When to change your wallet to a new one. What to do with an old wallet: a sign.

After purchasing a new thing, we wonder what to do with the old one? Or, without thinking, we throw it in the trash. By the way, completely in vain. According to money magic, a wallet, by connecting the energies of a person and money, directly affects the well-being of the owner. It follows from this that when saying goodbye to such an important item, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

How to properly dispose of a worn-out accessory and is it necessary to do it at all?

Where to put your old wallet if you bought a new one?

It was he who ensured your luck in financial matters . But the trouble is, it’s always stuffed with banknotes, it so often ends up in your hands when buying tickets to exotic countries or when choosing a stylish fur coat that it’s frayed and the zipper won’t fasten.

Your favorite wallet has attracted such wealth that you, ignoring the signs of changing the coin box once a year, are ready to wear it all your life, and even if just one detail does not match your image successful woman. But experts consider storing finances in a shabby and leaky “house” unacceptable.. You are not capable of treating something that has served you faithfully and truthfully with such disrespect, simply throwing it in the trash?

To continue to be found in your house, perform the following ritual:

Hide your wallet in a far corner, placing a small coin in one of the compartments. After a month, replace the chervonets with larger money. Do this until the moment when a five-thousand dollar bill suddenly seems like a penny to you, and then don’t stop. Perform these manipulations only when you are in a good mood.

Is it possible to throw it away?

You can’t get out of debt, money slips through your fingers, and unplanned expenses constantly arise. Having studied ways to attract finance, you think that lack of money is associated with the “wrong” place to store funds. Maybe the wallet is the wrong color, size and shape, made of artificial material, cheap or unable to hold large sums.

Now, having taken into account all the subtleties, you have finally chosen a wallet that will work, but the old one needs to be put somewhere. Don't you dare put him down the garbage chute. You should not do this with a thing endowed with magical power, even if it didn’t work for your prosperity.

If you do this, this the energy of poverty may well get stuck and remain in your home.

How to throw it away correctly so as not to offend the money?

It is important to properly say goodbye to an unsuccessful item. It is best to do this on the day of the autumn equinox.

An unsuccessful wallet, previously emptied of coins and banknotes, should be burned or buried away from the house.

It’s hard to imagine a resident of a metropolis making a ritual fire, and few people can boast of having a stove or a real fireplace in a city apartment. If a trip to nature is not expected in the near future, it will be easier to bury the wallet in a deserted park on the other side of the city.

When burying it in the ground, you need to mentally imagine that you are getting rid of failures, and then leave without looking back. Make sure that in new wallet Not a single coin from the old one came in. Changes should be thrown over your left shoulder, and paper coins should be spent or distributed to the poor.

What to do with an old wallet? This question invariably arises among those who acquire a new container for money. Of course, you can simply throw it away, but folk art and feng shui experts object to this. What should you do to ensure that your financial flow never dries up?

When to buy a new wallet

What to do with an old wallet is a question that arises only when buying a new thing. How often do you need to change the container for bills and coins to keep your cash flow stable? Feng Shui experts recommend doing this at least once a year.

There are also signs that indicate that it is time to change the product. A wallet will not attract money if it has scuffs, holes, a broken zipper, and so on. All these “symptoms” indicate the need to purchase a new item.

What to do with an old wallet: a sign

So, what should a person who has acquired a new storage facility for money do? What to do with an old wallet that is no longer used? You can throw it away - the first thought that comes to mind. However folk signs We strongly advise against doing this. People who study Feng Shui agree.

By getting rid of an unnecessary wallet, like ordinary garbage, a person risks cutting off the cash flow. It is possible that his family will face financial difficulties soon after this. There are different ways to deal with a used product. It depends on whether it attracted material well-being into the life of its owner or not.

"Unlucky" wallet

What to do with an old wallet if it is often empty? Even if the product turned out to be “unlucky,” it is forbidden to throw it away. It is necessary to carry out magic ritual, thanks to which lack of money will become a thing of the past.

