious. I must say that while drinking tea with these waffles, the part of my brain responsible for the reasonable consumption of sweets completely switched off, I could not stop...
I am sure that this recipe will be suitable for modern waffle irons. I wish you a pleasant family tea party.