Prayer during the child's operation to Saint Luke. During the operation. Who to pray to during surgery

Operation... This word scares even brave men. And although today medicine has reached unprecedented heights, we are afraid of medical intervention until our knees tremble. There are different operations: simple or complex ones that take many hours and those that are carried out in 10-15 minutes. There are operations whose consequences are joy. For example, the birth of a child through or healing from an illness that has tormented for years. There are operations after which you need to rehabilitate and recover for a long time, get used to a new life or prepare for the next surgical intervention. In short, there can be a lot of situations. They have one thing in common - a person’s fear of the unknown, and sometimes fear for his life. It is at such moments that each of us understands how powerless he is and how much he needs God’s help. For such people, this article was written, which talks about the power of prayer before surgery, what it should be.

What should prayer be like?

Prayer before surgery, and indeed any prayer to God, is valid only when the soul of the person praying has faith in the one to whom he is praying. Christian prayer has nothing to do with conspiracy, mantras, psychological attitudes. Prayer before surgery for a true believer is entrusting oneself into the hands of God, submitting to His good will, blessing the hands of doctors who will touch your flesh.

Before you read a prayer before surgery, think about whether you are a Christian? Do you believe in the one to whom you pray? If your answer is yes, then pray from your heart, in your own words. If you've never done this before, use the sample provided in this article. There are no clear instructions in the Bible about what words a Christian should use in prayer to the Lord, and therefore both the use of prayers written by priests and prayer in simple words emanating from the heart.

Before you pray...

Confess your sins to God and ask for forgiveness for them. Forgive everyone who hurt you. If possible, go to church and take communion, ask the priest to pray for the upcoming surgical intervention. Come home, read the Gospel - it describes many cases of how Christ healed illnesses. If you do everything before the operation, it will give you strength and faith in a successful outcome.

The prayer for the patient before surgery should be the same. However, if this person is far from believing in God, also pray for the salvation of his soul.

Example Prayer

“Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, I commend to You my spirit and my life.
I ask You, Almighty, bless and have mercy on me. Grant me, Lord, life and long days before Your face. May Your mercy be upon me. Forgive me my sins in the name of Your Holy Son Jesus Christ. In You I hope and trust, my Lord and my God. For You are truly the Christ alone, the Son of the living God, who came into a sinful world to save us. May Your blessing be on the hands of doctors, on what they will do. Thy will be done, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A prayer to Luka Krymsky before surgery can also be used.

There is no special prayer in the event of a surgical operation, but a Christian can and should prepare for such an event.

What to take with you to the hospital

A Christian must remember: illness is sent by God precisely so that a person can escape from the everyday bustle and think about the eternal. This is how you should perceive your condition. Very often to modern man There is not enough time to read the Gospel, the works of the Fathers of the Church, other books of spiritual content, or to think calmly. The disease provides such an opportunity - and we must take advantage of it.

You can ask your loved ones to pray for the sick person - for this there is a special prayer “For the Sick.” They can also order a prayer service at the temple.

On the eve of the operation, you need to not only read the usual evening prayers, but also pray for the doctors and nurses who will operate and assist. In the morning before the operation, you need to pray as usual, and then from time to time repeat short prayers: “Lord, have mercy! God bless! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!”

If the doctor insists that the patient remove the pectoral cross during the operation, there is no need to argue - perhaps this is really necessary. In this case, you can help.

There is no need to be like those people who cry out to God when things are difficult for them and forget about Him as soon as the danger has passed. After leaving the hospital, you should definitely visit the temple and thank the Almighty for your healing. At the same time, you definitely need to pray for the doctors.

Ask any person what prayer is, and everyone, without thinking too much, will answer that it is an appeal to God, to To the Higher Powers asking for help in difficult moments. Difficult moments in human life are diseases, especially those associated with surgery.

And this is understandable: to a normal person It’s always scary when he is “turned off” from life through anesthesia, even for a while. No, no, and the thought will creep in: what if the anesthesiologist makes a mistake? What if I don’t wake up? Is the surgeon experienced enough? Life shows that in such situations even the most inveterate skeptics often begin to pray. What prayer should you read during surgery?

Traditionally it is believed that intercessors for the sick - martyrs-healers:

  • Panteleimon.
  • His teacher Ermolai.
  • Miracle Workers Cosma and Damian.
  • Cyrus and John.
  • Canonized literally at the end of the last century St. Luka Krymsky, who during his lifetime was both an operating surgeon and a bishop.
  • If surgery is being performed on a child or mother, it is best to contact Mother of God.
  • They also turn to other saints, to whom they are accustomed to pray on all occasions in life and to whom the soul is especially disposed - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Blessed Matrona of Moscow, St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, martyr Tryphon, Archangel Raphael.

However, in any case, we must remember that the saints of God have no “specialization”: this one, they say, is “responsible” for this, that one is responsible for that. This is how they appear in folk tradition.

The saints are only intermediaries in transmitting our worldly petitions to the Lord Almighty: we bring our prayers to them, and they intercede for those praying before the Heavenly Father, in in this case asking Him for healing. Therefore, it is most logical to ask the Savior for this.

It is easiest to give recommendations about prayers before an upcoming operation. A man is preparing for a responsible event. He needs to visit church, confess and receive communion, and forgive his offenders. This is important not only for the future patient himself in the sense of his peace of mind, but also to the Guardian Angel who cares for him - after all, he also prays for health, and it is much easier to pray for those who do not carry a stone in their bosom.

Believers usually take a blessing from the priest so that the operation is successful. and also ask to pray for their recovery.

When preparing to come to the hospital, it is a good idea to order a magpie about health for the patient. This can be done the day before by the patient himself or by one of his relatives. In many monasteries they read the Indestructible Psalter, and this prayer for health can also be ordered. Both serve for forty days, so it will cover both the time of the operation itself and the period after it.

