Museum of Wooden Architecture Khokhlovka exhibits and names. Khokhlovka. How to get there and opening hours

I can’t sit at home, I bought an excursion and went to Khokhlovka yesterday. I've been there several times already different times years, but decided to visit this amazing place again.

Sergei Sadov - Tales of the Russian Land

Architectural and Ethnographic Museum "Khokhlovka"- the first museum in the Urals wooden architecture under open air. The place for it was chosen on the high shore of the Kama Sea on the Khokhlovsky Peninsula, 47 kilometers from Perm near the village of Khokhlovka. The museum complex spreads over an area of ​​42 hectares. WITH three sides museum complex water (Kama Sea, Khokhlovsky Bay, Khokhlovka River).

Now the Khokhlovka Museum unites 23 monuments of wooden architecture from the late 17th to the second half of the 20th centuries, which represent the best examples of traditional and religious architecture of the peoples of the Kama region.
The project involves transporting and installing 30 more objects. The compositional center is the church.

Church of the Transfiguration. The village of Yanidor, Cherdyn region, 1707.

The church is elevated to a high basement - a utility floor, in which, according to the stories of old-timers, furs were stored back in the last century. The Church of the Transfiguration is a “ship” type of cell church, that is, all three parts of it are stretched out in one line.

There is a quadrangle in the center. The central part of the monument is completed in a completely unusual way: on the wedge-shaped roof there is a cross-shaped barrel with a head - the only example in Russian wooden architecture that has survived to this day. This is an extremely complex design that required unusually precise markings from the craftsmen. The altar is cut down from the east, and the refectory from the west.

The logs were carefully fitted to each other, so no moss or other insulation was required. Huge, thick trunks are intertwined cleanly and thinly. The light parts of the building - heads, barrels - are covered with wooden scales - a ploughshare. The material for the ploughshare was freshly cut aspen. Over time, dried by the sun and wind, the ploughshare acquired a silvery tint.
The church was cut down without a single nail; everything is held together with grooves and notches.

Church of the Virgin Mary. The village of Tokharevo, Suksunsky district, 1694.

A wonderful example of building art, a rare monument of Russian wooden architecture of the late 17th century. The pearl of Prikamsky wooden architecture.

In terms of type, the church belongs to the oldest cellular churches; it has an altar, a refectory and a porch. The five-walled altar is covered with a barrel, above which there is a dome. The domes (central and altar) and the barrel are covered with wooden tiles.

The church is two-story. The basement is very spacious - its height is more than three meters - it was used for storing grain, agricultural tools, and gifts from the church. There was a service on the second floor.

Tent bell tower. Village of Syra, Suksun region, 1781

The only one preserved on the territory Perm region wooden tented bell tower. Chopped using the "paw" method in a figure of eight straight from the ground. Above the octagon there is a belfry with nine pillars supporting a tent, steep, high, with carved poles, at the top there is a drum and an onion dome, covered with silver plaits.

Watchtower. The village of Torgovishche, Suksun district, 17th century.

Felled in the 60s of the 17th century, the fort served as a stronghold against raids by local tribes. Ostrozhek was surrounded by a moat and surrounded by a palisade with eight watchtowers. The central road tower had a gate. This tower was popularly nicknamed “Pugachev’s” - one of Pugachev’s detachments besieged the fort and burned it, but the passing tower survived.

Windmill from the village of Shikhari, Ochersky district, 19th century.

Tent mill with rotating head.
The dimensions of the largest face at the base are 3.35 m, the height of the frame is 8.5 m.

Salt industrial complex.

The buildings of the complex are one technological cell of the salt plant (Solikamsk, the ancient name of the city of Sol Kamskaya), built in 1882-1888.
The complex consists of a brine lifting tower - photo, salt pan, brewhouse and salt barn.

Solenosy (tree).

The owner of the taiga (bear) and the hunter (tree).

“Khokhlovka” surprises not only with its monuments of wooden architecture.
Main secret- in harmony of architecture and nature.

