The largest military operations of the Second World War. History of the Second World War

The Second World War is a military conflict on a planetary scale between Germany and its allies on the one hand and the USSR, Great Britain, France, the USA and their allies on the other. The war unfolded from 1939 to 1945 and ended with the defeat of Germany and its allies.

Major operations and battles of World War II.

War on the Atlantic Ocean

The Atlantic operation began on the first day of the war and continued until D-Day. During this operation the Nazi submarines attacked the ships of the USSR and Britain, disrupting the supply of food and weapons.

The Allied forces won at the cost of the lives of 50 thousand soldiers - approximately the same losses were suffered by the Navy of the Third Reich.

Battle of Britain

The War of Brotherhood is the largest air battle in history, which ended in the victory of the Royal British Navy over the air army of the Third Reich.

The defeat of Germany over the English Channel was one of the reasons for the failure of Hitler's plan to eliminate enemies on Western Front, after which all forces had to be transferred to the war against the USSR.

During the battle, the forces of the Third Reich lost about 3 thousand aircraft, while the British lost approximately 1.8 thousand aircraft.
It should be noted that the Nazi planes were not only more numerous, but also much newer - Britain was saved only by the courage and dedication of the pilots.

Battle for Moscow

During this operation, Wehrmacht forces attempted to take the capital of the USSR, Moscow. The operation began in September and was a failure. After several attacks by the Germans, the USSR forces regrouped and launched a massive counterattack, which ended in victory for the latter in April 1942, which was one of the reasons for the defeat of the Reich on the Eastern Front.

Battle of Stalingrad

The whole world is aware of this battle, because it became the largest of all land battles in the history of mankind. The battle began with the offensive of the Wehrmacht forces towards Stalingrad and ended with the victory of the USSR.

During the battle, the opponents lost more than 1 million soldiers, as a result of which Battle of Stalingrad became the bloodiest battle in history. During this battle, Germany lost as many as five armies and practically exhausted its attacking potential.

Battle of Kursk

In 1943, the German leadership made a new attempt to seize the initiative on the Eastern Front, attacking Soviet positions on the so-called Kursk Bulge. The attack was successfully repelled by the Red Army, followed by a large-scale counterattack along the entire front, which ended in a decisive but bloody victory for the USSR.

Germany's defeat in the Battle of Kursk was decisive battle on the Eastern Front, from which the Wehrmacht forces were never able to recover.

Opening of the Second Front or Allied landing in Normandy

On June 6, 1944, the forces of the United States, the Fraternity and their allies began landing on the shores of Normandy (Northern France) - this day went down in the chronicles as “D-Day”. The Allied landings continued until July 24. During this landing operation, both sides lost approximately 200 thousand soldiers.

Ardennes operation

This operation is considered to be the last attempt by the Wehrmacht forces to turn the tide of the war on the Western Front. In January 1944, the Wehrmacht armies launched a surprise attack against the Allied forces in Belgium, but it ended in failure on January 28 of the same year. After this defeat, Germany's position became hopeless.

Battle of Berlin

On April 16, the battle that led to Germany's surrender began - the Battle of Berlin. Soviet troops began an assault on the capital of the Reich. The battle ended with the complete victory of the USSR forces and the elimination of Germany from the game, leaving Japan alone against the United States.

Second world war, Great Patriotic War. It was the most brutal and bloody war in human history.

During this massacre, more than 60 million citizens of the most different countries peace. Historian scientists have calculated that every military month on the heads of military and civilians On both sides of the front, an average of 27 thousand tons of bombs and shells fell!

Let's remember today, on Victory Day, the 10 most formidable battles of World War II.


It was the largest air battle in history. The Germans' goal was to gain air superiority over the British Royal Air Force in order to invade the British Isles without opposition. The battle was fought exclusively by combat aircraft of the opposing sides. Germany lost 3,000 of its pilots, England - 1,800 pilots. Over 20,000 British civilians were killed. Germany's defeat in this battle is considered one of the decisive moments in World War II - it did not allow the elimination of the USSR's Western allies, which subsequently led to the opening of a second front.


