I dreamed that I was carrying a coffin with a man. Why do you dream about the Coffin in a dream? Why do you dream of a coffin in water?

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a coffin mean in a dream?

Seeing a coffin in a dream or making one - for an upcoming wedding, making a profit or promotion, for lovers - for an upcoming wedding, seeing it open and empty means danger.

Seeing a coffin floating on water means great wealth, if the coffin appears from the grave itself - fortunately.

Lying in a coffin in a dream, and then getting out of it, means reviving your strength, gaining peace of mind and confidence in your abilities.

Seeing a tomb means good luck and protection awaits you; being inside it means disappointment and difficulties in business.

Seeing a hearse in a dream means separation, changes in business.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Coffin in a dream?

If in a dream you see a coffin, then losses await you and early death dear relative.

A coffin standing in a church and decorated with flowers means an unsuccessful marriage.

Seeing a person carrying a coffin means that the enemy will infuriate you, constantly testing your honesty. This dream also means that you will oppose established organizations and become obnoxious to your friends.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

If you dreamed of buying a Coffin

The coffin is the embodiment of how a person acquires a protective shell after death in order to be reborn later. Etymologically it is associated with the word “grave”, and symbolically with the mystical womb. In the grave, a person receives a second life, salvation and atonement for his lifetime actions. The new, eternal “dwelling” of the deceased has been an attribute of funeral rites since the beginning of Christian times. Prepare yourself a coffin in advance according to the dream book - build yourself a “house” for the afterlife, which should be taken care of in advance.

Why do you dream about a coffin? A dream about a coffin needlessly frightens dreamers. Often this is positive image, pay attention to the details of the dream, the atmosphere, and the interpretation of the symbol will become clear. Alive in a coffin - the dream is interpreted based on who you saw. If you are in a coffin, it’s time to start leading healthy image life, give up old habits that are harmful to health. If there is a living friend in the coffin - good sign for him, he will not be in need and will also provide support to you. A familiar person in a coffin - solve problems, don’t hide away. Reconsider your social circle; perhaps there are people there with whom you have long since broken off relations.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about Coffins?

  • Seeing a coffin, which according to Freud represents a woman’s womb, means that you will soon improve your financial affairs and will be surrounded by children.
  • Why dream of a broken coffin - beware of infertility.
  • A cheap coffin is dreamed of when a person has “buried” his aspirations under a mountain of complexes and fears.
  • A zinc coffin portends illnesses, and in the intimate sphere too.
  • Dream about a coffin in a temple strewn with flowers - be careful in choosing a spouse. Marriage will not bring happiness.
  • Seeing a moving coffin in a dream means health problems and a marriage marred by problems.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • Coffin - Seeing a coffin for young people means a wedding and happiness in the family; for spouses, such a dream will bring profit.
  • For family people to see two coffins in a dream - a prediction that the spouses will die on the same day when the time comes. There is no need to fear sudden death after such a dream.
  • An empty coffin, according to the dream book, signifies the desire to fill the inner emptiness with love, the search for a life partner. Also, the symbol “offers” thereby forgetting past betrayal and pain in order to step towards a new relationship.
  • Digging a hole for a coffin means marriage for love, and happiness will last a lifetime.
  • Why dream of red upholstery of a coffin or a mahogany coffin - happiness in love and family relationships.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Coffin?

  • If you dream of a wooden coffin with your name on it, change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since with age a person must change.
  • An empty coffin in a dream symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.
  • You are walking in a funeral procession behind a coffin or carrying a coffin - in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.
  • Hammering nails into the coffin lid - you will do everything in your power to get rid of vices and weaknesses.
  • Dreaming of a fallen coffin according to the dream book is a good omen; a guardian angel will help avoid a dangerous catastrophe.
  • A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Coffin mean, taking into account the date of birth

  • In the spring, why see a coffin with a deceased person - for a funeral.
  • In the summer, why did you dream of making a coffin - for a coffin in the house.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of a coffin - time is moving towards death, you sin too much.
  • In winter, why do you dream of a coffin - for a long life.

One of the most ominous images in a dream is a coffin. Many people are interested in knowing the truth about why the coffin is dreamed of. Obviously, the first associations are not the most unpleasant, but do not rush to conclusions.

Everything connected with death: the dead, a cemetery, a funeral has a depressing effect. According to the dream book, although the coffin is associated with mourning, death, grief, a dream does not always promise something bad, and more often than not, even the opposite.

