Railway. Trails

Here you go. It was a wonderful morning. She walked and mentally said:
"Glorious Autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;"
and planned to re-read Nekrasov.
During the day, you can’t always do what you want. If work gets in the way of your hobbies, then don’t bother with that kind of work)
Evening. I'll say something banal. But there is no other way to say it: blue evening. The sky is dark blue. There may be such an effect from the lanterns, but blue, blue.
There is a little time that can be used without benefit)
I asked myself the question: what is it about me that I like about myself?
Appearance is ordinary. Mind? Shaking your head skeptically, you have to admit that it’s good if we get closer to the average. So, taking myself apart piece by piece, I got to what I value in myself. Mainly because I cultivated this quality myself. I know how to tell myself the truth and I know how to make fun of myself.
For the first almost 20 years of my life I lived under the strange and difficult surname Kutsevolova for the place where I lived. My dear father rewarded me with such a gift. IN kindergarten I didn’t go, but I had a blast at school. It was later, when I became an adult, that I discovered that the roots of the surname stretch from the Principality of Poland-Lithuania. That “cutseval” was the name given to those whose profession was to lay cloth on caftans. This is where the surnames Kutsevalov and Kutsevolov, and Pustovalov at the same time, came from.
Based on what my brother once told my fathers family legend, that their distant ancestors fled to the Stavropol region in the 15th century approximately from the Chernigov region and, given that this region is the border region of Rus', Belarus and Ukraine, it seems to converge.
Historical excursion - just like that.
As a child, both my classmates and I were convinced that the root of the surname was the word short, tailless. Can you imagine how they teased me? A girl who came to school from home education.
Somehow, apparently through experience, I don’t remember now, I determined that the more you show offense, the more they tease you. I learned to pretend that I don't give a damn.
The next step was the ability to give nicknames. The names I gave usually stuck for a long time. It turned out that I was malicious and very attentive. She noticed subtleties and came up with precise characteristics.
She didn’t tease the weak. Usually it went to those who first entered the battle.
My son’s physical education teacher saw me and began shorter. He probably remembered his childhood years and how I chased him around a big tree. For what? Neither he nor I remember, but he wore the nickname he received from me until he graduated from school. I didn’t tell my son. I regret it.)
I didn't like my last name. That’s why I tried to change it as quickly as possible. Then I started improving)
From those very distant childhood years, a lesson began - not to be afraid to laugh at yourself, to make fun of yourself and the absence of fear to admit that you are wrong in anything.
Only this quality helped and helps to live and cope with any situations.
Why did I remember this?
Because in the morning, leaving the house, I caught my first thought:

Vanya (in a coachman's jacket). Dad! who built this road?
Dad (in a coat with a red lining). Count Pyotr Andreevich Kleinmichel, my dear!
Conversation in the carriage

I wasn’t thinking about the beauties of nature. Not about autumn.
Seeing the road workers, I imagined the count in a coat with a red lining)

Then I remembered how it was on Town Hall Square. this year, the spruce fell twice, and one of those “in a coat with a red lining” broadcast on the news this morning that the city authorities had absolutely nothing to do with it. That the contractor is to blame. He didn’t say a word about how the contractor was chosen. Why did you choose those who have no experience installing spruce trees on the square?
It's good that there were no casualties. The spruce is huge.

“Good dad! Why the charm?
Should I keep Vanya the smart one?
You will allow me in the moonlight
Show him the truth."

That's why I remembered Nekrasov. My class instincts perked up.
Outrage began to rise. I thought: against whom? To rebel against the owner of our small company? Stupid.
Oh, I won’t start a front.
Better about autumn.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on the icy river
It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And mossy swamps and tree stumps -..."

And yet, I re-read "The Railroad"

And I advise you.
Let’s read, think, and laugh at ourselves.
What else is left to do?

They say that ten minutes of laughter is equivalent to a glass of sour cream.
This is probably why people love comedians so much.
But they don't make me laugh. On the contrary, their jokes make me sad.

