Description of agent 007. Interesting facts about the biography of James Bond: the Bond series continues. Ian Fleming - head of the secret unit

Sir James Bond is a secret super agent of all times, commander of the British Navy. The grandiose Bond film has kept action movie fans on the edge of their seats for more than 50 years. The secret of the popularity of the hero who came straight from the pages is simple: Agent 007 is strong, handsome, determined. The man knows how to dress stylishly and solve any issues, while not being an arrogant millionaire, but in fact, a servant of the people - a government official. Not a man - a dream.

History of appearance

James Bond was born from the imagination of Ian Fleming, a correspondent for Reuters in Moscow. The journalist gained popularity among his compatriots back in the 1930s thanks to reports from espionage campaigns in Russia. During the Second World War, Ian served as assistant chief of British intelligence, so the character's story is not just a fruit artistic fantasy, and is supported personal experience.

After the war, Fleming went to Jamaica, off the warm shores Caribbean Sea From the pen of the intelligence officer came the first novel about the adventures of Bond, Casino Royale. The “book” Bond is not very similar to the secret service agent who migrated to television screens. The author endowed the character with a vulnerable, sensitive character, in which there was a place for cruelty and ruthlessness.

Agent 007 appeared in 1954 in one of the episodes of the series “Climax!”, the series was called the same as the first book, but Bond was called Jimmy. The work went unnoticed, but Fleming had hopes of bringing the hero to the big screen. The idea was a success only in 1961 - producers Albert Broccoli and Harry Saltzman bought the rights to all the books, and a year later, in mid-autumn, the viewer saw the film "Dr. No", which marked the beginning of the legendary "Bond".


The hero’s name was given to him by an American ornithologist he knew – the aspiring writer liked it because of its simplicity and lack of individuality, but at the same time it sounded courageous. The image of Bond, as a real spy, was also intended to be faded and inconspicuous. They say that the bird biologist was offended by the writer for a long time for using the name, until he received a book with an autograph “To the Real James Bond from the Thief of His Identity” as a gift.

In fact, James Bond became a mix of many real people with whom fate brought the writer together in naval intelligence. According to rumors, the newly minted writer was inspired by materials about Sidney Reilly read in the archives of the intelligence service during the war years. He served as an intelligence officer in Russia and the Middle East. But researchers believe that the personality of Reilly’s partner, Robert Bruce Lockhart, is closer to Bond.

To prototypes book hero include Serbian, British intelligence officer Dusan Popov, whom Fleming met in Portugal. Charming and charismatic Dusan led a luxurious life, pulled off incredible scams, conquered women and lost fabulous sums in casinos. The scene when Popov lost 50 thousand dollars in a game, issued by the secret services, ended up on the pages of the book “Casino Royale”.

Possible prototypes include Edward Yeo-Thomas, a secret agent known as the White Rabbit. Fleming was familiar with the biography of the spy - the fearless intelligence officer even managed to escape from the fascist camp.

The main prototype, according to researchers, should be considered Fleming himself. Bond borrowed from the writer military rank, height, eye color, some character traits. Even habits and tastes were inherited from the “parent” - for example, a love of coffee with scrambled eggs, the ability to play golf masterfully, a passion for women and gambling.

By the way, the legendary number 007 is a modified “autograph” of the spy John Dee, who appeared on secret reports addressed to the Queen of England. Initially, the glyph consisted of two circles and a bracket in the form of an angle.


Invincible James Bond is an adventurer by nature and prefers to resolve issues by force. The charming womanizer is not averse to drinking and playing poker; the habits of a gourmet and the habits of an aesthete harmoniously coexist in him. The producers endowed most of the hero’s qualities and were not mistaken in their calculations - fans of films about the special agent chose the character as an object to emulate: in the same manner they began to wear glasses, buy branded clothing, and smoke Bond’s favorite brand of cigarettes.

James Bond played by Craig

Agent 007 wears stylish suits from different tailors. At first he was dressed by Anthony Sinclair, then the choice fell on the Brioni fashion house, and finally, an American designer sewed clothes for the superhero. Bond wears a watch from the legendary Swiss brand Rolex on his wrist; the man also appears in Breitling, Seiko and Omega.

Alcohol preferences remained almost unchanged - James enjoys a Martini cocktail from a glass garnished with olive and lemon. In creating the cocktail, traditions are broken: instead of gin, there is vodka. Vermouth is poured after the fiery drink is mixed in a shaker with ice. In the 23rd Bond film main character suddenly he turned out to be a lover of The Macallan whiskey - to please the sponsors of the film. The agent smokes Mooreland brand cigarettes.

Bond drives luxury cars. In the novel, he drives a Bentley, and a whole fleet of supercars is presented on the screens. These are the Sunbeam Alpine Convertible and the Aston Martin DB5. James has switched from a Ford Mustang March I to a Lotus Esprit, from a BMW 750iL to a BMW Z8. However, Bentley also appeared in one of the film adaptations.

