I watched the anime "" about a month ago. And to be honest, she squeaked like a little girl. Review: Anime Black Butler Full review of the anime Black Butler

Greetings to all readers of my review. Another Japanese anime series, “Black Butler,” aroused great interest among viewers and gained popularity.

Events take place in England. Main character- a young 12-year-old count named Ciel Phantomhive, nicknamed “the queen’s chain dog.”

It is around him that the whole plot revolves. He lost his parents and from them he inherited the family estate and the Phantom company. His behavior is that of a mature person.

I’ll say right away that I don’t like films and cartoons of this kind, when the topic of demons and otherworldly forces is touched upon. Just this anime is built on this dark theme what attracts Lately modern society.

Demon Servant Sebastian Michaelis and there is the one dark character a butler who is ready to carry out any order of his master. He is actually a demon who must protect him from death because a deal was once made with him. If you imagine, this is a very unpleasant image theoretically. But the director managed to bring it to life on screen very beautifully and attractively.

In addition to the two main characters, Ciel and Sebastian, the series also contains many coming and going characters, which are very diverse (Ciel's bride, Ciel's aunt, undertaker, reaper, Grell. angel),

The plot is banal and standard. Many filmmakers have already raised this topic many times, but they filmed with their own interpretation.

This anime made an unpleasant impression on me purely thematically, although it is fascinating and has a certain attractiveness. magical power. Everything is built on intrigue and secrets. I don't want to discuss quality and camera work. But I think the chosen topic is unfortunate and not so harmless. It’s better not to joke about such things and touch on them, all this has an impact on our emotional state and carries Negative consequences for the soul. But everyone has their own opinion. Although the series is based on a deep philosophical meaning.

The word "butler" appears in the title of every episode. It is worth paying tribute to the musical design of this series. Tastefully selected classical works which I love very much.

In terms of acting, all the images are very colorful and unique. The director's style in drawing images seemed gothic to me.

Anime fans will be delighted, but not me. And this should not be watched by small children.

Thank you all for your attention to my review.

Video review


Original title: Kuro Shitsuji / 黒執事
English title: Dark Butler / Black Butler
Russian title: Black Butler / Devil's Butler
Country: Japan
Broadcast: from 10/03/2008 to 03/27/2009
Genre: comedy, mystery
Category: TV
Number of episodes: 24
Duration: 25 min.
Director: Shinohara Toshiya
Based on the manga: Kuroshitsuji
Original author: Toboso Yana

The story begins in Victorian era London, on the estate of one of the noble families - Phantomhive. The family's devoted butler, Sebastian Michaels, has excellent manners, masters martial arts and mysterious demonic powers. Always ready to serve his master, the twelfth head of the Phantomhive family, Ciel.


The main character of the shounen is Sebastian - a butler and a demon rolled into one.
From the first minutes of the series, they show how Ciel Phantomhive entered into a Contract with him, in exchange for whose soul, Sebastian will carry out any of his orders. Really anyone! Sebastian is actually a VERY extraordinary person! He can catch a bullet on the fly, can run faster than cars, can survive being riddled with bullets and much more! He is a very multifaceted personality, arrogant, imperturbable, cold-blooded, but there is always a sarcastic twinkle in his eyes. He never lies and speaks the truth even if his Master doesn’t like it. He can joke with an absolutely icy expression over Ciel or with the same icy face do a dirty trick on someone. But he can also be extremely terrifying (a demon after all) with Ciel’s enemies and knows all the desires of the young Master in advance. Sebastian also does absolutely everything around the house, depriving both the gardener and the chef of work - a cook and a maid. Sebastian’s whole day is scheduled minute by minute, but he also manages to clean the house until it shines

and even bake all kinds of sweets, the sight of which we enjoy throughout the series** But most importantly, Sebastian always comes to the aid of Ciel wherever he is. Human life is nothing for him *once he killed about 100 people at a time, depriving Italy of the entire mafia*. And after every AMAZING deed of his, he says **I'm just the Butler of the Phantomhive family**

Sebastian's master is Ciel Phantomhive.
A boy of about 13 years old, he lost both his parents in childhood when his house was set on fire. The Phantomhives family has long specialized in making children's toys and sweets. This is a very ancient noble family. And like all noble families, there are many skeletons in the closets. On his birthday, he put a stamp biological father and forever deprived him of access to heaven. After that, he never smiles. Ciel’s profession is solving various mysterious cases. He is the queen’s watchdog and is proud of it. The main goal is revenge for the murder of his parents.

