Location of sockets in a compartment car with a dry closet. Location of sockets in a train carriage (compartment, reserved seat)? What places

Every day thousands of our fellow citizens travel by train. Depending on the remoteness of the destination, passengers spend on trains from a couple of hours to several days. The purpose of travel is different for everyone, it can be vacationers, business travelers or passengers who went on a visit. In order to save money, many travelers decide to buy train tickets for a reserved seat carriage.

Passing the time on the road is now much easier and more interesting. After all, everyone has a mobile device on which they can watch videos, read, and listen to music. But all entertainment will stop as soon as the device's battery runs out. What to do in this case and is it possible to connect the charger to the network?

Providing power supplies in a reserved seat carriage

Speaking about the presence of sockets in any compartment of the train, we can safely say that they are there. But many passengers describe situations where it was impossible to use the electrical outlet for its intended purpose. Due to the fact that the format of the charger plug was not suitable, or because there was a long queue to use the only electrical outlet. However, some travelers claim that in cars of this type, it is possible to connect to the network freely at any time.

Whether there is an electrical outlet in the car depends on its configuration and service life. There are the following options:

  • car after repair - there may be one or two sources;
  • trains with wagons with a long service life. There will only be one electrical outlet in the conductor compartment;
  • For the latest generation trains, the placement of sockets provides for their presence in all departments.

Characteristics and features of stress indicators

Each of the cars has its own own system electricity supply Special installations on disks provide the generation of electricity, which is transmitted for lighting and heats water in the boiler. In this case, the network can have a voltage of 54V, 110V or 220V.


Don't forget that electricity generation is unstable. Therefore, there may be cases of sudden voltage fluctuations, which can lead to damage to gadgets.

Why are different voltage values ​​used in cars?

Why do the voltage values ​​have such a difference between 54V, 110V and 220V?

Previously, when there were no mobile devices, and, therefore, there was no problem of recharging large quantity No 220V electrical outlets were required. A single power source with a voltage of 220V was provided in the toilet room to connect the razor. In other cases, 54V was sufficient.

What voltage sockets are suitable for charging mobile devices?

  • 220V. An indicator of the household voltage used at home. Such a source of network connection can be quite suitable for recharging the device. But still, due to unstable power supply, it is not recommended to charge some gadgets through such a source. Passengers note that even powered toothbrushes may not have enough voltage from a 220V source.
  • 110V. For many chargers, an acceptable voltage range is from 90V to 250V. Therefore, this voltage indicator will be enough to recharge the gadget.
  • 54V. With such a low rate, the expected result most likely will not happen. Unless the passenger owns a powerful universal charger.

If you find an electrical outlet in the carriage, you have read the recommendations for connecting devices, but you doubt whether you should connect the device. In this case, the decision is up to you.


If an unpleasant situation occurs and the mobile device is damaged, then none of the representatives of the Russian Railways company and the train crew will be responsible for the malfunction of the property. This rule also applies if the item goes missing. Only its owner is responsible for the condition of the device.

Where and in which carriages are sockets located?

You can obtain information about the location of the power source from the conductor, who must provide information and provide instructions on the specifics of connecting and using various devices during the trip. Thus, you cannot use devices such as a boiler, heater or cooler bag.

You can also find a diagram of the location of power supplies and, based on the data, purchase a ticket to the specified compartment.

Depending on the years of manufacture of the cars and their modifications, there may be the following options for the location of sockets:

  1. Compartment two and eight. This arrangement is typical for compounds with a long service life. In these models, 220V electrical sockets are located in two compartments. Which corresponds to places from fifth to eighth, and from twenty-ninth to thirty-second.
  2. Also, power supplies may be located opposite the compartments in the area of ​​the side seats.
  3. Close to the toilet room.
  4. In the conductor's department.

What to do if the source is not working?

What actions should you take if the electrical outlet you find does not work? First you need to determine whether the network is actually faulty. Since the conductor can turn off the power supply in the car entrusted to him. But upon request from the passenger, he is obliged to connect them.

Non-functioning appliances or electrical outlets can be found almost everywhere. If there is no warning about its malfunction near a non-working power source, then you need to bring the conductor up to date. It is likely that he will direct you to a place where you can use a working one.

