Nastya is short. Nastya short biography and photo. Personal life of Anastasia

Anastasia Korotkaya is an actress, ex-member of the KVN team, the parody show “Big Difference”, and the travel program “Eagle & Tails” on the all-Russian federal entertainment channel “Friday!”

She starred in short films (“The Inspector”), a number of projects (“Date with a Star,” “How the Chip Falls”), and sketch comedy (“Big Feelings,” “Superheroes”).

Nastya Korotkaya’s childhood and family

Nastya was born in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Then her family moved to the urban village of Mangush in the Donetsk region, and later to the city of Mariupol. After graduating from school, Anastasia entered the Berdyansk Pedagogical Institute to major in choreography, participated in the games of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club in a team called “What does it have to do with us,” developing her stage abilities, wit, erudition and originality of thinking.

After graduating from university in 2002, together with Andrei Bednyakov, with whom they were friends and played in KVN, she went to Kyiv. At this time, a casting call was announced in Ukraine for participation in the popular TV show “Big Difference.” The short one presented her best numbers– showed a parody of a Ukrainian journalist and presenter of the program “ Social life» Ekaterina Osadchaya and singer Anastasia Prikhodko. Andrey's performance was an even greater success. As a result, talented young people passed the selection process and were accepted into the cast of BR. Later they were invited to work in this project in Russia. On Nastya's account a whole series magnificent comic imitations of Ukrainian and Russian stars– Oksana Marchenko, Taisiya Povaliy, Natalia Mogilevskaya, Masha Efrosinina, Oksana Bayrak and others.

Anastasia Korotkaya in the show “Heads & Tails”

The educational tourist program “Heads & Tails” has always been interesting to Nastya. Like most people, she is attracted to traveling around the world, getting to know architectural and historical monuments, traditions, the beauty of nature and new people. In addition, the host of the program, her fiancé at the time, Andrei Bednyakov, fueled the girl’s thirst for adventure with stories about his next visit to different corners Earth. Therefore, Nastya accepted the offer to star in the show great joy, passed the casting and in the sixth season gladly replaced the former co-host of the project Lesya Nikityuk.

This work brought a lot of positive things - it allowed Korotkaya to broaden her horizons, increase her professionalism, not be separated from her loved one and bring a fresh vision, originality and new appeal to viewers to the program’s plots.

It should be mentioned that according to the rules of the program, one of the two presenters had to travel with only one hundred dollars at his disposal. The second, on the contrary, rested, regardless of costs, becoming the owner of a “golden bank card" By the will of the lot - "heads" or "tails" - Anastasia in most cases spent the weekend modestly and without much scope. But this didn’t bother her at all. As it turns out, she believes that traveling with $100 in your pocket is much more fun than traveling without limiting your expenses.

In January last year, the couple left the travel show.

Nastya short in the show “Date with a Star”

Together with Bednyakov, Anastasia was also the host of the entertainment show “Date with a Star” on the “Friday!” channel. The short lifted the mood of its viewers and added fun to the program, which was distinguished by its eccentricity, provocation and originality.

The heroes of the program were famous bachelors - doctors, politicians, restaurateurs, representatives of domestic show business, in particular, Sergey Lazarev, Dmitry Bikbaev, Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov, Alexey Panin, Prokhor Chaliapin (a total of 60 of the most eligible bachelors in the country), who were arranged dates with ordinary but brave girls. Fans, dreaming of even a fleeting glimpse of their favorite idols, showed off their most best qualities. It was important for Nastya to diversify the broadcast with non-standard proposals, sometimes somewhat crazy ideas, unexpected questions, well-aimed puns, remarks and jokes, avoiding the occurrence of incorrect situations. As always, she coped brilliantly with these requirements.

Anastasia Korotkaya - actress: “Big Feelings”

Anastasia’s first screen experience as a real artist, not taking into account her participation in “Big Difference,” was filming in the romantic comedy “Big Feelings,” a Russian youth series shown in 2013 on the “Friday!” channel.