What should you do with an old wallet that is constantly empty during use? First, you need to extract absolutely all the money from the product. It is important that not a single penny remains inside. Funds taken from an item that has expired cannot be spent on your own needs.

The change must be thrown over the left shoulder; it is best to do this on the street. All banknotes should go either to purchase gifts for family and friends, or to help those in need.

Rituals for getting rid of an “unlucky” wallet

After making sure that there are no coins or bills left in the wallet, you need to wrap the product in black fabric (any kind). Next, the spell is pronounced: “Thank you for your faithful service. I say goodbye to poverty and need.” After this, the product is burned; you can use a stove, fireplace, or fire for this.

Sometimes there is no opportunity to burn a used item. In this case, the product can be buried in the ground. It is advisable that the burial site be located as far as possible from the house where the owner lives. You must leave it quickly; you are prohibited from looking back.

"Lucky" wallet

Let's say a man bought a new money vault or a woman bought a new wallet. What to do with an old product if it consistently attracted money during use? As in the previous case, it is strictly forbidden to throw away the item.

There is a ritual that is performed to ensure that luck does not turn away. First, you need to remove absolutely all the money from the product. Then one bill with a small denomination is placed in it. For example, you can start with fifty rubles. After this, the wallet is placed in a secluded place. After a month, the bill is replaced with a larger one. The ritual is repeated for six months, it can be extended up to a year. Feng Shui experts say that by the end of the ritual, the last bill will no longer seem large to the owner of the wallet, since his income will increase significantly.

There are some nuances that affect the result of the ritual. It is believed that the replacement of banknotes must be carried out in good mood. It is also important to allocate a place for your wallet in the eastern part of the house.

Charge for wealth

What to do with old wallets? There are other rituals aimed at attracting material wealth. For example, an item that has served its intended life can be charged for wealth. The duration of the ritual is ten days.

During the first three days, the old product must be with its owner at all times. At the same time, a person should not look into it and take out money. After waiting three days, you need to remove the bills from your wallet, show them to the month and accompany this action with the words: “I am profit, you are power!” This ritual is repeated every night for the next seven days.

After this, the largest bill is removed from the wallet. This money should be spent on gifts for relatives and friends. It is desirable that the gifts turn out to be useful for them and cause sincere joy. The largest of the bills received as change is put back into the wallet and stored in it until the new moon.

For conspiracies to work

For conspiracies to work, what to do with an old wallet? Signs warn the owner that during rituals one should not allow other people’s hands to touch the item. You need to either warn household members not to touch the product, or hide it securely.

Cannot be carried out money rituals V bad mood. Otherwise, the result will be the opposite of what is expected. No one should see what is in the wallet. It is also advisable to hide the fact of performing a magical ritual from others.

Choosing a new wallet

What to do with an old wallet is far from the only question that a person who dreams of attracting financial well-being into your life. Much depends on whether the new “home” for the money is chosen correctly. If you rely on the tenets of Feng Shui, the product should have a rectangular shape. Its size should allow you to freely place banknotes in it when unfolded. Wallets in which money is wrinkled or bent are absolutely not suitable.

You need to make sure that the new wallet has high-quality leather, durable coloring, and working clasps. It should have no protruding threads, and the evenness of the seams is also important. It is not at all necessary to overpay for a well-promoted brand; any quality product will do.

It is undesirable to purchase wallets made of plastic, polyethylene, or leatherette; such products do not attract, but reflect the flow of energy. It is better to opt for something made from genuine leather or suede, with the first option being the most preferable.

How else can the art of Feng Shui help a person? What to do with an old wallet and how to choose new thing- questions, the answers to which are given above. However, there are other secrets that are well known to wealthy people. For example, you should never leave your wallet empty. You must make sure that there is at least one ruble in it, since money “sticks” to money.

You cannot mix bills and change; you must keep them in different compartments. You also need to ensure that the product always remains clean; there should be no foreign rubbish inside - receipts, candy wrappers, and so on.

