Oriental belly dance evening course. How to learn to dance oriental dances at home

Belly dancing for beginners- a very popular trend today and we welcome all girls in our studio, regardless of height and age, build and previous dance experience. We will teach you to be self-confident, to be flexible, to do that wave that everyone so wants to learn, to do belly and hip shakes, to move rhythmically to the music, to have charm and grace.

The eastern style of dancing is always a popular hobby, today it is taught in every dance club, in every fitness room they promise to make you a light moth fluttering on stage in an unearthly costume. But we argue that much depends not only on the student, but also on the experience of the teacher, his actual knowledge of the material he is teaching. Our trainers themselves went through every stage that lies ahead of you. In their lives there were ups and downs, competitions and excitement, training camps and competitions, and today they are practicing dancers, real artists, kind and attentive people.


We invite everyone to visit belly dance- our first lesson is free! Watch our lessons and join, because you will start dancing literally from the first lesson. No one will be left standing on the sidelines, there will be no students who fail at something, we will help everyone, we will help them to be confident and dance tomorrow. Come and try it yourself!

Belly dance lessons for beginners

Do you want to come to us, but you don’t know how to approach such a complex style? Have you practiced at home many times, but the desired wave still doesn’t come out? We suggest you start with video lessons, and then still come to our classes to find your place, your company.

Belly dance lessons for beginners at our school there are small groups and classes lasting 60 minutes, which are conveniently arranged in the schedule, this is a studio that is located near the Novoslobodskaya metro station and you do not have to spend a lot of time on the road.

Only the most talented trainers and the most successful mentors will work with you. They will explain any movement, show everyone and help you learn truly harmonious dance. Understand that there will be exactly the same beginners around you, and there is no reason to think that you will be worse in any way, even if your level of dance training is far from ideal, or your physical fitness It has not been a dance format for a long time.

Do you doubt that you can? Do you think that the eastern direction is something inaccessible to your understanding and skill? We will dispel your doubts together with our trainers. Our teachers are masters of their craft, they are practicing dancers and real artists who know exactly how to “ignite” everyone with an idea beautiful dance, how to help you believe in yourself, in your dance, in the fact that literally everyone can be beautiful and graceful!


Belly dancing lessons for beginners are a choice modern girls and women who want to acquire a new hobby, a new figure and improve their health, as well as constantly have good mood and make new friends! In the First dance school in Moscow, every participant is loved and expected, we want to prove to you that you can be charming, beautiful, elegant, graceful and feminine!

Dance in free time- This is an incredibly useful and enjoyable activity. This is a great reason to escape from daily worries and devote time to yourself. Oriental dances have now become very popular among amateurs. Many women choose these activities. Even if you have never danced such a dance in your life, everything is possible, because there are oriental dances for beginners.

Oriental dances– this is a beautiful contrast to the male world in which women have to live. In this activity, a woman has the opportunity to remember how feminine, graceful she is, how much beauty and love she has. In addition, these activities have enormous health benefits.

In addition to pleasure, oriental dancing is a lesson that has an amazing effect on restoring women’s health:

  1. You can take these dance lessons for the purpose of losing weight.
    The exercise is an excellent workout for the muscles of the legs, waist, and arms. Moreover, this load is quite static. If you cannot run due to shortness of breath or for other reasons, then you can definitely practice oriental dancing.
  2. If you suffer from pain before your period, then you should also take such lessons.
    The fact is that a lesson in such dances has a wonderful effect on the functioning of the pelvic organs, developing internal muscles, making it easier for you to endure pain before menstruation, as well as pregnancy and childbirth.
  3. Such lessons are very good for women with low self-esteem.
    Such activities will be able to lift her up, you will see yourself in the image of a charming and seductive dancer.
  4. If your goal is to develop flexibility, then these lessons are also suitable for you.
    Each lesson will make your body more and more flexible.
  5. As a result of such classes, you will gain a feminine figure, thin waist, curvy belly, strong legs.
  6. And, of course, now you can always please your loved one with an individual dance.
    Every man will be delighted with such a spectacle.

