And Tolstoy's Russian character summary. Essay Russian character in literature (character of a Russian person). Letter from home

Egor Dremov is saved from spruce in the war. He's covered in burns. His face is disfigured. Yegor goes to his parents in the guise of their son's friend. He decides to abandon his beloved and leave his family forever, just not to scare them with his appearance. A letter from his mother and the confident attitude of his bride make him change his mind. Thanks to his strong and invincible character, the hero manages to regain the joy of life.

The main idea of ​​the story Russian character of Tolstoy

The Russian character is so strong and invincible that it can withstand any troubles and illnesses.

Egor Dremov is the simplest and most ordinary tanker. He lives an ordinary life. Egor is very handsome guy. He is tall, strong, and has curly hair. Parents occupy a huge place in the hero’s life. He loves and respects them. Yegor has a chosen one. When leaving for war, he is sure that his beloved will be waiting for him and will accept him in any condition. During the war, Dremov performed many feats and brave deeds, however, he himself did not say a word about it to anyone. The war continued and Dremov fought bravely, but a terrible misfortune befell him.

During the next battle, Yegor's tank was knocked out. He was pulled out in a burning state a minute before the tank exploded. His friends died. The tanker's burns were so strong and serious that in some places bones could be seen under the burns and swollen skin. After the burns, Yegor had to endure numerous plastic surgery. His face was completely changed. It’s good that at least the poor guy still has his sight. Yegor looked in the mirror for a long time and tried to recognize the stranger looking at him from the mirror. The hero asks to be returned to the regiment, but is ordered to remain on vacation for another 20 days.

After resting he returns home. Egor meets with his parents. He does not want to scare them with his disfigured appearance. The idea comes to his mind to call himself a friend of their son. His parents warmly welcome him, feed him, give him water and ask him about their beloved son. The next day the hero meets his beloved girl, Katya. She immediately greets him joyfully, but when she sees his disfigured face, she shrinks away. Dremov talks about the exploits of her fiancé, and he decides to leave her life and forget about her forever.

Returning to the front, Yegor receives a letter from his mother, where she writes about her doubts that the son himself is coming to them. She wrote that she was proud of her son’s face and wanted to know the truth. Egor meets with his mother and fiancee. The mother accepts him, and the bride says that she wants to live her whole life only with him.

Picture or drawing Russian character

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Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Please provide answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Main character- Egor Dremov - was a tank driver, took part in the Battle of Kursk, and had many military victories to his credit.

2) Egor Dremov managed to independently leave a tank knocked out by the enemy.

3) In the hospital, Egor Dremov could not be completely restored to his former face, although several plastic surgeries were performed.

4) Egor Dremov was able to internally overcome his misfortune - external ugliness - and considered it necessary to continue military service, defend the Motherland.

5) Yegor Dremov was seriously wounded at the very beginning of the war.

(1) Russian character! (2) Go ahead and describe it... (3) Should we talk about heroic deeds? (4) But there are so many of them that you get confused which one to prefer.

(5) In war, constantly hovering around death, people become better, all nonsense peels off from them, like unhealthy skin after a sunburn, and the core remains in the person. (b) Of course, for one it is stronger, for another it is weaker, but those who have a flawed core are drawn to it, everyone wants to be a good and faithful comrade.

(7) My friend, Yegor Dremov, even before the war had a strict behavior, he extremely respected and loved his mother, Marya Polikarpovna, and his father, Yegor Yegorovich, fulfilled his behest: “You will see a lot in the world, son, and you will go abroad, but Russian title - be proud..."

(8) He also didn’t like to talk about military exploits: he frowned and lit a cigarette. (9) We learned about the combat performance of his tank from the words of the crew; the driver Chuvilev especially surprised the listeners.

- (10) You see, he leads the tiger with the trunk, and the comrade lieutenant, as soon as he gives him in the side, when he gives him in the turret - he lifted his trunk, when he gives it to the third - smoke poured out of all the cracks of the tiger, flames burst out of it a hundred meters up...

(11) This is how Lieutenant Yegor Dremov fought until a misfortune happened to him. (12) During the Battle of Kursk, when the Germans were already bleeding and trembling, his tank - on a hillock, in a wheat field - was hit by a shell, two of the crew were immediately killed, and the tank caught fire from the second shell. (13) The driver Chuvilev, who jumped out through the front hatch, again climbed onto the armor and managed to pull out the lieutenant: he was unconscious, his overalls were on fire. (14) Chuvilev threw handfuls of loose earth on the lieutenant’s face, head, and clothes to put out the fire. (15) Then he crawled with him from crater to crater to the dressing station...

(16) Yegor Dremov survived and did not even lose his sight, although his face was so charred that bones were visible in places. (17) He spent eight months in the hospital, he underwent plastic surgery one after another, his nose, lips, eyelids, and ears were restored. (18) Eight months later, when the bandages were removed, he looked at his and now not his face. (19) The nurse, who handed him a small mirror, turned away and began to cry. (20) He immediately returned the mirror to her.

“(21) It can be worse,” he said, “but you can live with it.”

(22) But he no longer asked the nurse for a mirror, he only often felt his face, as if he was getting used to it.

(23) The commission found him fit for non-combatant service. (24) Then he went to the general.

- (25) I ask for your permission to return to the regiment. 

“(26) But you are disabled,” said the general.

- (27) No way, I’m a freak, but this won’t interfere with the matter, I’ll restore my combat capability completely!

(28) Yegor Dremov noted that the general tried not to look at him during the conversation and only grinned with purple lips, straight as a slit.

(29) Yes, here they are, Russian characters! (30) It seems like a simple person, but a severe misfortune comes, big or small, and rises in him great power - human beauty.

(According to A.N. Tolstoy*)

* Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945) - Russian Soviet writer and public figure, author of socio-psychological, historical and science fiction novels, novellas and short stories, journalistic works.

Which of the following statements are true? Please provide answer numbers.

3) Sentence 18 provides a description.

4) Sentences 22-24 present the reasoning


1) Sentences 1-6 present the reasoning.

2) Sentences 11-15 contain narrative.

3) Sentence 18 presents a narrative, not a description.

4) Sentences 22-24 present a narrative, not a reasoning

5) Sentences 29-30 contain reasoning.

Answer: 125.

Answer: 125

Write antonyms from sentences 27-30.


Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

In sentences 27-30, the antonyms are the words: big - small.

Answer: big and small.

Answer: bigsmall|smallbig|bigsmall|smallbig

Among sentences 11-15, find one(s) that is related to the previous one using a possessive pronoun. Write the number(s) of this sentence(s).

Sentence 12 has the possessive pronoun HIS, which connects the sentence with the previous one.

Answer: 12.

Answer: 12

Rule: Task 25. Means of communication of sentences in the text


Several sentences, connected into a whole by theme and main idea, are called text (from the Latin textum - fabric , connection, connection).

It is obvious that all the proposals, separated by points, are not isolated from each other. There is a meaningful connection between two neighboring texts, and the connected ones can be not only -the same, located nearby, but also separated from each other by one or several of them before me. Meaningful relations between different sentences: the content of one sentence can to be pro-ti-to-sta-le-but with-holding another; the content of two or more propositions can be combined with one another; the content of the second sentence can reveal the meaning of the first one or clarify one of its members, and the content -the meaning of the third - the meaning of the second, etc. The goal of 23 is to determine the type of connection between the propositions.

The form for this could be like this:

Among the sentences 11-18, find one(s) that is connected with the previous one with the help of science -for-the-place-of-name, in-speech and one-co-words. Write the number(s) of the offer(s)

Or: Determine the type of connection between pre-lo-zhe-ni-i-mi 12 and 13.

Remember that the previous one is ONE HIGHER. Thus, if the interval 11-18 is indicated, then my proposal is in the pre-deeds, about - significant in the task, and answer 11 may be correct if this sentence is related to the 10th topic indicated -but in advance. There can be 1 or more origins. Point for successful completion of the work - 1.

Let's move on to the theoretical part.

Most often we use such a model for constructing text: each clause is linked to the next one -shim, this is called a chain connection. (We’ll talk about the parallel connection below). We speak and write, we combine our own pre-positions into the text according to simple rules. Here's the gist: in two adjacent clauses we should be talking about the same subject.

All types of communication are subject to lek-si-che-skie, mor-fo-lo-gi-che-skie and sin-tak-si-che-skie. As a rule, when combining sentences into a text, they can be used at one time, but several types of communication. This essentially makes it easier to search for the original proposition in the specified fragment. Let us remain in detail for each of the species.