Ciel is engaged to Lady Elizabeth, which contrasts very much with him. She is TOO joyful and kind**Her main goal is to see Ciel smile.

Also participating in the shounen are Finny's four servants. gardener * monstrously strong, Sebastian called him strength, there is no need for intelligence * Bard the chef * everything always burns for him and his culinary arts demands (dismissal)... uh, work * Meilin is an extremely clumsy servant * constantly dropped everything, smashed and broke, madly in love with Sebastian * Tanaka-san, manager of the Phantomhive corporation until Ciel came of age * only does what he drinks tea and laughs languidly, maybe becomes real for only 3 minutes a day*
In general, with such a set of servants, Sebastian does everything for them, and they can only dream of work.

Their rather large estate is protected by the small hellish dog Pluto, who can breathe fire but only in moments

excitement turns into a person.

Episode titles:
01. His Butler, Talented
02. His Butler, Strongest
03. His Butler, Omnipotent
04. His Butler, Capricious
05. His Butler, Encountered
06. His Butler, in a Funeral Procession
07. His Butler, Strolling
08. His Butler, Tamer
09. His Butler, in an Illusion
10. His Butler, on Ice
11. His Butler, Whatever
12. His Butler, Lonely
13. His Butler, House Guest
14. His Butler, Well-known
15. His Butler, Competes
16. His Butler, Alone
17. His Butler, Offers
18. His Butler, Transfers
19. His Butler, Jailed
20. His Butler, Escapes
21. His Butler, Hires
22. His Butler, Cancels
23. His Butler, Admires
24. His Butler, Swift

Good day to all! I suggest reading another review of a rather dark anime, despite many bright colors and moments. And “Black Butler” will show us all the secrets of 19th-century England. In the anime the sea awaits us interesting stories, adventures, and comedy skits. However.. first you read the review, and then I give you the go-ahead to watch the anime. >;3

☺ A little about the plot ☻

The plot of the anime begins quite simply: once upon a time there was a little lord with a dark past behind him named Ciel. He is the head of the Phantomhigh house as well as a company producing toys and all kinds of sweets, which he inherited from his parents after their death.
The young master also had all sorts of rabble under his command: the extremely clumsy maid Meiling, who, no matter what she picked up, ended up on the floor; a strange gardener, constantly hovering in the clouds and with a strange power - Finnian; and the no less destructive chef Bordroy, whose dish is not an explosion. And also the mysterious tea master Tanaka, who is either a normal grandfather or... strange old man with a constant cup of tea, wherever he is? o.O Hmm.. in general, in order to keep his difficult business in hand, as well as serve Queen Victoria, Ciel needs a Butler. The one and only butler of the Phantomhigh House, Sebastian Michaelis.
The soul of the young count and the devilishly charming butler is connected to him by a terrible contract, which mere mortals simply cannot destroy, and To higher powers, I think, too... And this whole strange company is investigating no less strange incidents, although sometimes in reality it turns out to be nothing special.
And the closer Ciel is to solving the death of his parents, the more the comedy turns into drama, the more clearly the characters who have their own in this plot are revealed. special role in this tragedy carefully orchestrated by a mysterious but charming Puppeteer. However, the last episodes will seem rather drawn out and boring to us, nevertheless, it is at the end of the episodes that the whole philosophy of this world and the relationship between the young lord and his butler are revealed. And as many claim about the tendency to yaoi, here, as such, there was no such thing at all. This is completely different...