Korotkaya, together with other actors, under the guidance of the film’s directors Sergei Atroshchenko and Viktor Medvedevsky, joked without obscenities on the topic of sex, talked with humor about frequently occurring situations, advised what to do in bed, what guys expect from the first night, and what girls expect . And in general, they showed aspects and subtleties of love that are worth learning so that the strongest feelings of lovers do not become a victim of everyday life.


On December 4, 2014, the Friday TV channel completed the broadcast of the first season of the next television project by Anastasia Korotkaya and Andrei Bednyakov. In the “Blockbusters” show, the hosts invited viewers on extraordinary and exciting journeys to the filming locations of famous and especially successful films. They showed films from a hitherto unseen angle, hunted for incredible adventures, ended up at Hogwarts, found themselves in Twilight and felt immortality.

The latest episode of the program, called “Slumdog Millionaire,” judging by the comments on social networks, was liked by the public. But the most impressive was Harry Potter. It is difficult to predict what will be presented to the audience by inventive presenters in the next projects, but we can safely hope that they will turn out to be even more interesting and professional than the previous ones.

Personal life of Nastya Korotkaya

Anastasia is married to Andrei Bednyakov. They lived in a civil marriage for about 6 years, and last year they legalized their time-tested relationship. The wedding was celebrated at a recreation center near Kyiv. It is known that Andrei proposed marriage to Nastya before the New Year, 2013, in New York. But due to a busy work schedule, the wedding ceremony had to be postponed.

In an interview, the girl admitted that she loves constructive criticism and believes that a sense of rivalry and competition is necessary in her work, which helps to achieve bright victories and encourages the development of creative abilities.

Andrei Bednyakov is one of those television stars who never thought that life would give them a generous gift and make them a celebrity.


Andrey Bednyakov, the future popular presenter, was born in Ukraine, in the city of Mariupol, which was a metallurgical center and a major port of the Donetsk region. The family was the most ordinary: dad worked at a factory, mom worked in a hospital. Andrei himself did not impress with any talents from childhood and was a completely ordinary boy, like thousands in any city.

KVN - a win-win path to success

IN early biography everything is ordinary for a popular presenter. He graduated from school and immediately went to work at a factory. He also chose a quite ordinary profession: he became an electrical mechanic. Andrei Bednyakov would have continued the working dynasty of his family if the factory had not noticed his ability to make good jokes. He did it really well, so he began to play in the main team of the plant. This went on for several years, and then real luck began: Andrei ended up with Alexander Maslyakov, in the Major League of KVN of Ukraine.

Moving to the capital

While still working at the plant, Andrei entered the correspondence department of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs. The end of my studies coincided with the opportunity to play in the KVN Major League, and the decision was made to move to Kyiv. And here luck smiled on Andrey again. In the Ukrainian capital, a casting has begun for the position of host of the local version of the famous program “Big Difference”. Bednyakov decided to try his hand and passed the selection. As he admitted later, on that day there were no more happy person than him.

"Big difference" in Ukrainian

The program gave Bednyakov a good start to his career and served as a good acting school. Parody is not as simple as it might seem. You need to be able to capture the most memorable, striking traits of a person’s character and behavior and be able to play it off so that he is recognized. Since the days of KVN, Andrey Bednyakov (photo from the “Big Difference” project can be seen below) has been able to parody voices quite well, but he had to learn everything else from more experienced colleagues.

“Heads and Tails” - colossal experience and well-deserved popularity

Participation in famous program was not the actor’s ultimate dream. I wanted to move on, try myself in new projects. And such a chance soon presented itself. Casting has begun for the role of host of the entertainment travel show “Heads and Tails.” Andrey Bednyakov was not lazy and went to see it. And I finally got a place as one of the presenters! Who could now doubt that he has undoubted talent, charm and charisma. Although my participation in “Big Difference” helped me win the competition to some extent. Andrei once did a parody of the first presenter of “Heads and Tails,” and his wife, one of the presenters of the program, talked about the casting. So Bednyakov found out about him - he came and won.

