What happened to Andrei Malakhov's child. There was not only a working relationship: Aziza admitted that she had lost an unborn child from Malakhov. How old is Natalya Shkuleva

In November 2017, Andrei Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva became parents for the first time. Natalya gave birth to her first child in one of the clinical centers in the Moscow region “Lapino”. According to some sources, this happy event occurred on November 15, others indicate a date a day later.

The birth took place without complications, mother and baby feel well. The young dad was not with his wife at the birth, but was looking forward to it happy event in the ward of a clinical hospital. Fans star couple Almost immediately we learned that a son was born: Natalya Shkuleva gave birth. Details about the baby are also known.

Well-being of a newborn baby

Malakhov and Shkuleva became parents. The boy was born on time, a real hero. His height is 54 centimeters, weight is 4.020 kg. He was born late in the evening. At night, mother and child rested, and the next morning the first feeding was already planned.

The happy dad met his son in the ward after giving birth. Now he looks forward to the moment when he can change his diaper himself.

Andrey Malakhov gave birth to a son - photo from the maternity hospital

The couple has not yet chosen a name for the baby. Andrey says that you need to take a closer look at the child’s character.

The news that Andrei Malakhov had a son, that Natalya Shkuleva gave birth, was not a surprise. Fans knew that the star couple would have their first child in November. Even despite the fact that the future parents hid Natalya’s interesting situation until the very moment when it became obvious. In August 2017, fans realized from photographs that appeared on the Internet that Natalya was pregnant and even correctly determined the period based on her rounded tummy.

Andrey Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva are very happily married

In November, everyone was looking forward to the happy news. And so the couple delighted fans with the news of a new addition to their family. Andrei Malakhov became a father for the first time at 43 years old. Natalya on at the moment 37 years old. They finally, after six years of waiting, became happy parents.

Malakhov with his wife: wife, children

Let us remember that Andrei and Natalya became husband and wife back in 2011, registering their relationship on June 4. There was no grand celebration on this day. Only the closest people gathered. But later the couple organized a real celebration for this occasion in Versailles, which happened on June 13.

Andrey and Natalya met at work, and they started having a real office romance. Andrey courted beautifully and proposed to his chosen one while standing on one knee in a chic New York restaurant. When happy Natalya accepted the offer, the restaurant staff and all the guests applauded loudly. Many said that the newlyweds got married only because Natalya was expecting a baby. But, as is obvious, the rumors were not confirmed.

Andrei Malakhov did not hide his family happiness. He constantly said in interviews that he adored his wife.

They say that she had more than one unsuccessful pregnancy. Despite this, a few years later Natalya pleased her husband with the news that they would soon become parents. When this became obvious to those around him, Andrei said in his interviews that he was looking forward to becoming a father. She and Natalya only talked about raising the future heir.

The 27-year-old singer had a difficult pregnancy, suffering from constant manifestations of toxicosis. I must say that because of her well-being common law husband categorically dissuaded the singer from taking part in the fatal concert. But Aziza thought that she could perform several songs and please her loyal fans.

Having reached the concert venue, Aziza felt bad. That is why Malakhov went to Talkov’s director Valery Shlyafman and tried to negotiate for the performers to be swapped. He responded with a sharp refusal, which provoked a conflict. In the heat of the argument, Malakhov pulled out a combat pistol. At that moment, Igor Talkov came out of his dressing room with a gas pistol in his hands. Malakhov fired twice, but did not hit anyone. Then a third shot rang out, which took his life famous performer. However, who exactly pulled the trigger remains unknown.

Still from the program “The Fate of Man”

“I couldn’t even imagine that something like this would start. I was sitting in the dining room, drinking tea, and suddenly we heard clicks and screams. I ran out and saw that Igor was lying, fighting, I began to cover him with myself so that they would not hit him on the head. I saw that Valera, Talkov’s director, was holding a Malakhov pistol. I ran after Valera, he put the gun in the toilet tank,” Aziza frankly admitted.

Still from the program “The Fate of Man”

The singer added that one tragedy led to another. “I saw half my head gray hair, I thought this was only possible in the movies. And then I found out from the doctor that I had lost the child. I thought that I died that day. If it weren't for my mom then, I would have gone crazy after all this."“, - Aziza noted without hiding despair.

Aziza said that after the incident she had to endure attacks from her colleagues who accused her of Talkov’s murder. 15 years ago she converted to Christianity and even became the godmother of Svyatoslav, the grandson of Igor Talkov. Now the singer does not hide her joy that the investigation has been resumed, and the culprit will be able to receive a well-deserved punishment.