Having been admitted to the hospital, on the eve of the operation, before going to bed, while reading the evening rule, you must include in it a prayer for the operating surgeon and the entire medical staff which will be involved in the process. Morning - greet with reading the morning rule and pray before the operating table.

When there are health problems for themselves or their relatives, first of all, people turn to Saint Panteleimon.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon during surgery:

Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May I, healthy in soul and body, be able to spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and be worthy of receiving a good end to my life.

Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

Prayer Luka Krymsky about health during surgery:

Like a bright and sparkling star, you illuminate our path with your virtues. Your angelic soul, your holy rank, we pray to you. The godless subjected you to persecution and brought suffering upon you. Your faith was unshakable; you did not deprive the suffering of your help and affection. Your medical wisdom entered homes with healing. We bow before your face, we bend our knees before your relics, we glorify your body and spirit. We praise your deeds. We pray that you grant us healing and strengthen our health. Amen.

If surgery is not performed under general anesthesia. You can read all known prayers; you can contact specific saints with a request for successful outcome operations; You can express your prayer in your own words - with faith and hope.

Good to learn by heart prayer for help during surgery:

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall, and raise up the overthrown, correct bodily sorrows of people, we pray to You, our God, visit Your weak servant (name) with Your mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. To her, Lord, Thy healing power was sent down from heaven, to guide the mind and hand of Thy servant the doctor (name), so that he would perform the necessary surgery safely, as if the bodily ailment of Thy sick servant (name) was completely healed, and every hostile invasion would be driven far away from him. . Raise him from his sick bed and grant him health in soul and body to Thy Church, pleasing and doing Thy will. It is Yours to have mercy and to save, our God, and to You we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

If the operation is to be performed using general anesthesia, it is recommended to literally read the short and very effective Jesus Prayer before falling into a narcotic sleep: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!”, or just repeat: “Lord, have mercy! God bless!, or contact your Guardian Angel.

Do not hesitate to cross yourself and cross your operating bed before you lie down on the operating table.

The prayer of loved ones for a sick person undergoing surgery is also of great importance. As a rule, its time is known, so it would not be superfluous to light a candle for health at this hour; If there is a service in the church, order a prayer service.

A common prayer by agreement for a successful outcome of the operation, which can be read at the appointed time by several close people, is considered strong:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, that if two of you take counsel on earth about every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father who is in Heaven: where are the two? or three gathered in My name, I am I in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names), who have agreed to ask Thee (request), the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

Any prayer requires special attention and concentration. The morning and evening prayer rules are read in front of the icons, if possible - out loud, if not - silently. The situation will tell you how to read them in the hospital, the main thing is that they are read thoughtfully, without irritation, in a calm mood. If your roommates do not object, read the prayers out loud - it will benefit them too.

  • Prayer, both for yourself and for loved one must be extremely sincere and heartfelt, and every word she says is balanced and meaningful.
  • Praying during surgery focuses on conversation with the saint, to whom he turns, all his thoughts are with him.
  • Prayer to a saint should not be a one-time affair. Many people recommend reading the selected prayer 40 times. Often people read it constantly - until they fall into a deep narcotic sleep.
  • When preparing for an operation, we must understand that illnesses befall us not “for something,” but for “something”: this means that the Lord considers it necessary to enlighten us in this way, to teach us a lesson in patience and humility. And therefore, this lesson must be accepted, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, with gratitude and faith in the mercy of God. A simple and short “formula” “Thy will be done” will help you accept the situation with dignity.
  • In the hours and minutes before the operation, being in a prayerful mood, in no case should you remember grievances, scold, blame, and especially curse anyone, even suspecting him of malice. Reconciliation with offenders is a direct path to recovery.

    We must take the spoken words of prayer seriously and thoughtfully. That is why true prayer should be distinguished from conspiracies and spells that turn the patient more likely to pagan examples of folklore.

    Conspiracies often use definitions and comparisons that have nothing to do with true faith, and sometimes contradict the essence of the request. So, in one of them, in an appeal to Jesus Christ, it is said: “Jesus, just as you were taken down from the cross, so take me off the operating table.” The ambiguity of the phrase is obvious, but many people pronounce it that way without thinking about it.

  • Prayer assumes that the person asking sincerely repents of his sins, of which many have accumulated over a lifetime.
  • Did it seem to you that what you asked for was not fulfilled to the extent that you would like? This is also not for us, mere mortals, to judge, but we definitely cannot lose faith. Prayer strengthens the connection between the Almighty and human souls. Of course, prayer does not work instantly, like a pain reliever, but it helps to create an attitude of faith and trust in the Lord God and healers working for His glory.

    When deciding to have an operation, anyone will worry about the result and worry about the professionalism of the surgeon. Provide beneficial influence on the doctor, a positive outcome and successful process of any intervention can be done with a suitable prayer. Read more in this article about what prayers should be read, to whom, how and when.

    The Power of Prayer Before Surgery

    Prayer before surgery is not just a guarantee of a successful outcome.

    In addition to guaranteeing a safe outcome, it helps with the following:

    1. Calms and gives hope.
    2. Provides surgeon confidence and skill.
    3. Allows you to avoid unexpected situations and unnecessary reactions.
    4. Does not allow a lot of stress on the body.
    5. Eliminates unwanted consequences.

    Such prayers are usually read by the whole family and relatives. This is done in order to strengthen the request and increase the chances of its fulfillment.

    For a successful outcome, the patient himself must go through three stages:

    1. Prayer the day before surgery.
    2. A petition before the process itself.
    3. Gratitude after.

    The main prayer is the one read before surgery. Moreover, it must be read within a week.

    Who to pray to before and after surgery, how to do it correctly?

    When deciding who needs to offer what kind of prayer service, you don’t have to worry about making the right choice. Remember that you are asking the Saint to convey your prayer to the Lord and pray with you.

