Sun pantry analysis. Message for literary reading lessons in elementary school about M. M. Prishvin and analysis of the work “Pantry of the Sun”

"Pantry of the Sun"

The study of “The Pantry of the Sun” should be considered as a continuation and development of the theme “ Native nature" The teacher's task in in this case is complicated by the fact that the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” is not just a work about nature. In his diary entry, M. Prishvin says: “In „Pantry“I wrote that truth is a harsh struggle for love...” Prishvin creates a fairy tale “for everyone.” The meaning contained in it is deep. Just as the sun deposited its energy in peat deposits, the writer placed in the “Pantry of the Sun” everything that he had accumulated over the years. long years: kind attitude towards people, love for nature... Truth is not just love for a person. It is concluded in a harsh struggle for love and is revealed in the clash of two principles: evil and love. “On one side of the semicircle a dog howls, on the other a wolf howls... What a pitiful howl it is. But you, a passerby, if you hear and a reciprocal feeling arises in you, do not believe in pity: it is not a dog howling, man’s truest friend, it is a wolf, worst enemy him, doomed to death by his very malice. You, passer-by, save your pity not for the one who howls about himself like a wolf, but for the one who, like a dog that has lost its owner, howls, not knowing who now, after him, to serve.” .

Evil, seeking to satisfy predatory instincts, encounters the power of love, the passionate desire to survive. Therefore, Prishvin’s fairy tale shines not only with love - there is a struggle in it, a clash of good and evil in it.

The author used some techniques of a traditional fairy tale. There are confluences of almost fabulous accidents and coincidences here. Animals take an active part in the fate of children. Raven, poisonous snake, magpie, wolf nicknamed Gray Landowner are hostile to children. The dog Grass, a representative of “good nature,” faithfully serves man. It is interesting to note that the tale was originally called "Man's Friend." All the author’s philosophical discussions about the “true truth” are placed in the chapters telling about Grass.

And at the same time, the events in the work have a real basis. "Pantry of the Sun" was written in 1945, after the end of the Great Patriotic War. And “back in 1940, the author spoke about his intention to work on a story about how two children quarreled and how they went along two separate roads, not knowing that in the forest, very often such bypass roads are again connected into one common one. The children met, and the road itself reconciled them.” (according to the memoirs of V.D. Prishvina).

The technique of merging the fabulous and the real made it possible for the writer to express his ideal, the dream of the high purpose of man, of his responsibility to all life on earth. The fairy tale is permeated with the writer’s optimistic faith in the closeness and possibility of realizing this dream, if one seeks its embodiment in real life, among seemingly ordinary people. The writer expressed this idea primarily in the main characters of the work - Nastya and Mitrash.

The originality of the work is the revelation of man through nature, through man’s relationship to nature. Prishvin wrote: “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.”

Possible distribution of material among lessons

Part of the first lesson is devoted to getting acquainted with individual facts of the biography of M. M. Prishvin, as well as his works. This will awaken interest in the work of the writer, with whom most sixth-graders will become acquainted for the first time. In this case, it would be possible to invite students to read in advance some of his works - stories in the collections “Forest Drops”, “Floors of the Forest”, “Golden Meadow”, “Forest Doctor”, etc., and then in a small conversation at the beginning of the lesson to express their opinion or read a review of a book you’ve read.

M. M. Prishvin was born in 1873 near Yelets, on the noble estate of Khrushchevo, owned by his father, who came from Yelets merchants. He grew up among peasant children, studied at the Yelets gymnasium and was expelled from there with a “wolf ticket” for big quarrel with the teacher. Then Prishvin studied at a real school in Tyumen, passed exams as an external student for a classical gymnasium course, and entered the Riga Polytechnic Institute. For participation in a Social Democratic student organization, he was arrested and, after a year in prison, deported to his homeland under open police supervision. In 1899, Prishvin traveled to Germany, to Leipzig, from where he returned four years later with a diploma in agronomist. He works at an experimental agricultural station, preparing himself for scientific and pedagogical activities in the laboratory of Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov. But his awakened interest in literature forces him to dramatically change his destiny.

