Dictation questions. Dictation questions All-Russian geographical dictation how to find out the results

On November 26 at 12:00 local time, a geographical dictation will take place in all regions of our country and abroad. The large-scale educational event, initiated by Vladimir Putin, is being held by the Russian Geographical Society for the third time.

The dictation will include 30 test tasks, divided into three blocks. The first consists of knowledge questions geographical concepts and terms. The second is aimed at testing the ability to work with a map. The third is to identify geographical objects based on entries in traveler’s diaries and excerpts from works of art. As evidenced by feedback from participants in past years, they especially like the last set of questions, which “... encourages them to read new books and look at maps with interest.”

V.V. Putin: “Along with the history of the Fatherland, the Russian language, and literature, geography serves as the basis for the formation of patriotic values, cultural, national identity and self-awareness.”

The dictation will be held in person, at specially organized venues, and online on the project website: .

The highest score that can be obtained for a dictation is 100 points, the lowest is 0. Alas, so far the average score of dictation participants does not exceed three on a five-point scale. You can find out whether you are an excellent student, a good student or a C student without harming your own reputation - testing is anonymous, and you can get your result using a unique number that is assigned to each participant.

The Russians liked the dictation so much that in the first year of its implementation, online testing participants crashed the Russian website for several hours. Geographical Society. The next year, in the first hours of the action, about 30 thousand people wrote it on the Russian Geographical Society website, and the number of in-person sites increased sevenfold, increasing from 210 to 1,464.

Each of our readers can not only take part in the verification geographical knowledge, but also to organize a dictation site in your region. Registration of sites is open on the project website for organizations wishing to hold an event within their walls.

In just a few days of the site’s operation, more than 30 dictation sites across the country have already appeared on the map - these are schools and cultural centers, libraries and universities in Norilsk, Dalnerechensk, Ulan-Ude and other settlements. IN at the moment The westernmost point of the dictation is in Vyborg, the easternmost is in the small village of Palana, Kamchatka Territory. Please note that in 2017, you can only register a site through the website.

Geographical dictation has been carried out by the Russian Geographical Society since 2015. In 2015, 71,929 people took part in the event. In 2016 - 187,187 people. The average score scored by participants in the previous dictation is 52 points out of 100 possible. In school terminology, this is “3”. Moreover, the best results were shown by participants aged 54 years and older. These are those who studied geography at school in the 60s and 70s of the last century. The age group from 11 to 18 years old received the lowest average score. They studied geography in the 2000s – 2010s.

Join the geographical dictation! Let's study Russia again. Together!

On November 26, 2017, the third Geographical Dictation took place in all regions of our country and abroad. The project participants were more than 260 thousand people. Not only the whole of Russia tested their knowledge, but also many foreign countries. The action took place in 25 countries. In addition, if last year the Dictation was written on 1,464 platforms, then in 2017 there were 2,224 of them!

The leader in the number of educational campaign locations among foreign countries was China, where the Dictation was held in 10 cities at once. The largest venue abroad in terms of the number of seats was the branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in the city of Baku, where more than 800 participants were able to write the Dictation.

In Russia, the leader in the number of sites was the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), where the Dictation was held in 277 organizations. The Republic of Bashkortostan takes second place with 209 sites, and the Krasnodar Territory takes third place with 122.

One of the most unusual sites of the action was the research vessel "Akademik Fedorov" of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, located in the Cape Town roadstead. Wrote a Dictation on nuclear icebreaker"Lenin", which is currently a museum in Murmansk. Also, more than ten nature reserves and national parks, museums of Soviet slot machines in Moscow and St. Petersburg, All-Russian children's center"Smena" in the Krasnodar region, Big Planetarium in Novosibirsk. In addition, the Dictation took place on Strizh trains. Nizhny Novgorod– Moscow and Moscow – Berlin.

The main building of Moscow State University named after M.V. became the central venue for the Dictation. Lomonosov. Here, as last year, the President of the Russian Geographical Society Sergei Shoigu answered the Dictation questions along with all the participants. The event was also attended by the rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Viktor Sadovnichy, Honorary President of the Russian Geographical Society Vladimir Kotlyakov, TV presenter Nikolai Drozdov, film director, actor Vladimir Menshov, famous hockey player Vyacheslav Fetisov, political figure Sergei Mironov, author and host of the “Dialogues about Animals” program Ivan Zatevakhin, bobsleigh athlete, Olympic champion Dmitry Trunenkov and other famous people.

The test questions included 30 items, divided into three blocks. The first consisted of questions on knowledge of geographical concepts and terms. The second was aimed at testing the ability to work with a map. The third is to identify geographical objects based on traveler diaries and excerpts from works of art.

One of the main principles of Dictation is anonymity. You do not need to indicate your name on the assignment and answer forms. Participants are asked to write only their age, occupation, relationship to geography (for example, a student or teacher at a specialized university) and some other information.

