Biography of Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko. Maestro of the Cossack army Nestor, telling about the mysterious soul of Russian folklore

Victor Zakharchenko - artistic director State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir, musicologist-folklorist, conductor and composer - born on March 22, 1938 in the village of Dyadkovskaya, Korenovsky district, Krasnodar Territory (photo: Viktor Zakharchenko).

In 1960, Viktor Gavrilovich graduated from the Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical School, and in 1967 from the Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after Mikhail Glinka.

Viktor Zakharchenko began his career as a teacher at a pedagogical school in the city of Kuibyshev. From 1964 to 1974 he worked as chief choirmaster of the State Siberian Russian Folk Choir. In 1974, Viktor Gavrilovich headed the State Kuban Cossack Choir. Since 1990 - artistic director of the Center folk culture Kuban and the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir.

The Kuban Cossack Choir under the leadership of Viktor Zakharchenko has repeatedly become a laureate of All-Russian and international competitions and festivals; awarded the honorary title Academic, the State Prize named after Taras Shevchenko of the Republic of Ukraine and awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko is a tireless collector and popularizer of folklore - the song heritage of Russia, the author of scientific musicological studies and numerous publications in the wide press, including: “Songs of the village of Balman”, “Songs of the Caucasian village”, “You can’t understand Russia with your mind”, “Sings” Kuban Cossack Choir", "Kuban Folk Songs"... The repertoire of the Kuban Cossack Choir and its soloists includes not only traditional Cossack folklore, folk songs arranged by Viktor Zakharchenko, but also the original works of Zakharchenko the composer.

IN different years Viktor Gavrilovich headed the faculty traditional culture and the department of stage performance folk ensemble at the Krasnodar University of Culture and Arts; Dean of the Faculty of Traditional Culture of the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture; Doctor of Art History, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Information, Academician of the Russian Academy of Humanities; Chairman of the Board of the charitable foundation for the revival of folk culture of Kuban “Istoki”; member of the Union of Composers of Russia; member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Choral Society and the All-Russian musical society; Colonel of the All-Kubansky Cossack army; Member of the Commission for State Prizes of Russia under the President of Russia.

Victor Zakharchenko - Honored Artist Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea, People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, laureate of the International Prize of the Foundation of the All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called, Honorary Resident of the village of Dyadkovskaya and Honorary Citizen of the city of Krasnodar, “Person of the Year” in the nomination of the Russian Biographical Institute (photo from the early 1980s: Viktor Zakharchenko at a concert of the Kuban Cossack Choir).

Among Victor Zakharchenko's awards are the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the "Badge of Honor", Friendship, the medal "For Valiant Labor", the Order of the Union of Cossacks of Russia "For Faith, Will and Fatherland" and the cross "For the Revival of the Cossacks", as well as the Order of Friendship of the Republic of Vietnam and a number of other honorary international awards.

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko says about his life purpose: “I am a Cossack by birth and upbringing. I have heard folk and spiritual songs since childhood, absorbed Cossack traditions... Incredible strong desire becoming a musician was always on my mind. But there lived in me some kind of absolute inner confidence that I would definitely be one.”.

Biographical sketch of creative path artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir and the Kuban Folk Culture Center, general director of the state scientific and creative institution (GNTU) "Kuban Cossack Choir", doctor of art history, professor, composer and folklorist, member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of Russia Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko published on the official website

Today, the famous leader and chief conductor of the Kuban Cossack Choir, People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Viktor Zakharchenko, turns 80 years old.

Kuban is preparing to widely celebrate the anniversary of its famous countryman. In his honor, festivals, competitions, performances are organized, and the administration of the Krasnodar region will subsidize the publication of the complete works of the hero of the day: 18 volumes, published in a circulation of two thousand, will be donated to the library network, music schools and cultural institutions. The collection will include articles, conversations, autobiographical essays, reviews and interviews. Here you can also get acquainted with the chronicle of the legendary choir from 1974 to 2018.

I can’t even believe that Viktor Gavrilovich is turning 80 years old: he has so much energy that the maestro literally charges the entire space around him with it. Anyone who has at least once attended the concerts of the Kuban Cossack Choir can be convinced of this. Cossack maestro, as Zakharchenko is called in small homeland, conducts them himself, sometimes for three hours, keeping the huge auditoriums in suspense. Where does this amazing talent come from? He calls it God's gift and firmly believes that the main events in his life are destined from above. This is probably true, although nothing has ever just fallen from the sky for him.

Zakharchenko was born and raised in the village of Dyadkovskaya, in the Korenovsky district of Kuban, in a poor Cossack family. The father did not return from the front, and the mother herself raised four children, one of whom did not survive hunger. And now, from the height of 80 years of living, the hero of the day considers everything that happened to him in the future to be “providential.”

“You can cite many facts from my life that indicate that fate has destined me for a certain mission,” says Viktor Zakharchenko. “I was close to death more than once; I could have died of hunger in 1948, but it was not I who died, but my younger brother Borya. With my older brother Nikolai, having sold the bull we had raised, we bought an accordion in Korenovka, the regional center, and since it was already getting dark, and we had to walk 25 kilometers home to Dyadkovskaya, we spent the night in a haystack on the outskirts. Imagine my surprise when, 57 years later, a street was named after me in the city of Korenovsk, and I learned that it ran right along the very spot where that haystack stood!

A photograph of the boy Viti with the same accordion bought for a bull can be seen at the exhibition. On the eve of the anniversary, it opened in the historical and archaeological museum of the Kuban capital. The exhibition presents Zakharchenko as an artist, composer, and public figure. In the section dedicated to his childhood and youth, the atmosphere of the musician’s home is recreated - a Russian stove, a “red corner” decorated with embroidered towels, yellowed photographs from the family archive, including this one, with an accordion. The first excursion for numerous guests was conducted by the senior researcher Museum Natalya Korsakova.

