Chaliapin's Grotto, Twin Rocks and Red Stone: the main attractions of Gurzuf. White rocks of Adalary

On the southern coast of Crimea there are incredibly many amazing places created by the imagination of nature itself. Adalara Rocks- is no exception. They are located near Gurzuf, directly opposite the famous Artek and Bear Mountain, and are two islands standing side by side, located in the middle of the sea at a distance of about 250 meters from the edge of the coast.

What is remarkable about Adalary

Adalary is called twin rocks, although they are different in height, shape and diameter. No, from a distance they look alike, but this is not the reason why the islands became twins. If you approach them from the sea at a certain distance, the rocks suddenly merge for a while and turn into one whole. Their complete connection lasts for several minutes, and then the Adalar move apart again. The emergence of such a strange illusion is not entirely clear, because the distance between the rocks is almost 40 meters, and their contours seem to be impossible to completely coincide. But they coincide.

The depth of the sea at the foot of the cliffs reaches 38 meters. Once they were connected to the land by a high isthmus, but then it went under water, the islands separated from the shore, and now they rise surrounded by the sea, like two fairy-tale castles. In the summer, a huge number of divers go to them, exploring the bottom near the rocks. You can find a lot of interesting things there, because Adalar does not have such a poor history.

The unusual history of the Adalars in Gurzuf

Adalara Rocks- one of the pearls of Crimea, and, of course, like other pearls of the peninsula, they must have their own legend. This is where the history of these islands begins. A long time ago, on Bear Mountain there was a castle in which two princes lived. They were twin brothers raised by an old wizard. After the brothers grew up, he left the castle, leaving them gifts as an inheritance. One of them was a rod, the other was the wings of a large bird. The rod gave its owner the opportunity to move apart the depths of the sea, and his wings to soar in the blue skies. Gifts were in no way to be used for evil.

However, there are many temptations in the world. The brothers were inflamed with love for two sisters from another city, attacked him and captured the beauties. But the girls rejected their love and remained cold and unapproachable. And then the princes decided to win their hearts not with nobility and daring, but with the help of magic. First, one of the brothers put the girls on a horse, took his wings and rushed upward, but then an old wizard appeared and reminded that gifts were not intended for such purposes. The prince had to go down to earth. The second brother became stubborn, did not listen to the good advice of the teacher, put the girls in the chariot, waved his staff and rushed with them into the parted abyss. And then the wizard could not stand it and turned both disobedient people into two rocks. Now they are called Adalar.

This is such a moral tale. Well, in reality Gurzufe Adalary in ancient times they were a stopover for ships, which in storms were sometimes smashed to pieces on the rocks. At the bottom around the islands, divers still find fragments of ancient ships, fragments of medieval ceramics, and even miraculously surviving antique amphorae. There are rumors that treasures from sunken ships remain at the foot of Adalar, but so far they have not been confirmed by anything.

At the very beginning of the twentieth century, on one of the islands, the local elite opened an exotic restaurant with seafood cuisine, which was caught directly in the presence of the visitors who ordered them. Guests were taken to the restaurant by boat, but since there were many people who wanted to get there, in the end it was decided to extend a cable car to Adalaram from the Jenvez-Kaya rock. A tunnel was even cut for her in Jenvez Caye, but then the First World War began, and the road never appeared. The wonderful establishment itself existed until 1927, and then was destroyed by the earthquake that happened in Crimea. There is a suspicion that its interior remained intact, but the entrance to them was blocked by a massive fragment of rock.

Today the Twin Islands are a protected natural monument, favored by a huge number of birds. At the base of the moss-covered rocks, a variety of fish swim, and crabs and sea mollusks hide in their crevices. Near Adalary there is Gurzuf Beach, from which you can take a boat, boat or pedal boat to get there in a matter of minutes.

Gurzuf attracts the attention of tourists not only with architectural monuments, but also with natural attractions. Known to everyone - the symbol of Crimea, the twin islets of Adalary, and the famous 70-meter peak of Dzhenevez-Kaya, a pyramidal rock, rising opposite them. It, like the Chaliapin and Pushkin cliffs, is a limestone outlier of Main Greda.

Genoese rock or fortification

Translated from Crimean Tatar, the name of the peak sounds like “Genoa Rock”. Initially, the defensive structure was erected by the Byzantine emperor Justinian around the 6th-8th centuries. In those days, a village was adjacent to the rock, and the bastion, consisting of a citadel and a fortification belt, controlled the Gurzuf Bay and the Gurzuf Saddle pass.

The citadel was the main site in the defensive structure system. From the northeast it was covered by a rock, with the preserved remains of a hanging staircase. The walls of a fortification ring were located around the citadel.

Next to the gate, located between the citadel and the protective belt, the main tower of the fortress was located for living and storing food reserves. There was also a two-story building for the military guard. Under the Genoese, the thickness of the protective walls increased, and cannon embrasures were built.

