Polit programs on TV. How propaganda works on Russian TV: we explain using examples from TV shows

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Talk show on Russian television

The main component of any talk show is discussion and communication, both with TV viewers and with guests of the program. It is thanks to controversy that this genre is the most popular on TV. Experts can give answers to all questions of interest, ordinary citizens can express their opinions - and all this to increase objectivity and information content. If for any reason you missed the broadcast of your favorite watch talk show, don't despair. On our website you will find everything latest issues talk show on Russian television. We try to quickly add to our resource everything that appears on television screens, immediately after their release.
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Each of the major TV channels broadcasts several talk shows where they discuss social and political topics. On “Russia 1” he hosts the programs “Duel” and “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov”, and the talk show “60 Minutes” with Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov is also broadcast there. The flagship of the socio-political block of Channel One was the talk show “First Studio” with Artem Sheinin. He, along with Ekaterina Strizhenova and Anatoly Kuzichev, hosts the daytime talk show “Time will tell.” NTV airs “Meeting Place” with Andrei Norkin and Olga Belova during the day, and “The Right to Voice” with Roman Babayan is shown on the TV Center channel in the evenings, as well as “The Right to Know” with Dmitry Kulikov.

It is enough to look at these and other political shows to notice: the same people wander from program to program. Moreover, some of them act as experts on almost all issues. The structure of the show, themes, and techniques are also repeated. Afisha Daily decided to look into these and other features of discussions on Russian political talk shows.

Issue dated March 27, 2017. Topic: "At the crime scene." The program is dedicated to Ukraine. Presenter Artem Sheinin appeals to the reaction to the murder of Voronenkov by US Senator John McCain. After this, a discussion ensues.

Leonid Smekhov

Business coach, teacher of public speaking for an MBA at IBDA RANEPA, author of the book “Popular Rhetoric”

Thanks to the image of the presenter, a feeling is created: the program is being hosted by a “man of the people”, a kind of boorish and rude native of the proletarian environment. Sheinin, in rude terms, devalues ​​McCain as a speaker, citing the following argument: “I understand that McCain spent a long time in a cage in Vietnam, where he was regularly beaten.” This is labeling as “not a completely mentally healthy person.”

One of the program participants, Igor Drandin, agrees with McCain’s words about Russia’s involvement in the murder, recalling the example of Alexei Navalny: “As soon as you talk about Putin and corruption, you are immediately sent to jail.” Other speakers begin to interrupt him, arguing that in America Navalny would be imprisoned for 15 years for rallies. This is a manipulative, unverifiable statement - a trick called “imposed consequence”, when the chain of reasoning is hidden and the emphasis is placed on the conclusion. The presenter labels the interlocutor as “you now sound like McCain,” ignores counter questions and uses an authoritarian trick - repeating the same phrase until the interlocutor gets tired and falls silent. The presenter also uses other tools to control the dialogue: gives commands to speakers; lowers the rate of speech and increases emphasis on words, which makes his speech more significant; gets personal, directly accusing his opponent of lying.

When Drandin is already off-balance, trying to shout down his opponents, he looks like a capricious child. At this point, the rest of the program participants begin to behave like educators who are trying to calm him down from the position of an “adult.”

Employee of a socio-political talk show of one of the central channels

The expert wishes to remain anonymous

Opposition speakers are the most big problem for such talk shows. The leadership wants new faces, but at the same time they need to be absolutely sure that this very “liberal-lite” will not say too much. Especially if the program is running V live. Of course, there is a stop list, and it is periodically supplemented, in particular, for the reason “I’m tired of it, there’s too much on the air.” These “lite liberals” can be counted on one hand. They are all paid, that is, it is their job to go on TV channels and portray enemies in a mode that is safe for the channel.

Artem Sheinin is a strange character in general. He was still tolerable when he was the shadow head of the channel's political broadcasting. But after Pyotr Tolstoy left for the State Duma, Sheinin apparently decided to demonstrate the height of professionalism in running political talk shows. Well, in his opinion, of course. This style of broadcasting is generally Sheinin’s style of communication. The appearance of Anatoly Kuzichev as a co-host in the show “Time will Tell”, in general, fits into the concept. Under the leadership of Sheinin himself, they were looking for someone who would resemble Sheinin without overshadowing him.

