The coolest and coolest names. Beautiful surnames

However, we are talking about beautiful surname x, which the fair sex would like to have. Here are the top 10 most beautiful, forcing their bearers to walk with their heads held high:

Words spoken in the “language of love” have a special charm. French surnames sound mysterious and elegant. Below are the most common ones. These variants were derived from the most revered names in France.

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls in alphabetical order. Detailed information.

Beautiful family designations in Germany arose from the names of rivers, mountains and other words related to nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names come from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Müller means “miller”, and Schmidt means “blacksmith”. Rare German family names sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmermann. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are considered to be:

Beautiful Russian personal data is often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Despite the fact that they fabulous suitable for everyone European names, it is important to follow to yours The full name did not seem overloaded as in the case of Yana Romanova Romanova.

The name of a worthy person with incredible human qualities, will transfer to a new carrier best qualities and positive energy. A child bearing such a name is always surrounded by the care, attention and love of his family. Over time, the child gains a deep understanding family values and traditions. From childhood, family cohesion and mutual assistance are instilled. A family that values ​​inner peace, harmony and comfort always has a close family relationship that is passed down from generation to generation.

If you like to stand out, then an original surname from this list will suit you: Star, Golden, Brilliant, Mischievous, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Favorite, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Fire.

The most beautiful surnames in the world for girls, price list for Russian and foreign names. Latest events.

Female generic names are not much different from male ones. French history ordered that no differences or other endings, as in the Russian language, exist between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names for women also bear their own name, for example:

Regarding American women, then, as in the whole world, at birth they take the family name of their father, and upon marriage - their husband. Even if a girl wants to keep her family name, after marriage she will have a double surname, for example, Maria Goldman Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

When choosing a new surname, see if it’s true Fine It suits you, matches your name and patronymic. Remember that by deciding to change your last name, you are committing important step, which may even change your destiny. Before you do this, think about it. Your real surname may not be entirely euphonious, but it connects you with your clan and family.

Unusual and most beautiful surnames can be found in foreign languages. Many girls change their personal data, choosing a beautiful English or German option. But there are still so many beautiful surnames - Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French.

Beautiful surnames for girls, a hit parade of Russian and foreign surnames. Exclusive.

It is not recommended to take personal data based on patriotic reasons: Bykap, Vlapunal, Natsilip or Slaveput, although they were popular in 2015. The fact is that preferences can change, but the surname remains for life.

If Russian surnames do not suit you, although there are many wonderful ones among them, you can look for something suitable in the list of foreign ones. Among the harmonious German surnames for girls the following can be distinguished: Mayer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann. There are a lot of beautiful English surnames: Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills. Poles have many good surnames: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Vitovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Troyanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya, Koval. Some Belarusian surnames also sound good: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Tchaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya , Ostrovskaya, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk. Bulgarians have many beautiful surnames: Apostolova, Angelova, Vladova, Danailova, Dimitrova, Blagoeva, Nikolova, Toneva, Lyudmilova.

Beautiful Russian personal data is often formed from proper names, for example: Romanova, Pavlova, Illarionova and others. Although they work great with all European names, it is important to ensure that your full name does not seem overloaded, as in the case of Yana Romanova Romanova.

Among the British and Americans, the most popular surname is Smith (4 million people), and among Russians it is Smirnov, and not Ivanov, as is commonly believed. It comes from the word “pacification” or “to make peace”, which is typical for the original Russian population. Watch a video that takes a closer look at the most common surnames in the world:

It is not necessary to take a surname of foreign origin, because even among Russians there are very beautiful options. For example, the list of beautiful surnames for girls can easily be supplemented by the surnames of Russian writers and poets. Nekrasova, Lermontov, Pushkin, Tolstaya - all this sounds noble and historical. Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva - it’s so romantic and creative. Almost any female name will go with the surname Dostoevskaya. In addition, you can take a surname in honor of any season. So, Spring or Summer sounds very bright and encouraging. And the surname May will become more of a permanent nickname. In fact, if you have such a beautiful surname, they may even forget about your name, constantly using the surname and its derivatives (May-Mayka, Oreh - Oreshek). In addition, do not forget about the Russian surnames Bereza or Drevesnaya, which is very impressive.

The most popular surnames girls for VK borrowed from famous actresses, singers, models and others famous personalities. You can use the pseudonym of your idol or choose a fashionable option from those suggested below.

Women's names are so diverse that at the birth of a child, disputes often arise between parents about what to name the baby. Our list of names is the largest, and is constantly growing, so this is where you can solve this pleasant task without any problems. This page presents the most beautiful modern and Russian female names, and the topic will primarily concern newborn girls.

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their bearers are popular people, and therefore happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the generic name Li. In second place in terms of polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is the family name Garcia, common in South America(about 10 million people).

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from its other European counterparts. While an English name is always pronounced correctly, French names are pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen can sound like “Le Pen”, “Le Pen”, “De Le Pen”. The first French family names were granted to the highest circle of nobility in the 11th century. It was only in the 16th century that a royal decree ordered that every French citizen be given a hereditary nickname.