The highest score you can get for a dictation is 100 points.

For those who were unable to come to the venues, an online dictation was organized on the website. It started on November 26 at 14:00 Moscow time and ended at 14:00 on November 30, 2017 Moscow time. About 110,000 thousand people took part in it.

Dictation participants who completed it in person can find out their personal results on the website using the unique identification number received at the sites. Those who took the Dictation online saw the results immediately after answering the questions.

Based on the results of the event, an analytical report will be prepared assessing the level of geographic literacy of the Russian population as a whole and its individual age groups, results of the Dictation in the subjects Russian Federation and abroad.

History of Dictation in numbers

In 2015, 71,929 people took part in the event, of which 44,365 people wrote a dictation in person at 210 sites and 27,564 people tested their knowledge online.

In 2016, the total number of participants in the action increased by 2.6 times compared to 2015 and amounted to 187,187 people. Of these, 92,240 people wrote the dictation in person at 1,464 sites and 94,947 tested their knowledge through the website.

How to find out your result?

Participants in the dictation who performed it “offline” can find out their personal results using a unique identification number received at the sites.

We bring to your attention the questions of the All-Russian Geographical Dictation and the correct answers to them!

About dictation

We remind you that an educational event aimed at testing the geographic literacy of Russians - the second All-Russian Geographical Dictation - took place on November 20, 2016.

1,700 institutions took the initiative to hold it. As a result, the dictation was organized at more than 1,500 venues. The Russian Geographical Society prepared three versions of tasks, each of which consisted of 30 questions.

One of the main principles of the action was anonymity. You didn’t have to indicate your name on the assignment and answer forms. Participants were asked to write only their age, occupation, attitude to geography (for example, student or teacher at a specialized university) and some other information. This information is necessary in order to assess and analyze the level of geographical knowledge of the residents of our country.

The geographical dictation could be taken not only in person, but also online on the website dictant.site.

The first All-Russian Geographical Dictation took place on November 1, 2015. The large-scale educational campaign was aimed at assessing the level of geographic literacy of the population of the Russian Federation. The initiator of it was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Society, Vladimir Putin, and the organizer was the Russian Geographical Society.

How many people wrote?

Anyone could take part in the dictation, regardless of age, education and field of activity. As a preliminary analysis of the works shows, the number of male and female participants is almost equal. And the most active were young people aged 11–18 years.

About 95 thousand people wrote the online dictation, which is three times more than last year. According to preliminary data, the number of in-person participants in the action almost doubled: about 85 thousand people passed the geographic test. The number of regional sites has grown more than 7 times.

The absolute leader in the number of those who wrote the dictation was the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In second place is the Republic of Bashkortostan. Third place goes to Moscow. The capital is slightly inferior Voronezh region and St. Petersburg. The largest platform, where 1,771 people simultaneously wrote dictation, operated at Voronezh State University.


The dictation was compiled in three versions for the regions of Central Russia, Siberia and Far East. Each task included 30 questions, which were divided into three blocks. The first consisted of questions on knowledge of geographical concepts and terms; the second was aimed at testing knowledge about the location of geographical objects on the map; the third offered to recognize a geographical object from excerpts from works of art.

Among the questions that caused the least difficulties in the first version was the question of winds that change direction to the opposite twice a year and largely determine the climate of the Far East (monsoons). Also, the majority of participants correctly answered the question about clouds of vertical development, which are associated with rainfall, thunderstorms, hail, and squally winds (cumulonimbus, cumulus). The most difficult question was to identify a pair of objects that are not geographically related to each other. Instead of the Onega River and Lake Onega (the river is located in the Arkhangelsk region, its name is not associated with Lake Onega, and their water systems are not communicated), the choice fell on the Okhota River and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (the Okhota River flows through the territory of the Okhotsk region of the Khabarovsk Territory and flows into the Okhotsk sea). The knowledge question also proved difficult for many geographical map, in which it was necessary to arrange mountain systems in increasing order of their maximum absolute height.

In the second version, almost everyone correctly named solid precipitation that falls in the warm season (hail) and the conventional line dividing the surface of the globe into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (equator). Only a quarter of all participants who wrote the second version were able to recognize symbol swamps, found on topographic maps of Western Siberia.

Great difficulties arose over the name of the federal district, on whose territory the northernmost continental point of Russia (Siberian) is located.

For the third option, the question from the “geographical concepts” block, which required the name of water droplets deposited on the surface of plants during the night and morning hours (dew), also turned out to be the easiest. Most participants correctly answered the question about the subject of the Russian Federation, where there is a subtropical Mediterranean climate (Republic of Crimea). The two most difficult questions concerned the date line and the definition of the Udege people by description.


According to preliminary data, the average score of participants has, unfortunately, not changed since last year, and it is a three – 52 points out of 100.

The data will still be clarified and adjusted, but as of today, 413 people out of all those who took the dictation in person have scored 100 points.