Issue dated February 21, 2017. Topic: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called on Europe to tighten sanctions against Russia because it recognized the documents of the DPR and LPR. Conversation with Vyacheslav Kovtun, who is introduced as a Ukrainian political scientist.

Leonid Smekhov

The presenter sets in advance the framework within which viewers will perceive the video with Poroshenko. Immediately after watching, he once again points out the incompatibility of Poroshenko’s statements with his status and religious beliefs. It is important that the statement of the President of Ukraine is taken out of context: neither the situation, nor the identity of the interlocutor, nor the prerequisites are known. It is also impossible to say for sure that Poroshenko uttered the insult - it sounds from behind the scenes. Kovtun is trying to clumsily justify Poroshenko, instead of shifting the focus or even transferring the game to the enemy’s field (his favorite speech technique is “he’s a fool”). He does this belatedly, recalling the statements of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a press conference with his colleague from Saudi Arabia.

“Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on “Russia 1”

Issue dated May 16, 2017. Topic of the program: “Banning social networks in Ukraine. Medicine in Russia. Cultural extremism." Vladimir Solovyov and guests again oppose the Ukrainian political scientist Vyacheslav Kovtun.

Leonid Smekhov

Soloviev acts in the usual image of a cynic intellectual, increasing the persuasiveness of his statements by listing names and facts. He responds to Kovtun with manipulative tricks: he puts on a label, reducing the authority of his interlocutor; then he appeals to other people - Shoigu, Zyuganov and Zhirinovsky and their expected reaction; then moves on to direct accusations. In the future, even antics are used against Kovtun in order to devalue his words and seize the initiative. He is eventually hammered again with a series of accusations. Under them he temporarily drowns.

TV show employee

The TV show really got into the themes of Ukraine and Poroshenko. This formulation of the question has long unnerved the viewer, because it resembles pouring from empty to empty. When the Ministry of Defense TV channel “Zvezda” prioritizes foreign policy topics, this is at least somehow understandable. In the case of the first button and “Russia” - no.

Topics for talk shows (especially daily ones) are formed from the current agenda. Editors regularly offer interesting moves and twists, but periodically this ends with the topic being canceled and the command: “Making Ukraine.” If some time ago this was interpreted as “Ukraine-actual”, then in at the moment the actual is not forged with such frequency. Therefore, the topic, as well as the program, turns out to be nothing.

Issue dated April 6, 2017. Topic: “What do they expect from Russia?” They are discussing “unsubstantiated” accusations from the West of Russian involvement in a chemical attack in Syria. Igor Korotchenko, member Public Council under the Ministry of Defense, opposes the American journalist Michael Bohm.

Leonid Smekhov

Korotchenko’s statement is a typical sifting of facts: he omits something quite significant, but, on the contrary, brings something to the fore. He gives additional persuasiveness to his statement with a low tempo of speech, harsh vocal delivery, and emphasis. When Bom tries to interrupt Korotchenko, he immediately begins to insult him, as he would insult a criminal who has already been exposed, but is still trying to interfere with the progress of the investigation. In the end, everything negative is attached personally to Bom, as usually happens on such programs.

Here it is worth noting the loudness imbalance as an additional means of influencing the listener: in this dialogue, we hear Korotchenko’s remarks much more clearly and better than Bohm’s remarks. But could it be the other way around? The American's opinion is secondary here.

TV show employee

With Bom, as with Kovtun, the situation is the same as with the paid oppositionists. It’s just their job to go on talk shows and pretend to be enemies (NTV dedicated a series of programs to foreign stars of Russian television: here it is. - Note ed.). As for fees, Bom, for example, two years ago received fifteen thousand rubles per broadcast. Kovtun was initially paid five, but soon the fee was increased to ten.

"First Studio" on Channel One

Issue dated March 29, 2017. Topic: “Protests: how society should react to them.” The guests talk about why young people came out to protest on March 26.

Leonid Smekhov

Putin recognized the collapse of the USSR as the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century, which means that this interpretation of the events of 1991 can be considered the official and main one. Gennady Zyuganov, for obvious reasons, develops this topic, linking events in Ukraine with it and using recognizable Soviet propaganda cliches: “orange provocateurs”, “under far-fetched slogans” and so on. But this does not sound archaic: modern media often use tools of speech influence from the past.

