Great Pyramid of Cheops. Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu)

Scientist S.B. Proskuryakov wrote a book

"Pyramid Builders"

from the constellation Canis Major"

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"Anomaly", No. 1998(06)

Bogdanovsky A.


The work of Sergei Borisovich Proskuryakov “Builders of Pyramids from the Constellation Canis Major” was published in 1992, with a circulation of only 7,000.

Sergei Borisovich Proskuryakov managed to accurately predict two emergency situations at nuclear power plants. He indicated both the date and the place. September 19, 1994 - Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Plant in England (the material was published 28 days before the event, but a copy of the text, according to the author, was transferred to the British Embassy in Moscow on June 26, 1991) and September 8-12, 1996 - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (the forecast was published for the year). The validity of the last forecast - and these days there was a partial destruction of the sarcophagus erected over the emergency 4th power unit and the release of radionuclides - was confirmed by the Central Television of Russia in the frivolous program "Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov" after the accident.

Proskuryakov claims that all information about nuclear accidents and disasters is encrypted in the Great Pyramids of Egypt. “Pyramid Builders from the Constellation Canis Major” outlines the author’s approach to such forecasts.

The book contains material devoted to the problems of the history and archeology of the pyramids, dedicated to pyramidology.

Sergei Borisovich collected a rich collection of reports about archaeological discoveries in the pyramids of Egypt and America (reports that were published in newspapers, shown on television and voiced on the radio, starting in the 70s, for example, notes from Pravda, Izvestia, Tekhnika-Molodezhi ", as well as scientific reports from various multilingual journals).

From the book:

"Parisian A. Bovy conducted such experiments. In 1930, he constructed a wooden model of a pyramid with a base of 1 yard (0.91 m) and oriented the lower edge of this model to the north. Bovy placed a dead cat inside it. A few days later, the cat's corpse was mummified “With the same success, the scientist continued his experiments with calf brain and other organic substances, which usually rot quickly. However, when they were placed in the pyramid, they did not deteriorate or rot.”

All dimensions of the main Egyptian pyramids are grouped by Proskuryakov in a table.

Here is the “passport” for the Cheops pyramid. Base - 233x233 m. Height - 146 m (modern - 137 m).

Pyramid of Mikerin: 108.4-108.4-66.4.

INThe book also contains data for the pyramids of America.

"Atlantis Bahamas" - a complex of underwater structures "the age of which, according to radiocarbon analysis, is about 10,000 years." Proskuryakov's conclusion is as follows: 10-12 thousand years ago there were quite highly developed civilizations on Earth.

Considering in detail and calculating the pyramid construction methods reconstructed by Egyptologists, Proskuryakov tries to answer the questions:

TOHow were 2.5 million cubic meters of stone blocks weighing from 3 to 60 tons (and individual monoliths weighing up to 900 tons) delivered to the construction site and lifted to a considerable height?

Who and how polished these blocks and adjusted them to the nearest millimeter?

And he comes to a logical conclusion: with the help of a bronze chisel, a lever, a rope and “one, two, take it!” Such a colossus needs to be built not 20, but 600 years! Moreover, even modern builders with cranes and winches are unlikely to be capable of such a task. And there are 3 huge pyramids in Giza alone! Accordingly, we can only assume extraterrestrial technology.

“... cooperation between ancient Egyptian and extraterrestrial civilizations and their technical means,” writes Proskuryakov.

Another construction calculation also attracts attention. The author shows that of all the pyramids with a volume of 2.5 million cubic meters, a pyramid with the proportions of the one belonging to Cheops will be the most wind-resistant: it can withstand a lateral load of 200 tons per square meter. meter. You can’t help but catch yourself thinking: maybe we’re counting on a flood or a shock wave? nuclear explosion were they built?

In various books on Egyptology, the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid differ by 1-2 meters - measurement error plus destruction: loss of cladding, top and cornerstones. Proskuryakov, using a computer, varies the dimensions and takes the size of the base as 233.164 m and the height as 146.595 m. Then the sum of the perimeter of the base and the height gives the number 233.164x4 + 146.595 = 1079.251 m, which, accurate to the second decimal place, corresponds to one billionth of the distance, which light travels in a vacuum in 1 hour (the speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 m/s). It is easy to see that the resulting relationship does not depend on the measure of length (meters + meters = meters/hour), but depends on the measure of time (hour, or 1/24 Earth day).

In the second calculation, the author takes the side of the base equal to 233.1643981597113 m and obtains the area of ​​the base of the pyramid equal to 2 hectares, where “e” is the base of the natural logarithm. This relation already contains an explicit measure of length (meters x meters = dimensionless quantity.

Proskuryakov believes that the adoption of a purely formal metric unit - the meter, equal to 1/40,000,000 of the length of the Parisian meridian, was programmed by the development of civilization. Adopting a different value would slow down technological progress on the planet.

Next, Sergei Borisovich rounds the “adjusted” dimensions of the Pyramid to the 3rd decimal place and gets a pair of numbers: 233.164 and 146.595, which he places (intuitively) on the watch dial. This thought arose when he remembered that 200 years ago someone considered the Pyramids... a giant sundial. At the same time, with even numbers it combines the size of the base (2-3-3-1-6-4), with odd numbers it combines the height (1-6-4-5-9-5). Starts at 12 o'clock, formation clockwise.

Then - by chance - Proskuryakov decides to plot the date of the Tunguska explosion on a diagram. The idea that this phenomenon was related to nuclear ones was inspired by Kazantsev, and at the same time by the fact that 1908 was marked not only by the Tunguska explosion, but also by the presentation of the Nobel Prize to Ernest Rutherford.

The layout is as follows. The explosion occurred on June 30, 1908. 30 resembles 30 minutes, which corresponds to the bottom point of the dial. The 06th month falls at the same point - 6 o'clock on the dial. 1 on the “Egyptian circle” corresponds to the same 6 hours on the dial. The next number - 9 - on the "Egyptian circle" and on the dial coincide. There is no zero on the dial; I had to place it in the center of the circle. There is no eight on the “Egyptian circle” either, so the triangle closes at 8 on a regular dial, corresponding to the “Egyptian” six.