    Therefore, you can appeal to several forces at once in turn:

    • to the Mother of God;
    • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
    • Matrona of Moscow;
    • Luke Krymsky.

    Prayer before surgery should not be based on fear, but on faith in the Lord and hope for the best. A prayer filled with fear will not have the desired effect. You should also pray for the health of the doctor who will operate on you.

    The selected prayer service is repeated daily for a week. If possible, it is preferable to visit church several times, confess to the priest and receive communion. You should take a small cross or a copy of the icon with you to the operating room and keep it with you even after the procedure is completed.

    God bless you for a successful outcome

    To beg the Lord for a successful outcome of the operation, you should turn to him with two prayers:

    • the first is read in the days before surgery;
    • the second directly at the beginning of the process.

    The most popular prayer that can be read before the procedure is “Our Father.” This prayer service is used under any circumstances, it calms and pacifies, and also helps to concentrate God’s power and will on what is happening. It is repeated three times a day: in the morning, after lunch, in the evening.

    Once a day you can say another prayer:

    “Our Lord Almighty, holy is Your name, Your kingdom is eternal! Submissive (submissive) to Your will, the Servant of God (Servant of God) (your name) prays for a blessing and a miracle in order to protect you from an evil fate and grant a good outcome in the coming event. Don’t leave me, guide the hand of the doctor (surgeon’s name) with your hand. Carry out your will through his actions. Amen".

    After each reading, you must cross yourself three times and bow three times. You can read both prayers daily, but it is not advisable; the Lord will hear and heed the words anyway. Immediately before the operation itself, after administering anesthesia, you should repeat: « Save and save!

    The prayer to Luka Krymsky before surgery is many times stronger if close relatives repeat it. It is not necessary to memorize the text, the main thing is to put into it the hope of healing and a successful outcome. You can download the full version of the prayer.

    To the Most Holy Theotokos about a successful operation

    A prayer is read separately to the Most Holy Theotokos on the icon before the operation so that it goes well. You should also light an odd number of candles, kneel and say:

    « Holy Mother of God, Defender of the clan and Intercessor! Do not offend the Servant of God (the Servant of God) (your name or the name of the patient) and favor healing! Take away the pain, heal the wounds, and wrap your mother in blessings, love and protection. Amen".

    Cross yourself, touch the bottom of the icon with your lips, repeat the action three times. If a prayer service is read by a relative, then before him it is recommended to appeal to the Mother of God with the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”. You can recite the sacred text before and during the operation to focus attention heavenly powers on what is happening.

    Nicholas the Wonderworker

    We should not forget about the great Saints who performed miracles during their lifetime, healed people and granted deliverance from troubles and torment. One of the most popular Saints is Nicholas the Wonderworker. You can turn to him with prayer before the operation every night, kneeling by the bed and repeating:

    “O all-holy saint Nicholas, intercessor of the grieving, help the Servant of God (Servant of God) (name) in this life, beg the Lord God to grant relief and tranquility, to accomplish a good deed and save from an unkind outcome. So that the Almighty would desire to deliver me from torment. I offer this prayer to the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and I trust in You, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen».

    They also turn to the Wonderworker with prayer before the operation of a loved one:

    “Wonderworker Nicholas, protector of the suffering and healer of all kinds of diseases, we pray to you for loved ones and loved one. Save the Servant of God (Servant of God) (name) from trouble and save from pain, intercede for him (her) before God and grant your blessing. By your will, so be it! Amen».

    Matrona of Moscow

    It is better to appeal to Matrona with a request directly on the day of the operation itself, in the morning, after reading other prayers. You need to cross yourself and read the words:

    “Blessed Matrona, who guides you through sorrows free of charge, hear my call and grant protection! I pray for parting words for my doctor (surgeon’s name), for a steady hand and good health! I ask for Your goodness, and pray to the Lord for help and healing. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    This prayer is considered to accompany those that have been read throughout the week. It helps to focus divine energy and direct it on the right path.

    Recovery after surgery with prayer

    After the operation and the reading of many different prayers, an equally important matter remains - reading thanksgiving prayer. It is imperative to thank heaven for help in order to consolidate the effect obtained, avoid possible relapses and recover faster. Thanksgiving is read exclusively by the patient himself in solitude and by candlelight:

    “Thank You, Lord God, Father Almighty! Thank you for your help (cross yourself), for your goodness (repeat the sign of the cross), for your favor (repeat the action). Thank you for Your finger, pointing to a true deed (cross yourself), for medical wisdom, miraculous healing and a happy and cloudless future life (cross yourself again). I will glorify You and Your Saints now and ever. Amen".

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    Based on observations and analysis of many years of practice in healing, I can say that those people who turned to me for help had very few natural causes of illness.

    Here it is percentage it turned out:
    40% of cases – “masonry” was found in pillows (lumps, soil, hair, skin of frogs, mice, grains, blades, nails, buttons, ropes, threads, bones, etc.)
    30% of cases – they brought wreaths, scarves, towels, old fences, and monuments from funerals or cemeteries.
    10% of cases - they took ropes from the hands and feet of the deceased, thereby tying themselves to the deceased.
    5% of cases – they slept on pillows and blankets on which loved ones were sick and died for a long time.
    15% of cases - they turned to black magic, read conspiracies, told fortunes, found ropes, thrown things at home, water was added, earth and grain were added, egg shells, ropes, rags, socks, etc. were found in the courtyards.

    Saint Nile of Sinai said that in illness, first of all, you need to turn to GOD in prayer.
    ---After your prayer, when you told the Lord:

    "Thy will be done", The doctor’s decision must be accepted as God’s providence for you and your health, and, first of all, for the salvation of your soul.

    Before the operation.

