Select price excluding VAT. How to easily calculate VAT from the amount (allocate or charge)

Are you a representative of an organization or an individual entrepreneur and want to understand how to calculate the amount including VAT in order to include the tax in the final price of a product, or find out how to separate VAT from the amount? To use the online VAT calculator, you need to perform only one action - enter the number in the line.

The selected and accrued tax will appear on the right, as well as the amount of sale or purchase with and without tax.

Since some goods are taxed at a rate of 10%, the value in the “tax rate” line can be changed; the VAT calculator generates the value taking into account this rate.

The correct totals will immediately appear in the fields on the right.

VAT calculation for dummies. Popular questions

What is this tax and how much is it subject to?

The state collects value added tax from organizations and entrepreneurs who sell goods, services, works and import products through customs. To understand why this indirect payment to the budget is collected, let’s figure out what added value is. Value added is the difference between the purchase price of a product and its selling price. In fact, this is the markup that the seller made, and it is from this that you should pay to the budget. All advances received and the cost of any products that an organization or individual entrepreneur gives away for free are subject to taxation (in this case online calculator VAT will be calculated based on the average market value goods or services).

How to calculate VAT on the amount?

The easiest way is to understand with a clear example what the allocation of VAT from an amount is, including how to calculate VAT of 20% of the amount.

Example: You are the head of an organization and you bought a product from a supplier for 120 rubles. Of these, 20 rubles is the amount of mandatory payment to the budget at a rate of 20%, which you paid, since it is included in the price of the goods. Without such a value added obligation, the purchase would cost 100 rubles. You want to sell this product for 180 rubles - with a 50% markup. Therefore, to its cost you add 20%, which the buyer of the goods will pay. 20% of 180 rubles is 36 rubles. This means you sell the product for 216 rubles including tax. Your company does not pay into the budget all the revenue it receives from the buyer. You need to pay from the part of the price that you added or marked up during the sale. The 20 rubles that you paid to the supplier upon purchase are deducted from the total of 36 rubles. Thus, the amount of payment that you must send to the state will be 36 - 20 = 16 rubles. An online VAT calculator helps you calculate this exact figure.


In Russia everyone pays this tax legal entities And individual entrepreneurs, except:

  • business entities using the simplified tax system;
  • UTII payers;
  • those taxpayers whose revenue for the year amounted to no more than 2 million rubles (to be released from the status of a payer and the need to pay, submit an application to the territorial inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service).

Taxation rates and objects

There are 2 regular bets:

  • 20% - main;
  • 10% - reduced.

And one preferential one:

The main one is more often used - 20%.

A reduced rate of 10% applies to the sale of those types of goods that are directly listed in the Tax Code:

  • children's products;
  • educational literature;
  • food products listed in Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • some medical products;
  • breeding animals.

A preferential zero rate, like a ten percent rate, is used when selling goods, works and services from a clearly limited list (). One of the items on the list is export. The right to use a 0% rate is documented.

What is settlement rate?

Sometimes the payment amount needs to be calculated from income with tax already contained in it. Then the reverse method of calculation is used using the formulas:

These are the calculated rates of 20/120 or 10/110. However, the easiest way to calculate it is to use an online VAT calculator, which already takes into account all the calculated rates. You can allocate VAT online in just a few clicks.

Example: The company received an advance in the amount of 120 rubles including tax. How to calculate VAT on the amount in this case? Tax on such advances is paid at the normal tax rate. It will be: 120 * 20/120 = 20 rubles. Separating VAT from the amount in this case gives the same result as using the usual rate of 20%. The VAT allocation calculation formula will help you check whether you have made the calculations correctly at the regular rate.

There are seven cases when the settlement rate is used, they are listed in Article 164 of the Tax Code. Payment to the budget is calculated this way only if it is already included in the revenue received from the buyer and it is necessary to find out how to calculate VAT on the amount of the cost of the goods, work or service.

This is necessary:

  1. When receiving funds for goods from the list Article 162 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This:
    1. money that the company receives upon sale as financial assistance or to replenish the fund;
    2. income in the form of interest for paying for products with bills or bonds or in the form of interest that is higher than the main rate of the Central Bank;
    3. income from insurance payments in case of failure to fulfill obligations by partners.
  2. When receiving advances for an upcoming delivery or transfer of property rights.
  3. When the amount is withheld by tax agents.
  4. When selling purchased property.
  5. When selling agricultural products.
  6. When reselling cars purchased from individuals.
  7. When transferring rights to property under paragraphs 2-4 Article 155 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

So, when we know how to deduct VAT 20% from the amount, we can consider the question of how the VAT calculation formula can help in determining the amount of deduction due to the taxpayer. After all, tax officials always treat this issue with the greatest suspicion.