Navalny’s image is instantly transformed into that of an enemy thanks to the label “Führer.” In general, the event under discussion is presented by Zyuganov as something illegal, dangerous for the country and inexperienced youth who do not understand anything. But, thank God, there are law enforcement agencies that protect the country and prevent it from falling apart. They, according to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, are smarter than the protesters.

Next speaker is Olga Timofeeva (member of the Russian Federation Council Committee on International Affairs. - Note ed.) develops the image of a clueless young Russian who can be recruited into dangerous game. There is an appeal to a probable future, the topic under discussion is inflated to a global scale, and the organizers of the rallies immediately become enemies of the country, encroaching on its future. Sergei Ivanenko (member of the Yabloko party) bursting into dialogue with pressing questions and claims. Note ed.) the presenter neutralizes with the following argument: “Are you a democrat? You say that you respect the laws? So respect the laws of our studio.” The presenter says this with a disdainful tone, which weakens Ivanenko’s statement and oratorical image.

TV show employee

Was the choice of topic influenced by the fact that the central channels were criticized on the Internet for hushing up the protest action? Usually, criticism on the Internet is responded to selectively; there is no system as such. It was rather the gravity of the presenter Sheinin. It cannot be said that program management is constantly offended by criticism of the Internet and they run to give “our answer to Chamberlain.”

The presenter appeals to the words of director Alexander Sokurov, without saying a word that this phrase was taken, and also without mentioning that Sokurov has repeatedly spoken critically about the actions of the Russian authorities.

Leonid Smekhov

The presenter undertakes to claim that on his program a decision is formed on the correct reaction of society to rallies. And again a statement about the lack of understanding and stupidity of young people: if they go to a rally, it means there is wind in their heads.

Look: they managed to involve even such worthy and recognized people as Sokurov. He proposes to divide the protesters into those who cannot be touched under any circumstances, and the rest who can be touched. And now we will prove that everyone needs to be touched. Here are the cute girls in the video. Here they are sitting. But a building is on fire in Odessa. This type of innuendo is called "sandwich". We take known fact- girls at the rally, we take another known fact - the burned house of trade unions in Odessa, and between them we put an unknown and unverifiable fact: the statement that these girls also burned the house. The trick is usually convincing.

TV show employee

The system of taking phrases out of context, unfortunately, is constantly practiced. Those who make the program realize that the person whose statement was distorted will never come to the program. And if he wouldn’t go anyway, then his hands are completely untied.

“Time will tell” on Channel One

Issue dated July 21, 2017. Topic: “Why don’t we give birth?” The program about the decline in the birth rate in recent years begins with a discussion of the presenter’s recent vacation in Crimea.

Leonid Smekhov

Sifting through the facts again: we talk about one thing and leave out another. There is an interesting point in the discussion of Crimea: the presenters’ childhood memories of the taste of peaches. Firstly, these memories should evoke the same reaction among the target audience of the program - agreement, warm memories, nostalgia, and at the same time a desire to agree with the position of the presenters. And secondly, these memories are presented with an emphasis on the kinesthetic channel of perception: taste, the sensation of flowing juice from a ripe fruit. This is done so that the viewer’s imagination draws the correct pictures, and does not deal with issues of prices and congestion of the beaches.

Negative issues are minimized, although slightly outlined for the sake of verisimilitude. But in general, everyone is happy in Crimea, the region is bursting with fruits, tourists and people happy to join Russia. A very pleasant picture is created, from which the transition to a painful topic - the decline in the birth rate in the country - turns out to be quite soft. We are already talking about a global and serious problem, but the imagination still pictures a hand with peach juice flowing down it.

There are dozens of political talk shows on Russian television. Almost all of them broadcast the opinions of the same experts, running from one program to another. Ukrainian political scientists stand out among them: they are silenced, openly trolled, and even often beaten. Lenta.ru recalled the most striking episodes with the participation of Ukrainian experts and found out why, despite the humiliation, they remain frequent guests Russian television studios.