The longest long battle of World War II. During naval battles, German submarines attempted to sink Soviet and British supply ships and warships. The allies responded in kind. Special significance Everyone understood this battle - on the one hand, Western weapons and equipment were supplied to the Soviet Union by sea, on the other hand, Britain was supplied with everything necessary mainly by sea - the British needed up to a million tons of all kinds of materials and food in order to survive and continue the fight. The cost of the victory of the members of the anti-Hitler coalition in the Atlantic was enormous and terrible - about 50,000 of its sailors died, and the same number of German sailors lost their lives.


This battle began after German troops, at the end of World War II, made a desperate (and, as history shows, last) attempt to turn the tide of hostilities in their favor, organizing an offensive operation against Anglo-American troops in the mountainous and wooded areas of Belgium under the code called Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein (Watch on the Rhine). Despite all the experience of British and American strategists, the massive German attack took the Allies by surprise. However, the offensive ultimately failed. Germany lost more than 100 thousand of its soldiers and officers killed in this operation, and the Anglo-American allies lost about 20 thousand military personnel killed.


Marshal Zhukov wrote in his memoirs: “When people ask me what I remember most from last war, I always answer: the battle for Moscow.” Hitler considered the capture of Moscow, the capital of the USSR and the largest Soviet city, as one of the main military and political goals of Operation Barbarossa. In German and Western military history it is known as "Operation Typhoon". This battle is divided into two periods: defensive (September 30 - December 4, 1941) and offensive, which consists of 2 stages: counteroffensive (December 5-6, 1941 - January 7-8, 1942) and the general offensive of Soviet troops (January 7-10 - April 20, 1942). The losses of the USSR were 926.2 thousand people, the losses of Germany were 581 thousand people.



This battle, which became part of Operation Overlord, marked the beginning of the deployment of the Anglo-American strategic grouping allied forces in Normandy (France). British, American, Canadian and French units took part in the invasion. The landing of the main forces from Allied warships was preceded by a massive bombardment of German coastal fortifications and the landing of paratroopers and gliders on the positions of selected Wehrmacht units. Allied Marines landed on five beaches. Considered one of the largest amphibious operations in history. Both sides lost more than 200 thousand of their troops.


The last strategic offensive operation of the armed forces Soviet Union The period of the Great Patriotic War turned out to be one of the bloodiest. It became possible as a result of a strategic breakthrough of the German front by units of the Red Army carrying out the Vistula-Oder offensive operation. It ended with complete victory over Nazi Germany and the surrender of the Wehrmacht. During the battles for Berlin, the losses of our army amounted to more than 80 thousand soldiers and officers, the Nazis lost 450 thousand of their military personnel.

After Hitler's Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the main front of World War II moved east - to the Soviet-German front. At the same time, on December 6, 1941, militaristic Japan attacked the American naval base in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor, without declaring war. The war finally took on a global character. The main military operations of 1942-1944 will be discussed in this lesson.

World War II: fighting in 1942-1944


In the early years of the war, Germany captured most of Europe. In 1940, France capitulated, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway were occupied ().

A radical turning point is what historians call the period of hostilities of 1942-1944. During this period, the strategic initiative passed from Germany to the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.


Summer 1942- naval battle at Midway Atoll. The Japanese advance in the Pacific has been stopped.

November 1942- Battle of El Alamein. The British defeated the Germans in Egypt. In the following months, the Allies (Britain and the United States) established control of the Mediterranean Sea.

1942-1943- battles for the island of Guadalcanal (in the western part of the Pacific Ocean). Victory of American troops. In 1943-1944. the island becomes the most important American naval base.

July 1943- landing of Anglo-American troops in Sicily.

September 1943- Italy signed a truce and left the war. Northern and central Italy are occupied by German troops, who stopped the Allied advance.

December 1943- Tehran Conference ().