And if the super spy changed cars like gloves, then he remained faithful to weapons. There are only two pistols in the arsenal - Berretta and Walther PPK. In a couple of films, briefly in hand invincible hero Walther P5 is included, and in series from 1997 to 2006 the agent is given an updated version of Walther - P99.


The authors of the film organized a competition for the main role. Six people made it to the finals; in the end, model Peter Anthony won, but the young man had nothing to do with the acting community and failed to complete the mission assigned to him. Cary Grant, Richard Johnson, Rex Harrison and other colorful actors entered the fray, but they were also rejected.

The first to play Bond was a Scot, an unknown actor at that time - it was the image of a superhero, which he had to get used to over the course of six episodes, that gave him popularity. The producers chose Sean because of his appearance - cute, but as if “erased”, suitable for each viewer to independently endow him with their favorite features.

Connery “took over as” a spy at age 32. And when he celebrated his 41st birthday, the filmmakers decided that it was time to retire, because James Bond had no right to grow old. The actor's place was taken by Australian model George Lazenby. The star of the catwalks was not enough for long: having made his film debut in the series “On secret service Her Majesty”, was so tired that he flatly refused to participate in the “Bondian”.

The producers rushed to persuade Connery to play in the next film, Diamonds Are Forever. The "tested" Bond had difficulty agreeing to last time play the role of an agent. Then, for seven whole episodes, he got used to the image of a superhero, and so he grew old in it, leaving the Bond film set at 57 years old.

The new contender for the legendary role outraged the public - short, muscular, with blond hair, Craig did not fit in with the image of agent 007. However, Daniel managed to become the highest-grossing and highest-paid Bond.

The long-running film spawned a scattering of surveys and tests. The question that electronic media like to ask readers is which actor is truly worthy of the title of superhero. The best James Bond Sean Connery is invariably called: according to Bond fans, only he is convincing in all roles of the character - officer, gentleman, lover.


The viewer has seen 24 films about James Bond, it is planned to shoot at least two more films, the premiere of the first is promised in the fall of 2019. So, the films in order:

With Sean Connery in leading role:

  • 1962 - “Dr. No” (the only Bond film without a title soundtrack)
  • 1963 - “From Russia with Love”
  • 1964 - "Goldfinger"
  • 1965 - “Ball Lightning”
  • 1967 - “You Only Live Twice”
  • 1971 - “Diamonds Are Forever”

Starring George Lazenby:

  • 1969 - “On Her Majesty's Secret Service”

Starring Roger Moore

  • 1973 - “Live and Let Die”
  • 1974 - “The Man with the Golden Gun”
  • 1977 - “The Spy Who Loved Me”
  • 1979 - “Moonraker”
  • 1981 - “For Your Eyes Only”
  • 1983 - “Octopussy”
  • 1985 - “A View to a Kill”

Starring Timothy Dalton

  • 1987 - “Sparks from the eyes”
  • 1989 - “License to Kill”

Still from the James Bond film “Casino Royale”

Starring Pierce Brosnan

  • 1995 - “GoldenEye”
  • 1997 - “Tomorrow Never Dies”
  • 1999 - “And the whole world is not enough”
  • 2002 - “Die Another Day”

Starring Daniel Craig

  • 2006 - “Casino Royale”
  • 2008 - “Quantum of Solace”
  • 2012 - “007: Skyfall Coordinates”
  • 2015 - “007: Spectrum”

In each of the 24 films, the special agent conquers another lady, trampling racial prejudices and despite his age. Bond girls are all like choosing a beauty. The list of the hero's women was opened by actress Ursula Andress, who did not even have to participate in the audition - the authors of the film just looked at the photo of the girl in a wet T-shirt.

The contender for James's heart at the beginning of the Bond film was the winner of the Miss Universe crown, Daniela Bianca, who tried on the image of a Soviet spy in the film From Russia with Love. The girl was selected from 200 actresses.

The “hot thing” from England, Honor Blackman, brightened up the spy days in the film “Goldfinger,” and the model and singer captivated not only with her beauty, but also with her strength, easily lifting a man above her head in “A View to a Kill.” On his difficult path, Bond met an enemy in the guise of a woman, whom she played in the film “The World Is Not Enough”: in the arsenal of the villain Electra King, in addition to beauty, she also has a sharp mind.

Once a womanizer seriously fell in love, the heroine became the object of tender feelings (by the way, she refused this role). Eve has been called the most sensual of all Bond women. But the lady broke the lover’s heart to pieces, and in the next film “Quantum of Solace”, unable to recover from the deception, he simply becomes friends with another girl - the role went to . Before filming, the Russian beauty had to jump with a parachute, learn the basics of shooting and add a Latin American accent to her speech.