Such dreams may look like this: :

  • You see an open coffin in which a dead person lies.
  • You dreamed that he was being carried into the house.
  • You saw yourself in a coffin.
  • In a dream you are making a coffin - for yourself or just like that.
  • In a dream you are digging up or, conversely, burying a grave.
  • You are carrying a coffin with a deceased person.

Depending on the events and nuances of your dreams, you can draw a conclusion about what you dream about the coffin and apply this knowledge in reality.

See and forget

As the dream book indicates, the coffin itself is often a symbol of the completion of a matter, the end of one period and the beginning of a new one, so it is not a dangerous symbol.

1.If you see an open but empty coffin with a lid next to it, this promises you longevity and health. If you are sick, know that you will get better soon and will live for many years. Old people sometimes dream of an empty coffin, meaning that death is still very far away.

2. If you saw it open in a dream, with a dead stranger inside, this is not a very favorable sign. Because meeting a dead person in a dream can be a warning: do not start a new business, the old one is not finished yet, and there will be no luck.

Deal with unfinished matters, rest, put things in order - and only then can you conceive a new business or event. Take your time.

3. The black coffin, strict and gloomy, symbolizes melancholy. The black lid from it symbolizes the same thing: disappointment, resentment and, as a result, lingering melancholy await you. You can avoid this by not expecting too much from others.

4. If you happen to see a lot of coffins in a dream, this indicates your anxiety, that you do not complete things and take on new ones.

This habit of not finishing everything can ruin your life if you don't change yourself. Think about it—you have too much to deal with.

5. A closed coffin symbolizes peace, pause, and philosophical reflection. You need to stop, take a vacation, maybe be alone, think about the meaning and true goals in your life today, about your future path.

6. The red coffin, bright and velvety, symbolizes joy. It is the red color that foreshadows that a new business awaits you - successful, pleasant, joyful, bringing profit and satisfaction. Maybe it's time to start something you've been dreaming about for a long time?

7. As the dream book says, a coffin strewn with flowers symbolizes failure, failure happy marriage. If you are in a marriage or relationship, think about maybe ending it. Or you should gather your strength and figure out how to fix it, establish an alliance, and give the faded relationship a new life.

8. A revived dead man may shock you if you happen to see him in your dreams, but do not be alarmed. Meeting the living dead symbolizes the guest.

And if your friend, relative or child “comes to life”, you need to pay attention to him. You forget about this person too often in your daily routine, and he needs you.

9. Seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream is strange, but it means a successful and peaceful completion of affairs. Soon you will be ready to begin a new stage of life, take on a new business, and you will be successful. Just don't forget about rest.

10. If in a dream you had to see your friend in a coffin, this dream promises profit, success and happiness. Just don’t rush to tell your friend about the exact form and circumstances in which you saw him in your dream - he may get scared!

Actions performed in a dream

1. If in a dream you opened the lid of a coffin and began to calmly talk with a dead man who is alive in reality, this is a bad sign that promises illness or misfortune for that person.

As the dream book says, the person in the coffin talking to you may get sick or be in trouble, but you are able to help - it’s not for nothing that you are dreaming about this. If it is your friend, relative, or especially a child who spoke to you from the grave, pay maximum attention to his health.

2. I wonder why you dream about the coffin you are carrying. Such a dream means profit, especially if you bring it into the house.

3. Do you have dreams in which for some reason you climb into a coffin? The dream book says that you lack new valuable knowledge and, possibly, fresh experiences and impressions.

4. But getting out of it is a symbol of restoration of strength, physical and mental recovery. Coming new stage, for which you are almost ready.

5. Lying in a coffin in a dream as if nothing had happened symbolizes repentance for sin. You have done something and will soon regret it. Try to eliminate the consequences of your actions and learn from your mistakes if you dream about such things.

6. But if you made a coffin in your dreams, expect a promotion. will definitely await you new position, higher social status, and the joy associated with it. Get ready to become richer and more powerful!

7. If you fell into a coffin in a dream, this may mean that in life your excessive pride and “turned up nose” can harm you. You will not notice how you harm yourself and stumble. Be a little simpler and more careful.

8. If in your night dreams you dig up a grave in a cemetery, this is a symbol that in reality your secret will become known and you will be exposed . Try to play fair, be open, because otherwise you will be taken, as they say, to clean water, and then it can seriously damage your reputation.

9. But if, on the contrary, you bury a coffin in the ground in your dreams, it means that in reality you are trying with all your might to forget something, to completely throw it out of your head, but so far in vain.

You should let go of the past, turn your attention to the present and begin to actively build a happy future for yourself. Author: Vasilina Serova

Flies over your head. Or he's just chasing you. Scary, isn't it? What if such a dream does not promise anything bad at all?

