In which chapter does Matryona Timofeevna appear? The image of Matryona Timofeevna in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'. “Who Lives Well in Rus'”: History of Creation

Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina is a hardworking, patient Russian peasant woman. She is about 38 years old, has dark skin, big eyes, thick eyelashes and gray hair. She lives in the village of Klin and has five sons. And 1 son, Demushka, died in early childhood. Matryona Korchagina has a very unhappy life: before her marriage, her parents groomed and cherished her, she lived “like Christ in his bosom.”

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But after the wedding, her life becomes completely different: she is pestered by her father-in-law, mother-in-law, and sisters-in-law. A small consolation for her was her husband, who spent a lot of time at work, almost never being at home, and Savely, the grandfather of Matryona’s husband. Soon Matryona Timofeevna gave birth to a son, Demushka. But very soon he died due to the fault of old Savely: he neglected to look after his great-grandson, who was eaten by pigs. It was a double grief for the poor mother that her beloved son was not buried as expected, but, in front of his mother’s eyes, was cut up all over. Matryona Korchagina was angry with Savely and for a long time could not recover from the loss of her son. After Demidushka’s death, Matryona had other children, but she still yearned and prayed for him. After some time, she was overtaken by a new grief - the death of her parents, and soon of her grandfather Savely (whom Matryona Korchagina nevertheless later forgave for the death of Demushka). Matryona's whole life was devoted to work and children. She was ready to endure any pain, as long as her children were not touched. So she protected her eldest, guilty son Fedot from the rods, taking the punishment upon herself. The new misfortune that befell Matryona Timofeevna was a lean year and the recruitment drive that affected her husband and her husband’s brother. They were drafted into soldiers. The family lost its breadwinner. The peasant woman decides to go to the governor and ask for justice. In the end, she manages to see the governor’s wife, who returns Philip Korchagin from service (in the meantime, during a visit to the governor’s wife, Matryona gives birth to another son). Matryona Timofeevna also tells the seven wanderers that in her life there were also such misfortunes as fires, anthrax epidemics, and the obsessiveness of the manager Sitnikov, who took a liking to Matryona (soon, to Matryona’s relief, he was killed by cholera). Thus, we see that Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina is a patient Russian woman, a loving mother, steadfastly enduring all the hardships of fate. Of course, sometimes she has moments when she is overcome with grief, but prayers console her and give her strength. Matryona, like all Russian women, cannot be called happy. She says that, according to the holy old woman who visited her, “The keys to female happiness are abandoned, lost.”

Updated: 2017-12-10

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He didn't carry a heart in his chest,
Who did not shed tears over you.

In the works of N.A. Nekrasov’s many works are dedicated to a simple Russian woman. The fate of the Russian woman always worried Nekrasov. In many of his poems and poems, he talks about her difficult lot. Starting from the early poem “On the Road” and ending with the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” Nekrasov talked about “a woman’s share,” about the dedication of the Russian peasant woman, about her spiritual beauty. The poem “Rural Suffering is in Full Height,” written shortly after the reform, gives a true reflection of the inhuman hard work of a young peasant mother:

Share you! - Russian female share!
It couldn't be more difficult to find...

Talking about the difficult lot of the Russian peasant woman, Nekrasov often embodied in her image high ideas about the spiritual power of the Russian people, about their physical beauty:

There are women in Russian villages
With calm importance of faces,
WITH beautiful power in movements,
With the gait, with the look of queens.

In Nekrasov’s works, the image of a “majestic Slavic woman” appears, pure in heart, bright in mind, strong in spirit. This is Daria from the poem “Frost, Red Nose”, and a simple girl from “Troika”. This is Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina from the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

The image of Matryona Timofeevna, as it were, completes and unites a group of images of peasant women in Nekrasov’s work. The poem recreates the type of “stately Slavic woman,” a peasant woman from Central Russia, endowed with restrained and austere beauty:

dignified woman,
Wide and dense
About thirty-eight years old.
Beautiful; gray streaked hair,
The eyes are large, strict,
The richest eyelashes,
Severe and dark.