About 3.5 thousand participants received between 90 and 99 points.

Every fifth participant in the action scored less than 30 points.

We asked participants from different regions of our country to tell us about their impressions of the large-scale educational event of the Russian Geographical Society.


Schoolchildren from different cities of Russia shared their opinions about the dictation.

Alexander Tusikov, Moscow, gymnasium 1534, 6th grade:

– In general, I liked the dictation! I wrote last year, and this year it’s even better. The questions were interesting, but, of course, I didn’t answer all of them.”

Elena Popova, Natasha Langman, Moscow, 7th grade:

– Some questions were easy, some were quite difficult. A difficult question where you need to determine the city by description. But it seems to us that we did it!

Islam Batalov, 13 years old, Moscow, 7th grade student:

– I really enjoyed participating in the Geographical dictation. It was difficult to answer questions related to mining. I am interested in geography and would like to take part in the dictation next year.

Kamilya Yanbulatova, Kuznetsk-12, Penza region, school named after. A.N. Radishcheva, 11th grade:

– The questions were at the modern level school curriculum, however, to answer them correctly, you need to study in more depth. In my opinion, the most difficult was question No. 28, where it was necessary to name the river about which M.Yu.’s poem was written. Lermontov. Here, at the same time, you need to know literature well. In general, the impression of the dictation is good.

Alena Radygina, Penza, Provincial Lyceum, 7th grade:

– The dictation was quite difficult, and I could not answer some questions. Some questions deviated from the school curriculum, but this probably seems to me, since we have not gone through this yet. Difficult questions there were those connected with literature.”

Akhmetov Daniyar, schoolboy, Kurgan region:

This is my first time participating in the All-Russian Geographical Dictation. The dictation questions seemed to be of average difficulty level. I like to travel and my interest in geography has a lot to do with this. But alas, there is not enough time for long trips. Dictation is interesting to me, so perhaps in the future I will connect my life with geography.

Geography teachers also took part in the dictation.

Vera Patrikovna, geography teacher, Moscow:

– I’m writing a dictation for the second time. This year, in my opinion, it is no less interesting than last year. Some questions are difficult to answer without a map. These are tasks where you need to arrange soils in the required sequence. It’s simply wonderful that the dictation questions are complex in nature: in order to answer them correctly, knowledge is required not only in the field of geography, but also history and literature.

Natalya Alekseevna Rovinskaya, geography teacher in secondary school 38 in Crimea:

– I’ve been coming to write a dictation for the second year now. I learned about the dictation on the Russian Geographical Society website. I try to take part in all promotions and competitions of the Russian Geographical Society and involve children in this. Every year I feel more and more interest among children in studying the geography of Russia and geography in general... Although I am a teacher with forty years of experience, I am always interested in testing my own knowledge.

TAtyana Koroleva, geographer, Kurgan region:

I took part in the writing of the All-Russian Geographical Dictation. Last year I wrote a dictation online on the Russian Geographical Society website. In my opinion, the level of questions this year was no less interesting than a year ago. Questions from different areas of geography. The most difficult question seemed to be about the city of Petrovsk, which was subsequently renamed.

People of various ages and professions tested their knowledge.

Maxim Kolbasyuk, sergeant of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School:

– It was interesting to take part in such a dictation. Honestly, the questions did not cause any particular difficulties, almost 80%; I spent less time than expected. I hope that I will show a decent result."

Ruslan, SMM manager, Moscow:
– I found difficulties related to soils and peaks. The remaining tasks were easier to answer this year than last year.

Volunteers of the All-Russian Geographical Dictation about why they decided to take part in this action:

Anton Yurmanov, Moscow

– While studying at the Faculty of Geography, I take part in most projects of the Russian Geographical Society that require the help of volunteers. I couldn’t help but take part in the work of the geographical dictation, especially on the main site - at my university, since it is extremely important to instill an interest in geography in people, even those far from it.”

Olga Koroleva, Moscow

– Why did I become a volunteer during the All-Russian geographical dictation? Yes, simply because I like everything related to the activities of the Russian Geographical Society. I wanted to see how the event is organized, look inside, meet people who are trying to raise the level of geography in our country, and just put a part of myself into a noble cause. I was very pleased, it was a pleasure to work hard.”

Alexey Starshinov, Moscow:

“Who, if not us, students of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, should help organize this event and educate our youth, promote geography to the masses.”

Gleb Mamyrkin, Moscow:

– The regions of Russia are a very important topic, especially now, because they are developed very differently. We need to involve people from school, people of different ages, instill a love for geography, and perhaps a percentage of them will go to the geography department.”

Simakova Tatyana, student of Kurgan State University

This year I am taking part in the Dictation for the second time. Last year I was a participant, and today I work as a volunteer of the educational campaign. I found the dictation questions varied and interesting.