Since 1905, Prishvin became a travel writer, ethnographer, and essayist. Publishes books. Actively collaborates in newspapers. He travels and walks around the country. He maintained this way of life until old age. Prishvin admitted more than once that he embodied in him the dreams and fairy tales of his own childhood...

In children's literature, Prishvin remained as the author of several collections of stories (“Fox Bread”, “The Chipmunk Beast”, “Grandfather’s Felt Boots”, “Stories of the Gamekeeper Mikhail Mikhalych”, etc.), the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” and a wonderful adaptation of the autobiographical story of the Canadian Indian Vash Quonnasin "Grey Owl" .

Instead of a story about a biography, you can read excerpts from “The Golden Rose” by K. G. Paustovsky (chapter “Mikhail Prishvin”).

The second part of the lesson is devoted to reading aloud (by the teacher or a previously prepared student) the beginning of the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun.”

At home, sixth-graders read M. Prishvin’s work to the end.

The second lesson can be devoted to an initial acquaintance with the ideological and artistic features of the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”, the characters of its main characters - Nastya and Mitrasha.

The purpose of this lesson is to understand why “The Pantry of the Sun” is called a “fairy tale”. This question is very complex, so you should not try to achieve comprehensive answers in class. At this stage, students will only indicate what can be classified as a fairy tale and what could be considered a fairy tale. To this end, the following questions are proposed:

1. Where and when does the action take place in M. Prishvin’s work “The Pantry of the Sun”?

2. How does the beginning of the work resemble a fairy tale?

3. Remember artistic images, individual episodes that can be called fabulous. Think about what role they play in the work.

4. What is true in “The Pantry of the Sun”?

By highlighting fairy-tale and realistic elements, let us draw students' attention to the fact that the fairy-tale elements in Prishvin's work are no more, but no less, fabulous than all the other images of the work. Consequently, everything here can be called a fairy tale and at the same time a reality. Here it is important to note the features of the writer’s style: when talking about something magical, Prishvin will carefully note “seems”, “as if”, “similar”, and if we are talking about the real, the writer will definitely emphasize the magical properties of kindness and hard work.

Thus, when analyzing, it is important to focus students’ attention on the fact that in the work “The Pantry of the Sun” “fairy tales and fairy tales never become in different ways, different components of the narrative - the essence of Prishvin’s manner is precisely that they are clearly perceptible and absolutely inseparable in every detail of the text" .

The next stage of the lesson is working on the characteristics of Nastya and Mitrasha. Sample questions for conversation:

2. Highlight comparisons and epithets that help to understand the author’s attitude towards Nastya and Mitrasha. What properties of these children’s characters do you think are especially dear to the author?

3. Remember how Nastya and Mitrasha lived after the death of their mother. What kind of relationship developed between them? What do you think was most amazing about their lives?

The main content of the next lesson is understanding the conflict between Nastya and Mitrasha, its causes and consequences; spiritualization of nature, its participation in the fate of heroes.

To understand the conflict between Nastya and Mitrasha, some methodologists propose organizing a discussion that helps to arouse interest in what is read, and also promotes a conscious understanding of the work. The main questions of the lesson: who is right - Nastya or Mitrash? Whose side is the narrator on?

Another way is also possible - “following the author.” In this case, we offer a conversation with constant reference to the text. Sample questions and tasks:

1. Retell in your own words and then read the scene of the argument between Nastya and Mitrasha. Pay attention to how nature “behaves”. Is it possible to determine whose side the author is on?

2. What made Mitrasha take an uncharted path? Why did he get into trouble? How does the author relate to Mitrasha in this story? What helped Mitrasha emerge victorious from everything that happened? Support your assumptions with details from the text.

3. How did Nastya behave when she was alone? Why did she forget about her brother? What does the author condemn in Nastya’s behavior? Find artistic image, which helps to understand the author’s attitude towards Nastya.

4. Why does the writer insert into his narrative a story about a spruce and a pine tree growing together? Why is this story placed before the children appear in the forest?

5. Read the description of nature after the episode of the children’s quarrel (from the words “Then the gray darkness moved in tightly ...” to the words “howled, groaned ...”). Think about how the author helps you understand the meaning of what is happening. What is the author's attitude towards this?