Nikolai Alekseevich so perfectly showed the reality of his time and our time, and time in general and all of us, that the soul becomes joyful and wants to laugh, that we people have not changed and, most likely, will not change.

So: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov “Railway” year 1845

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 29.11.2011. Glorious Autumn
  • 26.11.2011.
  • 25.11.2011.
  • 11/24/2011. Signs along the way, turkey, Christmas and other joys
  • 11/23/2011. People, age, sex and the desire to live
  • 11/22/2011. Morning fog and a bath with cockroaches
  • 11/18/2011. Angles - Dmitry Krasnov
  • 11/17/2011. and again a little fs and others - Arvi Siig
  • 11/16/2011. middle of the week. a little fs and a little chat
  • 11/14/2011. tired monday
  • 12.11.2011.

TRAILS- words and expressions used by the author of the text in a figurative meaning.

EPITHET- this is a figurative definition that answers the question what? which? which? which? and usually expressed by an adjective. The epithet differs from the usual definition in its artistic expressiveness; it conveys the author’s feeling for the depicted object, creating a living, vivid idea of ​​it.

Throughwavy the moon creeps through the fogs,sad the glade sheds a sad light. (A.S. Pushkin)

PERSONALIZATION- attribution of human qualities, actions, emotions to objects, nature, abstract concepts.

Storm the sky is covered with darkness, snow whirlwinds are spinning: then like a beast, she will howl, thenwill cry like a child (A.S. Pushkin)

The earth sleeps in a blue glow (M.Yu. Lermontov)

COMPARISON- comparison of two objects or phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other, to identify new important properties in the object of comparison. Most often, comparisons are introduced into a sentence with the help of conjunctions AS, EXACTLY, AS WELL, AS IF.

The ice is fragile on the icy river,like melting sugar lies (N.A. Nekrasov)

METAPHOR- transfer of properties from one object to another based on their similarity

The basis of a metaphor is a comparison, but it is not formalized using comparative conjunctions, which is why the metaphor is called a hidden comparison.

A metaphor can easily be converted into a comparison using the words AS, LIKE, SIMILAR.

Empty skies transparent glass;

The Crimson Fire of Sunset (I.A. Bunin)

(The skies are clear as glass = transparent glass of heaven; Sunset is like a crimson bonfire = crimson bonfire of sunset)

METONYMY- allegorical designation of the subject of speech, “renaming”, replacement of one concept with another that has a causal connection with it

A) the name of the vessel is used to mean what is contained in this vessel;

C) the name of the place of action replaces the name of the people who are in this place;

D) a detail of appearance or clothing is used instead of a person’s name.

All flags will visit us (A.S. Pushkin) (that is, the port city will receive ships with flags of all countries of the world.)

I ate three plates (I. A. Krylov)

I drank the whole bottle.

I read Apuleius willingly, but did not read Cicero (A.S. Pushkin).

I read all of Turgenev.

Violent Rome rejoices (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Gray helmets with a red star shouted to the white crowd: “Stop!” (V.V. Mayakovsky)

SYNECDOCHE- a type of metonymy when the name of a part is used instead of the name of the whole or vice versa

A) singular used instead of plural;

B) the plural is used instead of the singular;

C) a generic concept instead of a specific one;

D) a specific concept instead of a generic one.

And you could hear it until dawn, right?forged by a Frenchman. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

We all look at Napoleons. (A.S. Pushkin)

Well, sit down, it was shining (i.e. the sun). (V. Mayakovsky)

Most of all, save a penny (i.e. money). (N.V. Gogol)

HYPERBOLA- excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object

A yawn tears wider than Mexi's mouthKansky Bay (V.V. Mayakovsky)

The sunset glowed with a hundred thousand suns (V.V. Mayakovsky).