    You must first prepare for confession (the sacrament of repentance), take communion Holy Mysteries of Christ, take a blessing from the priest for the upcoming treatment, ask him to pray for a successful recovery.
    --- It would be very good if you or your loved ones ordered a magpie for health and submitted it for remembrance, for the psalter, you can read the prayer to the relatives at home by agreement (for the sick and suffering) it is in all prayer books.
    Saint Theophan Recluse This is evidenced as follows: “God listens to prayer when someone who is sick in soul prays.” - It’s another matter when you yourself at a prayer service, or in church at the liturgy, pray during the service. Then your prayer ascends faster to the Throne of God...

    If you are in the hospital.

    ---When preparing yourself for a stay in, jkmybwt, in addition to personal hygiene items, it is advisable to take with you prayer book, fold or icon depicting the Savior or Mother of God and his heavenly patron. By erroneous opinion, many, when going to the hospital, take off their pectoral cross. This should not be done, since the Cross of Christ protects us and protects us from all troubles, misfortunes and demonic temptations. The short prayer “Save and Preserve”, inscribed on the back of the cross, reminds every person how and to whom he should turn in a hospital bed.
    ---It is not good to hide icons (regardless of size) brought to the hospital in bedside tables or under pillows, as some do. Holy images should stand openly, at the head of the bed, or on the windowsill. It's your right.


    Upon entering the hospital, you should find out whether there is an Orthodox house church there, whether prayers and services are performed there. In hospital churches, as a rule, special prayer services are held for the sick, and by participating in them and submitting a memorial note about health, you contribute to your recovery.
    ---Some people encounter difficulties in following the morning and evening prayer rules. To avoid difficulties, you need to find out where the icons are located in the hospital and pray there. You can also pray in the ward. And one should not be embarrassed by the proximity of non-believing sick people or sick people belonging to other religious denominations (non-Orthodox). Standing by your bed in front of the Holy Image, you can read the rule to yourself, and if your reading does not bother your roommates, then it is better out loud so that they, hearing the words addressed to the Lord and to our Merciful Intercessor, mentally pray with you.
    ---Unfortunately, many who enter the hospital, being formally baptized people and already in adulthood, do not know a single prayer. Therefore, you need to have a prayer book that contains the most important prayers, and also prayer appeal to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, who for over one and a half thousand years has been the patron of doctors of all specialties and the patron and healer of all the sick.
    ---The Lord does not require the same prayer rule from a sick person as if he were healthy. The complaint of sick believers that they pray poorly and do not keep up the feat was resolved Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, saying: “What prayer for the sick? Thanksgiving and sighing.” This is how every feat is replaced.
    ---Saint Theophan the Recluse teaches: “There is no sin in praying for recovery... But we must add “if the Lord wills!” (i.e., if you want, Lord).

    Before surgery.

    The greatest suffering to the soul comes from the news that surgical intervention is inevitable. But everything from the hand of God must be accepted with humility and gratitude. After all, without the will of God, even a hair from a human head cannot fall, as the Lord Himself says. And then there's the whole operation. How can this be?
    ---First you need to pray to the Lord that He will bless the operation, if He pleases. Orthodoxy has St. Luke! They pray to him for a favorable outcome of the operation..

    There is a little-known special prayer in the Serbian missals; about surgical intervention (read by the priest).
    If you don’t want it to be taken away or postponed until a good time, that is, for a time when the operation will serve for good, for healing, and not for evil, not for complication or destruction. --- Having prayed like this, then everything must be accepted without complaint, for there is no prayer that is not heard by the Lord. And if the outcome of the operation is not so good, or not what you and the doctors expected, then God is pleased to allow you to continue to bear the cross of illness for the further purification of your soul.
    ---On the evening before the operation (if it is planned), you should pray for all the doctors who will take part in the operation (surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and others), so that the Lord will make them with His own hands, healing your body, read the evening prayer rule and lie down sleep.
    ---Read the morning rule in the morning. From the moment the gurney arrives to take you to the operating room, constant prayer is required. You should pray with short prayers: “Lord, have mercy! Lord, bless!” When you are taken to the operating room, do not be embarrassed to make the sign of the cross and cross the operating table.
    ---What to do with a pectoral cross? Many anesthesiologists (doctors who provide anesthesia) force you to remove the cross. This is explained by several reasons. The first - if the anesthesiologist is an unbeliever, the second - for purely medical reasons, in the event of an unforeseen situation and the need for resuscitation, the cross on the chain cannot be torn off and cannot be cut with scissors, which creates practical inconvenience for the implementation of medical measures; the third - an expensive cross on a gold chain - a temptation for dishonest people, and the attending physician will have to answer for its loss. Therefore, it is recommended to go for surgery with simple cross on an ordinary simple thread. If you are not allowed to have a cross on your neck, then it can easily be woven into your hair or tied to your hand or one of the fingers of your right hand.
    ---There are cases when patients, for lack of any other option, drew a cross on their chest with a ballpoint pen or asked anesthesiologists to leave the cross on the anesthesia machine until the end of the operation.
    ---The most important thing is to “go into anesthesia” (fall asleep) with the prayer “Lord, have mercy!” or with the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” and with a prayerful petition to your guardian angel. There are known cases when persons who “fell asleep” without prayers, even priestly rank, were attacked in an anesthetized “sleep” evil spirits. Only preliminary prayer and the sign of the cross protect against such and other troubles of the same kind.
    ---What should be the first words or thoughts of someone who has recovered from anesthesia? Praise be to God and thanks to Him for preserving life and for the operation. "Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!"
    ---It is very good if you ask the ministers of the home hospital church to light a candle at the approximate time of your operation. And having recovered from the operation and strengthened physically, thank God and the Mother of God yourself by lighting candles.