According to the instructions of the Directorate of the Federal Passenger Branch "Russian Railways» No. 1-171 of May 2007, the conductor should not require payment for the passenger’s use of the train’s electrical network resources.

Need to know!

Company representatives en route do not have the right to charge passengers for the use of 220V electrical outlets or create obstacles to their intended use.

If the refusal is justified by a fire hazard due to a malfunction of the proposed source, then the conductor should be asked to provide an alternative option.

In the event of a conflict, the passenger has the right to seek help from the train manager. In this case, the conductor is obliged to provide his contacts, call the boss, escort the passenger or indicate the carriage where to go.

Knowing the diagrams and layout options for the train's electrical resources, you can always stay connected even during a long journey.

Russia is the biggest country in the world. It is not always possible to move around its expanses in complete comfort. As a rule, the most convenient air passenger transportation is the most expensive, and not everyone has their own car. There remains only one affordable and convenient option - rail transport. But do trains have sockets? This issue is very important for a comfortable trip, because in the age of development of technology and personal gadgets, we need a constant power source.

Old and new trains

Most of the rolling stock in Russia and the CIS countries is a legacy Soviet Union. These are mostly old carriages. Perhaps they seem convenient and pleasant to someone, but their time has already passed. The equipment of old cars does not meet modern requirements. In the most “ancient” ones, sockets can only be found in the toilet and near the conductors.

However, there is no reason to rejoice, because it is not recommended to use such power sources. Firstly, constant power surges can completely break a gadget that is being recharged. Secondly, most often the voltage is not 220 Volts, but 110. This is fine for old electric razors, but not for the rest.

Are there sockets on newer trains? In fact, answering this question is not so simple. It all depends on the age of the carriage. Of course, the newest cars have power sources designed to charge gadgets. Moreover, electronic systems carriages were specially designed with such sockets in mind. The tension in them does not sag, and the danger of being left without phones or laptops is completely absent.

What about "Sapsan"?

Many passengers are concerned about the question of whether there are sockets on Sapsan or Strizh model trains. This group of compounds also includes high speed trains long-distance, formed mainly from seated cars.

These trains are quite new. Even during the design, they included the placement of power supplies. Regardless of the comfort class, sockets are available. Some of them are located in the conductor's compartment and near the toilets. In economy class carriages there is one socket for each row of passenger seats.

Most often, a row means 2 chairs from the window on each side. In other words, it is possible to charge gadgets with your neighbor in turn. If the comfort class is higher, then there should be no problems at all. Each passenger will have one separate socket. Some carriages will have two of them.

Electric trains

Are there sockets on commuter trains? IN in this case their presence is the exception rather than the rule. Power sources can only be found in high-speed “Swallows”. They are located in intermediate cars, and as a rule, there are quite a lot of them.

Matrix and regular electric trains are not equipped with power sources for passengers. They do not have compartments of conductors and often do not even have sockets for electric razors. On newer electric trains, you also don’t need to look for a place to recharge your phone. Even there it is not provided.

Cheap carriages

Not everyone has enough Money to purchase compartment tickets. Are there sockets in reserved seat carriages on trains? Certainly! In old cars they are only in the conductor's compartment; in newer cars there are sockets right in the 49th and 41st sides. There are also sockets in compartments 2 and 9.

It is important to understand that in a reserved seat carriage there will be no free power source at all. Don't count on finding a new car. In some modern compositions even cheap places are equipped with sockets. However, the chances of buying such a ticket are quite small. Based on this, it is best to take a so-called power bank with you on a trip - a portable source of energy. It weighs little and is quite capable of fully charging the phone from 2 to 7 times.

Modern, large, two-story!

There are very few such compositions in Russia. Basically they go to southern directions. Is there a double decker train sockets? Yes, they are there. Moreover, in this case there is always a place to charge the phone. There are no old-style double-decker carriages.

Absolutely every compartment is equipped with two sockets, regardless of the floor. There are also power sources in the corridors, restrooms and conductors. The power system of the double-decker car is modern and does not allow sudden voltage drops or other instability in the network.

Long distance trains

The further you travel, the more important it is to be able to charge your phone or player. Are there sockets on long-distance trains? It all depends on which cars the rolling stock is made of. Equally important is whether the train is branded or not. There are always sockets in seated carriages, as well as in “luxury” and “SV” cars. However, in ordinary compartments and reserved seat carriages There may or may not be sockets at all.