LITOTES- excessive understatement of the properties of the depicted object or phenomenon

Your Pomeranian, your lovely Pomeranian, is no bigger than a thimble! (A.S. Griboedov)

IRONY- hidden ridicule; using a word or expression in a meaning contrary to its literal meaning

How come, smart one, are you delirious, head? (address to the donkey in I. Krylov’s fable).

PERIPHRASE- Descriptive speech, replacing the name of an object or phenomenon with a description of their distinctive features or an indication of characteristic features. Used to avoid speech repetition.

King of beasts (instead of lion) Our little brothers (instead of animals)

Techniques- special syntactic constructions that give expressiveness to speech (often figures of speech):

ANTITHESIS (CONTRASTITION)- a sharp contrast of concepts, thoughts, images. Antithesis is often created using antonyms.

You are also poor, You are also abundant, You are also powerful, You are also powerless, Mother Russia! (N. Nekrasov)

INVERSION- arrangement of the members of a sentence in a special order, violating the usual, direct order, in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech, reverse word order.

It was a shame, they were waiting for a fight (M.Yu. Lermontov)

GRADATION- sequential arrangement of words or expressions in order of their increasing (less often decreasing) meaning (semantic or emotional). A chain of concepts or definitions with a gradual increase or decrease in importance.

Glowed, burned, shone huge blue eyes.

All facets of feelings, all facets of truth

Erasedin worlds, in years, in hours. (A. Bely)

OXYMORON- a contrasting combination of words that have opposite meanings.

Dead souls, living corpse, sad joy, sweet bitterness of memories

PARCELLATION- an artistic technique consisting of dividing a sentence into separate fragments that represent incomplete sentences, a deliberate violation of the boundaries of the sentence; dividing one sentence using periods into several parts - two or more.

And all the Kuznetsky Bridge and the eternal French... Destroyers of pockets and hearts! When the Creator will deliver usFrom their hats! Cheptsov! And stilettos! And pins! (A. S. Griboyedov)

This happened a long time ago. A very long time ago. Anna was in trouble. Big.

ANAPHORA- unity of beginning, repetition of words at the beginning of lines or at the beginning of sentences.

Wait me and I'll be back.

Just wait a lot.

Wait, when they make you sad

Yellow rains,

Wait, when the snow is swept away,

Wait, when it's hot,

Wait, when others are not expected,

Forgetting yesterday. (K. Simonov)

EPIPHORA- repetition of words at the end of lines or at the end of sentences.

I don't know,where is the border

Between North and South

I don't know,where is the border

Between comrade and friend! (M. Svetlov)

I would like to know why Ititular advisor? Why exactlytitular advisor? ELLIPSIS- omission of the predicate, giving dynamism to speech.

We sat down in ashes, hailstones in dust. (V. Zhukovsky)

LEXICAL REPEAT- deliberate repetition of the same word or phrase to enhance the emotionality and expressiveness of the statement.

It seemed that everything in nature was asleep:was sleeping grass,slept trees,slept clouds!

QUESTION AND ANSWER FORM OF PRESENTATION- a form of presentation in which questions and answers alternate. What to do? Don't know. Who to ask for advice? Unknown.

SYNTACTIC PARALLELISM- identical syntactic construction of neighboring sentences. People learn Knowledge. People learn Memory. People learn Conscience. (According to Yu. Lotman)

CITATION- use of quotes in the text.

There is such a beautiful saying: “Patience is beautiful” (According to N. Gorlanova)

Syntactic means of expression:

RANKS OF HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS OF A SENTENCE - one or more rows of homogeneous members in a sentence.

For example, in the sentence “And the years passed quickly and silently and took these memories with them,” there are two rows of homogeneous members: 1) predicates: "they went and carried away" 2) circumstances: "quickly and silently"

INTRODUCTORY WORDS - words (phrases) that are not grammatically related to the sentence.

For example, in the sentence “So, “honor is the internal moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience”” the introductory word is So - indicates the connection of thoughts in the text.