The Russian Geographical Society thanks all the participants of the Geographical Dictation and the volunteers who helped in conducting the All-Russian Geographical Dictation!

rear Congratulations, dear guests, friends, colleagues!

All-Russian geographical dictationstarted on November 1, 2015 at 12:00 local time in all regions of the country. This large-scale educational event was held for the first time by the Russian Geographical Society, and anyone could participate in it, regardless of age and education.

A little about the dictation itself...
The initiative to conduct a dictation was made by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Society, Vladimir Putin, at the XV Congress of the Russian Geographical Society. The idea received wide public support - the Russian Geographical Society received hundreds of requests from ordinary people who want to write a dictation. Federal funds also supported the educational campaign. mass media.

One of the main principles of all-Russian action– anonymity. On the assignment and answer forms, you can indicate your real name or pseudonym. Each participant will receive a unique identification number by which they can find out their personal result on December 10 on rgo.ru.

The work of Russians will be checked only by professional geographer teachers.
The dictation will allow you to assess the level of geographical knowledge of all categories of citizens of our country and will draw attention to the problem of geographical literacy. According to the results of the All-Russian knowledge test in educational programs Geographical changes will be made.
The theme of the dictation in 2015 is “My country is Russia.”

Right there, on the website of the Russian Geographical Society, there was alsoRegulations on dictation. After reading it carefully, I highlighted several of the most important points:
2. Purpose, objectives and principles of the Dictation
2.1. The dictation is carried out to assess the level of geographic literacy of the population.
2.2. The objectives of the Dictation are:
– obtaining objective information about the level of geographic literacy of the Russian population, taking into account its age and social structure;
– providing the opportunity for Dictation participants to obtain an independent assessment of their knowledge in the field of geography;
– attracting media attention and Russian society to the problem of geographic literacy of the population;
– motivation of various segments of the population to study geography home country, knowledge of which is an integral part of an educated person;
– development of recommendations for improving the quality of geographical education.

5.2. The text of the Dictation includes25 test tasksand consists of three parts:
– Part 1 – tasks on knowledge of geographical concepts and terms;
– Part 2 – tasks on knowledge of the location of geographical objects on the map;
– Part 3 – geographical descriptions.

5.3. The Dictation text includes open and closed questions.
5.4. Total points for Dictation – 100.

For those who did not have time to try their hand, a presentation with dictation questions. Good luck!!!



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Slide captions:

All-Russian geographical dictation

1. Name a phenomenon of global scale, which is distributed over 60% of the territory of Russia. It is most widely represented in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. Greatest depth The distribution of this phenomenon (1370 m) is noted in the upper reaches of the Vilyuy River in Yakutia.

2. What are the names of hot springs that periodically emit fountains of hot water and steam, which are common in areas of volcanic activity, for example on the Kamchatka Peninsula?

3. Name an indicator that characterizes the number of inhabitants per 1 km2 of territory and determines the demographic and economic potential of a country or region.

4. What is the process of urban growth and increasing the share of the urban population called?

5. On a map at a scale of 1:10,000, the distance between points is 10 cm. What distance (in kilometers) on the ground does this correspond to?

6. Name the oldest and deepest lake in the world, which contains 20% of all fresh water on the planet.

7. Name the northernmost continental point of Russia.

8. Name the largest subject of the Russian Federation by area, in which the easternmost of the peoples of the Turkic linguistic group lives?

9. Name the city located in the Pacific Ocean where the Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft is produced.

10. Name the subject of the Russian Federation in which the construction of the eastern cosmodrome Russia.

11. Name the peninsula located to the west of the Gulf of Ob, the depths of which contain rich reserves of natural gas.

12. The largest seaport in the south of Russia, located in this hero city, often suffers from strong cold winds rapidly “falling” from the mountains. Name this city.

13. Name the island object natural heritage UNESCO, through which the 180th meridian passes. This island is also called the " polar bear nursery " .

14. Name highest point Altai mountains.

15. Name the city where the Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the Ob River.

16. Arrange the mouths of Russian rivers in the sequence corresponding to the direction from east to west: A) Pechora; B) Pelvis; B) Kolyma; D) Hangar.

17. Select from the list a city that is located in the drainage basin of the Caspian Sea: Voronezh Krasnodar Tver Kursk Smolensk

18. Arrange the subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from east to west: A) Chechen Republic; B) Kaliningrad region; IN) Perm region; D) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

19. Name the sea or lake that washes the wettest (according to average annual precipitation) territory of Russia.

20. What is the date and time on the clock of a tourist climbing to the top of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, when his friend vacationing on the Curonian Spit has 20:00 on June 12?

21. “For the first time I saw from sea ​​distance... the entire solemn turn of its banks from Cape Fiolent to Karadag. For the first time I realized how beautiful this land is, washed by one of the most festive seas on the globe. We are approaching the shores, colored with dry and sharp colors... The vineyards were already blazing with rust, the snow-covered peaks of Chatyr-Dag and Ai-Petri were already visible.” Which peninsula did K.G. write about? Paustovsky?

