What does it mean to survive defeat with dignity block 12. Essay on the topic: Victory and defeat in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons. Decent behavior of book characters

>Essays based on the work Fathers and Sons

Victory and defeat

The desire to win is inherent in almost every person. Some of us are more competitive, some less. However, everyone needs victories. Every day we defend our views on life and there are always people whose views do not coincide with ours or simply contradict our worldview. In the novel “Fathers and Sons” I. S. Turgenev showed the conflict between the older generation and the younger. Moreover, we see how one social layer collides with another and an inevitable confrontation occurs.

Main character works by young medical student Evgeny Bazarov. Together with his friend Arkady Kirsanov, he goes to visit him at the family estate. Arkady, of course, is looking forward to coming home. His only relatives are his father and uncle - Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich. The Kirsanovs were brought up on old principles and it is not easy for them to understand the younger generation, although Arkady’s father immediately makes an effort on himself and smoothes out awkward moments in every possible way. Pavel Petrovich, an aristocrat to the core, perceives the arrival of his nephew and his friend differently.

He doesn’t like Evgeny Bazarov at all, who has polar views on life with him. The author does not come to the defense of any particular character. He sees strengths and weaknesses in both young and mature. Kirsanov Sr. spent his entire life on idle festivities and love for socialite, who later rejected him. To Bazarov, this seems absurd, just like the concept of love itself. He is an outspoken liberal and a nihilist, that is, a person who denies generally accepted social principles.

Pavel Petrovich was once a brilliant officer. Having fallen in love with Princess R. and not receiving reciprocal feelings in return, he lost interest in life. However, having experienced this most important feeling in his life, he got rid of his former arrogance and self-confidence. Bazarov could not afford this. Fate gave him a chance to reform when he brought him together with the famous widow Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Despite the fact that the young people immediately found many common topics for conversation and experienced something like lightning-fast sympathy, Evgeny decided not to change his rule and not let the feeling of love into his life. Perhaps this was his most important defeat.

Later, when he was already seriously ill and near death, he realized how little attention he paid to his dear and loving parents, what a mistake he made by not accepting Odintsova’s favorable attitude. Even if his feeling remained unrequited, he could learn a lot from this relationship, gain valuable experience. Courage and determination in any struggle are essential. But sometimes excessive self-confidence clouds your eyes and prevents you from correctly assessing the situation. This is exactly what happened to Turgenev’s main character, who passed away young and misunderstood.

From 2014-2015 school year the program of state final certification of schoolchildren includes a final graduation essay. This format differs significantly from the classic exam. The work is of a non-subject nature, relying on the graduate’s knowledge in the field of literature. The essay aims to reveal the examinee’s ability to reason on a given topic and argue his point of view. Mainly, the final essay allows you to assess the level of speech culture of the graduate. For exam paper Five topics from a closed list are proposed.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part - thesis and arguments
  3. Conclusion - conclusion

The final essay 2016-2017 requires a volume of 350 words or more.

The time allotted for the examination work is 3 hours 55 minutes.

Topics for the final essay

The issues proposed for consideration are usually addressed to inner world person, personal relationships, psychological characteristics and the concepts of universal morality. Thus, the topics of the final essay for the 2016-2017 academic year include the following areas:

  1. "Victory and Defeat"

Here are concepts presented that the examinee will have to reveal in the process of reasoning, turning to examples from the world of literature. In the final essay 2016-2017, the graduate must identify the relationships between these categories based on analysis, construction of logical relationships and application of knowledge of literary works.

One such theme is “Victory and Losing.”

As a rule, works from the course school curriculum according to literature it is large gallery different images and characters that can be used to write a final essay on the topic “Victory and Losing.”

  • Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace"
  • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • Tale by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"
  • Story by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
  • Story by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter»
  • Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Arguments for the theme “Victory and defeat” 2016-2017

  • “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy

The theme of victory and defeat itself is present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. War of 1812 - this is one of the largest and most significant events for Russia, during which they demonstrated folk spirit and the patriotism of the population, as well as the skill of the Russian high command. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thereby Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in military operations - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, all its residents and representatives began to leave the city high society and nobility. The people demonstrated their disobedience to the French by leaving the city to the enemy rather than be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only burning Moscow, which people had abandoned, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

  • “Fathers and Sons” by I.S. Turgenev

In the work of I.S. Turgenev, the conflict of generations is manifested, in particular, in the confrontation between the young nihilist Evgeny Bazarov and the nobleman P.P. Kirsanov. Bazarov is a self-confident young man, he boldly judges everything, considering himself a man who made himself with his own work and mind. His opponent Kirsanov led a riotous lifestyle, experienced a lot, felt a lot, loved a secular beauty and thereby gained experience that influenced him. He became more reasonable and mature. In the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov, external victory is manifested young man- he is harsh, but at the same time maintains decency, and the nobleman does not restrain himself, breaking into insults. However, during the duel between the two heroes, the seemingly won victory of the nihilist Bazarov turns into a defeat in the main confrontation.

He meets the love of his life and cannot resist his feelings, nor admit it, because he denied the existence of love. Yes, here Bazarov was defeated. Dying, he realizes that he lived his life denying everything and everyone, and at the same time lost the most important thing.

  • "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol

In the story by N.V. Gogol can be found as an example of how victory and defeat can be intertwined. Younger son Andriy, for the sake of love, betrayed his homeland and Cossack honor, going over to the enemy side. His personal victory is that he defended his love by boldly deciding on this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and homeland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult battles - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here we cannot talk about victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Essay example

Accompanies a person in life a large number of situations in which he has to resist something or someone. Often, these are some circumstances, specific conditions and a struggle where there are winners and losers. And sometimes it's more difficult situations, where victory and defeat can be considered with different points vision.

Let us turn to the treasury of arguments from Russian classical literature - the great work of Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”. A significant part of the novel consists of military actions of the time Patriotic War 1812, when the entire Russian people stood up to defend the country from the French invaders. The theme of victory and defeat itself is present in the war in its most obvious manifestation. After the council in Fili, the Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov decided to leave Moscow. Thus, it was planned to save the troops and thereby Russia. This decision does not demonstrate defeat in military operations - but on the contrary: it proves the invincibility of the Russian people. After all, after the military, all its residents, representatives of high society and the nobility began to leave the city. The people demonstrated their disobedience to the French by leaving the city to the enemy rather than be under the rule of Bonaparte. Napoleon, who entered the city, did not meet resistance, but saw only burning Moscow, which people had abandoned, and realized not his seemingly victory, but defeat. Defeat from the Russian spirit.

In the story by N.V. Gogol can be found as an example of how victory and defeat can be intertwined. The youngest son Andriy betrayed his homeland and honor for the sake of love Cossack army, going over to the enemy side. His personal victory is that he defended his feelings by boldly deciding to do this kind of act. However, his betrayal of his father and homeland is unforgivable - and this is his defeat. The story demonstrates one of the most difficult battles - the spiritual struggle of a person with himself. After all, here we cannot talk about victory and defeat, since it is impossible to win without losing on the other side.

Thus, it is worth saying that victory does not always represent the superiority and confidence that we are accustomed to imagine. And, besides, often victory and defeat go side by side, complementing each other and shaping the characteristics of a person’s personality.

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A person cannot win all the time. Each of us loses from time to time, but some hold on with dignity, others become despondent, complain and become disappointed in themselves. Of course, the one who controls himself in any circumstances is right, but what does it mean to “survive defeat with dignity”? How should you behave? I consider these questions to be the most relevant for my generation, because we will soon set out on a long independent voyage, so we need to immediately take the right course. Reefs and storms await everyone, which means we must learn to cope with them and respond to them.

Who can teach this important skill? Of course classic literature, examples from which we will analyze to find out the answer to the question posed. I remember Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The main character lost the battle for a woman's heart to his to the best friend Stolz. Olga sympathized with Ilya Ilyich, but soon realized that Andrey would be better suited to her in terms of temperament and hobbies. Oblomov tried to overcome himself, change and accept a way of life alien to his nature. However, against nature, human will ultimately turns out to be powerless: everything returns to normal. The hero understands this and does not interfere with the happy union that made him unhappy. He resigned himself to fate, sincerely rejoicing for his friends. Ilya Ilyich did not withdraw into himself and did not build secret intrigues against Stolz, but still built own life just the way I wanted it. He married an economic and kind woman, gave himself up to his idleness and remained in the physical and peace of mind until the end of days. In my opinion, such a delicate reaction and complete absence of destructive ambitions is a worthy defeat, because the loser did not seek pity or revenge: he resigned himself for the sake of general harmony.