Genevez Kaya: facts and description

On the southwestern side, at the foot of the cliff, on a small cape, nestled a one-story house, the owner of which was A.P. Chekhov.

Another Crimean landmark is located on the other side - the Pushkin Rotunda. From it there is a descent to the sea, through the created grotto.

The famous rocks located opposite are also involved in the history of Genevez Caye. These rocky outcrops were connected to the shore by an isthmus. Over time, its clay-stone structure was destroyed and in the century before last the sun and sea ​​water finally ended its existence.

The small restaurant “Venice”, built on rocky islands, turned out to be cut off from the shore. The owner of the drinking establishment, Praskovya Tikunova, is planning to build a cable car to connect the Genoese Rock with Adalary. To do this, they began to cut a tunnel in it. The First World War interfered with the plans, and the project was not implemented. Now the length of the tunnel is about 30 meters, a person can walk through it freely at full height. From the sea side it reaches a height of 40 meters. If you walk along it, you will find yourself on a small platform from which Mount Ayu-Dag and Cape Martyan are clearly visible.

These days

Tunnel in the rock of Genevez-Kaya

Time and destructive wars All that was left of the fortress were practically ruins. What remains of the defensive structures has been partially restored. Restoration work was carried out in the second half of the 20th century using material preserved from the previous structure. The length of the erected walls was 40 meters, and their thickness reaches almost 4 meters, the height above the base of the Jenevez-kai outpost reaches approximately 6 meters. The outlines of the central defensive tower, a rectangular dungeon, and several loopholes have been slightly preserved. During the restoration, metal arrowheads, animal bones, fragments of vessels, and parts of branded tiles were found. The finds show traces of fires.

In the first years of the 20th century, the “Genoese Fortress” dacha was located on the southwestern slope. Subsequently purchased by the owner of “Suuk-su” Solovyova at the beginning of the 20th century. With the establishment of Soviet power, the center of the first pioneers of Gurzuf was located at the dacha.

In 1975, the Skalnaya hotel complex was built on the rock. Now Dzhenevez-kaya is located in the possession of “Kiparisny”.

Contents of the article:

Sights of Gurzuf (Crimea)

On the southern coast of Crimea (famous not only for its first-class natural conditions, but also for its rich historical heritage in the form of architectural monuments, etc.) is located the small resort of Gurzuf, the attractions of which are characterized primarily by the absence of “mothballs.” Their inspection requires active actions in the form of sailing on yachts, diving and mountain climbing.

Architectural and cultural heritage monuments

Tourists wondering what to see in Gurzuf should first of all visit the architectural heritage of the resort. Among them we can highlight the Suuk-Su Palace, the construction of which dates back to 1898. During the Second World War, the palace was significantly destroyed by fire, but was later restored. Currently, on the territory of the palace there is a library, as well as museums of the history of Artek and astronautics named after. Yuri Gagarin.

Palace ‘Suuk-Su’ – Photo 01 Dacha A.P. Chekhov - Photo 02

Dacha A.P. Chekhov

There are other architectural sights of Gurzuf where visitors simply need to go - these are Dacha A.P. Chekhov. It was purchased by the writer from the Tatars in 1900 in order to find a quiet place for solitary, fruitful work. And it was there that Chekhov created his “Three Sisters”.

House of Richelieu

Gurzuf is also open to tourists, the architectural attractions of which represent the place of residence and active creativity famous artists. Among such buildings are “ House of Richelieu", built back in 1811 by the local governor-general, which subsequently underwent changes more than once. The building is notable for the fact that in 1820 it was the residence of A.S. for several weeks. Pushkin, invited there by N.N. Raevsky after the poet was exiled from St. Petersburg for free behavior.

Currently, the “House of Richelieu” includes the Pushkin Museum, and is a landmark of Gurzuf, where all culturally oriented visitors are recommended to go.

House of Richelieu – Photo 03
House of Richelieu – Photo 03 Dacha ‘Salambo’ – Photo 04

Other architectural monuments include the Salambo dacha, which previously belonged to the famous Russian artist K.A. Korovin, and now representing the house of creativity named after this cultural figure.

Natural heritage of the resort

Pushkin Grotto

Gurzuf is known throughout the world for its natural attractions. Among them - Pushkin Grotto, located on Cape Suuk-Su. The grotto and the adjacent rock are named after the famous Russian poet, since the latter often went hiking in the mountains and sailing by boat in those places during his short stay in Gurzuf.

Genoa rock

Also, every tourist should know what to see in Gurzuf - this Genoa rock. It is located at the entrance to the bay of the same name and rises 70 meters, while being somewhat distant from the main Ridge. From the top of the cliff it almost opens full review to the coastal part of the resort. The rock owes its name to the fortress of the same name, located on it in the 14th-15th centuries. It is noteworthy that at the base of the Genoese rock there is a small bay called Chekhovskaya, which is a popular place for scuba diving.