What beautiful surnames there are for girls, unusual and strange surnames. All latest information as of January 27, 2018.

When choosing a new surname, see if it suits you well and matches your first and patronymic names. Remember that by deciding to change your last name, you are taking an important step that may even change your destiny. Before you do this, think about it. Your real surname may not be entirely euphonious, but it connects you with your clan and family.

If you like to stand out, then an original surname from this list will suit you: Star, Golden, Brilliant, Mischievous, Cheerful, Sunny, Azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, Bright, Beautiful, Happy, Favorite, Rare, Plastic, Great, Southern, Fairy Tale, Rainbow, Fire.

As a result of a little analysis, you can see how interesting and informative it is to find out the origin of the surname. Such analysis can lead to respectful and responsible treatment of family history. Most grandparents have a rich history own origin, the origin of surnames and family traditions.

For example, in the 11th century, about 25% of the male population of England bore the name John. This created the need to give individuality to each John by adding a nickname to his name. Historical analysis deduced the main 4 groups of origin of English surnames:

The German popular surnames Hartmann (Hartman) and Werner (Werner) are derived from male names. If value doesn't matter, you might like the following list. The most euphonious German surnames:

Later, Russian surnames became a treasure trove of the history of professions and life: Bochkarevs, Melnikovs, Telegins. But the most famous family nicknames were and still are those that originated from the name of the head of the clan: Grishins, Sidorovs, Ivanovs, Pavlovs. As for the most beautiful Russian surnames, opinions converge here - these are the surnames of kings (Romanovs, Rurikovichs), noblemen (Volkonskys, Vyazemskys, Obolenskys). Many people like derivatives from beautiful names animals and birds: Sokolov, Lebedev, Orlov, Medvedev, Volkov.

It is likely that your last name carries with it some very interesting historical significance, capable of completely changing your past opinion about yourself. Along with the way Russian surnames arose and changed in the course of history, in other countries the history is slightly different.

For example, the first German names are found in chronicles of the 6th century BC. They consisted of two parts and had a magical meaning, that is, the name endowed its bearer with certain powers and character traits. Much later, in German began to "flow in" Italian names, carrying Christian meaning, for example, the name Adam meant “first-born.”

Video list of the most beautiful names for girls. Latest events.

The most beautiful surnames for girls 2018-01-27

A surname is not just an “add-on” to a person. This - business card, which allows you to win favor in advance. And if someone previously born under a dissonant surname was forced to bear it until coffin board, then now the right to choose a beautiful surname is given to everyone. And what is important: both women and men can change it.

Russian beautiful surnames for girls

Among the billions of inhabitants of the planet, you can find bearers of both beautiful surnames and those who do not feel much joy from the sound of it. We will not talk about the long-suffering Vagins (emphasis on the first syllable), Pistrunkins, as well as the popular Smirnovs, Ivanovs and Petrovs. We propose to study the issue related specifically to beautiful surnames of Russian and foreign origin.

Surnames go back to ancient times. In Rus', only representatives of the noble classes had the right to wear them. Peasants were granted this privilege around the same time that serfdom was abolished.

It was in those days that the surname was a “continuation” of its bearer. It was assigned based on the type of activity, profession, appearance or characteristic qualities person.

Now the surname plays an identifying role, without having an energetic connection with the owner. Therefore, if you think that it doesn’t go with your name or doesn’t suit you at all, you can safely change it to a more harmonious one.

Below is a list of Russian female surnames that are euphonious and beautiful:

  • Abramova;
  • Averina;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Andreeva;
  • Anisimova;
  • Arkadieva;
  • Arkhipova;
  • Barinova;
  • Bezrukova;
  • Belokrylova;
  • Berdinskikh;
  • Berestova;
  • Bogdanov;
  • Bondarenko;
  • Bratislavskaya;
  • Vasnetsova;
  • Vershinina;
  • Vishnevskaya;
  • Vladova;
  • Volkova;
  • Volochkova;
  • Voloshchuk;
  • Vysotskaya;
  • Galaktionova;
  • Golitsyn;
  • Generalova;
  • Gorodetskaya;
  • Gronskaya;
  • Darova;
  • Dementieva;
  • Demidova;
  • Denisova;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Dubrovskaya;
  • Efimova;
  • Stellar;
  • Ivanova;
  • Ivleva;
  • Ignatova;
  • Istomina;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Kanaeva;
  • Karamzin;
  • Kovalevskaya;
  • Koval;
  • Kovalchuk;
  • Kozhevnikova;
  • Koltsova;
  • Konovalova;
  • Queen;
  • Kotova;
  • Krasnova;
  • Kruchinina;
  • Kulikovskaya;
  • Larina;
  • Lebedeva;
  • Levchenko;
  • Lenskaya;
  • Lionova;
  • Lithuanian;
  • Makarova;
  • Maksimchuk;
  • Malinovskaya;
  • Malysheva;
  • Malyarova;
  • Marchenko;
  • Maslova;
  • Matveeva;
  • Menshova;
  • Merkulova;
  • Mechnikov;
  • Minaeva;
  • Navarskaya;
  • Nazarova;
  • Novak;
  • Novikova;
  • Novitskaya;
  • Novoshinskaya;
  • Oblomov;
  • Orlova;
  • Orlovskaya;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Platonov;
  • Celestial Empire;
  • Polyakova;
  • Potapova;
  • Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Rare;
  • Rzhevskaya;
  • Rodochinskaya;
  • Rozhina;
  • Romanova;
  • Rubentsova;
  • Rudenko;
  • Safarova;
  • Sakharov;
  • Simonova;
  • Snezhnaya;
  • Sokolova;
  • Sokolovic;
  • Sofia;
  • Sochi;
  • Tarasova;
  • Timofeeva;
  • Tolmacheva;
  • Travnikova;
  • Tretyakov;
  • Ulyanov;
  • Fedoseeva;
  • Khovanskaya;
  • Tchaikovskaya;
  • Chernyshova;
  • Chekhov;
  • Shanskaya;
  • Shapovalova;
  • Shevchenko;
  • Shorokhova.

