To get a mint color. What paints need to be mixed to get the desired color?

In the interior of premises, it is becoming fashionable to decorate walls with various types of plasters and paint them with paints. But not always in construction stores you can choose the palette you like. Don't despair. Modern technologies allow you to get the desired result. Mixing colors of standard shades allows you to get desired result. The next question arises, how to mix paints to get a beautiful tone? Let's try to get an answer.

There are quite a lot of tones. But the production of paints is based on the use of standard colors. Nowadays, non-standard colors are in fashion, which can be obtained by mixing dyes. The following expert recommendations will tell you how to mix colors correctly.

It has been known since childhood that the basis of all tones are three colors: red, blue, yellow.

To get other options, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. The combination of basic dyes gives a wide range of different undertones.

The secret to creating a new color scheme by mixing colors is to use basic dyes in different proportions. For example, when mixing the colors blue and yellow, we get green. If you continue to add yellow to the resulting substance, you can get tones that are increasingly closer to it. It all depends on the volumes that are connected.

On video: how to get a new color.

The nuances of combining dyes

Mixtures of colors of chromatic shades that are placed next to each other in color wheel, give a fairly bright palette. If you mix dyes that are on opposite sides of the circle, we get achromatic tones, that is, with a predominance of gray.

To get the desired result, you need to understand not only the color scheme, but also ensure that the solutions match the chemical composition. Otherwise, you may get unexpected results. If the color initially turns out bright when mixing paints, then over time it begins to darken and turn gray. For example, a combination of lead white and cinnabar red color initially gives a bright pink, but after a while it will lose its saturation. This also applies oil paints. They are very susceptible to solvents.

The best option for achieving high-quality rich colors is to combine minimum quantity paints Comparability of materials is required. A color mixing table will help you select them.

Traditional palette mixing options

When getting a color yourself, you need to know the rules for mixing paints. Let's look at common options for getting the desired color.


Red is a representative of the main color. To obtain different red shades, you must follow the following rules:

  • The tone of carmine, which is as close as possible to fuchsia, is combined with yellow 2:1. The result is red.
  • Combining pink with yellow produces orange.
  • To get scarlet, you need to take red and yellow in a 2:1 ratio.
  • To achieve a red palette with a soft effect, mix red and pink paint. To achieve a lighter tone, it is better to add white paint.
  • If you add dye to the main red paint dark color, then we get burgundy.
  • You can achieve dark red by mixing red and purple colors in a 3:1 ratio.


There are primary colors, which include blue. To obtain the desired blue color, you must use this primary color. We get blue by adding white to the blue palette. As the volume of white increases, the shade will become lighter. To obtain a moderate tone, use turquoise instead of white.

To obtain blue colors and shades, you must follow the following scheme. Add to blue:

  • yellow and we get blue-green;
  • red, we end up with purple;
  • orange will provide gray;
  • black will give the opportunity to form dark blue.


How to properly mix paints to obtain green and its shades. The basic rule is to mix yellow and blue dyes. A bright palette of green shades is achieved by combining primary colors in different volumes and adding additional dyes. Additional colors are black and white.

How to get khaki color? To do this, two elements are combined: yellow and blue, with the addition of brown tinting. The amount of substance is important for the result obtained. Olive color can be obtained by taking green and yellow tones. Making a mustard shade is more difficult. Red, black and a little green are added to yellow.

Green is not a primary color. To obtain it, paint colors of yellow and blue are mixed. But, to obtain a rich green tone, it is necessary to use green paint prepared in production. If you made the green paint yourself, the tones will not be bright.

Mixing dyes that have white and green tints makes it possible to get light green, and if you add a little yellow, you can admire light green.

Other shades

Let's look at other tones. Which shade is one of the most popular? Gray tone is very often used in the interior. It turns out if black is mixed with white. The more white, the lighter the result will be.

Gray, which has a silvery metallic tint, is also very often in demand. When mixed, a silver color can be obtained if you use different additives, for example, antimony.

So, in order to have the color that suits a particular interior, you need to mix dyes. The recommendations given above will tell you which colors to mix to get everything right. The resulting colors will delight the owners for a long time.