23.1. Communication using lexical means.

1. Words of one te-ma-ti-che-skaya group.

Words of one particular group are words that have a common lexical meaning and designation -they are similar, but not the same.

Examples of words: 1) Forest, path-pin-ka, de-re-vya; 2) buildings, streets, sidewalks, squares; 3) water, fish, waves; pain, nurses, emergency room, pa-la-ta

Water was clean and transparent. Waves on-the-shore, slowly and silently.

2. Ro-do-vi-do-vye words.

Gender of words - words related to genus - species: genus - a broader concept, species - a narrower one.

Examples of words: Ro-mash-ka - flower; birch - de-re-vo; av-to-mo-bil - transport port and so on.

Examples of proposals: It was still growing under the window birch. How many memories I have in connection with this de-re-vom...

Left-handed ro-mash-ki becomes rare. But this is not a good idea flower.

3 Lek-si-che-sky in second

Lex-si-che-sky in a second way - a second time of the same word in the same word-form.

The closest connection between what you offer is primarily in the second place. The repetition of one or another member of a sentence is the main feature of a chain connection. For example, in sentences There was a forest behind the garden. The forest was deaf, forsaken the connection is built according to the model “under-le-zha-sche-s-under-s-le-zha-sche-schee”, that is, named at the end of the first pre-lo-zhe- the subject re-occurs in the beginning of the next; in pre-lo-zhe-ni-yah Physics is science. Science must use the dia-lec-ti-che-method- “model say-zu-e-mine - under-le-zha-shchee”; in example The boat came to the shore. The shore was strewn with small pebbles- model “situation - under-lying” and so on. But if in the first two examples the words forest and science stand in each of the nearby stands in the same pas-de-same, then the word shore has different forms. The Lex-si-che-second word in the Unified State Exam will be considered the second word in the same word-form, using -zo-van-ny for the purpose of enhancing the impact on chi-ta-te-la.

In the texts of artistic and public styles, the chain connection through the lexical second has often ex-press-siv-ny, emo-ci-o-nal ha-rak-ter, especially when the second time is at the junction of the pre-lo- woman:

Here it is from the map of the Aral Fatherland sea.

Whole sea!

The second use here is used to enhance the impact on chi-ta-te-la.

Let's look at some examples. We do not yet take into account additional means of communication; we look only at the lexical language.

(36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: “ It was scary, very scary." (37) He spoke the truth: he it was scary.

(15) As a teacher, I had the opportunity to meet young people yearning for a clear and precise answer to the question about higher values life. (16) 0 values, allowing you to distinguish good from evil and choose the best and most worthy.

Pay attention: different forms of words refer to another type of connection. For more details about the differences, see the paragraph on word forms.

4 One-word words

One-root words are words with the same root and a common meaning.

Examples of words: Birth, birth, birth, birth; tear, break, tear apart

Examples of proposals: I'm lucky to be born healthy and strong. The story of my birth nothing to do with it.

Even though I have no idea what is needed tear apart, but couldn’t do it myself. This rupture would be very painful for both of us.

5 Si-no-ni-we

Si-no-ni-we are words of the same part of speech, close in meaning.

Examples of words: be bored, frown, be sad; ve-se-lie, joy, li-ko-va-nie

Examples of proposals: In parting, she said that will be missed. I knew that too I'll be sad according to our pro-hum-kam and once-go-vo-ram.

Joy grabbed me, grabbed me and carried me... Li-ko-va-niyu, ka-za-elk, there were no boundaries: Lina from-ve-ti-la, from-ve-ti-la to the end!

It is necessary to note that it is difficult for us to find a connection in the text if we need to look for a connection only with the help of si-no-ni -mov. But, as usual, along with this method of communication, others also use it. So, in example 1 there is a conjunction Same , this connection will be discussed below.

6 Contextual si-no-we

Contextual si-no-we are words of the same part of speech, which are brought together in meaning only in a given context. ste, insofar as it relates to one thing (sign, action).

Examples of words: kitten, be-do-la-ha, naughty; de-vush-ka, student-dent-ka, kra-sa-vi-tsa

Examples of proposals: Kitty lives with us not long ago. My husband took it off be-do-la-gu from the tree where he had gone to escape the dogs.

I guessed that she student. Young woman I had to remain silent, despite all the efforts on my part to talk her out.

It is even more difficult to find these words in the text: after all, the author makes them. But along with this method of communication, others also use it, which makes the search easier.

7 An-to-ni-we

An-to-ni-we are words of the same part of speech, pro-ti-in-false in meaning.

Examples of words: laughter, tears; hot, cold

Examples of proposals: I pretended that I liked this joke and you made something out of yourself laughter. But tears you breathed on me, and I quickly left the room.

Her words were hot and about-zhi-ga-li. Eyes le-de-ni-li ho-lo-house. It was as if I had fallen under a contrast shower...

8 Contextual an-to-ni-we

Contextual an-to-ni-we are words of the same part of speech, false in meaning only in the given context.

Examples of words: mouse - lion; house - work green - ripe

Examples of proposals: On work this man was gray mouse. At home there's a problem in it lion.

Ripe the berries can be safely used for preparing var-re-nya. But green It’s better not to put them in, they are usually bitter and can spoil the taste.

Pay attention to the non-random agreement of terms(si-no-ni-we, an-to-ni-us, including context-text ones) in this za-da-nii and za-da-ni-yah 22 and 24: this is one and the same le-si-che-phenomenon, but you can see it from a different angle. Lexical means may serve to connect two sentences standing next to each other, or they may not be a connecting link. At the same time, they will always be a means of creation, that is, they have every chance of being an object for 22 and 24. Therefore, advice: you -complete task 23, pay attention to these tasks. You will learn more about medicinal means from the pra-vi-la-reference book to task 24.

23.2. Communication using marine means

Along with the lek-si-che-ski-mi means of communication, they use-use and mor-fo-lo-gi-che-skie.

1. Location

A connection with the help of place-names is a connection in which ONE word or SEVERAL words from the previous sentence are used. I have no place. To see such a connection, you need to know what a place is, what kind of ranks there are in terms of meaning.

What you don't need to know:

Place-nouns are words that are used instead of a name (substantive-no-go, with-la-ga-tel- no-go, number-no-go), indicate faces, point-to-objects, signs of objects, to -what kind of things are there, without naming them specifically.

According to the meaning and grammatical special features, you have nine types of places:

1) personal (I, we; you, you; he, she, it; they);

2) return (yourself);

3) attractive(mine, yours, ours, yours, yours); as heavy-duty uses also forms of personal: him (pi-jack), her (work),them (for the service).

4) demonstrative (this, that, such, such, this, so much);

5) definitions(himself, most, all, all, each, other);

6) from-no-si-tel-nye(who, what, which, which, which, how many, whose);

7) vo-pro-si-tel-nye(who? what? which? whose? which one? how much? where? when? where? from where? why? in what way? what?);

8) ot-ri-tsa-tel-nye(nobody, nothing, no one's);

9) undefined(someone, something, someone, whoever, anyone, someone).

Don't forget that place-names from-me-by-pas-de-jams, that’s why “you”, “me”, “about us”, “about them”, “no-to-mu”, “everyone” are forms of place-nouns.

As a rule, in the order there should be a place, but this is not obligatory -but, if there are no other places in the specified place, you will fill the role of SOCIAL elements- Comrade You need to clearly understand that NOT EVERY place that appears in the text is a connection - the main link.

Let's turn to examples and definitions of how propositions 1 and 2 are connected; 2 and 3.

1) Our school recently underwent renovations. 2) I finished it many years ago, but sometimes I went and wandered around the school floors. 3) Now they are somehow strangers, different, not mine....

In the second sentence there are two names, both personal, I And her. Which one is the one skre-poch-koy, which unites the first and second sentences? If this is the place I, what it is for-me-no-lo in sentence 1? Nothing. What kind of place is it? her? Word " school"from the first preposition. We conclude: communication with the help of a personal place her.

In the third clause there are three places: they are somehow mine. The second one is connected only by place They(=floors from the second proposal). Rest they don’t fit in any way with the words of the second sentence and don’t replace anything. Conclusion: the second clause is connected with the third clause They.

What is the practical importance of this method of communication? The fact that it is possible and necessary to use places of nouns instead of nouns, adjectives and numbers. Use, but not abuse, since the abundance of words “he”, “him”, “them” sometimes leads to mis-use and don't-be-ri-he.

2. Speech

Communication with the help of speech is a connection that is especially dependent on the meaning of speech.