Compartment carriages

If reserved seat seats are considered the worst and cheapest, and their passengers cannot count on special comfort, then with a compartment the situation is different. Even in the Soviet Union, compartment seats have always been very convenient. Is there a 220 Volt socket in the train compartment? If the passenger is lucky, that is. Most often there are no outlets there at all. They can only be found in modern carriages.

However, in the central aisle you can find at least 2 power sources. There is also an outlet at the conductors and in the toilet. What will be the most important thing here? So that there are no egoists in the carriage who connect their laptops to the source and do not turn them off until the very end of the trip. Such passengers behave selfishly and create scandals if you try to unplug their device.

Folk way

If there are no sockets in the compartment, but there is an urgent need for them, there are folk way. To do this, you will need a special socket that can be powered by the lamp. Then you can simply remove the cover from the light bulb intended for night lighting or for reading books, unscrew the light bulb, screw in a socket and use your own power source. However, precautions must be strictly observed. Conductors don't like it when passengers do this. Of course, you can ask permission, but most likely no one will give it.

Quite often I travel on long-distance trains and not very often, each time I try to notice something useful, necessary, convenient for myself, and then I came across such a wonderful post, adding my comments, I decided to make a selection useful tips and secrets about how easier/more convenient it is to travel on trains. Use it!-)

1. Interrupted route. Any person can get off the train at the station, stay there for some time, and travel further using the same ticket, but on a different train.
A stopover along the way is actually possible for up to 10 days, once in any city along the route that you like. You just need to go to the station administrator within 4 hours of arrival and make a special note on your ticket; if you continue on, you need to “validate” the ticket; you may have to pay extra money, but not much. There are categories of passengers who can make more than one such stop, disabled people and their accompanying persons, veterans, and several other categories of beneficiaries.

2. Side seats, near the toilet. In a reserved seat carriage, the well-known “side seats, near the toilet”, these are seats 37, 38.
If the door is slammed and there is no way through!
That means a side wall near the toilet.
This place is cursed, tell everyone.
Don't take place thirty-seven at the box office!

3. Sockets. Sockets in the reserved seat car are located near the boiler, opposite the toilet on the non-working side, in the second and eighth compartments of the reserved seat car (39-40 and 51-52). In the compartment between 3 and 4 compartments and between 7 and 8 compartments in the corridor. If they don't work, just ask the conductor to turn them on.

4. Buy a seat in a double compartment. The standard carriage has 54 seats, but after the introduction of mandatory provision of linen for passengers, the reserved seats became two fewer seats. 53.54 places are given to conductors. in compartment cars, compartments with 2 seats were taken from the conductors and assigned numbers 37-38, and the first compartment with seats 1-4 was withdrawn from circulation. This scheme only works on trains traveling for more than 36 hours, and only on Russian Railways. When buying a ticket for a compartment car, try to buy seats 37-38, you will travel almost like in the NE.

5. Refrigerator. In each carriage there are two “winter refrigerators”, each of them with a volume of 150 liters (previously they kept an emergency supply of fuel for titanium and the heating system, then with the widespread introduction of electric heating the place remained empty, and the instructions remained, so it turned out to be a sudden good thing from new electrical technologies), so you can ask the conductors to put all the fragrant products there, not forgetting about the reward.

6. Reserve tickets at the box office. Each train has so-called “reserved seats”, they are called “NP Personal Reserve”, two seats in compartment cars and three in a reserved seat. They usually don't go to open sale, and are issued to those who go on business trips from the state. structures or for funerals.

7. Luggage. Of course, no one finds fault with the same 80 percent of people who violate baggage rules, which state: that hand luggage and baggage in total can be 36 kilograms (in CB 50 kg) in weight and 180 cm in total perimeter (length + height + width). On long-distance trains, in addition to the established carry-on baggage allowance, passengers can carry baby strollers, kayaks, and bicycles without a motor, disassembled and packed.

8. The head of the train. NP - Tsar and God on the train, while the train is on the way he does not obey anyone (not even Yakunin), but everyone without exception obeys him - both conductors and electricians. You can find the head of the train like this: this is the compartment car closest to the restaurant car. The NP is either in the NP service area, or in the first compartment (NP compartment), or moves around the train. But even if he wanders around the train, it’s easy to find him, there is one road on the train, look for a person with two (on branded trains three) stars on shoulder straps. One star is also a boss, but is only called TEM (train electric mechanic) and replaces the NP at night. If you identify the car from the outside in which the NP is traveling, you can use an antenna made in the form of a long wire stretched over the roof of the car.

