Compatibility of the zodiac signs Capricorn and Capricorn in love relationships. Compatibility of zodiac signs: he is Capricorn, she is Taurus

With many zodiac signs. But ideal relationship The Capricorn + Capricorn couple boasts. Only two representatives of this sign can fully understand each other and patiently support each other in any endeavor.

Advantages and disadvantages. Who makes the strongest alliance?

Capricorn is a symbol of determination and prudence. Developed intelligence and the desire to conquer heights often make these people arrogant and arrogant. Capricorns, due to their inherent directness, will definitely make their interlocutor feel their superiority, or even directly say what they think about him. Therefore, those around them are often divided into two camps - those who adore them and those who dislike them.

Another admirable quality of this sign is its incredible hard work. Capricorn is ready to work for days, giving all his best, just to achieve his goal. This quality also often develops into a disadvantage - embitterment and envy of those for whom everything is easy and contempt for people who have achieved nothing in life.

IN love relationships They value attention, common sense and loyalty above all else. Neither the guy nor the girl of this sign will tolerate neglect and disrespect for themselves.

Woman. With a man of which sign the union is strongest:

  • Cancer man. Capricorn can understand better than any other zodiac sign. With this person she will be able to feel calm and loved, and will thank her chosen one with fidelity and harmonious relationships
  • Aries man. Since both Aries and Capricorn are stubborn and assertive, their relationship will be of a conflictual nature. But, nevertheless, if you learn to feel your partner and give in, then such a marriage may turn out to be promising
  • Aquarius man. This Sign will become, first of all, a friend and advisor for the Capricorn woman. The strength of these bonds will primarily rest on understanding and trust, rather than intimate relationships

Man. With a woman of which sign the union is strongest:

  • Aries woman. The strength of this union rests on mutual understanding, but not on sensuality. The relationship between these two Signs is ideal, but cold
  • Leo Woman. The strength of the union with the Lioness is based on the ambition and desire for heights of both partners. They complement each other perfectly both in social life and in bed
  • Aquarius woman. Reliable and happy marriage based on respect and love

Capricorn and Capricorn in love

The only obstacle to such a union may be indecision at the beginning of the relationship. Pride and natural suspicion prevent people of this sign from taking the first step, especially towards an equally proud and wary person. The fear of rejection makes Capricorns indecisive and can negate the first signs of sympathy.

But if the first step is taken, then the development of these relations is unlikely to be stopped by anything. The Capricorn plus Capricorn pair is so harmonious that it most often develops into.

Unlike other zodiac signs, the same character traits of Capricorns do not conflict, but complement each other. Capricorns do not enter into confrontation, they go towards the goal together, supporting their partner in everything.

He and she are married

Difficulties in relationships with Capricorns can arise for anyone, but not for Capricorns themselves. This is such a harmonious marriage that there is no doubt about its strength. Of course, it is worth taking into account the influence of other factors, but in this case we are talking about the compatibility of zodiac signs.

Mutual respect and determination allow two Capricorns to achieve what they want not only in their careers, but also in family life. The only obstacle may be external coldness - both men and women should give free rein to their sensitivity and emotions. In family life, a mask of aloofness can bring misunderstandings and provoke a partner to the same external coldness. However, on external condition This is unlikely to affect marriage; such relationships will be built solely on mutual respect.

Cheating on a partner or neglecting the family hearth is unacceptable for Capricorn. This is another advantage of such a marriage. Both partners strive for the same thing - ideal family in all respects. Therefore, betrayal in this case will be the rule rather than the exception. Not to mention that Capricorn will not leave his family for another woman (man).

The appearance of children further strengthens such a marriage. And here both spouses should try to pay more attention to emotions rather than to the practical aspects of raising a child.

Compatibility in bed

As in relationships, this couple finds harmony in bed. An experienced Capricorn man knows how to give physical pleasure to his partner. And the spiritual closeness of these two people allows the Capricorn woman to open up and give her partner an unforgettable experience.

Despite the experience of the man and the temperament of the woman of the sign, their intimate life proceeds quite calmly. There is rarely room here for fireworks of feelings and exotic experiments. And although both are not alien to something new and bright, they still often prefer classics in intimacy. However, this not only does not spoil their relationship, but even strengthens it.