We all sometimes experience an incomprehensible attachment to old things, because some items are associated with pleasant memories, or they are simply convenient to use due to habit. Moreover, not last role financial wealth plays a role. Sometimes you still have to part with old things. Let’s say, for the sake of fashion trends or for the banal wear and tear of an item, which raises the question of what can be thrown away and what not? Let's say the same old wallet.

Is it possible?

In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to throw away an old wallet, you first need to remember how often money was in it before. The fact is that the wallet is connected with its owner by the energy of prosperity. Accordingly, if you previously had money in your wallet all the time, then you should not throw away the old wallet, but this does not mean that you cannot buy a new product that can be used in everyday life, but the old one should be left for storage, the same as a stash or for accumulating money for an expensive purchase. This way, the necessary energy will not go away, and a new wallet will appear.

But if in the old days the owner of the wallet did not keep the money for a long time, it is advisable to get rid of this thing. It’s hardly worth keeping a wallet that doesn’t bring any real use. You also need to pay attention to the degree of wear of the wallet. If holes and serious scuffs appear in a sacred money bag, it is hardly worth storing it, since, according to the sign, the energy of prosperity will escape through the holes formed, so it is unlikely that even a decent stash will be collected.

What should you do to attract money?

Regardless of whether the money is stored in an old wallet or in a new one, you should always remember that the money will be kept by those who store it correctly. All bills should always be placed with the front side facing you and laid out depending on the denomination of the bill, that is, they should be arranged from largest to smallest. Small change should always be stored in another compartment so that the energy of small money does not mix with larger ones and dilute them in this way, leading to unnecessary spending and poverty.

When buying a new wallet, you need to transfer not only all the available money from the old one into it, but also add a few bills, which it is advisable to ask for as a gift, and not as a loan from close relatives. But in the old wallet, which, nevertheless, it is advisable to put a new bill every month, the denomination of which should increase every month.

And one more thing. As a rule, many people keep not only money in their wallet, but also receipts, checks and other unnecessary pieces of paper, which it is advisable to get rid of, since they are unlikely to bring real benefits for attracting money, since they symbolize expenses incurred. Accordingly, they need to be removed from the old wallet, which will henceforth be intended only as a piggy bank, and transferred to another place, but not to the new wallet.

In money magic, a wallet is one of the main objects that connects a person’s energy with the energy of money. It happens that an old wallet deteriorates, but it’s not clear what to do with it. After all, if the money loved you and went into your wallet, then you don’t want to throw it away. Superstitious people who are lucky with money. They can walk around with an old wallet all their lives. On the other hand, the magic of money does not recommend storing money in an old, holey and worn wallet.

Or vice versa: your wallet did not attract money to you, and you want to get rid of it faster in the hope that the energy of the new wallet will work better for you. What to do in such situations? What to do with an old wallet?

If the old wallet attracted money

If your wallet has always been full, and you don’t want luck to turn away from you after saying goodbye to it, you shouldn’t throw it away. With the help of an old lucky wallet, you can attract even more money into your life. To do this, take out every penny of money from it. Place one small denomination bill or coin in it and hide it in a secluded place. After a month, according to the rules of ritual money magic, open your wallet and replace the money you put there earlier with a new, larger one. Do this ritual every month. In six months or a year, the large bill you receive will not seem big to you, since your income will increase significantly.

If your old wallet was always empty

If in lately If your old wallet is empty and money is running away from it like fire, then you should get a new wallet. But first you need to say goodbye to your old wallet. Despite the fact that it attracted only waste and debts to you, it still needs to be carried out with all honors.

On the waning moon, take out all the change from your old wallet and distribute it to the poor. Wrap the wallet itself in black cloth and read the spell above it: “Thank you for your service. I give away need and poverty.” After this, the old wallet should be burned or buried in the ground, away from the house.