Typical scenario

Ukraine continues to hold prime time slots on Russian TV channels. Despite the general fatigue of viewers from the information noise surrounding events in the neighboring state, they did not stop watching talk shows about Ukraine. It is Ukrainian experts who provide the lion's share of the ratings for such programs - without them, political programs would lose their intensity and element of the show.

The dramaturgy of the programs with their participation is based on a completely standard scenario. The presenter asks the political scientist a question (conventionally, about those responsible for the war in Donbass), he says a couple of sentences, after which he is bombarded with counterarguments from all sides. A hubbub begins, which sometimes even the presenters are unable to stop. However, they themselves do not hesitate to make sarcastic remarks about the speakers, and sometimes even shut them up.

Usually the host and guests associate the expert from Ukraine (the same principle applies to the American participants in the discussion) with the Poroshenko regime, and he has to answer for the entire state. Since in most cases they fail to finish their thoughts, they speak uninterruptedly and at the maximum density of words per second.

By opinion President of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko, this tradition in Ukraine was set by Yulia Tymoshenko.

The composition of experts from Ukraine on all Russian television broadcasts is approximately the same. Vadim Karasev, Olesya Yakhno and Vyacheslav Kovtun regularly attend the programs of Vladimir Solovyov, Andrei Norkin, Channel One, TV Center and Zvezda. Of these, only Karasev appears on Ukrainian TV from time to time. The other three are accused of being unpopular in Ukraine, so they want to make PR for themselves in Russia.

Scandals and fights

Vyacheslav Kovtun, the Ukrainian headliner of Russian political talk shows, was especially successful in this. He has repeatedly become the hero of scandals on Russian TV and outside television studios. Last time during a break in the filming of the “Time Will Tell” program on Channel One, he was beaten in the dressing room. According to one of the broadcast participants, this was done by the former Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DPR, Alexander Borodai, who could not stand the provocative behavior of the Ukrainian guest.

But this is not the first time Kovtun has been beaten up on Russian TV. During the conflict in Ukraine, the political scientist suffered at least four times. On the air of Zvezda, the head of the information department of the Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine, Yuri Kot, hit him several times in the face after Kovtun promised to check what his 17-year-old son, living in Ukraine, was doing.

In March 2016, Kovtun went outside after another filming and was preparing to get into a taxi, but he was prevented by unknown people who dipped his head into the cake.

However, the political scientist himself believes that the attacks on him are nothing more than a stage show. In the summer of 2015, during the filming of the Barrier program, Ukrainian deputy Vladimir Oleynik attacked him with fists. It seemed to him that Kovtun was grinning when he spoke about the starvation death of a seven-month-old child in Mariupol. Presenter Vladimir Solovyov separated the fighters and explained that Kovtun was not actually grinning - it was all due to the peculiarities of his facial expressions.

Kovtun is not the only one who was openly “pressed” on Russian TV. In 2015, it went to Kyiv lawyer Eduard Bagirov. He was not convinced by the arguments of the co-chairman of the Popular Front of Novorossiya, Konstantin Dolgov, who tried to prove with the help of photographs that fascist power had settled in Kyiv. Dolgov first promised to break Bagirov’s jaw, and then moved towards him.

TV presenters do not hesitate to show emotions in relation to Ukrainian experts. Yes, new talk show host“Time will tell” Artem Sheinin openly mocks above them in front of the audience.

However, the most memorable incident was the September incident on NTV: the host of “Meeting Place” Andrei Norkin from the studio of visiting political scientist Sergei Zaporozhsky. The program discussed the details of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing.

Norkin argued that the international community ignores Russia's opinion. According to him, for the first time the version that the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian bomber was put forward not by Russia, but by an American blogger. Zaporozhsky objected to him. Norkin thought that the political scientist was wrong, and then explained to the audience that he did not need the advice of “any sheep.”

Where to go to swear

An employee of the editorial office of a large talk show, who wished to remain anonymous, explained in a conversation with Lenta.ru that the pool of experts from Ukraine quoted on federal TV fully satisfies the formal needs of the channels to present the opinion of the Ukrainian side. On the other hand, participation in talk shows is a good opportunity for unknown political scientists to do PR for themselves. That is why, despite the spread of rot, they continue to invest in television studios.