In the last film, Agent 007 added a middle-aged lady to the list of his heart's interests. In the image of the widow of an Italian mafioso, Bond fans now call her the oldest Bond girl. However, in the same episode, the Italian has to share her chosen one with the young Mandlene Soane, played by the actress, who has the type of classic superhero girl.

Berenice Marlowe also played the role of the agent's girls.


Fans immediately grabbed quotes from Bond films. Everyone, even those who have not seen the Bond movie, is familiar with at least one of them.

“My name is Bond. James Bond"
“- Why, with such a wealth of opportunities, does a person choose the path of an assassin? “There was an option to become a priest.”
"Men don't like to be taken for a spin"
“The first rule of lovers: no secrets! The second rule of lovers: always together... until death do us part, and all that."
“I am familiar with this lotion. This is what rats usually smell like.”
“Darling, why did we stay in the honeymoon suite? “To strengthen our union.”
“Diamonds have replaced dogs in the role best friend women"
“Don’t flatter yourself, I only slept with you for the sake of my country!”
“I’ll have a vodka martini. Mix, but do not shake"
"A man is judged by the greatness of his enemy"
“Life is given only once, wasting it on sleep is stupid”
“When a person is young, it is so easy for him to distinguish between good and evil, but with age it becomes more and more difficult”
  • One of the attractions of Thailand is James Bond Island, which became the setting for the scene of the duel between agent 007 and the killer Scarmanga in the film “The Man with the Golden Gun.” Every year thousands of tourists strive to visit the island.

  • From his first appearance on screen, Bond has been basking in the love of fans. A fan from England, Emma-Louise Hodges, decided to take extreme measures just to be involved in the film - she changed her name. Now the woman is named after James's girls - Pussy Galore Honey Ryder Solitaire Plenty O'Toole Mayday Xenia Onatopp Holly Goodhead Tiffany Case Kishi Suzuki Mary Goodnight Jinx Johnson Octopussy Domino Moneypenny.

  • Sean Connery began to go bald at the age of 21, which is why the actor wears a wig in his films.
  • Meticulous viewers have calculated that Bond was shot 4,662 times in all 24 films.
  • Sean Connery taught martial art, one day the coach got angry and broke the student's wrist.
  • It is strange that Roger Moore stayed for seven episodes of the Bond film, because the actor suffered from holophobia - the fear of firearms.

  • The typewriter Fleming used to write the novel was sold at auction for £50,000.
  • In 1963 at advertising posters for the next film, Bond is holding an air pistol in his hands, bought in the toy department. This puncture became a reason for laughter among the military and shooting athletes.
  • 50 years later, a children's toy was sold at auction for 277 thousand pounds.

October marked the half-century since the premiere of the first James Bond film, Dr. No, starring Sean Connery. It took place in October world premiere 23rd film "007 coordinates Skyfall". Starring - Daniel Craig.

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We know a lot about James Bond. But not all. Because its creator, writer Ian Fleming, did not bother to present any coherent biography of his hero. The mystery of the origin, childhood and adolescence of agent 007 was later solved by numerous Bond scholars. This is what they did.

Where exactly he was born is unknown, but Bond scholars have figured out who his parents are. Father - Andrew Bond, Scottish, mother - Monique Delacroix, Swiss by birth. Our hero's father worked for a large arms company, the family traveled a lot around the world, so even as a child James Bond spoke fluent German and French. When the boy turned eleven, his parents, avid climbers, died while climbing one of the Alpine peaks. James was sent to live with his aunt in the village. And at the age of thirteen he entered college at Eton University, from where he was expelled two years later “due to troubles with the maid”: our shooter matured early. After which James Bond studied in Edinburgh and the University of Geneva. In 1941, having credited himself with a couple of years of age, James Bond volunteered for the front. He served in the Royal navy, from where he retired at the end of World War II with the rank of commander, which in our Navy corresponds to the rank of captain 2nd rank. It was then that his espionage career began.

Note that James is not a military man, but a civilian employee of the spy agency - the Secret Intelligence Service, or, as it is often called, MI6. Therefore, he is quite free in his communication with his superiors and often “decides matters” at his own discretion. Because of this, his superiors constantly scold him. By the way, until 1994, this same SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) did not have any legal basis in the United Kingdom, and its very existence was not confirmed by the government. So the liberties that James Bond took could not have any serious consequences for him: the bureaucrats, whom Bond passionately dislikes, simply did not have any leverage over him. As for his immediate superior M (who in the last seven films, in the spirit of politically correct times, was made a woman - this role is played by actress Judi Dench), he simply has a soft spot for Bond: well done, the devil!

