The image of Tatyana Eugene Onegin brief content. Characteristics of Tatyana Larina. The image of Tatyana Larina. The final choice of the heroine

The image of Tatyana Larina absorbed all the author’s dreams about the female ideal. Tatyana remained forever the beloved heroine of the great poet and prose writer. For the first time, the reader meets the heroine in her parents’ estate, which is compassionately watched over by the mother of the Larin sisters. Tatyana’s father is a “kind fellow” who is a little “lagging” behind the modern march of time. Family life is calm, monotonous, patriarchal.

From the very youth Tatyana was sharply different from other village children. She did not like simple children's games, reminiscent of a “shy doe” who thrives in solitude. The girl was brought up on the legends of an old nanny and loved to while away her time reading books. The atmosphere of “old times” in her native estate instilled in Tatyana a belief in ancient customs, girls’ fortune-telling, and dream interpretation. Having matured, Tatyana turned into a dreamy and thoughtful young lady. Without possessing “screaming” beauty, she attracts people to her rich inner world, naturalness and simplicity.

It's time for love. Tatiana seemed to be living in anticipation when Onegin appeared on her horizon - mysterious and unknown. And the girl fell in love. Ardently, anxiously and with all my soul. Tormented by exciting torments, Tatyana decides to desperate step and writes a letter of recognition to her lover. She places the real confession and herself with it in the hands of Eugene Onegin. Tatyana hopes for reciprocity, but her chosen one rejects her. Such sincere feelings and impulses turned out to be alien to him.

Tatyana, without ceasing, loved Onegin. Even when he caused the death of Lensky, her sister’s fiancé. And when he left on a long trip. She visited his empty estate, trying to better understand the man she fell in love with. Two years later, the reader meets Tatyana again. She is married to a noble prince. There was no trace left of that inexperienced and outspoken girl. The “new” Tatiana matured spiritually, became unapproachable, but at the same time did not lose her natural simplicity. Rotation in high society and the nobility of her new position did not spoil her at all. The meeting with Onegin certainly stirred up a storm of feelings in Tatyana. But she didn't show it. Having received a letter of recognition from him, the heroine sheds tears of sadness, but does not honor ex-lover answer. Finding herself alone with Onegin, Tatyana does not hide the fact that she still loves him, but at the same time she intends to remain faithful to her legal spouse. Tatyana doesn’t hold a grudge against Evgeniy, but she doesn’t leave any reason for his hopes.


So, she was called Tatyana.
Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

Dick, sad, silent,
Like a forest deer is timid,
She is in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.

She didn't know how to caress
To your father, nor to your mother;
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn’t want to play or jump
And often alone all day
I sat silently by the window...

Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullabies of days,
The flow of rural leisure
Decorated her with dreams.

And there were children's pranks
Alien to her: scary stories
In winter in the dark of nights
They captivated her heart more...

She liked novels early on;
They replaced everything for her;
She fell in love with deceptions
And Richardson and Russo...

Her imagination has long been
Burning with bliss and melancholy,
Hungry for fatal food;
Long-time heartache
Her young breasts were tight;
The soul was waiting... for someone...

Tatyana Larina symbolizes the image of a Russian girl. It is difficult to understand the soul of a Russian without being a Russian. It is Tatyana who appears before us as a symbol of the mysterious Russian soul.

From childhood she was distinguished by her difference from others. Her originality, sometimes wildness, seems to some like pride, affectation. But that's not true. A gentle disposition, but strength of character is manifested and even more emphasized against the background of his sister Olga. It would seem that a young girl in a noble family could be worried. Are deep thoughts, the ability to reason and analyze inherent in such a greenhouse environment? Lightness and carelessness should have become her companions, but everything turned out differently. The desire for study and self-development made the girls strong in character, deeply thinking, and empathetic. Frequent solitudes contributed to deep immersion and self-knowledge.

The first feeling that washed over Tatyana absorbed her completely. She was ready to meet love. Reading novels contributed to this. And so, the image of a person who corresponded to her fictional hero appeared in reality.

Tatyana, clean and open man, went towards the feeling. She accepted it and decided to take a difficult but necessary step - recognition.

