What girl's name is suitable for the middle name Alexandrovna. What girl's name goes with the middle name Dmitrievna. Combination of first name and patronymic for a girl

For all parents who are expecting a baby, the process of choosing a name causes special trepidation. The couple must decide whether to name the child after someone close to them or choose a completely new, but certainly very beautiful name. This is not easy to do, because you need to make a decision at the stage when future parents are still preparing to meet their child and know nothing about his character.

When mom and dad find out the sex of the child, and it turns out that it is a girl, the task becomes even more difficult, because you really want the beautiful daughter not to regret for a second the decision of her parents to name her by one name or another.

With the help of this article you can choose the perfect one Russian name for a girl, based on the middle name that she will bear. The compatibility of the first name with the patronymic is extremely important, because this will make pronouncing the name convenient and the combination pleasant to the ear. And if you believe those who claim that a person’s name predetermines his character and destiny, then the middle name plays a significant role in a girl’s life.

What name should I give a girl after her father's patronymic?

Below we present you a list of Russian names for girls based on their father’s patronymic.

Popular options

Alexandrovna. The patronymic Alexandrovna is ideal for almost any female name and will make it melodic and pleasant.

Just listen: Vera Alexandrovna, Galina Alexandrovna, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Larisa Alexandrovna.

But soft, airy names are also perfect for such a middle name: Anna Alexandrovna, Yulia Alexandrovna, Elena Alexandrovna.

Alekseevna. If the girl’s dad’s name is Alexey, she is incredibly lucky, because this name is in no way inferior to Alexander in terms of euphony and compatibility.

Just try: Anastasia Alekseevna, Tatyana Alekseevna, Alina Alekseevna, Nina Alekseevna, Ksenia Alekseevna.

You can choose almost any name: Olga, Irina, Lilia, Ulyana, Inga, Veronica, Inna... Any of them will harmonize with this middle name.

Maksimovna. Dad Maxim will give his daughter an interesting and unusual middle name. Self male name sounds somewhat harsh and firm, and therefore not every female name can successfully coexist with it. But some will still succeed, for example: Alisa Maksimovna, Arina Maksimovna, Tatyana Maksimovna, Marina Maksimovna, Anna Maksimovna.

But if you were thinking about naming your daughter Angelica, Eleanor, Zinaida, Marianna, Evelina, then it is better to refrain: these are difficult combinations in which two beautiful names deprive each other of originality.

Denisovna. Owners of such a beautiful name will have to think carefully about what to name the baby. It is better to opt for simple names so that the combination does not turn out to be too heavy in its originality.

It will sound good: Daria Denisovna, Olga Denisovna, Kristina Denisovna, Natalya Denisovna.

Evgenievna. Dad Evgeniy is on a par with Alexander and Alexei and can choose almost any name for his daughter: simple and sweet, or bright and extravagant.

Melodious middle names

Olegovna. Greatness, nobility, recognition, title - it seems that only the name Oleg is able to combine all these concepts. And the female name should not be inferior here: Yaroslava Olegovna, Miroslava Olegovna, Ekaterina Olegovna, Olga Olegovna, Sofia Olegovna.

Andreevna. The name Andrey is hard and soft at the same time. And the female name next to it should be just as charming, pretty and flirtatious.

It will sound good: Karolina Andreevna, Margarita Andreevna, Zhanna Andreevna, Nadezhda Andreevna, Venera Andreevna, Oksana Andreevna, Valeria Andreevna, Lyubov Andreevna.

Konstantinovna. The name Konstantin seems very courageous and a little daring, so it’s better to name your daughter in contrast to it: affectionately, softly, warmly.

Listen: Maya Konstantinovna, Liya Konstantinovna, Taisiya Konstantinovna, Yulia Konstantinovna, Yana Konstantinovna, Liliya Konstantinovna.

Yurievna. It will be quite easy for dad Yuri to choose a name for his daughter: Alena Yuryevna, Raisa Yuryevna, Victoria Yuryevna, Evgenia Yuryevna, Zoya Yuryevna, Polina Yuryevna... Any name will fit perfectly into this combination. And it doesn’t have to be simple! After all, there are other excellent combinations: Veronica Yuryevna, Anzhelika Yuryevna, Milena Yuryevna, Madina Yuryevna.

Sergeevna It is better to pay attention only to simple, original Russian female names: Elena, Olga, Vera, Anna. The likes of Maria, Sofia, Irina, Inna are also suitable.

