Horoscope: what to expect if a Gemini baby is born, a girl? How to raise twin boys? A fresh, youthful approach to life

Full horoscope your child. Astrologer Debbie Frank also describes the qualities of a child that you should pay attention to.

Ability to multitask

Gemini's diverse interests manifest themselves in maturity as a talent for coping with many things at once. Geminis are able to distribute their attention. This is a symptom of the duality of the sign: it never lacks one thing. In childhood, this anxiety is obvious when little Geminis become bored with a particular activity. His attention is often distracted. Although the tendency to wander can lead to a lack of focus, it is important to understand that a mind that flutters like a moth also has the gift of cross-pollinating ideas.

Innate sociability and interest in people

Geminis enjoy meeting people, even in early childhood they strive to make as many acquaintances as possible and see as many places as possible. This child simply does not like to be left to his own devices - he is always looking for his like-minded person. Shyness is a rare phenomenon in Geminis; they are usually self-confident enough to easily make friends and communicate with a wide variety of people.

A fresh, youthful approach to life

Gemini is a sign primarily associated with childlike qualities. Even when Geminis exude intelligence and intelligence, they never lose their naivety. There is no prejudice or cynicism in Geminis; they look at the world, people and objects with surprise. Geminis never fully mature, retaining the qualities of a playful child.

Gemini boys

Your Gemini son would make an amazing Peter Pan, captivating with his agility and brilliance of mind. And like Peter, he tends to test your patience. Gemini boys play pranks with a passion that arouses both admiration and rage. They run and talk so fast that you are always left behind - Geminis love being caught.

Verbal skills come easily to him, he has an amazing ability to perceive everything that is happening around him, as well as amazing hearing. In essence, Geminis are born imitators, amusing themselves with their gift: just listen to how they can entertain adults for hours. Geminis are masters at attracting people's attention with their wit. This child is able to talk about the most ordinary event in such a way that you will be amazed.

His interests are many and varied: today it is playing football, and tomorrow it is playing the flute.

It is difficult for him to stop at one thing; he is attracted to activities in which other people participate. If this child fidgets and spins in place, this is a sign that he is starting to get bored. Geminis are simply unable to sit quietly if the activity does not captivate them. They strive for constant mental stimulation - both from the environment and from their parents.

Gemini girls

The Gemini girl is a fairy who enchants you with a huge repertoire of stories and numerous ways of expressing herself. She is so funny that you may lose sight of the fact that thanks to her inquisitive mind, she does not make mistakes and notices the pitfalls in time. Geminis always notice what is happening right in front of them, while other people indulge in abstract daydreams. Your Gemini daughter is an information collector; she needs to know your opinion on any issue: from the personal lives of neighbors to the reasons why the Sun hides at night. Her curiosity about the world is inexhaustible.

Gemini is a fickle child. This is a double sign, and you could be forgiven for thinking that your daughter is a combination of the two. different people, because in the blink of an eye she turns from an angel into an imp, from a quiet mouse into a confidently stomping elephant, from a playful kitten into an irritable panther. All these qualities are inherent in the Gemini character; like a sorceress, the Gemini girl will leave you guessing.

She likes games that develop thinking and all types of outdoor games. Geminis are among those children who are able to ski down a slope as early as the age of five. Her mental and physical agility and coordination are excellent, so she is able to master all the subtleties computer games or make up a fairy tale literally on the spot. Her brain is constantly working, wondering: why, how, when, why? If she has nothing to chew on in her thoughts, she literally experiences hunger and exhaustion. Gemini girls need plenty of food for thought.

Twins at school

Since Geminis are endowed with quick wit and a lively mind, they enjoy learning. Unfortunately, the bad news is that their thinking often reacts negatively to formal teaching methods. The hardest thing for Geminis is to concentrate for long periods of time because their thoughts turn to more interesting questions, rather than chemical formulas. Gemini's thoughts jump from one subject to another, but they sometimes don't notice it.

Geminis, as a rule, do not give preference to any particular subject: they are jacks of all trades and enjoy variety. In many ways the schedule school activities completely suits them - Geminis have time to enjoy drawing maps, making wood crafts, studying French and playing cricket. Few activities offer such a breadth of interests. Geminis love to switch from one job to another.