❋A little about drawing❋
Here, as in "Bandits", the art is rather gloomy, despite the fact that in "The Butler" there are more comedic moments. No, here, of course, there are also light frames, but, surprisingly, they do not strain the eyes with their colors, but on the contrary, they even soothe. The rest of the details are well drawn, which alone architectural structures and the landscapes are worth it! *-* The characters turned out to be quite colorful and extraordinary, not similar to each other, as sometimes happens. Although, at first glance, when you look at it, it’s not such an unusual drawing, but you can’t take your eyes off it, because it’s very catchy.

Ciel Phantomhife - young earl of the Phantomhife family. When he was little, his parents were killed, and the boy himself was captured by some sect, but somehow managed to conclude a contract and escape. From his parents, the guy inherited the estate and the Phantom company, which specializes in the production of toys and various sweets: his direct responsibilities also include carrying out various instructions from Queen Victoria, which are clearly not for children's eyes. At the same time, the young lord is looking for the murderers who took the lives of his parents in order to take revenge on them. On his right eye he has a pentagram - a symbol of the contract with Sebastian, to which he has long been accustomed. He is the fiancé of Elizabeth Middleford.

Sebastian Michaelis - He is Ciel's butler and bodyguard. Does his job well. And, of course, he is a demon who previously made a contract with the young count, and ultimately hopes to get the boy's soul. On his hand you can see a symbol (pentagram) - this is a symbol of the contract with the little lord. And in human form, Sebastian looks like a tall, dark-haired young man who wears a dark robe (tailcoat) and always looks impeccable. He loves cats very much, but hates dogs, because the latter are loyal and do everything they are told to do.

◊ Watch AMV◊
♬A little about sound♬
To be honest, I didn't really like the voice acting. I don’t remember, of course, who voices him (she also voiced “Don’t Give Up!”), but her voice is quite high for this anime. In some dramatic moments he doesn’t fit in at all, except perhaps in comedic ones, just look for something else. There is also one problem - there are no subtitles for fans of the original. But in any case, you can be patient, but over time you get used to it. Although if someone watches it in a better voice acting, then, of course, you immediately abandon it.. /*at least that’s what happened to me >.

X_Polus1 _x_Polus2 _x_Polus3 _x_Polus4 _x_Polus5 _x_Polus6 _x_Polus7

Comments left: 6


#6 Saxarok 14.06.2016 20:21

I'm screaming with happiness.
Just noticed this review :D
How could I have missed it? But I can say with confidence that the review was made with five stars! I watched this anime twice and rewatched all the seasons, it’s a good detective story and I like anime about ancient London, although there are very few of them. And Sebastian is cute, although I like Grell better.
Good review, thank you for such a beautiful review, I think I'll watch the anime again: D


#5 Hiroko 04.04.2016 17:16

Yeah, here it is, this is a great anime!

A friend often argues with me that Black Butler is not such a famous anime and does not want to watch it, but I also say that it is already a kind of classic. Personally, I am satisfied with this anime in all respects! Art, characters, plot, colors, stories , absolutely everything! For everyone who doubts whether to watch it or not, the answer is clear: WATCH!


#4 Baka_Usagi 08.03.2016 19:50

Wonderful review. It's hard to imagine anime fans who have never encountered Black Butler. This is already a kind of classic))
As for the art, I wouldn't say it's particularly dark. In my opinion it is colorful. The phrase "don't look away" is exactly what describes the character design.
But as for the plot, in my opinion, the manga is better. Well, the last arc, “The Book of Circus,” came out excellent. In the first and second seasons, unlike the above, Sebastian and Ciel are somewhat emotionless. In the manga there are so many small skirmishes between them. Sebastian teases - Ciel gets angry. In general, this was not enough for me in the anime. But, I hope, starting with the Circus arc, they will begin to film the manga^^

Good day, Dear friends. Tanya is in touch with you. How are you? Ready for a new review?

Then I present to your attention a review of the manga Black Butler.



Enjoy watching: smile_cat:


The young Count Ciel, the head of the Phantomhive clan, lives, it would seem, ordinary life high-society teenager: homeschooling, in luxury mansion in the middle of a fog-shrouded estate, social receptions, balls, management of the country's largest toy factory. But no, not everything is so simple and familiar: in the service of Ciel Phantomhive is the butler Sebastian Michaelis, who has truly inhuman abilities.