The choice must be approached with extreme caution, because many combinations can turn out to be comical: Aurora Sergeevna, Eva Sergeevna, Isabella Sergeevna, Nelly Sergeevna.

Kirillovna. It is also important not to overdo it here. Maria Kirillovna and Anastasia Kirillovna, when they grow up, will be grateful to their parents for the wonderful combinations, while Milana Kirillovna and Eleonora Kirillovna will probably suspect something is wrong already at school. Sometimes it is better to lose a little originality, but remain true to beauty and euphony. This is just such a case.

Antonovna. A melodious and simple-sounding father's name will go with literally every girl's name. For example: Svetlana Antonovna, Irina Antonovna, Tatyana Antonovna, Maria Antonovna, Anastasia Antonovna, Vasilisa Antonovna, Daria Antonovna, Karina Antonovna.

Mikhailovna. Mikhail is a very popular male name in Russia. Therefore, many girls have the middle name Mikhailovna. To combine with it, it would be preferable to choose the following names: Ulyana, Yulia, Anastasia, Christina, Alina, Marianna, Marisha.

Dmitrievna. The male name Dmitry may seem rude to many. Therefore, it is better to choose not just consonant names for it, but melodic ones. For example: Alina Dmitrievna, Anna Dmitrievna, Alena Dmitrievna, Milena Dmitrievna, Jasmina Dmitrievna, Maya Dmitrievna, Svetlana Dmitrievna, Olga Dmitrievna.

Vitalievna. Vitaly is a gentle and at the same time simple name, which means that both soft and unusual ones fit under it girl names. We advise you to choose: Stefania Vitalievna, Evgenia Vitalievna, Tatyana Vitalievna. Daria Vitalievna, Natalya Vitalievna, Serafima Vitalievna, Maria Vitalievna, Maryana Vitalievna, Margarita Vitalievna.

Romanovna. Many people associate this patronymic with the great Romanov dynasty. That is why Romanov’s patronymic is a kind of symbol of aristocracy. The most suitable combinations: Elizaveta Romanovna, Marianna Romanovna, Valeria Romanovna, Alexandra Romanovna, Sofia Romanovna.

Viktorovna. Victor is a proud, but rather rough-sounding name. Therefore, it should be diluted with a gentle female name. Such as Evgenia Viktorovna, Maria Viktorovna, Svetlana Viktorovna, Marianna Viktorovna, Elizaveta Viktorovna, Polina Viktorovna, Tatyana Viktorovna, Olga Viktorovna, Anna Viktorovna.

Igorevna. This patronymic - soft, melodic, non-standard - will suit any name. But there are several names with which more successful combinations will turn out: Daria Igorevna, Elizaveta Igorevna, Victoria Igorevna, Svetlana Igorevna, Ekaterina Igorevna, Olga Igorevna, Tatyana Igorevna.

Eduardovna. For this father's name, finding a compatible daughter's name is quite problematic, since not everyone will look worthy in a pair with him. For example, Kristina Eduardovna doesn’t match at all, does she? But such names as: Margarita Eduardovna, Angelina Eduardovna, Svetlana Eduardovna would be very appropriate.

Andrianovna. Simple names, which are often heard, will not work, since the name Andrian is quite elevated and aristocratic. The most suitable ones will be: Vasilisa Andrianovna, Miroslava Andrianovna, Marisha Andrianovna, Yuliana Andrianovna.

Ivanovna. The original Russian name Ivan requires an equally simple, but no less beautiful daughter’s name. And in this case, any overseas names will be completely unnecessary. I advise you to look for inspiration in undeservedly forgotten Slavic female names, such as: Anisya, Zlata, Agnia, Marya, Nadezhda.

Stanislavovna. This name is not found in our country as often as Ivan or Mikhail, but it also deserves attention. Examples: Alisa Stanislavovna, Marina Stanislavovna, Elena Stanislavovna, Alexandra Stanislavovna, Sofia Stanislavovna.

Valerievna. This patronymic is absolutely universal. More than 90% of all names are suitable for it, so it will be very difficult to make a mistake with the choice. Examples of suitable names: Irina Valerievna, Natalya Valerievna, Kristina Valerievna, Augustina Valerievna and many others.