    -You keep getting sick and sick, but there is no outcome in sight, one bodily sorrow led to another. Is this really a coincidence?.! The Lord, the Mother of God, the saints are near you, don’t they really see your suffering, and seeing it, why do they make you languish? If they are love and truth, why allow this? Saint Theophan answers like this: “Take for yourself what happens between a pie fried in the oven and between the hostess. Give the pie a feeling, a thought, a language... What would it say to the hostess?!: “Mother! You put me here and I’m frying... Not a single grain of me is left unfrying, everything is burning, to the point of intolerance... And the trouble is that I don’t see the outcome, and I don’t have an end to the tea. I turn to the right, I turn to the left, forward or backward or upward, I’m locked in from everywhere, and the heat carries me intolerably. What have I done to you?" Let the hostess understand the pie's speech. What would she answer him?! "What are you talking about, I only care about you. Be patient a little... and you will see what a handsome man you will turn out to be... And what aroma will you give off throughout the house?!... Be patient a little more and you will see joy.”
    ---Now apply this conversation to yourself and to the Lord. The Lord is only concerned that, through the cramped conditions and heat of illness, he prepares your soul to understand His will and fulfill the Gospel commandments, that is, to qualitatively change its condition, so that a pie comes out of the dough, and not until your death you remain chaff unfit for any use. , test. Put yourself in God's hands and wait. Everything is in God’s hands, and you are still fussing, toiling, trying to outwit yourself. Stop doing this and lie quietly, complacently enduring what happened.”
    ---So are you: you’ve already visited doctors and consulted in full, wasted money and time. Now the most reasonable thing is to really lie down and endure, thanking God for everything. Another thing is to calmly think about strengthening your patience. How to do this?
    ---In your case, it is appropriate to invite a priest (from the hospital church, and if there is none, then from a nearby one) in order to receive communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.


    Holy water. There is holy water from the great blessing of water and from the small one. The Great Blessing of Water occurs once a year on the feast of the Epiphany. Water blessed on this day is called Epiphany or Epiphany. The third name for such holy water is great agiasma. It is consumed orally in a small amount (one teaspoon is enough) strictly on an empty stomach in the morning with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
    ---Water that is blessed at the small water blessing can be consumed internally if a person is sick, at any time of the day, in small quantities. Preferably before meals; add to drink.
    ---You can smear yourself with holy water (smear sore spots), sprinkle yourself and sprinkle your things, your room and hospital bed, and brought food.
    Holy oil (blessed oil). The oil is consecrated during various services, but for the sick, the one that is consecrated during the unction, litia, is important. It can be anointed and added to food. Oil from lamps from holy places, from the relics of saints, miraculous icons or myrrh from the latter has great power. It is advisable to only anoint them (the forehead, forehead and sore spots in a cross shape).
    ---Moreover, the more acute and pronounced the symptoms of the disease, the more abundantly and often you need to smear and sprinkle with holy things with faith and trust in God.
    The shrine in the form of a cotton swab or a piece of cloth soaked in oil can be applied to the sore spot. When the fabric becomes dirty and unfit for use, it should be burned. You cannot throw it in the trash.
    ---Artos is bread consecrated on Saturday of the first week after Easter. Specially consecrated for the sick (once a year). By coming to the temple on this day and asking the clergy, you can receive an artos home. Consumed on an empty stomach after holy water during illness.
    Holy prosphora is a small bread from which a particle of health or repose is taken out during the proskomedia at the liturgy in the church. The prosphoras have an image of the Cross, the Mother of God, or a saint. At home, prosphora can be crushed and dried for later consumption during illness or fasting. Used internally after holy water.
    In home hospital churches there are always certain shrines that you can ask for and use with blessing.
    ---If you are about to undergo a repeated major operation (especially abdominal or neurosurgical), you should receive unction and receive communion before the operation.
    Meanwhile, the attitude towards this undoubtedly great and beneficial support for the patient is for some reason connected with completely different ideas about it. Most often this happens simply out of ignorance, which is convincingly shown in the brochure “On Superstitions” published by the Sretensky Monastery.
    ---" ...Many consider it completely unnecessary to resort to performing the Unction of the sacrament, in common parlance - "unction with oil." consciousness.
    ---The reason for this is the superstitious belief that one who has received unction with oil must certainly die soon.
    ---...They listen with disbelief to many of the priest’s suggestions that the sacrament of the Blessing of Anointing is one of the most beneficial sacraments of the Holy Church, which she, as a loving mother, established to perform on the sick for their recovery from diseases not only of the body, but also of the soul ( i.e. from sins), and that all the prayers of this sacrament contain prayers for the health of the sick person and for the forgiveness of his sins."
    ---After the operation, daily consumption of artos, holy prosphora, holy water, anointing oneself with holy oil from the relics of the saints of God or from Miracle-working icons, contribute to a speedy recovery.


    According to existing modern medical regulations, they try not to hide the true diagnosis from patients if they can soberly and courageously approach its perception. In some cases, the diagnosis is communicated only to relatives. But in any case, if you suddenly find yourself after being discharged from an oncologist, there is no need to lose heart and grumble. Regardless of whether the alleged diagnosis is confirmed or not, try to perceive this situation correctly, in a Christian way: as a kind of God’s mercy, when the Lord gives you time and a reason to think about Eternity, into which sooner or later from earthly, “temporary” life , the immortal soul of each of us leaves. In what eternity it will go - into eternal bliss, or into eternal suffering - depends on us. From how they believed, from how they filled their faith with righteous deeds and repentance. The mercy of the Lord is so boundless that even at the end of our sinful earthly existence He is ready to grant us Salvation: if the prayers were warm and strong, if the repentance were deep and sincere, if love for one’s neighbor would actually see the light... And most importantly, only time for all this! The more, the better.
    ---That is why even such a situation should be perceived with thanksgiving to God, as his saving, advance answer to your prayer requests for a “shameless Christian death.” So that sudden weakness, which can lead to the death of the body, does not take the soul by surprise.
    ---In any case - no matter how many years, months and days the Lord has given you now - this is, of course, God’s call to recognize a time of intensified and more frequent prayers, good deeds and deepened repentance, combined with more frequent Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ (in agreement with the confessor).