To see such a connection, you need to know what a word is, what kind of digits there are in terms of meaning.

In-speech - these are not-from-me words, which denote a sign by action and are related to the verb. go-lu.

The following meanings can be used as a means of communication:

Time and space: below, on the left, next to, in-cha-le, from-dav-on and additional ones.

Examples of proposals: We arrived at work. Vna-cha-le it was hard: I couldn’t work in the co-mand, I had no ideas. After They got involved, felt their strength and even got excited.Pay attention: Prepositions 2 and 3 are connected with preposition 1 when indicated in speech. This type of communication is called via parallel communication.

We climbed to the very top of the mountain. Around There were only the tops of the de-re-views of us. Near swim with us about-la-ka. An analogous example of a parallel connection: 2 and 3 are connected with 1 with the help of those indicated in speech.

Indicative words. (They are sometimes called places-of-names on-re-chi-ya-mi, since they do not name how or where the action takes place, but only point to it): there, here, there, then, from-there-yes, in some way, so and additional ones.

Examples of proposals: Last summer I was from-dy-ha-la in one of the sa-na-to-ri-ev Be-lo-rus-sia. From there It was practically impossible to make a call, not to mention working at the in-ter-ne. In the word “from there” it replaces a whole word.

Life went on as usual: I studied, my mother and father worked, my sister got married and left with her husband. So Three years have passed. The word “so” summarizes all the contents of the previous sentence.

It is possible to use and other sizes in speech, For example, from-ri-tsa-tel-nyh: IN school and university I’m not comfortable with my weight. Yes and nowhere not warehoused; however, I didn’t suffer from this, I had a family, I had brothers, they were my friends.

3. Union

Communication with the help of a call is the most common type of communication, thanks to something between the possibilities. There are no different personal relations associated with the meaning of the union.

Communication with the help of co-chi-ni-tel-nyh so-yu-call: but, and, and, but, also, or, however and others. The type of union may or may not be indicated in the assignment. That's why it's necessary to repeat ma-te-ri-al about so-yu-zakh.

In detail about so-chi-tel-nyh so-yu-zakhs ras-sk-za-za-but in a special time-de-le

Examples of proposals: By the end of the day we were unbelievably tired. But the construction was shocking! Communication with the help of the pro-ti-vi-tel-no union “but”.

This is how it has always been... Or this is how it seemed to me....Communication with the help of the division of the union “or”.

We draw attention to the fact that very rarely only one union participates in the formation of a connection: as a rule, at one time -men-but use lexical means of communication.

Communication with the help of sub-chi-tel-nyh so-y-u-call: because, so. A very unusual case, since sub-conjunctions link pre-positions in a complex composition repaired. In our opinion, with such a connection, there is a deliberate break in the structure of a complex proposition.

Examples of proposals: I was completely ecstatic... For I didn’t know what to do, where to go and, most importantly, who to turn to for help. The union for it has meaning because, in fact, it indicates the reason for the hero’s condition.

I didn’t pass the test, I didn’t go to the institute, I couldn’t ask for help from my parents and I wouldn’t do it. . So there was only one thing left: to find a job. The conjunction “so” has significant consequences.

4. Parts

Communication using particles always accompanies other types of communication.

Parts after all, and only, here, there, only, even, same add additional details to the proposal.

Examples of proposals: Call us, talk to them. After all it's so simple and at the same time difficult - to love....

Everyone in the house was already asleep. AND only ba-bush-ka quietly bor-mo-ta-la: she always read-ta-la prayers before going to bed, you are the great-grandmother of the heavenly forces for the best share for us.

After my husband left, my soul felt empty and my house empty. Even the cat, usually hanging around the apartment, just yawns sleepily and keeps trying to climb into my arms. Here whose arms would I like to lean on...Observe your attention, the connecting parts are at the forefront of the presentation.

5. Word forms

Communication using word forms the point is that in nearby sentences the same word is used in different

  • if this noun - number and pas-de-same
  • If pri-la-ga-tel-noe - kind, number and pas-de-same
  • If place-name - gender, number and pas-de-de-same in za-vi-si-mo-sti from the raz-rya-yes
  • If gla-gol in person (gender), number, tense

Verbs and participles, verbs and de-partialities are counted with different words.

Examples of proposals: Noise in-step-pen-but-on-ras-tal. This makes it so much worse noise I felt uneasy.

I knew my son ka-pi-ta-na. With myself ka-pi-ta-nom fate didn’t lead me, but I knew that it was only a matter of time.

Pay attention: in the task there may be no “forms of the word”, and then it is ONE word in different forms;

“forms of words” - and these are already two words, repeated in neighboring sentences.

There is a special complexity in the different forms of the word and the vocabulary of the second word.

Information for teachers.

We consider it in terms of the complexity of the 2016 Unified State Examination. Here is a complete fragment published on the FIPI website in the “Me-di-che-instructions for teachers” (2016)"

For-the-work-of-not-ex-for-me-well-e-my when you fail-for-yes 23 caused cases when the condition for-yes - the need to differentiate the form of the word and the second word as a means of connecting sentences in the text. In these cases, when analyzing the languages ​​of ma-te-ri-a-la, you should pay attention to the training that the lek-si-che-second is pre-la-ga-et the repeat of the lek-si-che-unit with a special sti-li-sti -what for-yes-whose.

Let us assume condition 23 and a fragment of the text of one of the 2016 Unified State Examinations:

“Among the sentences 8–18, find something that is connected with the previous one with the help of a lexicon on the second. Write the number of this proposal.”

Below is the text, given for ana-li-za.

- (7) What kind of artist are you when you don’t love your native land, eccentric!

(8) Maybe that’s why Berg didn’t succeed in drinking. (9) He presented a portrait, a poster. (10) He tried to find the style of his time, but these attempts were full of failures and ambiguities.

(11) One day Berg received a letter from Khu-dozh-nik Yar-tse-va. (12) He called him to come to the Mu-rom forests, where he spent the summer.

(13) August was hot and windless. (14) Yartsev lived far from a deserted station, in the forest, on the shore of a deep lake with black water. (15) He rented a hut near the forest. (16) Berg was driven to the lake by the son of the forest, Vanya Zotov, a su-tu-ly and behind-the-wall boy. (17) Berg lived on Lake Berg for about a month. (18) He didn’t intend to work and didn’t take oil paints with him.

Proposition 15 in connection with the proposal 14 with the help personal place "He"(Yartsev).

Proposal 16 in connection with preposition 15 with help word forms "forester": pre-false form, control-la-e-my verb, and non-pre-false form, control-la-e-my noun -statement. These word-forms express different meanings: the meaning of an object and the meaning of ownership, and the use of ras-smat-ri-va-e-my word-forms does not carry a stylistic load.

Sentence 17 is connected with preposition 16 with the help word forms (“on the lake - to the lake”; "Berga - Berg").

Proposition 18 is connected with the previous one with the help personal place "he"(Berg).

The correct answer in question 23 given in va-ri-an-ta is 10. It is the sentence 10 of the text that is connected with the previous one (sentence 9) with the help lek-si-che-sko-go-on-the-second (the word “he”).

To summarize, pro-tsi-ti-ro-vav av-to-ra “Me-to-di-che-skom in-bii for teachers (2016)”, I.P. Tsy-bul-ko: “The Lex-si-che-second pre-la-ga-et the second le-si-che-unit with a special sti-li-sti-che-che- yes-whose.”

It’s not necessary to note that among the authors of different works there is no single opinion, what is considered le-si-che-skim in a second way - the same word in different pas-de-jas (persons, numbers) or in the same one. Authors of books from the da-tel-stva “Na-tsi-o-nal-noe ob-ra-zo-va-nie”, “Ek-za-men”, “Le-gi-on” ( authors Tsy-bul-ko I.P., Va-si-lye-vykh I.P., Go-ste-va Yu.N., Se-ni-na N.A.) not There is not a single example in which words in various forms would be considered a lexical second.

At the same time, there are very complex cases, in which the words that stand in different pas-de-jas coincide in form, are considered hud-sya in different ways. The author of the books Se-ni-na N.A sees in this the form of the word. I.P. Tsy-bul-ko (according to the ma-te-ri-a-lam book of 2017) sees the lek-si-che-sky second. So, in sentences like I saw the sea in a dream. The sea was calling me the word “sea” has different pas-de-zhi, but at the same time, no doubt, there is that very sti-li-sti-che-skaya for-da-cha, about which I writes .P. Tsy-bul-ko. Without delving into the linguistic solution to this question, let’s designate the RE-SHU-USE and give a re-commendation -yes-tion.

