The most beautiful paintings by Russian artists. Landscape artists. Russian landscape painters. Famous landscape painters of the 17th century

James Coleman American artist, who collaborated with the most famous animation studio in the country, Walt Disney. That's why his landscapes are very similar to fairy-tale pictures from a children's book. And this is true, because the artist painted his paintings only thanks to his boundless and amazing imagination, without going to the park or garden; all the masterpieces were painted in his living room. And even if all these beautiful places do not really exist, they are so fantastically beautiful. They cause real aesthetic pleasure.

Thomas Kinkade

Creator magical world, winter's tale and just a true genius of the brush, the American artist Thomas Kinkade amazes art connoisseurs with his winter, festive and fabulous beautiful scenery. His main feature There was the use of pastel colors and shiny highlights in his works, and he often painted on various Christian themes, thereby showing people that faith and goodness are real miracles. The master’s works are the most sold in America to this day, because everyone can afford them, as they are often printed on postcards and puzzles. Kincaid also has city landscapes, but look for yourself.

James Lee

American artist with Korean roots James Lee paints a rainbow, or rather, the world of the rainbow. All his paintings are filled with bright colors, light and shine; American landscapes seem to have been transferred to the east. Sharp colors and contrasting shades imbue James Lee's work with optimism and boundless positivity.

Alexander Bolotov

The most talented Ukrainian artist, living in Russia, Alexander Bolotov works in all genres. But his favorite topic is rain in the city. The unusual technique of making strokes, gray shades and unusual blurriness of the picture give the master’s work depth and naturalness.

Jun Young Joon

Korean landscape artist Jung Young Joon has a favorite quote: “Look around you and you will see how beautiful this world is.” He draws everything he sees around him and shows people all the beauty of our world and the nature that surrounds us. Like all oriental artists, Chung Yong Jun's paintings are colorful and vibrant, and they are also shrouded in mysterious fog and shine.

Albert Bierstadt - and his daring, wild west

German artist Albert Bierstadt is the best painter of the wild west. Moving to America and living there long years, Albert simply fell in love with the nature of this country, its canyons and waterfalls, savannas and parks. But most of all he liked the sultry, daring, wild West, which he painted with pleasure and thanks to which he became very popular. His paintings can be called a little gloomy, since the author often used dark shades, but they in no way spoil the very essence of the works.

Donna Young

Artist with her own vision of the art world, Donna Young tries to move away from the traditional use of oil and watercolor, and uses the two-dimensional space of her canvas to show the atmospheric depth of the image. The artist often uses the “reflection in water” technique, which makes her drawings three-dimensional. The colors and shades used are striking in their diversity and brightness.

Michael Humphries and his lovely countryside scenes

American artist Michael Humphreys paints banal, but so cute rural landscapes, which is absolutely breathtaking. The main characters of his paintings are beautiful village houses, bright flower beds, cute arches and benches at the gate. After looking at his paintings, you begin to understand that this is the place you want to live in forever. Michael Humphreys' paintings are filled with calm, kindness, tenderness and confidence in a good future.

Maria Gordeeva: “I love autumn”

An artist with Ukrainian roots, Maria Gordeeva is a freelance artist who paints in any genre. She can handle any subject, but Maria is best at landscapes. She loves to draw autumn and everything connected with it. However, the summer landscapes from Maria Gordeeva delight us: birches, wheat fields, lakes and meadows - here it is, our vast and beautiful homeland.

Johan Messely

Belgian artist Johan Misli paints sunny, bright landscapes filled with cheerfulness and optimism. His style can be called romantic realism, and his technique can be called new and unusual. Beautiful courtyards filled with flowers - that's what his story is about. If you have Bad mood, we have a cure for this diagnosis. And these are paintings by the Belgian genius. One glance lifts your mood, and fills your soul with light, positivity and joy...

Russian artist Alexander Milyukov draws mainly seascapes, since with early childhood loves water and everything connected with it. Sea, sun and sand, beautiful beaches and verandas overlooking seascapes, flowers and seagulls, as well as a feeling of anxiety, excitement and genuine interest - this is what is depicted in his canvases. And there is no point in talking about bright colors and skillful execution, you just need to see for yourself, which is what we offer you.

Another talented Russian landscape painter Vasily Peshkun deserves to be on our list brilliant artists. He uses a unique technique of applying strokes and unusual color combinations, which make his works very harmonious and not typical, but no less charming. And how skillfully he plays with light and shadow, it’s a sight to behold! In general, see for yourself.

Kari Flieher

The Austrian artist Kari Fliescher painted exclusively mountains, he adored them. There is so much grandeur, seriousness and severity in them. They are unapproachable on the one hand, and attract you like a magnet on the other. The artist depicted his native Alps more than once, but each time was like the first for him, and each painting was different from the previous one. When you look at him mountain landscapes, you can feel the fresh and clean alpine air.

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There are places and sensations that cannot be described in words. But these places can be drawn. With all the penetration, bright colors, the most ringing feelings. website I have selected pictures about the forest for you. About the sun through the foliage, about overgrown paths. Greatness and tenderness, beauty and peace. We bring to your attention 10 artists - singers of magical nature, capable of immersing the viewer in the thick aroma and good coolness of the forest. Enjoy!

© Bykov Victor

© Bykov Victor

Viktor Aleksandrovich Bykov is a famous Russian landscape painter who glorifies the beauty and lyricism of Russian nature. His paintings are realistic and at the same time fabulously airy. Pure colors, clear air, lightness and freshness - Viktor Bykov’s paintings are very popular among private collectors from Russia and abroad.

© Malgorzata Szczecinska

© Malgorzata Szczecinska

© Peder Mork Monsted

© Peder Mork Monsted

Peter Mørk Mønsted is a Danish realist artist and a recognized master of landscape. Despite numerous trips around the world, P. Mønsted's paintings were mainly written in Denmark and depict northern untouched landscapes. The artist’s works adorn the collections of the Aalborg, Bautzen, Randers museums and numerous private collections.

© Michael-OToole

© Michael-OToole

Michael O'Toole is from Vancouver, Canada's west coast. He grew up in an atmosphere of creativity, because his mother Nancy O'Toole was quite famous artist. Bright colors, contrast and pure tones in Michael O’Toole’s landscapes leave few people indifferent. Michael works mainly in acrylic; he uses color powerfully, confidently and richly, and plays with contrasts.

© Palmaerts Roland

© Palmaerts Roland

Roland Pelmaerts was born in Belgium, Brussels. He worked as a designer and illustrator and at the same time participated in exhibitions. The exhibitions were so successful that Pelmaerts devoted himself entirely to painting and teaching activities. He is the author of several teaching aids in painting. He is a member of the Canadian Society of Watercolor Painters, the European Watercolor Institute and was president of the Institute of Figurative Art for five years.

© Ilya Ibryaev

© Ilya Ibryaev

Ilya was born in Moscow. He is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Known as a ceramic artist, he is also excellent at watercolors. His airy creations are delicate and subtle. A warm fog hangs in its forests, soaked in the soft sun. Many of his works are in Russian museums.

© Petras Lukosius

© Petras Lukosius

Petras Lukosius is a Lithuanian artist. His multi-layered painting is permeated with light, streams of the sun pour abundantly onto his mystical forests, the light gently envelops every branch. Petras's paintings can be found all over the world, including Germany, England, Spain and Sweden.

© Lin Ching-Che

Majestic and diverse Russian painting always delights viewers with its inconstancy and perfection artistic forms. This is a feature of the works of famous art masters. They always surprised us with their extraordinary approach to work, their reverent attitude towards the feelings and sensations of each person. Perhaps this is why Russian artists so often depicted portrait compositions that vividly combined emotional images and epically calm motifs. No wonder Maxim Gorky once said that an artist is the heart of his country, the voice of an entire era. Indeed, the majestic and elegant paintings of Russian artists vividly convey the inspiration of their time. Like aspirations famous author Anton Chekhov, many sought to bring into Russian paintings the unique flavor of their people, as well as an unquenchable dream of beauty. It is difficult to underestimate the extraordinary paintings of these masters majestic art, because under their brush truly extraordinary works of various genres were born. Academic painting, portrait, historical picture, landscape, works of romanticism, modernism or symbolism - all of them still bring joy and inspiration to their viewers. Everyone finds in them something more than colorful colors, graceful lines and inimitable genres of world art. Perhaps such an abundance of forms and images with which Russian painting surprises is connected with the enormous potential of the artists’ surrounding world. Levitan also said that every note of lush nature contains a majestic and extraordinary palette of colors. With such a beginning, a magnificent expanse appears for the artist’s brush. Therefore, all Russian paintings are distinguished by their exquisite severity and attractive beauty, which is so difficult to tear yourself away from.

Russian painting is rightfully distinguished from the world artistic arts. The fact is that until the seventeenth century, domestic painting was associated exclusively with a religious theme. The situation changed with the coming to power of the reforming tsar, Peter the Great. Thanks to his reforms, Russian masters began to engage in secular painting, there was a separation of icon painting as a separate direction. The seventeenth century is the time of such artists as Simon Ushakov and Joseph Vladimirov. Then, in Russian art world portrait was born and quickly became popular. In the eighteenth century, the first artists appeared, moving from portrait painting to landscape. The artists’ pronounced sympathy for winter panoramas is noticeable. The eighteenth century is also remembered for the emergence of everyday painting. In the nineteenth century, three movements gained popularity in Russia: romanticism, realism and classicism. As before, Russian artists continued to turn to the portrait genre. It was then that the world-famous portraits and self-portraits of O. Kiprensky and V. Tropinin appeared. In the second half of the nineteenth century, artists increasingly depicted the common Russian people in their oppressed state. Realism becomes the central movement of painting of this period. It was then that the Itinerant artists appeared, depicting only real, real life. Well, the twentieth century is, of course, the avant-garde. The artists of that time significantly influenced both their followers in Russia and throughout the world. Their paintings became the forerunners of abstract art. Russian painting is a huge amazing world talented artists who glorified Russia with their creations

Contemporary landscape artists have posted their portfolios on the pages of our online gallery. Their oil paintings, information about creative path, work materials and other information can be found at personal pages authors. We work to make it easier for painters and art buyers to find each other. The portal contains works by Russian, American, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Polish, German and French authors. Online gallery buyers can count on the safety of financial transactions with large sums.

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