What beautiful words to congratulate a girl. The most original and beautiful birthday greetings to a girl

Tenderness, beauty, sincerity. All this is about you! I wish you not to look for new qualities, but to develop these! Let them only become stronger and brighter over the years! Yours best qualities very much depend on age - every year become even more tender, beautiful, sincere!

My dear, beloved, desired, one and only! Congratulations on such a wonderful holiday like this! I want to wish you to remain as extraordinary, beautiful, cheerful, gentle, kind and sympathetic, not only on this day, but always! I love you, give warmth to people and be the same good person!

Today is the most beautiful, the most bright holiday– It’s my girlfriend’s birthday. I sincerely congratulate you, my joy, on this joyful event. May every day give you only pleasant moments, may all your dreams come true. I wish you good health, my love, all the best, prosperity and prosperity. May your home be a full cup, may luck always accompany you. I wish you all the brightest, purest, most beautiful things in life. May fate be favorable to you. Good luck and success to you, dear.

Eat famous stories love, about which the whole world talks, about which novels are written... Beloved, even if our life is not full of adventures and adventures, but I have you - my only one, and for me our relationship is the most magical love story of all time! On your birthday, I will say “I love” to you again and kiss you tenderly, look into your eyes... Be happy, my love!

Let fanfares always thunder in your soul, despite your calendar age. May your life shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and be filled only with positive events. My dear friend, be happy and loved.

Happy birthday! I wish that your life will always be beautiful, filled with hope and prosperity, the smiles of friends, the delight of fans and the loyalty of loved ones, dreams and the ease of their fulfillment! I also wish you extraordinary luck, dizziness from success, intoxication from happiness and love!

There are many flowers on earth, but they cannot compare with you, my best flower! Stay as sweet and amazing for many years to come. Let the light of your kindness and warmth illuminate life and make it joyful! Giving a holiday to your loved ones, be always happy! I wish you health, success everywhere and in everything, respect and prosperity! My love and devotion will become your faithful and reliable support. Have a cloudless birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved girlfriend

Dear birthday girl! We wish you to have the best cosmetics in the world. But let it gather dust in the far corner. After all, you are always beautiful and attractive. May you be surrounded by people like you throughout your life wonderful people, like you yourself. Your smile suits you so well. Give it to everyone - and the world will kneel before you. Happy birthday!

Darling, I thank fate for sending me such a wonderful gift as you. I wish that fate sends you no less wonderful gifts and that there are a lot of them in your life. I wish you never to lose heart and may your luxurious smile always please those around you. Happy birthday.

My beloved and the best girl in the world, I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday. I wish all your dreams come true. All the best to you, my sunshine, prosperity and all the best. Let the brightest guiding star illuminates your path in life. May the Lord take all sorrows away from you, and may the fair breeze of good luck always accompany you through life. Be loved and desired, beautiful and young, let the melody of spring always sound in your soul. May fate be favorable.

My beloved! On your birthday, I want to congratulate you and give you several gifts, including my heart, which belongs to you entirely! I am happy that next to me is the same girl for whom I want to perform feats and pluck stars from the sky! Enjoy life, don’t be sad, smile sincerely, and I will always be by your side!

I know that I was very lucky that I met you once. I wish you eternal joy in your soul, a wonderful mood and smile more, because your smile makes my day happy. I love you and every day spent next to you is the best day of my life.

Happy birthday to a lovely girl. I wish you to use your full potential to achieve your desired goals, confidently strive upward and never stop there. May good luck accompany you in all your affairs and endeavors, and may success not leave you even for a second. Be happy!

Happy birthday! I wish you joy - going through life with a wide smile and a great mood. More pleasant surprises and wonderful impressions, health, prosperity, perfection. Remain forever beautiful, slim and truly satisfied and happy girl without any personal or life complexes.