By declaring war on the USSR, Germany hoped to deal with the latter in short term. Using the tactics of blitzkrieg - lightning war - at the initial stage of Germany's military operations there was success. The western regions of the Soviet Union were occupied by the German army, where a regime of terror was established. But Hitler's first failure was the Battle of Moscow, during which the Germans were defeated by the Red Army and were driven back. At the beginning of 1942, German-Romanian troops managed to break through the Soviet front in the south and reach the Volga. The Battle of Stalingrad began, which went down in history as one of the most grandiose battles of the Second World War (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Ruins of Stalingrad ()

The greatest battles in the East, where the main military forces of Germany were concentrated, allowed the British to achieve success in North Africa. Under command General Montgomery The British managed to defeat the 100,000-strong German-Italian “Desert Fox” group Erwin Rommel. In 1943, the British and Americans forced Rommel to capitulate in Tunisia, thereby freeing northern Africa and securing the ports.

December 6, 1941 Japanese troops attacked a US naval base in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor, destroying the United States Pacific Fleet (Fig. 2). The Japanese attack was sudden. Following this, the states of the anti-Hitler coalition declare war on Japan. In turn, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and a number of countries of the fascist bloc declare war on the United States.

The defeat of the American fleet and the absence of large military forces in the colonies European countries allowed Tokyo to carry out a lightning-fast seizure of the territory of Southeast Asia, Indonesia and launch an offensive against the pearl of the British Empire - India, simultaneously occupying Burma.

By 1942, the Japanese managed to establish control over the vast majority of East and Southeast Asia, unleashing merciless terror in these territories (especially in China). Continuing territorial seizures, Japanese troops began to land on the islands of Oceania and the Philippines, threatening the security of Australia and New Zealand, which forced the latter to enter the war.

In July 1943, when the grandiose Battle of Kursk was going on in the east, Mussolini was arrested by order of the King of Italy, and a joint Anglo-American landing force landed on island of Sicily, thereby opening the Italian front. The allies advanced towards Rome and soon entered it. Italy capitulated, but Mussolini himself was freed by a German saboteur Otto Skorzeny and delivered to Germany. Later, a new state was created in northern Italy, led by an Italian dictator.

The North African and Italian military campaigns became the main military actions of 1942-1943. in the West. The successes of the Red Army on the Eastern Front allowed the allied Anglo-American command to conduct a number of successful operations and knock out Hitler's main ally, Italy. The successes of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA inspired anti-fascist forces in the occupied states to more actively fight. Thus, in France, military forces operated under the command of General de Gaulle(Fig. 3). In Yugoslavia, partisans of a communist and a general (and then a marshal) fought with Hitler’s troops. Josipa Broz Tito. In other conquered countries there was a movement " Resistance».

Rice. 3. General Charles de Gaulle ()

Every year, in the occupied lands, fascist terror became more and more unbearable, which forced the local population to go fight the occupiers.

1943 was marked by the Battle of the Solomon Islands, as a result of which the United States wins.

The territories occupied by the Japanese were under constant attack by partisan detachments, which did not give Tokyo confidence in the safety of its rear. The partisans under the command of the communist provided quite powerful resistance to the Japanese occupiers Mao Zedong.

The protracted war was exhausting Japan. She could no longer successfully control the vast occupied territories. Trophies and minerals exported from the occupied lands were subjected to constant bombing by the Allied forces.

June 6, 1944in Normandy- Northern province of France - Anglo-American troops landed and began to develop an offensive against German positions. Later, French troops under the command of General de Gaulle began to liberate the cities of southern and central France, cracking down on collaborators - people who collaborated with the occupying forces.

At the end of 1944, the Americans made a successful landing attempt on the Philippine Islands. Striking a blow at the center of the Japanese Empire, the Americans mercilessly sank Japanese ships and submarines, shot down planes and took practically no prisoners. The Philippines became a base for the United States navy and air force.

In October 1944, a major naval battle took place in Leyte Gulf, in which the Japanese fleet was practically destroyed.

In June 1944, Red Army troops began an operation "Bagration" for the liberation of Belarus and reached the Polish border (Fig. 4). At the same time, part of the Red Army troops crossed the state border of the USSR in the southeast and liberated Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Albania from local pro-fascist regimes. At the same time, British troops landed in Greece. Germany lost its Balkan allies and part of its troops. During a major military operation of the Red Army, Finland made peace and left the war.