Our exposition includes 170 exhibits,” she explains. - Among them is a model of a house in the village of Dyadkovskaya. We tried to convey the atmosphere in which Zakharchenko grew up, and it seems that we succeeded. The materials collected during the expedition to the village helped: we met with old-timers, found Viktor Gavrilovich’s classmates, and recorded their memories. They told what a wonderful singer his mother, Natalya Alekseevna, was, how he himself, when they bought an accordion, played at weddings and composed foxtrots. He spent 18 years in the village, as if in a folklore reserve, absorbing the songs that the people composed. The exhibition also presents documents and exhibits from the funds of our museum, costumes of choir artists, the uniform of Zakharchenko, Colonel of the Kuban Cossack Army, and his numerous awards, both state and public. There is a lot of interest in the newly opened exhibition. People come in families, schoolchildren in classes. After all, Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko personifies an entire era, not only in the history of Kuban, but also of Russia. He is a true hero of our time.

Zakharchenko himself does not separate himself from the choir, calling it a unique phenomenon. “The Kuban Cossack Choir is a spiritual shrine, it is a cultural shrine,” says the maestro. Next year it will be 45 years since he became its artistic director. And he created his first choir in 1961 in the city of Kuibyshev, Novosibirsk region. It was there, in the Siberian outback, that during ten years of work as the chief choirmaster of the State Siberian Russian Folk Choir, he recorded hundreds folk rituals and songs, then continuing folklore expeditions to Kuban farmsteads and villages. Having left for Siberia after graduating from college in Krasnodar, he studied in absentia at the conservatory, directed a choir, and during the first years he literally raved about his native Kuban. And having learned that they had decided to recreate a Cossack singing group there, he submitted documents to the competition.

But I was late, and I think it was also providential, because someone in heaven decided: it’s early, let him still gain his wits in the Siberian choir. Without this valuable experience, I would not have been able to do so much in the Kuban Cossack Choir. I became his artistic director on a special day - Intercession Mother of God, October 14, 1974. And much later I learned that on this day, only in 1811, the Military Singing Choir was formed. For 110 years he faithfully served Russia until the revolution broke out. IN Soviet years it was restored several times: first as a Cossack song and dance ensemble, then as the Kuban Cossack Choir. But even I, when I headed it, thought that the choir was formed in Soviet times. And only after starting to work in the archives did I find out its history. That is, 110 years of the band’s biography were simply taken and crossed out! I decided to correct a blatant injustice, and it was a success. Today, songs from the repertoire of the Military Singing Choir are again heard from the stage, and the Kuban Cossack Choir is rightfully considered the oldest group in the country.

Despite the years and trials he endured, the Cossack maestro is strong in spirit and body.

When people ask me where is your magic pill, I answer: faith. On September 5, 1996, I was hit by a car: I was so twisted that my legs switched places. I woke up in intensive care. Became disabled group II. For nine years after that, he walked on crutches and with a cane. And today I manage without it, I walk and run, I go on tour. And I know for sure that God sent me this trauma to enlighten me. Because I began to recover only after I became spiritually stronger. I thought: what kind of folk choir are we if we don’t know our prayers? Now we begin every choir rehearsal with prayer, asking for permission to fulfill our mission in the name of Russia, in the name of Kuban and our people. Isn’t the God-bearing nation, which has a host of martyrs, worthy to serve for its sake?

Zakharchenko is convinced that folklore passed down from generation to generation contains genetic code people, and devoted his entire life to deciphering this code: he collected and processed thousands of Cossack songs, which again sounded from the stage, uplifting the spirit, strengthening faith, giving strength. He is not a singer, but his hands sing with dozens of voices, the choir he leads has conquered the whole world, and his own heart has never left Kuban. And he loves his fellow countrymen as sincerely and selflessly as they love him: “When spectators cry at concerts, and then say that our songs give me goosebumps, then I understand: we are on the same wavelength...”

Dossier "RG"

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko was born on March 22, 1938 in the Kuban village of Dyadkovskaya. He graduated from the Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical School, then from the Novosibirsk State Glinka Conservatory. For 10 years he worked as chief choirmaster in the State Academic Siberian Russian Folk Choir.

Since 1974 - artistic director and chief conductor State Academic Order of Friendship of Peoples and Dmitry Donskoy, first degree of the Kuban Cossack Choir, People's Artist of Russia, Ukraine, Adygea, Abkhazia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic, twice laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation. He is also a member of the Patriarchal Council and Public Council Union State, co-chairman of the Union of National Professional Folk Collectives of Russia, colonel of the Kuban Cossack Army, Doctor of Art History, professor, composer. Author of more than six hundred musical works and more than a thousand arrangements folk songs. Published a number of works on the history of folk song.

Confidant of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He was awarded state awards: the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, the Order of Friendship, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Victor Zakharchenko - Hero of Labor of Kuban. Also has other Russian and foreign awards

Anniversary tour

Concerts of the Kuban Cossack Choir, which became famous under the leadership of Viktor Zakharchenko, are held in triumph all over the world, but they are especially loved in Kuban. A series of anniversary concerts will be held in Krasnodar from March 22 to 27; on March 30, the Kuban Choir will perform in the Kremlin, after which a tour of the cities of Russia and Belarus will begin, after returning from which the artists will again perform in front of their fellow countrymen. As they assured, concerts will be held in each of the 44 districts of the region.


Krasnodar regional branch of the Union of Composers of Russia

Musicologist-folklorist, composer, choral conductor, teacher, public figure.

Graduated from the Krasnodar Musical Pedagogical School (1960, conducting and choral class of A.I. Manzhelevsky); Conducting and choral department of the Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after. M.I. Glinka (1967, choral class and conducting by V.N. Minin and B.S. Pevzner).