22. In what city did M.Yu. stay? Lermontov? "View from three sides I have a wonderful one. To the west, the five-domed Beshtau turns blue, like “the last cloud of a scattered storm”; Mashuk rises to the north like a shaggy Persian hat and covers the entire part of the sky; It’s more fun to look to the east: below in front of me... healing springs are rustling, a multilingual crowd is noisy, - and there, further, mountains are piled up like an amphitheater, increasingly blue and foggy, and on the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks, starting with Kazbek and ending with the double-headed Elborus...”

23. “...In winter, the sea winds thaw, and those blowing from the hardened earth bring frosts, because in St. Petersburg the western Baltic Sea, near the city of Arkhangelsk, the north-west from Bely and Norman, in Okhotsk, the east wind from the Kamchatka Sea breathes a thaw.” What sea M.V. Calls Lomonosov Normansky?

24. “Anadyr depression. It’s very flat, and the Anadyr wags along it like a huge boa constrictor... “The Anadyr is a yellow river,” - this is how the essay can be called later. Tundra and lakes throughout the depression. It’s difficult to understand what is more: either lakes or land” (O.M. Kuvaev). Which sea does this river flow into?

25. “Huge trees formed a green tent. And underneath there are dense thickets of hazel, bird cherry, honeysuckle, elderberry and other shrubs and small trees. In some places a gloomy dark spruce forest was approaching. On the outskirts of the clearing, a large pine tree spread its branches, under the shadow of which a young Christmas tree nestled... And then again birch trees, poplar with its gray trunk, rowan, linden, the forest becomes thicker and darker.” What type of Russian forest does L.M. write about? Leonov?

" Live dictanT

On November 1, residents of Russia took part in the All-Russian Geographical Dictation. To conduct a unique educational event of the Russian Geographical Society, 220 sites were organized and three versions of tasks were prepared, each of which consisted of 25 questions.

The main goal of the action is to check how well the residents of our country know their homeland. Not their region in which they live, but Russia as a whole. Therefore, experts have compiled three different versions of questions for three groups districts: questions in option 1 were answered by residents of the Siberian and Ural federal districts; Option 2 was prepared for the Far Eastern Federal District; and option 3 – for other districts of Russia.

Each version of the task included questions that were not related to the place of residence of the dictation participants.

Another reason to prepare different options assignments was to eliminate the possibility of cheating during dictation. Since the dictation started across the country at 12:00 local time, residents of those regions who answered the questions first (due to the time difference) could post the correct answers on the Internet. By preparing three versions of questions, the organizers of the dictation were able to maintain intrigue for all residents of Russia.

Today we bring to your attention not only the questions of the All-Russian Geographical Dictation, but also the correct answers to them!

We remind you that you will be able to find out your result on December 10, 2015 on the website, using the unique identification number that you received while completing the tasks. The work of Russians will be checked only by professional geographer teachers.

1 option

1. What is the name of the imaginary line on the surface of the Earth, north of which polar night and polar day are possible during certain periods of the year?

Answer: Arctic Circle

2. What is the name of the lowland formed by river sediments and cut by a network of branches and channels at the mouth of a river flowing into a shallow area of ​​the sea or lake?

Answer: Delta

3. What is the name of a historically established stable group of people, united by language, religion and characteristics of traditional culture?

Answer: ethnos

4. What is the voluntary and long-term movement of the population from one region of the country to another called?

Answer: migration

5. On a map at a scale of 1:50,000, the distance between points is 5 cm. What distance (in kilometers) on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 2,5

6. Name the largest right tributary of the Volga.

Answer: Oka river

7. Name the largest Russian-owned island in the Pacific Ocean.

Answer: Sakhalin Island

8. On the territory of which subject of the Russian Federation does the only people in Europe professing Buddhism live?

Answer: Republic of Kalmykia

9. The Niva car and most of the Russian Lada cars are produced in this city on the Volga.

Answer: Togliatti

10. This subject of the Russian Federation is home to the northernmost operating cosmodrome in the world.

Answer: Arkhangelsk region

11. Name the largest freshwater lake in the European part of Russia.

Answer: Lake Ladoga

12. Name the hero city and seaport where the Northern Sea Route begins.

Answer: Murmansk

13. Name the mountain system - a UNESCO natural heritage site, which is also called the “Golden Mountains”; it is located on the borders of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan.

Answer: Altai Mountains

14. Name the strait separating the Krasnodar Territory from the Republic of Crimea.

Answer: Kerch Strait

15. Name the southernmost millionaire city in Russia.

Answer: Rostov-on-Don

16. Arrange the mouths of Russian rivers in the sequence corresponding to the direction from west to east: A) Neva; B) Don; B) Pechora; D) Volga.

