Why do you dream about meeting a new person? Interpretation of hugging someone else's man in a dream

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about meeting a Man in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

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    I had a fight with the driver on the bus because he didn’t stop at the right stop, he threw something at me, I fell, then I walked a few meters, I saw the traffic police, I started explaining the situation to them and lost consciousness when I woke up, I was in the arms of some guy, he was a traffic cop then we talked about something, he still didn’t let me go when I told him that it was time for me to go home, he kissed me and asked me not to leave

    I dreamed that I first cut my hair little son, and then a man in a police uniform came to my house and asked me to cut his hair. I said that this is my hobby. and that previously I worked like him in the police, but now they don’t take me there because I have three children. he answered me that write a statement and I, as a boss, will help you. then some time passed and I realized that he loves me, that we are together, that he hugs and kisses me. Moreover, the man in the dream was completely my type.

    I was walking down the street and threw a snowball at a guy passing by, he also threw a snowball at me. Then we met. I looked at him for a long time in my sleep and thought that this was a man sent to me by fate (but I doubted it). In the dream, we didn’t really communicate with him.

    I was at a discos, I was about 16 years old, I saw a boy, we got acquainted with him, we walked around and then he was looking for me and I met a girl, she had a pet that stole it, I played with him and I woke up

    We were sitting in the building dance club(I practice dancing there) the window was decorated with various crafts and the administrator said that a man would come to pick up the paper squares. At this time I stayed for the party that the club was giving out on the occasion of the New Year. When the man left, I helped him collect the needles. The man came down and sat down near the window and began chatting about parents, hobbies, philosophy. I remember we talked for about 9 o’clock and he left, we didn’t mention names. Then I approached the teacher at modern dance and I say I talked to such a man and I have a persistent desire to meet him again both in reality and in a dream, I also want to see him, I really feel that he exists.

    In a dream I meet a man: he comes up and extends his hand, at this time I wash the dishes, my hands are wet, I wipe them, and we shake hands, I don’t remember how he introduced himself, he’s a little embarrassed, and I see that I he likes me, he said that he is a gynecologist, and he has his own clinic, then he leaves and says, if anything, contact me, and in a dream I know that he is mine future husband, and that I know him, but in reality I don’t know him)

    I met a guy 20 years younger than me, handsome, paid attention, looked him in the eyes, I had never seen him, in a dream he was very pleasant, tall, dark
    I dreamed about pleasant memories in the house where I used to study.

    It's not a very good time in life right now. and now for the 2nd night I have been having bright, warm dreams. I wake up and smile. I looked at this guy and realized that we liked each other. there was nothing vulgar, nothing intrusive. We talked with his friends, we had a common interest... in the end we fell out of bed and kissed...

    Hello! I dreamed that I met a young guy, seemingly through social networks, there was immediate sympathy, but then he was lost from sight and then appeared again (explaining his indecision). Then I see some kind of party and a girl I know draws a portrait of me and my sister together (I have a twin sister), he examines this portrait and praises it. When I woke up I felt a feeling of lightness, some kind of inspiration and a feeling of probably “being in love”

    Hello, I had a dream that my colleague introduced me to a young man. Surprisingly, today she also dreamed that she was introducing me to a young man. What could this mean?

    I wanted to buy fuchsia earrings in a hypermarket, and I’m sure that I’ve dreamed about this building before. I was walking up the stairs and looking for roller shutters with jewelry, and at that moment a man in a burgundy fashionable suit approached me, as if he knew me or had seen me. He just came up and said, I’ll go with you, I’ll help, I know where to look for these earrings. We walked with him, he took my bag, also burgundy, and then my hand, I was surprised that it was so simple, and I told him that we didn’t even know each other, he said, so what. That’s all.

    A very good dream left a pleasant and clean warm feeling. Dream: I dream that I am in the arms of a man, I feel good, he is an adult, then in an instant he becomes younger, he knows that there are children, but this does not stop him, he communicates with me, he disappears for a while, I look for him and find myself at home , I say, I thought TF had disappeared, but he told me I’ll never leave you, you’re a woman, a woman.

    I dreamed that my work colleague came to my home with a bouquet of white peonies and invited me to meet a certain man. But when she told me the name, it turned out that I already knew him, he himself came up to me earlier and we even went for a walk. All this was in one dream.

    My mother and I went to sell potatoes (but my mother is not here now - she is deceased) and a stranger was buying, but somehow we got into conversation and he made an appointment, but before leaving I left my phone number.