In 1965-1974, chief choirmaster of the Siberian Folk Choir (Novosibirsk). In 1974 he became artistic director of the Kuban State Cossack Choir. The art of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir enjoys well-deserved success in our country and abroad. The touring routes of the Kuban Cossack Choir take place across all countries and continents.

The work of Zakharchenko the folklorist was also successful and fruitful. He collected scattered and almost disappeared from the field of view of musical science and artistic creativity 14 pre-revolutionary collections of songs of the Kuban Cossacks A.D. Bigday and republished in two volumes in a creative edition from the standpoint of modern folklore. V.G. Zakharchenko also published “Songs of the Caucasian Village”, two volumes of “Kuban Folk Songs” and “Songs of the Kuban Cossack Choir”.

V.G. Zakharchenko developed and implemented the concept of the Kuban Folk Culture Center (KNKK). This is the only cultural institution in the country that is systematically, widely and prospectively engaged in the revival of traditional folk culture. The center includes a children's art school(musical folklore, iconography, folk crafts and folk choreography), State Academic Cossack Choir, “Istoki” charitable foundation. On the basis of the CNCC, folklore festivals, international scientific conferences, readings are held, studies on the history and culture of the Cossacks are published, CDs are produced, and intense concert and musical educational work is carried out.

Member of the Union of Composers of Russia.

People's Artist of Russia (1984) and Ukraine (1994).

Honored Artist of Russia (1977).

  • Laureate of the State Prize of Russia (1991, 2016).
  • Medal "Hero of Labor of Kuban"
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III (2009) and IV degree (2004).
  • Order of Friendship (1998).
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
  • Order of the Badge of Honor.
  • Order of Friendship (Vietnam).
  • Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (Ukraine).
  • Order of Merit (Ukraine).
  • Order St. Sergius Radonezh (ROC).
  • Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, III degree.
  • Medal "Glory of Adygea".
  • Order "For Faith, Will and Fatherland" (Union of Cossacks of Russia).
  • Honorary resident of the village of Dyadkovskaya.
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Krasnodar.

Some publications by V.G. Zakharchenko

  • In 1998, the Krasnodar Regional Library named after. A.S. Pushkin and the Krasnodar State Academy of Culture and Art prepared a bibliographic index. It reflects the bulk of publications and V.G. himself. Zakharchenko, and literature about his work (1969-1998). In an effort to avoid repetition, we indicate in our directory only some of the most significant books and music publications by V.G. Zakharchenko.
  • 1. Songs of the village of Balman; recording, composition, notation and entry. Art. V.G. Zakharchenko. – Novosibirsk, 1969.
  • 2. Songs of the Kuban Cossack Choir; comp. V.G. Zakharchenko will join. Art. V.G. Komissinsky. – Krasnodar, 1978.
  • 3. Wedding of the Ob-Irtysh interfluve: ethnographic descriptions of wedding rituals. Texts and tunes of songs / Zakharchenko V.G., Melnikov M.N. – M.: Sov. composer, 1983. 224 p.
  • 4. Folk songs of Kuban. Vol. 1. – Krasnodar, 1987.
  • 5. Folk songs of Kuban. Vol. 2. Songs of the Black Sea Cossacks. – Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 1997.
  • 6. Songs from the repertoire of the Kuban Cossack Choir; arr. V.G. Zakharchenko, comp. A.V. Shugai and V.G. Zakharchenko. – Kyiv: “Mistetstvo”, 1990.
  • 7. Songs of the Caucasian village, recorded from Anastasia Ivanovna Sidorova. – Krasnodar, 1993.
  • 8. Bigday A.D. Songs of the Kuban Cossacks; creative ed., will enter. Art. “Akim Dmitrievich Bigdai and his collection “Songs of the Kuban Cossacks”” V.G. Zakharchenko. Volume 1. Songs of the Black Sea Cossacks. – Krasnodar: Krasnodar. book publishing house, 1992. 446 p.
  • 9. Bigday A.D. Songs of the Kuban Cossacks; creative ed., will enter. Art. “The Matter of State Need” V.G. Zakharchenko. Volume 2. Songs of the linear Cossacks. – Krasnodar: Sov. Kuban, 1995. 510 p.
  • 10. The Kuban Cossack Choir sings. Vol. 1. Folk songs recorded in the villages of the Krasnodar region, arranged for a folk choir; will enter. Art. V.G. Zakharchenko. – Krasnodar: Publishing house “EDVI”, 2002. 319 p.
  • 11. Zakharchenko V.G. Stop, a moment: Marina Krapostina. – Krasnodar, 2000. 12 p.
  • 12. Zakharchenko V.G. Let us cleanse ourselves with song: articles, conversations, interviews. – Krasnodar, 2007. 399 p.
  • 13. Songs of the Siberian village of Olshanka / Zakharchenko V.G., Melnikov M.N. - Krasnodar: Kuban Cossack Choir, 2008. 171 p.
  • 14. Zakharchenko V.G. Russia! Rus! Protect yourself, protect yourself! Songs for people choir and soloists on Russian verses. poets. – Krasnodar, 2008. 400 p.
  • 15. Zakharchenko V.G. “Thank you, Motherland, that there is happiness”: 70 years with the Kuban song. – Krasnodar, 2008. 44 p.
  • 16. Zakharchenko V.G. You can’t understand Russia with your mind: songs based on Russian poetry. poets for soloists, choir and orchestra. (arranged by A. Dudnik). – M.: Composer, 1998. 126 p.
  • 17. From the history of the Kuban Cossack Choir. Materials and essays; comp. and general ed. V.G. Zakharchenko. – Krasnodar, 2006. 312 p.
  • 18. Kuban - Ukraine: historical and cultural connections. Shevchenko readings for the 70th anniversary of V.G. Zakharchenko: mater. scientific-practical conference ; comp. and scientific ed. N.I. Cooper. – Krasnodar: Press Image, 2008. 152 p.