Having overcome her maiden pride, she dared to take the first step. What did she get in return? Condescension on the part of the brilliant Onegin towards a provincial girl, humane act refusal. First love often breaks young hearts. But this defeat made Tatyana stronger. The feeling did not fade away, but only hid somewhere in the depths of my soul. Nothing could stop her from loving Evgeniy, neither his indifference, nor cruelty, nor cynicism, nor the murder of Lensky. You cannot love for something, you can love in spite of it. Only then is it love.

Tatyana is a sensual but proud person. She did not humiliate herself and ask for Onegin’s love. She tried to move away and forget. Only she herself knows what was going on in her soul, what kind of struggle was raging between her mind and her heart. Reason allowed a provincial savage girl to turn into a sedate lady, the owner of a salon. An unloved husband cannot doubt his wife’s tenderness and fidelity even for a second.

The power of love, its beauty is most colorfully revealed in tragedy. Tatyana is not destined to be with Onegin. Love is alive in her heart, and perhaps has only intensified over time. But, alas. A sacrifice of love for the sake of honor and the promised oath at the altar.

Appearance, habits of the heroine

Tatyana Larina – chief female image novel "Eugene Onegin". Belinsky called the novel “an encyclopedia of Russian life.” The image of Tatyana, like the images of other heroes, was typical for Russia in the 20-30s. 19th century But Tatyana is a living woman with a unique strong character. Her actions, dictated by internal logic and circumstances, turn out to be unexpected even for the author: “My Tatiana got weird”.

Tatyana is not like her younger sister Olga, a cheerful beauty. The elder sister does not attract the eye with either beauty or freshness. In addition, she is uncommunicative and unkind: “Wild, sad, silent, like a timid forest deer”.

Tatyana does not resemble a traditional folklore, hard-working girl: she does not do embroidery, does not play with dolls, and is not interested in fashion and outfits. Doesn't like girls “playing and jumping in a crowd of children”, run in burners (an outdoor game), does not play pranks or play pranks.

Tatyana loves scary stories, is thoughtful, and watches the sunrise on the balcony. Since childhood, she has been inclined to escape reality into the world of dreams, imagining herself as the heroine of the novels of Richardson and Rousseau: "She fell in love with deceptions".

Character and its origins, character development

Tatyana grew up in the village and was a neighbor on the estate of Evgeniy Onegin. Her parents kept the old patriarchal way of life. It is said about the father that he was late in the past century. This is probably why Tatyana received such an exotic name, with which she is inseparable “memory of antiquity or maidenhood”. Tatyana’s mother in her youth was fond of the same novels that she later read eldest daughter. In the village of the husband to whom Tatyana's mother was not given for love, she, in the end, “I got used to it and became happy”, having forgotten novel hobbies. The couple lived, keeping "Habits of a dear old man".

Tatiana is cut off from her environment. On the one hand, she - “Russian in soul, without knowing why”. Pushkin, according to the laws of realism, reveals why Tatyana is like this. She lived in "the wilderness of a forgotten village", raised by a nanny, "heart friend", in the atmosphere "legends of common folk antiquity". But the nanny, whose prototype was Pushkin’s nanny, does not understand Tatyana’s feelings.

On the other hand, Tatyana was brought up on foreign novels, “I didn’t speak Russian well”. She writes a letter to Onegin in French because “explained herself with difficulty in her native language”.

The novel traces the change in the life of Tanya, who was brought to the capital by her mother and liked "important general". Everything that happens in St. Petersburg is alien to her: “The excitement of the world hates; it’s stuffy here... she dreams of life in the field.”.

Onegin fell in love with a completely different Tatiana, not a timid girl, poor and simple in love, but an indifferent princess, the unapproachable goddess of the luxurious, royal Neva, "legislator hall". But internally Tatyana remains the same: “Everything was quiet, it was just there”. Dignity and nobility were added to simplicity. The heroine's appearance also changes. No one would call her beautiful, but her sophistication could not be overshadowed by the first beauty of St. Petersburg.

Onegin does not recognize the old Tatiana. She is indifferent, brave, calm, free, stern. There is no coquetry in Tatyana, which "does not tolerate high society» , confusion and compassion. She doesn't look like the girl who wrote “a letter where the heart speaks, where everything is outside, everything is free”.

The relationship between Tatyana and Onegin is the main plot line of the novel

After Onegin, who arrived in his village, visited the Larins, they began to propose him as Tatyana’s groom. She fell in love with Onegin simply because "the time has come". But, brought up in a healthy folk atmosphere, Tatyana is waiting for great love, her only betrothed.