How to get the right shade (1 video)

    If you mix green and yellow colors in equal proportions, you get a color that we usually call light green. Depending on how light or dark the original colors are, the result will vary from light green to olive.

    But if you mix green and yellow in clothes, nothing good will come out) This combination can only be worn by representatives of the winter color type, and even then it’s not worth it)

    If we take yellow as a base and add green paint, we get light green color or shade, since everything will depend on the amount of paint you want to add to the base color.

    If you want to continue the experiment, you can add a little white paint to the light green one and get a lighter and less saturated color.

    Yellow will give green the opportunity to sparkle with a variety of shades. There will be less yellow - the green will only become slightly brighter, more golden, but if there is more, then the green color can be brought to light green. In general, decide what color you want to get as a result - more yellow or more green, and depending on this, select the desired proportion of mixed colors.

    Light green color can be used to paint fresh grass and leaves. It will give the picture a juicy spring character.

    Mixing green and yellow dyes will also be useful for cooks: it is this light green color that is most often found on flower petals on cakes.

    If you mix any two paints, you can get many different shades. Moreover, depending on how much of one paint is mixed with another, the resulting color approaches either one or another color.

    If we have two colors: yellow and green, then color mixing in equal proportions will give light green color.

    If you gradually add green paint to yellow paint, you can see how the resulting paint changes its color, getting closer to green with each new drop.

    Knowing how to get a particular color correctly, you can create completely unexpected shades. And if you add yellow and green paint one more color, then you can get, for example, the following colors:

    The answers to this question will be different if you do not ask the exact characteristics. The final color when mixing yellow and green depends on their initial shades and saturation. This can be clearly seen from the figure below.

    If we mix light green and light yellow, we get a soft light green color.

    If we mix rich green and yellow, we get a rich light green color.

    If we mix dark green and dark yellow, we get olive color. It can also be intensified to dark olive.

    By the way, in life the combination of yellow and green is quite acceptable, for example, in clothes these colors go well together and refresh a woman, and are also acceptable for a man, although they are used less often. The same can be said about their use in the interior of, say, a bedroom.

    It will turn out to be an acidic, poisonous light green color - well, that’s just in my personal opinion!)

    If you mix yellow and green, you get blue. Depending on the proportions of the colors mixed, the shade of blue will change. If you add more green, you get dark blue color. What if yellow color and if there is more, it will turn out blue.

    Mixing green with any other colors always results in a color close to brown or even an indeterminate color.

    But adding green to yellow dates olive color. If you add just a little yellow, the green color will become more saturated and dark.

    By mixing yellow and green colors, we get bright light green color.

    But in order to actually get a bright light green color, the proportions when mixing paints must be the same 1:1.

    By adding a little more of one color and a little less of another color you can get different colors from brown to dark blue and from blue to light blue.

    When mixing green and yellow flowers The result will be a light green color of varying shades depending on the proportions of these colors. Up to olive color. In general, to put it simply, it will just be a light green color.

    It depends in what proportions you mix yellow and green. If the proportions are the same 1:1, then you will get a light green color. Depending on the increase in any color, the shade will change. For example, more yellow, the color will become light green and vice versa.

Everyone knows from school that if you mix three colors - red, yellow and blue, it will be... brown. But the often sought after colors, as luck would have it, give completely unexpected shades. From the color of childish surprise to a fairly rich dark wood shade. So, maybe it’s not the colors that are to blame, but we didn’t listen well in art lessons? Let's figure out, together with the editors of the site, how to make the desired shade of brown without having to repaint the walls.

Read in the article

Mixing the base: how to get brown by simply combining base colors

Think about how often you have stopped in the furniture department and chosen your shade among the many colors. The fact is that, despite its versatility and seeming commonplace, brown has dozens of shades. Try mixing watercolors, even with this example it is clear that the quality and saturation of the shade depend on the proportions of the primary colors and the possibility of adding brighteners.

Important! The basic colors for producing brown are red, blue and yellow. By mixing the base, you can get many shades of brown.

How to get a classic brown color when mixing paints

You've probably often caught yourself wondering why it looks this way when mixing paint, but differently after applying it to the wall? It's simple, it's a matter of lighting, simple physics. However, this must be taken into account when creating the basis.


Designer of the studio "Cozy House"

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“When mixing acrylic and oil paints, do not forget to thoroughly mix the white base before adding colors. It’s better to mix the colors in a small container, notice the proportions and only then “cobble” all the colors.”

To make different tones of brown, you need to alternate the proportions of each shade using the random method. There are special ones. They can be purchased in specialized departments or checked with the seller. For example, the shade of tree bark is obtained from red, yellow and blue (indigo) in a ratio of 1:1:0.5.

How to get red-brown paint

If you need more red tint in a brown tone, then again take three primary colors, but in different proportions: 2: 2: 0.5

Advice! A tone that is too dark can always be diluted with a white base. However, base tints should be used with caution. Changing the proportion can radically change the shade.

How to get dark brown color

Usually in this case a little blue or black is added to the resulting brown tone. The effect will be approximately the same. You will get a darker shade. A deep brown tone can be used when painting walls or highlighting areas. It is highly not recommended to use this as a basis. This will significantly darken the space.

How to make taupe paint

To create a taupe paint, mixed basis add a little white and a little less black. The shades can turn out to be quite interesting.

Who said you can only use matte colors? You can add not only gray, but also pearlescent shades to the resulting paint. Change the consistency by including natural inclusions, for example, marble chips. This consistency will favorably highlight the shades, giving the interior a unique style.

How to get light brown color

To avoid getting the previous shade of paint instead of light brown, you need to add a little red and yellow to the resulting color. If you need a lighter tone, then add white.

What colors need to be mixed to get brown from different types of paints

Different types of paints behave differently when mixed. Oil paints differ from acrylic paints, and enamel paints differ from water-based paints. It is very important to consider the quality of the coating on which the tone will be applied.

Sometimes after mixing colors you get indecently dirty shades. The answer is simple - study special color tables or schemes. The more detailed, the more they are divided into shades, the better. The more diverse combinations will be available to you. On the color wheel, friendly shades are located nearby, but irreconcilable “enemies” are opposite. The consistency of the paints itself is of paramount importance. Let's consider the options.

How to make brown from gouache paints

If they are already mixed mixed colors, then this combination is called secondary. By the way, such combinations turn out to be the most interesting.

Advice! Combining more than three colors is not recommended. It is believed that in this case there is a greater chance of “running into” an unfriendly color.

As we noted above, paint tends to lighten after drying. This effect is most noticeable when mixing gouache. Therefore, to obtain the desired shade, they are mixed in the palette. How to get brown using gouache:

  1. Connecting green and red. If you don't have green, mix it from yellow to blue. The sequence of steps matters.
  2. If there is orange paint- you're lucky! All that remains is to add blue. What if there is no blue? It can also be created by mixing yellow and red.
  3. Brown can be made even from such a complex color as purple. We add sunny yellow to it, and here it is again - a rich brown color.


Designer of the studio "Cozy House"

Ask a question

“A light coffee shade can be achieved by combining orange and gray. Interesting? A dark shade of paint, the color of chocolate, can be obtained by mixing gray and orange. You can get a dark coffee shade if you mix purple and acid orange.”

You can see how to mix colors correctly in this video.

How to make brown from acrylic paints

Before you start working with acrylic paints, it is important to choose the right solvent. Acrylic paints can be water-soluble or organosoluble or mixed. This means that the tinting paste itself may or may not be suitable for your base.

Advice! Before tinting, carefully read the painter's instructions and check which paint it is intended for. Be sure to stir the base before you start mixing.

Do not forget that it is necessary to dissolve paints approximately 15% more than the planned volume. It’s not always possible to get into the right tone and mix the paint. The tint color must be added a little at a time, stirring constantly; sometimes the tone may “settle” at the bottom of the container. Watch the instructional video on how to tint paint correctly.

When is it profitable to mix colors, and when is it better to buy ready-made paint?

It's no secret that large construction stores will offer you to create your own unique color using special tinting machines. This is quite convenient, especially when you need to paint a large area of ​​the room. It is clear that getting into color in this case will be extremely difficult.

The machine not only uses the base, but also, according to a special program, combines the pigments itself. The disadvantage of such a machine is that it will not be able to create a unique paint, but only the one that was originally provided by the program.

Especially if you plan to use more than two secondary shades. But if the question arises whether it is profitable to buy ready-made paint, then we will answer: always leave a supply of base colors for all the paint purchased in one batch. This will help, in case of emergency, to recreate the shade.

Everyone knows that by combining 3 primary colors (red, yellow and blue), you can achieve any other color. This theory was developed in ancient times by Leonardo da Vinci. The conclusion from the theory can be drawn that it is impossible to obtain primary colors by mixing others. But what to do and, for example, how to get red? To solve the problem, let's approach it from a practical side and consider how red is made in a printing house, how artists get it and what needs to be done for this.

Red color in printing is made by mixing other basic colors. The CMYK color model is used here. All differences in the colors of the model used are made by mixing the desired base colors:

  • Blue - cyan
  • Magenta (violet) – magenta
  • Yellow
  • Black

As in other color models, you need to take at least 2 colors, and in our case, red on printed products is made by a combination of 2 process colors: violet (magenta) and yellow. This method is also used to make color engravings. If you acquire these paints, you can make not only red, but also achieve shades of it by adjusting the ratio of yellow and magenta (violet). The range of red colors will be from pale purple to rich orange-red.

Mix yellow and magenta to get red

Information: In addition to printing, the CMYK model underlies the operation of most printers. It is also used for professional painting of cars, decoration of interiors and facades of buildings, and in fabric production.

Natural red

In addition to artificially obtaining color, it can easily be made from natural materials. This is how bedstraw flowers allow you to paint objects bright red. To prepare this paint, flowers are dried and boiled with alum for half an hour. Safflower and St. John's wort flowers are also suitable for making red paint by boiling water until thick. Cherry paint, similar in color, is made from orange lichen. You need to finely chop the lichen and mix with baking soda(it is better to use a solution), wait 3-4 minutes and you can use it.

In nature, red color can be found quite often. Therefore, its different shades are sometimes named based on their natural hosts: fruits, minerals and berries. Among them you can find such names as: raspberry, pomegranate, cherry, coral, blue, wine, burgundy. All similar colors form the red spectrum.

Red shades in painting are made based on pigments of warm and cold shades. Quinacridone ruby ​​or violet should be considered cold, and light cadmium, orange sienna (natural and burnt) should be considered warm.

RGB and CMYK color models

Interaction with other colors

Many people wonder whether it is possible to make red from other colors, for example, pink. Our answer is no! If you replace purple with pink and mix it with yellow, then you won’t see red, only a semblance of it.

Burgundy is made from red by mixing with black. Depending on the types of paints, the ratio can reach up to 2:1 (you need 2 parts red and 1 black). By changing the concentration you can do various shades burgundy

Another question is, what happens if you mix red and yellow? Answer: we get orange.

The most popular question is: “what do we get when mixing red and blue paints?” To clarify, let's look at the RGB color model (red, green, blue), where you can clearly see that using blue in combination with red, we get purple.


The basic colors for red are yellow and magenta (violet). To do desired color When mixing, it is not necessary to take artificial paints, you can use natural ones. Red is the base color in the RGB model and must be mixed with green and blue to make other colors.

We offer you an interesting video to watch

When choosing paint for the interior, even for watercolor paintings, it is easy to make a mistake with the shade. Paper testers may not match the tone in reality.

Don't worry, there is a way to achieve the desired shade! Read on to find out what paints to mix to get blue.

Creating a classic shade

Unfortunately, no matter what components are mixed, without the primary tone itself it will not be possible to even come close to creating the required shade .

Red and yellow colors follow the same rule.

If the color in your palette is too dark, then white paint will help to lighten it a few tones.

If, on the contrary, you need to darken the shade, then you need to add more dark tones to the mixture - black, gray or brown.