The poet trusted her, smart and strong, to tell her about her fate. “Peasant Woman” is the only part of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”, all written in the first person. Trying to answer the question of truth-seekers about whether she can call herself happy, Matryona Timofeevna tells the story of her life. The voice of Matryona Timofeevna is the voice of the people themselves. That’s why she sings more often than she talks, she sings folk songs. “The Peasant Woman” is the most folklore part of the poem; it is almost entirely based on folk poetic images and motives. The whole life story of Matryona Timofeevna is a chain of continuous misfortunes and suffering. No wonder she says about herself: “I have a bowed head, I carry an angry heart!” She is convinced: “It’s not a matter of looking for a happy woman among women.” Why? After all, in this woman’s life there was love, the joy of motherhood, and the respect of others. But with her story, the heroine makes men think about the question of whether this is enough for happiness and whether this cup will not be outweighed by all those life’s hardships and adversities that befall the Russian peasant woman:

For me it is quiet, invisible,
The spiritual storm has passed,
Will you show it?..
For me, grievances are mortal
Gone unpaid
And the whip passed over me!

Matryona Timofeevna tells her story slowly and deliberately. She lived well and freely in her parents' house. But, having married Philip Korchagin, she ended up with a “maiden will in hell”: a superstitious mother-in-law, a drunken father-in-law, an older sister-in-law, for whom the daughter-in-law had to work like a slave. She was, however, lucky with her husband. But Philip only returned from work in the winter, and the rest of the time there was no one to intercede for her except grandfather Savely. Her first-born Demushka becomes a consolation for the peasant woman. But due to Savely’s oversight, the child dies. Matryona Timofeevna witnesses the abuse of her child's body (to find out the cause of death, the authorities perform an autopsy on the child's corpse). For a long time she cannot forgive Savely’s “sin” that he overlooked her Demushka. But Matryona Timofeevna’s trials did not end there. Her second son Fedot is growing up, and then a misfortune happens to him. Her eight-year-old son faces punishment for feeding someone else's sheep to a hungry wolf as a shepherd. Fedot took pity on her, saw how hungry and unhappy she was, and how the wolf cubs in her den were not fed:

He looks up, raising his head,
In my eyes... and suddenly she howled!

To save little son from the punishment that threatened him, Matryona herself lies down under the rod instead of him.

But the most difficult trials befall her in a lean year. Pregnant, with children, she herself is like a hungry wolf. The recruitment deprives her of her last protector, her husband (he is taken out of turn):

Orphan children are standing
In front of me...
The family is looking at them
They are noisy in the house
There are pugnacious people on the street,
Gluttons at the table...
And they began to pinch them,
Beat your head...
Shut up, soldier mother!

Matryona Timofeevna decides to ask the governor for intercession. She runs to the city, where she tries to get to the governor, and when the doorman lets her into the house for a bribe, she throws herself at the feet of the governor Elena Alexandrovna:

How will I throw myself
At her feet: “Intercede!
By deception, not in God's way
breadwinner and parent
They take it from the kids!”

The governor's wife took pity on Matryona Timofeevna. The heroine returns home with her husband and newborn Liodorushka. This incident secured her reputation as a lucky woman and the nickname “governor”.

The further fate of Matryona Timofeevna is also full of troubles: one of her sons has already been taken into the army, “they were burned twice... God visited with anthrax... three times.” The “Woman’s Parable” sums up her tragic story:

The keys to female happiness,
From our free will
Abandoned, lost
From God himself!

The life story of Matryona Timofeevna showed that the most difficult, unbearable living conditions could not break the peasant woman. Harsh living conditions honed a special female character, proud and independent, accustomed to relying on his own strength everywhere and in everything. Nekrasov endows his heroine not only with beauty, but with great spiritual strength. It is not submission to fate, not dull patience, but pain and anger that are expressed in the words with which she ends the story of her life:

For me, grievances are mortal
Gone unpaid...

Anger accumulates in the soul of the peasant woman, but faith in intercession remains Mother of God, by the power of prayer. After praying, she goes to the city to the governor to seek the truth. What saves her is her own spiritual strength and will to live. Nekrasov showed in the image of Matryona Timofeevna both a readiness for self-sacrifice when she stood up to defend her son, and strength of character when she did not bow to formidable bosses. The image of Matryona Timofeevna is entirely woven from folk poetry. Lyrical and wedding folk songs and laments have long told about the life of a peasant woman, and Nekrasov drew from this source, creating the image of his beloved heroine.