    Master Almighty, holy king, punish and do not kill, confirm the descendant, and raise the undestroyed, bodily sorrows of man and correct we pray to you, our God, visit your servant (name), who is incapacitated, with your mercy. Forgive him for every sin, voluntary or involuntary.

    By God, your healing power has been sent down from heaven to control the mind and hand of your slave doctor (name) and perform the necessary surgery safely, as if the bodily ailment of your servant (name) was completely healed, and every hostile invasion was driven far away from him. Raise him from the horde of sickness and grant him health in soul and body, pleasing and doing your will.

    For you are the hedgehog of mercy and save us, our God, and to you we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. AMEN.


    Chosen to the saint of the Orthodox Church and confessor, who shone forth to our country in the land of the Crimea, like a luminous luminary, having labored well and enduring persecution for the name of Christ, glorifying the Lord who glorified you, who has given you a new prayer book and helper, we sing praiseworthy songs: you, as you have Great boldness to the Master of heaven and earth, free us from all mental and physical ailments and strengthen us to stand well in Orthodoxy, so that we all call to you in tenderness:

    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Interlocutor of angels and mentor of men, Glorious Luke, the same name of the Evangelist and Apostle Luke, you received from God the gift of healing human ailments, in healing the illnesses of your neighbors, you endured many labors, and, bearing the flesh, you were careless about the flesh, the good deeds of the Father. Thou hast glorified the heavenly. With the same gratitude, we call you with tenderness:
    Rejoice, having subdued your mind to the yoke of Christ from your youth.
    Rejoice, former most venerable village of the Holy Trinity:
    Rejoice, thou who has inherited the bliss of the merciful, according to the Word of the Lord.
    Rejoice, having healed many sick people through the faith of Christ and God-given knowledge:
    Rejoice, merciful physician to those suffering from bodily ailments.
    Rejoice, healer of leaders and warriors in the days of battle:
    Rejoice, teacher of all doctors.
    Rejoice, quick helper in the needs and sorrows of those who exist:
    Rejoice, strengthening of the Orthodox Church.
    Rejoice, illumination of our land:
    Rejoice, the Crimean flock has been praised.
    Rejoice, decoration of the city of Simferopol:

    Seeing in people during healing, like in a mirror, the wisdom and glory of the Creator of all things, God, the ecu, God-wise, ascended to Him with the Spirit, illuminate us with the light of your God-mind, and let us cry together with you: Alleluia.

    You enlightened your mind with Divine teachings, O all-glorious Luke, rejecting all carnal wisdom, and with your mind and will you submitted to the Lord. You were like an Apostle, for according to the Word of Christ: “He is coming after Me, and I will make you a fisher of man,” leaving everything and walking after Him, and you, holy one, having heard the Lord Jesus calling you to serve through His servant Archbishop Innocent of Tashkent, abily accepted the priesthood in Orthodox Churches. For this reason, as a God-wise mentor, we pleasingly sing to you:
    Rejoice, Guardian Angel's amusement.
    Rejoice, for you have saddened no one:
    Rejoice, thou who excelled in learning and astounded the body of the sages of this world.
    Rejoice, thou who shunned those who do iniquity:
    Rejoice, contemplator and preacher of God's Wisdom.
    Rejoice, golden-talking teacher of true theology:
    Rejoice, guardian of the apostolic traditions.
    Rejoice, O Light, kindled by God, dispelling the darkness of wickedness:
    Rejoice, star, showing the way to salvation.
    Rejoice, zealot of Orthodoxy:
    Rejoice, accuser of schismatics.
    Rejoice, thou who thirstest for the Lord’s testimonies and justifications:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    By the power of God’s grace, even in your present life you received the gift, Saint Luke, to heal ailments, so that all those who diligently come to you, bodily ailments and, more than spiritual healing, are honored with a cry to God: Alleluia.

    Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the souls entrusted to you by God, blessed Luke, pastorally towards a soul-saving life, both in word and in deed, you incessantly instructed. For this reason, accept from our zeal worthy praise for you:
    Rejoice, filled with the mind of God.
    Rejoice, overshadowed by the grace of the Holy Spirit:
    Rejoice, imitator of Christ's poverty.
    Rejoice, good shepherd of those who deviate from the Orthodox faith and wander through the mountains of superstition, seeking:
    Rejoice, worker of the grapes of Christ, strengthening the children of God in the true Orthodox faith.
    Rejoice, shield, defending piety:
    Rejoice, unshakable foundation of Orthodoxy.
    Rejoice, solid rock of faith:
    Rejoice, accuser and eradicator of soul-destroying unbelief and evil renovationism.
    Rejoice, wise strengthener in the spiritual work of those who strive:
    Rejoice, for those exiled from the world have found a haven for a quiet guide.
    Rejoice, for you have accepted the cross and followed Christ:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luko of the Crimea, blessed and merciful physician

    Having a storm inside with many thoughts, the servant of God did not realize what the Lord was saying about him, when he realized that he was worthy of being the bishop of the city of Tashkent: above all, he gave himself up to Christ God, sending thanks to Him for everything, calling: “Blessed be God, pour out His Grace on His bishops.” " And singing to him: Alleluia.

    Having heard the people of Orthodoxy, in the present persecution, about the fruitful kindnesses of your soul, God-bearing Luko, and having seen at the level of holiness, like a worthy vessel of Divine grace, healing all the weak and replenishing the impoverished, they are amazed at the wonderful providence of God for you and bring you rich praise:
    Rejoice, bishop, ordained by the Lord Himself.
    Rejoice, and in the inscription of your book the rank of bishop was indicated to you:
    Rejoice, decoration of the hierarchs.
    Rejoice, good shepherd, for you were ready to lay down your soul for your verbal sheep:
    Rejoice, multi-illuminated lamp of the Church.
    Rejoice, partaker of the Apostles:
    Rejoice, ornament of confessors.
    Rejoice, you have rejected all care for yourself:
    Rejoice, sorrow reliever.
    Rejoice, sadder of human ignorance:
    Rejoice, having proclaimed the right teaching to those who sought salvation.
    Rejoice, thou who by thy life have not put this teaching to shame:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Having preserved the rank of bishop in the days of terrible persecution with the blessing of the holy Patriarch Tikhon from the hands of the Orthodox bishops, Saint Luke, you did the work of an evangelist well, denouncing, forbidding, begging, with all long-suffering and teaching, and singing to God. : Alleluia.