VGTRK Lenta.ru assured that the rumors that experts (including Ukrainian ones) are paid money for organizing extravagant performances on air are false - in the show of the Rossiya 1 channel there are no rewards for guests.

Lenta.ru asked Ukrainian Vadim Karasev why he agreed to participate in Russian programs. He complained that people are not always allowed to speak on air, but, according to him, everything depends on the preparation of the speaker: “If you try, if you have professional and emotional preparation, some thoughts can be conveyed. Well, that’s how I do it.” The political scientist notes that participation in Russian shows- this is “a kind of challenge, a test of professional suitability.”

“There is one more point. We (Ukrainian political scientists - approx. "Tapes.ru") in Russia we play the role of the opposition. Oppositionists, even if they go to shows, are very careful in their statements. We have no restrictions. We can say what we want and consider true about both Russia and Ukraine.”

Karasev is not embarrassed by the fact that in any Russian TV show he a priori looks like a loser. He even advises where a Ukrainian should not go: according to him, it is better not to appear on Zvezda (one of the reasons is that the channel belongs to the Ministry of Defense). But he freely goes to TV Center, but only if, as a specialist in global strategies, he is asked to discuss the development of Europe. According to his admission, he does not attend all of Vladimir Solovyov’s broadcasts, because sometimes he senses in advance that “there will be something muddy.”

Karasev explains his frequent appearance on federal TV by the fact that they want to hear him. “Even though this is a small group, I know that such people exist,” he concluded.

Political talk shows in Russia have become popular programs on modern television. Various channels show these programs, because they are watched large number viewers, and this in turn increases the ratings of television companies and forces them to create new similar television projects. What attracts viewers to these TV shows? We will try to answer this question in this article.

The most popular talk shows

  1. "Sunday Evening" (host Vladimir Solovyov).
  2. "Politics" with Pyotr Tolstoy.
  3. "The right to vote."
  4. “The Right to Know” with E. Satanovsky.

There are also a number of special politicized talk shows that also attract the attention of viewers, for example, the “Special Correspondent” program on the Rossiya TV channel.

What attracts viewers to these programs?

Political talk shows in Russia are today popular view TV shows for many reasons. Firstly, this is due to the growing contradictions between Russia and the countries of the Western world, which declared our country persona non grata after the famous Crimean referendum.

Secondly, all countries feel the accumulated contradictions in relations that are associated with global changes on the geopolitical map of the world that occurred at the end of the last century. With the collapse of the USSR, the Yalta world order system, which had formed at the end of World War II, collapsed. The United States, having gained global dominance in the economic world, decided by military means to achieve the complete subjugation of countries that were not part of the aura of its deep influence. Therefore, the United States, using “soft power” tactics, seeks to create hotbeds of tension throughout the globe, including on the territory of our country.

Thirdly, it is already becoming obvious to many that the world is on the brink of a Third World War, which could end in the complete destruction of humanity, since many states have weapons for this.

Political TV programs on Channel Two

And yet, the ratings of political talk shows in Russia indicate that the greatest responses in the hearts and minds of television viewers are found in television programs on the second federal channel. These are programs hosted by journalist Vladimir Solovyov.

The success of the program is made up of the people invited, usually completely different political views and smart, deep-thinking presenters.

Political talk shows in Russia - propagandists of peace or war

Events in the world are developing rapidly. There are a large number of threats to our country that it has to fight against in the context of Western sanctions and terrorist attacks, as well as the subordination of the Russian economy to the dollar system.

Experts invited to political talk shows, as a rule, present polar points of view on the current situation. Among them there are so-called statists who advocate recreating the image Great Russia, there are liberals who are ready to bow to the Western world for the sake of friendship with it, there are also those who make their political career. There are even representatives from the obvious enemy camp: American journalists trying to convey to our viewers the point of view of the leaders Western countries, according to whom, Russia is taking the path of totalitarianism and poses a threat to the whole world.

It is difficult to say what the hosts of such shows are calling for: they are calling for peace or war. Passions are running high, but we should not forget that such programs are a propaganda tool and entertainment, which is why they frighten viewers and shape public opinion, and even provide pleasant minutes of viewing.

Therefore, the political talk show on the Russia channel is a program that is unlikely to lose its high popularity in the coming years.