APPEAL - a word or combination of words that names a person (sometimes an object) to whom speech is directed.

For example, in the sentence “Guys, isn’t Moscow behind us?” (M.Yu. Lermontov) the address is the word "Guys".

RHETORICAL APPEAL - not only names the person to whom speech is addressed, but at the same time can convey expressive and emotional relationships.

For example, in the sentence “Dreams, dreams! Where is your sweetness” (A.S. Pushkin) the rhetorical appeal is - dreams, dreams(inanimate noun)

or in the sentence “What’s wrong, martin, to the window, what, freestyle, are you singing?" (A. Delvig) appeals " swallow", "free", they name the one who does not respond to an appeal to him.

EXCLAMATIVE SENTENCES - sentences that are pronounced with a special exclamatory intonation.

For example, "Duel!"

INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES - sentences that are interrogative for the purpose of the statement, pronounced with a special interrogative intonation.

For example, “What about Pushkin?”

RHETORICAL QUESTION - a question that does not require an answer, a statement or denial expressed in the form of an interrogative sentence.

For example, “Wealth is good to have; But should anyone dare to be proud of it?” (A. Sumarokov)

COMPARATIVE TURNOVER - one of the brightest expressive means Russian language. It is used to compare an object or characteristic with another object or characteristic.

For example, “Shadows as black as pitch lay on the grass” (A.N. Tolstoy)

CONVERSATIONAL SYNTACTIC CONSTRUCTIONS characteristic of colloquial speech, more often these are incomplete sentences or constructed in violation of syntactic norms.

For example, “Grish, oh Grish! Look, a little pig... Laughing... Yes. And in his mouth!.. Look, look... a blade of grass in his mouth, by God, a blade of grass!.. What a thing!” (A.I. Kuprin)

NAME OFFERS - one-part sentences, in the grammatical basis of which there is only one main member of the sentence - the subject.

For example, “And I kept looking at the cement cone, re-reading the names again. Pravednikov G.A., private. Proskurin S.M., private. Pyzhov A.S., lieutenant. Rogachev M.V., junior sergeant. Rodionov N.I., private... "(E. Nosov)

Phonetic means of expression.

Sound recording- playing with sounds to enhance expressiveness.

ASSONANCE- repetition of the same vowel sounds in poetic speech.

I fly quickly along cast iron rails. I think my thoughts. (N. NotKrasov)

ALLITERATION- repetition of identical consonant sounds in poetic speech.

The frost-drunk puddles are crunchy and fragile, like crystal. (AND.Northerner)

Lexical means of expression:

SYNONYMS- words that are close in meaning.

Myaffectionate and gentle beast.

CONTEXT SYNONYMS- words that are similar in meaning only in a given text (outside the text they have no similarity in lexical meaning).

His heavy body is filledflexible, animalistic grace (M. Sholokhov).

ANTONYMS- words with opposite meanings.

You Andmighty , You andpowerless , Mother-Rus! (N. A. Nekrasov)

CONTEXT ANTONYMS- words that are opposed in meaning only to the given text.

Millions - you. Us- darkness, and darkness, and darkness (A. Blok).

For you -centuries, for us -single hour. (A. Blok).

PHRASEOLOGISTS- stable combinations of words, understood not literally, but figuratively.

Far away, work carelessly.

DIALECTISM- words used only by residents of a particular area (dialect translated from Greek means “local dialect”): in some Russian villages towel they call it differently towel, squirrel - vekshey, hare - uskan, wolf - Biryuk.

Found in the ravinesroe . (= snakes) (According to I.S. Turgenev)

TERMS - words or combinations of words denoting a concept used in science, technology, or art. IN fiction terms are used more often as a means of creating speech characteristics of characters.