Since Geminis seem to absorb knowledge easily, you may be misled into thinking that they are successful learners. In essence, they are superficial, snatching a few paragraphs here and there, unable to truly concentrate. Homework and preparing for exams is by no means Gemini’s favorite pastime: they often do not see the point in such matters. However, Geminis soon find out that they are able to give out answers without the slightest effort - they always know exactly what to say!

Twins at play

The parents of a Gemini child will soon find out that they actually have two children. This means that you will have to stimulate two brains, occupy two pairs of hands, and if Gemini gets bored, you will face double trouble. This sign loves to work collaboratively with other people. He will not entertain himself for two hours straight; he prefers company. Despite the fact that Gemini is amazingly agile and often achieves significant success in sports, the spirit of competition in him is not at all strong: participation means much more to him than victory.

Geminis are often jacks of all trades. They lack patience, but creative activity attracts them because it does not cause boredom. Gemini - embodied movement, dexterity. Being an air sign, they love games of wits that involve the opportunity to outwit their opponents or require highest degree inquisitive and lively mind. And of course, Geminis like communication in any form - including television shows, movies and just carefree chatter!

The Gemini girl is a fairy who enchants you with a huge repertoire of stories and numerous ways of expressing herself. She is so funny that you may lose sight of the fact that thanks to her inquisitive mind, she does not make mistakes and notices the pitfalls in time. Geminis always notice what is happening right in front of them, while other people indulge in abstract daydreams. Your Gemini daughter is an information collector; she needs to know your opinion on any issue: from the personal lives of neighbors to the reasons why the Sun hides at night. Her curiosity about the world is inexhaustible.

Gemini is a fickle child. This is a double sign, and you could be forgiven for thinking that your daughter is a combination of two different people, because in the blink of an eye she turns from an angel to an imp, from a quiet mouse to a confidently stomping elephant, from a playful kitten to an irritable panther. All these qualities are inherent in the Gemini character; like a sorceress, the Gemini girl will leave you guessing.

She likes games that develop thinking and all types of outdoor games. Geminis are among those children who are able to ski down a slope as early as the age of five. Her mental and physical agility and coordination are excellent, so she is able to master all the intricacies of computer games or write a fairy tale literally on the spot. Her brain is constantly working, wondering: why, how, when, why? If she has nothing to chew on in her thoughts, she literally experiences hunger and exhaustion. Gemini girls need plenty of food for thought.

Debbie FRANK "Children and Zodiac Signs"

A boy whose birthday falls between May 21 and June 20 according to the zodiac sign - Gemini. Naturally, parents ask themselves: what are the characteristics of this sign, what qualities will the baby have? A child whose sign is Gemini is the spitting image of Peter Pan. You remember this tomboy, who refused to grow up and was a real pain - inquisitive, restless, surprisingly easy-going, capable of simultaneously charming and driving you crazy? So imagine what awaits you in the future if the baby’s development goes according to the plan predicted by the stars.

General characteristics of the sign for a boy

A boy whose sign Gemini plays pranks passionately, this passion can arouse in those around him both admiration for his ingenuity and rage when the prank affects you directly. The energy flows out of them like a fountain, these children run incredibly fast - and they talk even faster than they run. As a result, all accompanying persons are left far behind. The horoscope assures that Gemini boys are like a sponge - it seems that they are able to absorb what is happening around them with their entire skin, therefore they do not have problems with verbal skills. The boys’ hearing is also in perfect order.

If you characterize a Gemini boy, he can be called a brilliant imitator with rare wit. A child is able to describe a completely ordinary event in such a way that a venerable writer would be envious. This zodiac sign has a craving for everything unusual and interesting, while its hobbies can be at completely different poles. Today a child is selflessly kicking a ball in the yard, and tomorrow he is enthusiastically learning scales. It is quite easy to understand his mood and assess how much he likes what he is doing at the moment - when a tomboy gets bored, he is simply unable to sit still. Children whose zodiac sign is Gemini need mental stimulation on an ongoing basis.

Childhood years of the sign representative

From an early age, a boy whose zodiac sign is Gemini is able to demonstrate high adaptability to almost any situation - even if he does not fully understand it. Such a child, finding himself in unfamiliar surroundings, will definitely not faint - his curiosity, observation and tenacious mind will help him notice and analyze all the available parts of the puzzle, then putting them together into the desired picture.