Pavlovna. When choosing a name suitable for this middle name, you should be guided by universal romantic names. The most suitable: Suzanna, Maryana, Varvara, Lyubov, Karina, Ekaterina, Alexandria.

Ilyinichna. One of the most dissonant middle names, since there are not many names suitable for. But we managed to compile a selection with the most successful combinations: Evgenia Ilinichna, Svetlana Ilinichna, Valeria Ilinichna, Natalia Ilinichna, Alexandra Ilinichna.

Nikitovna. One of the few middle names to which bright and unusual names are suitable:

And this is far from full list unusual names that go with this middle name.

How to choose a name according to the Orthodox calendar

If the parents of a newborn are believers or simply revere church traditions, the girl can be named according to the calendar. To do this, you need to find a church calendar and look in it for the name of the martyr, who is venerated on her daughter’s birthday or in the days following it. For example, if a girl was born on January 25, then she can be named Tatyana, Eupraxia or Nina, whose name day falls on January 27. At the same time, it is not recommended to name a girl who was born on January 25 Vasilisa or Yulia, whose name day falls on January 21 according to the calendar.

How can you name a girl by season?

You can choose your daughter’s name depending on the time of year in which she was born.

It is worth choosing a name responsibly. After all, his fate depends on the baby’s name. Therefore, try to choose names that not only sound beautiful, but also combine with the girl’s middle name and last name. Also pay attention to the meaning of the name.

Attention, TODAY only!

Among the pleasant series of hassles while expecting a child, choosing a name stands out. For some parents, this is a quickly resolved issue: the newborn baby is named after someone or simply the most favorite name of one of the family members.

Other expectant mothers and fathers are more scrupulous about their choice, studying male and female names, their meaning, compatibility with the patronymic and surname, the time of birth of the child, or being guided by church canons.

They also remember the advice: not to name the baby in honor of deceased relatives (it’s clear why), and a warning against naming the child in honor of living family members (supposedly this will deprive the child of his individuality).

The beauty of the name itself is no less important, especially if parents are faced with the question of what to name the girl.

How to choose the best and most suitable female names for your daughter? Should you choose a fashionable and original option or name your child a traditional, familiar name?

Choose a beautiful Russian name or look at the list of foreign ones? Or maybe even give the baby an experimental, unique name?

Choosing a name for a girl child by patronymic

The combination of the first name and patronymic is important for several reasons:

  1. Sound harmony, including the even distribution of vowels and consonants, makes pronouncing the first name and patronymic convenient, and listening pleasure - pleasant.
  2. The correct combination of first name and patronymic, taking into account the nationality of the child and his father, and also emphasizing their general style (for example, “Rose” and “Fedor” have different stylistic connotations, so their combination looks ridiculous) will not give a reason to your daughter’s classmates and colleagues in the future joke about it behind her back. Agree, this is very important for a girl!
  3. According to the popular theory that each name carries certain meaning and influences character and destiny, its successful combination with a patronymic (and in fact two names) will have a positive impact on a person’s life.

To ensure that your baby’s name combines beautifully and harmoniously with her middle name, follow these recommendations when choosing it:

  • it is desirable that the last sound (syllable) of the name is not identical to the first sound (syllable) of the patronymic;
  • Short names look good with a long middle name, and vice versa;
  • Don’t choose unusual or colorful ones national names for girls, if the patronymic is the usual Slavic one: “Anzhelika Ivanovna”, “Nargiz Olegovna” - doesn’t it sound comical?

If meaning is important to you when naming, then when choosing a name for your daughter, give preference to the option with a meaning that harmoniously complements the meaning of the father’s name.

Thus, the middle name “Sergeevna”, which gives the baby calmness, hard work and love of art, is well suited to the beautiful name “Elena”, which promises the girl a sense of beauty and success in her career.

Selecting a female name by date and month of birth

The choice of a girl’s name depending on the time of her birth can be approached from several angles.

We make a choice by date in accordance with the zodiac sign

Lovers of horoscopes know that each representative of the zodiac has its own temperament and is destined for its own role in society. It is believed that a child must be named according to the meaning and characteristics of his sign.

For girls born during the “reign” of one or another zodiac sign, astrology experts have already compiled a list of suitable and undesirable female names.

So, for a girl born under the sign of Capricorn, the female name Maria is well suited, along with the options Sofya, Arina, Daria. For Baby Fish, choose a beautiful name from the following list: Julia, Anna, Olga, Varvara, Polina.