What is a tax deduction?

A deduction is actually the tax that you paid when purchasing a product from a supplier, as part of its price. There is no product whose cost does not contain such a part. Even when goods arrive from abroad, they are taxed when crossing the borders of the Russian Federation at their customs declared value. When further selling products at the price you set, you owe the budget minus this amount. In this case, you must have documents from the supplier proving the purchase of products and payment of VAT included in the price. In most cases, confirmation can be invoices. In addition to the amounts presented by suppliers, the following can be deducted ():

  • withheld upon import at customs;
  • paid to the budget upon sale, if the buyer later refused and returned the goods;
  • paid in advance, if the contract is later terminated and the advance payment is returned;
  • presented by the contractor at capital construction or installation (dismantling) of fixed assets;
  • presented by suppliers of goods needed for the company’s own construction needs;
  • paid to the budget during construction for the needs of the company;
  • transferred to the budget by tax agents;
  • paid in connection with travel or entertainment expenses;
  • paid for exports not previously confirmed by papers after confirmation;
  • paid from the cost of property included in the authorized capital.

How to calculate VAT (20%) for individual entrepreneurs

Use the same VAT calculator. For individual entrepreneurs it is calculated in the same way as for organizations. There is also no difference in the timing of payment - taxpayers submit a declaration and pay to the budget by the 25th day of the month following the reporting quarter.

How to calculate VAT 20% of the amount (formula)

The VAT calculation formula will help you do this quickly and without problems. This is the principle that is used in the calculator to calculate VAT if the tax is included in the price. For example, this is necessary to correctly register fixed assets or simply understand how much you overpaid to the state. If you understand the principle, then you can do the calculation without the help of a service. What if you don’t have the Internet at hand?

To highlight VAT: divide the required amount by 1+20% (that’s 1.20), then subtract the original amount, multiply by -1 and round to the nearest kopeck.

Let's analyze the formula using our example: we will allocate the amount at a rate of 20% from 120 rubles.

It’s even easier to charge VAT on the required amount. If you multiply the amount of income without VAT by 0.20, you get the amount of the tax itself, and if you multiply by 1.20, you get the cost of the product including tax.

Again simplest example: We charge 20% VAT on 100 rubles.

Allocation of VAT is an important part accounting companies that pay tax payments in accordance with the basic taxation system. On the territory Russian Federation value added tax was introduced in 1992. In 2004, it was decided that the value added tax would be 18% of the amount.

If an enterprise or individual entrepreneur has recently begun to engage in entrepreneurial activity, then when calculating the required amount of value added tax that must be paid in tax service, ambiguities may arise, leading to errors during calculations. The cost of each mistake made can be significant and have an impact negative impact on further development business in general.

What is VAT and how to calculate it?

VAT (value added tax) – paid quarterly (every three months). It is paid to the tax service after the sale of various types of goods, as well as services. Also calculated in cases where goods were not included in tax reporting and were used for the own needs of an organization or individual entrepreneur.

The general rate of value added tax in accordance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation is 18% of the value of the goods.

Every new entrepreneur is interested in the question: “how to calculate VAT?” The formula for calculating VAT 18 from the amount looks like this:

IN in this case:

  • ts – known amount;
  • hnds – basic tax percentage (18%).

For example: Let the amount be 5000 rubles, then VAT= 5000*18/100
Value added tax is 900 rubles.

Value added tax is required to be paid to the state treasury by legal entities (including non-profit organizations), and individual entrepreneurs (clause 1 of Article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The above taxpayers can be classified into two groups:

  1. Paying VAT “internal”— when selling goods for various purposes, as well as various services on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Paying VAT "import"— when importing various goods into the territory of the Russian Federation.

Read also: How to sell an LLC without debt

The formula for calculating VAT may differ in cases where interest rate for the payment of this tax differs from the basic one. This concerns food products, as well as those intended for consumers of younger age category. For such goods, a basic value added tax rate is established, which is only ten percent of the amount.