According to the dream book of the twentieth century

If you dream of a coffin, it means real life you are worried about some old wounds, unexpressed feelings. Such a dream wants you to forget about the past and start living in the present, otherwise new losses cannot be avoided. When a young dead man lies in a coffin, it means that you have recently suffered mental trauma. Show someone off last path- to the remission of sins.

Why do you dream of coffins according to the ancient Chinese dream book?

A freshly dug grave and a wooden coffin nearby indicate a quick deliverance from problems and vanity. If a coffin appears out of nowhere, happiness awaits you, and if it is brought into the house, a promotion in position. The risen dead man is a symbol of uninvited guests. Why To success and the luck that accompanies you. You can boast of profit if in your dream you see a coffin in which a dead person lies, but a conversation with a dead person promises only misfortune. When a coffin floats down a river in a dream, it means that in reality you will become rich. A wooden box standing in the hall means a feeling of peace.

Why do you dream of coffins according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

If it is open, expect an unexpected pleasant surprise. Is your friend in it? Get news about his unprecedented success soon! For young people, such a dream may be a symbol of an imminent wedding, but for married people - are you in a coffin yourself? You will soon achieve your cherished goal.

Why do you dream of coffins according to the dream book of the clairvoyant Vanga

Watching a funeral procession means that you urgently need to take the right path, otherwise you risk becoming the main character of this procession in reality. Give up bad habits, stop being jealous of your friends. An empty coffin hints at your emptiness. If you help carry the coffin, be afraid of your rash actions. They can cause severe damage to your loved ones. Enthusiastically hammering nails into the lid means your desires will come true thanks to your strong character and unshakable will. A fallen coffin is a bright sign. Higher powers protect you from disasters and misfortunes. But a rotten coffin covered with earth means the arrival of evil in your home.

Interpretations of other competent dream books

A wreath lying on the lid of the coffin symbolizes that you have an entrepreneurial streak. You cannot avoid sad events if you dream of a coffin being carried. Digging a grave - He is unlikely to bring you true happiness. Think twice before taking this step. Seeing yourself in a coffin from the outside means longevity, and for relatives means serious danger. A funeral can be interpreted as a need to get rid of depressing thoughts. An empty coffin is a sign of the onset of a new life period. Old acquaintances, ideas, dreams will no longer be useful to you. A coffin completely buried in the ground hints at your poor health. Does the coffin move on its own? This means that in reality your behavior can hardly be called decent. Make sure that your partner does not abandon you, otherwise you will be left to while away your life alone.

If you dream of coffins, this cannot be ignored and you urgently need to find out why this happened and what awaits you in your near future. By promptly using the information given to you in a dream, you can protect yourself from major problems and improve your well-being.

Please note that dreams with coffins can be quite diverse in their plot and details. Try to remember as many little details from your dream as possible in order to create the most full picture. We advise you to write down your dreams immediately after waking up, when the dream has not yet been erased from your memory.

Our article contains hundreds of different variations of dreams with coffins, which will allow you to find exactly your dream and compare the meaning of the dream with your life. Follows with special attention treat small details in dreams, since they can play the most important role in the warning compiled by your subconscious.

Unusual dreams

See the coffin and know who is there

  • According to assumptions Women's dream book, see the coffin and know who is in it is located (relative, friend) - predicts misfortunes and serious illnesses to the one you see in the coffin.
  • But the same dream suggests excellent health and longevity for you.
  • To see a coffin and a child in it in a dream is a harbinger of the complete collapse of all new plans and an abundance of various misfortunes.

Closed red coffin

According to interpretations dream book Magicum, this dream says that it is finished important stage in your life. The coffin is a symbol of his ending. The red color of the coffin may indicate that you will receive news about relatives. Not necessarily bad.

By Dream Book of the World- this is a symbol of a favorable start to new things, those that you have not dared to take on for a long time. A closed red coffin also promises the dreamer a long, comfortable life.

Dreamed empty

  • Such a dream has different meaning according to the interpretations of different dream books.
  • Young people dream of a long life, families dream of a prosperous life, and for the elderly such a dream promises a quick, easy death.
  • Gives such hints Azar's dream book.

According to the hint dream book of the moon- this is a symbol: for young people - weddings. For people living in marriage, it means receiving a quick, quite tangible profit and further prosperity in life.

A dead man comes to life in a coffin

In a dream, the deceased begins to speak or rises from the coffin.