What do you need to start classes?

And what is included in the arsenal of a beginning dancer?

First of all, you need comfortable clothes for classes. You will exercise not in embroidered oriental costumes, but in ordinary sportswear. These can be leggings and a top in which the stomach will be exposed. Clothes should not constrain you or cover your body too much. Through your clothes you will have to see how correctly you perform certain movements.

In addition, you will need a scarf that will be embroidered with coins. It is needed to make it easier for you to coordinate the work of your hips with the sounds of music.

You will also need shoes. During performances, oriental dancers often perform barefoot, but for training, ballet flats or socks are ideal.

And, of course, you will need a course of video lessons from good coach, according to which you will study. Such a course can be found on the Internet. Watch several videos and choose the course that suits you best.

Self-paced learning

In principle, you can start learning oriental dances on your own. A video tutorial will help you with this.

At first, self-study will consist of you trying to master taksim. This slow dance, where there is a basic pattern of dancing and shaking. Learn to make smooth movements while enjoying your body. At this stage, you will be standing still for almost the entire lesson.

The next lesson you will learn is the basic dance. This lesson will consist of waves and rockers. The tutorial will tell you in detail how to perform these elements correctly.

The third lesson you will learn is shaking in oriental dances. Shaking is a body vibration in which only your knees move. The first thing you need to learn is to keep the rhythm correctly. The tutorial will help you with this.

A dance tutorial will explain how to perform all these steps. Self-study has certain advantages. You can turn on the tutorial whenever it is convenient for you, you are not limited in time at all.

Oriental dancing for weight loss

To further inspire you to take up such activities, let's describe the mechanism of their action for weight loss.

Everyone who has seen this type of dancing at least once has noticed that the main load falls on the abdominal and thigh muscles. The hips sway smoothly and bring the muscles to work abdominals. In addition, there are movements of the arms, movements of the head and neck. All these movements have a beneficial effect on blood flow. A course of such dances will improve your health.

These dances are great for losing weight. But in reality, it takes a lot of effort to perform the movements, which is beneficial for losing weight.

Even if your lessons take only 20 minutes every other day, this will be enough to lose weight. And if you also stick to a diet in parallel with your workouts, the process of losing weight will go even faster.

Master class from the star

Gradually, as you practice these dances, you will want to learn more and more about them. You will watch different video tutorials and mark the most interesting dancers. In the future, we advise you to try to find it on the Internet or attend an in-person master class with Valeria Putitskaya.

This is a very talented oriental dancer who has no less talent as a teacher.

The master class with Valeria Putitskaya will reveal to you many interesting elements. Such a master class with Putitskaya will show the psychology of dance in all its glory. It will allow you to create your own unique performance.

A master class with Valeria Putitskaya is also an opportunity to visit another city, meet like-minded people and get a dose of inspiration.

Don't neglect the opportunity to enrich your life with new colors. Be sure to plan a master class with Putitskaya in the future. A master class with Putitskaya will be your next step in development in this direction.

Someone once said that life without dance is impossible, and in his own way this man is right. See for yourself: all nations have their own national dances. It is with the help of dance that a person is able to express the passions and feelings that overwhelm him, show his emotions, and express his inner world.

Each dance has its own meaning, and dance itself is not just a method to improve the mood of others and yourself, but also an excellent cure for the blues and stress. It drives away bad thoughts, relieves tension, relieves depression and boredom, and liberates. Dance also helps keep the body in good shape and helps make the figure attractive.

The dance does not recognize racial or religious differences. Everyone can learn to dance, regardless of their place of work, study, age, or gender.

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Nowadays, the dance direction has gained great popularity - belly dance or oriental dance. Girls and women who dream of making their figure ideal, their body plastic and flexible, and their waist thin, want to learn it.

