Questions on human knowledge. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you choose? If you know you are going to die tomorrow, what is the last thing you would do?

If on the first date you ask a girl if she has a piercing on her... (well, you understand), most likely she will send you away, and you are unlikely to have the chance. Even an innocent question about what her favorite color is could cost you that coveted second date. Why? You may seem superficial to her. She's got enough life experience, she can tell you a lot, but you can only ask her a meaningless question!

Women have a strange logic. That's why we've come up with 50 questions for you that will help you avoid ruining a date and get to know your friend inside and out. Of course, you shouldn’t ask all these questions at once on one date; choose a few and dilute the conversation with them.

1. What would you never repeat in your life?

2. What would you choose: to be twice as smart or twice as happy?

3. For what reason did you cry? last time?

4. In what situation were you the most nervous?

5. What fact about you would surprise your parents?

6. What is your worst habit?

7. What superpower would you like to have for one day?

8. Which superhero do you think is the most attractive man?

9. What's the weirdest thing your pet does?

10. Where would you live if you could choose any place on Earth?

11. Who knows you best?

12. What clubs did you go to at school?

13. Finish the phrase: “I’m probably the best…”

14. Which one last book did you really like it?

15. Best Show of all times and peoples?

16. At what age did you enjoy living the most?

17. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself?

18. Finish the phrase: “I would be most upset at dawn if I had never...”

19. Apologize or ask permission?

20. Endless love or money?

21. If you knew that you would die in a week, what would you do?

22. What song have you listened to the most times?

23. Lie on the beach or wander around Europe on excursions?

24. If you were a child prodigy, what would you do?

25. What is the first thing you will do if you win the lottery?

26. Which celebrity would you trade places with?

27. If you were a musician, what would you call your first album?

28. What life story do your friends remind you of from time to time?

29. If there was only one spice left in the world, what would you choose?

30. What is the ideal number of people for a Friday night party?

31. What is the most unpleasant age for you?

33. Which fictional character reminds you of yourself?

35. What program did you love to watch as a child?

37. In any game where you choose a question category, what would you choose first?

38. What things are you superstitious about?

39. Tell me about the most terrible incident in your life.

40. Which person not involved in politics would you support in the elections? Or whose election race would you be interested in watching?

42. Which dead person would you like to have lunch with if it were possible?

43. Do you think following the news is important?

44. The best gift, which you ever received?

45. Would you be willing to sacrifice one of your fingers if in exchange you could get free Wi-Fi everywhere you went?

46. ​​What would you do first if you turned into a man for one day?

47. If you could give a gift to anyone for any amount, what would you give and to whom?

48. A large comfortable house in a residential area or a tiny house with a beautiful view?

49. What is the nicest thing others can say about you?

A new man has recently appeared in your life, and you are incredibly curious about what he is really like. In order to get to know a person better, it is not at all necessary to communicate with him for several years - ten minutes of observation is enough. Insignificant, at first glance, details of his behavior will tell a lot about his character and personality type, and at the same time help assess the prospects for the development of your relationship.

Singles - runners, swimmers 1 - enjoy their independence and self-sufficiency. Fans of popular team sports - such as football, hockey, basketball - 2 The spirit of competition is strong, and this applies to both work and personal life. Men who are indifferent to sports in general are most likely 3 They are distinguished by independence of judgment, and when making decisions, they rely mainly on intuition.

If he has a childhood friend, most likely 4 he knows what true loyalty is, and he will want you to live up to this ideal. And one more thing: be patient - it will take you a lot of time to gain his trust. If he has a lot of friends, he 5 finds without problems common language with people and easily adapts to any conditions.

He bombards you with emails, but will never call you first. This method of communication allows you to properly edit your thoughts. Well he probably is 6 doesn’t want to show his true colors, or maybe he’s just not very confident in himself. A fan of chatting on icq or sending sms 7 craves attention non-stop. He 8 able to talk to you on the phone for hours? He is conservative, but close relationships do not frighten him at all.

If he pays everywhere only with a plastic card, most likely he 9 ambitious and incredibly proud of his social status. If he pays only in cash, then he 10 a self-sufficient and independent person, a real macho who is difficult to baffle. If his pockets are empty, he's probably 11 counts on other people's help. And I am sure that there will certainly be helpers.

If your favorite jeans and sundress turn him on more than a black bodycon dress, you're dating 12 with a real realist. He is calm, unhurried and prefers girls of the same kind who do not require a special approach. A man who gets ecstatic over women in designer clothes 13 thinks first of all about prestige. He's probably making a ton of money. But there is a danger that this plays too big a role in his life. Is he turned on by girls dressed as the lead singers of the group “VIA Gra”? He has 14 obvious problems with self-esteem. Being surrounded by stunning women is his dream.