    The scandalous departure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from television show“Let Them Talk” was remembered by the audience for a long time. Many were stunned by the news of the celebrity's dismissal from the project. As it turned out, Malakhov himself deigned to leave and the reason for this was his wife’s decree, during which the future father volunteered to support her in everything. The producer of the TV show did not approve of Andrei Malakhov’s maternity leave, and therefore a conflict arose between them. At the beginning of 2015, Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva suffered a miscarriage and is now preparing to become a mother for the first time.

    The TV presenter's wife Natalya Shkuleva is in the late stages of pregnancy. Malakhov said that he would like to help his wife care for their unborn child and will eventually take leave for this, which the media has already dubbed “maternity leave.” Natalya herself began to appear less and less on the Internet, but recently she told latest news of your pregnancy. Married couple I have been preparing to become parents for a long time. For six years, Andrei Malakhov dreamed of having a child with his wife. At this time the man became godfather children of colleagues and friends, did charity work and even invested in the construction of churches. But now he himself is preparing to become a father.

    Last year, Andrei Malakhov said that he hoped to finally become a father in 2017. And it seems that the TV presenter’s wish has come true. In 2011, Malakhov married businesswoman Natalya Shkuleva. The wedding took place at the Palace of Versailles in Paris. The media began to constantly write about Natalya’s pregnancy, which was denied, but now Malakhov’s wife is really pregnant.

    In 2013, numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva predicted the birth of a daughter for the showman next year. The prediction did not come true and the clairvoyant was attacked by fans of the TV personality with claims that she was lying. However, as it turned out, in 2014 Natalya Shkuleva was indeed pregnant, but the woman had a miscarriage.

    “And in 2015, at Nadezhda Babkina’s anniversary, we met Andrey. I approached Malakhov and asked: “Andrey, were you supposed to have a baby last year?” Malakhov became sad, it was clear that he was very worried. Then he replied: “Yes, we were expecting a child. But he was not born, there was a miscarriage...” I then told him: “Andrey, don’t worry, everything is still ahead!” says the numerologist.

    Natalya Shkuleva is due to give birth to a child soon, which was also confirmed by Malakhov’s mother, who still lives in the Murmansk region and, despite her son’s persuasion, does not want to move to Moscow. She said that she was sincerely happy about the upcoming birth of the child. Numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva made a prediction for the second time, based on which Malakhov will most likely have a girl. The clairvoyant noted that the showman has healing abilities and could save people from illnesses with his hands.

    By the way, Andrei Malakhov has five godchildren (including the 5-year-old children of Philip Kirkorov - Alla-Victoria and Martin). Natalya Shkuleva began to appear less and less often due to pregnancy. She came to support her husband on the TV show “Live”. The woman showed up for the event in a loose-fitting dress. But still, the dress could not hide the fact that Natalya was in the late stages of pregnancy.

    “How she has changed... A girl is waiting!”, “So touching, and the expectant mother has already recovered”, “Happiness! It’s nice to look at you,” the spouses’ subscribers responded to the photo.

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    At one time, the news that the favorite of women, a talented TV presenter, a brilliant showman and simply a handsome man, Andrei Malakhov, was getting married literally shocked many TV viewers in the country. Malakhov always preferred not to talk about his personal life, leaving the ubiquitous paparazzi and curious fans in the dark. Such secrecy even gave rise to a number of rumors about the star’s non-traditional sexual orientation. And suddenly, in 2011, the famous TV presenter not only introduces the public to his beloved, but gets married! The chosen one was Natalya Shkuleva - a pretty blonde with a strong character and the tenacious grip of a businessman. Having recovered a little from the shock, fans and journalists came to the conclusion that, most likely, the reason for such a sudden marriage was the bride’s pregnancy. However, this rumor will haunt the couple for another 6 years, until at the end of the summer of 2017, presenter Andrei Malakhov personally confirms the fact of his imminent paternity. Learn more about who Andrei Malakhov’s wife is (biography and photo from Instagram), how old she is, when she will give birth to a child and whether there are already children in the presenter’s family, and we’ll talk further.

    Andrei Malakhov’s wife - Natalya Shkuleva: short biography and photo from Instagram

    It cannot be said that before his marriage to Andrei Malakhov, his current wife Natalya Shkuleva was an unknown girl. Her name is well known to all fans of such publications as Marie Claire and ELLE, of which Natalya is the publisher. According to close friends of the family, such heights in professional activity Natalya Shkuleva achieved her achievements largely thanks to her strong character, hard work and determination. But evil tongues They do not miss the opportunity to hint that the reason for the young woman’s dizzying career is much more prosaic. The fact is that Natalya’s father, Viktor Shkulev, is the president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, which includes all of the above magazines and many other popular publications. Natalya’s mother, Tamara Shkuleva, also works in this company, so we can confidently talk about the family publishing business, which in due course will be partially inherited by Malakhov’s young wife.