It is important to understand that the surname, like the name, has its own energy background. Therefore, when choosing a new one, it would be a good idea to study the history of its appearance, as well as the biographies of its most prominent bearers.

Beautiful Russian surnames can make female image more refined, elegant. They may become lucky ticket into life: will allow you to build a successful career and personal life. But when choosing a surname, you should understand that it must be in complete harmony with both the name and patronymic. Therefore, choose wisely and carefully.

Below you will find only a small part of the beautiful surnames that Russian men bear:

  • Yartsev;
  • Sviridov;
  • Yarov;
  • Yaguzhinsky;
  • Yuryev;
  • Chesmensky;
  • Yumatov;
  • Julian;
  • Efron;
  • Emin;
  • Hellenic;
  • Shestinsky;
  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Khmelevsky;
  • Florinsky;
  • Firsov;
  • Fog;
  • Trubetskoy;
  • Yaropolsky;
  • Tarasov;
  • Yampolsky;
  • Satellite;
  • Speransky;
  • Spassky;
  • Slavinsky;
  • Scythian;
  • Siberian;
  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Savransky;
  • Rostov;
  • Ross;
  • Romanovsky;
  • Rozin;
  • Filatov;
  • Sollertinsky;
  • Rodionov;
  • Paradise;
  • Radov;
  • Putin;
  • Polonsky;
  • Firebloom;
  • Pokrovsky;
  • Pechersky;
  • Ostrovsky;
  • Orlovsky;
  • Oleinik;
  • Ozerov;
  • Odoevsky;
  • Trinity;
  • Oginsky;
  • Obolensky;
  • Oblonsky;
  • Novgorod;
  • Upland;
  • Mikhailovsky;
  • Theological;
  • Bogatyrev;
  • Meshchersky;
  • Metelsky;
  • Ice;
  • Lanskoy;
  • Ladomirsky;
  • Crimean;
  • Kovalevsky;
  • Scribe;
  • Zlatoumov;
  • Zlatopolsky;
  • Zlatogorsky;
  • Yezersky;
  • Dumov;
  • Danilevsky;
  • Rzhevsky;
  • Gronsky;
  • Gratian;
  • Granin;
  • Gramar;
  • Gradov;
  • Goncharov;
  • Glinsky;
  • Glinka;
  • Glagolev;
  • Gilyarovsky;
  • Gedianov;
  • Garanin;
  • Vortex;
  • Vilensky;
  • Verkhovsky;
  • Vertogradsky;
  • Vertinsky;
  • Angelic;
  • Amursky;
  • Vereshchagin;
  • Veltists;
  • Lebedinsky;
  • Larin;
  • Varlamov;
  • Valevsky;
  • Vagankov;
  • Vavilov;
  • Bulgakov;
  • Borisoglebsky;
  • Bolkonsky;
  • Bisarov;
  • Bestuzhev;
  • Domansky;
  • Dolinin;
  • Berkutov;
  • Belsky;
  • Belogradsky;
  • Belinsky;
  • Bakurin;
  • Bagirov;
  • Akhmatov;
  • Arsky;
  • Aristov;
  • Apraskin;
  • Annensky;
  • Admirals;
  • Avrorin.

If you read carefully, you were able to notice that many of the names presented in the list belong to literary or historical figures. Therefore, when choosing a surname, it is worth thinking about whether you can meet its, albeit conditional, but high requirements.

List of the most beautiful foreign female surnames

Having said that many representatives of the fair sex dream of a foreign husband, we will not discover a new planet. But for most ladies, dreams remain dreams.

Fortunately, you can change your own surname to any one, and therefore to one that is of foreign origin. The most popular are foreign surnames with English, American and German roots.

When “trying on” a foreign surname, you should be concerned with the question of how it is translated. Not all of them carry beautiful meaning, despite the audible euphony.

The surnames USA will help representatives of the fair sex try on the image of an American lady.