A group of German officers, seeing the deplorable situation of Germany and the fact that the war was lost, organized an assassination attempt on A. Hitler. Only a miracle allowed the dictator to survive. All participants in the conspiracy were subsequently shot.

A catastrophic situation arose for Germany. Berlin has virtually no allies left in Europe.

In December 1944, the German command advances into Ardennes, defeating the Anglo-French army and advancing 100 km. Only the beginning of the offensive of the Soviet troops did not allow the Allies to be completely defeated.

Rice. 4. Liberation of Minsk by the Red Army ()

1. Aleksashkina L.N. General history. XX - beginning of XXI century. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2011.

2. Zagladin N.V. General history. XX century Textbook for 11th grade. - M.: Russian word, 2009.

3. Plenkov O.Yu., Andreevskaya T.P., Shevchenko S.V. General history. 11th grade / Ed. Myasnikova V.S. - M., 2011.

1. Read Chapter 12 pp. 133-136 of the textbook by Aleksashkina L.N. General history. XX - early XXI centuries and give answers to questions 4-6 on p. 139.

2. Describe the reasons for the success of the Red Army troops and allies after 1942.

3. Could Hitler's Germany win the Second World War? Explain your answer.

The Second World War (September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945) was a military conflict between two world military-political coalitions.

It became the largest armed conflict in humanity. 62 states took part in this war. About 80% of the total population of the Earth participated in hostilities on one side or another.

We present to your attention a brief history of World War II. From this article you will learn the main events associated with this terrible tragedy on a global scale.

First period of World War 2

September 1, 1939 Armed forces entered Polish territory. In this regard, 2 days later, France declared war on Germany.

The Wehrmacht troops did not meet worthy resistance from the Poles, as a result of which they managed to occupy Poland in just 2 weeks.

At the end of April 1940, the Germans occupied Norway and Denmark. After this, the army annexed. It is worth noting that none of the listed states was able to adequately resist the enemy.

Soon the Germans attacked France, which was also forced to capitulate less than 2 months later. This was a real triumph for the Nazis, since at that time the French had good infantry, aviation and navy.

After the conquest of France, the Germans found themselves head and shoulders above all their opponents. During the French campaign, Italy became an ally of Germany, led by.

After this, Yugoslavia was also captured by the Germans. Thus, Hitler's lightning offensive allowed him to occupy all the countries of Western and Central Europe. Thus began the history of World War II.

Then the fascists began to take over African states. The Fuhrer planned to conquer countries on this continent within a few months, and then launch an offensive in the Middle East and India.

At the end of this, according to Hitler's plans, the reunification of German and Japanese troops was to take place.

Second period of World War 2

The battalion commander leads his soldiers into the attack. Ukraine, 1942

It became a complete surprise for Soviet citizens and the country's leadership. As a result, the USSR united against Germany.

Soon the United States joined this alliance, agreeing to provide military, food and economic assistance. Thanks to this, countries were able to rationally use their own resources and provide support to each other.

Stylized photo "Hitler vs. Stalin"

At the end of the summer of 1941, British and Soviet troops entered Iran, as a result of which Hitler encountered certain difficulties. Because of this, he was unable to place military bases there necessary for the full-fledged conduct of the war.

Anti-Hitler coalition

On January 1, 1942, in Washington, representatives of the Big Four (USSR, USA, Great Britain and China) signed the Declaration of the United Nations, thereby marking the beginning of the Anti-Hitler Coalition. Later, 22 more countries joined it.

Germany's first serious defeats in World War II began with the Battle of Moscow (1941-1942). Interestingly, Hitler's troops came so close to the capital of the USSR that they could already see it through binoculars.

Both the German leadership and the entire army were confident that they would soon defeat the Russians. Napoleon once dreamed of the same thing when he entered the year.

The Germans were so self-confident that they did not even bother to provide appropriate winter clothing for the soldiers, because they thought that the war was practically over. However, everything turned out quite the opposite.

The Soviet army accomplished a heroic feat by launching an active offensive against the Wehrmacht. He commanded the main military operations. It was thanks to the Russian troops that the blitzkrieg was thwarted.