Important! If you are mixing colors to create a small pattern in the interior, then you can mix them in a small bowl by hand. If you want to paint an entire wall, tint the ingredients in a bucket using a mixer.

How to maintain proportions

How to get blue color by mixing:

  1. Get delicate ultramarine by mixing blue and white parts in a 3:1 ratio.
  2. To create a shade with a slight blue, increase the portion of white color. The ratio of blue to white is 2:1.
  3. To obtain a more transparent, light tone, mix them in equal proportions.

WITH Hello! The heavenly color is perfect for painting a boy’s nursery.

A turquoise tone will help you get a more saturated heavenly tone.

A complex recipe of three ingredients will help create color sea ​​wave. How to make blue using turquoise and white? Take 2 parts blue paint, 1 part white and turquoise. Enjoy the blue of the sea.

This is interesting! Red, blue, yellow are called primary, because by mixing other tones it is not possible to achieve the desired shade. Why do you need to know what colors need to be mixed to make blue? To achieve a play of shades and original texture, create artistic masterpieces.

Dark shade

In the case when you want to make the color darker, the mixing recipe is a little more complicated. It all depends on what the final result is and how rich the tone you are trying to achieve. How to successfully mix different tones to get a dark blue color:

  1. You will need two paints: black and aquamarine. If the tone is made to decorate parts, then stir the mixture with a brush or stick in a small container. To paint walls, you need to tint the shade with a construction mixer, a special attachment for an angle grinder.
  2. There are no exact proportions. Add black color to the base paint drop by drop or a few milliliters.
  3. It is better to test the resulting mixture on a sheet of white paper and let it dry. If you are satisfied with the shade, then stop tinting. If not, add even more black.

Advice! Did it get dark? Lighten the mass by several tones using white. Stir in gradually so you don't have to add black again.


Ultramarine is similar to artificial, which does not occur in nature. Purple will help create paint the color of a dark sky. Magic coloring will help create an interesting tone that can be used to paint the ceiling in the nursery, and bright luminous star stickers will create an imitation of the night sky. How to get blue from purple:

  1. Mix blue paint with purple in proportions 3:1.
  2. For the ceiling, knead the dye with a construction hook for about 10 minutes.
  3. Test the finished mixture on a small section of the wall. Do not forget that you need to apply the interior color in 2-3 layers.

A woman's favorite shade is royal ultramarine.

To get such a noble tone on the verge of night blue and sea wave, you need an acidic violet color or pink. The recipe is similar to the previous coloring:

  1. You will need 2 tones: acid violet (pink) and ultramarine.
  2. The proportions of blue and pink are 3:1. Sometimes you need a little more pink.
  3. Evaluate the result by applying the dye to a small area.

Advice! To get purple, mix red and blue in equal proportions.

From yellow

To create an emerald blue color based on ultramarine, you need yellow. The resulting shade is similar to glitter precious stones. It is appropriate to use it for decoration small elements to make a fantastic picture. How to get blue from yellow:

  1. Mix yellow and ultramarine colors in equal parts.
  2. For a pastel look, add white. The proportion recipe depends on the desired degree of pallor.

Advice! To create a fantastic shimmery color, do not stir the paint too thoroughly. A lazy tinting method will create an interesting mother-of-pearl effect.

From green

Prussian blue is a favorite of designers not only for interior design, but also for clothing.

The deep color is associated with the depths of the sea and a distant galaxy. How to easily turn green into blue:

  1. We combine two colors: aquamarine and green in equal parts.
  2. Mix using a technique to ensure uniform texture.

Surprisingly, when adding a third white ingredient, the color does not fade.

How to make paint the right shade

What if there is no main color, but you need to make blue paint? An interesting tone, similar to sapphire shine, is obtained by mixing red and green. This tinting will not give pure ultramarine, but by adding black and white paint you can achieve interesting and unusual shades.

Useful video: how to mix colors

Combine combinations of warm shades with delicate pastels, blue tones with cold ones. Change the proportions to your liking; proper tinting is the key to successful repairs. Experiment and create your own color scheme!