The diagram gave many interesting analogies with real picture. For example, the "flight path" in the diagram (north at the top): northwest, east, and epicenter. But Siegel also talks about the same trajectory!

The final point points to 8 of the dial and 6 of the Egyptian circle. And on August 6, 1945 it exploded nuclear bomb over Hiroshima.

The date of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is processed using the same method: 04/16/1986. These three dates are included in the table:

Event Date Sum of digits of the event date Vibrating digit

Flight and explosion TF 06/30/1908 27 9

Atomic bomb explosion over Hiroshima 08/06/1945 33 6

Chernobyl disaster 04/26/1986 36 9

Next guess? (33+36)-27=42 6

and calculates this "next expected": September 19, 1994. Then, through rather complex combinations and intuitive guesses that are too long for a newspaper article, he indicates the location: Great Britain, Hinkley Point.

“On that day there was a replacement of nuclear fuel, and although in some hotels in London fire alarms went off and the power supply was cut off, everything ended well, however, most likely because we did not sit idly by, but waited for a critical situation. Such replacements are made on Nuclear power plants, on average, approximately once every 5-10 years, but they can be of a far from ordinary nature, when sintering of nuclear rods takes place, which can result not only in a leak of radioactive substances, but also in an explosion. Xi would hardly have reported."

From the speech of S.B. Proskuryakova

The chain of numbers 9-6-9-6-9 (Tunguska explosion - Hiroshima - Chernobyl - Hinkley Point - Chernobyl) can occur in relation to a random set of dates with a probability of 1/9x1/6x1/9x1/6x1/9 =0.000039 , or 0.004%. Even with respect to the first three dates, which are “indisputable,” the probability of a chain occurring is 0.21%, which is equivalent to getting only “tails” ten times when flipping a coin. And diagrams impose additional requirements, further reducing the likelihood of a coincidence.

Constellation Canis Major
(from the star atlas of Jan Havelius)

Therefore, this article will present only the main general facts and figures relating to the Great Pyramid as a whole.

Date of construction and geometric dimensions

According to generally accepted opinion, the Great Pyramid was built in the 2560-2580s BC as a tomb for the reigning pharaoh of the IV dynasty, Cheops (Khufu). Despite some difficulties in explaining the possibility of its construction in the required time frame using the technology available at that time, this version is nevertheless considered the main one and has quite numerous confirmations in the form of inscriptions discovered inside the Pyramid and the Pit of the Solar Boat with it.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the largest of the Egyptian pyramids.

  • Height (today): ≈ 138.75 m
  • Height (original): ≈ 146.5 m
  • Angle: 51° 50"
  • Side length (original): 230.33 m (calculated) or about 440 Royal cubits
  • Side length (currently): about 225 m
  • The length of the sides of the base of the pyramid: south - 230.454 m; north - 230.253 m; west - 230.357 m; east - 230.394 m.
  • Foundation area (initially): ≈ 53,000 m² (5.3 ha)
  • Area of ​​the pyramid: (initially) ≈ 85,500 m²
  • Perimeter: 922 m.
  • Total volume of the pyramid without deducting the cavities inside the pyramid (initially): ≈ 2.58 million m³
  • Total volume of the pyramid, after subtracting all known cavities (initially): 2.50 million m³
  • The average size of the observed stone blocks of rough masonry: 1.27 m in width and depth, 71 cm in height (according to Petrie)
  • Average weight of rough masonry stone blocks: 2.5 t
  • The heaviest stone block of rough masonry: 15 t
  • Heaviest stone block (known; granite; above the entrance to the King's Chamber): 90 t
  • Number of blocks: about 2.5 million (provided that the pyramid is not a backfill type)
  • Estimated total weight of the pyramid: about 6.25 million tons (possibly about 6 million tons according to microgravimetry)
  • The base of the pyramid rests on a natural rocky elevation in the center (in the Grotto area) more than 9 m high.
  • Materials used in construction (from known ones): limestone from the Giza Plateau - rough masonry, Tour white limestone - interior walls, ventilation shafts and external cladding, Aswan granite - Antechamber, King's Chamber, unloading chambers (partially), plugs; Sinai - sarcophagus. Quartz sand was also found inside.
  • The pyramidion of the pyramid was not found, nor were its mounting stones.
  • The True Entrance is located traditionally, i.e., on the north side. He is the only one known.

Difference in thickness of pyramid masonry layers

Despite the fact that the pyramid is built in layers, the thickness of the layers is different and varies from 60 cm to one and a half meters.

The reasons for this are not exactly known, there are several hypotheses, the simplest one says that large blocks were laid in eras when there was an excess amount of labor for laying layers of rough masonry. Which may be connected, for example, with its release after the completion of a certain labor-intensive stage in the construction of some complex internal infrastructures or a season for the procurement of blocks, etc. The scheme requires careful analysis.

Current state of affairs and appearance after the disappearance of the cladding

The Great Pyramid now has edges concave inwards. This often becomes a reason for different theories and speculation, but it should be remembered that the structure has lost several meters of facing on each side, and the nature of its looting for stone does not give reason to believe that the original faces were not flat.

Perhaps the observed picture is simply a consequence of the most profitable extraction of stone.

Question about using the pyramid for its intended purpose

Since ancient times, the question has been acutely raised: was the Cheops pyramid used for its intended purpose? There is still no clear answer to this question. On the one hand, there is almost complete confidence that the pyramid was completely completed by the builders. On the other hand, what we see inside it, for example, is clearly not best quality a sarcophagus in the King's Chamber, an unfinished floor in the Queen's Chamber or a picture of complete incompleteness in the Underground Chamber - everything suggests that the pharaoh in these famous premises could hardly have been buried at all. Herodotus also claimed that Cheops was buried in another place, on an island surrounded on all sides by water. On the third hand, traces of obvious hacking of the plugs and dampers of the Antechamber indicate that for some reason the pyramid was carefully sealed. Official point The scientific view on this matter suggests that the burglars visited the pyramid no later than the first 500-600 years from the moment of its construction. But what they found, who they were and whether they found anything at all is completely unknown. In the volume of the Great Pyramid, the volume of all known and explored rooms is less than 1 percent, and it is already known that in addition to the explored ones, there are several unknown sealed rooms in it.