Written about the people and for the people, the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is close to the works of oral folk art. The verse of the poem - Nekrasov's artistic discovery - perfectly conveyed the living speech of the people, their songs, sayings, sayings, which absorbed centuries-old wisdom, sly humor, sadness and joy. The whole poem is true folk piece, and this is its great significance.

There are many heroes in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”. Some of them pass by. They are mentioned in passing. For others, the author spared no space and time. They are presented in detail and comprehensively.

The image and characterization of Matryona Korchagina in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is one of such characters. Women's happiness is what the wanderers wanted to find in Matryona.

Biography of the main female character

Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina grew up in a family of simple peasants. When she meets the wanderers, she is only 38 years old, but for some reason she calls herself an "old woman." The life of a peasant woman flies by so quickly. God gave the woman children - she has 5 sons. One (firstborn) died. Why are only sons born? Probably this is the belief in the emergence in Rus' of a new generation of heroes, honest and strong like a mother.

According to Matryona, she I was happy only in my father's family. They took care of her, protected her sleep, and did not force her to work. The girl appreciated the care of her family and responded to them with affection and work. Songs at a wedding, lamentations over the bride and the crying of the girl herself are folklore, which conveys the reality of life.

Everything has changed in my husband's family. There was so much suffering that not every woman could bear it. At night, Matryona shed tears, during the day she spread out like grass, her head was lowered, anger was hidden in her heart, but it was accumulating. The woman understands that everyone lives this way. Philip treats Matryona well. But to distinguish good life cruelty is difficult: he whips his wife until she bleeds, goes to work, leaves alone with the children in a hated family. The girl does not require much attention: a silk scarf and sledding bring her back to cheerful singing.

The calling of a Russian peasant woman is to raise children. She becomes a real heroine, courageous and strong. Grief follows closely behind. The first son, Demushka, dies. Grandfather Savely could not save him. The authorities are bullying the mother. They torment the child’s body in front of her eyes, images of horror remain in her memory for the rest of her life. Another son gave a sheep to a hungry wolf. Matryona defended the boy by standing in his place for punishment. Mother's love strong:

“Who can endure it, it’s mothers!”

Korchagina came to her husband’s defense. The pregnant woman went to the governor with a request not to recruit him as a soldier.

Woman's appearance

Nekrasov describes Matryona with love. He recognizes her beauty and amazing attractiveness. Some features for the modern reader are not characteristic of beauty, but this only confirms how attitudes towards appearance have changed over the centuries:

  • “Poganous” figure;
  • “wide” back;
  • “dense” body;
  • Kholmogory cow.

Most of the characteristics are a manifestation of the author’s tenderness. Beautiful dark hair with gray streaks, large expressive eyes with “richest” lush eyelashes, dark skin. Rosy cheeks and clear eyes. What bright epithets do those around her choose for Matryona:

  • “written kralechka”;
  • "pour berry";
  • “good...pretty”;
  • "white face"
  • The woman is neat in her clothes: a white cotton shirt, a short embroidered sundress.

Character of Matryona

The main character trait is hard work. Since childhood, Matryona loves work and does not hide from it. She knows how to stack haystacks, shake flax, and thresh on a barn. The woman has a large household, but she doesn’t complain. She gives all the strength she received from God to her work.

Other features of the Russian beauty:

Frankness: telling the wanderers her fate, she does not embellish or hide anything.

Sincerity: the woman does not cheat, she opens her whole destiny from her youth, shares her experiences and “sinful” deeds.

Love of freedom: The desire to be free and free remains in the soul, but the rules of life change the character and force one to be secretive.

Courage: A woman often has to become a “feisty woman.” She is punished, but “arrogance and insubordination” remain.

Loyalty: the wife is devoted to her husband and strives to be honest and faithful in any situation.

Honesty: Matryona leads herself honest life and teaches his sons to be like that. She asks them not to steal or cheat.

Woman sincerely believes in God. She prays and consoles herself. It becomes easier for her in conversations with the Mother of God.