Column of German prisoners on the Garden Ring, Moscow, 1944.

Fifth period of World War 2

So, in 1945, at the Potsdam Conference, the Soviet Union announced its intention to enter the war with Japan, which did not surprise anyone, because the Japanese army fought on the side of Hitler.

The USSR was able to defeat the Japanese army without much difficulty, liberating Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, as well as some territories.

The military operation, which lasted less than 1 month, ended with the surrender of Japan, which was signed on September 2. The biggest war in human history has ended.

Results of World War II

As stated earlier, World War II is the largest military conflict in history. It lasted for 6 years. During this time, a total of more than 50 million people died, although some historians cite even higher numbers.

The USSR suffered the greatest damage from World War II. The country lost about 27 million citizens and also suffered severe economic losses.

On April 30 at 10 p.m. the Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reichstag.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Second World War is terrible lesson for all humanity. A lot of documentary photographic and video material has still been preserved, helping to see the horrors of that war.

What is it worth - the angel of death of the Nazi camps. But she wasn’t the only one!

People must do everything possible to ensure that such tragedies of a universal scale never happen again. Never again!

If you liked brief history World War II - share it on social networks. If you like interesting facts about everything– subscribe to the site. It's always interesting with us!

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Completed by: students of group M-11
Akimov Stanislav, Pavlov Semyon,
Sokov Stanislav, Pilin Danila1. Introduction.
2. The first period of the war (September 1, 1939 – June 21, 1941).
3. Second period of the war (June 22, 1941 – November 18, 1942).
4. Battle of Moscow 1941 - 1942
5. The third period of the war (November 19, 1942-December 31, 1943).
6. Battle of Stalingrad 1942 - 1943.
7. Battle of Kursk 1943
8. Belarusian operation (June 23 - August 29, 1944).
9. Berlin operation 1945
10. The fourth period of the war (January 1, 1944 - May 9, 1945).
11. Fifth period of the war (May 9 – September 2, 1945).
12. Conclusion.
13. List of references.

The first period of the war (September 1, 1939 – June 21, 1941).

The Second World War began on September 1, 1939 with the attack of the Nazi
Germany to Poland.
On September 3, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.
April 9, 1940 formations of the Nazi army without announcement
wars invaded Denmark and occupied its territory. Same day
The invasion of Norway began.
Somma and Aina.
On June 10, the French government left Paris. Without exhausting
opportunities for resistance, the French army laid down its arms. 14
June German troops occupied the French capital without a fight. June 22
1940 hostilities ended with the signing of the act of surrender
Preparing a war against the USSR, Nazi Germany in the spring of 1941
carried out aggression in the Balkans. March 1 Nazi troops
entered Bulgaria. April 6, 1941 Italo-German and then
Hungarian troops began to invade Yugoslavia and Greece by April 18
occupied Yugoslavia, and by April 29, mainland Greece.
First period of the war

Second period of the war (June 22, 1941 – November 18, 1942).

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the Soviet
Union. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union began
1941 - 1945, which became the most important part of the 2nd World War.
On July 12, 1941, an agreement was concluded between the USSR and
Great Britain on joint actions in the war against Germany.
On August 2, an agreement was reached with the United States on military-economic cooperation and the provision of material
USSR support.
On January 1, 1942, Declaration 26 was signed in Washington.
states Subsequently, new ones joined the Declaration
On May 26, 1942, an agreement was signed between the USSR and
Great Britain about the alliance in the war against Germany and its partners.
On June 11, the USSR and the USA entered into an agreement on the principles of mutual
assistance in waging war.
Second period of the war

Battle of Moscow 1941 - 1942

There are two main stages in the battle: defensive (30
September - December 5, 1941) and offensive (December 5
1941 - April 20, 1942). At the first stage the goal
Soviet troops were defending Moscow, the second was the defeat
enemy forces advancing on Moscow.
By the beginning of the German offensive on Moscow as part of a group
(Field Marshal General
there were 74.5 divisions (approximately 38% infantry and 64%
tank and mechanized divisions operating in
Soviet-German front), 1,800,000 people, 1,700
tanks, over 14,000 guns and mortars, 1,390 aircraft.
Soviet troops had West direction as part of
three fronts 1250 thousand people, 990 tanks, 7600 guns and
mortars and 677 aircraft.
Moscow Battle

Third period of the war (November 19, 1942-December 31, 1943).