Blocks and Quarries

Egyptologists believe that the Pyramids of Giza were built from natural stone, which was quarried from three quarries. The actual construction of the pyramids is made of nummulitic limestone of the Mokattam formation. The quarries were located in close proximity to the pyramids. The lower parts of the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin were lined with granite from the Aswan quarry, which is located in Southern Egypt at a distance of 934 kilometers along the Nile (700 kilometers in a straight line). Several rows of granite cladding have been preserved at the pyramid of Mikerin. The middle and upper parts of the two large pyramids were lined with limestone from the Tours quarry, which is located on east coast Nile south of Cairo at a distance of 13-17 kilometers from the pyramids. The number of pyramid facing blocks (granite and limestone) that have reached us is relatively small. Therefore, we can simply agree that stone from the Tours and Aswan quarries was used in the construction of the pyramids. The opinion that the pyramids were built from nummulitic limestone does not fully correspond to reality. The lower rows of the pyramids are made of hard limestone from the Moqattam formation. Higher up, blocks of soft limestone, which do not contain nummulites, predominate. This is fundamental. That is, when describing the blocks of pyramids in specialized literature, it seems to remain “behind the scenes” that most of them are carved out of soft limestone.

The bottom rows of the pyramids (approximately 1-7/10 rows) are made of blocks cut from solid limestone. The first row of the Cheops pyramid (thickness 1.5 m) is carved from a layer of strong limestone, which has the greatest thickness - 1.5 m. The upper rows of the pyramids are dominated by blocks cut from soft limestone (or cast blocks indistinguishable from them - this statement requires evidence, Supervisor 03:05, 22 May 2011 (UTC)). When developing the quarry, it was necessary to fulfill one condition: the time that elapsed from the opening of soft limestones to the cutting of building blocks from them should be minimal. That is, soft limestones had to be cut into blocks before they hardened from contact with air. In addition, after cutting the soft limestone blocks, it took some time for them to harden and not crumble during transportation. The cyclical nature of quarry development meets these requirements. Its site was being developed, the area of ​​which was approximately 1.5 times larger than the area of ​​the row of blocks where the construction of the pyramid was stopped. The blocks were cut from layers of hard and soft limestone and stored “layer by layer,” that is, according to their vertical dimensions. After all the limestone had been removed from the area, its laying into the body of the pyramid began. The order of laying blocks of different thicknesses (and accordingly different weights) was determined by the ratio of labor costs for their lifting. This ensured that the rows of blocks were ranked according to their thickness.

Base of the pyramid

The rocky base of the Cheops pyramid, according to modern calculations, occupies 23% of the volume of the pyramid, or about 600,000 cubic meters. The minimum figures were obtained by determining the height of the rock in terms of an average level of 12.5 meters. But the authors of the study do not exclude the possibility of using an average height of 20 meters. In any case new geological exploration work is required to clarify these data. A revision of most old works with calculations of the stone used during construction is also required. In addition, there are estimates of 10-12% of the volume of the pyramid, which is occupied by the mortar holding the blocks together.

The directions to the north of the side faces were kept so precisely that due to the sphericity of the Earth and the colossal size of the Pyramid, its northern side turned out to be 20 cm shorter than the southern one. (the exact dimensions of the pyramid are known from the preserved pits of the supporting corner stones)


[ | Mining and geological aspect of the technology of construction of the pyramids of Giza]

[ Geological and Geomorphological study of the original hill at the base of Fourth Dynasty Egyptian monuments.]

Sergey Borisovich Proskuryakov, head Laboratory of the scientific and technological center of the association “Cosmonautics for Humanity.

“I have made for myself this radiance of yours as a ladder under my feet, along which I will go out to this mother of mine, the living uraeus on the brow of Ra...” So says one of the “Pyramid Texts” of the VI dynasty of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

In recent years, the history of Egyptology has been replete with a number of sensational discoveries and hypotheses related to the pyramids. So, at the end of 1986, a message appeared: the cladding of the pyramids was covered with heliopolymer, which, when night and day temperatures change, releases droplets of liquid that protect lateral surface from destruction. The boiling point of this liquid is about 600 degrees Celsius, and it differs from ordinary water, like the structure of diamond from the structure of graphite. In 1987, previously unknown voids were discovered in the Cheops pyramid and many previously unknown chambers in the area of ​​the Great Pyramid and the famous Sphinx.

Of the many researchers, let us remember some who tried to approach the mysteries of antiquity in an unconventional way. In 1930, the Frenchman Antoine Bovy noticed that in the pyramids the corpses of mice and cats found on the floor did not decompose. Bovey carried out an experiment: he made a wooden model of a pyramid with a base one yard (91 cm) long and placed a dead cat in it. He oriented his model from south to north so that this line ran perpendicular to the two lateral sides of the pyramid, since he remembered that the axis of the Great Pyramid along the meridian line, that is, precisely in the north-south direction, is oriented so precisely that the deviation is only 3 minutes 6 seconds. Moreover, modern scientists doubt that this is a mistake by the builders, and not a consequence of the precession of the earth’s axis over the five thousand years that have passed since the construction of the Cheops pyramid. A few days later, Bovey discovered that the cat's corpse had been mummified. He obtained the same result with other organic substances, which under normal conditions quickly decomposed.

Czech radio engineer Karel Drbal repeated Bovi's experiments. Moreover, having oriented the axis of his model exactly from north to south and placing a dull razor blade into it, he discovered that the blade had acquired its former sharpness. After careful testing, he was issued a patent for such an unusual method of sharpening razors.