And not only a great guy, but also damn good-looking. Judging by different sources, he is slightly above average height in modern times - one meter eighty-three, in excellent, naturally, physical shape - weighs 76 kilograms, despite his love for strong men's drinks (bond scholars have calculated that our hero takes one alcoholic drink for every seven pages written about books) and a passion for smoking. True, in latest films James Bond, following the dictates of the century, does not smoke, and has practically given up alcohol.

But as for the face, opinions differ on this matter: its features have undergone significant changes from Sean Connery's Bond No. 1 to Daniel Craig's Bond No. 6. But, by the way, Ian Fleming himself in his books gave clear indications of what his hero looks like - he looks like... the American composer Hoagy Carmichael.

Does this name mean anything to you? And it should! After all, it was Carmichael who wrote four of the most famous American pop songs of the 20th century. At least four songs that were recorded by different performers more often. These are "Stardust", "Georgia On My Mind", "The Nearness Of You" and "Heart And Soul". They were performed by, among others, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole. They continue to be sung by Alicia Keys, Lil Wayne, Norah Jones, Keith Richards and many, many others.

Hoagie Carmichael had a narrow face with a large nose, dark hair with an unruly curl that always fell over his forehead. The same gray eyes as Bond’s, but if the composer’s gaze, according to the recollections of contemporaries, was kind, then agent 007’s gaze shows steel, and his mouth curls with a contemptuous grin. And also on right cheek Bond has a scar, the kind that adorns a man.

Regarding the female sex, James Bond... What can I say! Even noticed in promiscuous relationships!

However, few people know that James Bond was married, and even twice. The first time was on Countess Teresa de Vicenzo (in the film On Her Majesty's Secret Service, 1969, she was played by actress Diana Rigg). The marriage did not last even a day: immediately after the wedding, the villains kill the newly-made Mrs. Bond. For the second time, Bond had to marry US Internal Revenue Service agent Harriet Horner in the 1988 novel Scorpio, written by the “official successor” of Fleming’s case, John Gardner (the book has been translated into Russian, but there is no film based on its plot yet). But this marriage did not last long, for Mrs. Bond No. 2 was helpfully bitten by a moccasin snake.

Our hero had illegitimate son James Suzuki Bond, whose Japanese mother, Kissy Suzuki, was a Bond girl in the 1964 film You Only Live Twice (played by Japanese actress Mii Hama). The son, alas, also dies - in the story “Blast from the Past” by writer Raymond Benson, who is also considered the official successor of Ian Fleming’s case.

Bond, James Bond, must be alone, all alone. So that nothing interferes with his exploits.

Interesting facts

  • The nineteenth Bond film is called “The World is Not Enough” (1999, starring Pierce Brosnan as Bond). «The World Is Not Enough", or - in Latin - "Orbis non sufficit": this is the family motto of the Bond family. This motto belonged to the real-life Sir Thomas Bond (1620-1685), a relationship with whom James Bond does not insist, but does not deny.
  • According to Fleming, according to his various novels, James Bod was born in 1917, 1930, 1921 and 1924. There is no need to talk about the date of birth of the current Bonds: the main thing is that the hero is “around forty.” As Carlson used to say, “a man in the prime of his life.”
  • Oddly enough, most often James Bond doesn't drink famous cocktail vodka martini, which is “shaken but not stirred,” and whiskey, as well as champagne. Another drink he loves is coffee, but he hates tea. He calls it “dirty water” and considers it indirectly responsible for the decline of the British Empire.
  • He is unpretentious in food: when he is at home in London (he has an apartment in Chelsea), he prefers grilled flounder and cold roast beef with potato salad. And his favorite food is scrambled eggs, prepared by his housekeeper May, who worked for his aunt.
  • Whatever Bond’s relationship with the next beauty, access to his bachelor’s apartment is closed to ladies. Only the same housekeeper May and the eternal secretary of the head of the Secret Service, Moneypenny, are allowed to cross the threshold of his home.

Bond, or the story of the adventures of British special agent M16, has become the longest-running film series in history. The first episode aired on...

From Masterweb

09.04.2018 02:00

"Bond" or the adventure story of British special agent M 16 has become the longest-running film series in history. The first episode was released in 1962, and the last one dates back to 2015. Of course, over such a vast period, there was no way one actor could play this role. Therefore, in the James Bond film, the actors who played him changed over time. Who received the honor of appearing on screen in such a daring role? Let's look at the James Bond actors in order.

A short introduction

Bright, interesting, exciting and one of the highest budget projects in the world of cinema is, of course, James Bond. The actors who played Bond, accordingly, became world-class stars and won the hearts of millions. However, critics are not asleep, and even among such ideally chosen performers of this triumphant role there are more and less suitable or even, one might say, ideal agents. Everything is taken into account: appearance, manners, voice, facial expressions, charisma, physical fitness and the ability to present oneself. Therefore, we will conditionally divide the rating of actors playing James Bond into two categories. We will consider them in chronological order, from the “oldest” to the “youngest”, but with each of them there will be a critic’s assessment. Since we have six James Bond actors, they will share exactly the same number of places among themselves, from the most prestigious - first - to sixth.