  • Such a dream says that you will become an eyewitness to an event that will greatly amaze you with its originality.
  • Listen to the words of the deceased, perhaps deciphering them will allow you to smooth out the bad ones dream predictions.
  • This interpretation of the dream is given to us by the Ancient Dream Book.

A dead person rising from the grave can be a symbol of your spiritual cleansing and restoration of vitality.

Coffin in the grave

  • To see a coffin lowered into a grave in your dream is a symbol of the forgotten causes of your family troubles and the beginning of a new stage of family relationships.
  • The dream can also serve as a hint to the need to see a doctor and serves as advice to pay attention to your health.
  • A dead man rising from the coffin in the grave, according to interpretation Chinese dream book- for the imminent arrival of guests.
  • And the grave itself in this dream indicates the resolution of life’s problems.

In life, success and loss are always nearby. The dream has a double interpretation. It can mean both failure and profit.

Closed with a dead man

Closed coffin with a dead person says that you were undeservedly offended, they made you feel offended. In reality, you try to get rid of these memories. A closed coffin, according to the interpretation of the dream book of Fate, indicates that you are ready to forgive the person who has offended you.

According to the interpretation of Tsvetkov’s dream book, this same dream promises you success in business on the way to your intended goal.

Coffin in your home

  • A coffin in the house that you dreamed about could very likely be a harbinger of the breakdown of your family relationships.
  • This same dream can be interpreted as a premonition of illness. This interpretation is given to us by a small dream book.
  • In a dream there are other funeral accessories - perhaps the illness will be very serious or even incurable.

See in the cemetery

  • Saw in a dream of being in a coffin in a cemetery is a very positive dream that promises you a promotion up the career ladder.
  • The dreamer is sick - the dream suggests a fairly quick recovery if the coffin is empty in the dream.
  • Seeing an empty coffin means a complete break with the person with whom communication is painful for you.

A coffin with a deceased person in a cemetery is a symbol that does not advise starting new things. There will be more losses than profits. The English dream book gives such interpretations to your dream.

Floating on the water

  • In a dream, a coffin floating on water is a symbol of receiving quick wealth. Perhaps receiving an inheritance from a long-vanished relative.
  • It can also mean a life rich in changing places of residence.
  • A gold-colored coffin is a symbol of success that has come to you with the help of an outsider.

This is how the French dream book tells about your dream.

See a lot of them arranged in a circle

  • You are a businessman and you have such a dream. This is a harbinger of your losses, which you cannot avoid.
  • This prediction is given by Juno’s dream book.
  • Almost all dream books interpret the vision of a moving coffin as a symbol of failure both in business and in love.

Have you read the probable interpretations of your dream By different dream books. Which one is closer to you in terms of content and desired consequences is up to you to decide. But take your time. Analyze everything carefully and only then act. Perhaps you will be the one who will be able to change the destiny.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's Dream Book says that this is still an unpleasant sign. And he predicts:

According to Vanga's dream book

To dream of a funeral procession carrying a closed coffin with your name on it means urgently change your lifestyle and actions. Something is wrong in your life;

  • An empty coffin with a lid is a symbol of your emptiness of spirit and heavy thoughts and worries about your actions;
  • A dream where you nail a coffin with large nails - a designation of your aspirations to eradicate bad habits;
  • If you saw a coffin falling to the ground in a dream, your guardian angel is protecting you. It will help you get away from the danger that threatens you.
  • A coffin lid sprinkled with something is a sign of the presence of evil, which cannot be compared with anything.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book gives very extravagant interpretations of dreams with a coffin seen in them. According to Freud, the coffin is a symbol of the woman’s genitals. And in a dream, it means the following:


Why do you dream of a coffin? Dream interpretation coffin

The coffin is most often a symbol of the female genital organs, the uterus. An expensive and beautiful coffin symbolizes health and possible fertility. A rotten or broken coffin symbolizes infertility. A cheap coffin symbolizes an inferiority complex and speaks of the dreamer’s lack of self-esteem. A zinc coffin symbolizes possible dangers and troubles for the dreamer, including in the sexual sphere.

  • An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship.
  • If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.

  • Coffin - open - success in business;
  • new - worries will go away;
  • brought into the house - success in business;
  • the dead man rises - a guest from afar;
  • a friend in a coffin - news about his successes;
  • for young people - for a wedding;
  • for family - to profit, financial success;
  • himself in the coffin - completion of affairs;
  • floating on water - wealth;
  • open it - misfortune.

  • Open - fun.
  • You are in a coffin - to longevity.


  • But what does this image convey in a dream?
  • If we consider it as a structure closed without access to external influences, then we can consider it as a symbol of isolation or solitude.

Therefore, if, for example, you see yourself in a coffin, this does not mean that it is time for you to pack up your things for another world, but only that you need solitude, the opportunity to be alone, to calmly comprehend the current circumstances. And it’s not for nothing that many words associated with peace, lack of movement have the same root, for example peace, calm down, dead. Calm down, rest, sleep.

Death is essentially also a dream, only much longer. Some believe that it is eternal, others that it is only until the next rebirth.







Wanderer's Dream Interpretation



All other dream plots in which coffins are present mean that you need to mobilize and finish things that have been dragging on for a long time. What it is, home renovations or paperwork, a visit to the doctor or a change in diet to lose weight - only the one who had the dream knows.




  • Now we will talk about a structure made of wood, which is intended to be our last refuge in this world.
  • A coffin, an oblong box in which dead bodies are buried, was also called a domina, sarcophagus and truna.
  • Initially, this word had a slightly different meaning and meant not a box, but a pit, cave, etc., also for burial.

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the word coffin

  • Seeing a coffin means bereavement and the early departure of a dear relative.
  • Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage.
  • In general this is bad dream. For the peasant he promises crop failure and livestock illnesses. Business people– failures. For young people - an unhappy marriage.
  • The vision of a moving coffin promises the same thing: such a dream may be followed by illness, and then by marriage, overshadowed by previous events.
  • Quarrels, serious illness, repentance for actions are promised to you by a dream in which you are lying in a coffin or sitting on it.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. I dreamed of a coffin

The coffin is most often a symbol of the female genital organs, the uterus. An expensive and beautiful coffin symbolizes health and possible fertility. A rotten or broken coffin symbolizes infertility. A cheap coffin symbolizes an inferiority complex and speaks of the dreamer’s lack of self-esteem. A zinc coffin symbolizes possible dangers and troubles for the dreamer, including in the sexual sphere.

Vanga's dream book. Seeing a coffin in a dream

In a dream you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was being carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this bad dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age.

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship. If in a dream you walk in a funeral procession and carry a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles.

A dream in which you forcefully hammer nails into a coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses. Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster. A coffin covered with earth means the presence of terrible, incomparable evil.

Dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov. Meaning of the word coffin

Esoteric dream book. Why dream of a coffin

  • Empty, closed - mysterious events.
  • Open - fun.
  • You are in a coffin - to longevity.
  • Someone in a coffin - for fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, hunting.


The coffin in real life is a symbol of parting; it is there that we see those who are leaving on their last journey and say goodbye to them forever.



If you dreamed of a coffin, this is bad sign. Such a dream does not bode well for anything good in life. He dreams about losses, early departure loved one. Such a dream promises failure for business people, and an unhappy marriage for young people. If you see in a dream that it is moving, such a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sitting or lying in it means repentance for actions, quarrels, illnesses.


A coffin in a dream represents an obstacle. But lying in it in a dream means a long life. If you dream of him with ropes, it means someone's death. If in a dream you watch a coffin being carried, it means sadness and bad news. Digging a hole for him in a dream means faithful marriage. Seeing it open means a cheerful celebration.



Dreaming of a coffin is the personification of the female genital organs, including the uterus. Thus:

  • dear handsome - health and fertility;
  • rotten and broken - infertility;
  • cheap is an inferiority complex;
  • zinc – troubles in the sexual sphere.


Stories with coffins in the dream itself modern dream book foreshadow the following.

  • Making the last bed with your own hands - there will be a wedding soon. Strange interpretation. After reading it, you are unlikely to feel any pleasure in anticipation of family life.
  • For some reason there is an empty coffin in the apartment. You need to prepare for possible danger.
  • Decorate the coffin, pin paper flowers - a promotion or salary increase.
  • Domovina floats down the river - money will appear in unlimited quantities, rises from the grave towards you - you should expect favorable news that will bring happiness.
  • To see yourself lying in a house from the side, and then get up and those around you take it for granted - you need to be confident in your abilities, all obstacles - perhaps exams - can be overcome without outside help.

I dreamed of a rich sarcophagus - there is a reliable patron; being in the sarcophagus means disappointment in loved ones. I dreamed of taking a dead person out of the house - you will have to be separated from your loved one for a long time. Some of you are going on a long business trip.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed of an open coffin and the face of the deceased is clearly visible - all the things that have been started for a long time will come to a natural conclusion, the house is empty - this is a warning of danger, from the coffin you watch people scurrying around - to good luck in family life. You lie alive in a house that has been boarded up, despite the screams and knocking - those around you are not interested in you, as soon as the doors close behind you, they don’t even remember you.