Sections: Primary school

ITEM: Cuban studies.


CHAPTER: Composers of Kuban.


  1. Educational: introduce children to the activities of V.G. Zakharchenko, with the creativity of the modern composition of the Kuban Cossack Choir.
  2. Developmental: develop interest and respect for history and culture native land, its traditions.
  3. Educating: to instill love for the small Motherland through the creativity of the Kuban Cossack Choir.


  1. Introduce students to the history of the Kuban Cossack Choir.
  2. Introduce the activities of artistic director V.G. Zakharchenko, talk about his creative path.
  3. Systematize students’ knowledge about their native land, its past and present.
  4. Develop interest in the ethnography of the native land through riddles and sayings.
  5. Expand students' knowledge about folk instruments. Develop skills in playing folk musical instruments.
  6. To develop the artistic abilities of students through creative activities in the children's folklore ensemble "Merry Cossacks"

TYPE OF LESSON: combined.

EQUIPMENT: multimedia projector, multimedia board, projector; folk musical instruments: tambourine, spoons, maracas, rattles; flag, coat of arms of the Krasnodar region, tape recorder, CD with a recording of the song “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo,” the anthem of Kuban.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

A boy and a girl in Cossack costumes conduct a blitz survey of students.

– Hello guys, we are cheerful Cossacks, please answer our questions.

– What do you know about the Kuban Cossack Choir?

– Guys, do you know who V. Zakharchenko is?

– How many of you saw the performance of the Kuban Cossack Choir?

– What event is our entire Kuban celebrating this year?

Artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

A fragment of the song “Lyubo, brothers, lyubo” is performed.

2. The teacher’s story about the life and work of V. G. Zakharchenko.

Before you is the artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir, Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

“The Kuban land is rich in beautiful folk songs, dances, rituals. These treasures are generously scattered throughout the Kuban Cossack villages and farms. And we needed a man with a warm heart and true love to the people to collect and return these treasures of folk art to people in their original form. Viktor Zakharchenko became such a person…” - this is what Russian newspapers write.


– I wonder how it all began?

– What was Viktor Grigorievich’s childhood like?

– What did he want to become when he was a child?

Teacher: And so, everything is in order.

2.1. Childhood of Viktor Gavrilovich

Slides 3-5.

Vitya with his family

Vitya Zakharchenko with sister Vera

Teacher: Viktor Gavrilovich was born on March 22, 1938 in the village of Dyadkovskaya, Krasnodar Territory. He says about himself this way: “I am a Cossack by birth and upbringing. I heard folk and spiritual songs since childhood and absorbed Cossack traditions. I have always had an incredibly strong desire to become a musician. But there lived in me some kind of absolute inner confidence that I would definitely be one.”

Slides 6-7. V. Zakharchenko is a student at the Music Pedagogical School.

Teacher: After school, Viktor Zakharchenko enters and graduates from the Krasnodar Musical Pedagogical School, then studies at the Glinka Novosibirsk State Conservatory, and completes graduate school at the GMPI. Gnesins. Currently, Viktor Gavrilovich is a doctor of art history, professor.


– I wonder how Viktor Gavrilovich met the Kuban Cossack Choir?

– After all, we know that the Kuban Cossack Choir was formed a very long time ago.

- Come on, dear Cossacks, tell me what you know about the Kuban Cossack Choir?

2.2. The history of the Kuban Cossack Choir.

Slides 8-10.


– We know that professional musical activity in Kuban was founded on October 14, 1811. In those distant years, this group was called the Black Sea Military Singing Choir.

– At its origins stood the spiritual educator of the Kuban, Proteor Kirill Rossinsky, and the regent Grigory Grechinsky.

Kirill Rossinsky

– In 1939, in connection with the inclusion in the choir dance group, the group was renamed the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Kuban Cossacks.

2.3. Merits of the team.

Teacher: Well done, guys! What you say is interesting. I will continue your story. In 1974, composer V.G. became the artistic director of the State Kuban Cossack Choir. Zakharchenko, who for more than 30 years of his creative activity in Kuban they managed to fully realize their artistic, scientific and educational aspirations.

In 1975, the choir became a laureate of the 1st All-Russian Review - a competition of state folk choirs in Moscow.

In 1988, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the choir was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

In 1990, the choir became a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine named after T. Shevchenko, and in 1993 the team was awarded the title “academic”.

2.4. Zakharchenko is a folklorist.

Slides 11-20.

Currently, in addition to active guest and concert activities, the Kuban Cossack Choir is conducting systematic work on recording and scientific study of the traditional song and dance folklore of the Kuban Cossacks. Zakharchenko, a folklorist, visits the most remote corners of our region and records the songs that our ancestors sang, finding them out from the guards of villages and farmsteads.


– The Cossacks spoke a special Kuban dialect, which has survived to this day.

- Let's see if you know him. These words are found in the songs of the Kuban Cossack Choir:

  • Cradle (smoking pipe)
  • Puff (watch)
  • Tsybulya (bow)
  • Torba (bag)
  • Kochet (rooster)
  • Tyn (solid fence)
  • Have supper (dinner)
  • Cherkeska (long caftan)
  • Longboat (large boat)
  • Rushnik (towel)

Teacher: The repertoire of the Kuban Cossack Choir is quite diverse. One of the main themes is the military exploits of the Cossacks. The Kuban Cossack choir sings about Cossack glory, about military campaigns: “Iihaly Cossacks from the Don to home”, “Unharness, boys, horses!”, “Cossack marching” and others. Let's all sing together a song that you know well.

3. Physical education moment.

Performance of the song “Cossack marching”.

4. Cossack sayings, riddles.


- Guys, do you know Cossack sayings?