But against the general background of a comedic mystical shonen, as if by chance, serious questions slip through. Why is Sebastian so devoted to Ciel? What connects them besides hiring? What terrible secrets does Count Phantomhive's past hold? Who is Michaelis really? Secret. One thing can be said with confidence - it is not without reason that he says about himself: “I am a devilishly good butler.”


:rice_ball: Some data:rice_ball:



▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀█

➣ Status - ❶ - Ongoing


➣ Genres - ❷ - Historical, Detective, Comedy, Mysticism, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Shonen, Thriller, Drama, Action


➣ Volumes - ❸ - 27


➣ Chapters - ❹ - 130

█▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄



:rice: Plot:rice:

In a rich castle lost in the English province lives the Phantomhive family, which has established itself as the queen's watchdogs, as well as the head of underground London. After tragic death Count and his wife, many were shocked that their son, a boy named Ciel, took the place of the Count, master of the Phantomhive house. At first, many considered him just a child, surrounded by a couple of strange servants. But they soon realized that it was stupid to interfere with the new head of the house and his demonic butler Sebastian.

The two will face the many secrets and dangers that plague London and threaten the queen, while also learning what really happened to Ciel's parents. Yes, and not only that. How much is hidden behind the fog, closed from prying eyes? dark side London?



:dango: Characters:dango:



:candy: Ciel Phantomhife:candy:



▞▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔▚

I'm not doing this in the name of the Phantomhive family. I do this of my own free will! I want those who betrayed the Phantomhive family... to experience... the same humiliation and pain that I did. Checkmate.

▚▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁▞

He is the current head of the Phantomhive family and the owner of the Phantom Corporation. In inner circles and the underworld, he is infamously known as the "Queen's Watchdog." Ciel is an arrogant and cunning thirteen year old boy. Being a count, he is quite strict, proud of himself and accustomed to a luxurious life. For all his severity, he loves entertainment. Take care of your loved ones, especially Elizabeth.

:stars: Sabasyan Michaelis:stars:



▞▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔▚

I'm no hero. I'm just a damn good butler.

▚▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁▞

The demon butler of the Phantomhive family home. Sebastian is Ciel Phantomhive's devoted butler, holding a strong sense of duty to his master and his family. He faithfully follows him and carries out Ciel's every order, while ensuring that everything runs smoothly in the Phantomhive household. One of interesting features is that he never sleeps, and also that he answers “Yes, my lord” to every order.

Despite all his love for cats, he is a callous and heartless sadist.

:rainbow: Elizabeth Midford:rainbow:



▞▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔▚

I am the daughter of the leader of the knights of Britain. Marquis Alexis Leon Midford. Elizabeth! Consort of the Queen's Watchdog!

▚▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁▞

Bride of Ciel Phantomhive. Elizabeth is strong-willed and cheerful girl. She loves cute things and tries to make everything around her “cute.” When someone disagrees with her, she often becomes hysterical. Doesn't take no for an answer and often imposes his preferences on others. She spent a lot of time with Ciel as a child, values ​​him very much and wants to become his wife.

:leaves: Lau:leaves:



▞▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔▚

Why did you betray me?!

I'm your pawn. The connection between us is beneficial. But you know, Count, being your pawn is a little tiring... That's why I wanted to play too. This will be a game for life.

▚▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁▞

Chinese nobleman, member of the Shanghai Mafia and head of the British branch of the Kun Lun trading company.

Lau is an easy-going and carefree person. He almost always smiles. He always goes with different girls or with his “weapon” Lan-Mao. Has a slight tendency towards violence, just a little.

:bug: Undertaker:bug:



▞▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔▚

The Reaper takes the soul from the body according to the list, and life ends. From day to day. Quietly... dispassionately. I did this for a very long time, until one day I thought... What would happen if the end had a continuation?