6. Why did Grass come to the aid of man?

It is appropriate not only to specifically remember what personification is, but also to carry out work that will help expand and consolidate this concept. Students give examples from the “Pantry of the Sun”, when inanimate objects are endowed with the signs of living beings, plants and animals seem to acquire human properties: a black grouse greets the sun, a guard raven calls for a close fight, a pine and a spruce, old Christmas trees growing together interfere with Mitrash etc. It is important to make it clear to students that throughout the course of the story one can feel a person’s desire to comprehend and animate nature, to make it understandable, close and dear to people.

At home, students must answer in writing one of the questions proposed for conversation in class.

In the next lesson after checking homework You can begin to summarize what you have learned. The main goal of the lesson is to determine the main idea of ​​the work. Using a system of questions, the teacher will lead sixth-graders to the conclusion - the “truth” of life, its most important meaning lies in the unity of man and nature, in the kindred, wise relationship of man to nature. Using the example of the main characters, the writer seeks to show the strength, beauty of man, his power and enormous capabilities. The title of the work is associated not only with peat deposits. The author means the spiritual treasures of a person who lives in nature and is her friend.

Sample conversation questions

1. Why did the writer call his work a fairy tale? What meaning did he put into these words?

After answering this question, it would be appropriate to read the writer’s dedication, placed in one of the first editions for children, “The Pantry of the Sun,” which will help to better understand the meaning of the entire work:

"Content an ordinary fairy tale- this is the struggle of a human hero with some villain (Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent-Gorynych). And at the end of the struggle there must certainly be victory, and a fairy tale in this sense is an expression of the universal faith in the victory of good over evil. With this faith I walked my long literary path, with this faith I hope to finish it and pass it on as an inheritance to you, my young friends and comrades.” .

2. What significance does the story of Travka have in the work?

3. What meaning does the writer give to the words “pantry of the sun”?

4. What is the significance of the dispute between Nastya and Mitrasha in the work? How is this story connected with the words: “This truth is the truth of the eternal harsh struggle of people for love”?

5. How do you imagine the narrator?

6. Read the epigraph to the chapter. How does he characterize the writer?

In conclusion, we can say that after the appearance of “Pantry of the Sun,” the Mosfilm film studio invited Prishvin to write a film script based on this work. The film was never created, but the film story entitled “The Gray Landowner” was published in the collection of works by M. M. Prishvin in 1957.

Konstantin Paustovsky called Prishvin “a herb of the Russian language.” Tenderness and love for nature is felt in every line of the writer. In the story “Pantry of the Sun” Prishvin describes the nature of the eastern part of the Oryol region, simple and a little harsh. Against this background, all the wonderful qualities of the earth appear more clearly; it seems that nature itself is spiritualized, that it participates in the fate of the main characters, Nastya and Mitrasha.

From the very first line of the story we meet children whose lives are entirely connected with nature, the earth, and the forest. Orphans Nastya and Mitrash run a simple household and manage everything themselves. The earth and forest feed them, and children do not miss the opportunity to use their gifts, the “pantry of the sun.” When Nastya and Mitrash go for cranberries, we follow the guys and get acquainted with the incredible world of the Russian forest and its heroes. We gradually forget that Prishvin’s characters are not people, but animals, birds, trees and grass, the river and the wind, they are so spiritual in the story. Each has its own character and habits: magpies argue with crows, the river brutally deals with the trees, winning a place for itself, the wind sings and carries seeds.

The rocks, birds, and wolves even have their own names, and each has a role to play in the story. Some characters are kind to people, some look indifferently at little people walking through the forest about their business, but some can destroy, and only friendship, ingenuity and mutual assistance allow Nastya and Mitrasha to avoid danger. One involuntarily recalls the words of the writer himself: “If even the wild swamps alone witnessed your victory, then they too will flourish with extraordinary beauty - and spring will remain in you forever.” Prishvin shows Russian nature as a mother-nurse, storyteller and teacher. The guys learn their lessons and understand that the “pantry of the sun” is opened only to those whose hard work and courage go hand in hand with caution and prudence. There is something amazing in Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin’s view of the earth, nature and people. He sees the world as if for the first time, as in childhood. And from this the forest begins to talk to a person, if he is able to hear it. And I am very happy that we can again and again immerse ourselves in this world and communicate with its heroes.