In order to allocate VAT in such cases, it is necessary to use the above-mentioned formula, in which the base rate will be equated to 10% instead of 18% and then the following entry will be obtained:

For example: Let the cost of the goods before VAT be 5,000 rubles, then VAT = 5,000*10/100.

The tax will be 500 rubles, and the cost of a product or service including VAT will be 5,500 rubles.

The two above formulas are used in cases where you need to quickly extract VAT from the amount and there is no time for online calculators, etc.

How to separate VAT from the amount that already includes it?

If an entrepreneur does not want to be at a loss, he can calculate the value added tax deduction online using one of the many online calculators offered.

But what if the amount with value added tax needs to be calculated urgently, and there is no access to the Internet? It will be quite simple to perform the necessary calculations yourself if you know what the initial cost of the goods or services is, as well as their cost with the calculated tax rate.

In this case, the calculated value added tax can be calculated using the formula: N=Sd-Sp, Where:

N - accrued tax;

Sd - amount with the tax rate taken into account;

Sp — the initial cost of a product or service (excluding VAT).

In the case where the initial cost of the goods is unknown, calculations are made using the following method:

VAT=S*С/(100+С), Where

S – amount including value added tax;

How to separate VAT from the amount on goods and services received - a question that is relevant for most accountants. When taxing according to the general system, expenses and income should be calculated without taking into account indirect taxes. Correctly maintaining a book of income and expenses when applying the simplified tax system also requires the allocation of VAT. The formulas given in this article will help you correctly calculate the required amount.

Why is VAT required?

For correct accounting, income and expenses are accepted without taking into account taxes, including VAT (PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization”). Indirect taxes are also excluded for tax accounting when calculating income tax (Article 248 and Article 270 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When receiving valuables from the total amount that includes tax, it is necessary to exclude VAT to correctly calculate income tax. The main document for such an action is the received invoice. Usually the VAT amounts are already stated there, the cost with and without tax.

The taxpayer must submit How is VAT allocated from amounts? operations. The fact is that the allocation of this tax when selling by organizations located on the common system is mandatory requirement, even if the counterparty is exempt from VAT. However, it is possible to free yourself from drawing up unnecessary documents by concluding a preliminary agreement with counterparties exempt from paying tax (subclause 1, clause 3, article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Then knowledge may not be needed.

For more information about working with partners who do not pay VAT, see the material.

How to allocate VAT correctly?

VAT rates in force in the Russian Federation are 10%, 18% and 0%. Define, how to calculate VAT including, can be done using the formulas:

VAT = ∑ / 118 * 18 or VAT = ∑ / 110 * 10,

where ∑ is the total amount, the numbers 118 and 18, 110 and 10 are used depending on the tax rate used.

There is no need to allocate VAT at a rate of 0%.

If the total amount does not initially include tax, then VAT is calculated as follows:

VAT = ∑ * 0.18 (at a rate of 18%) or VAT = ∑ * 0.10 (at a rate of 10%).

To simplify the task, you can use an online calculator - see the material.

How to calculate VAT on the amount?

Let's look at an example, how to separate VAT from amounts sales


The organization purchased the goods from the seller, paying 236 rubles for it. It is known that the tax rate is 18%. How to extract VAT from an amount with a formula given in the previous chapter?

To separate VAT from the amount purchases, we use a mathematical expression of the form:

VAT = ∑ / 118 * 18

Substituting 236 rubles into it, we find that the tax amounted to 36 rubles. That is, without VAT, the purchase would cost the organization 200 rubles. Intending to sell this product further, the organization makes a 50% markup on it. Without tax, then the desired price will be 300 rubles. (200 rub. + 50%).

How to calculate VAT including for subsequent implementation? Here you first need 300 rubles. find how much 18% will be. The result will be 54 rubles. That is, the goods will have to be put up for sale at a final price of 354 rubles. (300 + 54).

You will have to pay to the budget the difference between the tax received from the buyer - 54 rubles. and the amount of VAT that was included in the price of the purchased goods - 36 rubles. That is 18 rubles. (54 - 36).


Upon receipt primary documents an accountant needs to know how to allocate VATfrom the amounts for sales transactions. Issuing invoices also involves charging taxes on the value of goods or services. This rule does not affect invoices from suppliers or buyers exempt from paying tax, or when applying a 0% rate for export-import transactions.