  • Any wooden house in a dream foreshadows ruin and poverty. In the near future you will have to undergo humiliation.
  • But the golden sarcophagus, on the contrary, is a harbinger of success. The larger it is, the more happiness there will be in fate.
  • Buying a metal coffin will bring comfort and prosperity to your home.


Carrying out the dead person yourself, feeling the weight of the house on your shoulder - to success in money matters.

All other dream plots in which coffins are present mean that you need to mobilize and finish things that have been dragging on for a long time. What it is, home renovations or paperwork, a visit to the doctor or a change in diet to lose weight - only the one who had the dream knows.


  • For old people to see a house in a dream - to find themselves there soon, for young people - to a long and happy life.
  • From the outside, seeing a funeral and understanding that the deceased in the coffin is quite heavy, people bend over and rub their shoulders - means wealth.


According to this guide to unraveling the plots of dreams, everything related to a funeral is a dream of deep sadness that will accompany a long time. This may be a prediction of loss, the loss of a loved one whose death was not foreshadowed by anything.

The house is covered with flowers - the marriage will be unhappy, family life will end in divorce.

An empty coffin means life will be empty in the near future: friends will turn away, you will be left without work. You are lying in a house. Such a dream is a harbinger of an exacerbation of a chronic disease or a serious quarrel with a loved one. Manipulating the coffin - hammering nails into its lid, decorating it, laying out a bed in it - is evidence that you need to think about your own life.

Surely something is going wrong in it, and only you are to blame. You need to reconsider your actions, and life will change for the better.


Interpretation of dreams with coffins

  • In the world of dreams and night dreams, sometimes even the most unpleasant, dark and frightening things can portend great happiness.
  • This is how dreams work - everything in them is mysterious, confusing, and sometimes it is incredibly difficult to decipher a sign or interpret a message.
  • But this must be done correctly - because this way you can rule your own precious destiny to the fullest!
  • One of the most terrible and unpleasant phenomena in dreams is a coffin. Everyone is interested in knowing the truth behind dreams of a coffin, and it is clear that the first associations are the most unpleasant. But don't rush to conclusions.
  • Everything connected with death: the dead, a cemetery, a funeral - has a depressing effect. Nevertheless, according to the dream book, although the coffin is associated with mourning, death, grief, a dream does not always promise something bad, more often than not, even the opposite.
  • But it is not easy to find out the exact interpretation of dreams; to do this, you first need to remember and take into account absolutely all the details of what you saw. What kind of coffin you dreamed about - closed, open, empty or with a dead person - this carries an important meaning.
  • Remember not only appearance this object in a dream, but also what you did, how you felt, what was the general atmosphere of the dreams. Only after this will we try to find out exactly why the coffin is dreamed of and what to expect in reality.

Such dreams may look like this:

  • You see an open coffin in which a dead person lies.
  • You see it closed, and you don’t know who the dead person is or if he’s inside.
  • You dreamed of an open empty coffin and its lid next to it.
  • You dreamed that he was being carried into the house.
  • You saw that the deceased was your acquaintance, relative, child or friend.
  • You saw yourself in a coffin.
  • You are talking to a dead person.
  • You see that a miracle happened to the dead man and he came to life.
  • You fell or climbed into a coffin.
  • You climbed out of it.
  • In a dream you are making a coffin - for yourself or just like that.
  • In a dream you are digging up or, conversely, burying a grave.
  • You are carrying a coffin with a deceased person.

Depending on the events and nuances of your dreams, you can draw a conclusion about what you dream about the coffin and apply your knowledge in reality.

See and forget

Let's consider dreams in which you had to see a coffin in one form or another, but you did not actively do anything in the dream.


If you happen to see a lot of coffins in a dream, this indicates your worries, that you do not complete things and take on new ones.

  • This habit of not finishing everything can ruin your life if you don't change yourself. Think about it—you have too much to deal with.
  • A closed coffin symbolizes peace, pause, and a lot of philosophical reflection. You need to stop, take a vacation, maybe be alone, think about the meaning and true goals in your life today, about your future path.
  • The red coffin, bright and velvety, symbolizes joy. It is the red color that foreshadows that a new business awaits you - successful, pleasant, joyful, bringing profit and satisfaction. Maybe it's time to start something you've been dreaming about for a long time?
  • As the dream book says, a coffin strewn with flowers symbolizes an unsuccessful, unhappy marriage. If you are in a marriage or relationship, think about maybe ending it. Or you should gather your strength and figure out how to fix it, establish an alliance, and give a dead relationship a new life.

Revived dead man

A revived dead man may shock you if you happen to see him in your dreams, but do not be alarmed. Meeting the living dead symbolizes the guest.

  • And if your friend, relative or child comes to life, you should pay attention to him. He misses you, you forget about this person too much in your everyday life, and he needs you.

Seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream is strange, but it means a successful and peaceful completion of affairs. You will soon be ready to begin a new stage of life, take on a new business, and you will be successful. Just don't forget about rest.

Actions performed in a dream

It is also curious why you dream of a coffin with which you had to do something in a dream. Remember the details and find out.

If you opened the lid of a coffin in a dream and began to calmly talk with a living dead person, this is a bad sign that promises illness or trouble for that person. As the dream book says, the person in the coffin talking to you may get sick, or he may be in trouble, but you can help - it’s not for nothing that you dream about him.

If this is your friend, relative, or especially if the child was alive and spoke to you from the grave, pay maximum attention to his health. A child in such a dream often dreams of illness.

  • I wonder why you dream about the coffin you are carrying. Such a dream means profit, especially if you bring it into the house.
  • Do you have dreams in which for some reason you climb into a coffin? The dream book says that you lack new valuable knowledge and, possibly, fresh experiences and impressions.
  • But getting out of it is a symbol of restoration of strength, physical and mental recovery. A new stage awaits you, and you are almost ready for it.
  • Lying in a coffin in a dream, as if nothing had happened, symbolizes repentance for sin. You have done something and you will soon regret it. Try to eliminate the consequences, and learn from mistakes if you dream about such things.

in a coffin



Why do you dream about the Coffin in a dream?

Alive in a coffin - the dream is interpreted based on who you saw in the coffin. If this was you, it’s time to start leading a healthy lifestyle, throw away old habits that only harm you and your health.

  • Why do you dream of living in a coffin - a symbol of long life, you can see your great-grandchildren.
  • A living friend in a coffin is a good sign for him, he will not need anything, and can always support you.
  • The man in the coffin, whom you recognize in a dream, suggests that you need to solve all the problems you have with him, and not hide away from them.
  • Why do you dream of a man in a coffin? You need to carefully reconsider your social circle. Perhaps there are people in it with whom you have broken off relations a long time ago.


Why do you dream about a coffin in the fall?

Coffin - If you see an empty coffin without a deceased person in a dream, this means purchasing real estate.


Why do you dream about the Coffin, interpretation of the dream:

Coffin - joy, success in business, profit, longevity, wedding (for the young) // funeral (for the old), obstacles, bad; sleeping in it is fun // death (to the sick person), obstacles; open - death; empty - long and happy life; with the deceased - to a change in weather; a friend in a coffin - to hear about his success.


Why do you dream about the Coffin, according to the dream book interpretation:

Seeing a coffin in a dream - Seeing a coffin in a dream signifies a change in condition; sleeping in a coffin portends death for a sick person, and an obstacle in business for a healthy person.


Why do you dream about the Coffin in a dream?

Coffin - Seeing a coffin in a dream means sorrow and a quarrel with a loved one. For married couples, such a dream foreshadows a loss of harmony and perhaps even the death of one of the spouses. Seeing a moving coffin means you will experience shame because of your own behavior, as well as complete misunderstanding on the part of your partner.


Why does the Coffin appear in dreams?

Open - success in business; a friend in a coffin - news about his successes; for young people - for a wedding; for family - to profit, financial success; himself in a coffin - completion of affairs, this is the interpretation of the Coffin according to the dream book.


Why do you dream about the Coffin? folk beliefs Little Russia:

Coffin - Open coffin - death in the family. The coffin means a long and happy life. They say that when you dream of coffins in a cemetery, it’s bad. Seeing a coffin in a dream is an obstacle; lying in it is a joyful celebration; they hide you in a coffin - an unexpected wedding. Empty - long and happy life; with a corpse - when the weather changes.


A coffin in a dream, if you dream?

The coffin is brought into the home. - There will be a promotion. The dead man rises from the coffin. — A guest from outside will arrive. You see a dead man in a coffin. - Portends material gain. You open the coffin and talk to the dead man. - Unfortunately. You see a coffin floating on the water. - Portends great wealth.


Why do you dream about the Coffin in your night dreams?