They are formed, most often, according to one of three principles:

  • Relation to relatives, most often along the father-son line: Wilson, Robinson, Nelson, Watson. These surnames indicate that its owner is the son of Will, Nelson, etc.
  • Indication of place of work or field of activity: Clark - secretary; Taylor is a tailor; Smith is a blacksmith; Cooper is a cooper; Walker is a man on foot; Scott is a devotee.
  • Note on distinctive feature in character or appearance: Thompson is a double; Brown - brown; Harris - lucky; Allen – wonderful; Rogers is nice.

Foreign surnames are good because they have no gender distinction.

Accordingly, the surname Kaufman can be worn by both a woman and a man.

Therefore, if you are choosing a beautiful surname for the strong half of humanity, feel free to see the selection principles in the text above.

Interesting ideas for social networks

Of course, you shouldn’t make doubles of stars or start a page for a long-dead idol. But trying on your new second “I” is the first place to try it there. Read more on the site: Greek male names: a list of beautiful modern and ancient names of Greek origin

And since we are on the topic of beautiful surnames, we cannot help but mention those that have been the most common for many years. What can I say, there are much fewer Belinskys in modern society than Smirnovs and Ivanovs.

Back in 2005, Russian linguist A.F. Zhuravlev identified a list of the most common or, as it is fashionable to say now, top names. We'll present them in an alphabetical list to make it easier to find what you're looking for.

We present the TOP 20 most common Russian surnames:

Alekseev0,36460 13
Vasiliev0,4948 4
Volkov0,3636 12
Egorov0,3229 16
Ivanov1,0000 1
Kozlov0,3139 18
Kuznetsov0,7011 3
Lebedev0,3431 14
Mikhailov0,3955 8
Morozov0,3639 11
Nikolaev0,3005 20
Novikov0,3743 9
Pavlov0,3226 17
Petrov0,4885 6
Popov0,5334 4
Semenov0,3345 15
Smirnov0,7412 2
Sokolov0,4666 7
Stepanov0,3016 19
Fedorov0,3662 10

Beautiful surnames are a fairly wide range of names in the Russian language. However, there are no clear criteria for beauty here, since different people will like different surnames. No matter how many people are interviewed on this issue, the list of names will be constantly different. So we can only identify several groups of surnames that sound good and whose meaningful meaning is high and solemn.

royal surname Romanov: the surname goes back to the male canonical name Roman, which is translated from Latin as Roman; Rome is classic sample everything that is highest and correct, so that the surname is quite worthy of naming crowned persons;

Shuisky: such a surname could be given to a native of the city of Shuya, which is located in the Ivanovo region; however, villages with this name were scattered throughout Rus', so the Shuiskys could have come from them; ancient Russian word oshuya meant left, but the name could also be formed from the Finnish word suja - melted, flood;

Obolensky: the princes received this surname from their princely family estate in Kaluga region, the city of Obolensk (the Russian word envelop meant to protect, cover);

Vyazemsky: the surname is derived from the name of the family town of Vyazma (the river was called viscous if there was a lot of silt in it);

Lermontov: the surname comes from the Scottish name Lermont, the origin of which is still controversial:
1. Old Norse word leir – clay soil + French mont – high mountain;
2. Old English words lear – sea and mouth – mouth;
3. one of the variants of the Scottish name Lamont - legislator;

Pechorin: the basis of the surname is geographical name, Pechora River, so most likely these are people from the banks of this river (pechora is a forest dweller);

Favorsky: a seminarian surname, which was given to the future priest for euphony (favor from Latin - favor);

Kostomarov: Kostomarov in Rus' were large-boned, strongly built, strong people;

Onegin: the surname originates from the name of the Onega River, so people with that surname inhabited its banks (the word Onega translated from Finnish means waterfall, rapid stream);

Polonsky: the surname meant that the people of this family came from Poland;

Bolkonsky: the surname appears in the lists of the times of Ivan the Terrible among the most eminent Moscow boyars, but the origin of the surname still remains a mystery to linguists.

Animals and bird names.

Agree that in the fauna world there are sonorous names, from which very beautiful surnames are derived. Such surnames were often given to those who resembled a bird or animal in character or appearance:

Orlov, Orlik, Orel: such surnames could be given to a person with a big nose;

Lvov, Lev: such surnames were probably given strong people who had weight and respect in society;

Zaychik, Zainkin, Zaychikov: the affectionate initial form speaks of good attitude to those people who were given such cute surnames; agree that it sounds completely different from Zaitsev;

Lebedev, Lebed, Lebedyansky, Lebedushkin: people with such surnames were most likely distinguished by their loyalty in character or graceful, slender figure;

Korolek, Korolkov: the king has always aroused the love of the people, therefore such a surname could only be given to those who gained fame and respect among people;

Kotenochkin, Koshechkin, Kotik: such nicknames could be given to affectionate, gentle people.

Surnames from plants.