Of course, accountants usually do not have any difficulties with calculating VAT - they do not even use any special formulas, because for them it is a normal routine work, organized to the point of automation. However, the question of how to correctly make calculations often worries other company employees, such as sales managers, marketers, and even those in management positions. It is logical that managers should be well versed in financial documents and understand where this or that figure comes from, otherwise they can easily get into trouble during important negotiations.

Let's discuss what VAT is, where it is reflected and how to calculate it in different ways depending on the situation. For clarity, let's look at a few examples.

What is VAT?

The abbreviation stands for as follows: VAT is a value added tax; it is indirect, and with its help the state budget receives part of the cost of goods (works, services) created in the production process (performance of works, provision of services).

As a rule, people who are far from economics are interested in: who added value and how? The answer lies on the surface - every participant production cycle. That is, when purchasing a product, the buyer pays tax to the seller, but deductions to the budget occur even earlier than the final sale, since each link in the chain pays tax on that part of the cost of the product that was added by it.

In Russia, value added tax was introduced in 1992, and today in our country, according to Article 164 of the Tax Code, there are three rates:

  • 18% – considered basic and used by default in most cases;
  • 10% – used in the implementation of some printed publications, children's goods, individual categories medical equipment, as well as a number of food products (bread, milk, sugar, some meat products, etc.);
  • 0% – applies to exported products and some specific things, such as licenses, duties and letter stamps.

Important: all the nuances relating to the calculation and payment of value added tax are covered in detail in Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. To keep your finger on the pulse and keep up to date with the latest information on debt obligations to the budget, it is best to access. Of course, this will take some time, and data on debts is sometimes required immediately - then you can use services that offer search.

How to calculate VAT?

Most subjects entrepreneurial activity working on the general taxation system are payers of value added tax. To avoid problems with fiscal authorities, it is very important to clearly understand how it is calculated. If you do not understand the calculation mechanism, then it is quite easy to find yourself in a situation where a completed transaction for the sale of any product will not bring profit due to the fact that the employee responsible for pricing simply forgot about the markup. It is necessary to have a good understanding of how to correctly make calculations in order to set adequate prices for the goods sold.

Important: As a rule, in practice, when calculating tax, two situations may arise:

  • There is an amount that does not take into account the tax surcharge. How to calculate VAT on the amount?
  • There is an amount including tax. How can I find out its value directly, that is, VAT included? And the amount without surcharge?

Thus, it is very important to decide: what do you have initially and what do you want to get as a result of the calculations? Let's look at how to calculate tax in different cases.

Calculation of VAT on the amount

Here, as a rule, no one has any problems, because even a junior school student can calculate 18 or 10 percent of the amount.

The calculation is carried out according to the formula: VAT = Amount without VAT * Tax rate / 100. Since we are considering the option when the rate is 18 percent, the formula can be simplified: VAT = Amount without VAT * 18 / 100 = Amount without VAT * 0.18.

VAT calculation including

Calculating VAT also means determining the amount of tax already included in the existing figure. For example, they say this: the price of a product is 1000 rubles, including VAT. In order to calculate value added tax in this case, you need to use the formula.

VAT= Amount including VAT * Tax rate / (100 + Tax rate). Knowing that the tax rate is 18 percent, it is easy to write the formula differently: VAT = Amount including VAT * 18 / 118.

  • Amount excluding VAT = Amount including VAT – VAT;
  • Amount excluding VAT = Amount including VAT / 1.18.

Of course, any of the formulas will lead to the same result; you just need to focus on how it is more convenient for you to make calculations.

Calculation of the amount including VAT

Why is it usually required and what formula to use? Let's imagine that there is a price excluding VAT, resulting from an increase in the cost of the product by the desired profit. Before selling, it is necessary to calculate the amount including VAT, which will be the final price for the buyer.

This can be done in several ways, for example, using one of two formulas:

  • Amount with VAT = Amount without VAT + VAT;
  • Amount with VAT = Amount without VAT * 1.18.

Examples of VAT calculation and allocation

Guided by the above formulas, let's look at examples of how to correctly allocate value added tax if it is already included in the price, and charge it when the price is indicated without a surcharge.

Example No. 1

LLC "House of Dreams" is engaged in trade building materials. An order has been received for a batch of red bricks in the amount of 1200 pieces. The price of one brick is 9 rubles excluding VAT. Tax rate – 18%.

  • Cost of a batch of bricks excluding VAT = 9 * 1200 = 10800 rubles;
  • VAT on the amount = 10800 * 0.18 = 1944 rubles;
  • Cost of a batch of bricks including VAT = 10800 + 1944 = 12744 rubles.