    I was standing on the street with my friend near her boyfriend’s car, he was cleaning it with his hand windshield from the snow. Then his friend came over and we got into the car. In the car he turned to me, but I couldn’t see his face, although the light was on in the cabin. He extended his hand to me to shake and introduced himself: My name is Theodore, namely Theodore. I was surprised by this unusual name, like Theodore of Sanaksar. In our city they are building a temple in his honor. The handshake was soft. even tender. I told him my name. Further events unfold in some restaurant. We all sat at a table together, but I felt somehow uncomfortable, as if I was shy. Then I saw his profile, he stood up, I noted that he was tall. dark and quite handsome. And then I woke up.

    Hello. The dream is like this. I was introduced to a young man, he was supposed to come pick me up in a car, I had wet hair, I went to some house to comb and dry it, combed and combed, then I went out to him, I saw only his image and woke up from - for the alarm clock

    prisnilsia muzcina, kotoryj xocet so nmoj vstrecatsia, predlagaet podvezti na meroprijatie, where ja dolzna byt. podvozit i ja ostajus na meroprijatii. ne xociu tam naxoditsia, no dolzna. on predlagat menia zabrat obratno, my sozvanimaemsia, no kto-to ne daet nam vtretitsia, zvonit emu i kto-to obo mne govorti. on priezzaet, ja vyxozu k nemu, no v masine sidiat kakie-to liudi i on posmotrev na menia i ne skazav ni slova uezzaet. na duse ocen neprijatno potomu, cto a znaju, cto on rasstroen i ja rasstroena.

    Good afternoon! That night I have similar dreams, where I meet a man. The other day I dreamed that I was traveling in public transport, and some woman was handing out some jars with something inside yellow, the transport stopped abruptly and the doors opened and I fell out of the transport straight into the hands of a man, he was pleasant to me, but I remembered that I had left the jar and returned to the transport again. The doors of the Transport closed and I drove on, at the next stop I got off and went in the opposite direction to meet the man. Today I dream unknown man with a girl (as if it were his daughter) and trying to look after me. What is this for?

    I came to the employee at the hospital to check on her. She was sitting with the doctor, they were playing cards. I looked at him (while for some reason I was lying opposite them on the bed completely naked) and I felt so good, I also wanted to talk to him about my illnesses. The employee went into another room and he began to ask my name and offered to play cards with him, but I refused. Then he undressed and lay down next to me. There was no sex, but I felt so good next to him. I was amazed at how I could behave so openly with a completely unfamiliar man. Then I asked: “What’s your name?” He said: “Tim, I wrote you my phone number a long time ago. I was absolutely natural (not wearing makeup, just like I am at home) and this made me even more happy that the man still paid attention to me. Then I woke up with a feeling of some kind of joy.

Explaining why you dream of meeting a guy, the dream book connects what you saw in a dream with various everyday aspects. Only sometimes interpretations relate directly romantic relationships. They often talk about professional success, fulfillment of desires, and health.

Miller's interpretation

If you dreamed of meeting a guy, Miller’s dream book recommends that the dreamer be more attentive in reality: it is very likely that someone is actually giving her signs. You should also take into account the mood in your sleep. The unpleasant aftertaste directly says that the new romance will not lead to anything good. Positive dreams let you know that it makes sense to pay attention to this person.

Causes and hindrances

As other interpreters report, meeting a guy again in a dream means that you have morally and intellectually outgrown your usual social circle or existing relationships.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream about meeting a guy again. When a girl happens to see herself in a dream as an initiator, Freud’s dream book believes that she is terrified of loneliness, thereby repelling the opposite sex.

Sometimes in a dream, meeting a guy again means excessive puritanism and timidity, which prevent you from getting to know each other in reality.

Ideal in night dreams

Here are the various aspects of everyday life that a meeting with the man of your dreams can tell you about:

  • If a meeting with handsome man took place in a public place, popularity is inevitable;
  • When you really like the person you dreamed about, getting to know each other in reality is problematic;
  • We found ourselves on a train with a handsome fellow traveler - a long romance ahead;
  • The plot warns against excessive gullibility and frivolity;
  • Meeting a handsome man promises spending time in unpleasant company;
  • If a married lady dreams of the symbol, a family scandal is brewing;

Tsvetkov's dream book states that the symbol can be taken literally. It is quite possible that a date with a man similar to the one you dreamed about will take place in reality.

Secret sympathy

Sometimes in dreams you manage to meet the one person you like real life. In order for what you dreamed to come true in reality, the Psychoanalytic Dream Interpreter calls for more active use of feminine charms. Suppressed feelings threaten to turn into psychological trauma, while even if unsuccessful, an attempt will significantly increase self-esteem.

The Jewish dream book offers its own version of why you dreamed of a pleasant conversation with a young man you like. The fortuneteller claims that this is a sign of fate, which itself will take care of everything, regardless of your activity.

What else can you expect?

The modern dream book offers various interpretations of what dreams of exciting communication with an unfamiliar representative of the opposite sex mean. Seeing an interesting stranger in a dream happens when in reality there is not enough vivid impressions. The symbol represents the need for understanding, support and other positive emotions.

Sometimes the plot suggests that the dreamer is not paying enough attention to herself, her beloved. If a stranger in a dream is unattainable, has disappeared, or communication does not work out for other reasons, problems with the physical and mental state are possible.

Seeing yourself in the company of a handsome stranger happens on the eve of commercial success. Give non-standard solutions the green light.

Potential son-in-law

It’s interesting to know why you dream about meeting your daughter’s boyfriend. French dream book sees in the symbol a reflection of parental concern that the daughter is not attractive and sociable enough.

Often, the interpretation of a dream about meeting your daughter’s boyfriend is not related to the personal life of the matured child. Hasse's Dream Interpretation suggests paying attention to personality young man that you dreamed about. If he is good-looking, he will be able to achieve his plans.

However, the unattractiveness of the daughter’s acquaintance and even a quarrel with him are recognized by some interpreters good sign. What you see in a dream is a shapeshifter, indicating that in real life you will like your daughter’s chosen one.

If the young man doesn't married man dreamed of meeting charming girl, which won his heart at first sight, suggests that he will soon find his true love. A relationship with this woman will give him strength and self-confidence.

If an acquaintance occurs with a person who in reality is very attractive to your person, it means that in reality the dreamer will have the opportunity to get to know this person better. If an unmarried woman dreamed of meeting a young man who saved her from hooligans, it means that in reality, next to her, she wants to see a real courageous man, who will not only speak words of love to her, but will also be able to protect her and protect her from her enemies.

What if you dream about meeting someone?

To dream of meeting a pleasant, positive person means that in reality the dreamer will have a friend (perhaps more than one) who will appreciate your person. This dream is evidence of the sincerity and justice emanating from the dreamer towards the people around him.

If a single man (woman) meets an attractive foreign woman and they understand each other perfectly, it means that in life his chosen one will understand him at first sight.

Meet with important people in service - to career growth, and financial stability. A dream in which an acquaintance took place under strange circumstances is a warning. This dream suggests that you need to be more careful in your actions and words. Before you do or say anything you need to think a thousand times. Also, it is not advisable to trust unfamiliar people; they can take advantage of your inexperience and naivety.

What does it portend?

Meeting a criminal in a dream portends changes in life, not better side. This dream also suggests that you should pay special attention to your health; the main thing is to remember that even the smallest sore can result in a whole disease. If the bride (groom) meets the parents of the chosen one, and the meeting left a good impression on both sides, then in reality this couple will have a long and happy future.

If the meeting left a negative memory, then such a marriage may break up, due to the constant interference of parents in the relationship of the young family.

Why you dream about meeting people is described above. I would like to mention that in order to accurately decipher a dream, it is advisable to take into account every little detail - the weather, the attitude of people not only towards you, but also towards the people around you.

A new acquaintance is a harbinger of the return of old debts, the fulfillment of preliminary agreements, and the successful completion of the business begun.

Your acquaintance occurred under very strange circumstances - you need to be careful in your relationships with colleagues or partners.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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What does the dream mean? Dating

Meeting someone in a dream promises you a long and lasting friendship. This dream is evidence of your sincerity and sincerity.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Dating mean in a dream?

You have a secret friend. With a person of the opposite sex - they will help you realize your creativity. Through a newspaper, magazine - the necessary support in business will not keep you waiting. On the street - they will help you stop gossip and rumors that interfere with your career growth. In a cafe or restaurant, your chosen one will be presented with you in the best light, which will arouse genuine interest in your person.

Imagine the face of the person you met in your dream. Express your gratitude to him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of dreams Dating

Dating in a dream is a warning: you need to be careful.

And don’t meet just anyone anywhere, even in a dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

What does Dating mean in a dream?