Call Libra luxurious unusual options: Rostislava, Kaleria, Isabella. For girls born under the sign of Scorpio, it is recommended to be named: Victoria, Maria, Lyubov. Taisiya.

For Sagittarius there is also a lot beautiful options: Vladislava, Inessa, Vasilisa, Maya. For Aquarius girls: Alina, Natalya, Snezhana. Name your Aries daughter Svetlana, Anastasia or, for example, Kira.

Veronica, Marina, Olga, Oksana are considered good names for Taurus. Gemini: Alisa, Evgenia, Ksenia, Christina. For Cancers, it is recommended to choose short, but at the same time very beautiful variations: Yana, Liya, Lada.

Name the little Lionesses beautifully and majestically: Alexandra, Eleanor, Nadezhda, Regina, Diana. Well, of course, feminine options are suitable for Virgos: Elizabeth, Irina, Tatyana, Anita.

We name the girl by her birth month

It has been noted that people born at the same time of year have similar character traits. Thanks to this, the idea of ​​choosing names by month of birth arose. The name for the baby is chosen in accordance with the temperament it imparts to the person.

  1. The winter months do not give babies a soft temperament, so it is better to name a girl with a feminine option: Ulyana, Valentina, Svetlana - this will make the child’s character less “cold”.
  2. Girls born in spring are true ladies: gentle, light. But what they lack is firmness in making decisions and defending their opinions, so names for “freckles” should be given to strong ones: Anastasia, Larisa, Marina.

  1. Children born in the summer months can display absolutely any character traits, so you can safely name your daughter whatever you like.
  2. In autumn, girls are born who are practical and not prone to daydreaming. They suit these babies well beautiful names with a touch of romance that will soften their down-to-earth character - Elizaveta, Zlata, Sophia.

Numerology - the mysterious science of numbers - is gaining more and more admirers. Its adherents are confident that almost our entire life is encrypted in numbers from 1 to 9. And since a person’s life actually begins with the date of birth and naming, numerologists could not ignore these important milestones.

The numerological code of the date of birth is calculated by adding all its digits until a single digit number is obtained. This number is considered sacred in a person’s life. It is good if the name for the child is chosen in accordance with it.

If you already have names for girls in mind, you can calculate the numerological code of each according to the following numerological table, where each letter corresponds to its own number (in columns).

The ideal option is the coincidence of the numbers of the name and date of birth - this predicts harmonious development and a successful life path for the baby.

For example, let’s calculate the numerological code for the date of birth 04/15/2016:

1 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 19,

Among the female names corresponding to this number are the following: Alexandra, Vanessa, Eva, Tamara.

It’s easy to check if the numbers match the name and date. To do this, it is enough to determine the name code.

Let's calculate as an example, using the table above, the code for the name Eva:

E=6; B=3; A=1.

Add up the meanings of each letter:

Several examples for each digit of birth codes are presented in the following table:

We name the baby according to the church calendar (saints)

It's great if you decide to name the girl according to church calendar. This is a centuries-old Orthodox tradition: since ancient times it was believed that the saint in whose honor the child was named would patronize him all his life.

Today, choosing a name according to the calendar is doubly popular, because ancient options are in fashion, which can be found in great variety in the church calendar.

The church canon does not allow you to choose just any name for a girl. You should refer to the names of the saints honored on the baby’s birthday, on the eighth day after birth, or on the fortieth day, on which, according to Orthodox tradition, the child is baptized.

If in the women's calendars there is no option that parents like, you can look at the men's calendars - perhaps there will be a derivative variation from a male name suitable for the date.

Let's look at how to choose a beautiful name for your daughter according to the calendar using the example of the same date of birth - 04/15/2016. There are no female saints honored on this day. However, the male calendar offers the following options: Edesius, Titus, Polycarp, Amphian. Therefore, you can form unusual maiden names from them: Amphiana, Edesia.

On the eighth day, that is, April 22, there are no female options in the church calendar either, so we look again at the list of male ones: Vadim, Disan, Gabriel, Avdies, Mariav. Perhaps you will settle on a name similar to the last one suggested - “Maria”.

On the fortieth day after the date of birth (05.24), the calendar again provides only male names, but what kind: Rostislav, Alexander, Sophrony! These options are great for creating beautiful names for girls.