Sean Connery

The very first and brightest performer of the role of James Bond. The actor was remembered by many generations and became the standard for this role. It was “for him” that later “younger Bonds” were selected who could adequately continue the story started by Sean. So, Connery played agent 007 in six, one might say, the first films of the franchise:

  • 1962 - "Doctor No";
  • 1963 - “From Russia with Love”;
  • 1964 - "Goldfinger";
  • 1965 - "Ball Lightning";
  • 1967 - “You Only Live Twice”;
  • 1971 - "Diamonds are Forever."

However, there is one nuance in this chronology. Mr. Sean Connery missed a movie released in 1969 called On Her Majesty's Secret Service. The actor who played James Bond in this film will be discussed below.


The actor who was the first to dare to play the role of agent 007 was awarded the highest rating by viewers and critics. It was Sean Connery who became the ideal Bond, the starting and reference image that is ingrained in people's memory. He amazingly managed to convey aristocracy and simplicity, charisma and courage, energy and cunning. The actor even acquired the image of a man capable of winning the heart of absolutely any woman on the planet with one glance. Sean began playing Bond at the age of 32, and finished when he was 41. It is also important to note that Connery is the only performer of this role who also has an Oscar award.

George Lazenby

The actor, originally from Australia, played the role of a British secret agent only once. He appeared before the audience as Bond in 1969 in a film called “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.” The film itself, of course, became a sensation immediately after its release and collected a decent box office. But the actor who appeared in this film was forgotten almost immediately. After all, in the next episode Bond was again played by Connery, and after him the next “long-serving agent” was invited to play the role. Why couldn't Lazenby stay in this extremely profitable position?


In ratings of James Bond actors, both viewers and critics give Lazenby's character the lowest rating. Of course, this conclusion was not reached immediately in the year the film was released, but more recently, after reviewing the entire Bond film and drawing the appropriate conclusions. It is completely unclear why a very good actor could not cope with this role. He is quite handsome, charismatic, and has aristocratic features and manners. In fact, there is nothing to complain about, since he played well and is suitable in all respects. But when you look at the picture as a whole, you realize that George Lazenby, alas, is out of place in Bond.

Roger Moore

The triumphant Connery was replaced by the no less charismatic and aristocratic Moore. Actor who played James Bond 7 times between 1973 and 1985. considered the oldest. He began his career in Bond at the age of 46, and ended when he turned 58. The series that came out with his participation:

  • 1973 - “Live and Let Die”;
  • 1974 - “The Man with the Golden Gun”;
  • 1977 - “The Spy Who Loved Me”;
  • 1979 - “Moonraker”;
  • 1981 - “For Your Eyes Only”;
  • 1983 - "Octopussy";
  • 1985 - "A View to a Kill."

Almost all the episodes with his participation are the so-called hellish comedy. This was precisely the nature of the films about agent 007 in the 70s and 80s, and Roger Moore coped with the task set by the director simply superbly.


According to viewers, as well as most critics, Moore is the next ideal Bond after Connery. Long time he occupied an honorable second place, but has now moved to third (of course, because of the new actor). In general, his performance is rated the highest, he has charisma, is very cheerful and seductive, but at the same time capable of cold calculation and madness. We also note that thanks to this actor, the James Bond film became less harsh than before, which significantly expanded the audience.

Timothy Dalton

Took part in the filming of two James Bond films. The actor, in theory, was supposed to play Agent 007 for the third time, but this did not happen. So, Timothy starred in:

  • 1987 - “Sparks from the Eyes”;
  • 1989 - "License to Kill."

Producers planned a third episode starring Dalton for 1991, entitled "A Lady's Own." But the production was too long, and the leading actor was simply tired of waiting. During the five years during which the film's release was being prepared, Dalton managed to sign a contract to star in the film Scarlett, and when he was finally offered to play Bond for the third time, he refused.

Place in the ranking

Undoubtedly, we all love Timothy Dalton; it is impossible to ignore his acting talent, drama and ability to convey a mood with just one glance. However, among the Bonds, he settled in penultimate - fifth place. He played, of course, excellently, however, most likely, Agent 007 is not his signature role. Some critics even noted that it was like Ostap Bender performed by Andrei Mironov. And talented, and competent, and correct, but not that.

Pierce Brosnan

Bond of the 90s era is one of the most recognizable faces for modern people. To some extent, Brosnan became another Bond standard, but more modern and perfect. He has four paintings in the cycle:

  • 1995 - “GoldenEye”;
  • 1997 - “Tomorrow Never Dies”;
  • 1999 - “And the whole world is not enough”;
  • 2002 - “Die Another Day.”