Matryona's happiness

Wanderers are sent to Korchagina because of her nickname - the governor's wife. It was rare that someone could go from being a simple peasant woman to becoming famous in the area with such a title. But did the nickname bring true happiness? No. The people praised her as lucky, but this is only one incident in Matryona’s life. Courage and perseverance brought her husband back into the family, and life became easier. The children no longer had to go begging around the villages, but one cannot say that Korchagina is happy. Matryona understands this and tries to explain to the men: among Russian ordinary women there are no happy ones, and there cannot be. God himself denied them this - he lost the keys to joy and will. Its wealth is a lake of tears. The trials were supposed to break the peasant woman, her soul was supposed to become callous. Everything is different in the poem. Matryona does not die either spiritually or physically. She continues to believe that the keys to female happiness will be found. She enjoys every day and evokes the admiration of men. She cannot be considered happy, but no one dares to call her unhappy either. She is a real Russian peasant woman, independent, beautiful and strong.

Almost every writer has a secret theme that worries him especially strongly and runs through his entire work as a leitmotif. For Nekrasov, the singer of the Russian people, such a topic was the fate of the Russian woman. Simple serf peasant women, proud princesses and even fallen women who sank to the social bottom - the writer had something for everyone warm word. And all of them, so different at first glance, were united by complete lack of rights and misfortune, which were considered the norm at that time. Against the background of universal serfdom, the fate of a simple woman looks even more terrible, because she is forced to “submit to a slave until the grave” and “be the mother of a slave son” (“Frost, Red Nose”), i.e. she is a slave in a square. “The keys to women’s happiness”, from their “free will” were lost a long time ago - this is the problem the poet tried to draw attention to. This is how the incredibly bright and strong image of Matryona Timofeevna appears in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by Nekrasov.
The story of Matryona’s fate is set out in the third part of the poem, called “The Peasant Woman.”

Wanderers are led to the woman by a rumor that claims that if any woman can be called lucky, it is exclusively the “governor” from the village of Klin. However, Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, a “stately”, beautiful and stern woman, hearing the men’s question about her happiness, “became confused, thoughtful” and did not even want to talk about anything at first. It had already gotten dark, and the moon with the stars had risen into the sky, when Matryona finally decided to “open her whole soul.”

Only at the very beginning, life was kind to her, Matryona recalls. Her own mother and father took care of her daughter, called her “kasatushka”, cared for her and cherished her. Let's pay attention to huge amount words with diminutive suffixes: pozdnehonko, sunshine, crust, etc., characteristic of oral folk art. Here the influence of Russian folklore on Nekrasov’s poem is noticeable - in folk songs, as a rule, the time of carefree girlhood is sung, sharply contrasting with the subsequent difficult life in her husband’s family. The author uses this plot to construct the image of Matryona and transfers almost verbatim from the songs the description of the girl’s life with her parents. Part of the folklore is introduced directly into the text. These are wedding songs, lamentation over the bride and the song of the bride herself, as well as detailed description matchmaking ritual.

No matter how hard Matryona tried to prolong her free life, she was still married off to a man, also a stranger, not from native village. Soon the girl, along with her husband Philip, leaves home and goes to an unfamiliar land, to a large and inhospitable family. There she ends up in hell “from the maiden holi”, which is also transmitted through folk song. “Drowsy, dormant, unruly!

“- that’s what they call Matryona in the family, and everyone tries to ask her more work. There is no hope for the husband’s intercession: even though they are the same age, and Philip treats his wife well, he still sometimes beats him (“the whip whistled, blood sprayed”) and will not think of making her life easier. Moreover, he is almost all free time spends his time earning money, and Matryona “has no one to love.”

In this part of the poem, the extraordinary character and inner mental fortitude Matryona. Another would have despaired long ago, but she does everything as she’s told and always finds a reason to rejoice the most. simple things. The husband returned, “brought a silk handkerchief / And took me for a ride on a sleigh” - and Matryona sang joyfully, as she used to sing in her parents’ house.