They will get along well with each other in many areas of life, since they have similar strengths, desires and life priorities, as well as the same disadvantages. They have a good mutual understanding; Capricorns can completely trust each other. They understand that together it is much easier for them to achieve their goals and that the help of a partner with the same character can be invaluable. In a pair of two Capricorns there will be no passions or violent emotions; from the outside, their partnership may seem too boring. However, their compatibility does not suffer at all from this, since both are quite happy with this state of affairs.

Capricorn woman and Capricorn man - compatibility in love and marriage

It is quite difficult for two Capricorns to start a relationship, since at this stage their mutual attraction is not very strong. They will keep up appearances for a long time, watching each other, and will have difficulty taking the first step. Everyone is afraid of being rejected, experiences mistrust, and is tormented by doubts, so the nascent feeling may fade before it has a chance to develop. But when the Capricorn woman and Capricorn man finally understand that the relationship has certain prospects, they will begin to purposefully develop these relationships, fully support them and deliberately build a joint future. If two Capricorns pair up, their relationship usually lasts a lifetime.

A family of two representatives of this zodiac constellation can also grow from their short-term casual connection. Having found complete harmony in bed, they are imbued with mutual feelings and can quietly come to a civil marriage, although women of this sign are not always satisfied with this type of relationship, and they do not stop at this stage. But in fairness, it should be noted that many Capricorn men, even in informal relationships, are distinguished by more dignified behavior than men of many other zodiac signs with wedding ring on the finger.

A Capricorn man is very well suited to a woman of the same sign from the point of view that he will not have serious reasons for jealousy, as would be the case with a more relaxed and dynamic partner. Capricorn men do not like to be tormented by suspicions and thoughts about potential rivals, and prefer to break off relationships, and with the chosen one of their sign, such mental tossing does not threaten him. However, he himself will not tolerate jealousy on the part of his wife, and will not allow her to be too keenly interested in his life outside the home walls - this man often perceives such interest as attempts to manipulate himself. But the wife doesn’t have to worry too much: the peculiarity of such a union is that betrayal in it is an extremely rare phenomenon, since both are afraid of destroying the established order of things.

The compatibility horoscope calls the birth of children, as well as the presence of a common material base and joint property, a strengthening factor for such a family. One of the pitfalls of such a marriage is that one or both spouses are too passionate about work. Capricorns love it when both take equal part in family and everyday affairs.

The compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman increases when both cross the threshold of their thirties. By this time, they have already accumulated experience in communicating with the opposite sex, they gain wisdom and tolerance, and know how to value good relations. The fate of couples of this sign who have a significant age difference is also successful.

Capricorn man - Capricorn woman: sexual compatibility

The compatibility of two Capricorns in sex is quite high, but provided that both partners, who are conservative, will not make their needs and desires in the intimate sphere a secret. This is especially true for women, in whom only experienced and patient lovers can awaken real passion. In addition, in order for such a woman to open up completely, she needs to trust her partner, feel his open friendliness, and this does not come so quickly. Capricorns of both sexes are not big experimenters in bed and admirers of sexual exotica, but their intimate life can be very rich in quantitative terms due to the high sexual needs that awaken in both over time.

Compatibility horoscope for Capricorns in work and business

The most important place in the horoscope of any Capricorn is career; this sign is especially famous serious attitude to work. When representatives of this zodiac sign have to take on some important project, personal matters fade into the background. Regardless of gender, they behave in a businesslike, strict manner, so there is almost no difference; Capricorns of the same or different genders work together. Having entrusted a task to such a couple, there is no doubt about the quality of its implementation. But in a business partnership, the picture is less rosy: two Capricorns often miss great chances in business, fearing risk and simply not believing that they can be lucky. They are characterized by a lack of flexibility, intuition, and human charm, which helps solve many problems along the way. In addition, Capricorns usually want to manage the process themselves, so cooperation between two representatives of the sign is often limited to the development of common plans.