As a second example, I would like to cite Hemingway’s work “The Old Man and the Sea.” The main character caught a huge and valuable catch - a swordfish of gigantic size. But he was old and weak, swam too far and could not bring anything back except the skeleton of a sea creature. Along the way, she was gnawed by sharks, almost killing the old man himself. Santiago fought desperately, but what could he do against dangerous predators? Is it the power of the great? human spirit, which turned out to be undefeated. Yes, they laughed at his defeat, but many recognized that, despite his advanced age, he was a skilled fisherman and a fellow villager worthy of respect. The old man himself did not kill himself and did not regret, did not boast and did not lie. His reaction was calm and balanced. He equally indifferently listened to praise and condolences, because he suffered defeat only formally, turning it in his favor. Therefore, a worthy loss in the village was considered a victory.

Thus, to survive defeat with dignity means to respond to failure in a balanced manner and, if possible, get out of a problematic situation without humiliating your dignity with complaints. You also need to be able to forgive victory over yourself, since it is not a person’s fault that he turned out to be better or more capable. It is necessary to take into account not only your ambitions, but also the feelings of other people, so that your triumph does not turn into a tragedy for them. To lose with dignity is already half to win.

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There is a difference between actually losing and feeling defeated. Don't dwell on events that have already happened, but instead try to focus your attention on what the right thing to do next time in a similar situation. Remind yourself that all bad things will sooner or later remain in the past. Try to let go of what you can no longer change, and do your best to respect people or circumstances that have surpassed you.


Part 1

Know how to let go

    Understand your emotions. Think about your experience and try to understand how you feel about it. If you are angry, ask yourself why this is happening. Before you can accept and control your emotions, you must first understand them.

    • Think about how you would feel if you had not failed. Compare your two states and understand what remains similar in them.
    • Write down your thoughts and feelings. Talk to someone you trust, such as a close friend or family member, about your feelings. Chances are you know how to deal with your emotions, so do your best to manage the situation.
  1. Convince yourself. Tell yourself that there is no reason to “feel wrong.” Emotions are not inherently good or bad. They just arise, and it's great if you can accept them. Accept the fact that all your feelings are completely acceptable.

    • Keep in mind that while it is important to be aware of your emotions, it is very unwise to act on some of them (such as anger or self-hatred).
  2. Think about the future. You may not be able to prevent personal failure, but you can control how you react to what happens. Take a deep breath and try to be as reasonable as possible. Remind yourself that you cannot change what has already happened. This attitude will allow you to be more insightful and adapt faster, and you will begin to navigate and feel better when similar negative or disastrous situations arise in the future.

    Don't take yourself too seriously. The situation can always get worse. Consider whether there are positive aspects that you did not immediately notice. Try to approach what happened with humor and move on with a smile on your face, even though this may be difficult for you. You can realize that a situation is much funnier or more absurd if you abstract from personal interests.

    Accept defeat. When you fail, your emotions can influence your perspective. Don't dwell on what has already happened and don't let your failures continue to defeat you. You may be bursting with anger, disappointment or resentment: such feelings will only eat you up from the inside. Learn to recognize these emotions, but not cling to them and throw them aside.

    • You may move forward by letting go of negativity, or you may find yourself constantly looking for ways to retaliate. Letting go of failure will free you from it, while the desire for retribution will only bind you even more to failure.
    • Don't judge yourself. Accept that failure is a part of life. People will always face failures, but they all approach them differently.

    Part 2

    Be a worthy competitor
    1. Learn to lose with grace. Show respect for the people and circumstances that have gotten the better of you. Shake your opponent's hand and congratulate him on a job well done. Don't be petty if you lose a fight, debate or competition. You cannot change the outcome with your negative attitude towards the winner. Be polite and accommodating as much as possible.

