Quick kvass at home. How to make delicious kvass at home

Our recipes for making bread kvass at home will help you out when on a hot day you want real Russian kvass: their bread and crackers.

  • Water - 1 Liter
  • Rye bread - 500 grams
  • Raisins - 0.5 Cups
  • Sugar - 4 Cups
  • Dry yeast - 1.5 tbsp. spoons

Let's take all the ingredients we need. Let's put a vat of water on the stove; if you don't have such a large pan, you can divide everything into two portions. The water needs to be brought to a boil.

At this time, you should fry the bread. Fry the bread in a frying pan without oil until blackened. The most important thing is to make sure that the bread does not burn. However, bread kvass requires pieces rye bread, brought precisely to black coals.

When the water has boiled, remove the vat from the heat, add a handful of raisins and all the bread. Cover the pan with a lid and leave to steep overnight.

The next morning, remove the lid, remove the bread from the vat (discard the bread) and add the sugar and yeast mixture prepared in a separate bowl. Mix everything well. Cover the vat with plastic wrap and leave to steep for another 6 hours. Stir the liquid every two hours. After this, you will need to remove the raisins from the vat.

Take another pan, cheesecloth and strain bread kvass.

You will get this kvass. Pour it into plastic bottles, close and put in the refrigerator. Let the kvass stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, after which the kvass can be drunk.

Recipe 2: bread kvass at home

  • Sourdough in portions
  • Raisins 10-15 pcs.
  • Sugar 4-6 tbsp. spoon
  • Rusks to taste
  • Kvass 3 tbsp. spoon
  • Water 2.8 l

To the net three liter jar pour in the starter. It should cover the bottom of the jar by approximately 5-7 cm. If you are preparing kvass for the first time, then you need to prepare the starter first: pour 2 tbsp into a liter jar. l. sugar, black bread croutons for one third of the jar, ¼ tsp. dry yeast, water, mix everything and leave for one day.

Add black bread crackers to the jar. I make them myself: I cut a loaf of black bread into small pieces and fry them in the oven until a crust forms. Then I put them in a bag and use them as needed.

Add sugar to the jar. The amount of sugar depends on which kvass you like best; if it is sweet, then you need to add 6 tbsp. l., if sour, then 4 tbsp. l. There will be enough sugar.

Add pre-washed and peeled raisins and 3 tbsp. dry purchased kvass.

Pour into a jar clean water. I always prepare kvass using spring water; if this is not possible, you can use regular drinking boiled water. Mix everything in the jar and cover it with gauze.

During the cooking process, the kvass will “play” and some liquid will definitely spill out. Therefore, our jar needs to be placed in a deep plate or dish. Place the jar in a bright place and leave for two days.

On the third day, the kvass is ready, carefully pour it into a clean jar. From the contents of our three-liter jar, a full two-liter jar of kvass is obtained. Place in the refrigerator and keep it there until completely consumed. Drink and add kvass to dishes - chilled.

After we have drained the kvass, the leaven will remain in the jar, which needs to be mixed thoroughly and placed in a separate bowl. We will use this starter when preparing new kvass; the starter must be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe 3: homemade bread kvass with yeast

  • Bread (about a third of a loaf of Borodino) - 4 slices.
  • Sugar (6 tbsp - for sourdough, 4 - for ready-made kvass) - 10 tbsp. l.
  • Yeast (two sachets of instant, 11 g each) - 22 g
  • Raisins (approx; I put 8-10 raisins in each bottle) - 30 g
  • Water - 3.5 l

Let's start with the starter. Cut a loaf of Borodino bread into breadcrumbs - cubes with a side of about two or three centimeters. Place on a baking sheet in one layer and dry in the oven at 150 degrees until almost black. If you want light kvass, you can take wheat crackers or Borodino crackers and dry them not until they turn black, but simply until they become crackers.

When the crackers have cooled, pour three or four handfuls into a liter jar, add 6 tbsp. l. sugar (for kvass I usually use white sugar), pour boiling water. You need to pour boiling water carefully, shaking the jar periodically so that it does not burst. And do not top up: the starter will ferment and may “escape.”

As soon as the contents of the jar have cooled almost to room temperature, pour in all the yeast. Cover the jar with a paper towel or gauze and leave for three days.

After three days, pour the starter into a three-liter jar, add another 4 tbsp. l. sugar, add cold water a little to the top - and leave for another two to three days. You will see for yourself how the kvass begins to ferment and “work.”
As soon as this “work” stops, the drink is ready.

Strain the kvass into plastic bottle or another container with a narrow neck and a tight seal, add a handful (8-10 pcs) of raisins to each bottle, close tightly and let stand for another day.

After this, open carefully! Kvass is ready.

Recipe 4: how to make bread kvass at home

  • Borodino bread 5 slices
  • Raisins 1 handful
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast 0.5 tsp.
  • Purified water 3 l

Cut Borodinsky or other rye bread into small pieces.

Dry the bread in the oven until lightly burnt - this will give the kvass a beautiful color and flavor. After toasting, pour the crackers into a jar or pan.

Add sugar and washed raisins to the jar. Raisins add sharpness to kvass.

Pour boiled water, but cooled to 70 degrees, over the crackers. Leave the future kvass to steep for a couple of hours in a warm place.

In a separate bowl, dissolve dry yeast and sugar in half a glass of warm water. When the yeast comes to life, you can add it to the jar and stir.

Cover the jar with gauze to protect the drink from dust or insects, place it in a very warm place, maybe on a windowsill in the sun. Let the kvass ferment for about 1 day, but not less than 12 hours.

Then strain the kvass through two layers of gauze, pour into bottles and seal well. Place in the refrigerator to ripen for another day or less. To add even more sharpness, you can throw two or three more raisins into the bottles.

For a new portion of kvass, you can use all the ingredients described above, or you can select part of the starter (fermented bread) and no longer add yeast to the new portion, but otherwise follow the recipe.

Recipe 5: homemade bread kvass without yeast

  • slices of rye bread – 250 g,
  • water – 2.5 l,
  • granulated sugar – 180 g,
  • raisins – 15-20 pcs.

Dry it in a preheated oven until it just turns golden brown. If the crackers burn, the drink will have a bitter taste.

Pour granulated sugar into boiling water, stir until it dissolves, turn off and cool to body temperature.

Pour the syrup into the jar almost to the very top and add the washed raisins.

We tie the neck of the jar with several layers of gauze and place it in a dark place.

After 1-2 days, an intensive fermentation process begins - the crackers rise to the neck. After 3-4 days, kvass acquires a sharp taste - it is already ready.

We filter and pour it into another container and set it to cool.

Remove half the crackers from the jar and add some fresh ones. And then pour in sweet warm water again and add raisins. We also put it in a dark place, but after 10-12 hours the kvass will be ready. Thus, you can make this drink daily.

Recipe 6: homemade kvass from crackers (with photo)

This homemade kvass bread recipe can be prepared at home from crackers and stale bread.

  • crackers - 1 kg
  • water - 10 l
  • sugar - 250 gr
  • dry active yeast - 1 tsp.
  • raisins - 3 tsp.

We take out supplies of bread crusts, pieces and other bread leftovers that we did not let mold eat during the long winter. These pieces of leftover bread dry perfectly right on the windowsill, put into a fabric bag and stored until better times. It is clear that bread with nuts, cheese and other fatty additives is not suitable for kvass.

Bake the crusts and pieces of crackers in the oven until slightly black around the edges.

Boil 10 liters of water in a large saucepan (for three 3-liter jars of kvass) and drop our burnt pieces of crackers into it. Mix. Now you need to wait until the water cools down and draws out all the beneficial substances from the bread. It is better to leave it to brew until the morning. This infusion is called wort.

We strain it and squeeze out the bread. Now I don't mind throwing it away. Although, in rural areas, this can be fed to poultry or livestock.

Pour the wort into jars. At room temperature, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar to each jar and, literally, on the tip of a knife, dry yeast from any brand. Protect from direct sunlight!

Add 10 regular raisins to each jar. It is believed that raisins enhance fermentation. Stir and leave at room temperature for a day.

The foam and bubbles that appear indicate that the process has begun. There is no point in keeping kvass warm any longer. It will peroxide. Strain the raisins and pour the kvass into pet bottles. A thick mass at the bottom of the jar, about 150 ml remains in it. We return the raisins there. This is a ready-made starter for future kvass. Pour in new cooled wort, add sugar and a few fresh raisins. That's all. We won't need yeast anymore.

We put both bottles and cans in the refrigerator. We take a sample of kvass from bottles. You should know that fermentation continues in the refrigerator. Kvass loses its sweetness and becomes stronger. For children, you can add a tablespoon of sugar to the bottles. For okroshka, sour, aged kvass is good. We have organized the process of continuous bottling of kvass.

Recipe 7, step by step: homemade kvass from bread

  • bread "Borodinsky"
  • dry yeast
  • sugar

For kvass we need not bread, but crackers. Therefore, we will cut the bread into small pieces so that they fit into our intended container for preparing kvass - in my case it is a three-liter bottle (the yield of kvass is approximately 2 liters in 1-2 days).

We put our crackers in the oven to dry, I won’t say for how long, because... didn't detect it. In general, it all depends on your taste. For example, I like it slightly toasted, and then the kvass turns out to be a beautiful color:

After the crackers are ready, pour them into a half-liter jar. for making sourdough. Add yeast, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and fill with water.

Leave for at least a day to begin the fermentation process. After this, we control the fermentation process visually and by sound (hissing).

Drain the liquid, add fresh water, sugar, a couple of crackers and leave for another day. (in principle, the fermentation process has already begun, all this is so as not to feel the taste and smell of yeast) If there is a smell, repeat again.

Some of the bread should move down and the drink should smell like kvass.

If your drink turns out whitish and not the same as in the photo, don’t let this bother you, I photographed the almost finished sourdough.

After this, pour the contents of the jar into a larger container and fill half the bottle with water. Again, add sugar and crackers - now these are the main and only ingredients for kvass.

When ready (determined by taste, 1-2 days), drain the finished kvass and add the ingredients.

After the starter has formed in sufficient quantity, you can increase the amount of water to a full bottle.

All that remains is to strain the kvass:

add sugar to taste and enjoy! If small particles suddenly get into the finished kvass, don’t worry - this is bread, it’s edible.

Over time, as the amount of starter increases, the speed of kvass preparation will increase. As sediment from bread crumbs accumulates at the bottom of the bottle:

Kvass - a native Slavic drink. In ancient times, it constituted the main diet of the peasant (together with black bread and onions). They did not disdain kvass in the royal chambers either. This is not surprising - the drink is healing, increasing immunity .

So how to cook homemade kvass (recipe for 3 liters) quickly ?

Homemade kvass

Kvass on rye breadcrumbs

Intoxicating drinking does not lose popularity in our time. You can see it on store shelves (packaged in bottles) and buy a glass at a kiosk for bottling. Grandmothers also sell it at the market, but many housewives prefer to make kvass themselves.

Therefore it is not surprising that there are so many various recipes preparing a tonic drink . It can be prepared with or without yeast, with beets or apples – there are countless ways to do it. But the one prepared at home always turns out to be the best.

Traditionally in Rus', tonic drinks were infused with grain, so preparing the drink was a long process. Now homemade kvass (recipes for 3 liters below) is quickly won due to its composition - within a day you can already drink the drink .

Cooking recipes

If you need to make homemade kvass (recipe for 3 liters) quickly, then it should be made only with yeast . This is the main catalyst for fermentation. Many housewives are accustomed to insisting on Borodino bread, but the process will take about 3 days. You can speed it up by using the following recipes:

  • On breadcrumbs. Having bought a kilogram rye crackers , they should be further fried until a golden crust appears. Then the crackers are poured warm water (you need 2 liters) and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Next, the infusion is poured into a 3-liter glass jar, and the crackers should be poured again with a liter boiled water and leave for 1 hour.

This infusion is poured into a jar to the previous one and added granulated sugar – 1.5 glasses. 40 g kvass yeast dilute with a small amount of wort and pour into the infusion. After allowing the kvass to mature in a warm place for 12 hours, it is packaged and sent into the cold.

Kvass on rye breadcrumbs, with honey and horseradish
  • Boyarsky. This recipe has been passed down from one generation to another for centuries. The drink is infused on rye bread, but it is quite stale. Previously, kvass was infused without yeast, but today’s housewives use this ingredient to speed up the reaction.

50 g hop yeast poured warm water (1 glass) and let it ferment. Mint steam with boiling water to taste and also infuse. Slices stale bread pour boiling water (3 liters) and let stand until the water cools to 30 degrees.

Yeast starter and steamed mint are added to the infusion. After 12 hours, all this is filtered, and 1 kg is dissolved in the filtered composition Sahara . Once the drink has been played enough, you can already drink it, but by giving it the opportunity to brew in the cold, you will get a stronger kvass.

  • With horseradish. A homemade drink prepared quickly enough will be even more vigorous due to the presence of horseradish in it. And the cooking speed is much higher compared to the previously described methods.

Rye crackers (600 g) need to be poured boiling water and leave for 3 hours, then strain and add yeast (15 g), leaving to infuse for another 5 hours. Now you can add honey and grated horseradish root (75 g each). Having mixed well, the kvass is packaged in bottles, adding highlight . After 2 hours you can enjoy the crappy drink.

  • Apple. This recipe will seem unusual to you, because... prepared unconventionally. IN boiled slightly cooled water fall asleep Sahara (full glass), add yeast (take dry ) – tsp. And instant coffee – two tsp.


Kvass on apple juice

Homemade kvass (recipe for 3 liters) can be quickly prepared using the above technologies. The process can be slightly accelerated if you don’t just infuse the drink in a warm place, but preheat it. This will speed up the fermentation process.

How to make homemade kvass? Not everyone knows the answer to the question posed. In this regard, we want to devote this article to this topic.

General information

Bread kvass is a traditional Russian drink. In Rus' it was used all year round. It was popular in monasteries, and in noble estates, and in peasant huts, and even in the royal chambers. It is noteworthy that kvass made from bread quite easily quenches thirst, quickly restores strength and relieves fatigue. That is why this drink is very popular today.

The benefits of kvass

Almost everyone knows that natural homemade kvass is good for health. After all, just a few decades ago in hospitals and infirmaries it was equated with medicines. And today doctors know that kvass regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, significantly improving digestion, and also prevents the proliferation of microbes and improves overall tone.

Thanks to the presence of vitamins and microelements, bread kvass can have a positive effect on all systems of the body. So, it is recommended to use it for the following deviations:

  • for diseases nervous system and hearts;
  • for the treatment of hypertension and cleansing of blood vessels;
  • with gastritis, which is accompanied by low acidity (in this case, it is necessary to drink kvass before directly eating food);
  • to restore liver cells;
  • to improve overall well-being (due to the presence of lactic acid, magnesium, amino acids, trace elements, calcium and B vitamins in the drink);
  • for arrhythmias;
  • as a choleretic agent;
  • to increase potency, strengthen teeth, etc.

Homemade rye kvass: recipe

Kvass is a summer drink. Many people think so. And this is no accident, because in the summer heat you really want to drink something refreshing. It should be noted that such a drink can be easily purchased at any store. But it turns out tastier and healthier if you prepare it at home. And a time-tested method will help us with this.

Making rye kvass at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Moreover, to prepare such a drink you only need simple and affordable ingredients. After mixing all the components, the kvass will be ready for use within a day. By the way, you can store it for several months, but only in a cool place.

So, before preparing homemade kvass, you should prepare the following components:

  • cold water - 3 l;
  • ground rye crackers - a full faceted glass;
  • granulated sugar - a full glass;

Cooking process

How to make homemade kvass to make it as tasty as possible? To do this, take a three-liter glass jar, wash it thoroughly, and then add ground rye crackers, granulated sugar and dry granulated yeast. Next, you need to pour cold water into the container. Moreover, the liquid should not reach 4-5 centimeters to the edges of the jar.

To make the kvass tasty and ferment quickly, it is recommended to thoroughly mix the contents of the jar with a large spoon. As a result of this procedure, the granulated sugar should completely melt. If desired, you can add a few dark raisins to the finished mixture. They will give kvass not only a pleasant shade, but also a special taste.

After all the ingredients are mixed, cover the filled jar with a glass lid and place it in the sun. By the way, tightly closing the container with kvass is not recommended. If you neglect this advice, then during the fermentation process the lid may fly off, splashing your entire room with aromatic drink.

Final stage

In total, preparing kvass at home can take you about two days. After all, after you put the filled jar in the sun, exactly that much time should pass. If you want to get a less “vigorous” drink, then it should be removed from the sun after 1-1.5 days.

The finished kvass must be strained through cheesecloth or a strainer, and then poured into bottles (plastic can be used) and placed in the refrigerator. After cooling, the drink can not only be drunk, but also used to prepare such a delicious traditional Russian dish as okroshka.

How to re-make kvass?

It should be noted that after preparation homemade kvass it should leave a wort that can be used to create a new drink. To do this, take 3-4 large spoons of the mixture, put them in a jar, add the same amount of new rye crackers and a glass of sugar. Next, the ingredients need to be poured with cold water, mixed thoroughly and left in the sun again for 1-2 days. However, adding yeast and raisins is not recommended. As practice shows, such a starter for kvass makes the drink even more tasty and rich. This procedure can be repeated an infinite number of times.

Preparing a honey drink

Few people know how to make kvass using honey. And so that you can enjoy this drink, we will present its detailed recipe right now.

So, we need:

  • water at room temperature - 5 l;
  • rye flour - 1 large spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • any honey - 200 g;
  • fresh lemon - 1 (small);
  • dry granulated yeast - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • dark raisins - add to taste.

Preparing the Components

Before preparing homemade kvass, you should carefully process all the main ingredients. To do this, you need to wash a small lemon and cut it into thin slices. It is also necessary to dilute dry granulated yeast with two large spoons of warm boiled water. As for rye flour, it is also recommended to mix it, but with cold liquid.

Cooking process

After preparing the main components, you can start preparing a delicious drink. To do this you need to mix lemon, honey and granulated sugar. Next, all the ingredients should be poured into 4 liters of water at room temperature. In the same container you need to add diluted granulated yeast and rye flour. After this, the contents of the jar must be thoroughly mixed for 3-6 minutes, and then closed loosely and placed in the sun. Kvass should be kept in this way for about a day. After 24 hours, another 1 liter of warm liquid must be added to the container.

After thin slices of lemon and raisins float to the surface, the drink is considered suitable. It should be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth, poured into bottles and placed in a cool place. After 2-4 days, you can safely drink the aromatic kvass.

Classic kvass from dry sourdough

Now you know how to prepare homemade kvass yourself. The recipe for such a Russian drink can include completely different ingredients. Moreover, the taste and aroma of the finished product depends on them.

If you want to get the same leavened drink that is sold in barrels on the street, we recommend using ready-made dry sourdough, which can always be found in regular bread stores.

So, to prepare classic kvass at home we will need:

  • cold water - 3 l;
  • dry sourdough from the store - 4 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 8 large spoons (more or less, as desired);
  • Dry granulated yeast of the “Pakmai” type - 4-5 granules (no more!).

How to prepare the drink?

Kvass at home using store-bought dry sourdough is very tasty. If you prefer a sweeter drink, then it is advisable to add 8-9 large spoons of granulated sugar (per 3 liters of water). If you don’t like sugary kvass, then you can limit yourself to only 6-7 tablespoons of the sweet product.

So, to prepare such a drink at home, you should take a clean three-liter jar and pour granulated sugar and dry starter from the store into it. Next, you need to pour 3 liters of the mixture cold water from the tap. However, it is not recommended to fill the jar to the top, as the liquid may spill during fermentation.

After the container is filled, its contents must be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon (for 3-7 minutes). Finally, you need to add a few granules of dry yeast like “Pakmai” to the jar. It is highly recommended not to use more than this product. If you ignore this advice, the finished kvass may have a pronounced taste and aroma of yeast.

After mixing all the ingredients again, the jar should be loosely covered with a glass lid or multi-layer gauze, and then placed in a warm place. It is not advisable to leave such a drink in the hot sun, as it may become acidic. The main condition for it is shade and a temperature of +27-29 degrees.

Final stage

After 24 hours, you can taste the kvass from the dry starter. If you are not satisfied with it, then the fermentation process can be continued in the same mode. If the drink already seems quite tasty to you, then it should be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth, poured into bottles and placed in the refrigerator. After a few hours, kvass can be safely consumed.

How to use kvass wort?

The mass remaining at the bottom of the jar after you strain the drink is called kvass wort. It is this that must be used to prepare a new batch of the drink. To do this, you need to take 1 glass of the mass, pour it into a clean three-liter container, add 8 large spoons of granulated sugar and 3 large spoons of dry starter. After mixing all the ingredients, they should be loosely covered and placed in a warm place out of direct sunlight. After keeping the drink for 1-2 days, it must be strained, placed in the refrigerator, and the remaining kvass wort must be made into new batch. It should be especially noted that each time your kvass will turn out even more tasty and rich than the previous one. However, adding granulated yeast to subsequent batches is highly discouraged. I would also like to say that the longer you keep the drink warm, the stronger it becomes.

The basic principle of making kvass

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare kvass at home. It should be noted that there is an incredible number of different recipes for such a drink. Some additionally add rye or wheat bread to it, some use dried fruits, and some even use beetroot and garlic kvass. Learning how to make this drink yourself is quite simple. To do this, you just need to know the proportions of the main ingredients. As for the process, it is the same for all drinks:

  • prepare and, if necessary, process all the main ingredients (for example, dilute yeast, chop lemon, beets, garlic, etc.);
  • take a clean, glass container if possible;
  • add all dry ingredients;
  • add drinking water;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • cover the dishes loosely;
  • put the jar in a warm place (in some cases it can be in the sun);
  • wait for active fermentation of the contents of the container;
  • keep warm for about 1-2 days;
  • strain the kvass;
  • pour the drink into bottles;
  • cool;
  • consume as a regular drink or use for preparing other dishes (for example, for okroshka).

By following this algorithm of actions, you can make absolutely any kvass using almost any ingredients.

To make kvass at home as tasty, aromatic and healthy as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules when preparing it:

Hi all!

Friends, how are you enjoying your summer?

For some reason it decided to linger here, it’s only +10 outside, and you can’t feel the heat at all...

It’s sad, but hoping for the best, I decided to make kvass at home ☺

Gathered the sea interesting information I decided to write this post about him.

So today I will tell you how to do it delicious kvass and I'll share interesting recipes

From this article you will learn:

Kvass at home - recipes for making it

Kvass is a Slavic sour drink, which is prepared on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt (rye, barley) or from dry rye bread, sometimes with the addition of fragrant herbs, honey, and wax; also prepared from beets, fruits, berries

How is kvass useful?

Why kvass?

Taste, benefits, availability - the main answer. Traditions also play an important role: for Russia, kvass is practically national pride.

Many centuries ago it was quite strong, but historians believe that thanks to the advent of alcohol and vodka, the Slavs’ attitude towards kvass changed; brewers stopped chasing strength, and focused on taste variations.

The proven benefits of kvass are based on the fermentation process and yeast, as well as the vitamins and minerals of the raw materials from which kvass is made.

Like kvass, it is the result of lactic acid fermentation and, accordingly, can help with various intestinal and gastric disorders, normalizes metabolism and digestion, and the resulting acids cleanse the body, removing toxins, pathogenic cells, and waste products.

Healing properties of kvass:

  • It also helps with enterocolitis, obesity, eating disorders, and gastritis with high acidity.
  • But the main thing is that if you make kvass according to the classic recipe, with yeast, then the enzymes and amino acids contained in yeast fungi destroy the microbial cells of many pathogens.
  • Therefore, this drink is directly indicated for any inflammatory and purulent processes, as well as for nervous atrophies, disorders of the pancreas, and diabetes.
  • The tonic and nutritional properties of kvass have also been proven, so it is used as a food product during hospital stays, during and after illnesses, for a general increase in tone and performance, for nervous and physical exhaustion, and intoxication.

Another interesting property was studied by a Russian scientist: almost any bacteria in kvass die, so in epidemiologically unfavorable areas, in conditions of natural disasters, this is the safest drink.

Why is it better to prepare kvass at home?

Kvass is easy to prepare both industrially and at home.

Both now and in the Soviet Union, kvass barrels were a symbol of summer, freshness, and quenching thirst, but it was the barrels that forced the drink to be considered not the most “clean” and healthy.

Without control, they stopped drying and washing them properly, and accordingly, plaque and dirt on the walls became simply dangerous.

Kvass bottled at production seems to be of higher quality, but, unfortunately, the industrial process and carbonation do not make it healthier or tastier.

That’s why many have returned to making kvass on their own; there are a huge number of options!

After all, it can be prepared from various types of flour and bread, you can use non-cereal products like beets and sea buckthorn, and add various fruits, berries, and herbs to add flavor.

Homemade kvass recipes

To get exactly your drink, experiment!

Well, I’ll share a few basic recipes for homemade kvass.

Kvass at home from sourdough starter

Preparation technology:

  1. The easiest way to get sourdough is to mix yeast, flour (preferably rye) and sugar: for a three-liter jar of future kvass, I take three tablespoons of flour and sugar and a spoonful of yeast.
  2. Pour warm water, mix thoroughly and wrap for half an hour.
  3. After this, add the starter into a jar with the liquid from which you will make kvass.
  4. In general, the concept of “sourdough” is quite arbitrary, even if you don’t prepare it specifically, everything that you mix in a container with yeast is in fact the starter and the fermentation process.
  5. The first liquid is then, as a rule, drained, and what remains becomes the starter for the next portions.

Bread kvass - delicious recipe

Usually we are talking about kvass made from crackers.

  • Bread, dried in the oven until dark, needs to be filled with warm water, and after a few hours, strain and add the finished sourdough.
  • Stir, cover the container with gauze and leave to infuse for a day at room temperature.

A slightly different variation, without unnecessary steps:

  1. Pour boiling water over flour or crackers ( classic version- rye), stand for several hours, strain and add sugar and yeast. There is not much yeast, I usually add one tablespoon per three liters.
  2. Let it ferment in a warm place for about a day.
  3. This rye kvass is especially rich in vitamin B, it is useful for people with liver problems, it perfectly stimulates the production of gastric juice, quenches thirst and enriches the diet.
  4. It’s good to add raisins to bread kvass; they add a pleasant flavor.

For more information on how to make kvass at home, watch this video recipe

Beet kvass - a simple recipe

It has a rather specific taste and has a cleansing effect, acting on both the intestines and the liver.

Preparation technology:

  1. Grate the beets and simmer a little until soft.
  2. Then add water to the top and bring to a boil (I take about 500-600 grams of beets for three liters of water).
  3. The broth should be allowed to brew and cool.
  4. After this it is filtered
  5. Add 100 grams of sugar, a handful of rye crackers and a teaspoon of dry yeast.
  6. That's it, let him wander. After straining, the drink is ready.

Oat kvass - a delicious recipe

Most often I prepare this particular kvass.

In general, oats have taken up permanent residence in our home, because they help to relieve even chronic problems with the liver and stomach, has cleansing and enveloping properties.

Of course, we are talking about natural, unhulled grain.

In the cold season, I pour washed oats in a thermos with boiling water overnight so that I can drink a warm and very pleasant drink on an empty stomach in the morning. When it's warm, we drink kvass.

Oat kvass at home:

  1. First you need to prepare the starter.
  2. Pour a handful of washed grains with water into three liter jar(not to the top) and add 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  3. Cover the top with gauze and wait 5 days in a warm, dark place, then pour out the liquid, fermented oat grains become the starter for the next portions.
  4. It “works” for several months, you just need to add purified warm water and sugar or honey to taste (a few tablespoons are enough for me) and leave for a day at room temperature.
  5. This kvass is yeast-free; its usefulness is achieved through oats and fermentation products.

Bread kvass without yeast - recipe

For various reasons, not everyone uses yeast, in which case you can simply take the recipe for yeast kvass and not add it there.

That is, pour bread or crackers with water and sugar, leave for one to three days (depending on the temperature of the house) and then drain the liquid and use the resulting starter for the next kvass.

Kvass at home without yeast

Just pay attention to the bread you take for kvass! Ideally, of course, homemade, but in any case, use one with a minimum of additives, oils and impurities.

Apple kvass - tasty and healthy

There are many recipes for apple and fruit kvass, I will write my favorite here☺


  1. Any high-quality ones must be peeled, including the seeds, cut and boiled a little, as for compote, add sugar to taste.
  2. Then add two grams of dry yeast, after the drink has cooled, stir and cover with gauze. Fermentation lasts approximately 12 hours, unless your home is cold.
  3. That’s it, the drink is ready, you need to strain it as thoroughly as possible and put it in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator.
  4. It lasts longer than other homemade kvass, about a week.

Kvass with hops - recipe

This is a more “adult” recipe, spied on the Internet, I liked it☺


  1. in the form of inflorescences (about a third of a glass for 3 liters of kvass) and rye bread crackers (take half a small loaf) should be poured with boiling water and allowed to cool to room temperature.
  2. Add warm boiled water to full volume, 100 grams of sugar, a teaspoon of yeast and leave in the room for a day.
  3. Strain, bottle and put in the refrigerator!

A little about the contraindications of kvass

It also causes fermentation in the intestines; you should not drink it if you are allergic to certain components.


Once ready, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a few days, since it does not contain preservatives.

Enjoy quenching your thirst☺

I will be glad to send you your proven recipes for homemade kvass!!!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!!!

In this article I want to suggest simple recipes a truly Russian drink, namely bread kvass. This is a very tasty, healthy and refreshing drink that everyone loves - adults and children.

In general, kvass can be prepared from many products using a variety of additives. In this article you will find recipes for bread kvass.

The drink you prepare will be incomparably tastier than store-bought analogues. Therefore, feel free to take one of the recipes and delight your family with delicious kvass, which our ancestors have glorified since ancient times.

It is a real treasure trove of minerals, amino acids and vitamins for our body. This drink is obtained as a result of fermentation, and therefore its main benefits come from microorganisms formed as a result of this process.

In the old days, a bread drink was drunk to maintain health during Lent; it replenished strength and lack of nutrients during food restrictions.

Making kvass yourself is not at all difficult. Follow the recipe, a little patience and you will get a great drink that quenches your thirst and tones you up. Chilled kvass will perfectly refresh you on a hot day and give you strength and energy. In addition, it is successfully used in the preparation of botvinya, traditional stews, marinades, etc.

Classic recipe for kvass made from rye bread with yeast

Classic recipe is the basis for preparing this drink. A minimum of ingredients and ease of preparation allow you to easily obtain excellent kvass at home - tasty and healthy. With a little time and patience, the whole family can enjoy a wonderful drink!

You will need:

  • 1 kg stale rye bread
  • 20 g yeast
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour
  • 300 g sugar

Cooking method:

Trying not to disturb the cloudy sediment at the bottom, it is carefully poured into clean bottles, capping them tightly

Place the container of kvass in the cold for 3 days, after which time it will be completely ready for use.

Bon appetit!

How to make homemade kvass without adding yeast

How to make kvass without yeast and starter culture? It's not difficult at all. All you need is rye bread, water, sugar and time. Kvass according to this recipe sounds very good in okroshka or as a cool non-alcoholic drink for the whole family. Try to cook - enjoy the excellent bright taste!

You will need:

  • 120 g granulated sugar
  • 500 g rye bread
  • 3 l water
  • 1 handful raisins (unwashed)

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the bread pieces well in the oven at 100-110 degrees until golden brown.
  2. Pour hot water (about 80 degrees) over the crackers, add sugar
  3. Cover the neck with a clean cloth, then place glass jar on a wooden board and place it in a dark and warm place for 2.5-3 days
  4. As soon as fermentation stops, strain the liquid into bottles and cap them tightly.
  5. You can, if desired, put 4-5 pieces in each bottle. raisins - this will add sharpness and carbonation
  6. Store kvass in the cold

Bon appetit!

Kvass from Borodino bread with raisins

Many people add raisins to kvass for the sharpness and pleasant taste of kvass. But in this case, it is not necessary to wash dried grapes, since on its surface there are substances that trigger fermentation processes.

Thanks to raisins, bread kvass acquires a specific taste and bubbles, like champagne. Take note of the recipe and prepare kvass for all household members.

You will need:

  • 200 g Borodino bread
  • 15 g dry yeast
  • 1 tsp. flour
  • boiled water
  • handful of dark raisins

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread into cubes and dry in the oven at 100-110 degrees until crispy crackers
  2. Pour boiling water over the crackers and wait 3 hours
  3. Mix yeast, flour and 5 tbsp. l. water, let the yeast activate
  4. Add the starter to the bread crumbs, cover and leave in a warm room for one day.
  5. Strain the product into a convenient container and throw in a handful of dry raisins
  6. Then keep the bread kvass warm for another 6 hours.
  7. Next, the kvass should stand in the cold for 2-3 days.
  8. Now the kvass is ready to eat!

Bon appetit!

Recipe for kvass from wheat bread at home

Kvass made from wheat bread. Be sure to try making your favorite drink using this recipe - rich, beautiful and invigorating. Fry the crackers well in the oven until golden brown so that your kvass acquires a beautiful color. Happy cooking!

You will need:

  • 1 kg wheat bread
  • 20 g pressed yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. dark raisins
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour

Cooking method:

Cut the bread, preheat the oven to 110 degrees and dry the bread until crispy crackers

Crumble the yeast with a fork, mix it with sugar, sift the flour, pour in 1 tbsp. water, mix, put in a warm place for 1 hour

Place the crackers in a 3-liter jar and pour boiling water over them, wait until the water cools to about 20 degrees.

Pour yeast starter into the bread wort, cover with gauze, leave in a warm place until it ferments - this can be easily determined by the smell, about 10-12 hours

Let it sit with the raisins in a warm place for at least 6 hours.

Pour the kvass into bottles, cap them tightly, refrigerate for 2-3 days, fermentation should stop completely

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for making kvass from three types of bread

Kvass from rye bread with mint

Mint, when added to classic bread kvass, will give it pleasant notes of taste and delicate aroma. Appreciate the unique properties of this plant in a noble drink.

When cool, it will easily quench your thirst on a hot summer day. Have a pleasant taste experience!

You will need:

  • 1 kg rye bread
  • 20 g yeast
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour
  • 300 g sugar
  • 3 tbsp. l. dry mint

Cooking method:

  1. The bread is cut into slices and browned in the oven at 100-110 degrees until golden brown.
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over dry mint and let it brew for several hours.
  3. Next, pour 3 liters of hot water over the crackers and leave in a warm place for 3 hours.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix yeast, sifted flour, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 100 ml warm water
  5. Cool the wort (water and crackers) to 20 degrees, add yeast starter and the rest of the sugar.
  6. Also add mint decoction with the wort, after straining it
  7. Next, the glassware with the drink must be kept in a warm room under a napkin (clean cloth) for 12-14 hours.
  8. Afterwards it is carefully poured into clean bottles, trying not to disturb the cloudy sediment at the bottom
  9. Place the bottles in the cold for 3 days, after this time the kvass will be completely ready for use.

Bon appetit!

How to make bread kvass with honey and horseradish

Bread kvass with horseradish and honey can surprise you with its unusual taste and aroma. Be sure to try making kvass at home using this wonderful recipe! Good luck to you!

You will need:

  • 800 g rye crackers
  • 4 l water
  • 25 g yeast
  • 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g honey
  • 100 g fresh horseradish

Cooking method:

  1. Dry the bread in the oven at 100-110 degrees until golden crackers
  2. Next, boil the water
  3. Pour boiling water over dried crackers and leave in a warm place for 24 hours
  4. Strain the resulting wort from the bread, pour it into a glass container
  5. We take a little of the resulting wort, heat it until warm and dilute yeast in it with the addition of flour and sugar.
  6. As soon as the yeast is activated, add the starter to the bulk of the liquid
  7. Cover the dishes with a cloth and let the kvass ferment for 5-6 hours
  8. After 5-6 hours, add grated horseradish and honey, diluted in a small amount of wort, to the drink
  9. Stir and pour it into bottles without filling them to the top
  10. We seal the bottles tightly and put them in a cold place for 3 days.

Video recipe for homemade bread kvass