9. Electronic registration. If passed electronic registration, then the ticket can be printed no later than an hour before the train departs. Then the lists go to the conductors and the ticket can no longer be printed. Obviously, this was done to exclude the possibility of returning the ticket, but going according to the list from the conductor. Accordingly, it works the other way around - you can register online no later than an hour before departure, otherwise a ticket purchased online must be printed at the terminal or at the ticket office.

10. Key. The key is a triangular key, it can be used to open and close inter-car doors and toilets, as well as windows. But be careful, if you get caught, they might take you off the train. This key can either be purchased at Expedition or taken from the elevator operators.

11. Shower. There is a shower in the ceiling of the toilet, closed with the same triangular key. In the summer it is quite possible to wash yourself, since the tanks are on top and the water is well heated.

12. Music in carriages. It depends on the personal preferences of the NP, so you won’t guess; you can get Kadysheva with Mikhailov, or you can get the Beatles with Queen.

13. Windows. Try not to buy tickets to places with numbers 9-12 49-50, 21-24 43-44, there are blind windows.

14. Bed. If you do not pay for the bed, then you cannot use the mattress and pillow. You are not obliged to collect and return the bed (unless of course this is your gesture good will assistance to the conductor) The duties of the conductor indicate: remove bedding after disembarking passengers; in exceptional cases, with the consent of passengers, it is allowed to remove bedding no earlier than 30 minutes before arrival railway station disembarkation of passengers.

15. If there are no tickets. If you take a ticket for a passing train, for example from city “A” to city “B”, but there are no tickets, then take it to the next nearest station “C”, and “Oh, miracle! There are tickets!”, This is due to the reserve for populated areas points, just leave early and that’s it.

16. Russian Railways- “Rejoice, You Arrived Alive” - this is exactly what the railway workers and conductors themselves joke about the abbreviation.
Remember these tips and let train travel bring you only pleasure!-)

p.s. add if anyone has anything else to say-)

The problem of finding an accessible power point on a train becomes more and more urgent as the travel time of the train increases. In order not to face such a problem during long journey, you should be well aware of the location of sockets in a reserved seat carriage. It would also be a good idea to have an idea of ​​where the sockets are in a compartment car, since their locations may vary in different types of cars.

Sockets in a compartment car - location and choice of location

If you are traveling in a Soviet-style carriage, then, according to the seat layout, sockets can be found between the third and fourth compartments, as well as in the corridor between the seventh and eighth compartments. The best places compartment car, according to the placement of sockets in trains, the following are considered:

  • 3 compartments – 9 and 11 at the bottom, 10 and 12 at the top;
  • 4 compartments – 13 and 15 at the bottom, 14 and 16 at the top;
  • 7 compartments – 25 and 27 at the bottom, 26 and 28 at the top;
  • 8 compartments - 29 and 31 at the bottom, 30 and 32 at the top.

Since the power points are located closer to the fourth and eighth compartments, it is recommended to choose 13, 15, 29 and 31st lower places as the most convenient. Next in ranking are the top 14, 16, 30 and 32 places.

The eighth compartment, according to many passengers, is considered the best - close to the vestibule, but there is not much fuss and walking, so try to choose seats there.

In compartment cars modern style There are sockets in almost every compartment.

Where are the sockets located in a reserved seat carriage?

When traveling in old reserved seat carriages from the last century, remember that priority should be given to the following seat numbers:

  • below – 51, 39, 5, 7, 29, 31;
  • at the top - 52, 40, 6, 8, 30, 32.

The rooms are presented in descending order of convenience. It is near these places that you can find sockets in a reserved seat carriage.

You can find two more 220 V sockets in the old-style reserved seat in the toilets at both ends of the car. In the past, they were mainly designed to connect an electric razor. Since these reserved seat carriages have been in operation for quite a long time, usually the sockets in their toilets are either out of order or are simply turned off.

If you need to charge your phone, you can do it at the conductor. It is recommended to turn it off before charging.