The 3rd period of the war was characterized by an increase in the scope and intensity of military operations.
The decisive events in this period of the war still took place in the Soviet-German
The USSR's allies in the anti-Hitler coalition had every opportunity to fulfill their
obligations and open a 2nd front in Western Europe. By the summer of 1943, the number of armed forces
USA and UK exceeded 13 million people. However, the strategy of the United States and Great Britain continued to be determined by their policies, which ultimately counted on mutual attrition
USSR and Germany.
On July 10, 1943, American and British troops (13 divisions) landed on the island of Sicily,
captured the island, and at the beginning of September they landed amphibious assault forces on the Apennine Peninsula, not
encountering serious resistance from Italian troops.
During 1943, American troops landed in New Guinea and ousted the Japanese from the Aleutian
islands, caused a number of significant losses to the Japanese navy and merchant fleet. All
The peoples of Asia rose more decisively in the anti-imperialist liberation struggle.

Battle of Stalingrad 1942 - 1943

Defensive (July 17 - November 18, 1942) and offensive (19
November 1942 - February 2, 1943) operations carried out by the Soviet
troops for the purpose of defending Stalingrad and defeating the forces operating on
Stalingrad direction of a large strategic group
At the cost of great effort, the command of the Soviet troops managed not only
stop the advance of German troops in Stalingrad, but also collect
significant forces at the start of the counteroffensive (1,103 thousand people, 15,500
guns and mortars, 1,463 tanks and self-propelled guns, 1,350 combat aircraft. General
number of enemy troops at the beginning of the Soviet counteroffensive
was 1,011,500 people, 10,290 guns and mortars, 675 tanks and
assault guns, 1216 combat aircraft.
November 19 - 20 troops of the Southwestern Front (Lieutenant General N.F.
Vatutin), the Stalingrad and Don fronts went on the offensive and
22 divisions (330 thousand people) were surrounded in the Stalingrad area. Reflected in
December, the enemy’s attempt to free the encircled group,
Soviet troops liquidated it. January 31 - February 2, 1943
the remnants of the enemy's 6th Army led by Field Marshal F.
Paulus surrendered (91 thousand people).
Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Kursk 1943

Defensive (5 - 23 July) and offensive (12 July - 23 August)
operations carried out by Soviet troops in the Kursk area to disrupt
major offensive by German troops and the defeat of the strategic
enemy groups. The German command after the defeat of their own
troops near Stalingrad was supposed to carry out a major offensive
operation in the Kursk region (Operation Citadel). To participate in her
implementation, significant enemy forces were involved - 50
divisions (including 16 tank and mechanized) and a number of separate
units of Army Group Center and Army Group South.
The Soviet command entrusted the task of repelling the offensive
enemy on the troops of the Central (from Orel) and Voronezh (from
Belgorod side) fronts. After solving defense problems
it was planned to defeat the enemy’s Oryol group (plan
"Kutuzov") by troops of the right wing of the Central Front (Army General
K.K. Rokossovsky), Bryansk and the left wing of the Western Front.
The enemy offensive was to begin at 3 a.m. on July 5.
However, just before it began, Soviet troops carried out
artillery counter-preparation and inflicted on the enemy in his places
concentration big damage. The German offensive began only after
2.5 hours, and its course was different from what was planned. Thanks to the measures taken
managed to contain the advance.
Battle of Kursk

Belarusian operation (June 23 - August 29, 1944).

Code name - operation
"Bagration". One of the largest
strategic offensive
operations undertaken
Soviet high command
with the aim of defeating the Nazi Army Group Center
and liberation of Belarus.