1. All obviously non-coincident forms are word forms, not lexical in the second place. Pay attention that we are talking about the same language phenomenon as in task 24. And in 24 lex-si-che - second words are only second words, in the same forms.

2. There will be no consistent forms in the questions on the RE-SHU-USE: if the linguist-specialists themselves cannot to figure this out, then you will not be able to let the school know.

3. If the ex-works are not going to be done with the additional difficulties, we look at those to the fullest extent. personal means of communication that can help determine your choice. After all, a group of KIMs may have their own, separate opinion. Unfortunately, it may be so.

23.3 Sin-so-si-che-che-s-stva.

Introductory words

Communication with the help of introductory words accompanies, complements any other connection, complementing the tens of meanings, ha-rak-ter-ny-mi for introductory words.

Of course, it’s not necessary to know which words are entered by us.

This is discussed in detail in the reference to assignment 17

He was hired at work. Unfortunately, Anton was too am-bi-ci-o-zen. On the one side, the company needed such personalities, on the other hand, he did not concede to anyone or anything, if there was anything, as he said, below its level.

Let us give examples of defining means of communication in a small amount of text.

(1) We met Masha a few months ago. (2) My family haven’t seen her yet, but they haven’t gotten to know her. (3) It seemed that she, too, did not strive for rapprochement, which made me somewhat upset.

Let us determine how the propositions in this text are connected.

Sentence 2 is connected with preposition 1 with the help of a personal place her, which replaces the name Masha in sentence 1.

Preposition 3 is connected with preposition 2 using word forms she/her: “she” is the form of the name-no-tel-no-go pas-de-ja, “her” is the form of the ro-di-tel-no-go pas-de-ja.

In addition, sentence 3 also has other means of communication: this is a union Same, introductory word ka-za-moose, rows of si-no-mich-structures not on acquaintance And did not strive for rapprochement.

Read an excerpt from the review. It discusses language features text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“Talking about Yegor Dremov, the writer talks to us about the Russian character. Emphasizing moral principles character of his hero, the author uses the technique: (A)_____ (sentence 7). The moral core of Yegor Dremov was fully revealed during the battles for native land. Speaking about people like Yegor, the writer uses the trope - (B)_____ (“and a great power rises in him - human beauty” in sentence 30) and a syntactic means of expressiveness - (B)_____ (sentence 29). Resilience, inner strength, love for the Fatherland are especially striking when the writer, using a form of speech such as (G)_____ (sentences 25-27), shows the meeting of Yegor Dremov and the general.”

List of terms:

1) epithets

2) extended metaphor

3) quoting

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) parcellation

7) exclamatory sentence

8) series of homogeneous members of a sentence

9) comparison

Explanation (see also Rule below).

“Talking about Yegor Dremov, the writer talks to us about the Russian character. Emphasizing the moral foundations of the character of his hero, the author uses the following technique: (A) quotation (sentence 7). The moral core of Yegor Dremov was fully revealed during the battles for his native land. Speaking about people like Yegor, the writer uses a trope - (B) an extended metaphor (“and a great power rises in him - human beauty” in sentence 30) and a syntactic means of expressiveness - (C) an exclamatory sentence (sentence 29). Resilience, inner strength, love for the Fatherland are especially striking when the writer, using a form of speech such as (D)dialogue (sentences 25-27), shows the meeting of Yegor Dremov and the general.”

2) expanded metaphor - hidden comparison

7) exclamatory sentence - a sentence with a special intonation

6) dialogue - a conversation between two or more persons

Answer: 3276.

Answer: 3276

Rule: Task 26. Language means of expression


The purpose of this is to determine the means of expression used in reviewing by word of mouth -nov-le-tion of correspondence between the entries, denoted by letters in the text of the review, and numbers -mi with opre-de-le-ni-i-mi. You only need to write answers in the order in which the letters appear in the text. If you don’t know what is hidden under one or another letter, do not put “0” in place of this number. For your answer you can get from 1 to 4 points.

When you complete task 26, you should remember that you filled in the gaps in the review, i.e. . vo-sta-nav-li-va-e-te text, and with it semantic and grammatical connection. For this reason, analysis of the review itself can often serve as a complete clue: various features in that or in another way, co-gla-su-yu-schi-e-sya with pro-pus-ka-mi-say-e-my, etc. Ob-leg-read you-not-for-giving and dividing the list of terms into two groups: the first one includes terms -We are based on the meaning of the word, the second is the structure of the pre-position. You will be able to do this business, knowing that all funds are divided into TWO large groups: the first includes lek-si-che- ski (non-special means) and trails; in the second fi-gu-ry of speech (some of them are called sin-so-si-che-ski-mi).

26.1 TROP-WORD OR EXPRESSION WHICH IS REQUIRED IN THE PERIOD-NOSAL MEANING FOR THE CREATION OF AN ARTIST -GO-RA-ZA AND REACH-STI-SAME YOU-RA-Z-TEL-NO-STI. The tropes include such devices as epi-thet, comparison, oli-t-tvo-re-nie, me-ta-for-ra, me-th -ni-miya, sometimes gi-per-bo-ly and whether-you come to them.

Note: In the order, as a rule, it is indicated that these are TRAILS.

In the review, examples of tropes are indicated in brackets, like a word.

1.Epithet(in translation from Greek - appendix, addition) - this is a different definition, from a substantive a feature that is significant for a given context in the image of a phenomenon. From the simple definition of epi-tet from the hu-to-same expression and image but-styu. The epi-te-ta is based on a hidden comparison.

This includes all the “colorful” definitions that you most often find pri-la-ga-tel-ny-mi:

sad-but-si-ro-te-yu-shay land(F.I. Tyutchev), gray fog, lemon light, silent peace(I.A. Bunin).

Epi-te-you can also say:

-existence, you-stu-pa-yu-schi-mi in ka-che-stvo at-lo-zhe-nyh or say-e-my, yes-y-shchih about-different ha-rak-te- ri-sti-ku pre-me-ta: magic-no-winter; mother is the damp earth; The poet is the lyre, and not just the nanny of his soul(M. Gorky);

-na-re-chi-i-mi, you-stu-pa-yu-schi-mi in the role of conditions: It stands on the wild alone...(M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov); There were leaves na-straight-but you-you-well-you are in the wind (K. G. Pa-u-stov-sky);

-de-e-pri-cha-sti-i-mi: waves are not present rattling and sparkling;

-place-name-nor-i-mi, you-ra-zha-yu-schi-mi is a superior degree of this or that state of the human soul:

After all, there were fights, yes, they say, more which! (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov);

-with-cha-sti-i-mi and with-part-ny-mi ob-ro-ta-mi: So-lo-vye word-in-word-wee gro-ho-chu-shim announce the forest pre-de-ly (B. L. Pa-ster-nak); Let me also admit... bor-zo-scribes who cannot tell where they were yesterday, and for some there are no other words in the language except words don't remember kinship(M. E. Sal-ty-kov-Shched-rin).

2. Comparison- this is an artistic technique, based on the combination of one phenomenon or understanding with another . Regardless of the meta-for-ry, comparison is always two-term: in it both are called together. of our objects (phenomenon, sign, action).

The villages are burning, they have no defense.

You are the enemy of the sons of the fatherland,

And for-re-vo, like an eternal meteor,

Playing in ob-la-kah, it frightens the gaze. (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov)

Comparisons between you and yours are different:

For-my creative-no-go pas-de-ja substantive:

So-lo-viem beyond the summer Youth about-le-te-la,

Wave in the out-of-year, joy from-shu-me-la (A.V. Koltsov)

For-my comparative degree at-la-ga-tel-no-go or in-re-chiya: These eyes greener seas and our ki-pa-ri-owls anyway(A. Ah-ma-to-va);

Compare the ob-ro-ta-mi with so-yu-behind-mi as, word-but, as if, as if, etc.:

Like a predatory beast, to the humble monastery

Vry-va-et-sya shti-ka-mi po-be-di-tel... (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov);

With the help of words, similar, similar, this is:

On the eyes of a cautious cat

Looks like your eyes (A. Ah-ma-to-va);

With the help of comparative statements:

The golden foliage was spinning

In the pink water on the pond,

Just a ba-bo-chek light flock

From beyond the world he flies to the star. (S. A. Yesenin)

3.Me-ta-fo-ra(in translation from Greek - trans-nose) - this is a word or expression that is used in the trans-nose sign. based on the similarity of two objects or phenomena according to some sign. Depending on the comparison, in which both that which is compared and that with which it is compared -That's it, the meta-for-ra contains only the second, which creates the compactness and specificity of the use of the word. Based on the meta-for-ry, there may be similarity of objects in shape, color, volume, meaning, feel -sche-ni-yam, etc.: falling stars, la-vi-on letters, wall of fire, bottomless grief, pearl-chu-zhi-na in-ez-zia, spark of love etc.