The horoscope assures that a child born under the sign of Gemini, from an early age, surprises those around him with simply deadly politeness. In addition, these children are very sociable, which attracts increased attention. And they are drawn to people like a sunflower to the sun - Gemini absorbs interest and a positive attitude like life-giving warmth. But from time to time there come moments when a child of this zodiac sign needs solitude. The time when the baby is left alone is devoted to reading, playing with pets, exploring unusual and unfamiliar things... Speaking of things, it is not recommended to leave Gemini boys alone with objects dear to your heart that are unscrewing, unscrewing, and disassembling. Otherwise, you have every chance of wasting a lot of time trying to find necessary details and combine into a single whole.

The horoscope states that from an early age, representatives of the zodiac sign, regardless of gender, form their own opinions about both their personality and the world around them. Curiosity, which nature has generously endowed them with, becomes a reliable guide to the depths of their own mind, where access to most others is denied. The Gemini child, for all his politeness, is capable of being a surprisingly tactless creature - and at the same time, caring little about the feelings of the people nearby, he does not intend to purposefully offend them. As the horoscope explains, it is pointless to scold a child at such moments, because his mind is constantly working actively, hence some incorrectness that sometimes manifests itself in communication. Most likely, he will be offended by harsh criticism, but he will take a tactfully made remark seriously.

Stressful situations are difficult for Geminis to endure. The child may become withdrawn, lose his cheerfulness and optimism, become picky and petty - or become ill in the most natural way. Be patient and find an approach to the baby. This could be soft communication or active game. In any case, the child longs to feel that he is loved and ready to support.

Twins and school

For Gemini, doing several things at the same time is not a problem. In this case, the result does not suffer. It’s quite normal for a schoolboy to do homework, while chatting on his mobile phone and beating the rhythm of his favorite musical composition with his foot. At the same time, Gemini may be completely devoid of a sense of duty and any responsibility. It is not uncommon for a child to be late from school, and no one has any idea where he went. The mother faints and drinks valerian, sits on the phone, putting everyone on the ear - and at the same time her son is calmly studying an article in a magazine bought on the way, sitting on a bench in the park.

It’s not uncommon for a sign representative to be late – and not just for some measly five minutes. No, everything here is global - a Gemini boy can easily show up at school for the third lesson. Well, or the second one if you're lucky. The reasons for being late can be very different - catching a runaway puppy, feeding a bird with a broken leg, hunting for the first spring butterfly. Sloppiness is in Gemini's blood, but at the same time they love that the people around them are extremely precise in their actions.

It is difficult to predict the actions of representatives of the sign, since they are very impulsive. Geminis are able to learn with ease, because they grasp everything on the fly. The tomboy's memory is also excellent, but at the same time very peculiar. The boy will remember the lesson he has learned exactly until the moment he needs to answer it to the teacher. After this, the knowledge simply disappears from his head in a completely incomprehensible way.

Professional activities

The Gemini leader is questionable. He comes up with ideas instantly, starts a new business “at once”, after which, when everything is spinning at breathtaking speed, he simply washes his hands of it - the interest has passed along with the fuse, the final outcome of the project does not matter. But his nature is active, his endurance is mind-blowing - sometimes one gets the impression that Geminis are made of iron, because they never get tired.

Calm, monotonous work is not for them; everything around them must seethe, boil and change every minute. Is it any wonder that in work book Is there no living place sign? In the professional sphere, Gemini has only two options - either constantly improve in their chosen profession, or look for another job.

Physical work attracts little Gemini; they prefer professions related to intellectual activity. But in general, representatives of this sign can literally do anything - they make brilliant tailors, hairdressers, or even craftsmen. And Gemini will perform any delicate work that requires sleight of hand with a bang.

A child born under the sign of Gemini is very active and impressionable. He is very curious. He tends to sleep very lightly and not for long. As they grow older, their nap time will decrease very quickly, as your inquisitive child will be afraid of missing out on something interesting.
Gemini children They do not tolerate monotony, not only in food, but also in activities in general. Feeding him at a young age is quite a difficult task. The baby is easily distracted, and you need to try to keep his attention. In infancy he does not like to swim, but closer to the age of 1.5 years, this will become one of his most favorite activities. Children born under the sign of Gemini love all moving toys. They can also be fascinated by a watch, a vacuum cleaner, a machine and a blender. As soon as a child can ask a parent questions, they will pour out of him. Considering the excessive impressionability of the Gemini child, you should not watch creepy films or listen to scary stories, you should avoid any excitement.
Gemini children They have sufficient stubbornness, but they do not always speak out openly against something, and on occasion they look for a way to refuse to perform an undesirable action. Intellectually, Gemini children are quite developed, they are characterized by easy perception new information. But in order for children to finish what they start, they should be taught patience. They will always have like-minded people to communicate with.