The only happiness of a peasant woman is in her children. So the heroine Nekrasov has her first-born son, whom she cannot stop looking at: “How written Demushka was!” The author very convincingly shows: it is the children who do not allow the peasant woman to become embittered and who maintain her truly angelic patience. The great calling - to raise and protect her children - raises Matryona above the drabness of everyday life. The image of a woman turns into a heroic one.

But the peasant woman is not destined to enjoy her happiness for long: she needs to continue working, and the child, left in the care of the old man, because of tragic accident dies. The death of a child at that time was not a rare event; this misfortune often befell the family. But it’s harder for Matryona than the others - not only is this her first-born, but the authorities who came from the city decide that it was the mother herself, in collusion with the former convict grandfather Savely, who killed her son. No matter how much Matryona cries, she has to be present at the autopsy of Demushka - he was “sprayed”, and this terrible picture is forever imprinted in her mother’s memory.

The characterization of Matryona Timofeevna would not be complete without one more important detail - her willingness to sacrifice herself for others. Her children are what remains most sacred for the peasant woman: “Just don’t touch the children! I stood for them like a mountain...” Indicative in this regard is the episode when Matryona takes upon herself the punishment of her son. He, being a shepherd, lost a sheep, and he had to be whipped for it. But the mother threw herself at the landowner’s feet, and he “mercifully” forgave the teenager, ordering the “impudent woman” to be whipped in return. For the sake of her children, Matryona is ready to go even against God. When a wanderer comes to the village with a strange demand not to breastfeed children on Wednesdays and Fridays, the woman turns out to be the only one who did not listen to her. “Whoever endures, so mothers” - these words of Matryona express the entire depth of her maternal love.

Another key characteristic of a peasant woman is her determination. Submissive and compliant, she knows when to fight for her happiness. So, it is Matryona, from the whole huge family, who decides to stand up for her husband when he is taken into the army and, falling at the feet of the governor’s wife, brings him home. For this act she receives the highest reward - popular respect. This is where her nickname “governor” came from. Now her family loves her, and the village considers her lucky. But the adversity and “spiritual storm” that passed through Matryona’s life do not give her the opportunity to describe herself as happy.

A decisive, selfless, simple and sincere woman and mother, one of the many Russian peasant women - this is how the reader appears before the reader “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by Matryona Korchagin.

I will help 10th grade students describe the image of Matryona Korchagina and her characteristics in the poem before writing an essay on the topic “The image of Matryona Timofeevna in “Who Lives Well in Rus'”.”

Work test

“Long-suffering” by Matryona Timofeevna.

(Poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who can live well in Rus'?”)

Progress of the lesson.

1. Epigraph for the lesson:

The rumor goes all over the world,

What are you at ease, happily

Are you living...Say in divine terms,

What is your happiness?

"Who lives well in Rus'"

    Opening remarks teachers. Setting lesson goals and defining objectives.

Nekrasov's poem, which became a milestone in the literature of the 19th century, opened up new paths, new techniques, new heroes. What place did this poem occupy in Nekrasov’s work? (Nekrasov wrote a poem for 14 years, collecting material, in his words, “by word of mouth.” 1863-1877)

- In what year do you count?
Guess what land?
On the sidewalk
Seven men came together.

But isn’t it difficult to understand what period Nekrasov is talking about? (About the reform of 1861, according to which the peasants were freed.)

Has the life of the peasants become better, richer, freer? (And truthful pictures of Russian reality pass before us. Peasant life worries Nekrasov, peasant problems... There is a lot of melancholy and sadness in the poem, there are a lot of human tears and grief in it.)

Let's return to the content and remember what question worried the peasants?

(To find out:
Who has fun?
Freely in Rus'...,)

Now let's determine what we need to do today in class:

4. Reveal in yourself... ()

2. Teacher's opening remarks:

Nekrasov is rightly considered the first singer of a Russian peasant woman to depict the tragedy of her situation and glorify the struggle for her liberation.

D La Nekrasova - she is a symbol of life and its national content. Naming your Muse " sister", the poet creates ideal images amazing power.

(speech by Melnikova V "Jack Frost", Sapronova E "Russian women", Gevorgyan – “Yesterday at about six o’clock...”)