Berlin operation 1945

Final strategic
offensive operation carried out
Soviet troops April 16 - May 8
1945 The objectives of the operation were defeat
groupings of German troops,
defenders on the Berlin
direction, the capture of Berlin and
exit to the Elbe for connection with
Allied troops. in Berlin
direction the troops took up defensive positions
group "Wisla" and group "Center" under
under the command of Colonel General G.
Heinritz and Field Marshal F.

The fourth period of the war (January 1, 1944 – May 9, 1945).

The most important military-political events of this period were determined by the further growth of the military-economic power of the anti-fascist coalition, the increasing force of Soviet blows
Armed Forces and the intensification of allied actions in Europe. On a larger scale it developed
the offensive of the armed forces of the United States and Great Britain in the Pacific Ocean and Asia. However, despite
known intensification of allied actions in Europe and Asia, decisive role in the final
the destruction of the fascist bloc belonged to to the Soviet people and its Armed Forces.
The course of the Great Patriotic War irrefutably proved that the Soviet Union was capable of
win complete victory over fascist Germany and liberate the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke. Under
under the influence of these factors, significant changes occurred in military-political activities and
strategic planning of the USA, Great Britain and other participants in the anti-Hitler coalition.
At the beginning of 1945, a favorable environment was created for the final campaign in Europe. On
on the Soviet-German front it began with a powerful offensive of Soviet troops from Baltic Sea to
On May 6-11, troops of 3 Soviet fronts carried out the Paris Operation of 1945, defeating the last
grouping Nazi troops and completing the liberation of Czechoslovakia.
After the fall of Berlin, capitulation in the West became widespread.

Fifth period of the war (May 9 – September 2, 1945).

Defeat of imperialist Japan. Liberation of the peoples of Asia from Japanese occupation. End of 2nd
world war. Of the entire coalition of aggressive states that started the war, in May 1945 continued
Only Japan fights. July 17 - August 2, the Potsdam Conference of 1945 heads of government took place
USSR (J.V. Stalin), USA (G. Truman) and Great Britain (W. Churchill, from July 28 - K. Attlee), on which
along with discussion of European problems great attention was paid to the situation in the distance
East. In a declaration of July 26, 1945, the governments of Great Britain, the USA and China offered Japan
specific terms of surrender, which the Japanese government rejected. Soviet Union,
denounced the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact in April 1945, confirmed at the Potsdam
conference their readiness to enter the war against Japan in the interests of the quickest end of the 2nd
world war and the elimination of the source of aggression in Asia. August 8, 1945 USSR, faithful to its ally
duty, declared war on Japan, and on August 9 the Soviet Armed forces began military action against
Japanese Kwantung Army concentrated in Manchuria. The entry of the Soviet Union into the war and
The defeat of the Kwantung Army accelerated the unconditional surrender of Japan. On the eve of the USSR's entry into
war with Japan On August 6 and 9, the United States used new weapons for the first time, dropping two atomic bombs for years
Hiroshima and Nagasaki are beyond any military necessity. Was killed, wounded, irradiated, missing
about 468 thousand inhabitants. This barbaric act was intended, first of all, to demonstrate the power of the United States,
in order to put pressure on the USSR in solving post-war problems. Signing the act of
Japan's surrender took place on September 2. 1945. World War 2 ended.


The results of World War II horrified everyone. The hostilities put
the very existence of civilization is on the brink. During the Nuremberg and
Tokyo trials, fascist ideology was condemned, there were
Many war criminals were also punished.
economic consequences of World War II. For
Western European countries it turned into a genuine economic
catastrophe. Country influence Western Europe decreased significantly. IN
At the same time, the United States managed to maintain and strengthen its position. Second
World War became the bloodiest and most brutal war
conflict in the entire history of mankind and the only one in which
applied nuclear weapons. 61 states took part in it.
Dates of the beginning and end of this war: September 1, 1939 - 1945, September 2
are among the most significant for the entire civilized world.


Orlov A.S., Georgiev V.A., Georgieva N.G., Sivokhina T.A. Reader
on the history of Russia. M., 2012.
The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 M., 1998.
History of Russia. XX – early XXI centuries. 9th grade: atlas. – 17th ed. M.: 2013. 32
World War II // Wikipedia. . Update date:
04/20/2016. URL: