Branded train “Double-decker. What is bad and what is good about a double-decker Russian Railways train

For several years now I have been traveling to St. Petersburg with Sapsan, saving time, which is never enough anyway. On the way there I usually work, on the way back I sober up.

At the beginning of February, the most popular railway route in the country appeared double decker train. The same as the Moscow-Adler train launched a year ago for the Olympics. I never rode it then, I didn’t make it to the depot on the recent blogger press tour, so I’ll just ride it myself. Travel time is usual, eight hours, overnight. Strange and blurry people nearby - my St. Petersburg friends who came to see off alcoholic from Moscow back to the capital.

1 Three generations of railway equipment in one frame. Suburban train, fast Lastochka and double-decker train.

2 There’s no arguing about design, but it’s not here. Yes, not the handsome Sapsan, the flagship of the railways. This is generally an economic class, a future replacement for reserved seat throughout the country. Ticket prices start from 1,300 rubles.

The carriages were made at the Tver plant, in that city there is generally a strange understanding of the sense of beauty. But we should go, not checkers? It is much more important what kind of carriage is inside, and whether it is crowded there.

3 Railway riddle. In total, sixty-four people fit into the carriage, and on the second floor there are seats from 81 to 112. The conductor then answered my question, but I want to invite you to guess for yourself. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll add an answer later, and if you guess right, you’ll get free PR :)

4 Let's go inside. Externally, it is quite different from the train we are used to.

5 The corridors themselves are exactly the same, of course. Just on two floors.

6 There are stairs on both sides of the carriage. They are not that narrow, by the way, it is not difficult to drag a suitcase.

7 Standard coupe, four-seater. Inside, all compartments of Tver carriages look exactly like this. This is the second floor, and the photo should dispel the myth of cramped conditions and low ceilings on the second floor. In fact, the first one may seem cramped, but even that depends on the size of the person.

8 There are four individual lamps per compartment, but for some reason there are only two sockets. But this is progress, in the last generation there was only one, and before that there were no sockets in the compartment at all.

9 On the table are advertising booklets, promotions from Russian Railways and magnetic door key cards. Now you don’t need to run after the conductor asking him to open and close the compartment while you go to the toilet or go to the dining car for dinner.

10 Toilets are concentrated in one part of the carriage. There are three bathrooms here. 25% less than before, because there are two toilets in a regular carriage, and three in a double-decker carriage.

12 Carriage toilets have long ceased to be something indecent; here the toilet is normal, and the tap works as usual, and not like a village washbasin.

13 Opposite the toilets are bins for separate waste collection. There is no such program in the country yet, but someday, probably, we will also pack all waste into different buckets or sort it when throwing it away.

14 A look at an ordinary carriage from the top shelf of the second floor. Views from the window - no strong point this route, even in summer the train from St. Petersburg to Moscow runs at such a time that it is dark outside almost the entire way, making it inconvenient to take pictures.

15 Transition between cars. Do you remember how it snowed there back in the day?

16 On the first floor there was a free compartment for people with limited mobility. There are only two places, the bottom shelf is one and a half times wider, there is a place to put the stroller. Pay attention to the ceiling - it’s tighter here, but if you lie on the top shelf, you still won’t bury your nose in the roof.

17 Toilet for disabled people. So far, only one carriage is equipped for the needs of people with disabilities. Unfortunately, in Russia they are not very free to move.

18 Oh, what is this! Tver Carriage Works has corrected its problem previous version! Somehow it happened that on some trains there was no way to adjust the volume of sound in the corridors, and only the conductor could turn off the radio or the announcements of the train master. Now anyone can do this.

19 The coolest place is the bar. It's not just coffee that's served here!

20 The dining car is also two-story, and the dining room is on the second floor. Typically, dining cars are not popular on Moscow-St. Petersburg trains. Well, I got on the train, went to bed, and woke up at the station. But here it was packed.

21 The cooks in the kitchen wear stylish uniforms similar to those worn in Japanese restaurants.

22 The menu includes steaks and rack of pork ribs, and just giant burgers! I find this sandwich especially delicious because I'm currently on a diet and can't have it!

23 The kitchen is on the ground floor, and all food is taken up in a special elevator. Ring! The waiter brings the burger to the table!

24 They say that in a few years, just such double-decker trains will be running on most routes in the country, and reserved seat carriages They will die out as long ago obsolete.

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It seems to many of us that we appeared quite recently, with the launch of the Moscow - Adler route. However, their history in our country goes back more than a century and a half. Let's start with the main features of this updated means of transportation.

Double-decker carriage: key points

Two-tier, - modernization of a conventional passenger carriage for greater passenger capacity. There is a two-level arrangement of salons (one above the other). The most illustrative examples are TGV Duplex, Shinkansen E4, Shinkansen E1.

Depending on its design, such a carriage can accommodate 40-70% more passengers. Considering that for the passage of overpasses, tunnels, electrified sections of the route with a canopy contact network a limited height of the train is required, the designers of such cars use all sorts of tricks: the first floor is lowered as low as possible between the bogies, and the height of both compartments is reduced. In tourist double-decker trains, the lower level serves a technical purpose, which is why its height is small, while the upper level is more spacious, comfortable, often with panoramic glazing. Below is a brief comparative description.

Russian double-decker trains

Are there double-decker trains in Russia? Russian Railways offers passengers four types of such carriages:

  • coupe (64 instead of 36 seats);
  • NE (30 instead of 18);
  • staff compartment car (50 instead of 18-24 seats);
  • restaurant (44-48 seats for visitors to the dining area).

Double-decker trains in Russia have a whole list of features:

  • climate control - air conditioning and heating;
  • sealed and safe inter-car passages;
  • energy-saving LED lighting;
  • three dry closets that can be used regardless of parking;
  • stairs with comfortable handrails;
  • The cars are powered only by an electric locomotive;
  • GLONASS navigation and satellite communication system in the headquarters car;
  • modernized security system - video surveillance, access control and train security.

Coupe in a double-decker carriage

Double-decker trains in Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Samara and other destinations) have following features their coupes:

  • standard places for rest and sleep, lamps, table, mirror;
  • ladders for climbing to the top place;
  • shelves for small luggage;
  • the ability to access the compartment only with a magnetic individual key;
  • two sockets (100 W) for recharging mobile phones, laptops and other electronics;
  • made all the beds in the SV and upper compartments;
  • individual LCD display for viewing media files for each passenger (SV), headphone output (compartment, SV).

Additionally, passengers are offered the following services: drinking and boiled water along the entire route, sanitary and hygiene supplies, sale of souvenirs, tea and confectionery.

Double-decker trains in Russia: routes

On all routes of two-level trains, Russian Railways guarantees:

  • the possibility of a more affordable ticket price due to higher passenger capacity;
  • minimal harm environment due to the use of new materials and technologies in the manufacture of cars;
  • convenient traffic schedules (double-tier trains - ambulances).

Below are the directions where double-decker trains go in Russia.

Positive feedback from passengers

Positive features noted by passengers who tried double-decker trains in Russia:

  • coziness, comfort;
  • new modern carriages;
  • affordable price;
  • reduction of travel time;
  • polite and friendly staff;
  • ease of use of dry toilets;
  • compartment access device;
  • free WI-FI;
  • high quality food in the restaurant;
  • safety;
  • purity;

  • availability of places for disabled people;
  • sleeping area pre-made by guides;
  • sockets directly in the compartment;
  • conductor call button;
  • on the top floor there is practically no noise of movement;
  • air conditioning system;
  • unusual for a Russian traveler.

Negative aspects

The disadvantages of the two-level innovation were not hidden from the eyes of passengers:

  • Service. If previously there were two conductors per 36-seat carriage, now the same number of workers is provided for 64 passengers.
  • Availability of stairs. To get to the second floor, you need to climb some fairly steep steps.
  • The upper luggage rack above the entrance has disappeared - luggage can now only be stored in lockers.
  • Toilets. Double-decker trains in Russia have only three cabins - one for 21 passengers (instead of 18, as in a regular compartment).
  • Strong pitching. Due to the characteristics of Russian railways there is a high probability of strong pitching at the second level. It will be unsafe to be on the stairs during the journey.

Also among the shortcomings, passengers note low ceilings, unregulated climate control, bad smell in the carriages, unfriendly conductors, narrow places to sleep, poor location of windows (too low), interruptions in WI-FI, inflated prices for food, low-quality, tasteless food in the ration for ST.

History of double-decker cars in Russia

On October 30, 2013, a double-decker train of 15 cars departed from Adler to Moscow. Before that, in August, Mineralnye Vody The first Russian depot for double-stack trains was opened. But these events are by no means the beginning of history. double-decker trains in our country - the first such cars were built back in 1864 at the Kolomensky plant. “Cuckoo” (the train was so nicknamed because of the unofficial call “cuckoo”, which the driver used to signal the start of the train’s movement) ran between Peterhof and Oranienbaum, a section of the track in a densely populated dacha area.

In 1905, two-level cars were produced at the Tver carriage building. They were put into operation again only 50 years later - cars produced in the GDR ran between Belgorod and Kharkov, Kovel and Lvov. In their likeness, the Leningrad Carriage Works created a domestic model of a double-decker carriage in the 70s. On the first floor there were sleeping compartments, and the second floor was a tourist floor, an observation floor - there were only places for sitting. Their release was limited - only 16 models. At this point, the history of double-tier trains was interrupted again to begin its new page Nowadays.

Private trains

Speaking about innovations on domestic railways, it should be noted that the first private trains in Russia recently began running:

  • Electric train "Transexpress" direction Moscow - Kaluga. Its owner is TransGroup AS, which cost $2 million to produce this vehicle at the Dimikha Machine-Building Plant. There are conductors and guards in each of the carriages, so there is no littering, no drinking or smoking, no selling or begging. One minus: all carriages are of the same class - third.
  • The private luxury train "Grand Express" runs on the route Moscow - St. Petersburg. The composition is considered the most comfortable in the Russian Federation. Among its services: eco-toilets with heated floors, showers, WI-FI, media player, microclimate system, remote control for lighting control, electronic locks with a magnetic key, a button to call the conductor, and security service.

  • 4. Electric train "Severstalrels", Moscow - St. Petersburg. A comfortable electric train consisting of 1st and 2nd class carriages and two bar cars. The composition meets all European requirements for comfort and safety, and is equipped with a climate control system.

Russian Railways and private operators

The appearance of private trains does not in any way abolish the monopoly of Russian Railways. The owners simply own the rolling stock or even rent it. At the same time, they pay for the provision of railway tracks, dispatch services, and locomotive traction. As for preferential travel for citizens, the new operators have not yet canceled it. So far there is a tendency that Russian Railways is putting the most profitable routes into the hands of private owners, but management hopes that in the future non-state trains will also transform unclaimed routes. IN Lately On Russian railways you can see a number of innovations - private trains, two-level carriages. Of course, shortcomings can be found in everything, but such progress in the modernization of one of the oldest types of transport in our country cannot but rejoice.

The other day I was traveling from Moscow to Kazan on a new double-decker train. Russian Railways has several such trains. They mainly run between Moscow and Sochi, but they also go to Kazan. It was interesting to ride. By the way, the price is cheaper than a regular coupe.

So, in this composition there is no reserved seat. Only coupe and St. Since the carriages are double-decker, it is logical that there are more passenger seats in one carriage than in a regular single-decker. Accordingly, the price should be lower. Let's see.

1. Russian Railways now new system pricing. If, for example, you look at tickets for this train, then on Friday it will be more expensive than on Monday or another weekday:

2. This is what the diagram of a double-decker carriage looks like on the Russian Railways website. You can choose your seat when purchasing a ticket:

3. On the platform of the Kazan station, the train looks, to put it mildly, unusual. In aviation parlance, this train wears Olympic livery. They sent him to Olympic Games in Sochi:

4. We go into the carriage:

5. Workspace for conductors. Here, as in the old carriages, there is boiling water. There is no boiling water on the second floor:

7. At the entrance on the left there is a staircase leading to the second floor, exactly the same on the other side of the car. Just below the first floor compartment.

8. Since my ticket was on the second floor, the photos will mostly be from there. The first one is exactly the same. We go up to the second floor. A mirror has been installed to prevent collisions with other passengers. Under the mirror there is a trash drawer:

9. Second floor corridor. There are no sockets in the corridor, because... There are two of them in each compartment:

10. Compartments are opened using magnetic cards. For some reason, these cards were not distributed in our carriage. Perhaps because the travel time to Kazan is only 1 night:

11. I was traveling in the last compartment on the second floor. One:

12. The compartment is a little cramped. This is felt due to the fact that the distance between the top shelf and the ceiling is almost the same as in a reserved seat between the passenger shelf and the luggage rack. Well, maybe a little more:

13. Because downstairs everything is like in a regular compartment. Same volume. Not at all cramped. Sockets on each bottom shelf, very convenient:

14. Probably the biggest disadvantage of double-decker cars is the lack of an upper luggage rack as in a regular compartment. There simply wasn't enough space. All luggage must be placed under the lower shelves:

15. There is also not much space below. There was also some kind of metal casing in my compartment. I suspect that not all compartments have it and, accordingly, there is more space for luggage:

16. One of the advantages is the mattress recessed into the shelf. Now you don’t need to constantly adjust your bed, which treacherously rolled out of its place in the old compartments:

17. On the door with inside there is a mirror, as before:

18. Electronic lock. There is also a regular, mechanical one:

19. Let's go down to the first floor and look at the toilets:

20. Bio toilets. Does not close at stations. There are 3 of them per car and located in only one place. They are located at the opposite end of the car from the conductor.

21. The toilet itself. Everything is clean, still new and nice:

23. This is what the vestibule with toilets and staircase on the second floor looks like:

22. And this is the conductor’s compartment. By the way, you probably know that smoking on trains is now prohibited. Conductors sell legally e-Sigs for 250 rub/piece. You can smoke with them right in the corridor:

23. If in old carriages the space between carriages was closed and air circulated there, then in new carriages it is practically airtight. You can't smoke on the sly here anymore. In addition, the doors open automatically when you press the button and you cannot close them from the inside:

24. This is already a platform in Kazan:

That's all for now. See my next one. It is also two-story.

It is noteworthy that just a few days ago I had the pleasure of the famous which runs from London. The contrast is very great, I hope you will appreciate it soon. I'm still working on the footage.

According to Russian Railways' plans, by 2020 almost all long-distance train cars will be replaced with double-decker ones. Their advantages for the only Russian company providing passenger rail transportation are obvious. Double-decker cars are almost 2 times more spacious than usual ones, and this allows you to get much more in one trip. more money. And the passengers themselves will probably find the new unusual motorhomes quite comfortable.

A little history

Currently, only two double-decker trains run on the country's roads: Moscow-Adler and Moscow-St. Petersburg. The cars for both trains were assembled at the Tver plant. This design is by no means a modern invention. Such carriages plied the roads of our country back in 1905. By the way, they were produced by the same Tver plant. A century later, the management of this enterprise decided to revive the old project. Of course, the new double-decker cars of Russian Railways bear little resemblance to their counterparts of the last century. They are made from modern materials and have a more advanced shape. Well, of course, there can be no comparison between these two models in terms of technical equipment.

Differences from conventional carriages

New trains traveling from Moscow to Adler and St. Petersburg also have one more interesting feature. The types of Russian Railways passenger cars are different - reserved seat, general, SV, KB, etc. Double-deckers are classified as compartment cars. There is no reserved seat or SV here. Tickets for such a carriage are not too expensive. You will have to pay a little more for the trip than for a reserved seat on a regular train.

Features of double-decker carriages that are unusual for domestic travelers include the presence of compartments and toilets intended for the disabled, a bar (in addition to the restaurant), and magnetic cards for opening/closing compartments. For those who like to spend free time on the Internet you will probably like the presence of free Wi-Fi and 220 V sockets near each lower berth on trains. The double-decker Russian Railways cars look very modern and quite stylish inside.

Conductor's compartment

In addition to a standard sink, there is a microwave, a thermopot and a coffee machine. If you wish, you can ask the guide to warm up the food you took with you or order coffee. The control panel no longer flashes strange colored lights. In double-decker carriages it is more similar to those found in the steward's cabin on an airplane. The conductor can regulate the climate in compartments and corridors, as well as administer magnetic access systems. The same remote control also controls the car's power system. Among other things, the conductor's room is equipped with a video surveillance screen. The cameras themselves are installed in the corridors of both floors.