    Having seen the Angels of the rank of your great feats, always according to the commandment of the Lord: “It is blessed to expel righteousness for the sake of: for the kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of heaven,” in the strength of your heart you resignedly endured imprisonment and exile to Siberia for the name of the Lord and the holy Church of Christ, arranging your salvation with great patience, edifying the souls of the faithful by his example. We diligently and reverently honor you with these praises:
    Rejoice, thou lamp placed in the church candlestick.
    Rejoice, for the word of Scripture: “He is patient with love,” has been justified in you:
    Rejoice, for those who forbid the faithful to protect you. Rejoice, you who obeyed the authorities and for this purpose surrendered yourself into the hands of soldiers at night: Rejoice, you who were humiliated by the slander of unrighteous judges.
    Rejoice, you who marched meekly into captivity with humility:
    Rejoice, expelled from the Tashkent diocese ruled by you for the sake of truth.
    Rejoice, mourned by the faithful:
    Rejoice, thou who was wounded and bruised for the Lord crucified.
    Rejoice, you who stop the lips of lying unbelievers:
    Rejoice, you who spoke heavenly truth through righteous lips and in exile.
    Rejoice, as martyrs in heaven rejoice over your patience:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    The silent preacher of the mystery of the Most Holy, Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity was ecu both in prison and in the cities of Siberian exile, enduring hunger, the scum of the northern countries and cruelty, the minions of the godless. For this reason, the Crimean Church preaches the greatness of God revealed to you, Saint Luke, as if you have received the gift of healing mental and physical ailments in the land of exile, so that with one heart and one mouth we all sing to God: Alleluia.

    You shone like a radiant star, brighter than the flock and Tambovites, illuminating the souls of the faithful and dispelling the darkness of wickedness and godlessness. And the words of Christ were fulfilled on you: “Blessed are you, when they revile you, and destroy you, and say all kinds of evil things against you, who lie, for my sake.” But you, persecuted from city to city and enduring slander, fulfilled your archpastoral ministry with zeal and satisfied with the sweetness of your writings all those who hungered and thirsted for the truth, who cry out to you gratefully:
    Rejoice, teacher of all to heaven.
    Rejoice, true zealot of the glory of God:
    Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ.
    Rejoice, you who endured prison and beating for Christ the Lord:
    Rejoice, true imitator of His humility.
    Rejoice, container of the Holy Spirit:
    Rejoice, thou who entered with the wise into the joy of thy Lord.
    Rejoice, selfish accuser:
    Rejoice, you who showed the destruction of vanity.
    Rejoice, calling the lawless to conversion:
    Rejoice, put Satan to shame.
    Rejoice, for by whom Christ was glorified:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Although it was worthy to accomplish the feat entrusted to you by God, you put on all the armor of God and began to fight against the rulers of this world, with the spirit of malice in the heavens, girding your loins with truth and putting on the armor of righteousness, confessor Luko, quenched all the arrows of the evil one, singing To the Creator and God: Alleluia.

    A new persecution raised up lawless and godless people against the Orthodox Church and drove you into the distant taiga depths, Saint Luke, and being near death, preserved by the hand of God, cried out to Paul the Apostle: “Until this hour, we hunger, and thirst, and are hungry, and suffer , and we wander... We persecute, we endure: as if the world had been destroyed, trampling on all hitherto.” For this sake, leading such, we please you:
    Rejoice, blessed confessor of Christ.
    Rejoice, you who endured the cruel scum:
    Rejoice, you who were near death, preserved by the Lord.
    Rejoice, you who have shown complete self-sacrifice:
    Rejoice, thou who hast betrayed thy soul to the Bridegroom Christ.
    Rejoice, ever foreseeing the Lord crucified on the cross:
    Rejoice, you continued unabated in vigils and prayers.
    Rejoice, true zealot of the Consubstantial Trinity:
    Rejoice, speedy one from every disease, free to the doctor.
    Rejoice, healer of the aching and swollen:
    Rejoice, thou who restored health from incurable purulent diseases of bones and wounds.
    Rejoice, for through your faith and medical labors you healed the sickness:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Having been a wanderer in the vale of earth, you showed the image of patience, abstinence and purity, confessor Luko. You showed the love of the gospel, when the fatherland was in danger from the invasion of a foreigner, he worked day and night in the doctor’s office, healing the ailments and wounds of the leaders and warriors of the earthly fatherland, with his unforgettable malice and love, surprising all those who create misfortunes, and in many ways he turned to Christ in singing to him: Alleluia.

    Completely filled with the love of Christ, O merciful Luke, you laid down your soul for your friends, and as a Guardian Angel you were present to those near and far, taming the embittered, reconciling the warring and arranging salvation for everyone. Remembering your labors for the good of the people of your fatherland, we cry out to you with gratitude:
    Rejoice, you who showed wondrous love for the earthly fatherland.
    Rejoice, teacher of humility and kindness: Rejoice, thou who wisely endured exile and cruel torment.
    Rejoice, you who suffered and were tormented for Christ:
    Rejoice, you who firmly confessed Him.
    Rejoice, having conquered the malice of the enemies of the love of Christ:
    Rejoice, merciful father, seeking the salvation of many.
    Rejoice, for you were tempted by great sorrows:
    Rejoice, you have shown wondrous patience in persecution.
    Rejoice, for you prayed to the Lord for your enemies:
    Rejoice, whose love conquers all enmity.
    Rejoice, whose kindness conquered cruel hearts:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    You were all, just like Saint Paul, and you saved everyone, Saint Luke, performing the archpastoral feat in the Tambov region with many works, renovating and creating churches, strictly observing the Patristic Rules, you did not cease to serve the salvation of your flock, singing purely to God: Alleluia.