  • Only a bullet can catch up with a Cossack in the steppe.
  • Don’t boast when you’re getting ready to go on a hike, but rather boast when you’re on your way.
  • Everyone whistles, but not like a Cossack.
  • With a good song the path is shorter, life is sweeter, and death is easier.
  • Not every Cossack wears his cap askew.
  • A Cossack without a horse is an orphan.
  • Cossack blood is not water.

Teacher: Now guess the fighting riddles:

  1. Strong, ringing and sharpened, whoever kisses him is off his feet (saber).
  2. A winged bird flies, without eyes, without wings. It whistles itself, it shoots itself (the arrow).
  3. Small man - bone handle (knife).
  4. He rides on someone else's back, carrying his own load (saddle).
  5. Six legs, two heads, one tail (a rider on a horse).
  6. What kind of shoes are made in fire? And the horseshoe is not removed from the feet.
  7. The shoulder straps are yellow, the swords are sharp, the shadows are long, the horses are greyhounds, they ride through the fields with songs to seek honor for the king and glory for themselves (Cossacks).

5. Folk art instruments

Teacher: Well done, guys, you know your native folklore well. Now let’s return to the work of Viktor Zakharchenko.

Slide 21. V. G. Zakharchenko with choir soloist Tatyana Bochtareva.

Teacher: The Kuban Cossack Choir includes not only singers, but also dancers and musicians. The musical group of the choir plays various folk musical instruments.

Slides 22-23.

Teacher: What musical instruments did you learn?

But this is only a small part of the instruments played in the Kuban Cossack Choir. I suggest you decipher the crossword puzzle “Folk Art Tools”. (The class is divided into three teams. Each team has one representative.)

Write the names of musical instruments in the horizontal lines folk orchestra. The clue will be the word “folk” written vertically in the crossword puzzle.

Crossword puzzle "Instruments of folk art."

  1. _ _ _ n
  2. _ _ _ A
  3. _ _ _ _ _ r _
  4. _ O _ _ _
  5. d _ _ _ _
  6. _ _ _ _ n
  7. _ _ _ _ _ _ s
  8. _ _ _ _ th _ _
  1. The instrument was named after the ancient Russian singer-storyteller (Bayan).
  2. Ancient plucked string instrument(Lyra).
  3. Ukrainian folk stringed musical instrument (Bandura).
  4. Shepherds often played this instrument; it is a shepherd's horn... (horn).
  5. A string instrument resembling a balalaika (Domra).
  6. A noise instrument with a leather membrane stretched over a hoop with bells. It can be played by hitting or shaking (Tambourine).
  7. A string instrument played by striking the strings with special spoons (Dulcimer)
  8. A pipe with a plaintive high-sounding voice (Zhaleika)

6. Physical education minute.

Performance of the song “Strawberry-berry”

Teacher: Well done, guys. Now let's imagine that you are members of the Kuban Cossack Choir. Our folklore ensemble“Merry Cossacks” will perform the cheerful song “Strawberry-Berry”. We will divide into three groups: dancers, singers and musicians. Musicians receive folk musical instruments: maracas, tambourines, rattles, spoons.

Children perform a song.

7. Final words from the teacher.

Teacher: Well done, guys! I am sure that Viktor Gavrilovich would have liked your performance.

The life story of People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko is as unusual as the fate of the Kuban Cossack Choir. Everything in the world is natural, therefore, on the Kuban soil, rich in beautiful folk songs, dances, and rituals, a man with a warm heart and a pure soul had to be born, who would collect these treasures from Cossack villages and farmsteads. It turned out to be Viktor Gavrilovich. He recorded several thousand Kuban songs and returned them to the audience in their original form at the concerts of the Kuban Cossack Choir. Zakharchenko elevated the Cossack song to a Russian, no, world sound. He perceives all his victories not as personal, but as achievements of the entire choir.

“The songs of the Kuban Cossack Choir are a sip of cool spring water in the heat. You listen to them and forget about everything. They usually have the deepest meaning. Music flows, a wonderful song. You sit as if hypnotized, absorbing the enchanting sounds. It is for this, for the depth of folk creativity, that people value Viktor Gavrilovich in Russia, Ukraine, and many other countries where the Kuban Cossack Choir has visited on tour,” write Kuban newspapers. Let’s finish our lesson by listening to the Kuban anthem “You, Kuban, you are our Motherland.” It was processed and recorded by the artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir, People's Artist of Russia, Professor V.G. Zakharchenko.

8. Listening to the anthem performed by the Kuban Cossack Choir.

Teacher: What piece of music have you listened now? By whom?

9. Lesson summary.

Teacher: At the end of our lesson, we will conduct a quiz.


  1. Why is the Krasnodar region sometimes called Kuban? (By the name of the river).
  2. Which of the Russian seas is the shallowest, the smallest, that washes our region? (Sea of ​​Azov).
  3. What do the colors of the Kuban flag mean? (Blue – honesty, loyalty, red – courage, green – hope).
  4. What do the stripes of the Kuban flag mean? (Blue – non-resident population, red – Cossacks, green – Adyghe people).
  5. What was Krasnodar called before? (Ekaterinodar).
  6. Who is the main performer of Kuban songs? (Kuban Cossack Choir).
  7. Who chief executive Kuban Cossack Choir? (V. Zakharchenko).

Teacher: You answered all the quiz questions correctly. Our lesson is over.

Website addresses:


Zakharchenko Viktor Gavrilovich

Artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir, general manager State National Technical University "Kuban Cossack Choir", professor, composer. Member of the Council for Culture and Art under the President of the Russian Federation.

Education and academic titles. Krasnodar Music and Pedagogical School, Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after. Glinka, postgraduate study at GMPI named after. Gnesins. Doctor of Art History, Professor.