Floristry is also full of the most beautiful names. And a flower cannot be called a dull, abrupt word. Accordingly, surnames based on plant names are very beautiful:

Kolokolchikov: a person with a ringing voice could receive such a nickname;

Rozov, Rozanov, Rozochkin: such surnames were given for euphony to seminarians - future priests;

Vinogradov: grapes were highly valued in Rus', so such a surname was not given to everyone, but only to the most distinguished; according to some versions, this is a seminarian surname;

Sokolov, Sokolik, Sokolnichiy: such a surname could be given to people who not only looked somewhat like this noble bird, but also to those who were engaged in falconry and raised specially trained birds for this;

Berezkin: a person with such a surname could be engaged in processing birch bark, for example;

Poplar, Poplar: this could be the name for a tall and slender person;

Aspen: Aspen has always been considered a cowardly tree - perhaps the name given to a fearful and modest person.

Military surnames.

Military people are always about discipline, smartness, precision and accuracy - military ranks They sound beautiful and solemn, like at a parade. Surnames derived from such ranks are conventionally called military, and they definitely fall into the category of beautiful and euphonious: Majors; Admirals; Dragunsky; Hussar; Colonels; even Soldatov sounds very beautiful and dignified.

Personal names.

This group of surnames in Rus' has always been the most common. In addition, diminutive forms could be formed from given names, which often served as the basis for creating surnames that sounded affectionate and gentle.

Adam: the surname is an exact copy of the male name, which is translated from Hebrew as man;

Aksyutochkin: from the diminutive form of the female name Ksenia (Greek word meaning hospitable);

Andreychik: diminutive form of the male name Andrey (translated from Greek - courageous);

Mashechkin: diminutive form of the female name Maria (Hebrew name meaning bitter);

We love, Lyubimov, Beloved: they go back to the non-calendar, but widespread in Rus', male name Lyubim, which is more eloquent than any explanation.

Other sonorous surnames.

Sometimes surnames arose by chance, spontaneously. Some did not receive the suffix formation typical for surnames and remained tracings of common nouns. Now, when we hear them, we have associations with the subject that formed the basis of such a surname, a stereotype of consciousness is triggered, and we begin to like the surname:

Zhemchuzhina, Zhemchuzhnikov, Zhemchugov: that could be called handsome man or the one who in those days traded in such rare goods;

Blagoy: a surname could be given to a kind and sympathetic person;

Bely, Belenky: the surnames sound completely different from Belov; that could be the nickname for a blond man;

Darling, Kind, Krasavin: the names are quite descriptive and sound very beautiful.

Beautiful surnames give their owners a certain weight in society when they first meet, because in Rus' people have long been greeted by their clothes. So we wish everyone who has a sonorous and attractive surname to justify it with their worthy behavior.

There are many reasons why people choose to use a nickname instead of their birth name. A new name is an act of rethinking oneself, a kind of calling card. And before choosing it, you need to think carefully. The Internet is replete with name generators that help you create a new nickname very quickly and easily according to several criteria. Their lists are huge.

We offer you examples of pseudonyms for various cases, which will not only be of interest to you, but may also help you choose your own (individual and original pseudonym).

In English with translation into Russian

For inspiration in your creativity, we offer English versions of pseudonyms:

  • TearPrincess (princess of tears);
  • Freedom;
  • Lovely (beautiful);
  • ◄Only god can judge me (only God will judge me);
  • Funny girl (cheerful girl);
  • Sweetest (the sweetest);
  • Simply Girl;
  • Angel on duty (Angel on duty);
  • Flying Star (Flying_Star);
  • Cherry Pie (Cherry pie);
  • Amazing (Amazing);
  • Baby Angel, Baby Love - do not require translation;
  • Better Half;
  • Flower Child;
  • Honey Bun.

For YouTube

How to choose a nickname for YouTube? Can be taken as a basis keywords, symbols of your niche, or use universal ones, such as picture - Pictures, program - Programme, channel - Channel, TV, Zoom, Films, Show, Stories, Productions, Exclusive and add them to your abbreviated nickname.

Then we get:

  • VirginiaTV;
  • TainaShow;
  • Yolonda Program;
  • Delfina:
  • NinaChannel;
  • StudiosSabrina – StudSab;
  • Portia;
  • SabraFocus;
  • Zula;
  • TeodoraProductions;

Remember, for Youtube names can only be up to 50 characters in length. Some girls choose nicknames that don’t mean anything, but that sound good and are easy to remember.

Nicknames for social networks, for example, for VKontakte

When communicating on the Internet, not everyone wants to tell everything about themselves (which is absolutely correct). At the first stages of acquaintance, the name is hidden in most cases, some abstract nickname is taken that says nothing about the person or only slightly lifts the veil of uncertainty.

Girls prefer something light, sometimes funny or cool, they decorate the name with all sorts of symbols, like here:

We come up with a nickname based on the last name for girls

Sometimes circumstances force you to change your real name(due to its cacophony or unpleasant memories). And young ladies are looking for a pseudonym for their creative sites, dating, only partially reminiscent of their former surname. Then their friends will easily recognize them, and the previous discontent will disappear. Choose an option that is easy to remember, concise, and looks beautiful in Latin. The name, as a rule, is preserved more often in its short form.