  • Coffin - Seeing a coffin in a dream or making one - for an upcoming wedding, making a profit or promotion, for lovers - for an upcoming wedding, seeing it open and empty means danger.
  • Seeing a coffin floating on water is a sign of great wealth; if the coffin emerges from the grave itself, it is fortunate.
  • Lying in a coffin in a dream, and then getting out of it, means reviving your strength, gaining peace of mind and confidence in your abilities.
  • Seeing a tomb means good luck and protection awaits you; being inside it means disappointment and difficulties in business. Seeing a hearse in a dream means separation, changes in business.


Open with the deceased - completion of affairs; empty - danger, anxiety; himself in a coffin - success; happy marriage. Located in closed coffin– illness, psychological impasse; glory or oblivion, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.


Why do you dream and how to interpret the Coffin according to the dream book?

If you dream of a coffin, poverty and humiliation await you. If the coffin is large and heavy, then fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house. Golden coffin - portends success that will come to you from afar. Making coffins in a dream means hard work that will yield great rewards. Buying coffins in a dream means prosperity and harmony in the house.


Why do you dream about the Coffin - dream symbolism:

Seeing a coffin in a dream - A coffin indicates that you have reached the end of some phase of life and can think about a new period. Seeing yourself in a coffin is a sign that you need to finish some business. An empty coffin is a warning of danger. Carrying a coffin means success.


What does it mean if you dream about the Coffin:


Dreaming about the Coffin, why?

Seeing him is an obstacle; lie in it - long life; with ropes - death; to see them carry - sad circumstances and bad news; digging a hole for a coffin is a reasonable marriage; a buried coffin is a disease; open - a cheerful celebration awaits.


What does the coffin mean in dreams, interpretation:

Seeing a coffin in a dream - Empty, closed, mysterious events. Outdoor fun. You are in the coffin for longevity. Someone in a coffin for fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, hunting.


Why do you dream about the Coffin? The dream book interprets it this way:

  • Coffin - For the old - death
  • for family coffins - profit
  • for the young - a wedding,
  • seeing a coffin in a dream is an obstacle
  • lie in it - long life
  • coffin with ropes - case of death
  • to see the coffin being carried - sad circumstances and bad news
  • digging a hole for a coffin is a reasonable marriage
  • buried coffin - disease
  • open coffin - a cheerful celebration awaits


According to spiritual sources, why do you dream of a coffin?

Coffin - for the old - Death, for families - profit, for the young - longevity


Why do you dream and what does the Coffin mean in our time?

Coffin for old people - Death; for family - profit; For youth wedding, long life; for old family ones - they will die on the same day, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.


Why does a woman dream about the Coffin, what is this dream about?


Why does the dreamer dream about the Coffin:

  • Coffin, hearse, funeral cart - Seeing a coffin means bereavement and early departure of a dear relative.
  • Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Actually, this is a bad dream. For the peasant he promises crop failure and livestock illnesses.
  • For business people - failure.
  • For young people - an unhappy marriage.
  • The vision of a moving coffin promises the same thing: such a dream may be followed by illness, and then by marriage, overshadowed by previous events.
  • Quarrels, serious illness, repentance for actions promise you a dream in which you are lying in a coffin or sitting on it.


Why does the Coffin appear in a dream?

Coffins: for young people – Wedding; for families - big profits.


If you dream about the Coffin, how to understand it:

  • Coffin, empty - Success in the criminal business
  • Coffin - There will be a danger to life.
  • Undertaker - Seeing an undertaker in a dream means a funeral.


Why do you dream of a coffin in summer?

  • Undertaker - Seeing an undertaker at work in a dream means a coffin in your home.
  • Coffin - Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in a dream means a funeral.


Why do you dream of a coffin in spring?

The coffin means bereavement. If you saw a moving coffin or are carrying it yourself, such a dream foreshadows illness or an unsuccessful marriage.

carry the coffin according to the dream book

A dream in which you are carrying a coffin indicates that you may soon cause trouble to a loved one.

what does it mean if you carry a coffin in a dream

As often happens with Freud, it is not the action that matters, but the object. The coffin is a symbol women's health. The meaning of the dream depends on what kind of coffin you are carrying. If the coffin is expensive and pompous, then everything is fine with your reproductive system. An old and broken coffin means problems in the sexual sphere, sometimes infertility.

carry a coffin in a dream

The meaning depends on the age of the dreamer. For older people, seeing yourself carrying a coffin means death, but for young people, on the contrary, it means longevity. If a family person sees such a dream, it means profit.

what does it mean if you carry a coffin in a dream

If in a dream you become a participant in a funeral procession, this foreshadows the commission of unseemly acts that may harm people close to you. Most likely, troubles will affect a loved one.