Boys and girls born under the sign of Gemini

Both Gemini boys and girls can early age learn to read. Such children will be more interested not fictional stories, but rather real, with facts and reliable information. Children of both sexes of this sign have the ability to study foreign languages. In addition, girls of this sign are shown playing musical instrument, for example, piano. Boys are more distinguished by intense intellectual activity; patience and natural talents instilled in them from childhood will help them achieve success in life. Girls should be provided with an interesting and exciting pastime, otherwise their curiosity can lead to unpleasant situations.
You should establish a trusting and frank relationship with Gemini children at the initial level. This format of interaction between parents and children will greatly facilitate the passage of adolescence.
Gemini boys They are more demanding of people, so if they notice a lie on their part, this is fraught with a loss of authority.
If you want to enlist the support of a Gemini child, it is better to appeal to his logic and intelligence. In boys of this horoscope sign, it is desirable to stimulate interest in sports sections or just to exercise.
Gemini girls Sea air and also sports are more indicated. And all because Gemini children have a disposition to colds, which, in the absence of timely intervention, can develop into pneumonia. Possessing moderate vitality, children of this sign need control and care.
Very often, Gemini children become left-handed. And before they are finally determined, they can alternately be controlled by both the right and left hands.
It is also necessary to note not only the impressionability, but also the nervousness and excitability of such children. Therefore, you need to take this into account and try to communicate with them calmly without unnecessary emotions. Having a vibrant mind requires constant food for thought. Spend more time on various developmental activities that Geminis really like.
Natural mobility and thirst for knowledge make Gemini children very noticeable in the crowd. At school they will take part in public life or become the leader in the class. When growing up, a restless kid can become the best student in the class.
These kids are amazingly sociable. They easily adapt to a new company. As soon as the opportunity arises to take part in a new venture, they will be right there.
It is also worth noting the amazing charm of Gemini children. Boys are perceptive, and girls are observant. These qualities will serve them well in the future, and will help them not to fall under the bad influence of others.
Choosing the direction of circles and sections, parents will have to work hard. The fact is that Gemini children's hobbies can be varied. Their curiosity and mobility, restlessness are more suitable for classes in naturalist circles, theater studios, or radio-electronic mugs.
If possible, buy encyclopedia books for Gemini boys, only they will satisfy his constant interest.
And, starting from the age of two, both Gemini boys and girls will be happy with various mosaics, construction sets, and puzzles.
But more than anything, they need live communication. And they have a special love for animals. All dogs and cats should be caressed and stroked by them.
One more distinctive feature Gemini children are their oratorical abilities. Already at a young age, they will be able to express their opinions very easily and succinctly, and if they wish, they can even copy the manner of the teacher or adopt the manners of any person authoritative for him.
TO strengths Gemini children one must attribute their dexterity, high ability to adapt, good memory and an agile mind, contact and sociability.
As a professional preference It will be possible to note journalism, accounting, commerce, work in the scientific field and other specialties that involve the opportunity to travel.


Mental alertness and communication skills

As befits an air sign, Gemini's life revolves around thoughts, ideas and their expression. In their early years, Geminis need an abundance of mental stimulation to develop and train their inquisitive mind. This child is sociable by nature, his inexhaustible curiosity about life around him encourages him to constantly ask questions and accumulate knowledge, which he will then need in communicating with other people.

Ability to multitask

Gemini's diverse interests manifest themselves in maturity as a talent for coping with many things at once. Geminis are able to distribute their attention. This is a symptom of the duality of the sign: it never lacks one thing. In childhood, this anxiety is obvious when little Geminis become bored with a particular activity. His attention is often distracted. Although the tendency to wander can lead to a lack of focus, it is important to understand that a mind that flutters like a moth also has the gift of cross-pollinating ideas.

Innate sociability and interest in people

Geminis enjoy meeting people; even in early childhood they strive to make as many acquaintances as possible and see as many places as possible. This child simply does not like to be left to his own devices - he is always looking for his like-minded person. Shyness is a rare phenomenon in Geminis; they are usually self-confident enough to easily make friends and communicate with a wide variety of people.