For example, for Svetlana Prus, you can offer the following options: Pruss Lana, Lana Pruss, Svetlana Locust (translated as locust, cicada) or Lana Tarakanova.

  • Irina Naumenko - Iren Naumenko, Naum Irina, Naira$;
  • Solar - Sun, Sun;
  • Kuznetsova - Blacksmith, Smith, Farrier (blacksmith in English).

You can fantasize endlessly. For example, taking my childhood nickname as a basis, most of them were very accurate. And your friends will recognize you easily. Another option is to swap your last name and first name.

  • Ivanova Nastya - Ivanna Nastina;
  • Alexandrova Tatyana - Alex Tannin, Alex Tannin;
  • Marinina Ekaterina - Marianna Katina.

Or completely move away from the old surname: Tatyana Petrushkina can become Tanya Fortuna, Cool, Beautiful or Smart.

Names are pseudonyms. Examples

A nickname can be formed simply from a name, shortening it, writing it in Latin, or slightly altering it.

  • Caterina;
  • Kira;
  • Kati;
  • Sonya;
  • Stacy;
  • Clar;
  • Marian;
  • Kitty;
  • Irene;
  • Lana.

Cool - (cool), cool and interesting nicknames

Some girls want to show wit. They come up with cute, cute names that convey their mood, or use nicknames that cause surprise, laughter, and even dissatisfaction from the public. And thereby making the owner herself happy.

How do you like these nicknames collected on the Internet:

  • ★Malenkaya pakost★●;
  • Girl Shock Therapy;
  • Stealing_Souls_Expensive;
  • PrIkoL`nAyA_GeRLa;
  • DREAMS_WILL COME TRUE (nickname of the optimist);
  • Will your dreams come true? (nickname of a pessimist);
  • What came to mind =) (funny);
  • Awesome_me;
  • ॐYour_personal_NightMareॐ (your personal nightmare:);
  • Harmful. ;
  • Bubble;
  • Sweet candy.

Names associated with color also sound interesting:

  • Pink;
  • Aqua;
  • Phlox.

It is possible to create a nickname by combining your nickname and color or using verbs.

It will turn out incredibly cute:

  • Pink candy;
  • BlueLemon;
  • Flying Kitty.

You can take the syllables that sound nice to you and create the perfect name. It will take time to come up with something decent.

  • Prekacho;
  • Kachoray;
  • Psikatoni;

Yes, they sound Chinese, but perhaps you can come up with something more euphonious.

How can a girl choose (come up with) a suitable nickname?

Your nickname should set you apart from others. Therefore, take his choice responsibly. Although... humor will not be superfluous.

  • Try to make the name look good. For example, TainaShow looks better than tainashow.
  • Do not use special characters such as ★~](](, this is not always appropriate.
  • If you create a nickname based on your last name or first name, use them short form, Then final version will be concise.
  • The nickname should be easy to pronounce.
  • When choosing, remember your talents and hobbies. Such applications (Act, Dancer, Speaker, Coach, Violin) to the name - in combination they will give a good nickname: AnnaViolin, LanaDancer, AlexCoach.
  • You can associate a nickname with your place of birth or residence. Lesya Ukrainka is a great example.
  • After reading our recommendations, come up with a few names, write them down on paper and read them out loud. Are you pleased to hear them? Choose the most euphonious one, ask your friend to address you this way for several days. Do you manage to get used to the new nickname, isn’t it annoying? Something is wrong, look for an alternative.
  • Remember, overly loud nicknames (Mistress, Goddess, Demon) are unlikely to take root and will cause rejection among friends. But too funny ones (Malenkaya pakost), on the contrary, can stick very tightly and cause laughter in others, and of course - dissatisfaction with you.

A beautiful surname means as much to a girl as neat, good clothes. Agree, there is a difference in sound between the names “Olga Lozhkomoeva” and “Olga Lebedeva”. In the first case, an unkempt girl from the outback appears before the mind's eye, in the second - a beautiful, sophisticated lady. Fortunately, it is possible to choose a new last name and change it on official documents.

This step needs to be approached responsibly, so it is not necessary to immediately run to the registry office and passport office. Social networks are a great place where you can “try on” any nickname!

Many Slavic surnames are absolutely incompatible with foreign surnames. For example, when you hear “Tamara Ivanovna Adams,” you are likely to smile. You can choose a beautiful Russian surname for a girl from the following list:

  • Astafieva;
  • Romanova;
  • Arsenyev;
  • Pazhinskaya;
  • Bernatskaya;
  • Razumovskaya;
  • Berezina;
  • Bestuzhev;
  • Vishnevetskaya;
  • Voronina;
  • Vorontsova.

Any girl can feel like a countess or princess by choosing one of the options proposed above. After all, these names belonged to the upper class in Russia!

A romantic and well-read girl can borrow a surname from a famous poet or writer. In combination with female names, the following options are well perceived by ear:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Chekhov;
  • Uspenskaya;
  • Bunin;
  • Tsvetaeva;
  • Balmont;
  • Akhmatova;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Zhukovskaya;
  • Nabokov;
  • Novitskaya.