Pushkin Grotto – Photo 05
Pushkin Grotto – Photo 05 Genoese rock – Photo 06
Gurzuf Park – Photo 07

Richelieu Natural Park

Other attractions of Gurzuf, where every tourist is recommended to go, include local park, representing the embodiment of gardening art, which has been given the status of a monument. Founded back in 1803 by the Duke of Richelieu, the park is a 12-hectare concentration of more than a hundred species of ornamental shrubs and trees, as well as monuments, sculptures and fountains. Moreover, some architectural elements date back to the time the complex was founded, others were created later. Among them are busts famous people who visited Gurzuf, the sights of which have always attracted figures of art and science.


Adalary(or as they are also called, the twin rocks) are the calling card of the resort, which is a must see in Gurzuf for every tourist, especially those who are fond of old legends full of romance. According to legend, the rocks located 400 meters from the shore are two twin brothers, endowed with magical power, subsequently turned to stone for violating the conditions for receiving the gift. Currently, they are a habitat for birds, as well as a place for extreme excursions.

Gurzuf park, sculptures – Photo 08 Adalary – Photo 09
Rock ‘Red Stone’ – Photo 10

Lake near the village of Krasnokamenka

Other attractions of Gurzuf are also widely known, where it is preferable to go in search of picturesque natural views, unity with nature and tranquility. This - lake located near the village of Krasnokamenka and the adjoining rock called "Red Rock". The rock was listed as a natural geological monument back in 1969, as its basis is marble-like limestone of a pinkish-yellow hue. And for those who do not yet know what to see in Gurzuf, it is simply necessary to visit this natural phenomenon. It is also worth visiting picturesque lake, fed by underground springs, and located at the rear of the rock.

Gazebo of the winds

However, not only by viewing the monuments described above and natural phenomena When people come to Gurzuf, the attractions located in the mountainous area are located some distance from the residential part of the resort village and are also able to interest tourists. These include " Gazebo of the winds", built on the Shagan-Kaya rock at an altitude of 1400 meters. The construction of the gazebo dates back to 1956. The gazebo got its name because of the mosaic laid out on the floor in the shape of a compass rose.

Roman-Kosh – Photo 12

Mountain peak "Roman-Kosh"

Fans of extreme excursions often wonder what else can surprise Gurzuf, whose sights are widely known to the public. Mountain peak named "Roman-Kosh" is the highest on the Crimean Peninsula, and is now officially included in the area of ​​the Crimean Nature Reserve.

Ridge "Basman"

No less famous mountain ridge "Basman" also attracts tourists with an extreme climb to its peak. It is famous for being located near the highest points of the Crimean mountain range - Kemal Egerek, Demir Kapu and Roman Kosh.
Demir-Kapu – Photo 14

Fans of multi-day hikes should not lose sight of the Kermen tourist camp, which belongs to the Verkhorechenskoye forestry. The area of ​​the tourist site is delineated by natural boundaries, and on its territory (entrance to which is paid) tourists can find spring water and firewood.

No matter what Gurzuf is like, this small urban-type Crimean resort village will offer every tourist attractions according to his preferences and habits.

The “House of Richelieu” was built in 1811 by the then Governor-General, was remodeled more than once and now looks completely different than before. In this house in 1820 A.S. Pushkin lived three “happiest weeks” in the family of General N.N. Raevsky. Now in the “House of Richelieu” there is a museum of A.S. Pushkin - department of the Yalta Historical and Literary Museum. The rock above the sea and the grotto in it are named after the poet.

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1783, the lands in the Gurzuf region passed into the imperial treasury. IN early XIX V. they were granted to Duke Armand Emmanuel de Richelieu (1766-1822), one of the founders of Odessa, who was then governor-general of the Novorossiysk region. Duke Richelieu built a house in Gurzuf. It was a stone two-story building and at that time, and the house was built in the period from 1808 to 1811, it was the most monumental in size and capital building in the European style on the southern coast of Crimea. Richelieu himself was in Gurzuf only twice - in 1808, when the building was laid, and in 1811, when the construction was completed. So Richelieu practically did not live in this house, but he willingly provided his Gurzuf estate for acquaintances visiting Crimea at that time. This Richelieu house, with minor alterations, has survived to this day. It is located on the territory of the park of the Pushkino sanatorium, about 100 m from the sea, in the Gurzuf park-monument of landscape art.

Located in the sanatorium named after. Pushkin

St. Embankment, 3, tel. 36-38-76, 36-38-86.

Opening hours from 10.00 to 17.00, closed Monday, Tuesday.

On a cape jutting out into the sea there is a small one-story white house. Here A.P. Chekhov sometimes spent his holidays.