If he tries with all his might to attract the attention of others, he 15 not too confident in myself. An avid partygoer may turn out to be 16 a good option for having fun, but not easy to live with. He will demand constant attention from you to his person. But your wishes can simply be ignored.

If he goes berserk at the sight of a traffic jam, one thing is clear: he 17 aggressive and not used to restraining himself. Perhaps this trait will help him make a career, but a relationship with such a person is clearly not the ultimate dream. By the way, he prefers to dominate in his intimate life. If in traffic jams he behaves like a true Taoist, then with self-control he has 18 everything is definitely fine.

Amateur gambling 19 an optimist with an adrenaline addiction. True, his excessive optimism disappears when faced with reality. A heavy smoker is likely to also be 20 part-time neurotic. Yes, and persuade him to living together it won't be easy. Drinker, perhaps 21 hides spiritual insecurity behind his quirks and violent antics.

Sex with him literally makes your bones crack, and he's definitely proud that he's capable of such intensity. He 22 I am 100% sure that you are crazy about him. However, he 23 may also turn out to be a conservative fulfilling a traditional gender role. If in bed he prefers passive role fulfiller of your desires, perhaps one day he 24 suffered mental trauma due to rude refusal and still has not come to his senses.

A man who orders large portions 25 constant, but dependent. And in general he is far from being an adventurer. Chooses exotic? Amateur 26 spontaneous decisions and a fun life.

An exceptionally neat man 27 terribly picky about pleasures. Those who have an artistic mess at home, 28 are by no means careerists, but very sensitive and creative personalities. If there isn't even a washcloth in his bathroom, he's probably 29 just lazy and dirty. Are you sure you want to get to know his sheets?

A lover of making love early in the morning 30 impulsive in everything. If he prefers intimacy and the darkness of the night, he will most likely 31 romantic at heart. Don’t expect the Kama Sutra from him, but long and sensual sex is guaranteed.

He only watches comedies - maybe 32 laughter helps him relieve stress. He will not accumulate resentment and will never lose his composure. But it may be difficult to have a serious conversation with him. Lover of detective stories and crime chronicles 33 analytical and proud of it. You can always count on his help.

Lefties are most likely 34 artists at heart. After all, they process most of the information with the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity. Nothing definite can be said about right-handers.

Man with perm or styling 35 - there are few egoists. If the hair has already begun to leave your boyfriend's head, this 36 maybe not in the best possible way affect his self-confidence. But he will most likely turn out to be very sensitive.

He is a real sprinter! The result is more important to him than the process. Perhaps he 37 selfish, and not only in bed. If your man is a lover of long sensual sex, 38 There is definitely contact between you, just as there is a future for your relationship.

Senior 39 - responsible, you can rely on him. Younger 40 - creative. A bit of a nonconformist... In general, the fairytale Ivan the Fool was not too simple. But if he is average in the family 41 - keep in mind that his sensitive soul requires a lot of attention.

If he hugs you all the time in public, it's probably his way of 42 proves to others his masculine worth or simply... “marks his territory.” But this is a sign of insecurity. A man who doesn't even touch you in front of anyone 43 I’m not sure of either my feelings for you or yours for him.

The tighter the panties, the stronger it is 44 desire to show off your sexual prowess. And he really has something to be proud of! If he chooses boxers, he may not be a sex machine, but he is 45 will be incredibly attentive to all your desires. What can you say about a man who walks around without any underwear? He 46 free from prejudice and has good control of his body.

The man who catches his reflection in every shop window 47 definitely suffers from narcissism. But it is also a sign of a focus on success, no matter what aspect of life it relates to. If he pays almost no attention to his appearance, then he may 48 less ambitious and much easier to communicate with. He definitely won’t put pressure on you.

If he doesn’t plop down in the driver’s seat as if it were his rightful place, but gladly gives up the steering wheel to you, he’s probably 49 wants you to manage your relationships too. At least sometimes. If he jumps behind the wheel even in your car - in best case scenario He 50 old-fashioned. It is much worse if he turns out to be authoritarian, prone to constant control.

If he doesn't meet your eyes, 51 he should not be trusted 100%. However, if he keeps piercing your eyes with his eyes, then he probably 52 feels the need to keep everything under control, or even wants to completely subjugate you. But if he 53 does not take his burning gaze off you... You yourself understand that he is simply fascinated by you.