Answer: A) Neva; B) Don; D) Volga C) Pechora

17. Select from the list a city that is located in the drainage basin of Lake Baikal:

A) Bratsk; B) Kyzyl; B) Blagoveshchensk; D) Ulan-Ude; D) Yakutsk.

Answer: D) Ulan-Ude

18. Arrange the subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from west to east: A) Kamchatka Territory; B) Republic of Adygea; IN) Udmurt Republic; D) Altai Republic.

Answer: B) Republic of Adygea; B) Udmurt Republic; D) Altai Republic; A) Kamchatka region

19. Name the subject of the Russian Federation within which the wettest territory (based on average annual precipitation) in Russia is located.

Answer: Krasnodar region

20. What is the date and time on the watch of a tourist climbing to the top of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, when on the watch of his friend vacationing on the Curonian Spit is 22:00 on May 31st.

Answer: Crimean peninsula. Acceptable answer: Crimea

Answer: Pyatigorsk

Answer: Barents Sea

Answer: in the Bering Sea

Answer: mixed forest

Option 2

1. What are the names of humus-rich, dark-colored soils formed in a temperate continental climate under steppe vegetation? In Russia, common in the south European territory and Western Siberia.

Answer: Chernozem

2. What is the name of a vast area with low atmospheric pressure in the center, characterized by a system of winds blowing counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere?

Answer: Cyclone

3. What is the difference between the number of people born and the number of deaths over a certain period of time called?

Answer: natural population growth

4. What is the name of the system of nearby urban settlements interconnected by economic, transport, cultural and other connections?

Answer: urban agglomeration

5. On a map at a scale of 1:25,000, the distance between points is 10 cm. What distance (in kilometers) on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 2,5

6. Name the mountain - the highest point in Russia.

Answer: Mount Elbrus

7. Name the northernmost millionaire city in Russia, where the headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society is located.

Answer: St. Petersburg

8. Name the subject of the Russian Federation that ranks first in the country in oil production. In it, the Irtysh River flows into the Ob River.

Answer: Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug

9. Name the city, located at the confluence of two large Russian rivers, where Gazelles are produced.

Answer: Nizhny Novgorod

10. Name the city located at the easternmost point of the Volga, where Soyuz launch vehicles are produced.

Answer: Samara

Answer: Yamal Peninsula

Answer: Novorossiysk

13. Name the island - a UNESCO natural heritage site through which the 180th meridian passes. This island is also called “the polar bear nursery.”

Answer: Wrangel Island

Answer: Mount Belukha

Answer: Novosibirsk city


Answer: B) Tver


Answer: Black Sea

21. “Starting somewhere right behind the Ripheus ridge, ... the Chusovaya River cut through the ridge that a stale crust of bread - the only river that managed to overcome such a strong barrier - it rolled its stormy waters between the fighting rocks, near the cliffs, through the rapids , rifts and rifts and flowed into the Kama.” What is the name of the mentioned V.P. Astafiev mountain system?

Answer: Ural Mountains

22. “Four to five kilometers wide and seventy kilometers long, sheer cliffs on both sides, stretched almost strictly along the meridian, and between the rocks there is a kind of huge and transparent stone, shimmering with a cold light.” Which lake – “the pearl of Altai” – is described by S.P. Zalygin?

Answer: Lake Teletskoye

23. “With his tireless hand, military ships were launched to Beloye, Azov, Varyazhskoe and Caspian Sea and the sea is shown Russian power to all surrounding powers..." What is the name of the Varangian Sea in our time, mentioned by M.V. Lomonosov in describing the merits of Peter I?

Answer: Baltic Sea

24. “Provideniya Bay is a typical fiord. The narrow and long bay is squeezed by the slopes of the hills. Their black cliffs hang over the water, and a little to the side, with a hellish interweaving of rocky ledges, gloomy towers and just some kind of black stone fingers sticking out into the sky, the Sorcerer Mountain rises... Eskimos and coastal Chukchi - seal hunters - settled here before anyone else" (O. Kuvaev). In what sea is this bay located?

Answer: In the Bering Sea

25. “Nothing in nature could be better; the entire surface of the earth seemed like a green-golden ocean, over which millions splashed different colors... the ear of wheat brought from God knows where was pouring in the thicket... Hawks stood motionless in the sky, spreading their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes on the grass...” Oh what natural area wrote N.V. Gogol?

Answer: steppes

Option 3


Answer: geyser

Answer: population density

Answer: urbanization

5. On a map at a scale of 1:10,000, the distance between points is 10 cm. What distance (in kilometers) on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 1 kilometer

Answer: Lake Baikal

Answer: Cape Chelyuskin

Answer: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Answer: Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Answer: Amur region

11. Name the city of the Russian Federation in which, not far from the obelisk “Center of Asia” at the confluence of Biy-Khem?ma and Ka-Khem?ma, the Yenisei begins.

Answer: Kyzyl

12. Name the largest of the Siberian cities located above the Arctic Circle; it is the center of mining and smelting of copper and nickel.