Films starring Pierce Brosnan became not just action films and adventures, but real action films. The most modern special effects were used in them, the scenes became more frank and intense, and much more important and deeper questions were raised in the plot.


Even though Pierce Brosnan has become the new modern standard for Bond, he only took 4th place. To be fair, it should be said that, alas, they came to this conclusion not because he is not suitable for the role, is not handsome enough, or lacks acting talent. All this happened with him, it just so happened that the other actors turned out to be more striking and memorable, they coped with the role not just well, but put something of their own, unique into it. However, we all remember and love four wonderful films that depict the bright and daring adventures of agent 007, brilliantly played by Pierce Brosnan.

Daniel Craig

This is the last James Bond actor to play the British secret agent. Craig is the highest-grossing and highest-rated Bond, and the new films in the franchise with his participation are incredibly bright, spectacular and even a little confusing. We can say with complete confidence that the Bond genre has moved from the category of action film to a more complex one, which combines drama, tragedy, and even, of course, action. Here are the films Daniel has starred in:

  • 2006 - “Casino Royale”;
  • 2008 - “Quantum of Solace”;
  • 2012 - “Skyfall coordinates”;
  • 2015 - "Spectrum".

Release planned for 2019 new painting with his participation called "Bond 25". Daniel Craig is a so-called new format that was chosen so that the film could keep up with the times and events that are happening in the world. Not only the actor himself, but also the role of Bond that he plays is fundamentally different from all his predecessors.

Criticism and evaluation

In order not to pull the cat by the tail, let's say right away that viewers and critics awarded Craig 2nd place for the role of Bond, but it was not at all easy for them and it took a long time. Perhaps we should start with Daniel’s appearance, which, to put it mildly, does not fit with the concept of James Bond that is familiar to the viewer. The actors who played Bond previously were charismatic, even a little funny, dexterous, and cunning. There was always an element of comedy in the films, and the performers were selected based on this aspect. The new "Bond" has become completely different - more serious and vital, dramatic, even, one might say, "heavy." This provoked the emergence of the “hero from real world", rather than an agent who is deliberately aristocratic. Now we are all accustomed to Craig and can no longer imagine anyone else in the role of the new and improved James Bond.

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It came as a surprise to me to find out what plane Urquhart bought me a ticket for. He is the only member of the staff who has a sense of humor (which he considers inappropriate for use in the gray, mortuary-like building where he works in Regent's Park) and, when he booked my ticket, he, of course, knew which flight I was on. The plane was scheduled to leave Kennedy Airport at 4 p.m., heading to Bermuda. What Urquhart did not tell me was that it was a special offer for newlyweds on their honeymoon.

After arriving from London, I spent two hours in the waiting room at Kennedy Airport, with real New York rain and snow hitting the windows on this cold January Saturday. And now he had to spend three hours in the company of people making their first mating flight. Roses, California champagne - none of this was for me.

“Welcome aboard, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Pan American, the most experienced airline in the world, whose captain and crew wish you a pleasant flight on this truly unforgettable journey of your life!” Polite laughter. Someone's enthusiastic applause. And sitting in my aisle seat, I began to worry about


The upcoming trip.

Where did old Urquhart's sense of humor end?

Between me and the porthole sat a young couple, completely absorbed in each other. He was in dark gray, she was in pink. None of them said anything. Their silence was alarming, as if in disapproval of my so-called mission.

Lunch was served - four courses in plastic packaging - a triumph of the space age. As I devoured my crispy-skinned Maryland chicken, I suddenly felt a pang of melancholy. However, back in London, Urquhart said that upon arrival at my destination, I would be taken care of. They can do it quite well there.

I drank, and then again, and as the big plane buzzed through the night sky on its way to the tropics, I tried to recall in my mind the events that preceded this flight.

It all started two years ago - after I published my book “The Life of Ian Fleming”. After it, I received many letters - from Japanese people involved in ballistics, from French teenage bondophiles, from Swedes - lovers of detective stories, as well as from certified Americans writing their dissertations on the topic of thrillers. I tried to answer everyone. But there was one letter that put me in a difficult position. It was from Vienna, from a woman who signed her name as Maria Künzler.