All meta-fores are divided into two groups:

1) common languages(“erased”): golden hands, a storm in a hundred waters, mountains to move, strings of the soul, love has faded away;

2) hu-do-fe-stvennye(in-di-vi-du-al-no-av-tor-skie, po-e-ti-che-skie):

And the stars fade and there are no stars al-maz-ny trembling

IN pain-free cold dawn (M. Vo-lo-shin);

Empty skies transparent glass (A. Ah-ma-to-va);

AND blue eyes, bottomless

There is a flower here in the distance. (A. A. Blok)

Me-ta-for-ra would-va-et not just one night: it can develop in the text, forming whole chains of different expressions, in many cases - cover, as it were, the entire text. This once again, complex me-ta-for-ra, a whole artistic image.

4. Oli-tse-tre-re-nie- this is a different kind of me-ta-for-ry, based on the per-re-no-se signs of a living being in reality le-niya nature, objects and concepts. Most often, oli-tse-tvo-re-tions are used when describing nature:

Rolling through the sleepy valleys, the sleepy valleys lay down, And only the tramp of a horse, Sounding, disappears in the distance. The autumn day has gone out, pale, Rolling up the fragrant leaves, Tasting sleep without dreams Half-withered flowers. (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov)

5. Me-to-ni-miya(in translation from Greek - re-name-no-va-nie) - this is the transfer of the name from one subject to another on the basis of but-va-nii their contiguity. Adjacency can be a manifestation of connection:

Between co-container and co-container: I three ta-rel-ki ate (I. A. Krylov);

Between the author and the pro-from-ve-de-ni-em: Bra-nil Go-mera, Fe-o-kri-ta, But I read Adam Smith(A. S. Pushkin);

Between action and the weapon of action: Their villages and fields for a violent raid He condemned him to swords and fires(A. S. Pushkin);

Between the object and the ma-te-ri-a-lom, the object is made from something: ... or something like silver, - I ate it like gold(A. S. Gribo-edov);

Between the place and the people who live in this place: The city was noisy, flags were crackling, wet roses were falling out of bowls of flowers... (Yu. K. Olesha)

6. Si-nek-do-ha(in translation from Greek - so-from-not-se-nie) - this is diversity of me-to-n-mies, based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another based on the number of there is a significant relationship between them. Most often, the transfer occurs:

From the smaller to the larger neck: Not even a bird flies to him, And the tiger is not a child... (A.S. Pushkin);

From part to whole: Bo-ro-yes, why are you still silent?(A.P. Chekhov)

7. Pe-ri-phrase, or pe-ri-phrase(in translation from Greek - descriptive expression), - this is a phrase that is used instead of something -some word or word. For example, St. Petersburg in verse

A. S. Push-ki-na - “Petra’s creation”, “Half-night beauty and wonder”, “The city of Pet-rov”; A. A. Blok in the poems of M. I. Tsve-ta-e-voy - “knight-king without a rebuke”, “blue-eyed snow-howl singer” , “snow swan”, “all-holder of my soul.”

8.Gi-per-bo-la(translated from Greek - pre-increase) - this is a different expression that contains an immeasurable pre-increase -is there any sign of an object, phenomenon, action: A rare bird to-le-tit to the se-re-di-ny of the Dnieper(N.V. Go-gol)

And at the same minute, along the streets, couriers, couriers, couriers... you can imagine, thirty-five thousand only couriers! (N.V. Go-gol).

9. Li-to-ta(translated from Greek - smallness, moderation) - this is a different expression that contains an immeasurable amount of decrease -a sign of something, a phenomenon, an action: What tiny cows! There is, right, less bu-la-voch-noy head.(I. A. Krylov)

And walking importantly, in calm order, Lo-shad-ku leads a man by the reins in big boots, in a short fur coat. -nom, In big hands... and he himself with no-go-tok!(N.A. Ne-kra-sov)

10. Irony(in translation from Greek - creation) - this is the use of a word or expression in a false sense straight-up. Irony is a type of foreign-speaking, in which something is hidden behind an external assessment. -laugh: Where are you, smart one, are you delusional?(I. A. Krylov)


Note: In some cases it is indicated that this is a lexical remedy. Usually, in a review for 24, an example of a lexical device is given in brackets either in one word or in a word with-what-ta-ni-em, in which one of the words is you-de-le-but cur-si-vom. Pay attention: it is these means that are most often not-about-ho-di-mo find in task 22!

11. Si-no-ni-we, i.e. words of the same part of speech, different in sound, but the same or similar in lexical meaning and from each other or from the shadows of the meaning, or from the stylistic coloring ( brave - important, run - rush, eyes(neutral) - eyes(poet.)), they have a great creative power.

Si-no-n-we can be con-text-n-mi.

12. An-to-ni-we, i.e. words of the same part of speech, pro-ti-false in meaning ( is-ti-na - lie, good - evil, from-vra-ti-tel-but - for-me-cha-tel-but), also about more possibilities.

An-to-ni-we can be context-us, that is, sta-no-vit-sia an-to-ni-ma-mi only in a given context.

It would be a lie good or evil,

Seriously painful or merciless,

It would be a lie dexterous and awkward,

Inspecting and without looking back,

Hopeful and joyless.

13. Fra-zeo-lo-giz-we as a means of language you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti

Fra-zeo-lo-giz-we (fra-zeo-lo-gi-che-skie vy-ra-zhe-niya, go-o-we), i.e. re-pro-iz-vo-di- words and prepositions in the form of words, in which the whole meaning of the pre-mi-ni- ru-et-over-the-sign-of-my-composition-of-their-com-nents and is not a simple sum-of-my-such-significance- niy ( in vain, to be in the seventh heaven, just once), there are more possibilities for you. You-ra-zi-tel-ness of the phrase-zeo-lo-giz-mov def-de-la-et-sya:

1) their bright variety, including mi-fo-lo-gi-che-che-skaya ( the cat cried like a squirrel in a co-le-se, Ari-ad-na’s thread, yes-mo-klov’s sword, Akhil-le-so-va’s heel);

2) from many of them: a) to the number of you ( the voice of the vo-pi-yu-sche-go in emptiness, fall into oblivion) or taken down (speaking, simply spoken: like a fish in water, neither sleep nor breath, lead by the nose, pour on the neck, un-hang the ears); b) to a range of linguistic means with a real-life emotional coloring ( keep the thread as ze-ni-tsu oka - trade.) or with a distinct emotional color the king in the head - disapproved, small fry - disdainful, worthless - despised.).

14. Sty-li-sti-che-ski colored lek-si-ka

To enhance the vy-ra-zi-tel-no-sti in the text, all ranks of style can be used. no lek-si-ki:

1) emo-tsi-o-nal-no-ex-press-siv-naya (evaluated-night) lek-si-ka, including:

a) words with a positive emotional evaluation: solemn, lofty ( including old-ro-sla-vya-niz-we): inspiration, coming, fatherland, tea, blood, unshakable; lofty-high-but-po-e-ti-che-skie: be-less, luminous, enchantment, azure; approving: noble, you-y-y, amazing, from-important; las-ka-tel-nye: sol-nysh-ko, go-lub-chik, up to a lot

b) words with a positive emo-tsi-o-nal-but-ex-press-sive assessment: dis-approving: before we sat down, pre-pi-ra-tsa, oko-le-si-tsa; pre-not-careful: you-jump, de-la-ha; pre-visual: ball-demon, tooth-ri-la, pi-sa-ni-na; swear words/

2) functional-tsi-o-nal-no-sti-li-sti-che-ski colored le-si-ka, including:

a) book: scientific (terms: al-li-te-ra-tsiya, ko-si-nus, in-ter-fe-ren-tsiya); official-ci-al-no-de-lo-vaya: n-under-pi-sav-shi-e-sya, before-treasury; pub-li-qi-sti-che-skaya: re-port-age, inter-view; hu-do-same-stven-but-po-e-ti-che-skaya: la-zur-ny, eyes, la-ni-you

b) conversational (obi-move-but-would-be): dad, boy-chon-ka, hva-stu-nish-ka, healthy

15. Lex-si-ka restrict-ni-chen-no-go-requirement

To enhance the vy-ra-zi-tel-no-sti in the text, all ranks of lex-si-ki restrictions can also be used -th use-requirement, including:

Lex-si-ka dialect-naya (words that are used in the lives of any place: kochet - rooster, veksha - squirrel);

Lex-si-ka pro-sto-river-naya (words with a brightly-ra-feminine syn-feminine style coloring: fa-mi-lyar-noy, gru -fight, pre-not-re-living, abusive, on-the-border or beyond the pre-de-la-mi-li-te-ra -tour norm: go-lo-d-ra-nets, for-bul-dy-ga, for-tre-schi-na, tre-pach);

Lex-si-ka pro-fes-si-o-nal-naya (words that are used in pro-fes-si-o-nal speech and are not included They are in the system of the common language: galley - in the speech of sailors, duck - in the speech of journalists, window - in the speech of pre-da-va-te-ley);

Lex-si-ka hot-gon-naya (words characteristic of hot-go-to-us - mo-lo-de-no-mu: tu-owl, on-the-ro-you, cool; com-pew-ter-no-mu: brains - memory com-drink-te-ra, keyboard - cla-vi-a-tu-ra; soldier-dat-sko-mu: dem-bel, cher-pak, perfume; heat-ho-well, pre-step-ni-kov: brother-va, ma-li-na);

Lex-si-ka-usta-rev-shaya (is-to-riz-we - words that have come out of use in connection with the disappearance of the word- the objects or phenomena they signify: bo-yarin, oprich-ni-na, horse-drawn; ar-ha-iz-we - outdated words, naming objects and concepts, for which new ones have appeared in the language on-name-no-va-niya: brow - forehead, wind-ri-lo - sail); - lek-si-ka new (neo-lo-giz-we - words that have recently entered the language and have not yet lost their novelty: blog, slogan, tee-nay-ger).

26.3 FI-GU-RA-MI (RI-TO-RI-CHE-SKI-MI FI-GU-RA-MI, STI-LI-STI-CHE-SKI-MI FI-GU-RA-MI, FI-GU -RA-MI SPEECH) NA-ZY-VA-YUT-XY STY-LI-ST-CH-SKY PRICES, based on special co-che-ta-ni-yah words that go beyond the usual practical use of requirements, and have the goal of strengthening your -tel-no-sti and image-ra-zi-tel-no-sti text. To the main fi-gu-rams of speech from-no-syat-sya: ri-to-ri-che-question, ri-to-ri-che-scream-cry, ri-to-ri-che-ra-sche-nie, second, syn-so-si-che-sky par-ral-le-ism, many-so-yu-zie, bess- so-yu-zie, el-lip-sis, in-ver-sia, par-cel-la-tion, an-ti-te-za, grad-da-tion, ok-su-mo-ron. Regardless of lexical means, this is the level of a preposition or several prepositions.

Note: In the laws there is no clear form of definition, no indication of these means: they are -they call for syn-so-si-che-ski-mi means, and reception, and just a means of vy-ra-zi-tel-no-sti, and fi-gu -Roy. In task 24, the figure of the speech indicates the number of the sentence, given in brackets.

16.Ri-to-ri-che-sky question- this is a fi-gu-ra, in which a statement is kept in the form of a question. The ri-to-ri-che-question does not require from-ve-ta, it is used to enhance emo-tionality, you -ability of speech, to attract the attention of the reader to this or that phenomenon:

Why did he give his hand to slander the worthless people, Why did he believe the false words and caresses, He, with youth what has happened to people?.. (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov);

17.Ri-to-ri-che-scream- this is a figure in which a statement is contained in the form of a cry. The ri-to-ri-che-c-c-c-c-lls intensify the expression of certain feelings in communication; they usually have not only a special emo-tionality, but also a solemnity and affection that is:

That was on the morning of our years - Oh happiness! oh tears! O forest! oh life! oh the light of the sun! O fresh spirit of birch. (A.K. Tolstoy);

Alas! The proud country bowed to the power of a stranger. (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov)

18.Ri-to-ri-che-s-ra-schenie- this is a sti-li-sti-che-fi-gu-ra, with-standing in an under-stressed attitude towards someone or something- be to enhance your speech. It serves not so much for naming the ad-re-sa speech, but rather for expressing the attitude towards what it is about. appears in the text. Ri-to-ri-che-ra-s-tions can create solemnity and pa-the-ticism of speech, express joy, co- sting and other shades of structure and emotion:

My friends! Our union is beautiful. He, like the soul, is unstoppable and eternal (A.S. Pushkin);

Oh, deep night! Oh, cold autumn! Mute! (K. D. Balmont)

19. On-second (po-zi-tsi-on-no-lek-si-che-sky on-second, lek-si-che-sky on-second)- this is a sti-li-sti-che-fi-gu-ra, co-standing in the second part of a sentence (word) , parts of a sentence or a whole sentence, several sentences, stanzas in order to attract special attention to them -ma-nie.

Once again, they appear a second time ana-for-ra, epi-for-ra and under-grip.

Anaphora(in translation from Greek - ascent, rise), or unity, is the repetition of a word or group of words in the na- some lines, stanzas or prepositions:

Le-ni-in the hazy half-day breathes,

Le-ni-in the river is rolling.

And in the firmament, fiery and pure

Le-ni-vo melt about-la-ka (F.I. Tyut-chev);

Epiphora(in translation from Greek - add-on, final pre-position of re-ri-o-da) - this is the repetition of words or groups of words in at the end of lines, stanzas or prepositions:

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal - wow.

What is a day or an age?

Before what the hell?

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal - wow(A. A. Fet);

They got enough light bread - joy!

This year the film is good in the club - joy!

The two-volume nick of Pa-u-stov was brought to the bookstore joy!(A.I. Sol-zhe-ni-tsyn)

Under-grip- this is a repeat of something from a speech (pre-lo-z-niya, poet-ho-creative line) in the next The following is the answer from his speech:

He po-va-lil-sya on the cold snow,

On the cold snow, as if from September,

It’s like being in a damp forest (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov);

20. Pa-ral-le-ism (sin-so-si-che-sky pa-ral-le-ism)(in translation from Greek - walking next to) - identical or similar structure of adjacent parts of the text: standing next to each other lo-same, poetic lines, stanzas, which, coming together, create a single image:

I look at the future with fear,

I look at the past with longing... (M. Yu. Ler-montov);

I was a ringing string for you,

I was the flower of spring for you,

But don't you want flowers?

And did you not hear the words? (K. D. Balmont)

Often with the use of an-ti-te-zy: What is he looking for in the country? What did he throw in his native land?(M. Ler-mont-tov); Not the country - for the business, but the business - for the country (from the newspaper).

21. In-ver-siya(in translation from Greek - re-sta-nov-ka, re-re-in-ra-chi-va-nie) - this is a change in the usual series- ka words in the sentence for the purpose of emphasizing the semantic meaning of some element of the text (words , pre-lo-zhe-niya), giving the phrase a special sti-li-sti-che-coloring: solemn, you what sound or, on-the-mouth, once-speaking, somewhat sni-female ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki. In-ver-si-ro-van-ny-mi in the Russian language read the following associations:

The co-gla-so-van-noe definition comes after the definition of the word: I’m sitting behind bars in none the less raw(M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov); But no swells ran across this sea; the sultry air did not flow: in the future great thunderstorm(I.S. Tur-ge-nev);

Before completion and conditions, you-ra-wed beings stand in front of the word, to which- mu from-no-syat-xia: Hours one-on-one time(one-time strike of the clock);

22.Par-cel-la-tion(translated from French - part-sti-tsa) - a stylistic technique that is key in the division of a single syn- so-si-che-stru-tu-ry of pre-lo-zhe-niya on several in-the-tsi-on-but-sense-loving units - phrases. In place of the division of the pre-position, a dot, exclamatory and interrogative signs, and multiple signs can be used. -what-what. In the morning, bright as a splint. Scary. Dol-gim. Rat-nom. The rifle regiment was defeated. Our. In unequal battle(R. Rozhdestvensky); Why doesn't anyone bother? Education and health care! The most important areas of society's life! Don’t mention me in this matter at all(From newspapers); It is necessary for the state to remember the main thing: its citizens are not individuals. And people. (From newspapers)

23.Bes-so-yu-zee and many-go-so-yu-zee- sin-so-si-che-fi-gu-ry, os-no-van-nye on the na-mer-ren-nom pro-pus-ke, or, on-o-bo-mouth, co-knowing -tel-nom on the second-re-nii with-yu-call. In the first case, when the so-yu-call is omitted, speech becomes compressed, compact, di-na-mich-noy. The images of actions and events here quickly, instantly unfold, replace each other:

Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts.