Couple Capricorn - Capricorn: compatibility in friendship

Capricorns are people who believe that having a friend of the opposite sex and communicating closely with him without their other half is simply indecent; they are not ready for such friendship and do not see the point in it. But nothing prevents same-sex Capricorns from finding an excellent comrade in their fellow Zodiac sign. It is difficult for them to find close friends among other representatives of the Zodiac circle, since others see them as too rational and conservative people, incapable of warmth, empathy and, moreover, too prone to melancholy. When two Capricorns unite, they have a feeling of permanent connection, and they will try not to disturb each other's peace of mind with petty conflicts, but instead be able to benefit from advice and help. They prefer quiet leisure time - some intellectual game, discussion of what was seen or heard, issues of a professional or moral and ethical nature.

See the compatibility of Capricorns with other zodiac signs.

Capricorn makes a very favorable impression on people; he seems very soft and meek. But the appearance of a representative of this zodiac constellation is very deceptive, because under the mask of splendor he can sometimes hide cynicism, arrogance, and constant dissatisfaction with everyone and everything. Capricorn often achieves great heights in life, but only he alone knows what incredible efforts had to be made for this. Capricorn is never completely satisfied with the results, and always strives to win more than he at the moment has.

Capricorn is melancholic by nature. If something goes wrong, he is ready to become depressed or hysterical. Being eccentric and very emotional, he always attracts people's attention, causing them to have very conflicting feelings towards him - from complete rejection to sympathy and complete support. Capricorn's antics are often unpredictable, and this often makes him either an outcast or the undisputed leader in society. The odious personality of Capricorn always remains visible in society - even if he himself does not seek to stick out his “I”. Very often, people associate Capricorn with gloominess, silence, and inertia - at times he is like this, completely corresponding to his ruling planet Saturn.

At first, the Capricorn woman gives the impression of a completely insensitive and unemotional person. She will be like this until she understands and is convinced that her interlocutor can be trusted. Having opened up, the Capricorn woman will show passion, romance and gentle tenderness to the eyes of her amazed partner, becoming a faithful, very loving partner. The Capricorn man is always successful in relationships with women. His refined intelligence, correctness and insight make him a mysterious, almost mystical character who so attracts fans of adventure and flirtation.

The most compatible signs with Capricorn are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. The least compatible signs with Capricorn are Aries and Libra.

Capricorn Compatibility Chart

This table shows the average results of Capricorn's relationships with each of the zodiac signs. Links in the table lead to additional Capricorn compatibility articles that go into more detail. this type relationships.

Signs of the zodiacCompatibilityLoveCommunication
Capricorn and AriesLowAverageLow
Capricorn and TaurusHighHighHigh
Capricorn and GeminiLowLowAverage
Capricorn and CancerAverageHighAverage
Capricorn and LeoHighAverageHigh
Capricorn and VirgoHighHighHigh
Capricorn and LibraAverageAverageHigh
Capricorn and ScorpioHighHighHigh
Capricorn and SagittariusLowLowLow
Capricorn and CapricornHighHighHigh
Capricorn and AquariusLowAverageLow
Capricorn and PiscesHighHighHigh

Each combination of Capricorn with other zodiac signs has its own strengths and weaknesses, and almost each of them has its own subtleties and unique features. In this regard, each possible combination is devoted to a separate article, in which all the strong and weak points these relationships. An astrological connection can often differ from the classical canons, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the descriptions of the signs themselves, study their character traits, and also look at the relationship from the point of view of each partner individually.

I met a young man over the weekend, we couldn’t stop talking, we spent the whole day together from 7 am to 4 am, which I think is explained by high intellectual compatibility, but now there is a question. In our age modern technologies be friends in social networks means a lot. Should I add him first as a friend on VKontakte or should I wait until he adds me himself if he likes me? In theory, I judged by leadership qualities and he has more of them, he is a leader by nature. Maybe I should really wait until he adds me himself if he wants? And in general, from whom should the initiative come? My date of birth is 01/02/1994 and his date of birth is 01/03/1991

Anastasiia, I admit that I wanted to joke about youth and Vkontakte, but having dug deeper into compatibility than the Capricorn-Capricorn pair, which is immediately visible, I came to the conclusion that jokes would be inappropriate. All jokes aside, this is a very difficult couple. The most difficult in the sense that, perhaps, over many, many months of reading reviews and distributing advice, in your case exactly those moments coincided, because of which some people were given recommendations not to hope for best outcome, and in some ways, on the contrary, to develop relationships. So what we have:

Date of birth 02.01.1994 03.01.1991
Physical 55%
Emotional 4%
Intellectual 96%
Cordial 78%
Creative 36%
Intuitive 77%
Higher 98%
Signs of the zodiac Capricorn - Earth Capricorn - Earth
Pythagorean square
Character 2 4
Family 5 2
Temperament 0 1

As a result, on one side of the scale:
— powerful chakra/biorhythm compatibility of 64% with 5 compatible levels and 2 maximums
- the common element of Earth for your signs
- normal distribution of roles by character: 2 - for a girl, 4 - for a guy
- a harmonious combination of temperaments: 0 for you and 1 for the guy. Most suitable combination for both.

On the other side there are problematic points:
- a tough combination of two stubborn Capricorns. Capricorns know how to quarrel, defend their rights, butt heads with their hard horn until sparks, but at the same time, almost worse than all the signs of the Zodiac, they make peace and are extremely vindictive. In your case, the solution may be to take the second role in this couple and submit to the stronger partner.
- emotional dissonance. The methodology, based on the experience and recommendations of the Author, is that relationships are the feminine sphere and the emotional background for them is the foundation. You should spend enough time with your partner and perhaps understand what else you feel is compatible in this relationship. Let’s say that for two Capricorns who are intellectual by nature, it is precisely compatibility in intelligence that would become the basis for further relations. But there is also a “cordial” friendship, an intuitive connection and, importantly, somewhere in the future one sees common path to one ideal - highest compatibility.
- a less problematic and, perhaps, less obvious disagreement in family indicators according to Pythagoras (5-2 in your favor) will introduce its share of doubts into family relationships. Firstly, the Capricorn guy will definitely not rush into this. While in your mind you will marry him and have 3 children. And then, in marriage, he will clearly not be one of those who bet family values above all. In addition, a guy with temperament 1, as has been said more than once, falls into the category of those who like to go to the left, the motive for which is to strengthen his masculine self-esteem, which suffers due to minimal temperament.

However, taking an objective approach to this relationship, we see a predominance of strong compatible sides. Therefore, if these relations take off, then there is something to develop them at. Well, problems - they are everywhere. The calculation opened cards for some of them. Your task is only to competently use your trump cards in the fight against them. For now, the main trump card is the prerequisites for real deep friendship with mutual understanding in mind and heart. Whether or not you two can move from this friendship to a relationship - time will tell.

And finally, we come to adding friends. I’ll say right away, Anastasia, that you definitely shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive in this pairing - neither on VKontakte, nor in real meetings. Although you and your maximum family would probably want to do this. Let the guy think about everything himself and make a decision from which he will definitely not back down. After all, who, if not you, knows how thorough Capricorns are. But, honestly, Capricorns are not the fastest guys on earth. Zodiac circle. As, indeed, are all earth signs. But, although they harness for a long time, they ride well and firmly stand their ground. So let the guy weigh everything, experience this flash of communication once again, and I’m almost sure that he will take the first step. Maximum intellect with a girl - believe me, this means a lot for a man. If things get really tough, then I’m sure nothing bad will happen because of your unobtrusive like under his avatar.

I wrote to you several times already, but never received an answer(
Me 01/13/1993
my boyfriend 12/29/1994
I’m very interested in your opinion on our compatibility, in principle everything is not bad, but sometimes because of some nonsense we quarrel and don’t communicate, and then, as if nothing had happened, we continue to communicate again (for him this is nonsense, but I have all the grievances inside are accumulating, but I’m trying to suppress it within myself).
We’ve been together for 2 years and I’m afraid that the relationship is running out of steam. Moreover, now he is in the army, and we don’t see each other often, compared to when we lived together before.
I read in some horoscope that supposedly 2013 is a difficult year for Capricorns, and if they hold out together with their other halves, then the couple has a future. Curious to know what you think about all this?
Please describe everything in detail, thank you in advance, and I hope to see an answer soon)

In-contri: Ira, the fact that you and your boyfriend have collected 70-80% of the entire “female” line - emotions, heart and intuition - is not a reason to write 10 identical letters in 2 days. This is already called spam. And my task, as an administrator, is to fight spam. And the webmaster’s task is to develop the resource and fill it with valuable and unique material. Excuse me, but what is unique in the situation when two 20-year-old Capricorns (there can be any identical signs) alternately quarrel, then make up, and seem to be a little tired of each other? This has already been repeated probably more than a dozen times, and not only on this site. And for the hundredth time, it’s like a carbon copy of a review from a couple aged 16-25 years old with the same signs. When I open something like this, I literally make a “diagnosis” from the first lines. Believe it or not, before I created a website and read thousands of reviews real people I never believed in horoscopes so much. Statistics are a terrible force.