New mysteries were added to the pyramids, and yet even about the method by which these ancient giants were erected, researchers could not come to an understanding unanimous opinion. In 1978, Japanese builders undertook to build a mini-pyramid 11 meters high, using an inclined plane to lift blocks to a height: among Egyptologists it was believed that the ancient Egyptians built pyramids using this method. But failure awaited the builders of the 20th century pyramid: they had to complete it with the help of modern mechanisms. After which the book “How the Pyramids Were Not Built” was published. A new boom of hypotheses followed.

But let's do simple calculations ourselves for the construction of the Cheops pyramid. Initial data: height - 146.6 meters, construction time - 20 years, 3 months a year, volume of masonry of the body itself - 2.5 million cubic meters, average weight of one block - 2.5 tons. The lifting method is an inclined plane at an angle of 15 degrees, which we will conditionally consider implemented. Working ten hours a day and lifting one block at a time, each person's speed should have been about 9 meters per second. Even if you lift 20 blocks at a time, then in one second over a distance of one meter it is necessary to move 1.1 tons of material, which is only possible with modern mechanisms with their exceptional reliability. And Egyptologists say: during the era of the construction of the pyramids, the Egyptians had only bronze and copper tools.

So how were the pyramids built? Alas, even in the texts of the ancient Egyptians, of whom about four million are now known, there is no answer to this question. And although there have been many intriguing legends around the Cheops pyramid since time immemorial, UNESCO at one time considered pyramidology one of the most unpromising sciences.

But this verdict did not take into account one thing - pyramidology originated in the nineteenth century, when there were no computers. we started in 1978. At my disposal was an electronic keyboard computer "Iskra-127", which had 16 decimal places, a program and nine memory bits. That was enough, but where to start? And suddenly I remembered how, back in school, our mathematics teacher B. Krichenov said: “The parameters of the Solar system are encrypted in the Cheops pyramid.”

And here is one of the eloquent examples of the same Cheops pyramid. Engineer A.A. Vasiliev, who also put forward his own hypothesis about its construction, clarified the angle of elevation of the Great Gallery in this way: if the vertical length of the stick is one meter, and horizontally perpendicular - two, then the tangent of one half corresponds to an angle of 26 degrees 34 minutes.

One and two are the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, the tangent of one and two and the calculated angle are at the level of developed geometry, already an order of magnitude higher. What next? Unfortunately, the Moscow researcher did not notice that the following information is related to the latest advances in genetics and is assessed Nobel Prize: 26 degrees is the elevation angle of the DNA helix, and 34 angstroms is the length of its period. How can one not believe the legends about the miracles of the Great Pyramid after this?!

The sides of its base differ from each other in length by 15-20 centimeters. This is considered to be a consequence of a construction error. If space aliens were involved in the miracle, they could have avoided it. So, maybe this mistake is deliberate, so that it can be noticed and analyzed? This is where our Iskra really came in handy. The machine counted each side of the square base with an accuracy of the 16th digit, but they differ from each other by only 0.83 millimeters! Each of these values, alone or in combination with the height that the machine gave as 146.595 meters, carries extremely accurate information that was incomprehensible to the ancient Egyptians.

The computer told us that the optimal value for all four sides is 233,164 millimeters. And then we suddenly came to simple solution, which is based on twelve digits: the above-mentioned 146,595 and 233,164 - in millimeters, that is, in the metric system of measures. It took a lot of courage to proclaim the existence of the metric system in Ancient Egypt.

The question then became what to do next with these twelve digits and why preference should be given. Encrypted? But by whom? The ancient Egyptians, according to the encyclopedia, knew only fractions with a numerator equal to one and, as an exception, the fraction 2/3. With this level of knowledge, it is unthinkable to encrypt the parameters of the solar system. So, maybe this is a code for star aliens? It has been said more than once that they were involved in the creation of the pyramids at Giza. But we need a concrete solution and evidence. Where to look in this case for the starting point and are we even able to get to the essence of the code of representatives of higher civilizations?

However, why not? It is known that the genetic code of all living organisms on Earth - from microbes to humans - is the same. And the distance between the first and second is perhaps even greater than between us and an extraterrestrial civilization. It is logical in this case to assume that the basis of thinking in a more highly developed civilization is similar to ours.

Rice. 1. On the “Isis clock” there is a diagram of the number “pi” to the tenth digit (pi = 3.141592653) with the transition to “pi” to the power “pi” (36.4). It is built in the form of four different triangles, the vertices of which are connected in a clockwise direction.

Rice. 2. Diagram of the Cheops cosmic pyramid on the “clock of Isis.” It is built on the basis of two triangles, at the base of which the number of parsecs from Sirius to the Sun is 2.66 and the number of light years in one parsec is 3.26.

Storming the information stronghold of the Great Pyramid Fig. 2. Diagram of the Cheops cosmic pyramid on the “clock of Isis”. It is built on the basis of two triangles, at the base of which the number of parsecs from Sirius to the Sun is 2.66 and the number of light years in one parsec is 3.26.

The storming of the information stronghold of the Great Pyramid with just such a number of them. On last question the answer was quite convincing: there are 12 constellations of the zodiac in the sky, we have 12 hours of day and night, the year has been divided into 12 months since the times of the ancient Egyptians... And yet: how to translate our original twelve digits into some new and simple system?

Pyramid researcher M. Cotsworth mentioned that two and a half centuries ago it was suspected that the pyramid was a giant sundial. Eureka! What if... we place our new twelve digits inside a regular hour dial?! But how to do this in the most logical way - to form a new “clock of Isis”?

The answer came literally two or three hours later: we crossed both six-digit numbers like fingers. With the even numbers of a regular dial, starting from 12 o’clock, they combined the designation of the length of the side of the base of the pyramid, that is, 2-3-3-1-6-4; and with odd numbers, starting from 1 o’clock - the height of the pyramid, that is, 1-4-6-5-9-5. Extremely simple and clear. But how to prove that this is the only correct option out of 14,968,800 possible? Yet three years later such evidence was found. But more on that later.