Updated: 2012-03-11

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Lesson type: combined


  • based on what you read, learn to identify the character traits of the main characters,
  • analyze the actions of children, their behavior in nature;
  • develop thinking, oral speech, expand your vocabulary.


Educational. Analyze episodes of this work; reveal the features of the genre, the characters of the characters, the writer’s intention - to show the unity of man and nature.

Developmental. Improve expressive reading skills; develop speech and creative abilities of students.

Educational. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, careful attitude to nature.



  1. Summary of a literature lesson on the topic “Analysis of M. Prishvin’s work “Pantry of the Sun” for 6th grade

Subject: The moral essence of the relationship between Nastya and Mitrasha

Lesson type: combined


  1. based on what you read, learn to identify the character traits of the main characters,
  2. analyze the actions of children, their behavior in nature;
  3. develop thinking, oral speech, and expand vocabulary.


Educational: - analyze episodes of this work; reveal the features of the genre, the characters of the characters, the writer’s intention - to show the unity of man and nature.

Developmental: - improve expressive reading skills; develop speech and creative abilities of students.

Educational: cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, respect for nature.

Equipment: portrait of M. Prishvin, projector, crosswords.

During the classes.

A person must be reasonable in his relationship with nature, understand it, love and protect it.

M. Prishvin

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Let's smile at each other and let our day be filled with smiles and joys.

II. Motivation educational activities, announcement of the topic, lesson goals.

Today in class we will analyze episodes from M.M. Prishvin’s story “The Pantry of the Sun.” Write down the date and topic of the lesson “The moral essence of the relationship between Nastya and Mitrasha.” To begin with, we will remember the peculiarity of Prishvin’s work, what did he build his work around? (Nature and man, there is a relationship)

III. Work on the content of the work.

  1. Literary duel.

Your goal is to quickly and correctly answer the questions I asked.

1. In what year was the fairy tale written? (In 1945)
2. Who is Antipych? (Forester)
3. What was the name of the wolf in the work? (Gray landowner)
4. In popular words, some extremely pleasant place in the forest. (Palestinian)
5. A swampy place in a swamp is like a hole in the ice. (Elan)
6. The name of the swamp near which the children lived. (Bludovo)
7. Names of the main characters. (Nastya, Mitrasha)
8. Who saved the boy from death in the swamp? (Dog Grass)
9. On whose behalf is the story of “The Pantry of the Sun” told? (Scouts of swamp wealth)
10. Author of the work. (Mikhail Prishvin)

2. Frontal conversation with elements of selective text reading and retelling.

1) How do you see the main characters of the fairy tale? Let's try to make a cluster about the internal traits of Mitrasha and Nastya.

3) Why does he call them “Golden Hen” and “little man in a bag”?

(The affectionate nickname “golden hen” gives Nastya’s description a fairy-tale charm. The effect is enhanced by diminutive suffixes in the words: “chicken”, “legs”, “coins”, “nose”, “clean”, “freckles”. Mitrasha is described differently. The main thing in his description is his masculine, strong-willed qualities. The nickname “Little Man in a Bag” means that Mitrasha, although still small, already has the qualities of a “peasant.”)

(The children had no time to play and have fun. Caring for a large household, “about all living beings” fell on their shoulders. The author both admires and is proud of them: “But did our children cope with such a misfortune during the difficult years of the Patriotic War!”)

(The author compares the children with the actions of their parents. Nastya, “like her late mother,” “would get up far before the sun,” “drive out her beloved flock,” light the stove, cook dinner, “busy about the house until nightfall.” Mitrash “learned from his father “make wooden utensils, “all the men’s household and social affairs rest on him. He attends all meetings, tries to understand public concerns.”)

Let’s read a short dialogue at the beginning of the story. (p. 121 from the words “Very good...” to the words “... or plant potatoes.”)

6) How does this dialogue help to understand the characters of the brother and sister?