    Brief facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, photo from Instagram

    Here are a few more interesting facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva and a photo from her personal page on Instagram. Natalia received legal education at MGIMO and even managed to work as a lawyer at the Moscow publishing house AFS. Over time, Shkuleva became an executive editor at this company - from this position her editorial career began. Malakhov’s wife began to engage in publishing activities in 2008, starting to publish the unique Departures magazine. This publication is dedicated to the luxurious lifestyle, travel, art, collecting and other attributes of luxury life.

    The wife of presenter Andrei Malakhov Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant, photos and videos

    Rumors that Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, was pregnant began to appear immediately after the wedding of the star couple. The ubiquitous paparazzi tried to see signs of Natalia’s interesting position not only in her voluminous outfits, but also in the constant silence on this topic in the spouses’ interviews. 6 years have passed since the wedding of showman Andrei Malakhov, and the tabloids are again full of headlines about the expectation of the first child in the presenter’s family.

    Is Natalya Shkuleva really pregnant, video

    This time Andrey not only did not deny rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, but also personally confirmed this information. The general public became aware of this fact in August 2017 after Malakhov’s wife appeared on one of the broadcasts of a new television show. Natalya had noticeably gained weight, and her voluminous dress barely hid the woman’s very rounded belly. In addition, a little later, Andrei Malakhov gave an official comment to one publication, in which he fully confirmed the fact of his imminent paternity.

    When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth?

    How old is the expectant mother? When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth? Who is the celebrity couple waiting for? Alas, fans of the presenter will be able to get answers to most questions only after the birth of the baby. The fact is that Natalya does not comment on her situation in any way, and Andrei prefers to ignore personal questions regarding the gender of the baby and the timing of his birth. Therefore, journalists and fans can only make assumptions. For example, after one of the joint photos with his wife appeared on the showman’s page in social network, his followers suggested that the family was expecting a girl.

    As for the timing of the baby’s appearance in the Malakhov family, journalists can only guess possible date. The presenter himself does not comment this question, so we can only resort to the deductive method. Thus, based on a clearly visible belly, it can be assumed that at the time of the TV program’s appearance in the studio in August 2017, Natalya was approximately 6 months pregnant. Based on this, the Malakhovs expect the birth of their child in November 2017.

    How old will the future mother Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, be when she gives birth?

    Another question that interests many fans concerns age. expectant mother. From the biography of Malakhov’s wife it is known that Natalya Shkuleva was born on May 31, 1980. If we assume that the addition to the presenter’s family will happen in November of this year, then Natalya will become a mother at 37 years old.

    Do TV presenter Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva have any other children?

    Despite the fact that for TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva, their marriage is the first, the question of whether they already have children worries many. Most often, the reason for rumors about Malakhov’s illegitimate children is news related to the baptism of babies. The fact is that Andrei has already become a father 5 times, although only as a godfather. The presenter was lucky enough to have three daughters and two sons, including the children of Philip Kirkorov - Alla Victoria and Martin.

    Did Natalya Shkuleva have children before her marriage to TV presenter Andrei Malakhov?

    As for Natalya Shkuleva, there is no information about her godchildren. But Natalya definitely didn’t have any children of her own before her family with Andrey appeared. Therefore, all that remains is to wait until Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, who is definitely pregnant, gives birth to her husband’s child together. This event, after so many years of marriage of the star couple, will definitely not go unnoticed by journalists. Until then, rumors about the showman’s illegitimate children are unlikely to stop.

    A popular TV presenter, every evening trying to find out the secrets of the personal lives of many domestic stars show business, he tries to keep his own under a veil of secrecy. Limiting personal space from prying eyes is a rule that Andrey adheres to not only in relation to to strangers, but also in your own family. Natalya Malakhova - wife of Andrei Malakhov In this she is unanimous with her husband and believes that personal freedom is an important component of family happiness. They met on the sidelines of the Hearst Shkulev Media publishing house, owned by Natalya’s father, a Soviet and to a Russian journalist, publisher and media manager Viktor Shkulev. Natalya’s mother, Tamara Shkuleva, the corporate HR director of the company, and Natalya herself, who at that time had long been one of the key figures of Hearst Shkulev Media and oversaw the production of Elle magazine, worked at this publishing house.

    In the photo - Andrey Malakhov and Marina Shkuleva

    At first, Malakhov and Shkuleva communicated only on work matters, but gradually their work relationship grew into a romance. Malakhov, who had previously been in no hurry to start a serious romance, was increasingly fascinated by a pretty young girl (Natalya is eight years younger than the TV presenter), who, moreover, turned out to be a serious specialist.

    They carefully hid their relationship and first appeared together a few months after the start of their romance at the wedding of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya in 2009.

    Wedding of Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkuleva

    The wedding of the famous TV presenter and Natalya Shkuleva took place in the strictest secrecy on June 11, 2011. The celebration was organized in the best traditions and took place in one of the most luxurious and romantic places on the planet - Versailles, where renting the hall alone costs one hundred and fifty thousand euros.

    A week before, the newlyweds got married at the Gagarinsky registry office in Moscow, and Malakhov proposed to his beloved in New York a year after the start of the affair. Natalya and Andrey went to Paris to celebrate significant event in a solemn atmosphere surrounded by the closest people, among whom were many famous people. After the wedding, Malakhov and Shkuleva settled in an apartment on Arbat, but sometimes they allow themselves to live separately from each other, and this brings some variety to their relationship and helps maintain their freshness.

    How old is Natalya Shkuleva

    Natalya Shkuleva, when she met Andrey, was twenty-nine years old, and now she is thirty-six, and she has already become successful business woman, for which with the beginning family life career is not over. Shkuleva continues to engage in her business and achieve new successes in it, and Andrey really likes this, because this is exactly the kind of woman, ambitious and understanding, that he would like to see next to him all his life.

    In the photo - Natalya Shkuleva - wife of Andrei Malakhov

    Biography of Andrei Malakhov's wife Natalia

    The biography of Andrei Malakhov's wife Natalya Shkuleva is the biography of a successful businesswoman striving to reach new heights in her career. She was born on May 31, 1980 in Moscow. After graduating from school, Natalya entered MGIMO to major in international law, and after graduation she continued her education in London under the FIPP program.

    She began working in her father’s company while still studying, and in 2005 she became its corporate executive director. In 2008, Natalya Shkuleva became the publisher of Departures magazine, and a year later - Marie Claire and Home. Interiors plus ideas”, and later – Elle. About the personal life of Natalya Shkuleva before she met famous TV presenter nothing is known.

    Is Natalya pregnant?

    Almost immediately after the wedding of the popular showman, everyone began to wait for information about when children would be born in the family of Malakhov and Shkuleva. To direct questions on this topic, Andrei answered that they do not yet have any replenishment in sight. Only in 2017 it became known that Andrei Malakhov’s wife was pregnant. The information was confirmed by photos taken by the couple during their vacation at Hotel Cala Di Volpe in Sardinia, and Natalia’s pregnancy is already quite serious.

    Despite the fact that they are in no hurry to officially confirm the news that they will soon become the parents of their first child, many associate it with this event that Malakhov left Channel One, who would like to interrupt his work during his wife’s maternity leave, but the management did not want to go to him towards.

    The presenter's novels before marriage

    Andrei Malakhov never showed off his personal life and carefully hid his novels. However, this further fueled the interest of journalists, who by any means tried to get the slightest information about who the popular showman was currently dating and whether he had children.

    For the first time, Andrei Malakhov experienced a strong feeling for a girl in relation to his classmate, with whom he studied at school hometown Apatity. Tanya Moskalenko, whose attention Malakhov sought, left with her parents for Murmansk after the eighth grade, and they never met again.

    Having received his matriculation certificate, Andrei went to Moscow, where he entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University and met in his senior year new love- Swedish opera singer named Lisa. Malakhov was not embarrassed by the fact that his beloved was thirteen years older - their romance resulted in a civil marriage that lasted seven whole years. Lisa constantly tried to persuade Andrey to move to Stockholm, because she felt uncomfortable in the Russian capital, but Malakhov did not share this intention and dreamed of building a career in his native country.

    After graduating from university, Andrei Malakhov got a job in television and very successfully - he got on Channel One, and his career developed more than successfully, which cannot be said about his personal life - Lisa decided to break up with Andrei, who did not agree to move, and left for her homeland. And soon it became known that she committed suicide by jumping out of the window. This news came as a real shock to Andrei Malakhov; he took this loss seriously, and in order to distract himself, he plunged into work.

    In the photo - Marina Kuzmina

    For a long time, no information appeared about changes in the TV presenter’s personal life, until in 2000 he began going out with businesswoman Marina Kuzmina, whom he met at a party sports club where he trained. New darling She was also much older than Andrei, they said that the age difference was almost twenty years, and she was a very wealthy lady, was on friendly terms with the famous designers Dolce and Gabbana, and owned mines in South Africa.

    In the photo - with Elena Korikova

    Marina gave her lover luxurious gifts; with her he visited many parts of the world, where he vacationed in luxurious mansions. However, apparently, all this weighed on Andrei, and after breaking up with Kuzmina, Malakhov said that Marina left him after she realized that she would not be able to buy him. However, he was painfully worried about the breakup with the millionaire, and briefly found solace in the company of actress Elena Korikova.

    In the photo - Malakhov and Margarita Buryak

    After this affair, another one happened in Malakhov’s personal life - with Margarita Buryak, who was also much older than Andrei. Many even said that he was courting her for the sake of her sixteen-year-old daughter, for whom he had his own plans. However, this romance stopped after Buryak returned to her husband, millionaire Dmitry.