Oriental dance is not just plastic movements of the arms, waves and shaking of the hips. First of all, belly dancing is mystery, energy, passion, life itself! If you learn this art, you will be able to better control your body, become more graceful and flexible, become healthier and drive any man crazy. But how to learn this? You can try to study at home - using video lessons, books, articles on the Internet, or go to a dance school. And in general: is there any benefit to belly dancing, or is this just a big exaggeration? UchiEto will try to tell you everything in detail.

Oriental dance: dance for pleasure and benefit

When you do the movements of this dance, it involves huge amount muscles, even the most undeveloped and deep ones, which cannot be “reached” by ordinary aerobics, but can only be worked strength training. You not only get a boost of vigor and energy, but also heal and strengthen your entire body. This is especially necessary for those who have a sedentary job and those who have a sedentary lifestyle.

Every girl can learn belly dancing if she wishes. And even if you don’t do it professionally, you will gain flexibility and flexibility, and you will also feel differently - more desirable, more beautiful, healthier.

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By performing elements of oriental dance, you activate various muscle groups, improve blood circulation and develop flexibility. By the way, it will be difficult to achieve a similar result with regular fitness. The dance is very exciting, thanks to which every movement, even the most difficult, is easy for the dancer.

If you spend a lot of time sitting, for example, at a table littered with various documents, or in front of a computer monitor, stooping appears over time. Oriental dance classes will lift your chest, improve your posture, tighten your stomach, strengthen your bones, and straighten your back. After all, they are good tool from the tummy and are good for the figure.

But, having decided to learn belly dancing, you must understand that only healthy women who do not have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive systems or spinal problems. Therefore, get approval from your doctor before exercising.

Learn oriental dance at home

First, make the room well lit, then choose oriental music and just show a little desire.

Oriental dance consists of some basic elements that need to be mastered first. Only after this will you be able to dance a full-fledged dance, which will embody your attitude, mood and state of mind.

Hip movements:

  • Crunches (hips rotate (twist) to each side while the rest of the body remains stationary)
  • Figure Eight (make the number eight with your hips)
  • Wave (hips draw a circle in the lateral and frontal planes)

Chest movements:

  • Twisting (head and hips do not move, chest twists in different directions)
  • Eight in any direction
  • Circle (the body is tilted or fixed)
  • Wave with breasts

To make belly dancing excellent, girls can use various objects: candles, swords, scarves, scarves, ribbons and so on. They help make the dance more erotic and exotic.

If the idea of ​​learning oriental dance has inspired you and you want to start, then don’t put it off until tomorrow, start right now!

Video lessons

The Dance.Firmika.ru portal contains information about oriental dances in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of schools, prices for one-time classes and full-fledged subscriptions, reviews of students of various studios. Thus, each visitor will be able to choose the ideal option to suit all their wishes! For greater convenience, a search by metro stations and city districts is provided.

Oriental dance is an incredibly attractive spectacle that emphasizes the beauty and grace of every woman. It can easily be considered one of the oldest dances, which is still very popular today. Eastern dance culture attracts many with its mystery and unusualness; it helps to know oneself and find inner harmony.

Oriental dance classes - features of the dance style

A beautiful oriental dance can tell a lot about a woman. A few centuries ago it was used as one of the methods of the art of seduction and communication. Elegant and eye-catching plastic movements will emphasize the beauty of the girl and her grace. The impressions are also complemented by colorful costumes consisting of wide oriental pants or a skirt and a short top. The use of additional objects, such as flaming candles, swords or scarves, looks interesting and unusual.

An oriental dance lesson will be a worthy and pleasant alternative to the gym. During classes in the studio, the body does not suffer from excessive stress. At the same time, the dancer, moving for her own pleasure, improves her posture, develops plasticity and flexibility. The advantages of oriental dancing include the opportunity to lose weight - the methods used breathing exercises in combination with rhythmic movements, they develop and strengthen the muscles of the legs, abs and thighs. A woman's figure becomes more attractive and graceful, acquiring attractive forms.

How is an oriental dance lesson going?