(1863 – “Frost, Red Nose”; 1864 – “Orina, the Soldier’s Mother”; 1872 – “Russian Women” and many poems)

Heavy brown braids

They fell on the dark chest,

Bare feet covered her feet,

They prevent the peasant woman from looking.

She pulled them away with her hands,

He looks at the guy angrily.

The face is majestic, as if in a frame...

I immediately remember the Russian Madonnas on the canvases of Venetsianov, Vasnetsov and others (Venetsianov's painting "At the Harvest" is projected etc.) But the heroines of the painters, striking with grace, calmness, spirituality, are still silent about those mournful songs that sing them female soul. But Daryushka in the poem “Frost, Red Nose” and Matryona Timofeevna reveal themselves to us from the inside.

3. Teacher:

In the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” the fate of a woman is developed into a whole story, which can rightfully be called “The Life of Saint Matryonushka.”

Nekrasov created the image of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina with deep sympathy. A large part of the poem, called “The Peasant Woman,” is dedicated to her. In creating the image of the “Great Slav”, Nekrasov’s ideal of the Russian woman finds expression.

Her life is a typical life of a peasant woman of that time.

Student performances Me: Her life story? – read the text expressively. (First, the joy of childhood was buried, then girlhood quickly flashed by, then marriage, and then the bitter fate of a daughter-in-law, a slave in her husband’s family.)

Nekrasov shows the reader how Matryona Timofeevna lived in her husband’s family, shows the attitude of his relatives towards his young wife. In addition to the hellish work, other disasters befell her:
(the terrible death of the first-born son, a hungry year, a thunderstorm, twice a fire, anthrax).

Question for the classAs you noticed, “The Peasant Woman” is the only part of the poem written in the 1st person. Why do you think Nekrasov uses 1st person in the story in this part, from the perspective of the heroine herself?

(It is no coincidence that the poet chose the form of narration in “The Peasant Woman.”first person , whichgives to the whole story of Matryona Timofeevnaspontaneity and sincerity . In herconfession reveals the sad story of a Russian woman who captivates travelers with her spiritual beauty, dedication, hard work,touching love for children.)

Questions for the class:1) Is it a coincidence that Matryona appears before us as a mother?

3) What events in the life of Matryona Timofeevna are more?

happy or dramatic?

4) Why is she a “governor’s wife”?

5) Is she happy? What is her happiness?

6) What are the features of Matryona Timofeevna’s speech?

4. Characteristics of the image Matryona Timofeevna (you can use lines from the text):

determining the traits that our heroine is endowed with, we involuntarily pay attention to the means artistic expression, used by Nekrasov. Which? -

Epithet- an artistic, figurative definition used to highlight the characteristic, essential features of an object or phenomenon. and application.

Comparee- the likening of one object to another based on a common characteristic.

Metaphora – the use of a word in a figurative meaning based on the similarity in some respect of two objects or phenomena.

(remember these terms)

Working with text (the chapter is the largest, so we’ll take small episodes to find examplestropes - a figure of speech in which a word or expression is used figuratively in order to achieve greater expressiveness)– task by rows:

Page 294 (love for a child)

Page 303 (Russian heroes)

Page 312 or 339 - 340 (output)

external beauty





strong in spirit



strong and resilient woman , self-esteem, pride , traits of the heroic character of the Russian peasantry , long-suffering, many-wrapped, captivates with its spiritual beauty, dedication, hard work, touching love for children,

( One of the maincharacter trait ra of Nekrasov's peasant woman isa deep sense of human dignity, the ability to stand up for oneself and loved ones. Ready to reach the king in search of the truth, she makes a complaint against the headman to the governor and seeks justice. It is not submission to fate and circumstances, but pain and anger that drive her actions.)

Matryona Timofeevna is not only strong in spirit, she is a very gifted, talented woman (Songs, cries, lamentations (folklore dances) enhance emotions and impressions; they help express pain, melancholy, and show more clearly how bitter her fate is. –there is a song about the hard lot of a peasant woman )

The songs she sings are perceived as well-known, they are known and “picked up” by wanderers.

To summarize:

7) Why didn’t life’s trials break the heroine? What helps her endure the persecution of her relatives in her husband’s house, and the tragedy of Dyomushka, and the humiliation taken for Philippushka, and the endless hard work in the house and in the field? What finally helps you win the fight for your husband?