(Children imitate the behavior of their parents. Mitrasha remembers “how his father taught his mother” and tries to teach Nastya. Nastya behaves like her late mother: she does not argue with Mitrasha, smiles, he “begins to get angry and swagger.” Nastya first teases, then affectionately strokes his brother on the back of the head. The little squabble ends in reconciliation and friendly work.)

Let's read the role-by-role dialogue in the episode “Nastya and Mitrash are going for cranberries.” (p. 123 “Nastya, starting to get ready, ... where sweet cranberries grow”).

7) What role does this dialogue play in the subsequent narrative?

(Nastya inattentively listened to her brother when he talked about the “Palestinian” in the forest. She has her own, female, household concerns, she makes sure that they are well-fed on the road. Mitrasha has already decided that he will go look for the Palestinian. He is a man, researcher, looking for new ways. This is how the conflict of the narrative is outlined.)

8)What event is the plot of the story?

(An argument, and then a quarrel between the guys, which almost led to tragedy. Reasonable Nastya tried to convince her brother to follow a wide, dense path, but Mitrasha became stubborn and went “on his own, along his own path.” At this point Nastya got angry, and so It turned out that the guys went different ways.)

10) What role does nature play in the development of events?

Teacher's comment:

The fornication swamp seems to be an alarming, dangerous, scary place. Nature itself here frightens not only humans, but also animals. Let's pay attention to how the fox's anxiety and fear are shown: diminutive suffixes in its description make it small and defenseless.

Here a dog and a wolf are contrasted - a friend and an enemy of a person: “a feral dog... howled with longing for a man, and the wolf howled with unparalleled anger towards him.” It was here, in this bad place, that Nastya and Mitrasha, cranberry hunters, came.

Nature foretells evil. Another signal of an approaching discord between brother and sister is a cloud that “like a cold blue arrow... crossed the rising sun in half.”

The wind adds to the anxiety, because of which “the pine groaned” and “the spruce growled.”

11) What is the meaning of the parable about the fate of the pine and spruce?

(Two trees destined to live together are described as living beings. Big trees would have to grow independently, separately from each other. They grew up together, but they are separated, do not help each other, wanting to assert themselves at the expense of the other. The meaning of the parable is that people should help each other, support each other.

CONCLUSION: So, we examined the relationships of the heroes, the author’s attitude towards the children, dialogues that help reveal the characters’ characters, the composition of the work, the role of nature in the development of events.

III. Pupils retell episodes at will, complementing each other.

Episode 1 - “Mitrasha in Trouble.”

How does nature warn the boy about danger?

(“The ground under your feet has become like a hammock suspended under a muddy abyss” - there is already anxiety in this. The old Christmas trees scare Mitrash, blocking his path.)

(The author likes Mitrasha’s courage when he walks along scary forest, his ingenuity when he guesses how to shorten the road. The author is worried, worries about the boy, sympathizes with him, as if he wants to warn him from danger. The author roots for Mitrasha with all his heart, describing his helplessness.”

Episode 2 - “Nastya’s Adventures in the Forest.”

Why did Nastya forget about her brother? How does the author feel about Nastya?

(Nastya came across a Palestinian woman sprinkled with red cranberries and forgot about everything in the world. The author asks: “Where does a person, given his power, get greed even for the sour berry cranberry?” He doesn’t seem to condemn Nastya, but is only surprised. Author's attitude towards children is also expressed through the attitude of animals towards them.)

How do animals react to the appearance of children in the forest?

(Teterev Kosach does not notice them, “they were so quiet.”)

IV. Group work. Dramatization of the episode “Quarrel between Nastya and Mitrasha”

(Narrator, Nastya, Mitrasha, crow).

Questions for the class:

1. How could it happen that such friendly guys not only quarreled, but also left each other? After all, they knew that the ruthless Gray landowner was wandering in the forest, that there was a disastrous place in the swamp?

Questions for the class:

1. Why didn’t Grass immediately respond to Mitrasha’s call? p.65

2. What, besides sharpness, courage, and patience, helped Mitrasha escape?

4. Why did the almost wild Grass listen to the man and come to his aid?

5.What truth did Antipych whisper to both dogs and people?

IV. Conclusion.

So what is the sun's pantry? (This is not only the Bludovo swamp with its reserves of flammable peat, it is all nature and man - a “wise master.”)