Some conductors refuse to charge smartphones and laptops due to instability electric current on the train, so it is advisable to take a battery with you. Using the simplest and cheapest model with a capacity of 10,000 mAh, you can recharge your smartphone several times.

Try to take with you on a long train trip also an extension cord of at least 2 m, since there may be quite a lot of people who want to connect to the outlet.

In new carriages, you don’t need to find out which places in the reserved seat have sockets - they are in almost every compartment.

Don’t be surprised that the voltage in a nearby electrical outlet may be less than the usual 220 V. The fact is that previously on trains, power supplies were not intended for charging gadgets, so the voltage in the outlet could be 54, 110 and 220 V.

The power sources located in the toilet had a voltage of 220 V, and the others - 110 and 54 V. Therefore, it is not surprising that a phone connected to a nearby outlet can charge much longer. Voltage instability on trains should also be taken into account.

Most chargers are designed to plug into 110-volt outlets, but trying to plug them into 54-volt outlets can be tricky. True, many argue that the Chinese charging device can cope with such a problem. But just in case, it’s better to take a portable one with you. external battery for recharging.

  • After connecting the device, observe the charging process for a few minutes;
  • do not leave the gadget unattended;
  • when charging is complete, you must disconnect the device from the network;
  • Select airplane mode on your mobile device and turn off all energy-intensive applications before charging;
  • If you have problems with the connection, you must contact the train manager.

Useful lifehacks if you are unable to connect to an outlet in your reserved seat

Sometimes even knowing the location of sockets in a reserved seat Russian Railways car may not help due to a malfunction of the available power points.

Then you will have no choice but to connect to the lamp. For this you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • knowledge of safety precautions.

So, you need, of course, without the conductor noticing, remove the glass cover and the lamp, and then connect the adapter for the socket to the contacts of the lamp. Some “traditional craftsmen” even take with them a lamp with a charging wire, then they quietly connect it so that the conductor doesn’t even notice - there is light in the compartment, and the gadgets work.

But you should be warned that if you are “caught in the act,” you may be thrown off the train for this, so this should not be done unless absolutely necessary.

On modern trains, there are electrical sockets in every compartment and compartment, but you still shouldn’t connect a laptop to them - the risk of it breaking down is too great. And most importantly, a voltage of 220 V is life-threatening, be careful.

In the following video you can see not only where you can find sockets in a reserved seat car, but also get a lot of other interesting information from there.

Today, most of Russia's residents still travel by rail. After all, for many this is enough convenient way movement. At the same time, almost all modern passengers carry a phone, tablet, laptop or other gadget that requires constant recharging. That is why many train passengers are interested in the question, where are the sockets located in the reserved seat car?

Note that when traveling by train, especially long-distance, almost every passenger regularly needs a power point. Basically, it may be needed to recharge the above gadgets. After all, if the travel time takes 3-4 days, then the phone will definitely run out. That is why it is important to understand where the sockets are located in the cars and what is needed in order to gain regular access to electricity.

Russian trains

Please note that the design of absolutely any carriage requires the presence of at least one socket per carriage. But its power can be turned off by conductors. In this case, you can contact the railway employee directly and request that the power supply be turned on. This will only work on Russian trains. After all, according to our rules, all available sockets in the carriage must work. And they have no right to refuse you this. However, this rule does not apply to trains in Ukraine and Belarus.

What you need to have with you

It is worth saying that there are quite a few sockets on the train, which is why you need to have certain equipment with you to use them. On the road you will need:

  • tee;
  • extension.

The first one you can plug into a power outlet. Using an extension cord, you can “stretch” the electricity you need to your location.

You should have a tee with you, even if your place is very close to a power source. After all, if you need electricity for a long period of time, then by occupying the outlet, you deprive all other passengers of this opportunity. Under no circumstances should you do this, because you are in public areas, and the socket here is also shared. This is exactly what a tee is needed for.

Where to find sockets in reserved seat carriages

As a rule, any reserved seat carriage has 2 sockets. They may be in the second and penultimate compartment. For your information, when purchasing seats, you can take into account the location of power sources and purchase seats next to them. Let us repeat, they are built in the second compartment from the conductors or in the penultimate compartment of the car.

In old-type reserved seat carriages, the sockets are located opposite the conductors' compartment and the toilet at the end of the carriage. Using them without extension cords will be extremely difficult.