Career.“I am a Cossack by birth and upbringing. I heard folk and spiritual songs since childhood, absorbed Cossack traditions... I always had an incredibly strong desire to become a musician. But there lived in me some kind of absolute inner confidence that I would definitely be one.” . Already while studying at the conservatory, he worked as the chief choirmaster of the State Siberian Russian Folk Choir (1964-1974). Since 1974, artistic director of the State Academic Kuban Cossack Choir. Composer, folklorist, public figure, scientist, folk song researcher.

Awards, honorary titles

  • People's Artist of Russia, Ukraine, the Republics of Adygea, Abkhazia and Karachay-Cherkessia
  • Honored Artist of the Republic of South Ossetia
  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
  • Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea
  • Honored Artist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic
  • Order "Badge of Honor"
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor
  • Hero of Labor of Kuban
  • Medal "For Valiant Labor"
  • Laureate of the State Prize of Russia
  • Laureate of the International Prize of the Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called: Order "For Faith and Fidelity"
  • Laureate of the International Prize of Slavic Unity "Boyan"
  • Order of Friendship
  • Order of the Union of Cossacks of Russia "For Faith, Will and Fatherland"
  • Cross "For the revival of the Cossacks" of the Union of Cossacks of Russia
  • Medal "For contribution to the development of Kuban - 60 years of the Krasnodar region" 1st class
  • "Man of the Year" and a silver cross in the nomination of the Russian Biographical Institute
  • "Man of the Year" - Kuban 2001 and 2002 according to the millet newspaper "Volnaya Kuban"
  • Honorary resident of the village of Dyadkovskaya
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Krasnodar
  • Certificate of Honor State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Cultural Workers
  • Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "For fidelity to duty"
  • Memorial sign "For service in the Caucasus"
  • Medal "10 years of the Revival of the Yenisei Cossack Army"
  • Knight of the Order "Patron"
  • Russian Order Orthodox Church St. Sergius of Radonezh III degree (Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus') Moscow
  • By the decision of the Council of the "George Council" he was awarded the Badge of Honor "Silver Cross of the Union of Georgievsk" St. Petersburg
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV, III degree
  • Certificate of Management federal service security of the Russian Federation in the Krasnodar region
  • Award Cross "For Services to the Cossacks of Russia" III degree
  • Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, III degree
  • Badge of honor "Silver Cross of the Union of St. George"
  • Medal for invaluable contribution to the revival of the Cossacks Slavic states"350 years of Cossacks in Belarus"
  • Jubilee medal "100 years of trade unions in Russia"
  • Medal "60 years of liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders"
  • Commemorative medal "60 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War" Patriotic War 1941-1945" for active participation in the patriotic education of citizens and great contribution to the preparation and holding of the Victory anniversary
  • Award Cross for Merit to the Kuban Cossacks
  • Order of Yaroslav the Wise

International awards

  • Order of Friendship of the Republic of Vietnam
  • Medal "100th anniversary of the liberation from the Ottoman yoke" of the Republic of Bulgaria

Family. Wife Vera Aleksandrovna Shiyanova, daughters Victoria (1961), Natalya (1972) and Vera (1983). Grandchildren Victor and Andrey.

Vitya Zakharchenko with sister Vera

Hobbies. Chess, reading.

Plans.“Write new songs, record Cossack folk songs, make arrangements, prepare new concert programs.”

Who are you, Doctor Zakharchenko?

(Article by Pyotr Bely, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of V.G. Zakharchenko’s activity as artistic director of the Kuban Cossack Choir)

The question, as they say, is for filling. I think neither Viktor Gavrilovich himself nor any of us can answer it. And really, think about it.

Scientist? Professor, Doctor of Art History, author of many scientific books on ethnic music, collector of folklore, a unique expert, master of the most modern methodology, who has deciphered thousands of folk songs of Kuban and Siberia...

Choirmaster? An artist who went through the school of the great Vladimir Minin, who reached the pinnacle of excellence, a demanding and tough leader of the Kuban Cossack Choir, which for the third decade has been in a stellar separation from similar groups, having traveled the length and breadth of the globe several times...

Composer? Russian rhapsode, whose songs people listen to while standing with tears in their eyes. And all this is of equal importance, of equal magnitude. So, there is no answer. From fiction to fact - before us is a man living three lives. I’ll add on my own behalf: these are only the three lives that are visible.

I know about the fourth and fifth... I know about Zakharchenko’s intense spiritual and ethical quest, about his study of philosophy and theology, about his deepest knowledge in the field of Russian classical literature, about his ardent love for symphonic music, about his admiration for the art of Beethoven, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev... And in the beginning, there, in his native Dyadkovskaya, there was an accordion, watered with tears of childish delight. And there was a dream. Not “American” at all, with a green tint, but 100% ours, Russian. Look, guys, think.


All my creative life Since the glorious, almost forgotten by us, Siberian decade, Viktor Zakharchenko has been composing songs. There were also noticeable successes, for example, “Bread is the head of everything,” and there were also semi-successes... Let’s not forget, those were the Soviet years with vigilant party supervision. But despite everything, the source of song did not dry up.

In the mid-nineties, a terrible misfortune occurred. Zakharchenko had an accident. Life hung by a thread. Months and months of sheer martyrdom passed. The healing was difficult, the suffering was extreme. Anyone else in Zakharchenko’s place would have died long ago, as they say. But Zakharchenko, like a Phoenix, rises from the ashes. He rises transformed, spiritually enlightened, with all his heart turned to God. Life and Truth shone before him with pristine light. A miracle happened. It was as if some mystical barrier had fallen and a powerful waterfall gushed out, a song flood, a stream sweeping away everything in its path. It’s as if Someone is leading the composer’s hand; song after song is born. Not a single failure! Masterpiece after masterpiece. Explosive melodies, amazing musical ideas, bursting with inspiration! And this happens when the composer’s songwriting in the fatherland has finally lost ground under the onslaught of pop culture! No, this is not the old story about Don Quixote. Another case, completely new.