Onegin taught Tatyana the most important lesson in life, which she learned well: "Learn to control yourself". He acted nobly, but Pushkin sympathizes with Tatyana: “Now I’m shedding tears with you”, - and foresees her death at the hands of "fashion tyrant"(Onegin).

The lesson that Tatyana gives Onegin, having become a society lady, in turn, consists of the same wisdom: you cannot be "feelings of a petty slave". This should be preferred "cold, stern talk". But Onegin and Tatyana have different motives. He was never able to become "natural man", as Tatyana has always been. For her, life in the world is hateful, it "masquerade rags". Tatyana deliberately doomed herself to such a life, because when she got married, for her “all the lots were equal”. And although the first love still lives in the heroine, she sincerely and confidently remains faithful to her husband. Onegin does not fully realize that his love is excited by the desire to be noticed in society, to have "seductive honor".

  • “Eugene Onegin”, analysis of the novel by Alexander Pushkin

The image of Tatyana Larina in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”

Belinsky called Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” “the most sincere work” of Alexander Sergeevich. And the author himself considered this novel his best creation. Pushkin worked on it with great passion, devoting his whole soul to creativity, all of yourself. And, undoubtedly, the images of the main characters of the novel are very close to the author. In each of them he reflected some of his own characteristics. They became almost family to Pushkin. The author is closest to the image of Tatyana, who, in essence, is the ideal of a Russian woman for Pushkin. This is exactly how he imagined a true Russian woman: sincere, fiery, trusting and, at the same time, possessing spiritual nobility, a sense of duty and a strong character.
In the portrait of Tatyana, Pushkin does not give an external appearance, but rather an internal portrait of her: “... Wild, sad, silent...”. This is an atypical image, attracting not with its beauty, but with its inner world. Pushkin emphasizes the difference between Tatyana and Olga:

Not your sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy

If she wouldn’t attract anyone’s eyes, he says about Tanya and then repeats more than once that Tatyana is ugly. But the image of this meek, thoughtful girl attracts the reader and the author himself with its charm and unusualness.
In the second chapter of the novel we meet a girl whose favorite circle of life consists of nature, books, the village world with stories nanny's tales, with her warmth and cordiality.

Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullabies of days,
The flow of rural leisure
Decorated her with dreams.

Reading the novel, you will notice that in those stanzas where Tatyana is spoken about, there is always a description of nature. It is not for nothing that Pushkin many times conveys Tanya’s state of mind through images of nature; he thereby emphasizes the deep connection that exists between the village girl and nature. For example, after Onegin’s stern sermon, “dear Tanya’s youth fades: this is how the shadow of a barely born day dresses the storm.” Tanya’s farewell to her native places, native fields, meadows is accompanied by a tragic description of autumn:

Nature is tremulous, pale,
How the victim is lavishly decorated...

All inner world Tani is in tune with nature, with all its changes. Such closeness is one of the signs of a deep connection with the people, which Pushkin greatly valued and respected. The Song of the Girls, consoling Tanya, attachment to “Grey-haired Phillipyevna”, fortune-telling - all this again tells us about Tanya’s living connection with the folk element.

Tatyana (Russian soul,
Without knowing why)
With her cold beauty
I loved Russian winter.

Loneliness, alienation from others, gullibility and naivety allow the “tender dreamer” to confuse Onegin with the hero of the novel, to appropriate for herself “someone else’s delight”, “someone else’s sadness”.
But, soon seeing that the hero of her dreams is not at all what she imagined him to be, she tries to understand Onegin. The girl writes an ardent, passionate letter to Onegin and receives a stern sermon in response. But this coldness of Eugene does not kill Tanya’s love; the “stern conversation” in the garden only revealed to Tanya Onegin’s hard-heartedness, his ability to ruthlessly respond to sincere feelings. Probably, the birth of “that indifferent princess” with whom Onegin is struck and wounded in the eighth chapter begins already here.
But, meanwhile, even Lensky’s death did not destroy the deep feeling that Tatyana felt for Onegin:

And in cruel loneliness
Her passion burns more intensely,
And about distant Onegin
Her heart speaks louder.

Onegin left, and, it seems, irrevocably. But Tatiana, before visiting his house, continues to refuse everyone who wooed her. Only after visiting the “young cell” and seeing how and how Evgeniy lived, she agrees to go to the “bride market” in Moscow, because she begins to suspect something terrible for herself and for her love:

What is he? Is it really imitation?
An insignificant ghost, or else -
Muscovite in Harold's cloak?
interpretation of other people's whims,
Fashion vocabulary words?
Isn't he a parody?