When choosing a new surname, be sure to consider how it will sound in combination with your full name and patronymic. Don't stop with the first option you like. Pick a few more, think carefully, consult with your loved ones. And only then change your last name in official documents.

The most unusual and most beautiful surnames can be found in foreign languages. Many girls change their personal data, choosing a beautiful English or German option. But there are still so many beautiful surnames - Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French.


English surnames are most often derived from proper names. For example, Jameson means “son of James” (literally “James” + “son”). You can also find names of professions, colors, qualities. Taylor (Taylor) in translation sounds like “tailor”. Smith means “blacksmith”, Brown means “brown”, etc.

As for English original surnames, in this country they come from proper names or professions, often from human qualities or even flowers. For example, “Johnson” is “son of Jones” or John; the popular surname "Smith" translates to "merchant"; “Brown” is a designation of color, “brown”. Surnames with American or English etymological roots will become good companions for serious and self-confident girls who always achieve everything they want. Several interesting English-language variations:

  • Morgan;
  • Lewis;
  • Martin;
  • Carroll (dear);
  • Austin (great, majestic);
  • Atterley;
  • Brickman;
  • Derrick;
  • Whale;
  • Oliver;
  • Porter;
  • Selby;
  • Tracy;
  • White;
  • Fisher (fish);
  • Sven (swan);
  • Dalton (next door is the Dalton Highway);
  • Cowell (coal);
  • Donovan (dominant);

American surnames

American and English surnames Suitable for serious, self-sufficient, self-confident girls.


Words spoken in the “language of love” have a special charm. French surnames sound mysterious and elegant. Below are the most common ones. These variants were derived from the most revered names in France.

Martin Martin
Bernard Bernard
Simon Simon
Laurent Laurent
Vincent Vincent
André Andre
François Francois
Robert Robert

You can also use personal data to emphasize personal qualities. For example, kind girl can take the surname Bonnet (French - kind, good), the owner of a proud disposition is Leroy (Leroy, from French leroy - king).


German surnames are formed from nicknames that reflect the personal qualities of a person, the area where he comes from, and his profession. You can choose an option, the translation of which can somehow characterize you. For example, the last name would be Krause for a curly-haired girl, Mayer for a strong-willed character, Richter for a lawyer, etc.

The German popular surnames Hartmann (Hartman) and Werner (Werner) are derived from male names. If value doesn't matter, you might like the following list. The most euphonious German surnames:

  • Bauer;
  • Wagner;
  • Weber;
  • Grossman;
  • Kallenberg;
  • Kaufman;
  • Koehler;
  • Laufer;
  • Merz;
  • Merkel;
  • Osterman;
  • Etinger;
  • Erdman.

These surnames sound beautiful in combination with the names Anna, Maria, Sofia, Angelina, Erica, Aurika. For example, Anna Bauer, Angelina Erdman.


Japanese surnames are beautiful, sound original and have a certain meaning. You can choose the option that characterizes your inner world or evokes pleasant associations.

Girls who love anime and manga can choose as a nickname for social networks Also Japanese name. For example, Aiko Shimizu – “child of love” + “ clean water", Akemi Sakurai - “bright beauty” + “sakura at the well.”

Korean surnames

Asian peoples are very great value they give the child’s name - both first and last names are not given by chance. When reading, it is worth remembering that the surname is written under the name, so it is given the first syllable. The next two are the name. Interesting fact: a total of 12 variations of surnames consist of 2 syllables, and all the rest are monosyllabic. Less popular surnames are used by very few speakers; this is a special category of people.

  • Jin – Ho (translated as “precious lake”);
  • Monkut (“crown”);
  • Jung ("love");
  • Hong (“rose”);
  • Tray ("oyster");
  • Haneul ("sky");
  • Dung ("brave");
  • Tea (“pearls”);
  • Isyl (“purity”);
  • An (internal);
  • Tsoi (high-born);
  • Tu (stellar);
  • Kim (gold)
  • Kwon (fist);
  • Khan (lord);
  • Dream (star).

Chinese surnames

In China, surnames began to be used a very long time ago - even before our era. At that time it was considered a luxury, and was used exclusively for members of the imperial families and aristocrats. IN modern life Chinese, there are few surnames - a little more than a hundred names. Most often, these are single-syllable and look like one hieroglyph. Their origin, like the whole world, depends on many factors: profession or the name of the state that formed the basis of China, as it is now. All strangers from foreign countries they were called Hu. Women very rarely take their husband's last name - the most common option is a double one or their own, maiden name.

  • Jia (beautiful);
  • Ai (love);
  • Huijong (loyal, wise);
  • Ningong (calm);
  • Venkian (refined);
  • Gee (pure);
  • Meihui (beautiful wisdom);
  • Zhilan (rainbow orchid);
  • Jiao (beautiful, graceful);
  • I (grace);
  • Yui (moon);
  • Yuming (jade brightness);
  • Yun (cloud);
  • Ruolan (like an orchid);
  • Ting (grace);
  • Fenfang (fragrant);
  • Kiaohui (wise, experienced).