Answer: Norilsk

13. Name the rocks - a UNESCO natural heritage site, located along the Lena River.

Answer: Lena pillars

14. Name the tallest active volcano Russia.

Answer: Klyuchevskaya Sopka

15. Name the only river flowing from Baikal.

Answer: Angara River

16. Arrange the basins of Russian rivers in sequence corresponding to the direction from west to east: A) Khatanga; B) Indigirka; B) Onega; D) Nadym.

Answer: C) Onega, D) Nadym, A) Khatanga, B) Indigirka

17. Select a city located in the drainage basin from the list Kara Sea: A) Yakutsk; B) Irkutsk; D) Naryan-Mar; D) Magadan.

Answer: B) Irkutsk

18. Arrange the subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from north to south: A) Republic of Kalmykia; B) Republic of Ingushetia; B) Republic of Mari El; D) Republic of Karelia.

Answer: D) Republic of Karelia, C) Republic of Mari El,) Republic of Kalmykia, B) Republic of Ingushetia

19. Name the mountain system within which the wettest territory (in terms of average annual precipitation) in Russia is located.

Answer: Greater Caucasus

20. What is the date and time on the clock of a tourist climbing to the top of Elbrus, when his friend vacationing on the shore of Peter the Great Bay says 5 a.m. on May 1st?

21. “In Kandalaksha, dazzling mountains covered the horizon with snowy domes. Near the roadbed, the Niva River roared like a continuous waterfall with black clear water. Then Lake Imandra passed - not a lake, but a sea - all covered in blue ice, surrounded by steps of blue and white mountains. The Khibiny mountains slowly went south in flattened domes.” Which peninsula did K.G. write about? Paustovsky?

Answer: Kola Peninsula

22. About this current millionaire city D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak wrote: “In the motley environment of Russian cities... is truly a “living node”... At the pass itself, two large rivers almost meet - Iset and Chusovaya. It was at this point that Tatishchev outlined the future city... The Iset River... connected the mining region itself with the blessed [land] - a gold mine, where forests, pastures and steppe Siberian black soil were widely spread."

Answer: Yekaterinburg

23. “The conversations and description of Vaygach, which the Dutch call the Nassau Strait, heard in Holland, many nobles zealously undertook to send another large parcel to go to China and India... Barens was appointed leader on the largest of the two ships that were sent from Amsterdam... " What geographical object bears the name of the mentioned M.V. Lomonosov of the Dutch navigator?

Answer: Barents Sea

24. “...our guys,..., were flying at that moment on a small An-2 plane north of the New Siberian Islands, where there are dots of the De Long Islands: Jeannette Island, Henrietta Island, and Zhokhov Island are also there...” (O. Kuvaev) . In which sea are the De Long Islands located?

Answer: in the East Siberian Sea

25. “... this is a virgin and primeval forest, consisting of cedar, black birch, Amur fir, elm, poplar, Siberian spruce, Manchurian linden, Dahurian larch, ash, Mongolian oak... cork tree... And all this is mixed up with a vineyard, vines and sultanas." What type of Russian forest does V.K. write about? Arsenyev?

Answer: Ussuri taiga

Testing online

For those who for some reason were unable to take part in the dictation at the Russian Geographical Society, online testing was conducted on the portal. Those who decided to try their hand online were less fortunate than those who took part in the “live” dictation: the large educational event that we had been preparing for so long, so enthusiastically and seriously, found a different scenario. We, who know well that geography in recent years schools pay, to put it delicately, not the most close attention, and could not have imagined that it would be so in demand, and that the number of people wishing to assess their geographic literacy would be many times greater than our expectations!

Unfortunately, the RGS server could not withstand such a load (which, to be fair, we note, also happens with much larger, technically equipped organizations). On the one hand, this is, of course, very sad. But on the other hand...

Yes, all of us - both the organizers and, most importantly, the participants - are offended that the first geographical dictation in the history of the country did not go as planned. However, the fact that so many people responded to the “geographical call” and that there is a genuine interest in geography in society did not allow us to give up. And he clearly showed: everything we do is not in vain.

In the end, the problem was solved, and those who were partial to geography were able to write a dictation. In total, more than 27 thousand people took part in it.

Thank you to everyone who treated the current situation with understanding and patience and did not cower in the face of temporary difficulties!

The questions for the online test were combined from those tasks that were distributed to visitors of offline sites. We bring to your attention questions and answers online testing on.

Online option

1. Name a phenomenon of global scale, which is distributed over 60% of the territory of Russia. It is most widely represented in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. The greatest depth of distribution of this phenomenon (1370 m) is observed in the upper reaches of the Vilyui River in Yakutia.

Answer: permafrost

2. What are the names of hot springs that periodically emit fountains of hot water and steam, which are common in areas of volcanic activity, for example on the Kamchatka Peninsula?