Honey, happy birthday! I wish you true female happiness, an ocean of all-consuming love, a positive attitude in life, so that depression cannot creep anywhere near. May your impeccable smile, glowing with happiness, never leave your charming face.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl, touching words

I would really like to wish you today that constant luck, unbridled fun and a strong mind become your true friends. With these companions you will find a way out of any situation, you will find happiness, joy and love. May you be accompanied by a wonderful husband, with whom you will become more and more beautiful every day! Happy birthday!

Love is when two souls merge into one. And therefore, when it’s your birthday, it means mine too. Therefore, on such a day, I wish you everything as I wish myself. We wish you happiness and prosperity. Happy birthday.

I wish you to be more beautiful than a mountain diamond, more beautiful than a hard-earned dream. Let even when you happen to cry, your happiness multiplies 10 times. I wish you never to forget that everything unattainable is achievable. Happy birthday.

Every moment is wonderful with you. I am very glad that fate gave me such a royal gift. You are worthy only of admiration, you are the girl of my dreams. Today is your most joyful day - your birthday. I congratulate you on this holiday with all my heart. Wish good health, long and happy years life. May life be pure, like spring water, may luck accompany you throughout life. All the best to you, my love, good news, a lot of joy and all the best.

Beautiful, kind girl Congratulations on the holiday. We wish you love in your personal life, a career in the workplace, and success in all your endeavors. Be as attractive, feminine, charming, affectionate and cheerful. All flowers and gifts are only in your honor. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to an incredible, beautiful, affectionate and caring girl. May success in your life be simply stunning, happiness only amazing, and life wonderful. Let joy, a smile and the twinkle in your eyes become daily attributes of your life. All the best to you!

Birthday is the happiest day of the year! I wish you never be afraid of failures, always feel loved, always remain as sensitive and open girl, always look impeccable and be the happiest!

Next to you, the stars fade, roses shed their petals, the sun hides its rays, because your beauty is divine. We wish everyone to be able to see behind the unusually beautiful wrapper a mysterious, but no less chic, soul. Your presence is already happiness. We wish that life brings you only pleasant surprises and gifts.

Happy birthday greetings to a girl with sincere words

May this holiday last a lifetime. We wish you to always feel needed and loved. Let there be only sincerity and mutual understanding in your life. Joy and comfort in whatever you encounter. Happy birthday!

Let your guiding star be a faithful compass on your path. May your experience become richer every day. Just know that everything impossible is possible and all dreams will immediately become reality. Happy Birthday, smile. You are beautiful.

You are my dear, unique, I am fabulously lucky in my life with you. You are the girl of my dreams, you are the sweetest in the world, only with you I feel the most happy man on the ground. Today is your birthday. May this bright holiday bring you a lot of joy and happiness. May your cherished dream certainly come true, may only good news fill your life. All the best to you, dear, prosperity and prosperity. Let my love be a reliable talisman for you, my beloved.

For my beloved's birthday, I prepared a lush bouquet of royal flowers - roses. But the tenderness of their petals cannot be compared with your skin, and their freshness cannot be compared with your freshness and beauty! And yet accept flowers as a sign of my love! May a smile always play on your lips, may mischievous stars always sparkle in your eyes! Be happy, queen of my heart!

Happy birthday good girl and a great beauty and smart girl. I wish you never to grow old, either in body or soul, but always remain as sweet, attractive, light and cheerful. May every day give you something new, and may fate prepare many incredible surprises.

Happy birthday! I wish you to live like a king, so that even the smallest little thing brings you pleasant emotions and sensations. True love for you, all-consuming and unshakable, unexpected surprises and wonderful moments of happiness with dear people. Abundance in everything and fresh, bright beginnings in life.

Happy Birthday! We wish you beauty, blossoms, love! Age is not a hindrance for a woman. The main thing is sparkles in the eyes, a good mood and a radiant smile. Dear, look at life with optimism, and it will bring you many more joyful moments.