Passenger compartment

In addition to sockets, there is a radio point. Unlike regular trains, you can catch your favorite channels on your own. Each compartment, as in a regular train, has a folding table and four berths. The new double-decker cars of Russian Railways are equipped quite well. However, their passengers will have to experience some inconveniences. For example, there are no third shelves in the compartment for luggage. All suitcases and large bags will have to be placed under the lower berth. Of course, due to the design of the carriages, the ceilings in the compartments are much lower.

The sleeping berths in double-decker trains are quite long, but still somewhat less comfortable than in conventional trains. Firstly, the windows in the compartment of a double-decker train are located very low. Therefore, you won’t be able to lie down and admire the landscapes passing by. Secondly, due to low ceilings, there is very little free space on the upper shelves. It will not be possible to sit with your legs dangling down in any case.

In addition to Wi-Fi and radio, the compartments of double-decker cars are equipped with climate control systems. The doors have magnetic locks. You can open/close them using a special card. Of course, there is also individual lighting for passengers in the compartment.


A passenger who has just entered a double-decker carriage will not see anything particularly new (except for the stairs leading up). Externally, the corridors are very similar to those that everyone is used to seeing on long-distance trains. There are dry closets on both sides, and a carpet is laid out on the floor. The only difference is the location of the windows (almost near the floor) and lower ceilings. On the second floor there is a mirror in the corridor. It is necessary so that people going up and down the stairs can see each other in order to avoid collisions. On the lower and upper floors, the corridors are made from different sides. Therefore, double-decker passenger cars of Russian Railways are quite convenient in terms of observing the landscapes rushing past while moving.


Moving from carriage to carriage on a double-decker train is safer and not as scary as on a regular train. Passengers will not hear anything rattling or clanking here. The vestibule doors also do not slam, but close and open automatically using a special button. Smoking on double-decker trains is strictly prohibited. Therefore, there are no ashtrays in vestibules. It is unlikely that you will be able to smoke in the toilet. Control systems are installed here. Smoking passengers can relax with a cigarette only after getting off the train at the stations.


Many passengers consider the double-decker carriages of Russian Railways to be quite comfortable due to the presence of new, modern bathrooms. In appearance and functionality, they are more similar to airplane toilets. The stops do not close on time, which, of course, is good news. Each toilet has a comfortable toilet, a neat sink, a mirror and a hand dryer. There is no top-opening trash can under the window opposite the bathroom on double-decker trains. Instead, several containers are installed. The garbage is sorted by type.

Dining car

Of course, passengers on the double-decker train have the opportunity to have a delicious lunch on the way. Actually, the restaurant hall itself with tables and comfortable sofas is located on the second floor of the carriage. On the first floor there is only a kitchen and a bar. The dishes are prepared by highly qualified chefs. They are served upstairs in a special mini-elevator. The second one is exactly the same and is designed for lowering dirty dishes. The cost of meals in the dining car of a double-decker train is quite acceptable for people of average income. For soup or borscht, for example, you will have to pay about 250 rubles. Non-alcoholic soft drinks are available at the bar.


Thus, we have found out how a double-decker passenger train car differs from a regular one. Next, let's look at how service in such trains is different from service in regular ones. So, the ticket price for a double-decker train includes:

  • bed sheets;
  • packed lunch, including yoghurt, sausage, tea bag, bun and mineral water;
  • magazines, newspapers.

Ticket price

The price of a travel document depends on the time of its purchase. The fewer seats left in the carriages, the higher the cost of tickets. The road from Moscow to St. Petersburg, if you buy a travel document the day before the train departs, will cost about 3,500 rubles.

Disabled spaces

The designers who developed the double-decker Russian Railways cars also took care of people with disabilities. If necessary, you can get into the carriage without getting out of the stroller. For this purpose, a special platform is provided at the entrance. A disabled person in a wheelchair simply drives onto her, and she lifts him into the carriage. In addition to special compartments, there are also special wide toilets for people with disabilities.