A name is not just a word in a person’s life. At all times people have invested in it special meaning and believed that it would affect the fate of the child. And today no one dares to call their daughter or son a “random” name. Their choice is approached responsibly and carefully.

Whatever method of choosing a name you choose: by patronymic or date of birth, according to the church calendar or numerological tables - the main thing is to do it with love, and then the baby’s life will be truly happy and successful!

How to name a girl in 2017, what beautiful name to give for a girl by patronymic? Absolutely all parents face this question, especially if this is their first child. particularly careful choice not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from the point of view of its further influence to fate. At the same time, it carries certain energetic information, which in the future can put an end to the young lady’s desire to achieve something greater than she will have at that time.

When choosing a name for your baby, you should be guided by the following rules:

1. For neutral and hard middle names, it is best to choose the same neutral or soft names.

So, for example, the middle name Sergeevna is ideal for the name Yulenka. If the middle name is neutral and soft, then the name, on the contrary, should be hard, but at the same time neutral. For example, if the father of the unborn child is Ivan, the girl can be named Vera. Vera Ivanovna is a beautiful and simple combination of names.

A soft name is also one whose letter composition includes “th”. A name is considered solid if the letter composition includes growling ones. What name is considered neutral? Everything is very simple here. It will not fit any of the above examples.

2. What are long middle names combined with?

How to name a girl in 2017, when deciding what beautiful name to give for a girl by patronymic, you should also pay attention to its size. If a man's name is long, a woman's name should be short. So, for example, for a long middle name Alexandrovna it would be quite logical to choose a short female name Anna.

3. Russian patronymic must correspond to the same Russian name.

Many young parents, in pursuit of fashion, give their children foreign names. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing wrong with this. However, not many parents think about how ridiculous such combinations of names and patronymics as Cleopatra Alexandrovna sound. In order to avoid comedy, you should give preference to the same Russian names.

4. The name must end with a vowel, and the patronymic must begin with a consonant.

If the baby’s father is Alexei, then the middle name Alekseevna is suitable for her.

Middle name meaning

The future of a child is determined not only by his name, but also by his patronymic. How to name a girl in 2017, what a beautiful name to give for a girl by patronymic - even at the selection stage, parents can already predict what awaits their beloved baby in the future. The name of the child's father also contains some genetic information, knowledge of which will be very useful for young parents.

Having figured out what information the father’s name carries, you can choose a name for the baby. Naturally, taking into account the knowledge gained. Otherwise, the negativity hidden under the genetic information about the name of the child’s father can only intensify.

For example, the combination of the name Violetta and the patronymic Dmitrievna is not the best. It's all about the extreme jealousy that both Violetta and Dmitry possess. If these two names come together into one, trouble will not be avoided.

In addition, when choosing what to name a girl in 2017 (beautiful names for girls by patronymic), you should pay attention to other popular patronymics and their meaning:

1. Alexandrovna.

Girls with such a middle name are full of vital energy, which they try to throw out on everyone around them, even without their consent. Plus, they always prefer to do things their own way. Any work is very easy and simple for them. People around you can skillfully use this.

2. Alekseevna.

The girl with this middle name is the calmest and most balanced lady you can imagine. In addition, she will be an excellent housewife. But, as practice shows, such girls are definitely unlucky in their personal lives. It is possible that this is all just a strange coincidence. But anything is possible.

3. Yurievna.

Girls with such a middle name really like to impose their point of view on others. At the same time, they are very interesting conversationalists. But quite often no one notices this due to their obsession.

4. Evgenievna.

Such a girl will be very pleasant to communicate with everyone. Plus, she will come to the aid of friends and family at any time. It costs a lot.

Does the time of year affect a child's character?

When choosing what to name a girl in 2017, deciding what beautiful name to give for a girl by patronymic, you should also pay attention to the expected date of birth of the little one:

1. “Winter” children.

Those born in winter have a rather bad and difficult character. This is most pronounced in those born in December. January children are a little more balanced. February months are the calmest. Problems with the opposite sex (which, in fact, is facilitated by a strong character) will arise from the beginning family life.

Difficulties, as a rule, arise due to the fact that people born in winter feel the need to argue over trifles. At the same time, they definitely want to win, despite the fact that they may be wrong in the dispute. If we talk about determination and desire to be a leader and their compatibility with possible career growth, then on the contrary, everything is very smooth here.

For winter girls male character. In addition, there is a craving for the exact and natural sciences. In order to slightly soften the hardness inherent in nature, you should choose melodic ones for young ladies.