Let your husband do at least a little for you - gives you gifts, feeds you, helps clean the apartment while you do your manicure, puts the children to bed while we chat on the phone, irons your dresses while you choose lipstick to match, buys you huge bouquets for the fact that you do everything for him - you give him your big, pure, sincere and bright love! rating: 37 ↓

I wish you good job- in six days! A good salary - so that after shopping there is still a lot of money left! A good guy - simply perfect! Girlfriends are the type who are always ready for adventure! Congratulations! 30 ↓

I wish you to enjoy every day you live, appreciate what you have and strive to achieve your most cherished goals! Let everything that is planned work out, let everything you dream about come true! All the magical roads of life are open to you, and I am sure that you will be able to choose the right one and walk it beautifully! 62 ↓ - Congratulations to the girl in your own words

Let your life be like a luxury yacht sailing on a beautiful river! Let the people around you be the coolest and happiest! I wish you to live happily and get only pleasure from life! 35 ↓

A girl definitely needs to be loved! I wish you the most sincere and exciting feelings that will reveal the best qualities of your beautiful personality. Be good at every moment of your life, don’t pay attention to the little things! Stay true to yourself, since you still can’t please everyone! I wish you great happiness! 35 ↓ - Congratulations in your own words

Congratulations! Look boldly forward, beat your competitors, charm everyone around you and take everything from life. Your merits are countless! Your happiness will always be with you! 37 ↓

Congratulations! Remain a cheerful, confident girl to the delight of your friends, acquaintances and family! I wish you to always remain on top! 30 ↓

Live active life, get to know the world and yourself, and let everything be just wonderful, let everything be perfect! Don't forget that you are the coolest in the world! 41 ↓

I want everything in your life to turn out great! You deserve real happiness! Let every new day begin with your sincere smile! Go through life boldly, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles with dignity, remaining a good person! Be loved and respected by everyone. Let joy fill your soul, go through life easily, enjoying it! 41 ↓

A person like you is very difficult to find in our world! Stay as cheerful, laughing and captivating as you are! Win hearts and be happy! May everything work out in your life in the best possible way! Prosper on the path to everything new and beautiful! 34 ↓

I adore you! I wish you all your life to remain as stunningly beautiful, brave, smart, daring and cheerful as you are now! And I also wish you to easily cope with all life’s difficulties and believe in your happiness! 46 ↓

On this wonderful day, let the most beautiful flowers bloom for you! Let the sun shine for you, let the trees turn green and the birds sing! Be always happy! Good luck to you, success, tenderness and most best meetings on your way! 47 ↓

My dear, Happy Birthday
Congratulations with your message.
Take it quickly
Smile more cheerfully later!
May your dreams come true
And only roses bloom along the way!
You are so extraordinary
My beloved girl,
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I couldn't live a day without you,
Let your heart burn with love,
And fate only promises happiness.

Happy birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all your dreams come true. May your life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

Happy birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never to stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

Happy birthday! May happiness accompany you every step of the way, may your health be protected under any circumstances, may luck and luck become your reliable companions in life. I wish you inspiration in everything, a positive mood and the fulfillment of all plans.

Happy birthday! I wish you goodness, light, peace, smiles, good mood. Let all bad things pass by, life’s adversities be overcome with ease, and every day be filled with joy and happiness. And of course, bright faith, great hope, endless love.

Happy birthday! Good luck to you in all your endeavors, fulfillment of your desires, always bright and good mood, self-confidence and progress towards your goals. And also excellent health, more smiles both on holidays and on weekdays, and may every day be filled with happiness and warmth.

Happy birthday to you, my dear
Remain like this always.
May everything be great for you.
Let your star shine.

Happy birthday to a wonderful girl! We wish you dizzying happiness. A rapid rise to the desired heights, a great mood, constant joys and reasons to smile. May all your wishes come true. Love, act and have fun!

Happy birthday! I wish you good health mutual love, joy, good luck in all your endeavors, positive emotions, true friends, bright, unforgettable meetings, many years life, prosperity, energy and always good mood! Be happy, dear!

Happy birthday to you! I wish you to always be as beautiful, charming, smart, healthy, lucky, witty, funny. I wish you to always be surrounded by affection, care, love, warmth, given joy and new pleasant and unforgettable sensations.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish the world to be full of new discoveries, impressions, meetings, emotions for you! Find yourself, always strive and achieve your goals! Stay the same beautiful girl!

I sincerely congratulate you on this beautiful day! I wish you to always shine, be cheerful and cheerful, and never despair. Let those around you admire your optimism and be in a good mood!

I wish you good health,
You know how much I adore you.
Let nothing upset you.
So that you can be cheerful.

Dear (name)!
Happy birthday! We love you very much. You give us your warmth, you -

Dear (name)!
Life may be harsh at times, but be strong. And quickly discover a reliable path for yourself. Learn not to survive, but to live, always go forward, always be friends with luck and try to catch your bird of happiness! Good health to you!

I wish you to always be beautiful, to love and be loved, to heal someone’s wounds, to bring someone back to life, to be unique for someone, cheerful, tender, nice, sweet! And so that you have enough strength for everything!

On your birthday, I want to wish you to be simple, like the wind, inexhaustible, like the sea, and like the earth, full of memory. Be light-footed, like the sail of a ship, be cheerful, like the songs of the waves rustling in the open air. And may all the thrill of life of all times and races always live in you!

Expensive ()!
Today we congratulate you and want to wish you with all our hearts happy days and tender caresses of the beautiful and sweet princess. So that in a difficult struggle you get an easy victory!

Today is a bright holiday - Birthday!
I hasten to congratulate you on it.
Wish you a great, festive mood,
Good luck in everything, my girl, loving you dearly!

My dear beloved person! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday - your birthday! Honey, may you meet only kind people in your life, bright people who can appreciate what a treasure you are! I wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires, optimism and more joy!

Good health, spiritual joy,
Huge love, firm Faith to you.
To be loved until old age,
Peace and harmony in the soul.

May your hopes be bright
Let your dreams come true all year round,
The endless ocean will fulfill your desires.
Let a happy turn await you in life.

My dear birthday girl! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! How great it is that you appeared in my life! I like to hold your hand, look into yours radiant eyes, straighten a strand of hair that has come out of your hairstyle. My happiness, I wish you all the very best!

Dear and beautiful,
the best in the world
I wish passionately
Let your birthday be bright,
Congratulations to my girlfriend,
I love you very much.

Happy birthday to you! Wish vivid impressions, wishes come true, let all your dreams come true, let fans give armfuls of flowers. May your youth last forever and may the happiness of your youth be endless!

We wish you happiness with all our hearts. good health, even greater success in your hard work, long life, family well-being and always a good mood.

Honey, happy birthday! I wish you true female happiness, an ocean of all-consuming love, a positive attitude in life, so that depression cannot creep anywhere near. May your impeccable smile, glowing with happiness, never leave your charming face.

I wish you to be beautiful like a spring flower, tender like silk, light like a breath of wind, fresh like a blade of grass washed with dew, let your thoughts be pure like a mountain stream. I wish you to meet your happiness, and that everything in your life is real - people, actions, and feelings!

Happy birthday to a girl who will never betray, will never deceive, will never leave you in trouble and will never forget kindness. It's you, my dear! Remain like this always, may everything in your life turn out only in the best way!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl - beauty. Let the days be illuminated by the rays of the sun, let butterflies flutter around. You are the ideal of female beauty: slim, smart, pious, although sometimes you can be very eloquent. Happiness, love and fragrance!

Happy Birthday! We wish you beauty, blossoms, love! Age is not a hindrance for a woman. The main thing is sparkles in the eyes, a good mood and a radiant smile. Dear, look at life with optimism, and it will bring you many more joyful moments.

I would like to wish Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, bright and sunny, kindest, incomparable, desirable and sexy woman in the world! I wish you sincere and devoted love, success and dizzying victories, good health and fantastic moments.

There are people who decorate the world. You are one of them. Today is your birthday. For the world, this is a wonderful reason for celebration, and for me, it is a reason for pride that I know such a beauty personally and can admire this beauty every day. Congratulations!

Tender, beautiful, bright - you are always the most dynamic and bright, you have a trail behind you like a passing comet, making everyone turn around after you. Remain the same swift, impressive, stunning flash, be happy and give happiness in return!

I wish at dawn,
So that love binds us,
My girl is golden
I wish you happiness with all my heart!

I wish the girl, laughing,
To love life
So that everyone has power,
My kitten, hold on!

Well, not age, but just a fairy tale,
And you don't need a mask.
For you, there is green light everywhere,
That's my answer.

You are young, everything is ahead,
And the mistakes are behind us.
Isn't it the golden hour?
The mood is just great.

I wish you luck on your name day,
A lot of pure luck.
So come on, let's forget the sadness
And let life give you happiness.

With all my heart and soul
Happy birthday to the girl,
I wish you great luck
And lots of jam for you.

May life be sweet and tasty,
May your birthday be a success
I wish the girl beautiful, nimble,
So that there is always a ringing laugh on your lips.

It's time for the holiday to begin
It's time for everyone to have fun here.
I congratulate you
My bright star.
You will receive SMS
And let the fun begin.

The concept of “happiness” is different for each person. So we wish the birthday girl to find exactly the happiness that is destined for her by fate, and let it be complete, cloudless and limitless!

Let everything else simply fade next to such a brilliant birthday girl! I congratulate you on your holiday, may all your plans come true immediately! Let your charm drive men crazy, and let your prudence and ability to manage business only add to your attractiveness! ^15v

Let life bring the most wonderful news, pleasant surprises, bright events, positivity and optimism! Be strong, be healthy, be happy. I wish you to live brightly and enjoy joys more often! ^ 175 v - congratulations to the woman in your own words

Happy birthday to you! Let there be more joy and fun, let all problems be solved easily, and let troubles be avoided. And I also wish that you are always surrounded by the attention of people who love you! ^58v

Dear birthday girl, you are always kind and friendly, attentive, serious and reasonable, you know how to find and the right word, and make any business a feast for everyone! I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday and wish you the most joyful, cheerful and happy life! ^19v

You are simply an incomparable beauty, a bright star, a precious pearl, striking in its purity and splendor! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May fate please you with gifts, and may your days be filled with bright events and inspiration! I wish you to prosper in all respects! ^15v

May every day of your life be clear and sunny, may birds sing for you, flowers bloom, and many serene, happy years await you ahead. Be the most fun, healthiest and happiest! ^31v

You are beautiful, elegant and always irresistible! I wish you to bloom like a rose, shine like the sun! You are for us -

Men, my dears, I’m appealing to you, stop giving souvenirs already, this thing is unnecessary, sits on a shelf collecting dust and is usually a pity to throw away - it’s a gift. and congratulations are good.

Congratulations are good, but you can come up with your own. The main thing is to speak from the heart, then everything will work out on its own.

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Happy birthday greetings to a girl in your own words are the most sincere gift that can be given to your beloved on her holiday. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just words. Naturally, you need to give her beautiful bouquet her favorite flowers, give some valuable thing. But you can’t remain silent during this. Any material gifts should be supported by your own words, coming from the soul and going straight to the heart.

Beautiful ones can have an effect much more significant than any other gift. All girls love attention, they all love beautiful words and sincerity. Therefore, not giving such a gift to your loved one on her birthday would be an unforgivable mistake, especially since writing beautiful congratulatory words not that difficult. Just start doing this at least a week before the holiday, try to mention in your speech all the key points of your relationship and your personal wishes to your chosen one. Re-read what you have written often and make any necessary corrections.

If you have problems writing, and you can’t write a happy birthday greeting to a girl in your own words, then you can take one of the ready-made options for congratulations presented below. These are the most common, but at the same time quite pleasant words that any representative of the fairer sex will be pleased to hear. Just get familiar with the congratulations, make some adjustments to them and please your girlfriend on her birthday!

I would like to hope that this fantastic day will give you only joy. I want to wish that yours cherished dreams always came true at the most short terms, everything was exactly as you wanted and nothing stood in the way of your grandiose plans, and also that the most complex and confusing problems and situations were resolved instantly and did not cause you worries. Let everything be fine!

What is needed for a happy life? Good weather outside, a bag of gold, interesting work? All this, I’ll be honest, is unimportant compared to love! When there is love, like we have with you, there is no need to desire more than to preserve these feelings, to carry them through the years... Everything else that is desired will definitely follow, because love works wonders! I congratulate you on your birthday and once again confess my love, I will never get tired of talking about it! And since we have love, it’s time to get something else... so I wish you a wonderful mood every day, surrounded by good people and more luck!

I congratulate you and want to wish you the most important thing in the life of any girl, what comes in the sweetest dreams, what is so difficult to achieve in real life and something you can talk about for hours. I wish you to always be the first in exclusive sales!

Your birthday is the first day of a 365-day journey. Enjoy this adventure, because only exciting events and joyful moments await you ahead. I sincerely admire your kindness, your love of life and optimism and with all my heart I wish you happy day birth! Let life bring you the best! You deserve it!

There are famous love stories that the whole world talks about, about which novels are written... Beloved, even if our life is not full of adventures and adventures, but I have you - my only one, and for me our relationship is the most magical love story of all time! On your birthday, I will say “I love” to you again and kiss you tenderly, look into your eyes... Be happy, my love!

My beloved’s birthday party is so fun and noisy, friends and relatives are crowded around the table, toasts are made, and I have to not yawn in order to get a moment of attention for myself! I want not only to cordially congratulate my beloved and wish her happiness as bright as a rainbow, but also to wish one day to be with her on desert island! Of course, it should be warm, let it be covered by a shady forest with fruit trees, there are no predators, but birds of paradise are singing... then I will be able to reign supreme over my beauty and, until a passing ship picks us up, we will have a good rest for a hundred years to come!

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Be glad it's a special day
Celebrate with us at home.
You have become an adult, beautiful,
So be the happiest!

You smell like a rose,
Turning my face towards the sun...
And you dream of earthly happiness,
Every time I go to bed...

I wish on your birthday
Enjoy everything from the heart.
Let the joy of a bright moment
Decorate your whole life!

* * *

A beautiful flower sprouts from the right seedling, but no less important for its growth are the rays of the sun, life-giving moisture and care. Let the rays be yours every day great mood, life-giving moisture is the knowledge you acquire, and the best care is the attention of loved ones. Grow as the most beautiful flower on Earth!

Women's love, care and affection can change the world and perceive reality differently. You, a young girl, have this gift. Don’t forget about your feminine beauty, give a great mood to those around you, and today be the happiest birthday girl in the world!

Happy birthday! Be strong, healthy and believe in yourself - then you will be able to fulfill every dream, and we, the people closest to you, will help you with this!

On your birthday, I wish you complete harmony in everything: a little patience, a little more perseverance and lots and lots of good mood. Be happy!

Beautiful words of happy birthday to a girl

You're a girl, which means you know
How to conquer the world with your coquetry.
Today you celebrate your birthday,
And I wish you a bright life!

This holiday is wonderful
You are especially charming...
Bright as a rainbow in the sky,
Everything will make you happy today!

Make sure you try in life
Act more cunningly and thoroughly.
May your dreams come true immediately
And problems melt away prematurely!

Words of congratulations to your beloved girl on her birthday

May fate be pleasant
Incredibly sweet!
Even molasses tastes better
Happy dreams are more beautiful!

What do you want from life?
Then make a wish for yourself!
Let it be both day and night
You are lucky in everything!

Find out firsthand
What does it mean to love.
So that someone's baby
To be the most desirable!

Try more often on weekdays
Pamper and pamper yourself!
Keep people like this around
Which you can trust.

Happy birthday greetings in simple words to a girl

Birthday has arrived
And the world cheered up with fun!
Thank God you were born
It has opened up to this world!

Continue the long way,
Rejoicing in fate with my soul.
You dream of personal happiness,
Everything else is secondary!

My dear, on your holiday
I wish you not to dream in vain!
Look at your reflection
In great admiration for him!