So, it turned out that our “Egyptian circle” is made up of seven different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9, where five of them - 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 - are repeated twice. Moreover, the sum of all twelve is equal to the square of the number of distinct ones: seven squared equals forty-nine. Seven different... Isn't this the answer to the mysterious great seven - a sacred number in the vast majority of religions of ancient peoples?

Today, based on our “Clock of Isis,” about forty different diagrams have been constructed, some of truly fantastic content. To exclude their arbitrary interpretations, special construction rules and criteria have been developed to confirm reliability. Approximately 500 new mathematical relationships were obtained.

Here are the main findings. The Giza pyramid complex was built according to a single project of a highly developed civilization. The relationship between the main parameters of structures is based on fundamental quantities: “pi”, “e” - base natural logarithms- 2.7182..., “F” is the proportion of the golden section - 1.618, and 108 is the universal constant of the Solar system. A similar connection exists in the ratios of the parameters of Sirius A, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. All measurements are based on “pi” - the metric decimal system, where the metric and the number are one, like space and time.

The fact that the architect of the complex is a representative of the constellation Canis Major is evidenced, in particular, by the cosmic diagram of the Cheops pyramid in the “hours of Isis”, as well as the value of the total volume of the three large pyramids - 5132 thousand cubic meters, where 5 - total number celestial bodies of this system, 1 - Sirius A, 3 - Sirius - a triple star system (Sirius A, B and C), 2 - the number of satellites of Sirius C.

In the full geometric volume of the Cheops pyramid - 2,656,567 cubic meters - the unity of the micro- and macrocosm is encrypted, since 2,656,567 = 137x19,391, where 137 is the fine structure constant, the fundamental principle of classical physics, and 19,391 is the parsec constant. The latter quantity is expressed by a new formula and was introduced into the lexicon of astronomy for the first time.

All in all geometric construction pyramids in Giza, in their grouping 4-2-4 the planetary structure of the Solar system is encrypted: the terrestrial group, the giants Jupiter and Saturn and the planets most distant from the Sun, including unknown planet"X", the individual parameters of which are predicted.

The Sphinx represents the Sun. This coincides with the opinion of Herbert Rike and Lehner, famous Egyptologists. The architect Hemiun himself is depicted in the appearance of the Great Sphinx. Thus, the pharaoh’s mummy apparently rests under the Cheops pyramid at a depth of 25.7 meters.

In addition, based on a mathematical model, a new definition has been given to the word PYRAMID - a giant hierarchical ladder consisting of four fundamental steps of the basis of the universe and existence: Space - solar system- Earth - dying, which on a cosmic scale is personified by Sirius A - Sun - Earth - Moon. This definition is confirmed by evidence from five various options, including a variant decoding of an Egyptian fresco depicting a pyramid.

And yet again, why was preference given to the Sirius system? Of course, the starting point was the legends and the unusually developed cult of Sirius in Ancient Egypt. According to one legend, the construction of the pyramids in Giza was led by the god of wisdom, the god of the Moon - Thoth, who allegedly flew from Sirius. Sirius himself was personified by the goddess Isis, after whom our new watch is named. And here’s what’s even more surprising: when we laid out the numbers of the double dial of the “Clock of Isis” in the Cartesian coordinate system, we received an image reminiscent of the shape of the constellation Canis Major. Moreover, Sirius A - alpha Canis Major on this graph is located slightly below the “throat of the dog”, which corresponds to the image of this constellation on maps since ancient times. The location of the Sun relative to Sirius on the scale of the diagram also converges - nine on the ordinate axis, from which to point Sirius A is 8.6716 light years.

What is the probability of accidentally constructing our diagrams on the “clock of Isis”? Even theoretically, it is negligible taking into account the agreed rules and criteria, but in practice it is completely excluded. Employees of the number theory laboratory of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR, who were previously familiar with my developments, invited me at the beginning of 1989 to one of their meetings. Previously, the head of the laboratory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor V.I. Berdnik, told me over the phone: if we get a probability equal to one-half, you are beaten, one-hundredth, you win. However, having personally performed calculations under the most stringent restrictions in the presence of other specialists, the professor received only one billionth after which the question was settled. This confirmed our proof of the existence of a highly developed civilization previously on Earth.

The only one of the 7 wonders of the world that has survived to this day is the Pyramid of Cheops, or the Pyramid of Khufu, as the Egyptians themselves call it, unlike the rest of the world, which uses the Greek pronunciation of the name of the pharaoh.

To fully understand how far from us are those times when the Cheops Pyramid was built, one only has to think that for contemporaries of the other six wonders of the world, the Great Pyramid of Giza was so old that they no longer knew the answer to its mystery.

Despite the fact that the largest pyramid in the world is more than four thousand years old, it has been quite well preserved to this day. Today excursions to Egyptian pyramids can be ordered from almost any hotel in Cairo.

History and construction of the Great Pyramid of Cheops

It is believed that a certain Hemion, the nephew and vizier of the pharaoh, and, by extension, also a court architect, was involved in bringing the royal ambitions to life. The Pyramid of Cheops was built around 2540 BC, and its construction began twenty years earlier - somewhere in 2560 BC.

More than two million huge stones were needed to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. The largest blocks weighed several tens of tons. For the structure weighing 6.4 million tons, so that it does not sink underground under its own weight, strong rocky soil was chosen. Granite blocks were delivered from a quarry that was located 1000 km away. Scientists still cannot find the answer to the question of how these stones were transported and how the Cheops pyramid was built

The purpose of the tallest pyramid in Ancient Egypt also causes a lot of controversy. According to the most common opinion, this is really the tomb of Cheops (the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty of rulers) and members of his family. But nevertheless, discussions around the mystery of the pyramid do not subside. For example, from the point of view of some astronomers, some kind of observatory was equipped here, since the ventilation ducts and corridors point with amazing accuracy to the stars Sirius, Thuban, and Alnitak. It is also interesting that during the construction of the Cheops pyramid, the coordinates of the Earth’s magnetic poles were also taken into account.