First of all, the teacher conducts a short warm-up, during which the muscles prepare for further loads. Depending on the dance school, the lesson can be done separately from the rest and simply demonstrate individual elements and combinations, or it can build a full-fledged dance, involving previously studied movements. It is better to clarify this issue with the school administrator in advance, so as not to discover during classes that the rest of the students have completely mastered oriental dances and are already performing a full-fledged dance program.

Learning oriental dance involves the consistent study of basic movements and the creation of sequences from them. For example, elements such as “Shimmy” (shivering or shaking) require serious work of the knees and hips. Using only the knees, the “Rocking Chair” is performed, and the “Horizontal Eight” involves a figure-eight movement of the hips. Gradually learning the elements of oriental dance with the teacher, students develop their own original style.

Oriental dance training in Moscow

The great popularity and demand for oriental dances has led to the fact that almost every dance school in Moscow is ready to offer its students full-fledged classes. Such diversity can easily confuse any future dancer - how to choose your school? Our portal, which contains dance studios with oriental dance lessons, will help! In structured and visual tables you can see the price for a one-time lesson and compare the cost of subscriptions in different schools. Reviews of oriental dance classes will also be useful.

Varvara Kuskova

Choreographer of oriental dances, belly dance

Since childhood, she has been involved in various dances; she began studying oriental dances in 2006 in dance group“White Oleander” in Moscow under the guidance of Valida Sachakova’s student, Natalia Shitova. She took part in numerous events and celebrations, participated in city and intra-school concerts. Since 2009 he has been performing at the best oriental events in Arab restaurants in Moscow.

He masters many styles of Oriental dance: Balyadi, Khaliji, Saidi, Pop song, Classical song, Dabki, Bandari, Tarab, etc. He is the director of his own numbers and numbers for the group. In dance she works with various accessories: cane, sagat, shamadan, veil, shawl and wings. A very attentive teacher who pays special attention to dance technique, explains in detail and clearly the technique of performing individual movements and ligaments. Regularly attends master classes on various directions oriental dance and improves his skills.

Diplomas and master classes

  • Diploma of teacher of the League of Oriental Dance Professionals.
  • Diploma in Physical Therapy and General Medicine “Application ballroom dancing in patient rehabilitation"
  • certificates from master classes by Daria Mitskevich, Aida Hassan, Elena Ramazanova, Nino Muchaidze, Zhanna Denisova, Sofia Gamal, Elena Veretennikova, Sofia Armosa, Varda Marvil, Katalin Shafer and many others on various topics.

Laureate of the competitions “Star of the East - 2012”, “Diamond of Cairo” 2014, “ORTO Talents Grand Prix”. Engaged in teaching activities since 2010.

“Dancing is happiness! Dance is life! Come, I will gladly share this happiness with you!”

Oriental dance, (Rax Sharky or Ballydance) exotic originality of dance, plasticity of the abdomen, movement of the hips to the beat of the music. Nowadays, there are about 50 or even more styles of oriental dance. Belly dancing lessons and classes mainly in the following directions:

    Egyptian School: Cancer Beledi - The movements in the dance are very smooth, the outfits on the woman are more closed. The version is chaste for religious reasons.
    Turkish School: Ciftetelli - A more frank version that allows you to dance on the table, express the meaning of the dance more sensually, communicate with others by involving them in the dance.
    Arabic School: Khaliji - Meaning 'hair dance', due to the fact that the dancer waves her loose hair while shaking her head while dancing.

Since ancient times, oriental dance has been well known as a way of expressing inner world, state and soul. Eastern ancient civilization taught her generations, explaining that learning belly dance is one of the most beautiful forms, which implements one of the methods for releasing the human energy of one’s own body and soul. Belly dancing lessons in Moscow take place at Kolomenskaya metro station, where professional choreographers with extensive experience teach.
Belly dancing involves elegant outfits - bedla, as well as some accessories: Wings, fans, sabers, fire, tambourine, cane, sagat, melayka, small drums, etc. The costume itself is decorated with rhinestones, beads, pearls or monstres, playing a big role in attracting attention and creating a mesmerizing look at belly dancing. Costume elements, bodice, belt and loose linear skirt with an open area at the hips.