Khokhlovka River

Khokhlovsky Bay

Kama Sea.

On the shore of Khokhlovsky Bay.

This is only part of the museum's exhibits. I took a lot of photographs, but I can’t fit all the photos into one post. I put some there so that you know that there is such an open-air museum in the Perm region "Khokhlovka".

Artist: Lyubov Malysheva. Khokhlovka in the spring.

Recently I was on the island of Kizhi.
For comparison:
Kizhi Pogost:
Church of the Transfiguration (1714), Church of the Intercession (1764), hipped bell tower (1863)

Church of the Transfiguration (1707), Church of the Virgin Mary (1694), hipped bell tower (1781).

Perm monuments of folk architecture are more ancient, but in Kizhi there are 22 domes on the Transfiguration Church, and in Perm churches there are only two domes.

Perm, Museums

Khokhlovka is the first open-air architectural and ethnographic museum of wooden architecture in the Urals. The museum began to be created in 1969 and was opened to visitors in September 1980. The territory of 43 hectares contains the most attractive, interesting and historically significant buildings from all over the once Perm province.

For example, the unique architectural complex of the Ust-Borovsk salt plant, exported from Solikamsk, demonstrates process obtaining salt: from pumping brine from the well to loading. For this purpose, on the territory of Khokhlovka, in its most picturesque part on the banks of the Kama, there is a 12-meter brine lifting tower, a salt settling tank, a brewhouse and a salt barn. The extraction of salt is one of the important milestones in the history of the region, and it is not for nothing that they call Permyak. This nickname has been earned through hard work for more than five centuries.

In addition to the salt-making complex, 19 more monuments of wooden architecture from the late 17th - early 20th centuries have been collected in Khokhlovka.

In another part of the Museum, on the site of the current village of Gora, the Komi-Permyak sector is located. 5-6 peasant estates are located here, and any tourist will be curious to look into the estate of a wealthy peasant, into the hut of a poor Komi-Permyak and into the winter hut of a hunter.

Having risen higher, we will find ourselves in the “Northern Kama Region” sector. Here you can stroll between unique wooden buildings, which are examples of residential architecture of the region. The village of Yanidor, Cherdynsky district, became the model for this sector of Khokhlovka. The development of this village turned out to be typical for settlements in the northern territories of the Perm Territory. Here you can get acquainted with the diversity vehicles- boats, barges, carts, sleighs, drags, which were widely used in the economy of the northern peoples.

A special place in the “Southern Kama Region” sector is occupied by a bell tower brought from the village of Syra. The peaked tent of the bell tower is visible from afar. It is the center of this open-air exhibition, sharing primacy with the Mother of God Church from the village of Tokhtarevo (built in 1694). This church captivates the viewer with its beauty and grace. Both architectural monuments were brought from the Suksun region and geographically installed on the very high point peninsula.

“Khokhlovka surprises not only with its monuments of wooden architecture. The main secret is in the harmony of architecture and nature: from the top of the hill there is a view of a landscape of rare beauty - the expanses of the river surface, wooded hills, rocks along the bay; spruce forest alternates with birch groves, juniper thickets are adjacent to rowan, bird cherry, and viburnum. And in winter you can take a break from the bustle of the city by enjoying beautiful landscape, see the icy expanses of the Kama, snow-covered roofs of churches, winter sun in a thick, weightless haze on white expanses...” - This is how those who have been there poetically describe the Museum.

Distance to Perm: 40 km.

How to get there:

By car on the road in the direction of Ilyinsky, turn onto Khokhlovka. Parking and the entrance to the museum are located next to the road.

Khokhlovka is an amazing architectural and ethnographic museum not far from Perm. Khokhlovka is one of the main attractions of the Perm region, attracting many tourists.

The Architectural and Ethnographic Museum was founded in 1969. However, it was opened to visitors only on September 17, 1980. It is located in the village of the same name.

Exhibits of the open-air architectural and ethnographic museum stand on a picturesque hill on the Varnach Peninsula.