The letter was long, a little sentimental, and written in purple ink. It talked about the pre-war winter spent with Ian Fleming at the ski resort in Kitzbühel. In my book I didn't give special significance this period of Fleming's life, describing it only briefly. Fleming visited the resort several times, first in 1920 when he spent time there with a couple named Forbes-Dennis (Mrs. Forbes-Dennis, by the way, turned out to be the writer Phyllis Bottom). Theoretically, Fleming studied there German, although in practice he spent most of his time enjoying the mountains and the local girls. The letter suggested that Miss Künzler was one of them. Her information about Fleming seemed genuine; in her letter she mentioned friends from Kitzbühel whom I had once interviewed for my book. But most of all I was puzzled when I read last paragraph her letters. It sounded like this: “Now you can understand the excitement that we all felt when the handsome young man James Bond appeared in Kitzbühel. It turned out that he happened to visit Ian's house in Eton - and this despite the fact that he was much younger than Ian. Already at that time, James was engaged in a kind of espionage activity, and Ian, who loved to prank people, used this in relation to James, thus extracting from him the information he needed. James was very angry with him for this."

After reading this, I, of course, decided that Miss Künzler was a little crazy, at least she clearly embellished the facts with speculation. I politely thanked her for her letter and wrote that her anecdote about James Bond had amused me pleasantly.

Here I must immediately make a reservation that in the process of writing “The Life of Ian Fleming” I had no doubt that James Bond is Ian Fleming, and Ian created this image from his dreams and memories of his childhood. I knew Fleming personally for several years, even during the years when he was writing his first Bond books. We were working together at the Sunday Times at the time, and in the Bond novels I found many parallels between the hero and his author. Fleming even endowed Bond with his own personal qualities - preferences in clothing, food, even the way he looked. That's why when I imagined the face of James Bond, I saw Fleming (and not Sean Connery).

However, there were some facts that contradicted the fact that Bond is Fleming. Despite the fact that Fleming himself denied this - categorically. The point was that the more carefully you read the books, the more you began to notice facts related to the life of James Bond

outside the storyline

Details about his family, love affairs, some glimpses of his school career, and tantalizing references to his early spy activities. Across more than thirteen James Bond books, all of these things fit into a remarkably consistent pattern. This is what gave rise to rumors that Fleming wrote the image of his hero from some real prototype- an agent encountered while serving in British naval intelligence during the war.

One theory was that the "real" James Bond was a Royal Marines captain whose personality and exploits inspired Fleming. Another is that Fleming scrutinized the career of British double agent James Morton, whose body was discovered at the Shepherd Hotel in Cairo in 1962. There were other rumors as well. However, none of them stood up to criticism, and could not make me change my opinion that James Bond is Ian Fleming. Then I received a second letter from the mysterious Miss Künzler from Vienna. It arrived about three months after I wrote her a reply, and in it Ms. Künzler apologized for the delay, citing health problems. (By all accounts, she was about sixty-five at that time). This time the letter was shorter. It stated that the last time Miss Künzler saw James Bond was at a holiday in Kitzbühel in 1938. She also added that he wrote her a few letters after the holiday, and that was all. When she gets better, she will find them and send them to me, including some photographs. And surely there must be people who knew James Bond at Eton. Why don't I contact them? I responded to her immediately, asking her to send me the indicated letters. There was no answer.

I wrote to her several more times - again without success. Then, following her advice, I decided to check possible evidence regarding the young Bond at Eton. Fleming showed up at Eton in the autumn of 1921. I had no information about James Bond's age, except perhaps Miss Kunzler's statement that he was younger than Fleming. I checked all the data for the twenties. I came across some Bonds, but none of them were named James, and none of them visited Fleming's old house. It was clear that Miss Künzler was mistaken, but intrigued, I decided to check out the thirties. Suddenly I


A certain James Bond, who was enrolled in the Slater boarding house* in the fall of 1933.

//one of the dormitories at Eton College - hereinafter - approx. translated//

He was on the list for more than two years, after which he disappeared from it in the spring of 1936. This fact in itself did not yet prove Miss Künzler’s assertion, but I could no longer ignore it. There certainly was a James Bond who went to Eton, but he seemed too young to me to have known Fleming. It was unlikely that a man his age could be associated with the Secret Service by 1937. I tried to find out more about this guy and failed. The secretary at the school office told me that there was no information on him - neither about him nor about his family. She recommended that I contact the Eton College Alumni Society. I contacted them, but again with no success. All they could offer me was a list of some of Bond's peers.

Today this is “Bond” - one of the most successful film projects. Actor to main page male role they choose with unprecedented pickiness, and becoming a “Bond girl” is the dream of the world's leading beauties. Meanwhile, initially well-known Hollywood studios refused to finance films based on Ian Fleming’s novels, considering the story too British and frank.

Barry NELSON (1954)

Many believe that Sean Connery became the first agent 007, but the first attempt to film Fleming’s books was an episode in the American television series “Climax!”, released in 1954. It was filmed based on the book “Casino Royale”, the role of “Jimmy Bond” was played by American actor Barry Nelson.