    The fortunes of humanity will not be able, according to their heritage, to utter your multitude of blessings, when Father Luke appeared on the Crimean land, like a loving father of his children. Your generous right hand is everywhere. We want to imitate your kindness, and in surprise we cry out to you:
    Rejoice, ray of God's love.
    Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of Spasov’s mercy:
    Rejoice, for you have given all of yours to the poor.
    Rejoice, you who love your neighbor more than yourself:
    Rejoice, nourisher and caretaker of motherless orphans.
    Rejoice, guardian of helpless elders and elders:
    Rejoice, for you visited the sick and those in prison.
    Rejoice, for you met the needs of the poor in various places of your fatherland:
    Rejoice, for, remembering the beggars, you arranged dinners for them.
    Rejoice, for you appeared to everyone in their sorrows, like a comforting angel:
    Rejoice, earthly angel and heavenly man.
    Rejoice, for the Mother of God rejoiced at the depth of your mercy:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Kontakion 10.

    You have not ceased to serve the salvation of your Crimean flock for many years in the image of the chief shepherd Christ, and you have brought your lost nature to God and the Father. By God's mercy, consoling you to correct your life with your teaching words, you were drawn to sing to God with a pure heart: Alliluna.

    Having become a faithful servant of the Heavenly King Christ God, Saint Father Luko, tirelessly proclaimed the word of truth in all the churches of our land of Taurida, teaching the faithful children with the soul-saving food of the teachings of the Gospel and strictly fulfilling the Church Rule. Moreover, we glorify you, like the good shepherd:
    Rejoice, tireless preacher of the truth of the Gospel.
    Rejoice, for you have grazed the flock of words given to you by God:
    Rejoice, for you who protect your sheep from the murderous wolves.
    Rejoice, strict keeper of the church rite:
    Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the Orthodox faith.
    Rejoice, for through you the words of salvation were written in the Holy Spirit:
    Rejoice, for you have revealed to us the secret of theology about spirit, soul and body.
    Rejoice, for your word, like gilded vestments, dressed in the secrets of faith:
    Rejoice, lightning, destroyer of pride.
    Rejoice, thunder, terrorizing those who live lawlessly:
    Rejoice, planter of church piety.
    Rejoice, archpastor, spiritual shepherds who continually instruct and admonish:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Kontakion 11.

    The singing at your tomb, servant of God, did not cease in the days of your blessed dormition. Many people know that you are God-bearing and equal to the angels, having gathered from all the borders of your earthly fatherland to perform a conciliar prayer for your soul ascending to the heavenly abode of the heavenly fatherland, chanting and singing to God: Alleluia.

    Holy relics of LUKA Ikos 11.

    You are a light in the Church of Christ, burning with the immaterial light of God’s grace, Saint Luke, illuminating the entire ends of our earth. When the time for your departure had come, the Divine Angels received your holy soul and ascended to the heavenly abode. Moreover, remembering your blessed dormition and your great glorification in heaven and on earth, with joy we offer you these blessings:
    Rejoice, unfading lamp of the Never-Evening Light.

    Rejoice, for the light of your good deeds has shone before men.
    Rejoice, for you have glorified the Heavenly Father through your good deeds:
    Rejoice, servant of God, who has piously ended the course.
    Rejoice, you who have acquired faith, hope and love from the Lord:
    Rejoice, with Christ, you loved Him, uniting yourself forever.
    Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal glory:
    Rejoice, bishop, filled with grace-filled gifts from the eternal Bishop Christ.
    Rejoice, quick helper to those who call upon you:
    Rejoice, new light and affirmation for the Crimean land.
    Rejoice, blessed patron of the Christian race:
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Kontakion 12.

    Having recognized the grace from above that has been given to you, we reverently kiss your honest face depicted, Saint Luke, hoping that you will receive what you ask from God. In the same way, falling before your holy relics, we pray to you with tenderness: Strengthen us to stand well in the Orthodox faith and, pleasing good deeds, silently sing to God: Alleluia.

    Singing to God, who is wondrous in His saints, we praise you, Christ’s confessor, saint and intercessor before the Lord. For you are all in the highest, but you do not abandon those below, Father Luke, the saint, reigns ever with Christ and intercedes for us sinners before the throne of God. For this reason, in tenderness we call you:
    Rejoice, light unapproachable to the viewer.
    Rejoice, for in him the angels rejoice, and in him men rejoice:
    Rejoice, you who taught and created the commandment of Christ.
    Rejoice, for you have appeared worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven:
    Rejoice, having reached the villages of paradise through confession.
    Rejoice, you who endured the reproach of Christ and received eternal glory with Him:
    Rejoice, guide of our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven.
    Rejoice, representative before the Throne of God for us sinners:
    Rejoice, praise to Orthodoxy and joy to our land.
    Rejoice, thou who havest been counted worthy to be among the saints:
    Rejoice, partaker of the Council of all Crimean saints.
    Rejoice, Holy Hierarch Luke of the Crimea, good and merciful physician.

    Kontakion 13.

    O great and glorious servant of God, our holy father Luke, accept this praiseworthy song from us unworthy, which is offered to you with filial love. By your intercession at the Throne of God and by your prayers, confirm us all in the more Orthodox faith and good deeds. Save those who find themselves in this life from all troubles, sorrows, illnesses and misfortunes, and deliver them from torment in the Hereafter. And grant in eternal life together with you and with all the saints we sing to our Creator: Alleluia.