Although Eugene’s inner world is not limited to the books he read > Tanya does not understand this and, making erroneous conclusions, becomes disappointed in love and in her hero. Now she faces a boring road to Moscow and the noisy bustle of the capital.
In the “district young lady” Tatiana, “everything is outside, everything is free.” In the eighth chapter we meet the indifferent princess”, “the legislator of the hall”. The old Tanya, in whom “everything was quiet, everything was simple,” has now become a model of “impeccable taste,” a “true ingot” of nobility and sophistication.
But it cannot be said that now she is truly an “indifferent princess”, incapable of experiencing sincere feelings, and that not a trace remains of the former naive and timid Tanya. The feelings are there, they’re just well and firmly hidden now. And that “careless charm” of Tatiana is a mask that she wears with art and naturalness. The light made its own adjustments, but only external ones; Tatiana’s soul remained the same. That trusting “girl” still lives inside her, loving the “Russian winter”, hills, forests, the village, ready to give “all this glitter, and noise, and child for a shelf of books, for a wild garden...”. Now the impetuosity and recklessness of feelings have been replaced in her by self-control, which helps Tanya withstand the moment when the embarrassed, “awkward” Evgeniy is left alone with her.
But still, Tatiana’s main advantage is the spiritual nobility of her truly Russian character. Tatiana has high feeling duty and self-respect, namely

Tatyana appears in Chapter II of the novel. The choice of the heroine’s name and the author’s thoughts on this matter seem to indicate a distinctive character compared to others. actors line:

Her sister's name was Tatyana...
Tender pages of the novel
For the first time with such a name
We willfully sanctify.

In these lines, the author introduces Tatyana to the reader for the first time. We see the image of a simple provincial girl with very peculiar features. Tatyana is “wild, sad, silent”, “she seemed like a stranger in her own family”, “often the whole day she sat silently by the window.” She did not play with her sister Olga’s friends, “she was bored by their ringing laughter and the noise of their windy pleasures.” Larina grows up thoughtful and lonely. The environment to which parents, relatives, guests belong, i.e. the society of local nobles is something alien to her, which has almost no influence on Tatyana. Other aspects of her being have a stronger influence on the formation of her personality. She is captivated by “terrible stories in the dark of night in winter,” i.e. fairy tales of a serf nanny. She loves nature, reads the novels of Richardson and Rousseau, which cultivate her sensitivity and develop her imagination.

The appearance of Onegin, who immediately struck Tatyana with his peculiarity, his dissimilarity with others whom she saw around, leads to the fact that love flares up in Tatyana.
The girl in love turns to books again: after all, she has no one to trust her secret to, no one to talk to.
Sincere and strong love does not willingly take on the character of those passionate and strong feelings with which the loving and suffering heroines of the books they read are endowed.
So, Tatiana was strongly influenced by the sentimental West, but the European novel. But this, of course, was not the main factor in Tatyana’s development.

A lot for understanding the image of Tatiana is given by the episode of Tatiana’s conversation with the nanny and the letter to Onegin. This whole scene - one of the best in the novel - is something amazing, beautiful, whole.

The nature of Tatyana's frank conversation with the old nanny is such that we see great intimacy between them. You carry the image of Filipevna to yourself folk wisdom, her words reflect the experience of a long and difficult life of a simple Russian woman. The story is short and simple, but it contains imagery, expressiveness, purity and power of thought and genuine vernacular. And we vividly imagine Tatyana in her room at night, and

On the bench
With a scarf on his gray head,
Before the young heroine,
An old woman in a long padded jacket.

We begin to understand how much the nanny and closeness to her meant to Tatyana; We note those purely Russian influences that will occupy the main place in the formation of Tatiana.
Tatyana perfectly understands the nanny’s common speech; this language is native to her. Her speech is figurative and at the same time clear; it also contains elements of popular vernacular: “I’m sick,” “what do I need,” “let him tell him”... etc.
Tatyana's letter to Onegin is a desperate act, but it is completely alien to the young girl's surroundings. Larina was guided only by feeling, but not by reason. The love letter does not contain coquetry or antics - Tatyana writes frankly, as her heart tells her.

I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?

And following these simple and touching words, in which one can hear trepidation and restrained excitement, Tatyana, with ever-increasing delight, with excitement already openly pouring out in the lines of the letter, reveals this “trusting soul” of hers to Onegin. The central part of the letter is the image of Onegin, as he appeared to Tatyana in her imagination, inspired by love. The end of the letter is as sincere as its beginning. The girl is fully aware of her actions:

I'm cumming! It's scary to read...
But your honor is my guarantee,
I freeze with shame and fear...
And I boldly entrust myself to her...

The letter scene is over. Tatyana is waiting for an answer. Sparing details indicate her state, her immersion in the feeling that possessed her:
Second date with Onegin and his cold “reprimand”. But Tatyana does not stop loving.

Love's mad suffering
Haven't stopped worrying
Young soul...

Chapter V opens with a landscape of late but suddenly arrived winter. It is noteworthy that the purely Russian landscape of the winter estate and village is given through Tatyana’s perception of it.

Waking up early
Trees in winter silver,
Tatiana saw through the window
Forty merry ones in the yard
In the morning the whitewashed yard,
And softly carpeted mountains

And in direct connection with the paintings native nature the author's statement of the national, Russian appearance of the heroine is expressed:

Tatiana (Russian soul,
With her cold beauty
Without knowing why)
I loved Russian winter...

Poetic paintings Christmas fortune telling Tatyana is also associated with the Russian, national, folk principle.
“...Tatiana, on the advice of the nanny” casts spells at night in the bathhouse.
Russians national traits come out more and more clearly in the development of Tatyana’s image.

In his portrayal of Tatyana, Pushkin completely abandons all irony, and in this sense, Tatyana is the only character in the novel for whom, from the moment of her appearance to the end, we feel only the author’s love and respect. The poet more than once calls Tatyana “sweetheart” and declares: “I love my dear Tatyana so much.”
Tatiana's dream is a fantastic combination of motifs from the nanny's fairy tales, pictures that arose in the play of Tatiana's own imagination, but at the same time - and real life impressions. Artistic meaning sleep in the story about Tatyana - expression state of mind the heroine, her thoughts about Onegin (even in her dreams he appears strong to her, but also menacing, dangerous, terrible), and at the same time - a premonition of future misfortunes.

All subsequent tragedies: Lensky's death, Evgeniy's departure, her sister's imminent marriage - deeply touched Tatiana's heart. The impressions gained from reading books are supplemented by harsh life lessons. Gradually Tatyana is gaining life experience and seriously thinks about his fate. The image of Tatyana is increasingly enriched as events unfold, but by nature Tatyana is still the same, and her “fiery and tender heart” is still given over to the feeling that has taken possession of her once and for all.
Visiting Onegin’s house, Tatyana’s “greedy soul” indulges in reading. Byron's poems and novels are added to the sentimental novels read earlier.

Reading Onegin's books is a new stage in Tatyana's development. She does not freely compare what she knows about Onegin with what she learns from books. A whole swarm of new thoughts and assumptions. In the last stanzas of Chapter VII, Tatyana is in Moscow society. She “... doesn’t feel well at the housewarming party,” she seems strange to the young ladies of the Moscow noble circle, she is still reserved and silent
At the end of the work, Tatyana appears to us as a lady secular society, but Pushkin clearly singles her out from the circle into which fate brought her. Depicting her appearance at a social event, the poet emphasizes both Tatyana’s aristocracy, in the high Pushkin sense of the word, and her simplicity.

She was leisurely
Without these little antics,
Not cold, not talkative,
No imitative ideas...
Without an insolent look for everyone,
Everything was quiet, it was just there...

Episodes of meetings with Onegin after many years separations emphasize Tatiana's complete self-control. Larina turned into a society lady, into an “indifferent princess,” “the unapproachable goddess of the luxurious, royal Neva.” But her worldview has not changed, her principles and foundations remain the same. It was these principles that prevailed over Tatiana’s innermost feeling: over her love for Eugene. The whole essence of Larina’s character is revealed in her last monologue:

...You must
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor...
I ask you to leave me;
And pride and direct honor...

In our imagination, the image of Tatyana will forever remain something lofty, unshakable, pure and beautiful.
We also understand all the poet’s love for his creation when, in the last stanza of the novel, saying goodbye to the characters, he remembers “Tatyana’s sweet ideal.”