One day, when winter ended andantifreeze was no longer needed in the car, I opened the tap, and all the liquid came outradiator spilled onto the ground, onto the lawn under the windows of our village house. (V. Soloukhin)

INDIVIDUAL-AUTHOR'S WORDS (OCCASIONALISM) - words that are the word creation of a writer or poet. They are created with a specific stylistic purpose and constitute the writer’s vocabulary. They should be distinguished from neologisms proper.

They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the levelhighest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk with them. (D. Granin)COLLABILITIES - words characteristic of a colloquial style of speech, often rude words that do not correspond to standardized literary speech.

Why should I shout: "Hey, let's go to the buffet,let's eat , or something!" (S. Lvov)

BOOK VOCABULARY – words of high style. Arise, prophet, and see, and heed... Selflessness, duty...

In 1913, sad news spread throughout the world. The giant ocean liner Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg. Experts explained the causes of the disaster in different ways. It was agreed that in the fog the captain did not see a huge floating ice mountain and, having flown into it, the ship ended its earthly existence.

If we look at this unfortunate event through the eyes of a chemist, we will come to a very unexpected conclusion: the Titanic fell victim to yet another water anomaly.

Frightening ice blocks - icebergs float like a cork on the surface of the water. Blocks of tens of thousands of tons.

And all because ice is lighter than water.

Try to melt any metal and throw a piece of the same metal into the melt: it will instantly sink. In the solid state, any substance has a higher density than in the liquid state. Ice and water are surprising exceptions to this rule. Without this exception, all bodies of water in the middle latitudes would quickly freeze to the bottom: all living things would die here.

Remember Nekrasov’s poems:

The ice is fragile on the icy river,

It lies like melting sugar...

Knocked severe frosts, the ice will get stronger. Will stretch along the river winter road. But under a thick layer of ice, water will flow, as before. The river will not freeze to the bottom.

Ice, the solid state of water, is an extremely unique substance. There are several types of ice. There is only one known in nature, the one that melts at zero degrees. Scientists in laboratories, using high pressures, have obtained six more ice varieties. The most fabulous of them (ice VII), found at a pressure of more than 21,700 atmospheres, could be called hot ice. It melts at a temperature of 192 degrees above zero, at a pressure of 32 thousand atmospheres.

It seemed that the picture of melting ice could be more ordinary. But what amazing things happen!

Any solid after melting it begins to expand. The water produced when ice melts behaves completely differently: it contracts and only then, if the temperature continues to rise, begins to expand. This is again due to the strong ability of water molecules to attract each other. At four degrees above zero, this ability manifests itself especially sharply. Therefore, at this temperature, water has the greatest density; That’s why our rivers, ponds and lakes don’t freeze to the bottom even in the most severe cold.

You rejoice at the arrival of spring, admire the beautiful days of golden autumn. Joyful spring drops and scarlet headdress forests...

Again, an anomalous property of water!

It takes a lot of heat to melt ice. Incomparably more than for melting any other substance taken in the same quantity.

When water freezes, this heat is released again. Ice and snow, giving back heat, heat the ground and air. They soften the abrupt transition to harsh winter and allow autumn to reign for several weeks. In spring, melting ice delays the onset of hot days.

We offer you beautiful autumn poems by N. Nekrasov. Each of us knows well from childhood Nekrasov's poems about autumn, and someone reads them to their children and grandchildren. These poems are included in school curriculum for different classes.
Nekrasov's short stories help not only to develop speech and memory, but also to get acquainted with the beautiful season of autumn.

Nikolay Nekrasov - Autumn

Before - a village holiday,
Today, autumn is hungry;
There is no end to a woman's sadness,
No time for beer and wine.
Since Sunday the mail has been raving
Our Orthodox people,
On Saturdays he goes to town,
Walks, asks, finds out:
Who is killed, who is wounded in the summer,
Who was missing, who was found?
According to some infirmaries
Were the survivors transported?
Is it so creepy? vault of heaven
Dark at noon as in the night;
Don't sit in a cramped house,
Does not lie on the stove.
Full, warm, thank God,
Just sleep! No, you're not sleeping,
So it’s drawn to the road,
There's no way you'll lie down.
And we have a good road!
So they carry a lot of crippled people,
What's behind them on the hill,
As the carriages rush by,
Human moans
Clearly audible at dawn.