▚▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁ ▁▞

Reaper and Director funeral home, who works with the British underworld. He often acts as an informant for the Phantomhive family, whom he has known for a very long time. He enjoys scaring people and acts scary just to see how people will react, but he can be very calm and composed when talking about death and the quirks of life. He enjoys his job as a cemetery director. very secretive. Sometimes he gives useful information in exchange for funny jokes.

:ramen: My opinion:ramen:



:page_facing_up: Drawing:page_facing_up:

Speaking about the drawing, I can’t talk about the negative aspects; in my opinion, there are none. The drawing is pleasing to the eye, does not stand out too much and does not detract from the reading experience. Nothing to complain about.

:bookmark_tabs: Plot:bookmark_tabs:

The plot is difficult to describe in a nutshell, but that’s what makes it interesting. Mixing genres such as detective, comedy, mystery, action, drama seems like a time bomb and, in principle, a bad idea, but this does not in any way affect the essence of the events and even embellishes them. The arcs are never boring and always original, and what's most interesting is that they reference real events. Throughout the entire reading process, the plot never seemed boring or far-fetched; everything follows from somewhere, nothing appears out of nowhere.

:clapper: Characters:clapper:

I’ll say right away, Sebastian or just Seba is my love and nothing will change that!



So, the characters are well thought out. Everyone's stories correspond to the drama genre, so you can't do without sad girls (Psst... But don't forget about the comedy!). Everyone has their own skeleton in their closet, and it would not be interesting if this skeleton were not associated with mysticism. The author managed to come up with situations that were convenient for revealing the characters, in which they interact with each other and are shown from different sides, with all their guts, so to speak. Characters different, lively, bright and do not leave you bored on the sidelines. Yes, there are cliche characters, but they are introduced to maintain balance or just for the sake of comedy.

🧀So, my verdict🧀

◥▛▀▀▀▀▀▜ ■ ▛▀▀▀▀▀▜◤

Drawing - 10/10

Plot - 10/10

Characters - 10/10


My rating is 100/10

◢▙▄▄▄▄▄▟ ■ ▙▄▄▄▄▄▟◣

That's all. Let me leave you with this

finish the review.

Thank you for your attention

and yes, Shoba will come with you:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Hello everyone, this is Akira)

Main plot of the anime:

The action revolves around a twelve-year-old boy named Ciel Phantomhive. Since he was left without parents and was severely bullied, he was forced to enter into a contract with one of the demons named Sebastian, but in return the demon, after fulfilling the contract, had to eat his soul. Despite all the torment that Ciel endured, his heart did not become insensitive, and he himself is still sweet and kind to others. After fulfilling the contract, Ciel was ready to give his soul to the demons, but fate played a cruel joke and the demon did not manage to taste his soul.

My opinion:

The anime is very good. The art is top notch, the appearance of the characters is very well drawn. The character's image corresponded to his character. The costumes were very realistic. Even lace fabrics were depicted. The idea of ​​the authors to divide the plot and stories of the anime into seasons was not at all bad. But personally, I would like it if the plot of the second season was in the third. After all, this season acts as a conclusion, so the additional story of the third season becomes not very interesting to watch. There are scenes here where the imagination of yaoi fans can run wild. But there are no obscene shots in the anime. The anime is very funny. There are many moments where you laugh so hard that your stomach starts to hurt. After watching this anime, I had good impressions. After all, the moments are distributed in a very organized manner. There are appropriate moments and intervals between situations so that you can laugh, cry, look at the screen with horror in your eyes, and curse the bandits with relief. The first season made me worry because of its ending - the death (as it later turned out to be fake) of one of the main characters. The second season made me cry, feeling sorry for Sebastian. It was so heavy in my soul that I couldn’t hold back my tears. And I was sad at the thought that the servants would be left alone. Well, the third season was a little disappointing, as I mentioned above, I personally did not like the plot of the third and second seasons. But in principle it is no worse than the first two. It’s true that I didn’t have any feelings when the circus performers died. I probably didn’t even feel sorry for them. Although it's sad to realize that they lived like this hard life. In a word, great anime. I advise you to look! A variety of voice acting on the site is provided. The drawing lives up to expectations. The plot is intriguing. Delicious chocolate everyone)