Geometry and description of the pyramid of Khufu

The dimensions of the Cheops pyramid are surprising even modern man. Its base occupies a huge area of ​​53 thousand square meters. square meters, which is equivalent to ten football fields. Other parameters are no less striking: the length of the base is 230 m, the length of the side edge is the same, and the area of ​​the side surface is 85.5 thousand square meters.

Now the height of the Cheops pyramid is 138 meters, but initially it reached 147 meters, which can be compared to a fifty-story skyscraper. The years have left their mark on the safety of the pyramid. Numerous earthquakes over thousands of years collapsed the stone top of the structure, and the smooth stone with which the outer walls were lined crumbled. And yet, the interior of the attraction, despite many robberies and vandals, remained virtually unchanged.

The entrance to the pyramid, located on the north, was originally at a height of almost 16 meters and was sealed with a granite plug. Now tourists get inside through a huge gap made ten meters below, left in 1820 by the Arabs led by Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun, who attempted to find treasures supposedly hidden here.

Inside the Cheops pyramid there are three tombs, located one above the other. The lowest, unfinished underground chamber is located at the base of the rock. Above it are the burial chambers of the queen and pharaoh, to which the rising Great Gallery leads. Those who built the pyramid created a complex system of corridors and shafts, the plan of which is still being studied by scientists. Egyptologists have put forward a whole theory of understanding the afterlife of people of that time. These arguments explain the secret doors and other design features.

For how many years now has the Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops in Giza, as well as Great Sphinx, is in no hurry to reveal all his secrets. For tourists, it remains the most striking attraction of Egypt. It is impossible to fully comprehend the secrets of its corridors, shafts and ventilation ducts. Only one thing is clear: the Great Pyramid is the fruit of a brilliant design idea.

  • There are many opinions about when the Cheops pyramid was built and who did it. The most original assumptions are various versions of construction completed long before the Flood by civilizations that did not survive it, as well as hypotheses about alien creators.
  • Despite the fact that no one knows the exact time when the Pyramid of Cheops was built, in Egypt the date of the start of its construction is officially celebrated - August 23, 2560 BC.
  • The latest excavations, carried out at the beginning of the 21st century, indicate that the work of the pyramid builders was difficult, but at the same time they were well cared for. They had a high-calorie diet of meat and fish and comfortable sleeping places. Many Egyptologists are of the opinion that they were not even slaves.
  • Studying the ideal proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza, scientists came to the conclusion that already in those days the ancient Egyptians knew very well what the golden ratio was and actively used its principle when creating a drawing.

  • There are no decorative paintings or historical inscriptions inside the Cheops pyramid, except small portrait in the passage to the queen's chamber. There is not even any evidence that the pyramid even belonged to Pharaoh Khufu.
  • For three millennia before 1300, the Great Pyramid was the tallest man-made structure on the planet, until a taller one was built. cathedral in Lincoln.
  • The heaviest stone block used in the construction of the pyramid weighs 35 tons and is placed above the entrance to the pharaoh's burial chamber.
  • Before the Vandal Arab invasion of Egypt, the outer slabs of the Cairo pyramid were so carefully polished that in the light of the moon they emitted a mysterious shimmer, and in the rays of the sun their cladding shone with a soft peach light.
  • To study rooms that are difficult for humans to reach, scientists used a special robot.
  • From 6 to 10 thousand tourists visit the pyramids every day, and about 3 million per year.

Useful information for tourists

Currently, in the museum on the south side of the pyramid you can get acquainted with exhibits that were found during excavations and in the pyramid itself. There is an opportunity to see a restored unique cedar boat (the Solar Boat), which was built by the ancient Egyptians. You can also buy souvenirs here. And the next viewing point on the territory will be the Great Sphinx.

In the evenings, a sound and light show is shown in Giza: alternating spotlight illumination of local attractions is accompanied by a fascinating story, including in Russian and English.

Opening hours of the Giza Museum complex

  • daily from 8.00 to 17.00;
  • in winter - until 16.30;
  • during Ramadan - until 15.00.

Ticket prices

  • entrance ticket to the Giza zone for foreigners - $8;
  • entrance to the Cheops pyramid - $16;
  • inspection of the Solar Boat - $7.

For children and students, prices are usually two times lower.

  • To visit the Cheops Pyramid, only 300 tickets are sold per day: 150 at 8.00 and 150 at 13.00.
  • It is best to go to the pyramids in the morning to grab a ticket and protect yourself from the midday heat.
  • The entrance to the pyramid is very low, you will have to walk 100 meters bent over, and it is also very dry, hot and slightly dusty inside. Water is not recommended for people suffering from claustrophobia, diseases of the respiratory tract and heart.
  • Photo and video shooting is prohibited inside. As for photographs against the backdrop of the Great Pyramid, it is better not to give your camera into the wrong hands, as there are frequent cases of theft.
  • Take photos of the Cheops pyramid (as well as other pyramids) better in the morning or in the evening when the sun is not shining too brightly, otherwise the image will turn out flat.
  • Climbing the pyramid is strictly prohibited.
  • For local residents tourists are the main and often the only source of income, so you will constantly be offered to buy something. Therefore, think carefully about whether you need certain offers, and in any case, be sure to bargain. Give tips only to those who truly deserve them.
  • Be careful: there are a lot of pickpockets around.

How to get to the Cheops pyramid

Address: Egypt, Cairo, El Giza district, El Haram street

Getting there from Cairo:

  • By metro (line No. 2) - to Giza station. Then transfer to bus No. 900 or No. 997 and drive along Al-Haram avenue for 15-20 minutes.
  • By bus No. 355 and No. 357 from the airport and Heliopolis. It runs every 20 minutes.
  • Take a taxi to Al-Haram.

From Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh: by tourist bus or taxi.

Pyramid of Cheops on the map of Cairo

The only 7 wonders of the world that have survived to this day is the Pyramid of Cheops, or the Pyramid of Khufu, as the Egyptians themselves call it, unlike the rest of the world, which uses the Greek pronunciation of the name of the pharaoh.

To fully realize how far from us are those times when the Cheops pyramid was built, one only has to think that for contemporaries of the other six wonders of the world Veli..." />

During the construction of the most grandiose monument of antiquity, the Pyramid of Cheops, more than one year was spent and involved huge amount slaves, many of whom died on construction sites. This was the opinion of the ancient Greeks, among them Herodotus, one of the first historians who described this grandiose structure in detail.

But modern scientists do not agree with this opinion and argue: many free Egyptians wanted to work on construction sites - when agricultural work ended, it was an excellent opportunity to earn extra money (here they provided food, clothing and housing).

For any Egyptian, participating in the construction of a tomb for their ruler was a duty and a matter of honor, since each of them hoped that he would also be touched by a piece of pharaonic immortality: it was believed that the Egyptian ruler had the right not only to life after death, but could also take with him their loved ones (usually they were buried in tombs adjacent to the pyramid).

Ordinary people, however, were not destined to go to the afterlife - the exception was slaves and servants, who were buried with the ruler. But everyone had the right to hope - and therefore, when the housework ended, throughout many years the Egyptians rushed to Cairo, to the rocky plateau.

The Pyramid of Cheops (or as it was also called, Khufu) is located near Cairo, on the Giza plateau, on the left side of the Nile, and is the largest tomb located there. This tomb is the tallest pyramid on our planet; it took many years to build and has a non-standard layout. A rather interesting fact is that during the autopsy, the ruler’s body was not found in it.

For many years now, it has been exciting the minds of researchers and admirers of Egyptian culture, who ask themselves the question: were ancient people able to build such a structure and is the pyramid not the work of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations who erected it for only one clear purpose?

The fact that this tomb of stunning size almost immediately entered the list of the ancient seven wonders of the world does not surprise anyone: the size of the Cheops pyramid is amazing, and this, despite the fact that over the past millennia it has become smaller, and scientists cannot determine the exact proportions of the Cheops pyramid condition, since its edges and surfaces were dismantled for their needs by more than one generation of Egyptians:

  • The height of the pyramid is about 138 m (interestingly, in the year it was built, it was eleven meters higher);
  • The foundation has a square shape, the length of each side is about 230 meters;
  • The foundation area is about 5.4 hectares (thus, the five largest cathedrals of our planet will fit on it);
  • The length of the foundation along the perimeter is 922 m.

Construction of the pyramid

If earlier scientists believed that the construction of the Cheops pyramid took the Egyptians about twenty years, in our time, Egyptologists, having studied the records of the priests in more detail, and, taking into account the parameters of the pyramid, as well as the fact that Cheops ruled for about fifty years, refuted this fact and came to I conclude that it took at least thirty, and maybe even forty, years to build it.

Despite the fact that the exact date of construction of this grandiose tomb is unknown, it is believed that it was built by order of Pharaoh Cheops, who allegedly reigned from 2589 to 2566 BC. e., and his nephew and vizier Hemion was responsible for the construction work, using latest technologies of its time, over the solution of which many scientific minds have been struggling for many centuries. He approached the matter with all care and meticulousness.

Preparation for construction

More than 4 thousand workers were involved in the preliminary work, which took about ten years. It was necessary to find a place for construction, the soil of which would be strong enough to support a structure of this scale - so the decision was made to stop on a rocky site near Cairo.

To level the site, the Egyptians, using stones and sand, built a waterproof square shaft. They cut out channels intersecting at right angles in the shaft, and the construction site began to resemble a large chessboard.

After this, water was released into the trenches, with the help of which the builders determined the height of the water level and made the necessary notches on the side walls of the channels, after which the water was released. The workers cut down all the stones that were above the water level, after which the trenches were filled with stones, thus creating the foundation of the tomb.

Works with stone

The building material for the tomb was obtained from a quarry located on the other side of the Nile. To obtain a block of the required size, the stone was cut from the rock and hewn to the required size - from 0.8 to 1.5 m. Although on average one stone block weighed about 2.5 tons, the Egyptians also made heavier specimens, for example, the heaviest the block that was installed above the entrance to the “Pharaoh’s Room” weighed 35 tons.

Using thick ropes and levers, the builders secured the block on wooden runners and dragged it along a deck of logs to the Nile, loaded it onto a boat and transported it across the river. And then they again dragged it along the logs to the construction site, after which the most difficult stage began: the huge block had to be pulled to the very top platform of the tomb. How exactly they did this and what technologies they used is one of the mysteries of the Cheops pyramid.

One of the versions proposed by scientists implies the following option. Along a 20 m wide brick rise located at an angle, the block lying on skids was pulled upward with the help of ropes and levers, where it was placed in a clearly designated place. The higher the Cheops pyramid became, the longer and steeper the climb became, and the upper platform became smaller - so it became more and more difficult and dangerous to lift the boulders.

The workers had the hardest time when it was necessary to install the “pyramidon” - the topmost block 9 meters high (not preserved to this day). Since the huge boulder had to be lifted almost vertically, the work turned out to be deadly, and many people died at this stage of the work. As a result, the Cheops pyramid, after construction was completed, had more than 200 steps leading up and looked like a huge stepped mountain.

In total, it took the ancient Egyptians at least twenty years to build the body of the pyramid. The work on the “box” was not finished yet - they still had to lay them with stones and make sure that the outer parts of the blocks became more or less smooth. And at the final stage, the Egyptians completely lined the pyramid from the outside with slabs of white limestone polished to a shine - and it sparkled in the sun like a huge shiny crystal.

The slabs have not survived to this day on the pyramid: the inhabitants of Cairo, after the Arabs plundered their capital (1168), used them in the construction of new houses and temples (some of them can be seen on mosques today).

Drawings on the pyramid

Interesting fact: the outer side of the pyramid body is covered with curvilinear grooves of different sizes. If you look at them from a certain angle, you can see the image of a man 150 m high (possibly a portrait of one of the ancient gods). This drawing is not alone: ​​on the northern wall of the tomb one can also distinguish a man and a woman with their heads bowed to each other.

Scientists claim that these Egyptians made the grooves several years before they finished building the pyramid body and installed the top stone. True, the question remains open: why did they do this, because the slabs with which the pyramid was subsequently decorated hid these portraits.

What the Great Pyramid looked like from the inside

A detailed study of the Cheops Pyramid showed that, contrary to popular belief, there are practically no inscriptions or any other decorations inside the tomb, except for a small portrait in the corridor leading to the Queen's Room.

The entrance to the tomb is located on the north side at a height exceeding fifteen meters. After burial, it was closed with a granite plug, so tourists get inside through a gap located about ten meters below - it was cut down by the Caliph of Baghdad Abdullah al-Mamun (820 AD) - the man who first entered the tomb with the aim of robbing it. The attempt failed because he found nothing here except a thick layer of dust.

The Cheops Pyramid is the only pyramid where there are corridors leading both down and up. The main corridor first goes down, then branches into two tunnels - one leads down to the unfinished funeral chamber, the second leads up, first to Large gallery, from which you can get to the Queen’s Room and the main tomb.

From central entrance through the tunnel leading down (its length is 105 meters), you can get into the burial pit located below ground level, the height of which is 14 m, width - 8.1 m, height - 3.5 m. Inside the room, near the southern wall, Egyptologists a well was discovered, the depth of which is about three meters (a narrow tunnel stretches from it to the south, leading to a dead end).

Researchers believe that this particular room was originally intended for the crypt of Cheops, but then the pharaoh changed his mind and decided to build a tomb higher for himself, so this room remained unfinished.

You can also get to the unfinished funeral room from the Great Gallery - at its very entrance a narrow, almost vertical shaft 60 meters high begins. Interestingly, in the middle of this tunnel there is a small grotto (most likely of natural origin, since it is located at the point of contact between the stonework of the pyramid and a small hump of limestone), which could accommodate several people.

According to one hypothesis, the architects took this grotto into account when designing the pyramid and initially intended it to evacuate builders or priests who were completing the “sealing” ceremony of the central passage leading to the tomb of the pharaoh.

The Pyramid of Cheops has another mysterious room with an unclear purpose - the “Queen's Chamber” (like the lowest room, this room is not completed, as evidenced by the floor, on which they began to lay tiles, but did not complete the work).

This room can be reached by first going down the corridor 18 meters from the main entrance, and then going up a long tunnel (40 m). This room is the smallest of all, located in the very center of the pyramid, has an almost square shape (5.73 x 5.23 m, height - 6.22 m), and a niche is built into one of its walls.

Despite the fact that the second burial pit is called the “queen’s room,” the name is a misnomer, since the wives of Egyptian rulers were always buried in separate small pyramids (there are three such tombs near the tomb of the pharaoh).

Previously, it was not easy to get into the “Queen’s Chamber”, because at the very beginning of the corridor that led to the Great Gallery, three granite blocks were installed, disguised with limestone - so it was previously believed that this room did not exist. Al-Mamunu guessed about its presence and, being unable to remove the blocks, hollowed out a passage in the softer limestone (this passage is still in use today).

It is not known exactly at what stage of construction the plugs were installed, and therefore there are several hypotheses. According to one of them, they were installed even before the funeral, during construction work. Another claims that they were not there at all in this place before, and they appeared here after the earthquake, rolling down from the Great Gallery, where they were installed after the funeral of the ruler.

Another secret of the Cheops pyramid is that exactly where the plugs are located, there are not two, as in other pyramids, but three tunnels - the third is a vertical hole (though no one knows where it leads, since granite blocks with no one has moved the seats yet).

You can get to the tomb of the pharaoh through the Great Gallery, which is almost 50 meters long. It is a continuation of the upward corridor from the main entrance. Its height is 8.5 meters, with the walls narrowing slightly at the top. In front of the tomb of the Egyptian ruler there is a “hallway” - the so-called Antechamber.

From the Antechamber, a hole leads to the “Pharaoh's Chamber,” built from monolithic polished granite blocks, in which there is an empty sarcophagus made from a red piece of Aswan granite. (interesting fact: scientists have not yet found any traces or evidence that there was a burial here).

Apparently, the sarcophagus was brought here even before construction began, since its dimensions did not allow it to be placed here after the completion of construction work. The length of the tomb is 10.5 m, width – 5.4 m, height – 5.8 m.

The biggest mystery of the Cheops pyramid (as well as its feature) is its 20 cm wide shafts, which scientists call ventilation ducts. They start inside the two upper rooms, first go horizontally, and then go out at an angle.

While these channels in the Pharaoh’s room are through, in the “Queen’s Chambers” they begin only at a distance of 13 cm from the wall and do not reach the surface at the same distance (at the same time, at the top they are closed with stones with copper handles, the so-called “Ganterbrink doors”). .

Despite the fact that some researchers suggest that these were ventilation ducts (for example, they were intended to prevent workers from suffocating during work due to the lack of oxygen), most Egyptologists are still inclined to think that these narrow channels had religious significance and were able to prove that they were built taking into account the location of astronomical bodies. The presence of canals may well be related to the Egyptian belief about the gods and souls of the dead who live in the starry sky.

At the foot of the Great Pyramid there are several underground structures - in one of them, archaeologists (1954) found the oldest ship on our planet: a wooden cedar boat disassembled into 1224 parts, the total length of which when assembled was 43.6 meters (apparently , it was on it that the pharaoh had to go to the Kingdom of the Dead).

Is this tomb Cheops?

Over the past few years, Egyptologists have increasingly questioned the fact that this pyramid was actually intended for Cheops. This is evidenced by the fact that there is absolutely no decoration in the burial chamber.

The pharaoh's mummy was not found in the tomb, and the sarcophagus itself, in which it was supposed to be located, was not completed by the builders: it was hewn rather roughly, and the lid was completely missing. These interesting facts make it possible for fans of theories of the alien origin of this grandiose structure to claim that the pyramid was built by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, using technologies unknown to science and for a purpose incomprehensible to us.