So here it is. Even in the calculation it is written that the same signs tend to be attracted at a young age because of their similarity. And it was not I who came up with this, and not the author, but it is stated, perhaps, in all more or less competent horoscopes. I don’t see the point in wasting readers’ time by repeating the same thing a hundred times. Whatever I say now in addition to the two lines from the result of the calculation “identical signs look at each other like in a mirror, and then split it into small fragments“, you will still reject it in the spirit of nihilism characteristic of your age. Because they wrote, rejecting and not wanting to believe the result of the calculation. But you believe the horoscope, which predicted a “difficult year” for you but gave you hope for the future. Why do you believe? Yes, again because, due to your age, you don’t have the experience and understanding of relationships that you will have in 5-7 years, because you were with your boyfriend longer than with anyone else, and, of course , because “the hopes of young men are nourished” :)

Ira, alas, there are no more details here. Besides the fact that the characters are the same 3-3 and temperaments 5-4 (hmm, that’s another strong magnet). Yes, there are points of attraction. But the foundation is not strong. Over time, you will realize that in a mature relationship, it is very important that two different personalities are involved. But at the same time compatible. So that there is complementation, and not mutual suppression, development, and not stagnation and degradation. So that both have the same strategy, but the tactics are different. Identical signs have both. Therefore, somewhere they duplicate each other quite well, which is why, in fact, they are attracted at first, but then too often they begin to step on each other’s heels, they are crowded into the microcosm of their relationship, and the predictability becomes too boring. However, in spite of everything, I wish you happiness, Ira, in your personal relationships and find your harmony when the time comes.

p.s.: in theory, of the same signs, only water ones can live with each other. So far, however, I have not come across such examples.
z.z.y.: I liked about your horoscope. I will also try to give the following horoscopes for 2014: “Aries - you will have a difficult year!”, “Taurus - there is a chance that you will be lucky!”, “Gemini - you will rethink a lot!” etc. :))

Hello again! Thank you so much for such a quick and detailed answer!! I'm glad that you smiled while reading my letter)) This is about the fact that men leave and then come back))) the funny thing is, I read this about Capricorn men, supposedly they leave to think about relationships))))) More once thanks a lot, for your answer, for this wonderful site, for your attention and patience, there are many of us and you are one))) Be happy))))

In-contri: Irina, it’s very easy to tell people about a zodiac sign when you’re surrounded by its typical representatives :)) I have just such a one. And today I remember him for the second time in the answers. He's probably sitting there hiccupping. And yes, he suffers from inhibition in relationships, like most people like him.

Following the example of other people, I decided to check the compatibility of me and my roommate in the dorm with dates of birth of 01/02/1994 and 12/31/1993
At first, we spent a very long time getting used to our friend in the first year and quarreled over trifles
BUT then after a couple of months they literally healed in perfect harmony
She is very, very dear to me, I don’t even know how to express it (we are both straight, young people), but she’s just such a dear person that I take care of her like a family member. When I checked the compatibility, SHOCK came! compatibility IN ALL PARAMETERS!!! This has never happened to any young man... everything fell into place, as once I jokingly told her that if I met young man With a character and attitude towards me like hers, I’ll get married right away! This is the compatibility of neighbors and I am grateful to God for such a person in my life