Teacher:About the unshakable foundations of folk morality, chastity of the first feeling, love and marriage as the only one for life, about modesty and dignity

(features of Matryona’s image and conclusion are projected).


    the story about the fate of the heroine comes from the 1st person, which contributes to the intonation of confession;

    the poet immerses us in the rhythm human life– from infancy to death; life appears as one of the manifestations of divine nature;

    the abundance of folk ritual songs as an illustration of the life of Matryona Timofeevna as one fate among many destinies helps to create a generalized portrait of a Russian woman.

Teacher. conclusion

Working on the image Matryona Timofeevna Nekrasov completed his poetic study of Russian female character.

Not only endurance and the ability to tirelessly work, firmness and will in the fight against obstacles, but also the “gold of the heart” preserved in trials are the integral qualities of his hero. The wealth and generosity of the soul, which is enough for love for her husband and children, and affection for her elderly parents and grandfather, sensitive responsiveness to the beauty of nature, Christian self-sacrifice and the great ability to forgive, not remember evil, as well as the ability to be grateful - are remarkable national properties concentrated by the poet in the image of Matryona Timofeevna.

The image of Matryona received a special generalizing meaning due to the fact that Nekrasov combined life impressions and knowledge about the peasants of his time with the poetic creativity of the people, which captured historical traditions and properties of national life.

5. You read the work and understand how beautifully Matryona Timofeevna’s life was lived - in constant work, the joys and sorrows of motherhood and the struggle for her family, her husband’s house, and you agree with Chukovsky that this poem “breathes with boundless joy about the Russian people, strength and truth, about the indestructible the foundations of his existence." This is about Matryona the Great Martyr.

(the image of a saint is projected)

Teacher:Self-esteem, spiritual strength, the ability to self-sacrifice, patience and meekness - these are the character traits that help the heroine overcome everyday troubles, earn the respect of others and appear from the outside happy man, a woman.

And yet we understand that Matryona Timofeevna is saved only by her own spiritual strength. Yes, the future of women in Rus' seemed hopeless. Every year it became more and more difficult to live and support my family. And it’s no coincidence that the story
Matryona Timofeevna endsparable about the lost keys to female happiness:

Keys to
female happiness,

From our
free will


At God's

The women of Nekrasov’s time hardly foresaw that all the torment would finally end and
suffering and it will be possible to keep pace with men. Installed
equality and freedom of women create an even more striking contrast between in a feminine way Nekrasov and the image of a woman of our age.

6. Creative work(make a conclusion text for today’s lesson using these words. 5-8 sentences):

- Nekrasov, woman's fate, "Peasant Woman"captivates with its spiritual beauty, life Matryona Timofeevna , Christian self-sacrifice, painters, long-suffering, generalizing meaning, indestructibility.

The theme of a woman’s difficult lot worries other writers of the 19th century, and at all times (the floor is given to the student - Timets K. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, etc.)

7 . Reflection .

What goal did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

1. Continue... (search for the answer together with wanderers who are happy in Rus')

2. Determine... (is Matryona Timofeevna happy, as the residents say neighboring village)

3. Consider... (what tests fate has prepared for M.T.)

4. Reveal in yourself... ()

1. during the lesson I determined that...

2. I discovered...

3. felt…

4. I want in the next lesson...

8. Thank you guys for the lesson . Grading.

Share you! - Russian female share!

Hardly any more difficult to find.

I don't need any silver

Not gold, but God willing,

So that my fellow countrymen

And every peasant

Lived freely and cheerfully

All over holy Rus'!

9. Homework. Statement of the problem task:

Why couldn’t the peasants find someone who “... lived freely and cheerfully throughout all holy Rus'!”

Chapter “A Feast for the Whole World”

Everything will be fine! Just believe it!

After all, Happiness, which has gone, is knocking on the door again!

Everything will be fine! Forgive and don't be sad!

Grievances are evil and hard to bear.

Everything will be fine! All to the joy of the journey!

Try with all your Soul not to cry, but to bloom!

Look out the window: it’s snowing, then it’s raining.

This World is beautiful! Everything will be fine!