      • Thank your opponents for their time and congratulate them on their victory. If you lose gracefully, the winner will likely feel uncomfortable when Once again brag to you about their achievements. This changes the situation from a winner-loser game to a relationship between two people who respect each other and have enjoyed their time together.
    2. Don't let judgment affect you. Let others judge you for failure. You know who you really are and you don't have to justify yourself to people who don't know you well. Be the center of yourself. Failing with self-esteem will be your greatest victory.

      • People around them should encourage everyone to take part. If they forget about their role, then you should not forget about yours. Be interested in defending your interests.
    3. Don't blame. If you start blaming another person, group of people or circumstances that contributed to your defeat, then you will not be able to fully understand what happened. Blaming yourself will make you unhappy, and you will miss the chance to gain useful experience. Try to look at the situation this way: what happened happened, and no amount of self-flagellation can change it.

      Focus on admiring your opponent rather than focusing on your mistakes. Praise your opponents for their intelligence and effective actions. This position gives you additional benefits, which allows you to adopt effective strategies and work to identify your shortcomings.

      Admit that you were wrong. If you lost a dispute or brought weak argument, in which case you can improve your image by accepting the possibility that you were wrong. After all, it is more humiliating to cling to what has already happened than to admit that someone did the right thing.

    Part 3

    Forward movement
    1. Try to take advantage of the current situation. If you can accept failure as a learning experience rather than a disgraceful failure, you will be able to move beyond the current situation and move on. You may have been defeated, but you don't want to be a loser. You are not a loser, if you stay on top, you will endure useful knowledge and continue moving forward in life with a smile on your face. You have grown above yourself and learned something new. If this is how you perceive each defeat, then each time it will be much easier for you to endure them, and over time you will realize that you have won in something else: in self-education and self-improvement.

      • Try to accept that failure occurs in your life. Ask yourself the reasons for failure; understand what you can learn from the situation; figure out why this happened.
      • Think about the reasons for failure and whether you can do anything about it. Ask if you were subconsciously setting yourself up for failure because you weren't sure what you wanted to achieve was the right goal.
    2. Learn from your mistakes. Remember what happened and learn from it. Analyze the situation objectively. Understand what you can actually do to avoid failure in the future. Focus on perspective.

      • The more you focus on future victories, the better impression you will have of your last loss. Not all champions won their first match. You will do rash things if you cannot accept defeat gracefully. People will definitely notice your inability to handle setbacks like a mature person.

Essay “Everyone can fail.”

Anyone can fail. This is the way of life. People can lose a hundred times. But a huge victory can also await them. You can't know exactly how the adventure will end. You'll have to try it to find out.

The Necessity of Failure

The path of life consists of victories and defeats. This thorny path. Fate can lift you high and then suddenly bring you down to the ground. If a person does nothing, then he will not be able to rise to the top. Even a successful person can one day lose everything because he stopped acting. Often you have to try again to achieve success. The more failures a person can endure, the stronger he will be internally. You need to honor yourself in any situation. Even a loss becomes an experience that will help in the future.

Decent behavior of book characters

Decent examples of lesions can also be observed in the literature. Take, for example, the work “Fathers and Sons.” Pavel witnessed the kiss of Bazarov and Fenechka. He decided to defend the girl’s honor and challenged the man to a duel. His opponent didn't think it was effective way decide, but agreed. Bazarov knew how the duel would end, because he was younger than his opponent. Pavel was wounded. It was Evgeniy who provided Kirsanov with first medical aid.

Pavel behaved with dignity. He accepted his defeat with all courage. He made fun of his condition. This is a kind of defensive reaction. The man did not expand on why he had to challenge Bazarov to a duel. He didn't want to harm the young girl. Kirsanov needed this defeat to understand his mistakes. He reconsidered his outlook on life and saw that in many situations he had behaved stupidly. Life has improved a lot throughout the house.

The hero of the work “Crime and Punishment” was also able to survive the defeat with dignity. Raskolnikov was a dreamer. He believed that he had the right to kill. The main character sincerely believed that his action would benefit society. But his theory failed. And Raskolnikov managed not only to accept this, but also took a certain life lesson. His dreams were shattered, but he himself only became stronger.

Losses are inevitable in our lives. But you need to be able to accept failures with dignity. Otherwise our existence will be miserable. How to live in this cruel world if defeats can break us.