To Yalta A.P. Chekhov moved to permanent residence on the advice of doctors in 1898. A year later, in the village of Verkhnyaya Outka, on the outskirts of the city, he built a house and planted trees around it. At the “Belaya Dacha”, as they called it local residents Chekhov's house, many prominent figures of literature and art visited Anton Pavlovich. Despite his serious illness, here he wrote plays " Cherry Orchard", "Three Sisters", the story "In the Ravine", several short stories.

In 1921, the Chekhov house was declared a museum, and the writer’s sister Maria Pavlovna Chekhova, who lived with him constantly, was appointed lifelong keeper of the house. She managed to preserve the priceless heritage of A.P. Chekhov and during the fascist occupation.

In 1966, a building for a literary exhibition was erected next to the Chekhov estate. In the funds of the house-museum, numbering more than 13 thousand items, there are autographs of the writer, lifetime publications his works.

Chekhov st., 22

Opening hours: Open from April to November. Closed: Monday, Tuesday.

Outstanding Russian painter K.A. Korovin for many years worked in Gurzuf. In 1910-1912 he built the Salambo dacha-workshop according to his own design.

The geometrically clear volumes of the building testified to the onset of constructivism in architecture. This dacha was visited by many cultural and artistic figures even before the revolution.

In 1910, on the site where there used to be a tavern, K.A. Korovin built a two-story villa. Also in 1910 Bolshoi Theater A ballet was staged by A.F. Rent "Salambo" by novel of the same name Gustav Flaubert. The scenery for the play was made by K.A. Korovin. This work fascinated the artist so much that he also named his Gurzuf dacha “Salambo”.

Korovin during 1910-1917. lived for a long time at the Salambo dacha in Gurzuf. Here the artist worked a lot and fruitfully. He painted “Portrait of F.I. Chaliapin" (1911), "Gurzuf in the evening" (1912), "Pier in Gurzuf" (1912), "Gurzuf" (1915), "Flower market in Gurzuf" (1917), " Gurzuf" (1917). I.E. visited the Salambo dacha. Repin, R.I. Surikov, A.M. Gorky, A.I. Kuprin, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, F.I. Shyalyapin.

IN Soviet era the dacha was used as a recreation center. Since 1947, it has become the House of Creativity of the Art Fund. Artists and creative intelligentsia work and relax here. Very often on the old streets of Gurzuf you can see people with easels. On the end facade of the Salambo dacha building (Chekhova St., 1) in 1961 a bronze memorial plaque with a relief portrait of K.A. Korovin (sculptor S. Morgachev). Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin was buried in 1939 in France, where he emigrated in 1923.

International Children's Center "Artek"

The history of Artek is connected with the name of Dr. V.N. Dmitriev, thanks to whom Yalta became resort town. To the husband of his daughter Olga, the owner of the estate in the Artek tract S.I. Metalnikov came up with the idea of ​​creating a sanatorium camp for children.

Translated from Greek, “orteki” means “quail”. Sergei Ivanovich Metalnikov, a biologist, professor at St. Petersburg and then Tauride University, did not accept the revolution and emigrated to France, where he headed the Pasteur Institute in Paris. He continued to be interested in the fate of his estate and developed a project for a sanatorium, which was established in Artek. Metalnikov's house has still been preserved; now it houses circles and local history museum with an excellent zoological exhibition. Next to the house, on a hillock, there was the Platform of the Seven Wise Men. It was so called because it was surrounded by seven huge stones, on which were written the names of philosophers - friends of Sergei Ivanovich. Nearby is the Metalnikov family crypt.

The founder of the Artek children's camp in Soviet times was Z.P. Solovyov, Deputy People's Commissar of Health of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Central Committee Russian society Red Cross. On June 16, 1925, the first Artek line took place. Today, the Artek International Children's Center is located on an area of ​​208 hectares, of which 60 hectares are parks, 42 hectares are beaches, and the length of the coastline is 7.5 km.

The main camps of Artek: Morskoy, Lazurny, Mountain (includes three camps Almazny, Khrustalny, Yantarny), Kiparisny, Pribrezhny (camps Lesnoy, Polevoy, Rechnoy, Ozerny). Artek has a school with 1,270 seats, a Sports Palace, an indoor swimming pool with sea water, an Olympic-standard stadium with 7,200 seats, 5 outdoor swimming pools, a children's naval flotilla, two tourist centers in the mountains - Dubrava and Krinichka, an architectural monument, a center national culture“Libsch”, Artek History Museum, space exhibition, naval history exhibition, local history exhibition, television, photo and film studios, Artek Humanitarian Institute. On the territory of the Kiparisny camp there is a national significance.