This dream indicates that you are having difficulty communicating with strangers.

You are too modest, in addition, you have low self-esteem, although there is no reason for this.

Apparently, this attitude towards yourself is associated with a failure that befell you in the past, and now you are afraid that this will happen to you again.

Understand that what happened has already happened and cannot be changed.

But you can’t dwell on this, thinking that nothing good will happen in your life.

Think less about the past, live in the present and future.

Look around: it is quite possible that there is a person next to you who will be happy to move from friendly communication to a closer relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Familiarity - warning, caution.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Modern dream book

If you meet a person of the opposite sex, you need to realize your creative potential, otherwise you will be disappointed.

Getting acquainted through a newspaper or magazine means that you are overly constrained in actions and constantly limit yourself.

Meeting someone on the street means that you are bored with your constant social circle and are looking for a change of scenery.

Making acquaintance with a colleague means that you want to make a surprise to a loved one.

If you don’t know how to meet the person you like, it means that you are thinking about making a decision for too long, this makes you feel complex.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you were trying to make an acquaintance with a person who in reality was very attractive to you, you can rest assured that fate will give you an opportunity to get to know each other better. Are you avoiding meeting an unpleasant type? Pay increased attention to your health - old ailments can make themselves felt at the most inopportune moment.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dating is an imprudence, a risky situation.

Getting acquainted is the message of a dream: it is necessary to avoid casual connections.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Dream book of healer Akulina

What does Acquaintance mean in a dream - You have a secret friend. Imagine the face of the person you met in your dream. Express your gratitude to him.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of Getting to know what it is for - On the street, on the beach, in a store, on a bus, etc. For a woman - A dream on Monday night means listening to many incredible rumors; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to empty talk; on Saturday or Sunday night - to interesting news. For a man, a dream on Monday night means that you will take the most stupid advice seriously; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to indecision; on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to confusion and vanity.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Acquaintance - you are getting to know someone - the dream calls on you to be careful and circumspect. It’s like you’re meeting someone on the street - you’re tired of the usual, you want something unusual; you will do something that is not consistent with your manners, character, temperament; perhaps you will change your taste. You meet a person of the opposite sex - you are in lately the dullness of everyday life is becoming more and more depressing; from monotony you experience not so much boredom as irritation and dissatisfaction; you know that you are capable of doing great things, but you have to sell tomatoes; but this situation will soon change: circumstances will develop in such a way that your gift, your creative abilities will be in demand. It’s as if you are getting to know a person with whom you have collaborated for a long time - in real life you will make a pleasant surprise for a loved one.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Old Russian dream book

warning - caution.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Dream book of relationships

Acquaintance - this dream suggests that you are experiencing difficulties communicating with strangers. You are too modest, in addition, you have low self-esteem, although there is no reason for this. Apparently, this attitude towards yourself is associated with a failure that befell you in the past, and now you are afraid that this will happen to you again. Understand that what happened has already happened and cannot be changed. But you can’t dwell on this, thinking that nothing good will happen in your life. Think less about the past, live in the present and future. Look around: it is quite possible that there is a person next to you who will be happy to move from friendly communication to a closer relationship.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Online dream book

The dream book interprets acquaintance as a harbinger of real and very strong friendships in reality. You are a very bright and selfless person.

Waiting to meet someone you really like - in reality you will actually meet.

Meeting someone of a different gender from you signals that you need to find a worthy use for your own talents and abilities, otherwise you will bitterly regret it.

If it happened just on the street, you are very tired of everyday life, and would not mind going in search of new experiences.

A dream in which it took place in an unusual environment warns against excessive frankness and showing trust with those you meet on duty.

If you have made an acquaintance with a colleague, you are visited by the desire to pleasantly surprise your loved one.

Meeting the parents - your wildest expectations will be met. The dream is about to come true.

Meeting my parents ended in a quarrel

A dream in which you meet a guy - your desire to learn everything new and unknown can be fraught with hidden dangers. Be more selective in your entertainment.

Meeting a girl is a favorable sign that stunning prospects will soon open up and great events will happen.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

An old English dream book

Meeting someone in a dream promises you a long and lasting friendship. This dream is evidence of your sincerity and sincerity.

Why do you dream about meeting someone?

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were lucky enough to make an acquaintance with a rather attractive young man, you should know that you are simply tired of enduring boredom and monotony. You want with all your might to unwind and experience something new that would radically change what you think is a boring life.