If he speaks a hundred words per minute, then he 54 a person of mood, incredibly energetic and, perhaps, very selfish. If he speaks with feeling and arrangement, 55 You definitely can’t call him an extreme sports fan. But it’s worth listening to what he says more carefully, because he doesn’t always say everything in plain text!

Even if you have lived together for decades, there is no guarantee that you know everything about your loved one. After all, the world of the soul is inexhaustible, time flows, and our views change with age. What if you missed something or didn’t attach any importance to it? Maybe from the very beginning your romance spun at such a speed that there was no time to stop and talk about important things? Despite everything, you have opened this article, which means you are ready to reveal your cards.

We have collected 20 deep questions that will help you build an informed dialogue and get to know each other better. Your job is to listen carefully and not rush to conclusions.

1) Questions to identify interests and values

Who do you trust most and why?
Do you have people or characters from books that you admire?
What positive qualities of others attract you, what do you pay attention to in a person first of all?
Do you have any goals or plans for this year? Describe how you see ways to implement them?
Imagine that the 25th hour has appeared in the day. What would you like to spend it on?

This block of questions will help you find out not only the goals and hobbies of your loved one, but will also reveal to you his close circle, expectations in the relationship, and plans for the future. Perhaps you will be able to find something in common, or maybe you will be surprised at the gap between you, recognizing your partner from a completely different side. It happens that a person has no goals at all, does not want to strive for anything - and this is also an indicator.

2) Questions that will help you understand the past

Remember your happiest moment from childhood. What was it, why did you remember it so much?
Where did you like to go for walks? Did you have a “special place” where you hid from the whole world?
Can you name those events in the past that made you who you are today?
Do you remember what you spent your first honestly earned money on?
What events or moments from the past do you especially miss?

This block of questions concerns the partner’s childhood and growing up. It is in retrospect that it is easy to trace the history of the formation of a loved one, the moments that had a special impact on him, the situations that he was never able to survive. Find out what preceded his life? How to help him become stronger, repeating happy moments, realizing childhood dreams? All this is important because it gives life a feeling of completeness and meaning, and bonds you together as a couple.

3) Questions that will show attitude to problems

Do you have a life motto, favorite quote, manifesto? How did they hook you?
Have you ever received advice that would change your life? What did they concern, how did they influence you?
Have you ever helped strangers in need? How do you usually console people? How often have you had to do this?
Imagine that you went back in time and saw yourself as a young person. What would you tell yourself, what advice would you leave?
What problems do you consider unsolvable? What can unsettle you and drive you into depression?

From the answers to this block you can see a person’s attitude to problems. What does he cope with easily, what does he ignore, and what does he exaggerate on an unprecedented scale? You will also find out how he feels about outside help, is he ready to help himself, to make sacrifices? Finally, does he have a circle of people who have access to his personal life? All these little things are important, as they help to evaluate the inner core of a person, turning points in his life, personal qualities (compassion, nobility, patience, vulnerability). These parameters make a lot of difference. In the end, there will always be difficulties, and you need to know how your partner reacts to them, can you make compromises?

4) Questions on gratitude, love and friendship

What do you love more – giving gifts or receiving them?
Remember the three most bright moments in life, when you were congratulated in a special way.
What things in your life do you feel grateful for? Name them.
What do you think are the best ways to express your love? How to show someone your affection?
Tell me, what in our relationship can you say “thank you” to me for?

The last block of questions is aimed at determining the methods of communication in a couple, how the partner expresses his feelings, what kind of attitude he expects to be treated? From the answers you can understand what makes him happy, what kind of attention he would like to receive, is he ready to invest himself and somehow express his gratitude? Knowing such little things strengthens trust in a couple, prolongs sympathy, and preserves love. At least you will know exactly how to please each other, where to support, and where to give in.

How long have you had a heart-to-heart talk with your partner? Do not neglect moments of closeness; family is not only a unity of habits, but also a unity of souls.

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“The Game of Questions” is a rather entertaining entertainment that will help you get to know any person, as they say, from the inside. This is a great way to start communicating with a stranger and a good opportunity to reveal an unexpected side to an old friend. After the game you will feel like you have literally read this man and have known him for a hundred years.

We are in website We suggest you take people you are interested in “for a moment” and play this game with them.