The program “Heads and Tails” was already a stable success among viewers, but with the arrival of a new participant its rating soared. The young, charming presenter with the now famous small beard quickly won the hearts of the audience. For Andrey himself, the program was a great opportunity to visit huge amount countries: famous tourist, exotic and unusual places.

During their participation in the program, the presenters visited more than 60 countries. These were completely different places: romantic, noisy, fabulously beautiful, disgusting, dangerous. Andrei Bednyakov and his wife Nastya want to go to some of them again, they liked them so much. And there are those where the presenter will never return for any money. This is, for example, Mumbai in India, where travelers were struck by a huge number of rats.

Thanks to participation in the program, Andrei’s long-time dream came true: he was able to visit South America. And not just one country - the film crew was given a month to travel to the most interesting places.

Favorite states that Andrei Bednyakov and Nastya, his faithful life partner, are ready to visit constantly are the USA, countries South America and Europe. But most of all, the presenter loves to return home to Ukraine.

Andrey Bednyakov and Nastya Korotkaya: a love story

For romantic relationships The viewer spent a lot of time watching this cheerful and charming couple in the “Heads and Tails” program. Anastasia Korotkaya and Andrei Bednyakov became co-hosts of the program in the 6th season. The actor honestly says that he felt comfortable working with all his partners, but no one can compare with the girl he loves.

The young people met a long time ago, back when Andrei was playing in KVN. Then they came together to the casting for “Big Difference”, and both passed it safely. For some time, Andrei Bednyakov and Nastya Korotkaya worked in this project, and then they creative ways separated. Andrey was chosen as the host of another program. But fate smiled on the lovers here too. Since the “Heads and Tails” project was initially conceived as a family project, couples had to participate in it. And when in the 6th season, after casting, Nastya was chosen for the role of host, everything fell into place.


Andrey Bednyakov loves New York very much, so he chose this city to propose to his beloved girlfriend. This happened on New Year's Eve in Times Square.

As for the wedding of the presenters, not everything is so clear and understandable. Considering the cheerful nature of both and the habit of constantly playing pranks on others, it is difficult to understand when Andrei and Nastya are joking and when they are telling the truth. Last summer Bednyakov published in Instagram photo from the filming of the program, where he and Nastya were dressed as a bride and groom. Fans of the presenter were already rushing to congratulate him when he himself denied the rumors that had appeared about the wedding and wrote on his page that it was a joke.

However, all those who follow the work of this cheerful couple have no doubt that a real wedding is just around the corner.

New plans and projects

In 2013, fans were upset by the news that Andrei Bednyakov and his wife (civilian) were stopping participation in the “Heads and Tails” program. It was officially stated that they were tired of the busy filming schedule. What actually happened remains a mystery - Bednyakov prefers not to wash dirty linen in public.

Almost immediately, Andrei began working on a new project on the same channel - “Date with a Star.” A little later, the premiere of a new travel program took place - “How the chips fall.” Unfortunately, only one episode was aired, and the program was closed for an unknown reason.

Starts in September 2014 new program with the participation of the presenter - “Rich Man - Poor Man”. Its format is different from all those projects in which he participated before.

Andrei Bednyakov’s common-law wife can be proud of him. The charming presenter is already being compared to Ivan Urgant in terms of his rapidly growing popularity and demand. Bednyakov really cannot complain about the latter. He is interesting to the viewer, they love him and wait for him to appear on the screen. Therefore, he is actively invited to new projects.

The activities of the presenter were also assessed at home. Andrey Bednyakov won in the category “Favorite TV presenter” entertainment program" The Ukrainian publication “TV Star” annually holds the People’s Prize ceremony, and this time the audience chose the former presenter of “Heads and Tails.”

What does Andrey Bednyakov dream of?

His dreams are completely ordinary. Of course, travel around different countries exciting and interesting, but a busy filming schedule can discourage any desire to admire the surrounding exotic views. Therefore, now the presenter dreams of putting off work for at least a month, turning off the phone and just relaxing, doing nothing.

He has also long wanted to stop wandering around rented apartments and buy his own home, in which he can plan his future family life.

And regarding the profession, he is interested in trying himself not only in the already familiar role of presenter of the program, but in truly playing theater stage or to the cinema. He already has some experience in such filming. Andrei starred in a small episode in the film “Rzhevsky against Napoleon” several years ago. He is one of the youngest presenters, and everything is still ahead of him!

Anastasia Korotkova – Russian actress, former member KVN, the parody show “Big Difference” and the travel program “Heads and Tails”. She took part in such a short film as “The Inspector”.

The girl's weight is 54 kilograms and her height is 163 centimeters.

Life before popularity

The girl was born on October 15, 1985 in Donetsk, but soon her family decided to move to Mariupol. After graduating from school in this city, Nastya decided to enter the Berdyansk Pedagogical Institute to major in choreography. And it was during her studies that she became an active participant in the games of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, performing in the team “What does this have to do with us.”

In parallel with her constant performances, the girl worked part-time as a salesperson, as a result of which her schedule was very busy.

After graduating from higher education educational institution, Nastya and her friend Andrei Bednyakov moved to Kyiv. This year in television show“Big Difference” announced a casting call for participation in the project, and Korotkova decided to take a risk by presenting parodies of such stars as Ekaterina Osadchaya and Anastasia Prikhodko. Andrey also performed successfully, as a result of which young people became participants in the project. A little later, young people were invited to work in the same project, but on Russian territory.


In 2013, Nastya became the host of the popular television travel project “Heads and Tails.” The girl loves to travel, and here her interest was fueled by her constant stories at that time young man Andrey Bednyakov. As a result, Nastya could not stand it, and having successfully passed the casting, she replaced the former presenter of the show, Lesya Nikityuk.

But already in 2014, the couple refused further participation in this show, but almost immediately, young people appeared in the new television project"Date with a Star" And a few months later the couple can be seen in the project “How the Chip Falls.” But after the first release the show was frozen, for what reason did this happen, until today remains a secret.

But fans of the program “Heads and Tails” in season 10 were again able to watch their favorite pair of presenters, it’s a pity that it didn’t last long, because all the past and present presenters took part in the season.

Personal life

In Nastya Korotkova’s life there was always only one man - Andrei Bednyakov. She has known him since her university days.

The couple took part in joint projects more than once, including “Heads and Tails.” Thanks to this show, the couple's family album was replenished with numerous photographs.

Andrey proposed to Nastya back in 2013 in New York. At the same time, the girl did not expect this at all, because the couple was late for the plane. But due to busy work schedules, the ceremony had to be postponed. The wedding took place only on August 31, 2014 in one of the suburban recreation centers in Kyiv. Honeymoon the newlyweds didn’t have one, they had to go to the next filming in Chelyabinsk.

It is worth highlighting the fact that before the official marriage, the young people were in a civil marriage for 6 years. The girl initially did not think about starting a family, but when all of Nastya’s friends got married, she also began to hint to Andrey about going to the registry office.

On September 20, 2015, Nastya and Andrey became parents. She gave birth to her daughter Ksenia in one of the private clinics in Miami. For the first time, viewers were able to see a photograph of the girl only in the spring of 2016.


Participant's name: Anastasia Vladimirovna Korotkaya

Age (birthday): 15.10.1985

City: Donetsk

Family: married to Andrei Bednyakov, has a daughter

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Nastya Korotkaya was born in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, but her childhood was spent in Mariupol, where the family moved because of her father’s work.

The future artist studied well, and after school she entered the Pedagogical University.

Perhaps we would never have known about the existence of this girl, but the KVN team “What does this have to do with us,” formed from students, completely changed Nastya’s life plans.

While studying at the institute, Korotkaya received professional choreographic education, it helped her stay on the team long enough.

And thanks to Nastya’s artistic abilities as soon as possible made a huge step forward in creative direction. Having received her diploma, she went to Kyiv to try her hand at the casting for “Big Difference.”

Short presented a parody of Anastasia Prikhodko - the producers liked the result so much that they immediately enrolled her in the show. But a year later, the actress leaves for Moscow to take part in the Russian version of BR.

Her appearance on the screen made Nastya popular in an instant not only in our homeland, but also in Russia.

Following the parody show, there was an offer to star in the TV series “Big Feelings,” which Anastasia happily accepted. Working in the project became Nastya’s film debut.

In 2013, the actress was offered to participate in most interesting program on the channel “Friday” “Heads and Tails”. Short already loved to travel, and now she is offered to do it at someone else’s expense.

Of course, she agreed, especially since she became her partner, whom the girl had been dating for many years. The young people have known each other since their student days. and together participated in the KVN team.

A year later, Nastya leaves the project and becomes the host of a show of a different format, “Date with a Star.” At the same time, Bednyakov organizes his own program, the theme of which intersects with “Heads and Tails,” where Nastya was assigned last role. However, after the first release, it was frozen without explanation.

Korotkaya’s personal life is directly connected with Bednyakov - despite the raging charm of both and the mass of temptations associated with their work, the young people treat each other very sensitively and tenderly.

In 2014, their wedding took place, and in 2015, a daughter was born into the family. Both Nastya and Andrey are happy together - talented parents are confident that they will raise a worthy daughter who will certainly inherit their creative abilities.

Photo of Nastya

Nastya Korotkaya has more than 300 thousand subscribers on Instagram.

Nastya Korotkaya native of the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Date of birth: October 15, 1985 Some time after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to suburban Mangush, then stopped in Mariupol. The girl received a specialty as a choreographer at the Berdyansk Pedagogical Institute.

Korotkaya took an active part in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, and was a member of the KVN team “What does it have to do with us.” Thanks to her stage talents, wit, originality of thinking and developed erudition, Nastya Korotkaya’s biography soon underwent dramatic changes.

After finishing her studies, the girl went to Kyiv, where she was casted for the popular show “Big Difference.” Short then performed parodies of Anastasia Prikhodko and Katya Osadchaya. After the Ukrainian project, the actress left to film the Russian format “BR”.
Nastya Korotkaya’s career developed quite rapidly. After “Big Difference,” filming followed in the youth series “Big Feelings,” which became the debut in his film career. Together with other participants in the production, Korotkaya joked about relationships, love, first experiences, bed scenes etc. Humorous presentation of advice, subtleties and aspects love relationship was aimed at preserving feelings despite the gray everyday life.

Debut in the television project “Heads and Tails”

In 2013, Korotkaya made her debut in the popular tourist television project “Heads and Tails.” The program has always attracted Nastya, like most viewers. Except exciting travels, visiting amazing historical and natural monuments, getting to know the traditions and peculiarities of life of other peoples, Nastya was interested in the presenter himself - Andrey Bednyakov. The young people had been dating for a long time, and the girl accepted the offer to become a co-host of “Heads and Tails” with delight.

By chance, Nastya often landed on heads (budget tourism for $100), and the girl had to spend the weekend modestly. According to the presenter herself, traveling with $100 in your pocket is much more interesting than becoming the owner of an unlimited card (if the card lands on heads).

"Date with a Star"

At the beginning of 2014, the couple left tourist program and appeared on screen in the television project “Date with a Star.” After some time, Nastya Korotkaya and Andrei Bednyakov appear in a new television project in a tourist format - “How the Chip Falls.” After the first release, the program was frozen, the reasons were not disclosed.

The 10th anniversary season of the show “Heads and Tails” delighted viewers and fans of the project. All presenters who managed to “light up” on the screen will take part in it, including Korotkaya and Bednyakov.

Personal life

In Nastya Korotkaya’s personal life there is room for only one man, her beloved and dear – Andrei Bednyakov. The couple have known each other for many years, from joint productions in KVN.

In many projects, including the show “Heads and Tails,” the couple act together. Many photos from the brightest and most extreme travels added to the family collection of Nastya and Andrey.

Anastasia received a marriage proposal in winter in New York, and already on September 1, 2014, Bednyakov and Korotkaya played a long-awaited wedding.

In October 2015, it became known that the couple became parents.