A spiritual event is taking place before our eyes national importance. It even seems that Viktor Zakharchenko’s entire previous life was only a preparatory prelude to this act of all-destructive creativity. But that would be unfair - the foreplay is too good, too beautiful.

Song symphony

Viktor Zakharchenko doesn’t just write songs. He creates a song symphony of stunning philosophical depth. Having rejected random song texts, Zakharchenko taps into the well of Russian poetic tradition. Blok, Tyutchev, Pushkin, Yesenin, Tsvetaeva, Lermontov, Delvig, Nekrasov, Rubtsov, Alexei Tolstoy, Severyanin themselves are capable of imparting other, multidimensional parameters to the song. It would seem, use, create, reap laurels. However, our composer, the wise Nestor of folklore, is not at all going to exploit classical poetry. Zakharchenko makes a subtle move. He finds the musical key to Russian poets not through a purely composer’s interpretation of texts, but applies the folklore method of mastering them, remembering that the poems of Polonsky and Nekrasov, Pushkin and Lermontov have already been partially sung by the people.

Creatively using this experience of folklore, the composer gives the poets an impersonal musical interpretation, introducing them into a certain universe national consciousness, dissolving their individuality into the universal. On the one hand, the composer “dies” in the poet, and on the other, the poet dissipates, fertilizing the folk. A concept emerges that is symphonic in its complexity.

The roots of Victor Zakharchenko's Song Symphony are nourished by the depths of his personality, intellect, and spiritual experience, the wealth of which gives him the right to address directly the nation. In his Symphony, Zakharchenko, without prophesying or getting into busk, acts as a powerful integrator of the national spirit. He speaks to people as if in their language, directly, without cunning, using clear, aphoristically concise forms of expression and wins an impressive artistic victory. Only, perhaps, once, in songs based on the poems of his recent contemporary Nikolai Rubtsov, does Zakharchenko break out his own, scorchingly personal. This note of heartfelt, purely Zakharchenkovsky, pain for the present day of the Russian people cannot be forgotten. It’s like a voice from the author suddenly heard in the middle of a symphony in the sudden silence.

Another pain of Viktor Zakharchenko hereditary Black Sea Cossack, for whom Russian and Ukrainian are inseparable Ukraine’s separation from Russia. The crack went straight through his heart. Maybe that’s why they suffered the most: songs based on the poems of Taras Shevchenko and Lesya Ukrainka, songs that bring tears to the eyes of Russians and raise thousands of audiences in Ukraine to their feet. Who else but ordinary people Are Russia and Ukraine, unlike their politicians, grieving over the madness and absurdity of our breakup? Congratulations to everyone living in Russia today. The work of composer Viktor Zakharchenko is an unexpected miracle revealed by the Russian spirit at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Dyadkovskaya is lucky to have Zakharchenko!

Our newspaper has written about the Kuban-Lux agro-industrial complex several times over the past five years. Its leader, Nikolai Vladimirovich Lyuty, was recognized as “Person of the Year 2004” in the category “Leaders of the Agro-Industrial Complex” for the high performance of the team and active civic position during the reader’s referendum held by “Free Kuban”. And today the economy is rapidly gaining momentum. Grain yields, for example, are now at 60 centners. In the development of livestock farming only for lately seven million rubles were allocated, and it was decided to further increase investment, considering first of all the dairy industry to be the most promising. And yet, at the next meeting with N.V. We agreed not to raise production issues in conversation, but to talk about people’s attitude to work, their family concerns, attitude towards their small homeland, its history...

It didn’t take long to look for a reason and topic for conversation. Nine months later, in March 2008. Hero of Labor of Kuban, People's Artist of Russia Professor Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko will celebrate his 70th birthday. There is probably not a person in Dyadkovskaya who would not be proud that the director of the world-famous Kuban Cossack Choir was born and raised in this village, glorified it with his extraordinary talent, great love and reverence for his small homeland, which gave him a ticket to a big life , which brought all-Russian fame. We had a long and leisurely conversation, and I managed to write it down.

This is what came out of it.

Businessmen I know often pester me with reproaches. Why, they say, on a farm with a little more than seven thousand hectares of arable land, employ such a lot of workers? I myself understand that we could easily cope with all matters with 150, not 600 people... But where should those who would end up outside the gates of the agricultural enterprise go?
You can’t travel to Korenovsk or Krasnodar for work every day. Start a personal subsidiary plot? Yes, many villagers do this. But with current prices for pork and the high cost of grain fodder, you can end up in a debt hole. There is only one thing left to do - steal from the farm... But you can get imprisoned for this.

I agree: sooner or later you will have to cut staff. After all, this is the only way I can increase people’s salaries two or three times. But I’m still in no hurry to make an unpopular decision in one fell swoop. I intend to carry out the reorganization, as they say, in an evolutionary way.

Already a third of auxiliary production in the agro-industrial complex has switched to self-financing and self-sufficiency. Now they are free to decide how many people to leave. They are slowly getting rid of ballast without my administrative intervention. It’s good for the business, and I feel good. There will be fewer ill-wishers in the village. I think that in a year or a year and a half, in this way it will be possible to reduce the size of the farm by half.

"Kuban-Lux" is a city-forming enterprise. And, naturally, as a native resident of Dyadkovskaya, born here, I am concerned about the appearance of the village. Together with the heads of the municipality and rural settlement, Vladimir Nikolaevich Rudnik and Alexander Mikhailovich Senchenko, specialists and deputies, we are trying to instill in people a love for their small homeland. Many people have perfect order in their yard. Now, we tell the villagers, we need to restore order in the village as a whole and improve it with common efforts.