Translated it means " colder water" On the left bank of a rapid mountain stream there is an architectural monument of the early 20th century. Suuk-Su Palace. In 1897, the married couple, the famous railway bridge engineer V.I. Berezin and O.M. Solovyov - purchased a plot of land in the Suuk-Su area in the hope of establishing a profitable resort here. Three years later, Berezin died, leaving his wife a substantial fortune and an almost completed resort project. In 1900, four hotels and a building were built in Suuk-Su dust. The design and construction of the casino was carried out by architect N.P. Krasnov. This was his first construction of a palace nature, and its success became the reason that it was Krasnov who was entrusted with the construction of the royal Livadia Palace.

The building with large halls, living rooms, verandas and terraces was richly decorated inside and out. Its painting was done by the artist V.I. Surikov. There was a restaurant at the Casino; the building was considered a decoration of the resort, a real miracle of the Russian Riviera.

At the All-Russian Hygienic Exhibition in 1913, the resort was awarded the Big Gold Medal, and at the exhibition in Odessa it received a silver medal. Shalyapin (to whom O.M. Solovyova ceded part of the estate - Pushkin Rock), Surikov, Scriabin, Artsibashev, Korovin, Emir of Bukhara, ministers Sukhomlinov, Kokovtsev, Prince Imeretinsky rested in Suuk-Su. In 1914, Emperor Nicholas II visited the resort. After October Revolution Suuk-Su was nationalized, but continued to be a vacation spot for the elite. In 1936 it was transferred to Artek. Now the Suuk-Su Palace is located on the territory of the Lazurny camp, in the very center of a beautiful park.

Suuk-Su Park

It is located on the southern slopes of Bald Hill in the Khazar tract. Its diverse flora includes more than 300 species of trees and shrubs. The first owner of the tract was a retired colonel Russian army A. Abdurakhmanchik. From him the lands became the property of one of the offspring of the Crimean khans, A.I. Sultan-Crimea-Girey. On these lands former owners They grew fruit trees and grapes. At the beginning of the 20th century. the Suuk-Su resort arose here, and Olga Vladimirovna Solovyova, wife of V.I. Berezina, did everything possible to turn the territory of her park into a green treasure. To give the park an “aristocratic” look, she hired experienced gardener E.Y. Liba, who worked for a long time on the estates of General M.N. Raevsky in Partenit and Karasan. The park combines landscape and regular styles. The central architectural point of the park is the Suuk-Su Palace. Part of the park adjacent to the main one architectural structure, designed in the style of Italian terraced gardens. Retaining walls, grottoes, stepped passages, and balustrades framed by lush vegetation abound here. The park is crossed by three highways with numerous branches. Paths and passages intertwine in the eastern part of the park near the Suuk-Su Palace. A very beautiful narrow staircase of 68 steps is made in Italian style.

The official name is the Lazurny camp park; it has the status of a park-monument of landscape gardening art of local importance.

Watchtower (“Tower of Giray”)

The ancient watchtower is located in the upper part of Cape Suuk-Su, on the territory of the Artek children's camp.

It existed already in the 6th century, when the legionnaires of the Byzantine emperor Justinian came here. Sometimes it is called the “Tower of Giray” (one of the pre-revolutionary owners of these lands) or the “Eagle’s Nest” (the round tower hangs on the edge of a cliff, which really resembles a nest). There is an observation deck at the top, which offers a picturesque view of Ayu-Dag, Adalary and Chaliapin's rock (according to legend, the singer bought it for a symbolic price - one ruble, and all the surrounding fishermen gathered to listen to his singing from this rock). Nearby there is a monument to A. Pushkin. At the base of this rock is the famous Pushkin Grotto.

Gurzuf Park is a landscape park on a seaside cliff in the territory of Gurzuf. Monument to landscape art. Founded in 1803, almost 10 years earlier than the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

The area of ​​the park is 12 hectares. More than 110 species and decorative forms of trees and shrubs are concentrated on its territory. The park contains both local (small-fruited strawberry, Crimean pine, blunt-leaved pistachio, tall juniper, butcher's broom, Crimean cistus) and foreign species (evergreen pyramidal cypress, giant sequoiadendron, grandiflora magnolia, Lebanese cedar, Himalayan cedar, Atlas cedar, olive European, Lawson cypress).

The park practices artistic cutting of plants - topiary.

The park contains sculptures and fountains, among which the composition of the “Night” fountain and the “Rachel” fountain, created in late XIX century. The famous sculptures “Girl with a Jug”, “Bather”, “Deer at a Watering Place”, “Mother Bathing Children”, “Young Pushkin” are famous. Also in the park there are busts of Lesya Ukrainka, Adam Mickiewicz, Pushkin, Chekhov, Chaliapin, Gorky, Mayakovsky.

The “Night” fountain is a copy of the sculpture of the German car: Professor Berger - the most beautiful in the park. The motifs of ancient mythology give the fountain a fabulous uniqueness. The master depicted the universe as a ball with a zodiac belt, dominated by the goddess of the night Nyukta with a torch raised above her head. Her companions are the god of sleep Hypnos and the god of love Eros, below are the Atlanteans and caryatids. Jets of water shoot out from the open mouths of the fish.