Nikolai Nekrasov - Verse Glorious Autumn

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on the icy river
It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps -

Everything is fine under the moonlight,
Everywhere I recognize my native Rus'...
I fly quickly on cast iron rails,
I think my thoughts...

Nikolay Nekrasov - Uncompressed strip

Late autumn. The rooks have flown away
The forest is bare, the fields are empty,

Only one strip is not compressed...
She makes me sad.

The ears seem to whisper to each other:
"It's boring for us to listen to the autumn blizzard,

It's boring to bow down to the ground,
Fat grains bathing in dust!

Every night we are ruined by the villages
Every passing voracious bird,

The hare tramples us, and the storm beats us...
Where is our plowman? what else is waiting?

Or are we worse born than others?
Or did they bloom and spike unharmoniously?

No! we are no worse than others - and for a long time
The grain has filled and ripened within us.

It was not for this reason that he plowed and sowed
So that the autumn wind will scatter us?..”

The wind brings them a sad answer:
- Your plowman has no urine.

He knew why he plowed and sowed,
Yes, I didn’t have the strength to start the work.

The poor fellow is feeling bad - he doesn’t eat or drink,
The worm is sucking his aching heart,

The hands that made these furrows,
They dried up into slivers and hung like whips.

As if laying your hand on a plow,
The plowman walked thoughtfully along the strip.

Nekrasov's poems about autumn are perfect for schoolchildren in grades 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and for children 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 years old.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on a chilly river
It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet faded,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps -
Everything is fine under the moonlight,
Everywhere I recognize my native Rus'...
I fly quickly on cast iron rails,
I think my thoughts...

Analysis of the poem “Glorious Autumn” by Nekrasov

N. Nekrasov was convinced that the real calling of the poet is to protect the interests common people, a description of his troubles and sufferings, criticism of the unjust situation of the Russian peasantry. Therefore, in his work there are rarely pure lyrical works. But separate landscape sketches confirm Nekrasov’s enormous poetic skill. The small fragment from which the work “The Railway” (1864) begins can be separated into a separate integral poem, “Glorious Autumn.”

The poet describes the landscape that opens before his eyes from the window of the carriage. A fast-moving picture autumn forest makes him delighted. The lyrical hero regrets that he is watching her from the side and cannot breathe “vigorous air” and “sleep” on a carpet of fallen leaves.

Nekrasov was very fond of using figurative comparisons. In this poem, he compares the ice on the river with “melting sugar,” and the leaves with a “soft bed.” He considers “peace and space” to be one of the main advantages of the surrounding nature. The endlessly changing forests, plains, and rivers are rarely disturbed by human sounds. This benign surrounding picture evokes in the soul lyrical hero peace and quiet bliss.

Invasion railway transport can be considered blasphemy towards virgin nature, in which “there is no ugliness.” Nekrasov gradually leads the reader to the idea that construction railway disrupted the fragile natural balance. Human suffering and grief rudely invaded the beautiful and pure world.

Remaining an ardent patriot of his land, the poet concludes: “I recognize my native Rus' everywhere.” For Nekrasov, it was very important to emphasize his national identity. He could not abstractly admire nature as a whole, making sure to point out its connection with the long-suffering Russian people. It is the surrounding beauty and harmony that leads the author to deep thoughts about the fate of those people who inhabit this land. He is especially outraged by the sharp contradiction between perfect nature and the plight of the Russian peasantry.

“Glorious Autumn” is a magnificent example of Nekrasov’s landscape lyrics. Without even paying attention to this genre a lot of attention, the poet, in a fit of inspiration, could create surprisingly heartfelt and deeply lyrical poems.