  • The interlocutors take turns asking each other questions. Absolutely any questions: unexpected, personal, provoking, but most importantly, requiring a detailed answer, and not just agreement or denial. Questions can be turned in any direction that interests you (below we have given 30 examples that you can start with to get a taste of the game).
  • But it is worth remembering that the response move may be even more unexpected, and completely taboo topics It's also not worth going over.
  • You can't answer in monosyllables. “Yes, no, I don’t know, I don’t remember” are not accepted, you need to give the most complete answers.
  • By prior agreement, you can enable the “skip question” option, but only once.
  1. What's your biggest fear?
  2. Which are the most unusual people met you on planes and trains?
  3. Is there a negative book or movie character that you like?
  4. Has it ever happened that you were once very disappointed in a person?
  5. Do you have any useless talent?
  6. Tell us about your funniest date.
  7. What cruel truth was told to your face?
  8. Can you say that 5 years ago you were a completely different person?
  9. What was the most ridiculous joke you ever said?
  10. Name your most pleasant memory? last year.
  11. What action do you regret the most?
  12. What was the last time you cried?
  13. What are you most ashamed of?
  14. Is there a movie that made you feel really uneasy after watching it?
  15. What was your nickname at school?
  16. Are you happy with the way your parents raised you? What would you change?
  17. What was your scariest and most dangerous moment in your life?
  18. In your opinion, which of your friends is absolutely happy and why?
  19. What advice would you give to a complete stranger who is 18 years old?
  20. What small thing would make you happier right now?
  21. What irritates you in the behavior of others?
  22. Have you ever selflessly helped? to a stranger?
  23. What did your classmates become?
  24. Is there a book that changed your outlook on life?
  25. Was there a moment in your life so happy that you realized that you didn’t need anything else?
  26. What was your favorite interesting trip?
  27. What genre of cinema most impresses you?
  28. Which was the most difficult choice in your life?
  29. Tell me your most memorable dream.
  30. The craziest thing you've ever done in your life.

A few years ago, the New York Times published an article, “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This.” Mandy Len Catron, author of the article, cites the study The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Intimacy: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings Arthur Aron, conducted at Stony Brook University.

As often happens when psychological research gets into the media mass media, they lose some nuance. The real purpose of the study with the 36-question test was not to help people fall in love, but to bring them closer to each other.

In a study by Arthur Aron, college students were asked to play a game in which they read and followed instructions on 36 cards divided into three parts. They were given 15 minutes for each series of questions, but they were not required to answer all 12 questions in each part. In addition, not everyone had a partner of the opposite sex: there were more girls in the experiment.

The only evidence of any influence of these questions on the emergence of love was the fact that a month later a couple of participants in the experiment, who did not know each other before, got married.

Dr. Elaine Aron says these questions can just as easily be used to get closer to friends. Answer them together and your intimacy will increase from question to question. Remember that you don't have to answer every question, but the more you reveal, the closer you will get.

1. If you could invite absolutely anyone, who would you invite to dinner?

2. Would you like to become famous? In what area?

3. Before you call, do you think about what you will say? Why?

4. What does a “perfect day” mean to you?

5. When was the last time you sang to yourself? And for someone else?

6. If you could live to be 90 and have either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years, which would you choose?

7. Do you have a guess or premonition about how you will die?

8. Name three things in which you think you and your partner are similar.

9. What are you most grateful for in life?

10. If you could change one thing about the way you were raised, what would you change?

11. In four minutes, tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow morning and have any quality or ability, what would it be?

13. If a crystal ball could tell the truth about you, your life, your future, or anything else, what would you ask?

14. Is there something you've been dreaming of doing for a long time? Why aren't you still doing it?

15. Name the greatest achievement in your life.

16. What do you value most in friendship?

17. Name your most treasured memory.

18. Name your worst memory.

19. If you knew you were going to die soon, what would you change in your life? Why?

20. What does friendship mean to you?

21. What role does love and affection play in your life?

22. Name five positive qualities your partner.

23. How warm and friendly is your family? Do you feel like you had a happier childhood than other people?

24. What is your relationship with your mother?

25. Come up with three true statements that begin with “we.” For example: “Both of us in this room feel…”

26. Finish the sentence: “I want to have someone with whom I can share...”

28. Tell us what you like about your partner. Be honest, it should be something that you wouldn't say to a stranger.

30. When was the last time you cried in front of another person? What about alone?

31. Tell your partner what you already like about him.

32. Is there anything too serious to joke about? If so, what is it?

33. Imagine dying and not being able to talk to anyone. What unspoken words would you most regret? Why haven't you said them yet?

34. Your house is on fire, and after you have saved all your family members and pets, you have the opportunity to save some of your belongings, but only one. What will it be? Why?

35. Which family member's death would upset you the most? Why?

36. Talk about your problem and ask your partner how he would solve it. Let him share his problem in the same way and listen to your way of solving it.

Answer these questions together, or, if you don’t yet have a partner or friend with whom you want to become closer, ask them to yourself. In the first case, it will help you get closer, in the second, it will open up new facets of your personality.