Cypress Park-Monument of Landscape Art of National Significance

The park is located on the territory of one of the camps of the Artek International Children's Center. The park area is 9 hectares, founded at the beginning of the 20th century.

A landscaped park dominated by the Genoese rock with the remains of an ancient fortress. The main alley is densely lined with cypress trees. The park contains about 180 species and decorative forms of plants, but most of all, as the name of the park indicates, there is pyramidal cypress. In addition to this species, the park contains horizontal cypresses, Guadalupian cypress, large-fruited cypress, Himalayan cypress, Macnaba cypress, as well as Italian pine, Montezuma, fan-leaved palm, common myrtle, swamp cedar, and Japanese medlar.

The park-monument of gardening art of the Ai-Danil sanatorium is located in the coastal area of ​​the eastern outskirts of Cape Martyan. Founded in the 20th century. on the site of a natural sub-Mediterranean forest.

The flora of the park includes more than 200 species and cultural forms, 17 of these species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. In 1998, Ai-Danil Park was declared a monument of garden art of local importance.

One of the attractions of Gurzuf is the Adalary rocks, which are located in the sea 300 m from the shore and resemble miniature Gothic castles. “Adalary” is translated from Turkic as “islands”.

Their height is 35 and 48 meters. The Adalara rocks are two islands with a diameter of 20-30 m. The distance between them is about 40 m. The strait between the rocks and the shore is about 200 m.

Previously, bridges connected the islands to the land, but waves destroyed these natural bridges. Now only their remains, covered with algae, are visible under water. The formation of Adalar, like the Genoese rock and other limestone massifs of the South Coast, is associated with the destruction of the yayla. Such massifs arose during colossal collapses and separations from the steeply rising Main Ridge, which occurred from time to time during earthquakes. Some blocks still lie near the cliffs, others have slid to the coast, and others have even moved out to sea.   Since 1964, the rocks have been declared a natural monument.

The rocks are a place of pilgrimage for both underwater and ordinary tourists. The steep slopes of the rocks are covered with various algae, and around them you can find a lot of fish. Flounder lives at the bottom. Since ancient times, the area of ​​these rocks has been used for the mooring of ships, so there is a high probability of finding fragments of ceramics, anchors and fragments of ships and cargo. At a short distance from the rocks (up to 100 meters), at a depth of about 40 meters, fragments of clay products from the 12th to 16th centuries are regularly found on the sandy bottom.

Adalary is a protected natural monument. At the beginning of the 19th century, a restaurant was equipped on one of the islands, and there were also plans to build a cable car from the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock to Adalary.

Gurzuf Fortress (Genoese Fortress)

The ruins of a medieval seaside fortress on the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock, dominating a small bay.

The first Byzantine fortification was built in the VI-VIII centuries. Emperor Justinian. The fortress consisted of a small citadel and an outer defensive belt that protected part of the settlement adjacent to the rock. A water tank was discovered on the upper platform of the fortification; there was a small church here. Controlled Gurzuf Bay, where they could moor sea ​​vessels, as well as the important Gurzuf Saddle pass. After the Khazar invasion of the VIII-X centuries. was restored as the residence of local feudal lords, and in the 14th century. passed into the hands of the Genoese. In 1475, when Crimea was captured by the Ottoman Turks, the fortress was completely destroyed and was never rebuilt. In the 18th century The ruins were studied and described by academician P. Pallas. K ser. XX century Only the remains of a defensive wall with a gate, the foundations of a Byzantine basilica, a rectangular tower and residential buildings from the 14th-15th centuries have survived, as well as an impressive tunnel cut into the rock to observe the sea. Now the ruins are located on the territory of Artek, next to the Skalnaya hotel.


The castle of the 13th-11th centuries was located 0.5 km east of the village. Krasnokamenka (Kizil-Tash). Translated as "Greek rock".

Gelin-Kaya is a giant block of limestone that broke off from the plateau, an outlier rock. On three sides the rock is limited by vertical cliffs up to 70 m, the platform on the rock is 125x50 m, it can only be accessed from the north side. The top of the rock is divided into two parts by a fault. The fortress is small, its remains have survived to this day. There was a small church in the southern part of the rock. Archaeologists here find ceramics from the Greco-Byzantine era, 1st-10th centuries.


Fortified settlement of the 10th-13th centuries. is located 3.5 km northeast of the village. Krasnokamenka. For the construction of the fortress, a hill was chosen, surrounded on all sides by cliffs. Now there is a tpona, which was once a wheeled road. On the surface of the rock, 155x90 m, the ruins of 12 buildings are visible.

Red stone

The limestone outlier mountain is also known as Gelin-Kaya.

Located in the Gurzuf amphitheater.