In-contri: Aria, I’m glad for you that you were able to feel a kindred spirit. It is very important in life to have such people nearby. They just become our close friends for the rest of our lives. True, as you know, you and your friend have close birthdays. That is why the chakras are close, which are calculated according to biorhythms. Identical signs (Capricorn and Capricorn), by the way, also bring young people together well. But whether this relationship will move from youth to adulthood is another question. By the way, I also have similar story from personal experience: I worked in a team of 4 people, where we all, imagine, managed to be signs of Water and Earth (i.e. harmonious with each other), were all emotionally compatible with each other, and also different levels intersections. We worked well with this team for 2 years, also in perfect harmony and coming to work as if it were home - the atmosphere was so warm. But the happiness did not last long - until we were assigned the head of the Fire sign with dissonance in relation to each member of our team. As a result, in 1.5 months, 3 out of 4 people ran away from him, including me. Now I’ve been in a new place for a long time, but I can’t get used to the surroundings and feel constant discomfort. Of course, out of habit, I checked the birthdays of all my colleagues and did not find anything supernatural for myself - there are no even close coincidences with anyone, except for one employee. But he, being out of balance with the rest of the team, also behaves very withdrawn. So I really miss the old team.

My partner left, and I love and suffer very much. Born on the same day, 3 years apart. I am 01/17/88, he is 01/17/85. In the upper chakra 98%, in intelligence 96%. But on an emotional level there is dissonance. I feel like MY person is destiny. Is this true?

In-contri: eh, Nastya, it really seems that almost everything is wonderful with you as a couple. Let's go from the end, Pythagoras: the guy has one higher temperament - excellent, the family background is the same, both have golden characters - a rare pair of identical characters that can get along. But both Capricorns... the same signs are quickly attracted, especially if both are not too mature, but they do not separate for long. There are too many similarities, but both good and bad. Of course, the more compatibility there is in the higher chakras, and especially if the 7th, highest chakras are compatible, then this is precisely fate. But not yours, Nastya. Emotional dissonance is serious. Fate in this relationship would turn into a cross, especially for a woman, over time. By the way, if possible, look at who your partner left for. Perhaps he found emotional compatibility? Don’t be discouraged, Nastya! You have gained good experience and become wiser and more discerning in people. And since fate has taken a person away, it means it is preparing for a new meeting. Wipe away your tears, look around and be careful: somewhere he is looking for you in the same way :)

Two Capricorns have a very good compatibility, they look at many things the same way and trust each other. These two practical and prudent people can organize a strong business union or work on a joint project. Disagreements between a Capricorn man and a woman of the same zodiac sign are rare, and if they do occur in their relationship, they do not become a serious problem for the couple. Any actions of these people carry meaning and bear fruit in the future. It doesn’t matter what the nature of the relationship between two Capricorns is, this connection usually lasts a lifetime.

♑ + ♑: In a love relationship

PERFECT PAIR- Having become interested in each other, each of this couple will hesitate for some time, since short-term relationships are not included in the plans of Capricorns. Having looked closely at the object of sympathy, someone will still decide to take the first step, and most likely it will be a Capricorn guy. In a girl of his own zodiac sign, he will see a like-minded person whom he can trust and with whom he can build a reliable future.

The Capricorn girl will be happy about the serious intentions of her chosen one, since she is not at all interested in light flirting. Free time the couple will spend time alone with each other; they both do not need noisy public places. Most often, these relationships lead to marriage, but not immediately, but after some time. Capricorns don't like to rush.

♑ + ♑: Married

PERFECT PAIR— The spouses will have harmony in their relationships and agreement in everything. Both are practical and serious, they prefer to spend time usefully, they try not to spend money unnecessarily, they save for large purchases, and put it aside just in case. In everyday life, a wife and husband born under the sign of Capricorn try to share responsibilities around the house, because both value comfort, but do not like household responsibilities too much.

Spouses prefer to spend weekends together, or with relatives and time-tested friends. Expensive trips Both are not welcome on vacation, but they find ways to relax without breaking the bank.

In their intimate life, the spouses are in perfect harmony. Both do not have a pronounced temperament and do not like variety in sex too much. Many Capricorns who have had sexual experience with representatives of other zodiac signs have heard many offensive words addressed to them about this, so in this case, both will be glad that they have the opportunity to be themselves next to their other half.

♑ + ♑: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— There can hardly be a friendly relationship between a guy and a girl born under the sign of Capricorn. The thing is, they both don't believe in . Friendly communication in a work team is possible, but not friendship.

If they nevertheless become friends, and at the same time both are free from relationships, sooner or later friendship will turn into interest, and interest into a love relationship.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign