Who matches whom by name. What names suit each other and are compatible for marriage and love

Taurus according to the horoscope (from the Latin Taurus) - those who were born between April 21 and May 20.

Taurus Element - Earth, and Venus is the ruling planet. This sign differs from all others in that Taurus, like no other, can distance themselves from others and be taller public opinion, but at the same time leave the best impressions about yourself.

Main Features

Positive qualities:

  • Taurus is virtuous. While those around him are “fighting” for a place in the Sun, he lives calmly in his harmonious space, having a peaceful attitude towards everything that happens.
  • Taurus are able to concentrate on one thing and, thanks to this quality, quickly achieve success.
  • Taurus divorces are very rare. Even spiritually, they remain faithful to their partner. All thanks to the planet Venus, which makes girls fall in love without a trace, and Taurus boys in love commit romantic actions: sing serenades under the window, shower your beloved with rose petals, and so on.

Negative qualities:

  • Stubbornness and over-caution are the main shortcomings of Taurus. Because they are afraid to do things without thinking them through, happy opportunities simply pass by.

It’s easy to communicate with them, they will support any conversation, they will penetrate into the problems of others, but they prefer not to let anyone into their souls. They seem to be open and friendly surrounded by mystery. They may carry on the conversation and “not hear” or support your idea. And no matter how hard you try or argue your reasons, you may not even get a simple approving nod from Taurus.

Taurus is not one of those people who can be “read” like an open book. The model of their current behavior is laid in childhood. However, feelings such as fear, pain, joy, happiness lie on the surface. In this, Taurus are open.

They know how to “fence themselves off” from outside world. Do not withdraw into yourself, but simply do not let emotions from the outside inside your consciousness, where a storm of feelings is already boiling. They are able to live as if on autopilot: work, do everyday things, without being distracted by external circumstances. This ability is associated with a subconscious attraction to a harmonious and calm life.

Taurus are sensitive to changes in life, since they force Taurus to leave their usual comfort zone, which they do not like at all. Taurus try to anticipate possible risks in advance and do everything to protect themselves. They don’t rely on the mercy of fate and build their tomorrow’s life today. In their plans, they plan life for many years in advance, and do not like it when someone wants to influence them or delve into their affairs.

The element Earth influences the fact that Taurus likes to engage in material affairs, likes to master material values. Taurus strives for both his home and the things that surround him to be beautiful, even luxurious. He tries to achieve this, sparing no energy. It is not surprising that Taurus have a special passion for money. However, money for them is just a way to get pleasure and nothing more.

They like to dress beautifully. And even if the clothes are not from Couturier, the main thing for them is that they are well made and made from quality materials. Their appearance directly related to mood and well-being. For many years, people have tried to be faithful to one style in clothing. They don't like flashy jewelry, but they love perfumes with a delicate scent.

Taurus is enough patient. Their desire to be in harmony forces them to make concessions and put up with unpleasant situations. Taurus is difficult to get hysterical, but when their patience runs out, they simply slam the door loudly.

They do not like unthought-out actions. They try to look ahead again and again in order to understand what consequences to expect from the step taken. Taurus do not waste words; if they have already promised, then the promise will be fulfilled. They have an excellent memory and an inveterate fear of risks.

Gems of the Zodiac sign Taurus:

  • Turquoise
  • Emerald
  • Chrysoprase
  • Alexandrite
  • Beryl
  • Aventurine

There are a huge number of ways to determine the compatibility of partners in love and marriage. The most common calculations are based on date of birth, astrological horoscope and by name. Many believe that names can have an important influence on the character and destiny of a person.

In order to find out what awaits you next to your soulmate, pay attention to how consonant your names are. You can also calculate compatibility with your loved one in marriage. This will help you understand what exactly you should pay more attention to in a relationship, determine your strengths and weaknesses like couples.

What names are 100% suitable for love and marriage?

There is an opinion that you can recognize your ideal life partner by name. Of course, it cannot be said with absolute certainty that the marriage of men with good name compatibility will definitely be happy. In this situation, much will depend on the nature of the partners, their ability to accept their loved one as he is.

Many psychologists believe that the strongest unions are found in those couples in which the characters and temperaments of people complement each other.

Ideal pairings for female names

  • Anastasia, Zhanna, Arina, Christina and Oksana are very confident women with active life position. Their perfect compatibility will be married to men named Victor, Anton, Kirill, Pavel, Boris and Stepan. Girls like this youth they know what they want from life, they look for support and restraint in their loved one. They do not like excessive emotionality; too obvious expression of feelings will only push them away.
  • Lyubov, Sofia, Valeria, Victoria and Vera are careerists. They almost always put work first, so they rarely enter into serious relationship V early age. They are independent and do not accept sponsorship from their loved one.

    They prefer to have a separate family budget in order to track their income. They want to see equality and equality in marriage. They won’t obey, but they won’t become leaders themselves. They should take a closer look at Roman, Stanislav, Alexey and Artem.

    Karina, Angelica, Kira, Alla, Anfisa and Varvara are calm women, homebodies. Having married a loved one, they become excellent housewives and devote themselves entirely to their family. They approach the choice of a partner very carefully, weighing all the pros and cons for a long time before tying the knot.

    They can create an ideal union with Yakov, Vyacheslav, Dmitry, Arthur and Svyatoslav. In marriage, it is very important for them to see a strong man next to them, next to whom they will feel completely safe.

    For Ulyana, Olesya, Lydia, Larisa and Polina, happiness lies in common interests with a loved one. In marriage, they want to have a like-minded person next to them who will completely understand them. They will never pay attention to a man who is inferior to them in intellectual development.

    These women are distinguished by their patience, but most importantly negative trait Their character is rancor. They are able to turn a blind eye to the minor misdeeds of a loved one, but they do not forgive insults and obvious mistakes. Ideal marriage these representatives of the fair sex will succeed with Timofey, Fedor, Nazar, Bogdan and Daniil.

    Veronica, Diana, Inga, Maya, Nina and Regina are impulsive women accustomed to the constant attention of the opposite sex. They are very sensual, distinguished by their bright appearance and emotionality. These girls are constantly chasing time; 24 hours in a day are not enough for them to do everything they have planned.

    They can only relax next to their loved one, so they choose as their life partner a calm and balanced person who will help them solve any problems. The spouse must show attention and care to them, be a good conversationalist and an attentive listener. Alliances with Yaroslav, Rodion, Plato, Andrei and Leo will be successful.

Also look at this table:

For male names

  • Semyon, Gleb, Anatoly, Ivan, Vadim and Nikita have the strongest marriages with Marina, Maria, Lyudmila, Yulia and Elizaveta. These men are very proud, they choose their life partner for a long time, carefully looking at their behavior and upbringing. In marriage, they will always strive to defend their leading position, so they need a partner with a soft, flexible character who will turn a blind eye to their shortcomings.
  • Yuri, Vladimir, Miron, Konstantin, Mikhail and Alexander will be happy in relationships with Margarita, Tatyana, Yana, Natalya and Olga. The main character traits of these men are restraint and almost angelic patience. When communicating with the woman they love, they are always balanced, and it is very difficult to piss them off.

    They pay attention to impulsive girls who are not shy about expressing their own feelings. They appreciate the unpredictability and physical beauty of representatives of the opposite sex.

  • Vadim, Roman, Egor, Gennady and Andrey should pay attention to women with the names Yulia, Alina, Ekaterina, Evgenia and Galina. Such men are very sociable and cheerful. They value their own freedom and are reluctant to tie the knot.

    They choose a partner for a long time, constantly comparing her with other women, trying to find their ideal, which they keep in their head from a young age. They want to see in their beloved beautiful woman who will remain a child at heart. They look for spontaneity and an active life position in girls.

  • For Nikolai, Stanislav, Igor, Oleg and Valery, Victoria, Nadezhda, Valentina, Anna, Ksenia and Anastasia will be a wonderful marriage match. Men with such names are very willful, in relationships with their partners they emphasize their own independence, and rarely share their emotions. They rarely compromise, so their spouses require unlimited patience.

    For them, a woman is the personification of warmth, kindness and thriftiness. Coming home after a hard day at work, they want their beloved to meet them at the door, hug them, kiss them, and feed them a delicious dinner. In gratitude, they will idolize and pamper their beloved, they will be able to move mountains to see the smile on her face.

    Leonid, Denis, Evgeny, Alexey, Maxim and Ilya will find their happiness in union with Lyudmila, Daria, Irina, Evgenia and Svetlana. These men with hard life principles, have a difficult stubborn character. When communicating with a loved one, they are often harsh and impulsive, which drives her to hysterics.

    They need a flint woman who will not pay attention to their explosive emotions and words spoken in the heat of the moment. They want to see a reasonable, intelligent girl in their spouse. They choose a soul mate who will become an ally and partner for them, who will support and respect his opinion in everything.

What is perfect compatibility?

We form a certain opinion about a person when we first pronounce his name.. For example, the owner of the name Gregory, due to the rolling letter “R”, may seem to us a confident and even aggressive person.

The name Konstantin, by its sound, speaks of firm willpower and the habit of standing one’s ground. Alexander combines leadership qualities, as indicated by the first letter of the alphabet at the beginning of the name, and the habit of getting his own way, as evidenced by the sonorous ending.

Each letter and sound is perceived by a person in a special way. Some we like more by ear, even if we have not yet seen their owners. Our brain, processing information received through the ears, makes certain associations with what we like and what may be unpleasant.

If you want to find out the most accurate result of compatibility with a partner, then also pay attention to his last name and patronymic. Often they are able not only to enhance the qualities of a person’s personality, defined by his name, but also to reduce them or completely change them.

  • By its sound, the owner of the name Sergey can build strong, stable relationships with Tatyana, Victoria or Maria. A woman named Arina would also be a suitable match. In such a union there will be not only love, but also a strong friendship. Partners will have a good sense of each other’s mood and desires, providing support to their loved one whenever necessary.
  • For Andrey, Natalya, Anna, Elizaveta and Marina can become wonderful chosen ones. In such couples, lovers will take care of each other’s interests and put their loved one above their own. The relationship will be filled with bright, stormy emotions, since each partner will begin to believe that he is the one who knows how best to act in a given situation.
  • At Alexander's good compatibility in love with Anna, Elena and Olga. People who enter into such unions will complement each other, like two halves of one whole. Often the partners in them have similar energy potential, and therefore are able to feed the life balance of a loved one, like a battery. People with such names have one of the most favorable compatibility.
  • For a man named Dmitry, suitable matches would be Svetlana, Ekaterina, Oksana and Sofia. But an alliance with Angela or Anastasia is not so successful. It will connect people strong passion, but as such there will be no deep feelings between the partners.
  • The owner of the name Tatyana has good name compatibility with Miron, Sergey, Konstantin and Mark. In a relationship with Maxim, the girl will face frequent conflicts due to misunderstandings, and with Vladimir or Anton you should keep your eyes open, since there is a high probability of your loved one’s infidelity.
  • Lyudmilas are often attracted to Roman, Oleg, Victor and Denis. It is important for them to have common interests with their partner, to feel that they are on the same wavelength. Girls with this name are used to trusting the opinion of their significant other, love to make plans for a future together, and become wonderful parents.
  • A woman named Maria is very romantic, has a light and even airy character. Gleb, Andrey or Ilya are perfect for her. Men with such names are more down-to-earth and will balance their head-in-the-clouds lover. Such unions are strongest if partners enter into them in adulthood.
  • Elizabeth should turn her attention to Ivan, Vladimir, Maxim and Victor. Such men have a subtle sense of humor, and this is exactly what Elizabeth looks for in a loved one in the first place. Over time, the relationship in a couple only becomes stronger, the partners begin to completely trust each other, confidence comes in tomorrow and a feeling of happiness and calm.

For example, as a result of adding the numbers of your name, you get the number 19, and your partner’s name – 34. Let’s convert them to single digits as follows: 1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 1; 3+4 = 7. This means that the number of your name is 1, the number of your partner’s name is 7.

IN in this case we are talking about numbers of names. There are special tables in which you can see which number corresponds to each letter of your name and the name of your partner. The principle of working with such a table is very simple: you write out full names people whose compatibility you want to know, then, using the numbers from the table, calculate the number of each name, adding the digits of the resulting number to a single digit. Next, find in the interpretation of the table an explanation of the compatibility of the resulting pair of numbers.

Letter meanings

For example, Anatoly is Anna and Tolik, Ruslan is Ruslan and Lana, Vasily is Vasya and Liya. An excellent option is considered when a couple has the same names: Alexander and Alexandra, Evgeniy and Evgeniya, Valentin and Valentina.

Not only numbers have their meaning, but also names. It is believed that each of them is charged with a certain energy and affects the character and. A letter appearing several times in a name enhances the traits it carries with its vibration.

There are also interpretations for this method that reveal the meanings of each of the letters. After analyzing them, you can get an idea of ​​what kind of relationship to expect with a person. There are no strict boundaries in this method; you need to understand that good relationships are possible not only when views and character traits, and therefore letters, coincide, but also when there are complementary traits, which manifests itself precisely when the letter composition of names is different.

Name compatibility

This method is based on the logic of the previous one in that the more partners have identical or consonant syllables in their names, the more harmonious their relationship will be and the longer it will last. life together. Especially good sign It is considered when a man's name contains a woman's name.

Zodiac name compatibility

Also, when determining which names are suitable for each other, you can turn to astrology. After all, the zodiac sign under which a person was born also gives him certain character traits. A name can reduce the negative traits inherent in a particular sign, or, conversely, have a negative impact on a person, preventing him from developing. positive aspects. Thanks to the name, some features may begin to emerge most clearly, while others, on the contrary, may soften and fade. Therefore, analysis of zodiac and personal characteristics together can reveal a lot of information about both you and your partner.