2. “Spring” children.

Girls born in spring will have to face their own life path with such qualities as frivolity, selfishness, touchiness and vulnerability. Vulnerability can be both physical and mental. Despite their talent and knowledge in one field or another, they cannot be leaders. Plus, people born in spring have a very subtle sense of humor. They grab new information literally on the fly.

In order to overcome self-doubt, children born in spring need to be given firm names.

3. “Summer” children.

Children born in summer are the kindest. At the same time, they have cowardice and lack of strength of character. They can be easily manipulated by friends and family.

“Summer” children have, among other things, such traits as persistence, courage and risk-taking. In order to protect them from possible adversity, it is worth giving firm names at birth.

4. "Autumn Children".

Girls and boys born in the autumn months are fully developed. As adults, they greatly value the accumulated life experience and never repeat the mistakes they had to face. A light character and a clear mind are the main characteristics of people who celebrate their birthday in September, October or November.

For “autumn” children, the choice of name is not so important, since in the future nothing can influence their character. What to name a girl in 2017 (beautiful names for girls by patronymic), born in September, October or November, depends only on the imagination of the parents.

The time comes to choose a name for a newborn, and many parents find themselves confused - which name to choose? Their huge amount– and exotic (unusual, but so beautiful!). Moreover, the names of beloved relatives and screen “idols”. There is a lot to be confused about. But there is a simple and proven rule - to name a child after compatibility of first name with patronymic.

Choosing a first name- this is the key to ensuring that the child develops harmoniously, does not experience discomfort from an absurd combination, and, moreover, does not become an object of ridicule. If the “inappropriate” name can be changed, then we inherit the patronymic. Therefore, when choosing a name for your baby, it is logical to start from the middle name.

The name should correspond to the patronymic in sound, and should be pronounced easily and freely. Agree that Valery Dmitrievich is much easier to pronounce than Gennady Dmitrievich. And Irina Arkadyevna makes a better impression than Irina Ivanovna. Experts in the field of names advise paying attention to “hard” and “soft” patronymics. Soft or neutral names go better with a solid patronymic - Olga Eduardovna will most likely have a complex, almost masculine character, and Alexey Mikhailovich may grow up to be overly flexible. Name researchers advise against giving a child the name of a deceased relative. Thus, you seem to allow a repetition of his fate in the life of your child.

Why is numerological analysis of first and middle names necessary?

When choosing a name for your child, remember that by doing so you are creating a “core” future personality. And here numerological testing of the intended name is very useful. The sum of the numerical values ​​of the vowels of a name will tell you what true desires a person will have, which will become the main motivation for his actions. The number of the middle name shows what quality traits your baby received from his ancestors. A full name(first name, patronymic, last name) or Expression Number will determine general direction human life. Taking into account all these factors, you will be able to develop certain abilities of your daughter or son, adjust the upbringing process and balance your character.

What to consider when choosing a name for a boy.

For those parents who stand before choosing a boy's name by patronymic, it is not recommended to dwell on the father's name. Not only is Lev Lvovich or Kirill Kirillovich quite difficult to pronounce when paired with a middle name, such children usually inherit not the most positive traits his dad's character. And also, choosing a male name by patronymic, make sure that at the junction of the name and patronymic there is no accumulation of consonants or vowels (few people can pronounce Mark Dmitrievich without hesitation).

Tips for choosing a name for a girl.

At choosing a girl's name by patronymic It should be remembered that fashionable names that are analogues of male names (Alexandra, Evgeniya) are recommended to be combined with soft middle names (Mikhailovna, Ilyinichna). Otherwise, your daughter may develop a too quarrelsome, firm character. Think carefully if choice female name falls in the name of the child's mother. Even with differences by patronymic, it will be difficult to find mother and daughter with the same names common language. And if you want to give your daughter an “overseas” name, see if it will sound as ridiculous in combination with a middle name as Cleopatra Konstantinovna or Snezhana Ivanovna.

Most modern parents traditionally struggle with the question of how to choose the right name for their child. Until the beginning of the last century, everything was very simple - a boy or girl was named after a saint whose name day fell on the baby’s birthday. It’s also good that in our country the tradition of giving children names in honor of what the father saw first after receiving the news about the birth of a child has not taken root. The main thing is not to forget about the close connection between the first name and the patronymic.