Natural monument since 1969

Gurzuf saddle

This is the highest pass in Crimea. The ancient Romanovskoye Highway passes through it. There was a pagan temple here, which served for a pastoral cult and operated for thousands of years, from the Stone Age to the late Middle Ages. With the advent of Christianity in Crimea, at the Gurzuf Saddle pass at the end of the 7th century. the temple was built. In the VI-X centuries. and in the X-XIII centuries. Two more temples were built here. In the 15th century the temple was destroyed and sacred place was marked with a menhir.

Here, things were found that were used in sacrificial rites: bracelets, pins, coins, figurines, spears, buckles - about five thousand items in total. Now they are kept in the Yalta Historical and Archaeological Museum.

Gurzuf yayla

Located between Nikitskaya Yaila and Babugan Yaila. It has a length of about 3 km, a width from 500 m to 1 km. The most noticeable place on the Yaila is the Gazebo of the Winds, which is visible from the South Coast Highway. The maximum height of the yayla is 1540 m.

Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain)

Since 1974 it has been a state botanical reserve of republican significance. Mount Ayu-Dag, or Bear Mountain, covers an area of ​​527 hectares and rises 577 m above sea level. The mountain protrudes into the sea for more than two kilometers and ends with capes Monastyrsky, Akustani and Mussert.

The first explorers of Crimea believed that Ayu-Dag and the similar dome-shaped mountains of the Southern Coast, consisting of igneous rocks, were ancient volcanoes. At the end of the last century, the famous Russian geologist A.E. Lagorio expressed the idea that Bear Mountain and similar massifs of igneous rocks are laccoliths, i.e. mushroom-shaped bodies formed as a result of the slow penetration of magma between horizontal layers with the lifting of the upper layers. Recent studies have shown that the space occupied by the igneous rocks of the dome-shaped mountains of the South Coast was “conquered” not by the quiet introduction of magma, but by the very active mechanical action of the melt, which pushed aside the surrounding sedimentary rocks (sandstones and compacted clays).

On the rocky slopes of Ayu-Dag you can see outcrops of grayish-green gabbro-diabase. This is a durable and beautiful stone, especially impressive after polishing. The stands on Red Square in Moscow are made from it, the Moscow Canal and the first stations of the Moscow Metro are lined with it. The introduction of magma, thanks to which the Bear Mountain massif was formed, occurred in the Middle Jurassic period geological history. The absolute age of gabbro-diabases is 161 million years.

Ayu-Dag is called one of the natural mineralogical museums of the South Coast. In the depths of Ayu-Dag, up to 40 minerals out of 200 found in Crimea have been discovered and studied. These are crystals of golden pyrite, needles of black tourmaline, green epidon and prehnite, black hornblende, rare vesuvian, lomonite and others. Not long ago, a dense purple amethyst was discovered in the coastal cliffs of the massif. Only the “geological Mecca” of scientists, Karadag, can compete with Bear Mountain in terms of mineral wealth. The vegetation of Ayu-Dag is very interesting and unique. 580 plant species have been identified here, of which 60 species are listed in the Red Book. The top of the mountain is densely covered oak forest: the largest population of centuries-old sessile oak trees in Crimea is concentrated here, of which there are about 200 individuals. The age of the trees is 500-800 years, the trunk diameter of such old-timers reaches 100-150 cm. Wild species of orchids, snowdrops, and gladioli grow under their canopy. In the lower part of the mountain, closer to the Bear's head, there is a large population of small-fruited strawberries - individuals. In deep crevices among the rocks there are single specimens of 700-year-old pistachio angularifolia. And at the very “nose” is the only habitat of Crimean meat cabbage in Crimea.

Ayu-Dag has been a famous place since ancient times. At the beginning of our era, the ancient geographer Strabo mentions Ayu-Dag under the name Kriumetopon, which means “Ram’s forehead”. But to many travelers, the mountain looked like a huge bear leaning towards the sea and drinking water. Ayu-Dag is also an interesting historical and archaeological monument. The remains of medieval structures of a large fortified settlement have been preserved here. The entire mountain is surrounded by three protective fortress walls. According to scientists, settlements here appeared no earlier than the 8th century. and were abandoned in the 15th century. People were forced to move to the steep mountain during the bloody times of the Middle Ages. Remains of a medieval settlement were found on Mount Ayu-Dag. In the clearing of Ai-Konstant (St. Constantine), located on a wide, gentle saddle of the eastern slope of Ayu-Dag, traces of these settlements can still be seen. To the north of the Ai-Konstant clearing there was a defensive wall made of untreated rubble stone on clay. It reached a height of 3 m with a width of 2.5-2.8 m and served as a reliable barrier on the way to the settlement. To the south and below the Ai-Konstant clearing, on a natural terrace above the seashore, there are the remains of residential buildings and a larger building, according to scientists, a temple. The latest date for the existence of a settlement on Ayu-Dag is determined by the 15th century. According to some sources, the earthquake of 1468, after which the sources of fresh water on Ayu-Dag disappeared, was the reason that people left the mountain. Others attribute their departure to the Turkish invasion in 1475. One way or another, people left the mountain forever.