In these matters, my example is the former chairman of the Mayak Communism collective farm, on whose lands our farm is now based, Vasily Andreevich Ostapenko. It was he who began to pave the streets in Dyadkovskaya, built a magnificent House of Culture, good-quality brick houses for people, thought about the spiritual communication of village residents by attracting them to folk art circles and sports sections. I’m afraid to be mistaken, but Ostapenko played an important role in the fate of V. .G. Zakharchenko, who under him was the soul and driving force of the propaganda team, so often meeting with field farmers and livestock breeders.

Viktor Gavrilovich is more than a fellow countryman for Dyadkovo residents. Our pride, our guiding star, if you like. I won't speak for everyone. I’ll tell you about my attitude towards him, towards his work.

The songs of the Kuban Cossack Choir are a sip of cool spring water in the heat. You listen to them and forget about everything. They are written based on the words of Russian poets, and they, as a rule, have the deepest meaning. Especially in the latest works.
The music is flowing, a wonderful song, it seems to turn your soul inside out, your skin is already covered with pimples. You sit as if hypnotized, absorbing the enchanting sounds. It is for this, for the depth of folk art, that people value Viktor Gavrilovich both in Russia, and in Ukraine, and throughout the greater Soviet Union.

I think we should speak loudly about such unique personalities during our lifetime. Few people know how simple Zakharchenko is in everyday life. Not a simpleton, not at all. He has the same style of communication with high-ranking managers, and with ordinary machine operators, and with village grandmothers. He always speaks to a person sincerely, regardless of what education he has or what position he holds.

Moreover, he is very modest, which sometimes amazes you. “I don’t need anything, help my native village,” he usually answers when he is asked the question: “What do you need?”

But the regional authorities still decided wisely. With the light hand of Vice-Governor Galina Dmitrievna Zolina and with the support of Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev, it was decided to hold a folk art festival in Dyadkovskaya in honor of the 70th anniversary of the head of the Kuban Cossack Choir. We, in turn, together with the municipal and rural authorities will open a museum named after Zakharchenko on this significant date.

First of all, the village House of Culture, which is thoroughly dilapidated, will be put in order. Its reconstruction will require more than one million rubles, and of course, neither the district budget nor the economy could withstand such financial pressure. We managed to find money in the regional budget.

A cultural center is not just a center of culture. Here, as in the family, the ideological, spiritual core of our children is formed, they become familiar with beauty. And I am glad that the head of the department, Natalya Georgievna Pugacheva, supported the idea of ​​​​opening an art school here, ballroom dancing. It is important for us to preserve the house in which V.G. once lived. Zakharchenko. True, it can be a stretch to call it home. My parents weren't very rich. “I was once a little little little hut with reeds.” We bought it from the current owner and transferred it to municipal ownership. Together with V.N. The mine commissioned a project so that the house-museum of our eminent fellow countryman would last a long time. It will become a kind of educational school, a reminder of the Cossack way of life, Kuban creativity, and a memory of the history of the village.

Dyadkovskaya is lucky to have Zakharchenko. But it seems to me that in most other villages there may be similar museums, centers - call it what you want, where materials about the famous fellow countrymen of this particular locality will be collected. About cosmonauts, generals, scientists, doctors, Heroes of the Union, Russia and Kuban, major leaders, noble grain growers and so on - both those already absent and those now living. Let's open museums in their honor, teach children using a worthy example, the history of their native land, Cossack traditions...

For me, the topic of the past is the most painful. I will say one thing: no one is allowed to rewrite it. Yes, in the history of the Russian state there were tsars, Lenin, Stalin, and the Holodomor. But we must respect all periods of the life of our distant and close ancestors if we want our children to respect us. Respect, learn lessons, even bitter ones, and not trivialize them.

I consider the attempts of some State Duma deputies to remove the hammer and sickle from the Victory Banner to be vandalism at the state level. Couldn’t they really strain their brains and figure out that the sickle represents the entire peasantry, and the hammer – the workers, who, together with our valiant army, liberated the country from evil spirits? When such an orgy ends, then our faith in the future will strengthen, for it is inextricably linked with the past.

So what happens? My father and mother worked all their lives on collective farms, and I have to tell them that collective farms are a dark past? Destroy your parents' lives? And who will call me smart?! And how can I be sure that in twenty or thirty years my sons or grandchildren will not accuse me of “backwardness”, deciding that the agro-industrial complex is a black spot in the history of Kuban?

Fortunately, the Kuban people are wise people and do not spit in the well. And also original and a little conservative. In this regard, I remember a funny incident I heard from my dad.
Once upon a time, the party leadership wanted to build a railway through the Dyadkovo railway. The old people got together and decided: “No way.” There is no need, they say, to scare our cows and crush our chickens. We listened. The railway was moved towards Medvedovskaya.
Yes, our Kuban people are original, having created themselves. We were and remain both warriors and farmers.

Sometimes they ask me: can I live beautifully? I don’t know what the person asking the question means by this concept... If it’s a holiday in Courchevel, a three-story mansion with a swimming pool and a bunch of mistresses, then I don’t know how. In my understanding, the beauty of life lies in the high spirituality of a person, in love and compassion for one’s neighbor.

Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko has a very good song. Its meaning is something like this. The son asked his mother for leave, went, saw what was happening in Russia... He returned home and said: “Mother, dear, our country is dying, falling apart, its filthy enemies have overcome it.” “No, son, what you saw is not enemies. The enemies are those who sold our Orthodox faith,” the mother answered.

And so that such renegades do not appear in our ranks, among our future generation, we must seriously engage in the education of our children, teach them through our example of life and people like our illustrious fellow countryman Viktor Gavrilovich Zakharchenko.

The revelations of Nikolai Lyuty were recorded

Galina AZAROVA. Special correspondent of “Free Kuban”. Art. Dyadkovskaya, Korenovsky district.