The banging, the clicks, the grinding.

The thunder of guns, stomping, neighing, groaning,

And death and hell on all sides. (A.S. Pushkin)

In case many-go-so-yu-zia speech, on the contrary, slow, pauses and repeated conjunction you make words, ex-press-siv-but under- cher-ki-vaya their semantic significance:

But And grandson, And great-grandson, And great-great-grandson

It grows in me while I grow... (P.G. An-to-kol-sky)

24.Period– a long, multi-part sentence or a very widespread simple sentence, which comes from It is based on the finality, the unity of the theme and the in-that-on-tsi-on-nym dis-pas-de-ni-em into two parts. In the first part of the syn-so-si-che-second of one-type pre-yes (or members of the pre-position) comes from the that-so-high-high-n-at-tion, then - a separate significant pause, and in the second part, where Yes, that’s the conclusion, the tone of voice is za-met-but it’s not the same. This kind of in-the-tsi-on-formation forms a kind of circle:

Whenever I want to limit my life to the distance, / When I want to be a father, a husband, a pleasant lot, / When If I had been captivated by the family picture even for a single moment, then it’s true that I wouldn’t have looked for another fiancee besides you. (A.S. Pushkin)

25. An-ti-te-za, or pro-ti-in-sta-le-nie(in translation from Greek - pro-ti-in-po-lo-sie) - this is a turn of the mouth, in which it is sharply pro-ti-in-la-ut-sya pro-ti-false po-nya-tiya, lo-zhe-niya, images. To create an-ti-te-zy, we usually use an-to-n-we - common-languages ​​and con-tech-stu-al -nye:

You are rich, I am very poor, You are pro-za-ik, I am a poet(A. S. Pushkin);

Yesterday I looked into your eyes,

And now everything is going haywire,

Yesterday I was sitting before the birds,

Everything is hot these days!

I'm stupid, and you're smart,

Alive, but I'm dumbfounded.

O cry of women of all times:

“My dear, what have I done to you?” (M.I. Tsve-ta-e-va)

26.Gra-da-tion(in translation from Lat. - gradually increasing, intensifying) - a technique that is in the next stage number of words, vy-ra-same, trop-ov (epi-te-tov, meta-for, comparison) in a series of intensification le-niya (increase) or weakening (decrease) at-sign. Rising gradation usually used to enhance imagery, emotional expression and influence -the power of the text:

I called you, but you didn’t look back, I shed tears, but you didn’t descend.(A. A. Blok);

Glowed, glowed, shone huge blue eyes. (V. A. So-lo-ukhin)

Nis-ho-da-sha-cha-da-tion used less frequently and usually serves to enhance the meaning of the text and create an image but-sti:

He brought mortal resin

Yes, a branch with withered leaves. (A. S. Pushkin)

27.Ok-syu-mo-ron(in translation from Greek - sharp-ro-mind-but-stupid-singing) - this is a sti-li-sti-che-fi-gu-ra, in which the co-edi-nya-yut -usually not-co-me-sti-my understandings, as a rule, pro-ti-in-re-cha-cha-each other ( bitter joy, ringing ti-shi-na etc.); at the same time new meaning, and the speech has a special eloquence: From that hour it began for Ilya sweet mu-che-nya, the light that burns the soul (I. S. Shme-lev);

Eat melancholy in the reds of dawn (S. A. Yesenin);

But you are beautiful without them I soon realized the secret. (M. Yu. Ler-mont-tov)

28.Al-le-go-riya– foreign-speaking, transferring from-attraction through a specific image: Foxes and wolves must fight(cunning, malice, greed).

29. Default- an im-measurable break in the expression, a re-yes-excitement of speech and a pre-la-ga-yu-shchy that chi-ta-tel do-ga-da-et-sya about something you-said: But I wanted... Perhaps you...

In addition to the highest number of syn-so-si-che means, you-ra-zi-tel-no-sti are found in the tests and the following -yu-schi:

-exclamatory prepositions;

- dialogue-log, hidden dialogue-log;

-question-but-from-the-form this form of expression, in which there are questions and answers to questions;

-rows of one-kin members;


-introductory words and constructions

-Incomplete sentences- propositions in which any member is introduced that is not needed for complete structure and meaning nia. The absent members of the sentence can be restored and con-text.

Including el-lip-sis, that is, skipping say-zu-e-mo-go.

These nya-tiya ras-smat-ri-va-yut-sya in the school course sin-tak-si-sa. It is precisely for this reason that these means are most often called syn-so-si-che in reviews -ski-mi.

Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid excessive quoting). Explain the meaning of each example and indicate the semantic connection between them.

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.



1. What is Russian character?

2. What true beauty person?

1. Russian character in extraordinary strength of spirit, in an incomprehensible “core” that does not allow it to break in the face of inhuman trials.

2. Yegor Dremov, mutilated by the war, remained true to himself, to his Motherland - this is his true human beauty.

Tatiana Statsenko

I think it's possible.


Answer number 1 is confirmed by proposals No. 10-12. Answer number 3 - sentences No. 19-21. Answer number 4 - sentences No. 22, 27-28. Answers numbered 2 and 5 do not correspond to the content of the text.

Answer: 134.

Answer: 134

Relevance: Current academic year

Answer from Svetlana swetlana[guru]
Russian character! - For a short story the name is too
meaningful. What can you do - I just want to talk to you about
Russian character.
Russian character! Go ahead and describe it... Should we talk about heroic
exploits? But there are so many of them that you get confused as to which one to prefer. Here's me
and one of my friends helped out a little story from my personal life. How he beat
Germans, I won’t tell you, although he wears a gold star and
half of the chest is decorated. He is a simple, quiet, ordinary person -
collective farmer from a Volga village in the Saratov region. But noticeable among others
strong and proportionate build and beauty. Sometimes you would look at him when he
crawls out of the tank turret - the god of war! Jumps from the armor to the ground,
pulls the helmet off his wet curls, wipes his grimy face with a rag and
will certainly smile from spiritual affection.
In war, constantly hovering around death, people become better, every
nonsense peels off from them like unhealthy skin after a sunburn, and
remains in a person - the core. Of course - one has it stronger, the other
weaker, but those who have a flawed core are drawn to it, everyone wants to be
a good and faithful comrade. But my friend, Yegor Dremov, was even before the war
strict behavior, extremely respected and loved his mother, Marya Polikarpovna, and
his father, Yegor Yegorovich. "My father is a sedate man, the first thing is that he
respects himself. You, he says, son, will see a lot in the world, and abroad.
you will visit, but be proud of your Russian title..."
He had a bride from the same village on the Volga. About brides and wives
they talk about us a lot, especially if there is a lull at the front, cold, in the dugout
the fire smokes, the stove crackles and people have had dinner. Here they will tell something like this - ears
hang it up. They will start, for example: “What is love?” One will say: “Love
arises on the basis of respect..." Another: "Nothing like that, love is
habit, a person loves not only his wife, but his father and mother and even
animals..." - "Ugh, stupid! - the third will say, - love is when
everything is boiling for you, the man walks around as if drunk..." And so they philosophize and
an hour and another, until the foreman, intervening, with an commanding voice
will determine the very essence... Yegor Dremov must be embarrassed by these conversations,
he only mentioned the bride to me in passing, - very, they say, good girl, and already
if she said that she would wait, she would wait, at least he returned on one
He also didn’t like to talk about military exploits: “About such
I don’t feel like remembering things! " He frowns and lights a cigarette. About the military affairs of his tank
we learned from the words of the crew, the driver especially surprised the listeners
- You see, as soon as we turned around, I saw from behind the hill
gets out... I shout: “Comrade Lieutenant, tiger!” - “Forward, shouting, full
gas!..." "I'll camouflage myself along the spruce tree - to the right, to the left... Tigger
he moves the barrel like a blind man, he hits - misses... And Comrade Lieutenant, how will he give it?
in his side - splash! As soon as it hits the tower, he raised his trunk... How will he give
in the third, - smoke poured out of all the cracks of the tiger, - flames burst out of
it's a hundred meters up... The crew climbed through the emergency hatch... Vanka
Lapshin fired his machine gun and they lay there, kicking their legs... Us,
you see, the path is clear. Five minutes later we fly into the village. I'm right here
dehydrated... Fascists in all directions... And - it’s dirty, you know, - another one will jump out
from boots and in only socks - Porsk. Everyone runs to the barn. Comrade Lieutenant
gives me the command: “Come on, move around the barn.” We turned the gun away, at full
I hit the barn with gas... Fathers! Beams and planks rumbled across the armor,
bricks, fascists who sat under the roof... And I also - and ironed it -
the rest of the hands up - and Hitler is kaput...
This is how Lieutenant Yegor Dremov fought until a misfortune happened to him.
During K

In the story “Russian Character” by A.N. Tolstoy described one of the episodes of the Great Patriotic War. There was still a whole year left before victory.