By connecting the lives of people and nature, Prishvin expresses his main idea: A person must be reasonable in his relationship with nature, understand it, love and protect it.(This is the epigraph for the lesson, we write it down in a notebook).

Now let's return to the cluster. Have there been any changes? Are there differences in their personalities? What about the similarities?

Now we are divided into 2 teams: on my left is the team “Mitrash”, and on the right is “Nastenka”

So, pay attention to the screen.

V. Homework:

1. Think about why “The Pantry of the Sun” is called a fairy tale?
2. Fairy tale and reality in the work of Prishvin(by examining the text, identify the elements of the fairy tale and were)

3. Solve the crossword puzzle.

“In Usolye you will sail as if not into a village, but into some kind of residence of forest creatures that do not disturb the overall landscape: so everything around is wooded, swampy.”In Usolye you will sail as if not into a village, but into some
residence of forest creatures that do not disturb the overall landscape:
everything around is so wooded, swampy, so much nature,” wrote
MM. Prishvin.
chain", "Tale
"Stories about
mom" and many
others have been written
in the village of Usolye.

The history of the creation of the fairy tale was “The Pantry of the Sun”.

In 1945, the Ministry of Education announced
competition for best book for children. Prishvin takes in
his participation and victory in the Great Patriotic War
meets a new story"Pantry of the sun." which
was written in a month.
This work is full of impressions from
Usolskaya nature and the life of the writer among it.
The story received first prize and was published
in the July issue of October magazine.

Prototypes in the story

the heroes are
Usol children -
orphans Sonya and
children, caring for
them collective farmers
formed the basis

“Sonya is 10 years old, Borya is 11. Two years ago their mother died, and soon after their father. All simple farming - a hut, a vegetable garden and small pets

– left for the children.” (diary from
April 7, 1943).

The prototype of the image of old man Antipych was the old forester Antipych, who lived not far from Usolye.

Antipych and Travka.
Artist I.L.Bruni.

The image of the author in the story.

How he sees
the world
What kind of person
he appears before
The writer is very sharp,
he with love
by nature, it is for
him alive, in her
life he sees
familiar manifestations

The fabulous and the real in the story. What is real in the “Pantry of the Sun”?

Time of action - the period of the Great
Patriotic War.
Like many children during the war,
Mitrasha and Nastya were orphaned.
Ordinary everyday scenes. (Search
cranberries Children's quarrel. Happily escaped from
troubles. Returning home with loot).

What are the fairy-tale features in the story?

Like in fairy tales, where the heroes are also brother and sister. For example: “Sister Alyonushka and
brother Ivanushka", "Geese - swans", " The Snow Queen" and etc.

Fairy-tale features in the story.

What is the relationship between brother and sister in fairy tales?
Why does trouble often happen to brother and sister in fairy tales?
What about Prishvin? Who is to blame for the quarrel?
Where did the quarrel take place? What fairytale motif can you recognize and

Why did the children go? What is their purpose? What do fairy-tale heroes usually look for? What treasures and wonders are they hunting for? Is it possible to compare cranberries?

Why did the children go? What is their purpose?
What do fairy-tale heroes usually look for? For what
Are they hunting for treasures and miracles?
Can cranberries be compared to a treasure? To which
is it closest to the treasure?

Where did the quarrel take place? What fairy tale motif can be found here?

The quarrel occurred on
a fork in two paths.
"You'll go left -
you'll become rich
you'll go straight -
you'll lay down your head,
you'll go right -
you will find a bride" and

What difficulties and trials, sometimes even life-threatening, did the children face?

Who helped Nastya and Mitrasha? Who became the children's savior?

How is Grass similar to these magical helpers and how is it different from them?

Is there anything about Antipych that resembles a fairy-tale hero? Who in fairy tales often plays the role of an assistant who knows some secrets and secrets?

How is it similar and not
look like him
Which main one?
didn't reveal the secret
for the kids?
Antipych acts as the keeper of the secret of life.

What happens to nature when guys quarrel?

What happens to nature during
Nature dissers
and spiritualized.
The artistic device is personification.

Every fairy tale has magical objects.