Italian surnames are for girls with character. Everyone knows how temperamental Italian women are. If impulsiveness, emotionality and energy are the main traits of your character, feel free to choose a surname from the following list!

For a red-haired beauty, the surname would be Rossi, one who lives by the sea would be Marino, someone with the appearance of a sophisticated aristocrat would be Conte, and a cheerful and energetic person would be Allegro.

In medieval Italy, the default name for orphans was Esposito. The meaning of this word is no one's, free. A self-sufficient and independent young girl can use such a pseudonym; it will emphasize her personal qualities and add originality.


Spanish female surnames also different beautiful sound. Most of them come from personal names:

  • Garcia - Garcia;
  • Fernandez - Fernandez;
  • Martinez - Martinez;
  • Diaz - Diaz;
  • Flores - Flores;
  • Santana - Santana;
  • Vincente - Vincente.

This option is best suited for a dark-skinned girl. Spanish surname will be a hint of southern roots, cheerful easy temperament and passionate nature!

What surname should a girl choose for VK?

For social networks, you can choose a nickname option based on your real first and last name. For example, Svetlana Semenova - Lana Sam (LanaSam), Anna Petrova - Ann Pietro (AnnPietro) with emphasis on the last syllable. In contact, you can choose a surname that will evoke certain associations in others. For example:

  • Angelova;
  • Snegov;
  • Cold;
  • Lebedeva;
  • Clean;
  • Free;
  • Winter (Summer, Spring, Autumn);
  • Daring;
  • Secular.

The most cool names for VK - foreign. You can simply translate any word you like into English, German, French and get an original nickname. A brunette can choose Noir or Black, a blonde can choose Snow or White. There are no limits to your imagination. The main thing is that the nickname matches yours real name. The most popular options are:

  • Noir (Noir, French) – black;
  • Black (English) – black;
  • Snow (English) – snow;
  • Light (Light, English) – light, light;
  • Strong (Strong, English) – strong;
  • Young (English) – young;
  • Kitten (English) – kitten;
  • Fox (Fox, English) – fox, fox;
  • Horse (Horse, English) – horse, horse;
  • Sweet (English) – sweet;
  • Sugary (English) – sugar.

Combinations of two words sound interesting:

  • Sweet Caramel – sweet caramel;
  • Sugary Candy - sugar candy;
  • Dark Horse - dark horse;
  • Broken Angel - fallen angel;
  • Red Fox - red fox.

It is better to shorten your name so that it goes with foreign name(Alexandra - Alex, Margarita - Rita, etc.).


The most popular last names of girls for VK are borrowed from famous actresses, singers, models and other famous personalities. You can use the pseudonym of your idol or choose a fashionable option from those suggested below.

The surnames of characters in books, TV series and films are popular:

  • Stark, Lannister, Targaryen (Game of Thrones series);
  • Everdeen (Katniss Everdeen, main character trilogy "The Hunger Games");
  • Swan (Bella Swan, Twilight);
  • Granger (Hermione Granger, "Harry Potter");
  • Martin (Lydia Martin, girl with unique abilities, series "Teen Wolf").
  • Hermès - Ermes;
  • Lanvin - Lanvin;
  • Moschino - Moschino;
  • Herrera - Herrera;
  • Balenciaga - Balenciaga.

This option is suitable for the owner of model appearance, refined taste, and a slender figure.


Many people use VKontakte and Instagram to sell clothes, other goods, and promote their services. It is advisable to choose a pseudonym that will reflect the essence of your activity. For example, if you have a website for an online clothing store, you can choose this option:

  • Krasotkina;
  • Platyeva;
  • Shmotkina.
  • Konfetkina;
  • Karamelkina;
  • Chocolate.

The following options are suitable for any online store page:

  • Saleswoman;
  • Prodavashkina;
  • Purchaser (Pokupashkina).

The options sound interesting: Mashka the Salesman, Dashka the Buyer, etc. A correctly chosen name will attract new subscribers to your page, and these are potential clients. Turn on your creativity, imagination, add a little sense of humor - and you will succeed!

Unusual cool last name for a girl you can get it by choosing a rhyme for your name. This option is suitable for a cheerful and creative girl. The following combinations can be found online:

  • Dasha Kasha;
  • Masha Chamomile;
  • Olka Dolka;
  • Irina Ballerina;
  • Arinka Mandarin duck.

You can find a consonant word for any name using a rhyme generator on the Internet. As a result, you will get a cool one for the social network.


If you are not attracted to the original options and you want a simple surname, then you can convert any male name and - done! Well perceived by ear:

  • Vladimirova;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Semenov;
  • Antonov;
  • Alekseeva;
  • Andreeva;
  • Fedorov.

It is believed that a change of name entails a change in fate. What about the last name? It is quite possible that this rule also applies to her. A dissonant surname can be the cause of jokes, ridicule and complexes at any age. If you have a desire to change it, then follow it. Just make your choice consciously so that new surname pleased your ears all your life.