SEAN CONNERY (1962-1967,1971,1983)

The Scottish actor was unknown at the time, and this role became his lucky ticket to the world of cinema. Connery started playing Agent at the age of 32 and finished at 41. Moreover, there was a tough competition. According to the contract, he was supposed to play in 5 Bond films. His fee for Dr. No was a modest 6 thousand pounds, but he subsequently earned more than 18 million dollars from this role.

After the initial euphoria wore off, Connery became frightened at the prospect of becoming a one-man actor. Twice he promised that he would not play Bond again. But the fears turned out to be in vain. In 1971, in Diamonds Are Forever, he was lured by a then fabulous fee of $1.25 million and a share of the rentals. In 1983, the Scot was persuaded to star in his last Bond film, Never Say Never Again. Connery, by the way, is the only Oscar winner among all Bond performers. And in 2000, the British Queen granted him a knighthood. By the way, Connery himself called “From Russia with Love” (1963) his favorite film.

George LAZENBY (1969)

The controversial Australian got into the film by accident and was unable to gain a foothold, despite his stunning appearance and athletic build. He played agent 007 in the film On Her Majesty's Secret Service. However, in nine months, the 30-year-old eccentric actor managed to quarrel with both the director and his colleagues. Interestingly, in this film Lazenby performs all his own stunts. This is the only film where Bond marries Countess Tracy, played by Diana Rigg. George Lazenby's fee was $400 thousand. Subsequently, George invested in the film “Universal Soldier” with himself in the leading role, but it failed. Desperate for film fame, Lazenby became very successful in selling real estate.

Roger MOORE (1973-1985)

Roger Moore is British to the core; he is the oldest Bond (he started filming Bond at 46 and finished at 57). Despite all the fears, for 12 years, from the first film (Live and Let Die, 1973) to the last (A View to a Kill, 1985), he successfully completed the mission entrusted to him. Moreover, the audience fell in love with him for his sense of humor and irony, which was more developed than others. Soon after saying goodbye to his hero, Moore quit films. In 1991 he became an ambassador goodwill UNICEF fundraising. Now he lives for pleasure with 57-year-old millionaire Christina Tolstrup. Roger Moore's total salary in Bond films was more than 24 million.

Timothy DALTON (1987-1989)

The author of The Bond Encyclopedia, Stephen Rubin, said that Dalton recreated Bond as Fleming himself saw him. By the time he was offered to become a new agent, he received good acting education, played at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. He became Bond at 41 and finished acting at 43.

He played in two films - “Sparks from the Eyes” (1987) and “License to Kill” (1989). His Bond is not so aggressive and sexy, practically devoid of a sense of humor, but the audience fell in love with him because he is not a super machine, but a man, less dependent on technical tricks, with principles and a steely character.

Timothy Dalton refused to play Scarlett for a long time, waiting for the next film.

Dalton waited five years for the third film, turning down the role of Rhett Butler in Scarlett; in the end, he agreed to Rhett, refusing another film about the agent. At the same time, Timothy said that he felt real freedom: “Bond let me go, and I was able to become myself.”

Dalton received high fees: $3 million for the film Sparks from the Eyes, $5 million for the film License to Kill. He was also offered $6 million for the film A Lady's Property (later renamed GoldenEye).

PIERCE BROSNAN (1995-2002)

Oh, that sly look of a predator and a real heartthrob... Irishman Pierce Brosnan spent a long time trying to achieve the role of James, going from a taxi driver to an actor. And not in vain - he was desired by millions of women all over the planet. He starred in four films - GoldenEye (1995), Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), The World Is Not Enough (1999), Die Another Day (2002). He starred in the first one at the age of 42. Officially ended his Bond career at 49.

Initially, they planned to invite Mel Gibson instead of Dalton, but he, fortunately for Pierce, refused. Gibson was promised 15 million, Brosnan agreed to a tenfold smaller fee. The image of Brosnan's Bond was considered "the way a great agent 007 should look these days." Even Sean Connery himself approved of the follower’s performance, saying: “It amazes me that even after Brosnan they are still going to make new Bond films.” For four films, the actor earned more than $41 million.

Daniel CRAIG (since 2006)

Handsome Craig is the first blond among all the artists who played Bond. He has (so far) four films to his credit: Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, 007: Skyfall and 007: Spectre. He began acting in Bond at the age of 38 and became the highest-grossing and the highly paid James Bond. Each film brings him a fee of at least $10 million. Moreover, the producers spent about 500 million on the creation of the first three films, but earned more than 2 billion at the box office alone! Craig's fee for the fourth film, released in 2015, amounted to almost $46 million, and the film grossed $880 million at the box office. It's scary to imagine how much the 50-year-old Hollywood star will receive for his fifth outing in Bond. The working title of the film is “James Bond 25”, it will be directed by Danny Boyle, director of “Trainspotting” and “Slumdog Millionaire”. The premiere is scheduled for the end of 2019.