It is necessary to take into account a number of wishes so that the combination turns out not only beautiful, but also harmonious in psychologically. In addition, in the process important choice now other factors are taken into account: season and month of birth, eastern calendar and numerology, even the theory of sounds.

When choosing a name for a child, you need to make sure that it matches his middle name. Not only the consonance of two adjacent words is taken into account, but also other important factors:

  • The optimal result for perception will be obtained by combining long names with short middle names and vice versa. For middle names of medium length, you need to select names of approximately the same size.
  • Don’t forget about the baby’s nationality (in in this case, his father). The combinations Ivan Rashidovich and Olga Makhmudovna sound somewhat clumsy.
  • Psychologists recommend avoiding one common mistake - giving a child the name of his father. The baby, thanks to his patronymic, already receives several special character traits from his ancestor. Repeating sounds will only strengthen all the negative aspects that exist in any name, and there will be nothing to smooth them out.
  • A combination in which the name ends with the letter with which the patronymic begins is not very convenient. It is not difficult to name a boy according to this principle (Andrei Romanovich sounds better than Yegor Romanovich). But choosing a name for a girl whose dad’s name is Alexander or Alexei is not so easy. Although, if you wish, you can find a way out (Victoria, Lyubov, Maria).
  • Paying due attention to the patronymic, it is necessary to form combinations in which there will be no accumulation of only vowel (or consonant) sounds at the end of the first word and the beginning of another. Options like Aglaya Alekseevna and Petr Dmitrievich are not very convenient to pronounce.

Advice: Psychologists do not recommend giving children names in honor of one of the already deceased relatives or even distant ancestors. Such a connection has a significant impact on the life of a boy or girl, some of them even partially repeat the fate of their ancestors.

  • Patronymic, mostly consisting of soft sounds, a hard name is more suitable and vice versa. Olga Igorevna, Pyotr Alekseevich, Eduard Anatolyevich sound neutral and pleasant. Psychologists say that if you name a girl or boy taking into account at this moment, then their character will not be too firm or overly compliant.
  • When thinking about giving a girl a name that belongs to the group of male analogies (Evgenia, Vasilisa), you need to take into account that it will best suit a soft patronymic. The character of such a baby may turn out to be difficult to live with.
  • By analogy with the name for a boy, the baby should not be named after the mother. It will not be easy for women with the same names to get along and find a common language even with different middle names.

If you take the choice of a name for your baby from his patronymic very seriously, you can smooth out many sharp edges that have a significant impact on the formation of his personality.

How to take into account the peculiarities of the baby's birth season?

In general, before naming a baby, it is recommended to consider at least several factors influencing the process of development of human character under the influence of a name. At a minimum, parents should pay attention to at least the season in which the baby was born.

  1. Winter. The severity inherent in the baby from birth should be at least a little softened. A melodious name, consisting of sounds smoothly transforming into each other, will do this perfectly.
  2. Spring. Newborns born in the spring months grow into hardy diplomats, capable of adapting to almost any conditions. The only thing these children lack is fighting qualities. Solid and strong name will give little man self-confidence will add resilience to his character.
  3. Summer. Characteristics“summer” kids – pride, seriousness, perseverance and determination. Their energy charge is quite high level. If you strengthen it a little more with clear and bright name, then such a person simply will not notice obstacles in achieving goals.
  4. Autumn. People who grow up from babies born in the fall become realists who trust only themselves. They have a clear mind and are prone to frugality. There will be nothing wrong if you call such a child a soft name without sharp edges. Then all the personality traits of a growing person will be balanced.

It is clear that taking into account all of the above factors is sometimes problematic, and the task for parents is not an easy one. But there is enough time before the baby is born to choose the appropriate option from hundreds of possible ones.

Combining the eastern calendar and numerology

For those who want to approach the choice of a name for their boy or girl with full responsibility, a combination of data characteristic of a certain year of birth and a name they like, analyzed according to the principles of numerology, will be a good help. For example, parents are expecting a boy who will be born in the year of the Rat, and plan to name him Victor.

The main features of all Rats: attractive appearance, inner strength, ostentatious calm, thirst for profit and a hidden desire for aggressive actions. If you analyze the name Victor according to the rules of numerology, then it will correspond to the number 7. Underneath it lies a penchant for mysticism, science and religion. It is doubtful that the combination of all of these qualities will have a positive effect on the child.