Double-decker Russian Railways cars: reviews

As you can see, a trip in such a train will cost a little less than traveling in a regular train compartment. In this aspect, passenger reviews of double-decker trains are enthusiastic. Many people also like the introduced technical improvements. Although Wi-Fi is not available in many places along the route, it is still available in the carriages. The opportunity to listen to your favorite music on the radio is also good news. In general, the double-decker cars of Russian Railways are equipped better than even some of the old branded ones.

However, reviews of new formulations are not always so rosy. Of course, double-decker cars also have some disadvantages. Passengers primarily include:

  • Service. Since there are more people in a double-decker carriage than in a regular carriage, and the number of conductors has not changed, you will have to wait longer, for example, for tea.
  • Risk of injury. When moving, the double-decker train sways very much. The stairs in the carriages are quite steep.
  • Overcrowded toilets. In normal compartment carriage there are 2 of them for 36 seats (one for 18 people), in a two-story one - 3 for 64 (1 for 21 people).
  • The absence of third shelves, of course, also does not add convenience to the carriages.

As you can see, on the one hand, double-decker cars are beneficial to the Russian railways"and are quite comfortable for passengers. You will have to pay less for a trip in this composition. However, passengers on the new trains will still have to experience some discomfort, primarily due to cramped conditions. For clarity, a little higher in the article, a diagram of a double-decker Russian Railways car is presented to your attention.

The train was impressive. In different ways. I didn’t leave anyone indifferent, that’s for sure. A kind of armored train made of tin foil and with plastic inside. I would like it to be made more carefully, especially since this is the first “exhibition” copy. But maybe everything has its time. And the time for truly beautiful and high-quality trains has not yet come. At least this train is better in every sense than a regular train, with the exception of one important nuance - there is very, very little space for luggage in the compartment. But first things first.

Externally, the train looks a little gloomy. Gray bunker on wheels.


Maximum speed 160km/h. It would be very interesting to ride it at such a speed.


The locomotive is ordinary. It is lower than the carriages and it looks unaesthetic (I had no desire to specifically show this, but you can see this difference a little better).
I think some kind of fairing between the locomotive and the carriage would improve appearance. And in general, the locomotive needs to match such a train, at least in color.


Clearly something is missing in the design of the carriages. Yes, it’s cheaper, but it still looks ugly.


Let's get into the carriage.




It looks nicer from the inside than from the outside.



This is a regular coupe. The ceiling is unusually low. And there is clearly not enough space under the lower luggage racks. Only a small photo case would fit there in height, but a large one wouldn’t fit. In general, it is designed for travelers with small suitcases. And it is advisable that there should be no more than 1 small suitcase per person, otherwise there will be nowhere to put your luggage.



Actually, it's nice.



Let's look at the 2nd floor.



The compartment is on the 1st floor.




Toilet on the 1st floor. Quite neat, not like the old trains. True, there is not much ventilation there, and there are no windows. And very stuffy. However, the entire carriage was very stuffy. Maybe the air will be fresher while driving. On the other hand, remembering the old trains, it is impossible not to shudder - there is generally a gas chamber there in the summer.


While we were examining the carriages from the inside, the official part of the event took place outside.


Then they started handing out gift calendars. At first there was just a crush. And then it almost turned into a real fight. I felt sorry for the worker handing out calendars and ashamed for the people pushing and snatching calendars greedily, as if it were an unprecedented value without which they could not live.



Here, a little later, it was possible to forge gift commemorative coins.






There are places for disabled people on the train. More precisely, 1 place for 1 disabled person. But everything seems to have been thought out. There is even a lift.




This is the lift, as seen from the carriage.


Compartment for a disabled person and an accompanying person.


It's the same from a different angle.


The toilet is quite spacious, with special grab bars.


There is a shower.


And this is the compartment of the SV carriage.



There is even an ironing board. There is another shower in the background.


We are in the dining car. On the 1st floor. There is a bar, a kitchen and office space.





Let's look into the service room in the dining car.





The restaurant itself is located on the second floor.







The impression from the train is twofold. It seems to be clearly better than the old trains. But it doesn’t cause delight either.