A fresh, youthful approach to life

Gemini is a sign primarily associated with childlike qualities. Even when Geminis exude intelligence and intelligence, they never lose their naivety. There is no prejudice or cynicism in Geminis; they look at the world, people and objects with surprise. Geminis never fully mature, retaining the qualities of a playful child.


Your Gemini son would make an amazing Peter Pan, captivating with his agility and brilliance of mind. And like Peter, he tends to test your patience. Gemini boys play pranks with a passion that arouses both admiration and rage. They run and talk so fast that you are always left behind - Geminis love it when people try to catch them.

Verbal skills come easily to him, he has an amazing ability to perceive everything that is happening around him, as well as amazing hearing. In essence, Geminis are born imitators, amusing themselves with their gift: just listen to how they can entertain adults for hours. Geminis are masters of attracting people's attention with their wit. This child is able to talk about the most ordinary event in such a way that you will be amazed.

His interests are many and varied: today it is playing football, and tomorrow it is playing the flute.

It is difficult for him to stop at one thing; he is attracted to activities in which other people participate. If this child fidgets and spins in place, this is a sign that he is starting to get bored. Geminis are simply unable to sit quietly if the activity does not captivate them. They strive for constant mental stimulation - both from the environment and from their parents.


The Gemini girl is a fairy who enchants you with a huge repertoire of stories and numerous ways of expressing herself. She is so funny that you may lose sight of the fact that thanks to her inquisitive mind, she does not make mistakes and notices the pitfalls in time. Geminis always notice what is happening right in front of them, while other people indulge in abstract daydreams. Your Gemini daughter is an information collector; she needs to know your opinion on any issue: from the personal lives of neighbors to the reasons why the Sun hides at night. Her curiosity about the world is inexhaustible.

Gemini is a fickle child. This is a double sign, and you could be forgiven for thinking that your daughter is a combination of two different people, because in the blink of an eye she turns from an angel to an imp, from a quiet mouse to a confidently stomping elephant, from a playful kitten to an irritable panther. All these qualities are inherent in the Gemini character; like a sorceress, the Gemini girl will leave you guessing.

She likes games that develop thinking and all types of outdoor games. Geminis are among those children who are able to ski down a slope as early as the age of five. Her mental and physical agility and coordination are excellent, so she is able to master all the intricacies of computer games or write a fairy tale literally on the spot. Her brain is constantly working, wondering: why, how, when, why? If she has nothing to chew on in her thoughts, she literally experiences hunger and exhaustion. Gemini girls need plenty of food for thought.


Since Geminis are endowed with quick wit and a lively mind, they enjoy learning. Unfortunately, the bad news is that their thinking often reacts negatively to formal teaching methods. The most difficult thing for Gemini is to concentrate for a long time, because their thoughts turn to more interesting questions than chemical formulas. Gemini's thoughts jump from one subject to another, but they sometimes do not notice it. Geminis, as a rule, do not give preference to any particular subject: they are jacks of all trades, they are pleased with variety. In many respects, the school schedule suits them completely - Geminis have time to enjoy drawing maps, making wood crafts, learning French and playing cricket in a few morning hours. Few activities offer such a breadth of interests. Geminis love to switch from one job to another.

Since Geminis seem to absorb knowledge easily, you may be misled into thinking that they are successful learners. In essence, they are superficial, snatching a few paragraphs here and there, unable to truly concentrate. Homework and preparing for exams are by no means Gemini's favorite activities: they often do not see the point in such matters. However, Geminis soon find out that they are able to give out answers without the slightest effort - they always know exactly what to say!


The parents of a Gemini child will soon find out that they actually have two children. This means that you will have to stimulate two brains, occupy two pairs of hands, and if Gemini gets bored, you will face double trouble. This sign loves to work collaboratively with other people. He will not entertain himself for two hours straight; he prefers company. Despite the fact that Gemini is amazingly agile and often achieves significant success in sports, the spirit of competition in him is not at all strong: participation means much more to him than victory. Geminis are often jacks of all trades. They lack patience, but creative activities attract them because they do not cause boredom. Gemini is the embodiment of movement, agility. As an air sign, they enjoy games of wits that involve the opportunity to outwit their opponents or require a highly inquisitive and alert mind. And of course, Geminis like communication in any form. --that including television shows, movies and just carefree chatter!