In order for a new wallet to attract money, you need to choose it correctly. To do this, you can use the rules of Feng Shui or take into account the advice of folk money magic. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 17:34 + to quote book

There are many good rituals the so-called “magic of money”. I came across one of these rituals for attracting money on the Internet.

This ritual is said to help ensure constant prosperity in your life.

Ritual to attract money

I wonder if it helps or not??? Somehow I can’t be bothered to try

In general, “money magic” has many variations, and you have to choose the right one yourself. My job is to offer for your consideration the advice that I found on the Internet on the topic “wallet and raising money”:

A little about wallets...

In ancient times, a wallet was called geldkatze, which meant "money bag". In the Middle Ages, a rich person could be recognized by such a voluminous wallet. This is where the expression “money bag” comes from.

Women fastened it to their belt and wore it under their overskirt, which had a special slit to remove money. And before that, money was kept in corsets, hat lapels, behind the tops of boots, in general, wherever clothes and imagination allowed.

But paper money appeared and such wallets became inconvenient, they required improvement, and as a result of this, the current wallets, purses and wallets appeared. Wallets were part of the dowry

Brides passed down from generation to generation. In the 18th century, a solid frame made of silver or brass was invented for wallets and began to be decorated with stones and pearls.

In Rus', wallets appeared starting in the 11th century (the prototype of a modern wallet was found in Novgorod). It was a fabric purse, tied at the top with a special cord, which prevented the loss of not only large coins, but also small ones. In addition to monetary equipment, the wallet also contained all kinds of paraphernalia - folding scales for small weighings with weights, which allowed the owner of the wallet to accept precious metals and stones as payment for goods.
In Western Ukraine, money was kept in leather wallets sewn in the shape of toads. They looked quite intimidating, but it was believed that such a toad would not only preserve, but also increase the wealth entrusted to it! IN European countries Since the Middle Ages, the traditional form of a wallet was also considered to be a leather or linen pouch-pouch with a drawstring or a cord pulled through the edge. Over time, coins were replaced by paper money, the pouch with a drawstring turned into a flat and smooth wallet called a purse (a word borrowed from French in the 18th century, in which porter “to carry” and monnaie “money”, literally “that in which money is carried”), combines both a coin purse and a wallet.

The shape of the wallet and the character of its owner

When you buy a wallet, do you pay attention to its shape? After all, the shape of a wallet can tell a lot about its owner.

Rectangular vertical shape most typical for wallets called purses. The owner of such a wallet is somewhat fussy, impetuous and tries to put as much money into it as possible. more money. Both in the literal sense - to wear them, and in the figurative sense - to earn money.

Rectangular horizontal shape speaks of a solid person, for whom a wallet is only a transit point. It usually holds some cash and the rest is melted down to more secure locations. This is an active wallet, and active approach to money.

Round or oval wallet shape is somewhat limited and indicates that the owner is somewhat strapped for funds, or, to be more precise, he does not always have enough money for everything.

A wallet is not just a stylish accessory. First of all, a wallet is needed to store money. Women's items for storing money are usually called purses, and men's items are called purses or wallets. If your wallet comes with a handbag, then it looks stylish. But, based on reality, we still change our handbag more often than our wallet. Do you know why? Yes, because changing your wallet is not so easy.

To do this, it is important not only to choose the right wallet. You need to put the “right” item in it and treat money correctly. This is what we will talk about.

Choosing a wallet that attracts money according to Feng Shui

For many people, a wallet not only stores money, but attracts and multiplies it. I will briefly describe the basic principles of choosing a wallet according to the eastern teaching of Feng Shui, which is literally translated as wind and water energy, which has gained popularity these days.

Not in any teaching classical school you will not be able to find such a thing as wallet feng shui, but there are basic principles that these teachings adhere to in order to attract positive energy flows, in particular for money

So, what kind of wallet is it that “magnetizes” money?

1. Respectable

A cheap wallet cannot attract money in any way, since it itself carries the energy of poverty.