1000 year old sessile oak

It grows on the top of Ayu-Dag, in the southern part of the grove of ancient oaks. The trunk circumference is 420 cm, diameter 134 cm, height 19 m. The central trunk has a length of 2.5 m, then two huge side trunks with a diameter of 30 and 60 cm extend from it. The diameter of the crown is 8 m. The entire trunk is covered with moss and lichens. It grows in a dense, tall forest of sessile oak, common ash, and Stephen maple.

The village of Gurzuf, which closes Greater Yalta on the east, boasts several natural attractions that have long attracted the attention of the vacationing public. Among them, one of the symbols of not only the town, but the entire Crimea, as well as the beautiful Adalary, amazing rocky islands. Directly opposite the latter, a noticeable remnant rises - the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock, the 70-meter pyramid of which flaunts in almost every Gurzuf photograph.

Where is the rock located in Gurzuf?

The attraction is located near the coastline of the resort village. Nearby, a little to the north, is the Assumption Church. Walking along the coast to the southwest, you will come out to.

Genevez-Kaya on the map of Crimea

The rock that became a fortress

In a geological sense, the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock in Gurzuf is a limestone remnant, a piece of the Main Ridge, which in the old days, millions of years ago, broke away from the mountain range and began to slowly slide down to the sea along the clayey sedimentary “bed.” There are many such “traveling mountains” on the Crimean coast.

The name was given to it by local residents, the Tatars, it means “Genoese Rock”. The thing is that before the Tatar population arrived here, on a high tall ledge there was a Genoese fortress called “Gurzuvits”, which the Ottomans destroyed. Excavations have shown that the Italians were not the first owners of the fort; they only improved the Byzantine fortification built before them. There is also historical information that the Byzantines built a bastion here around the 6th century.

It is quite possible that some kind of fortification was here even before the Byzantine one! Most likely, it was Greek. All this becomes clear if you visit the steep slopes of the Genevez Kaya rock. From here you have a magnificent view of the nearby cozy bays and ancient roads going through the passes to the north, through the mountains, into the steppe regions. Whoever controlled education could block traffic along these routes.

Now the remains of the fortification are not at all impressive, they are of interest only to specialists, especially since a snow-white one was erected in its place, successfully blending into the natural topography.

Genevez-Kaya: description and interesting information

It has already been mentioned that the Dzhenevez-Kaya rock is located literally opposite the famous ones. Once these remnants were connected to the coast by a narrow clayey-rocky isthmus, but it constantly decreased in size under the influence of sea ​​waves, until it finally collapsed at the end of the century before last. By this time, they managed to build a small restaurant on them, which turned out to be cut off from the shore. The owner of the establishment, Praskovya Tikunova, decided to connect it with the remnant by cable car, for which they began to cut a tunnel in the rocks.

But the First World War broke out, the project was abandoned, and now the tunnel, two meters in diameter and about 30 m long, attracts only the attention of tourists. Having passed through it, you can go out to an observation deck, from where you can see the heavily lying Ayu-Dag, beautiful in the west, and the entire Gurzuf Valley. The waters of a small but cozy bay, now called Chekhovskaya, splash along the western slope. An outstanding writer bought a small house on its banks. This happened in the last year of the 19th century, he lived here recent years life.

And on the eastern slope there is also a place associated with an outstanding figure of Russian literature, this time Pushkin. It is known that he stayed for quite a long time, about three weeks, and went on an excursion to the Genevez-Kaya rock. At that time, parts of the fortress walls were still preserved here, which the poet described in his travel notes. According to some reports, he then went down to eastern outskirts and rested in the rotunda, preserved to this day. However, now it is no longer possible to verify the authenticity of those events.

The shores of the bay are not extensive, but there are always a lot of vacationers, especially divers. They dive, fueled by rumors that a Genoese merchant ship supposedly sank not far from the shore. But if you are not into scuba diving, you can simply dive from the rocks of the bay. There is a beautiful, rocky bottom topography, and boulders covered with algae play in the sun, shimmering with turquoise shades.

How to get to the rock?

Getting to Jenevez-Kaya from the center of Gurzuf is not difficult, since the distance is about 700 m:

Note to tourists

  • Address: street, Leningradskaya, urban-type settlement Gurzuf, Big Yalta, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44°32′33″N (44.542588), 34°17′2″E (34.283892).

The Dzhenevez-Kaya rock now belongs not to the territory of Gurzuf itself, but to the Cypress camp; as a result, excursions here are often difficult. However, if you want to see a unique monument of nature, then no obstacles can stop you! At the end, watch a short video about this attraction.