Advice: usually more in a fast way calculation is one that is performed in one action, so you can not calculate VAT separately, but immediately multiply the amount without VAT by 1.18. Then the cost of the batch including VAT = 10800 * 1.18 = 12744 rubles.

Example No. 2

Landysh LLC sells garden products. The buyer wants to purchase one greenhouse, its price list is 35,400 rubles including VAT. Let's calculate the amount of tax (at a rate of 18%) and the price of the greenhouse without a surcharge, referring to the formulas indicated above:

  • VAT = 35400 * 18 / 118 = 5400 rubles;
  • The price of the greenhouse without VAT = 35,400 – 5,400 = 30,000 rubles.

You can carry out the calculation in another way - simply divide the existing figure by 1.18, and then subtract the resulting number from the original one to find out the tax amount. Then:

  • Price without VAT = 35,400 / 1.18 = 30,000 rubles;
  • VAT = 35400 – 30000 = 5400 rubles.

To check the correctness of the calculation Let's charge tax on the price received: 30,000 * 1.18 = 35,400.

In what document is the allowance indicated?

Usually, when selling any product, performing work or providing services, a package of documents is collected, which includes an invoice and a delivery note (or a certificate of completion, etc.). The documents that are drawn up upon sale indicate the following information:

  • Price excluding VAT;
  • The amount of tax charged to the buyer;
  • Total payable including VAT.

Important: companies applying the general taxation system need to carefully monitor the documentation: if a product is purchased for the purpose of subsequent resale, and there is no invoice with allocated VAT, then it is impossible to obtain a tax deduction for this operation under the law. Therefore, before concluding a deal, it would be useful to assess the reliability of a potential partner - you can find information about a legal entity or individual entrepreneur using.

Let's sum it up

Organizations located on OSNO work with VAT and are payers of this tax, unless otherwise provided by law for any reason. That is, tax must be included in the final cost of the product offered to the consumer. Calculating it is not difficult if you have minimal knowledge of mathematics. In fact, there is no point in memorizing formulas, it is enough to have logical thinking and a calculator. It is important not to get confused and understand the difference between the price without VAT and the price with the surcharge included. Companies that plan to receive a tax deduction at the end of the reporting period should take a responsible approach to collecting documents - all transactions must be accompanied by invoices.

Of course, sometimes situations arise when some points are overlooked, resulting in the formation of tax debts, which can be found out online if you monitor the Federal Tax Service service. Today such information is easy to find out even individuals– can be detected in just a couple of minutes; Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs most often use their TIN to track outstanding obligations.

Good day! Today I am writing an article that relates only to the OSNO tax, namely about how to correctly separate the amount of VAT tax from the amount.

In general, in our advanced computer times, VAT is automatically allocated by any accounting program. But there are cases when VAT needs to be allocated manually.

For example: You received an invoice in the amount of 120,000 rubles. with the specified VAT, and you decided to pay in installments, let’s say the first payment is 85,000 rubles. and the second 35,000 rubles. It is in this case that you will have to manually calculate VAT for each of the amounts that you decide to pay.

The abbreviation VAT stands for value added tax.

The VAT tax is calculated in the same way for any VAT rate, usually the VAT rate is 18%, although there are categories of goods for which VAT is reduced, for example, for medicines and some food products the VAT rate is 10%.

To highlight the VAT tax, you need to use the calculation formula:

For example, let's take the amounts that I have already discussed: 85,000 rubles. and 35,000 rub.

We allocate VAT 18%

Let's first look at how to allocate VAT 18%:

  • VAT from 85,000 rub. = 85,000 * 18: 118 = 12,966 rubles. 10 kopecks (in general, the figure turned out to be 12,966.10169491525, as you can see there is a problem with kopecks - which is solved by ordinary rounding, since after 0 comes 1, then rounding down, that is, to 0);
  • VAT from 35,000 rub. = 35,000 * 18: 118 = 5,338 rubles. 98 kop. (in this case, of course, I also rounded up the cents).

So, in order to extract VAT tax from an amount (using the example of VAT 18%), you need to multiply the amount from which you need to extract VAT 18% by 18 and divide by 118.

We allocate VAT 10%

Now let's look at how to allocate 10% VAT:

  • VAT from 85,000 = 85,000 * 10: 110 = 7,727 rub. 27 kopecks;
  • VAT from 35,000 = 35,000 * 10: 110 = 3,181 rub. 82 kopecks

In this case, everything is the same as when calculating VAT 18%, only when calculating we change 18 to 10 (the number of percent).

And finally, I want to highlight the VAT amount for 18% and 10% of more prime number 100 000:

  • VAT 18% from 100,000 rubles. (theoretically, you might think that the amount would be 18,000 rubles, but see for yourself) = 100,000 * 18: 118 = 15,254 rubles. 24 kopecks;
  • VAT 10% from 100,000 rubles. (theoretically, we can assume that the amount will be 10,000 rubles, but look what happens during the calculations) = 100,000 * 10: 110 = 9,090 rubles. 91 kopecks

This begs a legitimate question: why in the first case it was not 18,000 rubles, but in the second case 10,000 rubles?

Everything is very simple, the fact is that the VAT tax itself is already in this amount and by extracting it, the amount of the VAT tax itself, which is already included in the amount, is not taken into account when calculating. That's why we get these numbers.

I myself often have to extract VAT from the amounts I pay on bills.

Currently, many entrepreneurs use this Internet accounting to calculate taxes, contributions and submit reports online, try it for free. The service helped me save on accountant services and saved me from going to the tax office.

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That's all! All questions in the comments, or in my VKONTAKTE group.

Everyone successful business! Bye!

With this site you can allocate VAT or charge VAT in a few keystrokes.

Type the number and press Enter.

Just enter the amount, select the operation of allocation or VAT calculation, rate
and click the “Calculate” button to calculate VAT.

For what?
VAT calculation is important aspect accounting for any enterprise working with common system taxation (OSN). For some new entrepreneurs, allocating VAT is an unfamiliar procedure, and the cost of an error can be high. This site will help you quickly allocate or calculate VAT without delving into the intricacies of mathematical calculations.

How to allocate VAT?
If you don’t have the Internet at hand and you need to allocate VAT, remember this simple algorithm. To highlight VAT from amounts, you need to divide the amount by 1+VAT(those.

if VAT is 18%, then you need to divide by 1.18), subtract the original from the result amount, multiply by -1 and round to the nearest kopeck. If you do this on a calculator, the last two steps are easy to do in your head.

How to calculate VAT?
Calculating VAT is even easier. If the VAT rate is 18%, then multiply the amount without VAT by 0.18 and you will get the tax amount, and multiply by 1.18 you will get the amount including tax.

One of the tasks for interest is calculating VAT, calculating the amount with VAT, the amount without VAT, and separating VAT from the total amount.

Let the amount S be known. We need to calculate the VAT amount, which is 18 percent of S.

VAT= S * 18 / 100.

Example. The amount is 10,000 rubles, VAT will be.

VAT = 10000 * 18 / 100 = 1800.

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2. Formula for calculating the amount including VAT.

Let the amount S be known. We need to calculate Sн - the amount including VAT. Using the formula for calculating the percentage of a number, we get:

Sн= S + S * 18/100.

Sн= S * (1 + 18 / 100) = S * 1.18.

In the Russian Federation, VAT accounting is carried out using special document invoices. The format of the invoice form and the rules for filling it out are strictly regulated.

Example. The amount is 10,000 rubles, the amount including VAT will be.

Sn = 10000 * 1.18 = 11800

3. Formula for calculating the amount excluding VAT.

Let the amount including VAT Sn be known. We need to calculate S - the amount excluding VAT. Let's first write down the formula for calculating the amount with VAT, and then we will get from it the formula for calculating the amount without VAT.

Let us denote N = 18 / 100, then:

Sn = S * (1 + N)

S = Sn / (1 + N) = Sn / (1+0.18) =
Sn / 1.18

Example. The amount including VAT is 1180 rubles, VAT 18 percent. The amount excluding VAT is:

A 2 = 1180 / (1 + 0.18) = 1000.

4. Formula for calculating (allocating) VAT from the total amount.

Let the amount including VAT Sn be known. We need to calculate the amount of VAT.

VAT = Sn - S

We use the formula for calculating the amount excluding VAT.

VAT = Sn - Sn / 1.18 =
Sn * (1 - 1/1.18)

Example. The amount including VAT is 11800. The VAT amount will be:

VAT= 11800 * (1 - 1 / 1.18) = 1800.

(1-1/1.18) is approximately equal to 0.152542, then
VAT= 11800 * 0.152542 = 1799.9956.

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