All people sooner or later experience the wonderful and amazing feeling of falling in love. It makes the heart beat faster and clouds the mind, forces you to do crazy things and constantly surprise the object of your adoration. Each of us is familiar with all this. And when a couple in love decides to take such an important step as marriage, many wonder whether they are suitable for each other. To understand this, some turn to astrology and numerology for help. Compatibility of names in marriage and love will tell you how good the lovers will be together.

I wonder what famous philosopher from Australia, Otto Weininger described the following pattern in his book: a certain type of man is attracted to a certain type of woman. In his opinion, “the disagreement usually arises over whether a given woman is a sexual complement to a particular man or not, and vice versa.”

So, young man girls named Ivan were most often interested in girls named Evgeniya. And if you consider that all names influence the character of their owners, then it is not surprising that the guy was unconsciously attracted to girls only with this name. In order to somehow change the situation, the psychologist suggested that Ivan radically change his life and circle of acquaintances. After listening, the young man signed up for sports club and soon met the charming Natalya, with whom they began a stormy and dizzying romance. Ivan and Natalya are happy together to this day.

There is also a point of view that the most compatible people are those whose names have the most similar sounds, for example: Victor and Victoria, Alexander and Alexandra, Evgeniy and Evgeniya, and so on. If your couple has a combination of names, then you are very lucky! Well, if for some reason your names are incompatible, then don’t worry. Maybe mutual concessions and the ability to find a compromise will help you create a strong alliance. It is also possible that with a person whose name does not suit you at all, you found a great common language. There are also such exceptions to the rules.

Characteristics of male names and compatibility

The name endows a person with certain qualities, which in one way or another manifest themselves when communicating with the opposite sex. Below are the most common male names, their characteristics and compatibility with female names in love and marriage.

Friendship is one of those categories without which life seems incomplete and unattractive, because a true friend always shares the passions of a friend, shares opinions and advice, helps in difficult situations and shares moments of happiness. Without friendship, you feel some kind of emptiness, so everyone has the desire to make friends. But not everyone can find a common language and become It depends on the individual person.

A person’s individuality is made up of his character, and character is determined by many factors: upbringing, education, zodiac sign, and also name. Each name carries a certain set of qualities that influence a person’s character. Some features may be smoothed out, while others, on the contrary, may become aggravated. Therefore, friendship should be built on affection, but the name does not play a role in this matter. last role.

To determine which names are suitable for each other, it is worth turning to the origins of numerology. Each name can be translated into numbers that leave their mark on human nature. It is based on numerological calculations that you can take a closer look inside yourself, learn about the key ones and also get acquainted with which names are suitable for each other.

To do this, it is worth building a table in which the numbers from 1 to 9 will be in the header, and the letters of the alphabet will be written below in order (е and й are also included in this table. So, in the first line there will be letters from A to Z inclusive, in the second - from I to P, in the third - from C to Ш, in the fourth - from B to Z (the last line only reaches column “6”).

1 - compromise;

2 - harmony;

3 - speed;

4 - cooperation;

5 - explosive package;

6 - calm;

7 - habit;

8 - equality;

2 - struggle;

3 - balance;

4 - fear;

5 - emotions;

6 - eternity;

7 - friendship;

8 - pleasure;

9 - two poles.

3 - independence;

4 - honesty;

6 - forever;

7 - mismatch;

9 - tailwind.

4 - conservatism;

5 - understanding;

6 - silence;

7 - regularity;

8 - power;

9 - attraction.

5 - triumph;

6 - blossoming;

7 - not similar;

8 - ambitions;

6 - thing in itself;

7 - one piece;

8 - reality;

9 - evidence.

8 - on the verge;

9 - clouds.

8 - attention!;

9 - business.

This is the distribution of pairs of numbers according to numerological laws, but you can easily choose which names suit each other.

For example, names suitable friend friend, Ivan and Victor, Evgeniy and Oleg, Anna and Tatyana, Svetlana and Elina and many others. Numerology is an ancient science that translates everything into numbers that can sort even complex human character into pieces.

True, it is worth taking into account that relationships with friends are a complex parameter that cannot be categorically summed up by numbers, because in addition to the name, many other factors influence relationships with others, so it is impossible to say with absolute certainty which names are suitable for each other. It is necessary to say whether people are suitable for each other and what they do in order to be called friends.

After all, names can be completely contrasting, but the most tender and sincere feelings, as well as devotion and understanding, can bring two people together and allow them to support each other throughout their lives. difficult situation and share happy moments, be witnesses at a wedding and godparents of children, just play poker on weekends and relax in a tent city. The main thing is that they are true friends, and proudly bear this honorary title in their hearts, and confirmation by mathematical and numerological formulas and laws is of no use to them.