If you don't have enough money for an expensive wallet, go for a medium-priced wallet. The main thing is that it looks respectable, evokes thoughts of wealth and is quite functional.

2. Spacious

Money lives well in a spacious wallet. Any, even the largest, bills must fit completely into it without bending.

What, the biggest ones don’t fit? This means that you are not expecting them, so they will not appear in your wallet!

A convenient compartment for small items is also a must.

In the science of Feng Shui there is such a thing as imperial size. In this case, the measure is a segment 43.2 centimeters long, which is divided into eight pieces. And each of these eight lengths has its own characteristics. So that your wallet brings money luck, at least one of its sides must correspond to a successful imperial size.

For example:
One of the sides of the wallet corresponds to the size from 2.7 cm to 4.05 cm - this will bring 6 luck.
Length from 4.05 cm to 5.4 cm bestows happiness in abundance.

But segments of 5.4-10.8 cm and 10.8-16.2 cm should be avoided, because they only bring losses and failures.

3. Made from natural material

There are a huge variety on sale various options purses and wallets, which differ from each other in their ergonomics and material (number of compartments, design, texture and size).

Currently, there are models of wallets made of leather, artificial leather and fabrics on the market.
However, genuine leather remains the classic material for making wallets and purses.
Opt for a wallet made of leather, suede or fabric - they perfectly transmit the energy of money.

You should avoid artificial materials, such as polyethylene and its derivatives, since they do not carry any material energies. Moreover, due to their artificiality, they block the access of natural energies.

That’s why you should buy wallets in good stores, and not in markets, where for the same money they can sell you an oilcloth “something” instead of leather.

4. Colors of money and wealth

The teachings of Feng Shui use a system of 5 elements of nature: fire, metal, water, wood, and earth. Feng Shui traditionally chooses the colors of wealth for wallets - and these are all the colors of Earth and Metal. These are brown, black, the whole range of yellow, as well as gold and silver.

Seems boring? But there are also many different options in this range!
Each person has his own element, according to which the most favorable colors for him can be determined.
Each element has its own colors, they are also called (colors of wealth).

What colors should avoid?
Beware of the colors of water - money will leak out of a blue, light blue and green wallet!

5. Quality
The saying that a good thing cannot be cheap is 100% appropriate!!!
A high-quality item can last 2 years or more, unlike cheap glued options, and not lose its original appearance.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a wallet?!

The seams should be straight and even, the threads should not stick out in different directions
. Locks should be easy to open and close
. if you use the department for small items, then give it special attention
. It is desirable that the lining be made of sliding and dense material to facilitate manipulation of banknotes

6. Some more practical tips for choosing a wallet:

  • If you adhere to a particular style of clothing, you may need to pay attention to ensuring that it suits you in style, color and matches your other accessories.
  • You also need to choose a wallet based on what bills you use daily. For example: euro bills are taller than both rubles and dollars, so they require a wallet of appropriate height: 0).

What to put in your wallet to attract money?

Traditionally, to attract money, a bunch of three Chinese coins. An esoteric store sells ready-made bundles, but it will be better if you bind the coins yourself, saying at the same time how much you love money.

Another feng shui tip is to keep a small picture of bunches of grapes, mint leaves or green tea: These fruits and plants have the ability to improve the monetary luck of the wallet owner.

A “non-changeable” banknote with a denomination of one dollar.

You can also put oriental symbols of attracting money into your wallet - these are all kinds hexograms, runes.

Russian folk remedy: you need to put a piece in your wallet horseradish root This plant collects material energies in very large quantities. It is better to dig up and dry the horseradish yourself, rather than buy it at the market.

Material energies are collected in large quantities and in the heather. A small sprig of heather can also be placed in a wallet pocket.

The easiest way is to carry it in your wallet fish scales. Choose a larger fish, because the larger the scales, the higher denominations of banknotes you will find.

How to handle a wallet so that it attracts money?