Answer: geyser

3. What is the indicator that characterizes the number of inhabitants per 1 km? territory and determines the demographic and economic potential of a country or region.

Answer: population density

4. What is the process of urban growth and increasing the share of the urban population called?

Answer: urbanization

5. On a 1:10,000 scale map, the distance between points is 10 cm. What distance on the ground does this correspond to?

Answer: 1 kilometer

6. Name the oldest and deepest lake in the world, which contains 20% of all fresh water on the planet.

Answer: Lake Baikal

7. Name the northernmost continental point of Russia.

Answer: Cape Chelyuskin

8. Name the largest subject of the Russian Federation by area, in which the easternmost of the peoples of the Turkic linguistic group lives?

Answer: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

9. Name the city located in the Pacific Ocean where the Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft is produced.

Answer: Komsomolsk-on-Amur

10. Name the subject of the Russian Federation in which the construction of the easternmost cosmodrome of Russia is underway.

Answer: Amur region

11. Name the peninsula located to the west of the Gulf of Ob, the depths of which contain rich reserves of natural gas.

Answer: Yamal Peninsula

12. The largest seaport in the south of Russia, located in this hero city, often suffers from strong cold winds rapidly “falling” from the mountains. Name this city.

Answer: Novorossiysk

13. Name the island - a UNESCO natural heritage site, which is divided in half by the 180th meridian. This island is also called “the polar bear nursery.”

Answer: Wrangel Island

14. Name the highest point of the Altai Mountains.

Answer: Mount Belukha

15. Name the city where the Trans-Siberian Railway crosses the Ob River.

Answer: Novosibirsk city

16. Arrange the mouths of Russian rivers in the sequence corresponding to the direction from east to west: A) Pechora; B) Pelvis; B) Kolyma; D) Hangar.

Answer: C) Kolyma, D) Angara, B) Taz, A) Pechora

17. Select from the list a city that is located in the Caspian Sea drainage basin:

A) Voronezh; B) Krasnodar; B) Tver; D) Kursk; D) Smolensk.

Answer: B) Tver

18. Arrange the subjects of the Russian Federation in sequence from east to west:

A) Chechen Republic; B) Kaliningrad region; B) Perm region; D) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Answer: D) Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, C) Perm Territory, A) Chechen Republic, B) Kaliningrad Region

19. Name the sea or lake that washes the wettest (according to average annual precipitation) territory of Russia.

Answer: Black Sea

20. What is the date and time on the clock of a tourist climbing to the top of Klyuchevskaya Sopka, when his friend vacationing on the Curonian Spit has 20:00 on June 12?

21. “For the first time I saw from the distance of the sea... the entire solemn turn of its shores from Cape Fiolent to Karadag. For the first time I realized how beautiful this land is, washed by one of the most festive seas on the globe. We are approaching the shores, colored with dry and harsh colors... The vineyards were already blazing with rust, the snow-covered peaks of Chatyr-Dag and Ai-Petri were already visible.” Which peninsula did K.G. write about? Paustovsky?

Answer: Crimean peninsula.

22. In what city did M.Yu. stay? Lermontov? “I have a wonderful view from three sides. To the west, the five-domed Beshtau turns blue, like “the last cloud of a scattered storm”; Mashuk rises to the north like a shaggy Persian hat and covers the entire part of the sky; It’s more fun to look to the east: below in front of me... healing springs are rustling, a multilingual crowd is noisy, - and there, further, mountains are piled up like an amphitheater, increasingly blue and foggy, and on the edge of the horizon stretches a silver chain of snowy peaks, starting with Kazbek and ending with the double-headed Elbrus...”

Answer: Pyatigorsk

23. “...In winter, the sea winds thaw, and those blowing from the hardened land bring frosts with them, for in St. Petersburg the western wind is from the Baltic Sea, near the city of Arkhangelsk the north-west from the Bely and Norman Seas, in Okhotsk the eastern wind is from the Kamchatka Sea they breathe the thaw.” What sea M.V. Calls Lomonosov Normansky?

Answer: Barents Sea

24. “Anadyr depression. It’s very flat, and the Anadyr wags along it like a huge boa constrictor... “The Anadyr is a yellow river,” that’s how the essay can be called later. Tundra and lakes throughout the depression. It’s difficult to understand what is more: either lakes or land” (O. Kuvaev). Which sea does this river flow into?

Answer: in the Bering Sea

25. “Huge trees formed a green tent. And underneath there are dense thickets of hazel, bird cherry, honeysuckle, elderberry and other shrubs and small trees. In some places a gloomy dark spruce forest was approaching. On the outskirts of the clearing, a large pine tree spread its branches, under the shadow of which a young Christmas tree nestled... And then again birch trees, poplar with its gray trunk, rowan, linden, the forest becomes thicker and darker.” What type of Russian forest does L.M. write about? Leonov?

Answer: mixed forest