The story does not talk about the military feat of tanker Yegor Dremov, but about his relationship with his parents and fiancee. The Russian character in this work is made up of individual character traits of all the characters, main and secondary.

The main character is Yegor Dremov, a tank commander who received severe burns in the battle on the Kursk Bulge. He is rescued from a burning tank by the driver, who was himself wounded, but pulled out the unconscious commander. Thus, the tank driver Chuvilev (this minor character will appear again in the story to describe the military exploits of the tank crew under the command of Yegor Dremov) at a dangerous moment thinks not only about own life, but, risking himself, saves a comrade in arms. In his conscientiousness one can see a character trait that is highly valued by Russians.

Egor Dremov shows Russian character both in battle and in his relationships with his parents and fiancée. Arriving home on leave after being wounded, he felt sorry for his old parents and was afraid to upset them. It seemed to Yegor that his ugly face would frighten them: after all, it had become a lifeless mask, and only his eyes remained the same. Thus, the character of the protagonist showed modesty, restraint, even sacrifice, which Russian people value: real person least of all cares about himself, but first of all thinks about his loved ones, about their happiness.

Yegor Dremov was mistaken in thinking that he was sparing his parents when he did not admit that he was their son. His parents are happy just because their son is alive - after all, everyone around them is receiving a “funeral” from the front. Egor Egorovich and Maria Polikarpovna love their son not for his appearance, but because he is a son. Of course, the old people are proud that Yegor is their hero, but above all they value in him not his beauty, but his courage and honesty. Another feature of the Russian character is manifested here - the main attention is paid not to appearance, but to spiritual qualities. After all, the soldier’s burned face indicates that he participated in terrible battles and did not spare himself while defending his homeland. Such a person evokes respect and admiration among Russians, despite his external ugliness. Therefore, Father Yegor Yegorovich believes that “one should be proud” of the face that the front-line soldier who came to them had. This idea is formulated by the elder Dremov, a Russian himself.

The hero's mother also has a Russian character. Maria Polikarpovna recognized her son, although his face had changed beyond recognition after the operations. She guessed with her heart, with some sixth sense, that her son was staying in her house, and showed extraordinary sensitivity, so dear to the Russian heart. Since a Russian person is usually restrained in the manifestations of his feelings, the attention and observation of others, who themselves must guess about their experiences, become very important qualities. loved one. It is very good if friends and relatives understand each other without words.

In Katya Malysheva, Yegor Dremov’s fiancée, the Russian character is also revealed: in a woman, Russians value fidelity and devotion, which is demonstrated by the heroine, who twice (seeing him off to the front and visiting him after being wounded) declares to Yegor that she will wait for him from the war and love him faithfully. But Katya is the main character’s fiancée, not his wife, that is, for now she is connected with Yegor only by word.

Ivan Sudarev - Yegor's friend and a benevolent narrator - himself has a Russian character, reasonable, restrained, thoughtful. He evaluates the actions of all the heroes appearing in a small story and notes different faces Russian character in every character.

Thus, Tolstoy creates a Russian character by combining traits different heroes, and, thanks to this technique, presents the image of a Russian person as complete, versatile and generally sublime.

Such an image national character distinguishes Tolstoy's story from the works of other Soviet authors who wrote about the war. For example, A.T. Tvardovsky in the poem “Vasily Terkin” concentrates the traits of the Russian character in one main character.

According to artistic principles - the conflict between the good and the best and edification (instructiveness) - “Russian character” should be classified as the leading direction of Soviet literature - socialist realism. In the story, the conflict between Yegor Dremov and his family is far-fetched, because it exists only in the head of the modest protagonist, but in fact, the characters in the story are each better and more noble than the other. The edifying nature of “Russian Character” is expressed in the fact that through Ivan Sudarev, who evaluates everyone in the work characters, the writer teaches: this is exactly how a Soviet soldier should behave like Yegor Dremov; this is exactly what a soldier’s relatives should do as his parents and fiancée do. At the end of the story, the author tells the reader how to correctly understand the idea of ​​the work: “Yes, here they are, Russian characters! It seems like a simple person, but a severe misfortune will come, in big or small ways, and a great power will rise in him - human beauty.” So, the story of Yegor Dremov ended happily. There could not have been any other ending, given that all her heroes have noble characters. During a terrible war, such a story becomes necessary: ​​it gives hope, saves from despair, and therefore “Russian Character,” one might say, reflects the perception of the war era and in this sense becomes a monument to the era.

But conflict-free stories with happy ending if they meet in real life, then only as exceptions. How does a meeting between a soldier and his family usually take place? Remembering the millions Soviet people who died at the fronts and during the occupation, we can more likely expect tragic encounters.

M.V. Isakovsky’s poem “The Enemies Burned His Own Hut” (1945) depicts the return of a victorious soldier to native ashes: all his relatives died during the German occupation, the long-awaited meeting with relatives turned into a wake at his wife’s grave.

Another tragic situation is described by M.A. Sholokhov in the story “The Fate of a Man” (1956). Returning to his hometown after Nazi captivity. Andrei Sokolov learns that his house, while his wife and two teenage daughters were there, was hit by a German bomb. As a result, the protagonist's beloved relatives do not even have graves - in place of the house there is a crater filled with rusty water.

It is impossible to compare an entire nation to one, even the correct example. A dramatic version of a meeting between a soldier and his family is presented in A.P. Platonov’s story “Return” (1946). Captain Alexey Alekseevich Ivanov, after the victory, comes to his hometown, where his wife Lyuba, eleven-year-old son Petrushka and five-year-old daughter Nastya are waiting for him. On the very first evening at dinner, the victorious warrior demands from his wife an account of how she lived without him. The writer does not talk about Ivanov at the front, although his orders and medals testify to his military exploits. But the author describes in detail the life of the Ivanov family in the rear: Lyuba worked at a brick factory during all four years of the war, took care of two small children, was constantly worried about her husband at the front, and, in order to escape from everyday melancholy, once succumbed to the tenderness of some trade union instructor . Captain Ivanov cannot forgive his wife for this, although he easily forgives himself for similar liberties: a couple of days ago, on his way home, he stayed late visiting a front-line soldier friend, Masha. The ending of the story about Yegor Dremov is predetermined, given the wonderful Russian characters of all the characters in this story. What will Plato’s imperfect hero do? Outraged and offended by Lyuba’s confession, Alexey the next morning wants to go to Masha’s, but seeing his children Petrushka and Nastya running towards the train from the window of the carriage, he suddenly softens in soul and gets off the train: yesterday he assessed his family circumstances from the point of view of “conceit and self-interest,” and now I understood them “with my bare heart.” There is no teaching in Platonov’s story, and the happy ending is explained not by Ivanov’s exemplary nobility, but by feelings normal person- love for your family. Therefore, the story “Return” is closer to life than “Russian character”: Plato’s story shows real world as complex as it is, and not as correct as it should be, according to the writer A. N. Tolstoy.

A.N. Tolstoy - story “Russian character”. The hero of the story, Lieutenant Yegor Dremov, was crippled at the front, burned in a tank, then lay in the hospital for a very long time, underwent many operations, as a result of which his appearance changed, his face was severely disfigured. At the same time, he was a very modest person, did not like to brag about his exploits, and tried not to burden others with anything. After everything that happened, the lieutenant thought that now his parents would be afraid of his appearance, his fiancee Katya would abandon him. Therefore, when I came home on vacation, I called myself by someone else’s name. But for the parents and Katya, the most important thing was that he was alive, and not his appearance. The author admires Russian characters in this story. He notices that external simplicity, a person’s modesty, unprepossessing appearance - all this is just the first impression of a person. And the depth is revealed human nature in moments of severe trials: “It seems like a simple man, but a severe misfortune will come, and a great strength will rise in him - human beauty!”

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  • Russian character Tolstoy summary