1. Money in the wallet should be folded face up, observing their “rank” - first the large ones, then the small ones.

2. Never keep your wallet empty, let there be at least a coin in it.

3. Never Don't spend every last penny. There should always be an NZ (“emergency reserve”) - at least the cost of one tram ticket.

5. Money won, ill-gotten, found, or given as a gift does not bring happiness. and therefore should not linger in your wallet. Give them away to those in need or spend them immediately.

6. Money must be loved and treated with care.. Be sure to straighten each bill you receive before it ends up in your wallet. If the bill is torn, seal it or exchange it.

7. Get rid of clutter! The money will not “go” into a wallet cluttered with all sorts of unnecessary pieces of paper, old coupons, scraps with phone numbers and other nonsense.

Wallet compartments are usually used as For credit cards , discount cards and for business cards. Both the one and the other and the third can speak of both positive developments in the field of money and negative ones.

  • Thus, a credit card and a discount card, which is constantly used by a person, indicates good control over one’s spending.
  • But if this is a warehouse of discount cards that are used less than once a month, then this indicates that the person is engaged in self-restraint.

  • And it’s not worth keeping business cards, yours or others’, in your wallet at all. They, of course, can relate to money, but only indirectly, since the coordinates are important, not the card itself.

8. Remove from wallet photos of loved ones- husband, children.
Firstly, photographs “interrupt” the flow of money energy, and secondly, the energies of the wallet and the money itself can influence your loved ones through photographs.

These are, of course, rare cases, but it happens that such energies can lower the energy level loved one on a very material plane.

Remember:There is clearly no place for photographs and memories in a wallet. Let it perform only one, monetary function.

Which wallet should you get rid of as soon as possible?

A wallet or purse should definitely not be on this list. As soon as the wallet loses its “marketable” appearance, you need to get rid of it.

Scuffs, kinks and even holes tell money about your poverty- money doesn’t rush into such a wallet! Through the gaps, monetary energy disappears from you.

What to do with an old wallet? Get rid of it immediately! This is exactly the case when an old friend is no better than a new one ;O)

Gift wallet

There is an opinion that you cannot buy a wallet. You should definitely receive a wallet as a gift, and always with money. They don't give you an empty wallet. Just wait until you find a suitable holiday, and even a person who wants to give you this necessary thing.

If you yourself are going to present someone with a wallet, you must remember that this is a very responsible step, since it requires knowledge and understanding not only of the person’s character, but also of his attitude towards money. You may not guess, and then your wallet will at least gather dust, and at most it will be thrown away.

If they give you a wallet, then compare it with what you have. If it is better in all respects, then this is a good hint for changing it. Yes, and a good description of your height.

But if it is worse, smaller, then most often this indicates that the donor wants to get involved in something other than his own business. And you know which one.

Wallet replacement

If you still decide to replace the wallet yourself, then buy it “one size larger.” That is, at least one department, or one function more than there was in the previous one. Do not “cut off” your options, as this indicates your inner willingness to limit yourself.

It must be “suitable” and to one’s liking - liked, favored, but not from the position of glamor and prestige, but from the position of rationality and calculation - these are the categories that money operates with.

And finally: if you dreamed that your wallet was full of new banknotes or other valuables, then fate has in store for you a merry happy life, in which there will be a place for mutual love.

And one more thing: try not to open your wallet again in crowded places: pickpockets try to choose a victim for sure, so be vigilant!

PS. Yes, I almost forgot about another method that may cause you confusion, but you will certainly have fun. Try it recharge your wallet charger from mobile phone. Ask how? My answer is: just take the charger, insert it into your wallet and charge it. The result will definitely not take long to arrive.

If the last method made you smile, then you can rest assured about the thickness of your wallet. Since you are smiling, it means he is far from thin. I wish you the same in the future!

And I hope that these tips will help you in choosing a high-quality and stylish wallet, based on your personal likes and preferences, which will delight you every day with its practicality, and, of course, its contents: 0).

Based on materials from ladycity.ru, exclusiv.by