Information on the qualities characteristic of signs eastern horoscope, can be found without problems. With numerology, everything is also not so difficult. You just need to add up all the numbers that correspond to certain letters:

  • 1 – A, I, C, B.
  • 2 – B, J, T, Y.
  • 3 – B, K, U, b.
  • 4 – G, L, F, E.
  • 5 – D, M, X, Yu.
  • 6 – E, N, C, Z.
  • 7 – Yo, O, Ch.
  • 8 – F, P, W.
  • 9 – Z, R, SH.

After all the additions result in only one digit remaining, you need to familiarize yourself with its meaning:

1 – Aggression, determination, exorbitant ambitions.

2 – Caution and inner balance.

3 – Cheerfulness, a penchant for creative talents.

4 – Persistence and strength of character.

5 – A penchant for adventure, a love of adventure.

6 – Loyalty and reliability.

7 – Love for mysticism, religion, science.

8 – Success in business, high chance of material wealth.

9 – Thirst for power, high chance of popularity and wealth.

Psychologists recommend that everyone use this testing method. By the way, you can also check your middle name, last name, combination of first name and patronymic, all three words. If the same number appears several times, its meaning is multiplied.

Features of sound theory

Today, more and more people are paying attention to the impact sounds have on people. What we hear affects different parts of our brain depending on the quality of the sound. And a person most often hears his own name in his life. Maximum Impact this factor influences the formation of personality in childhood. This is why psychologists do not recommend using diminutive names and nicknames for children.

If a boy with a firm and authoritative name Arthur is called “cat” or “gopher” (and even “Artusya”) before the age of 10 or 15, then he will grow up soft, pliable and compliant. Only when those around him begin to use his name according to all the rules will the person’s personality begin to break down, acquiring the necessary traits. According to experts, such changes in perception own name and lead to the “growing up” of a person.

Of course, if a schoolboy Evgeniy has a rather rigid surname (and in schools children most often hear their surname), then at home it is better to call him Zhenya. In this case, all properties will be balanced, and sharp corners will be smoothed out. Anyone who thinks that naming their child is easy is very mistaken. Of course, if parents are not indifferent to the fate of their child.

We select an option according to the month of birth of the baby

Some parents choose to name their children based on their month of birth. Despite the fact that the same characteristics apply to a boy and a girl with this approach, they can influence the formation of personality in a rather specific way.

  • January. These people are distinguished by patience, fortitude, and isolation. If you give them firm names, then positive characteristics will take on a negative connotation. It is better to choose something soft and melodious.
  • February. Here, persistence can turn into persistence and even imbalance, so it is better to choose something neutral and calm that does not enhance the basic qualities.
  • March. These people are vulnerable, including psychologically. They need additional hardness and the easiest way to achieve this is with the help of a name.
  • April. Gives birth to too serious and purposeful people. If you don’t choose a name for such a person that adds a little sensuality to his character, then he will spend his whole life building his career.
  • May. Uncompromisingness begins to appear already in early age, their character is distinguished by firmness and perseverance. If you don’t add a little softness to him, then such a person will be too down-to-earth and indifferent to others.
  • June. These easily wounded and flighty individuals need to add firmness and a sense of the reality of what is happening. Names in this case should be really solid.

  • July. For July babies, choosing a name is the most difficult. It must be simply ideal, neutralizing all the numerous character traits: stubbornness, capriciousness, immunity to criticism.
  • August. Active and unyielding, slightly irritable and suspicious, August babies noticeably soften under the influence of a name without the letters “R” and “T”.
  • September. Willpower, thriftiness and love for others will manifest themselves even more strongly under the influence of firm, but not heavy names.
  • October. If the exaggerated sense of duty is softened with a suitable melodious name, then it will turn into a love for study and the professional field.
  • November. These people do not rely on feelings and are prone to depression. You can smooth out sharp corners with the help of a name, which must contain the letter “L”.
  • December. Born leaders can turn into tyrants if given names that are too powerful. At the same time, you should not choose something very bright, this can lead to hyperactivity and even incontinence.

Choice a suitable name For a child, this is a complex and lengthy, but exciting process. Parents are given the opportunity to independently embed certain character traits into the child’s subconscious, giving him a chance for success, happiness in his personal life and material well-being. The main thing is to remember that everything is good in moderation. If you persistently put pressure on one thing, even the most positive quality, it will definitely turn negative one day.