What is named in the story
"wonderful thing"?
What is the difference between a compass
from a fairy tale ball,
who leads

The author's speech in the story. How does it resemble a fairy tale?

Author's speech
melodiously, smoothly
folds up
a word to
a word and
similar to light
stream in
dense forest.


It was no coincidence that Prishvin named his
work of a fairy tale. Similarities with her
is found both in the plot and in
artistic images, and
the presence of wonderful objects,
magical secrets, and the participation of nature
in all events, and in a special warehouse
author's speech.

Everyone has their own path.

Nastya and Mitrasha.

What characterization does Prishvin give to his
to the heroes at the beginning of the story? What does he emphasize in
Why did people in the village love Mitrasha and Nastya?
How did brother and sister treat each other?
The presence of parents is constantly felt in
children's lives. How can this be proven?
Why do guys listen poorly during a meeting?
each other?
What prompted the guys to go cranberry picking?

The role of nature in the story.

Do children see beauty?
coming morning? Why?
What alarming notes sound
in the description of the miraculous
spring morning? What is it connected with
this anxiety?
How did nature react to
what happened?
Why is the story about a brother's quarrel
and sisters starts with
descriptions of pine and spruce?

The behavior of Nastya and Mitrasha.

Why did Nastya, walking along the “common path,” forget about her brother?
Why did even forest dwellers stop paying attention to
her attention?
Does Mitrash remember about his sister, about why they went to
Why didn’t Mitrasha listen to the warnings?
voices of nature? What drove him?
And when and where did Nastya remember about her brother?
Why was she scared when she saw the viper?
What happened to Mitrasha at this time? How he behaved
in trouble? Why did he manage to escape?
Is Travka right in mistaking the boy for Antipych, i.e.
recognizing him as the owner? Why?
Why did the author call Mitrasha “ big man"? What
happened to Mitrasha?

The author's attitude towards the guys.

How does the author feel about
what's happening
with his heroes? WITH
what a feeling, with
what intonation
he talks about
their adventures?

Lessons from the story.

What does the story of Nastya and

What can be called a small pantry of the sun?

Burnt tree stump on Palestine, which
stores the sun's heat and shares
them with all living beings.
Bludovo swamp with its huge
reserves of fuel, peat (good warmth and
The human soul. True Values
life: love, mutual understanding, conscience,

The meaning of the title of the story “Pantry of the Sun”.

The work had several
titles: “man’s friend”, “Brother and
sister", "Bludovo swamp".
Why did Prishvin choose something else?
title – “Pantry of the Sun”?


The name also includes the life of nature,
and human life with all of it
joys and sorrows, suffering and
discoveries, losses and gains; it
does not focus our attention on
plot moves, but in a deeper sense
works: after all, a pantry is a storage facility
something, and the sun is the mother of all living things,
that means life.

MKOU Secondary School named after Hero of Russia Maxim Passar, Naikhinsky rural settlement

Teacher of Russian language and literature
Mironenko E. P.

“The Pantry of the Sun” is a fairy tale. Very real children go on a very real journey - for cranberries. But they have to deal with the animate forces of nature - both favorably disposed and hostile (the wolf Gray Landowner).

Prishvin is a great connoisseur and lover of nature. He poetically describes the awakening of spring nature, the voices of birds and animals merging into a single magical choir.

Nature too actor there were in a fairy tale.

Prishvin is very attentive to children. With gentle humor and great love, he describes two independent peasant children who know how to cope with a large farm. Prishvin, in the images of his brother and sister, affirms peasant thoroughness, love of work, practical acumen and the ability to deal with difficulties.

Brother and sister are not at all ideal, correct and obedient children. They argue over which of them is more important. Mitrash, to prove that he is right, follows a narrow path - and almost dies in a swamp.

Nastya is a greedy girl: carried away by the harvest of an unprecedented cranberry harvest, she almost forgot about her brother. But the trials they experience make children smarter and kinder. Nastya gives all the collected berries to children evacuated from besieged Leningrad.

The name “Pantry of the Sun” is a multi-valued image. The “pantry of the sun” is not only peat, which can be used as a source of energy. This is all the reserved northern nature, this is kind heart people.