The Khokhlovka Museum includes more than two dozen unique exhibits - monuments of wooden architecture in the open air. They date from the end of the 17th century to the first half of the 20th century. All buildings were brought here from different points Perm region. You can go into some buildings and get acquainted with the interiors and exhibitions.

The museum area is divided into several sectors: North-Western (Komi-Permyak district), Northern and Southern Prikamye. This division is not accidental - each of these conventional districts of the Kama region is characterized by its own architecture.

The sights of Khokhlovka related to the salt industry are very interesting. Here you can get acquainted with the technology of salt extraction. Churches built in the traditions of Russian wooden architecture and a windmill are of great interest among tourists.

Several times a year, folklore festivals and celebrations take place in Khokhlovka. The most popular are Maslenitsa, Trinity, Apple Spas. Khokhlovka also hosts the popular Perm festival “KAMVA”. On some holidays, more than five thousand people come to Khokhlovka.

We recommend a trip to Khokhlovka as an excellent weekend route. We also recommend seeing the sights of the city of Perm, the famous Perm wooden sculpture, Museum of the History of Motovilikha Plants, Kamskaya Hydroelectric Power Station and Cape Strelka.

How to get to Khokhlovka?

By car from Perm over the bridge over the Kama River - m.r. Gayva - Ilinskoye Highway following signs to Khokhlovka. The distance from Perm to the museum is 45 km. By suburban bus No. 340 “Perm-Khokhlovka”. The bus runs from the Perm bus station 3-4 times a day.

Architectural and Ethnographic Museum "Khokhlovka" on the map:

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The Khokhlovka Architectural and Ethnographic Museum is the first open-air museum of wooden architecture in the Urals. The museum began to be created in 1969 and was opened to visitors in September 1980. The unique museum ensemble is located on the picturesque bank of the Kama River, 43 km from Perm near the village. Khokhlovka (Perm region). Today, the Khokhlovka AEM unites 23 monuments of wooden architecture from the late 17th to the second half of the 20th centuries, which represent the best examples of traditional and religious architecture of the peoples of the Kama region.

“Khokhlovka” surprises not only with its monuments of wooden architecture. The main secret is in the harmony of architecture and nature: from the top of the hill there is a view of a landscape of rare beauty - the expanses of the river surface, wooded hills, rocks along the bay; The spruce forest alternates with birch groves, juniper thickets are adjacent to mountain ash, bird cherry, and viburnum. And in winter you can take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoying the beautiful landscape, see the icy expanses of the Kama, snow-covered roofs of churches, the winter sun in a thick weightless haze on the white expanses... Public events that have become traditional are held here annually - the holidays of the folk calendar “Farewell to Maslenitsa”, “Trinity festivities” ", "Apple Spas", folklore musical holidays, festival of military reconstruction "Great maneuvers on the Khokhlov Hills" and international festival"KAMWA"

ATTENTION! Only museum-accredited guides are allowed to conduct excursions on the territory of the Khokhlovka AEM. Accreditation has been extended for five years. A list of accredited guides is available at the Khokhlovka Museum box office and on the website

ATTENTION! At the Khokhlovka Architectural and Ethnographic Museum, construction and installation work is being carried out to update the power supply system for monuments and administrative buildings of the museum. These measures will provide additional power necessary for the development of the museum and increase the reliability of power supply. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience


Show prices

Entrance and excursion tickets

Entrance ticket,


Excursion ticket*, rub./person.

Number of excursion group





9-11 people

12 people
and more



Children under 18 years old

*Excursion tickets are sold subject to the availability of a guide. Price excursion ticket includes the cost of an entrance ticket and depends on the size of the excursion group: the price list indicates the cost of an excursion ticket for one person from the excursion group with the corresponding size of the excursion group. Children under the age of 3 (three) years at the time of visiting the museum do not need to purchase a separate excursion ticket, and these children are not counted in the total number of the excursion group. For all other categories of visitors, purchasing an excursion ticket is mandatory.

The maximum number of excursionists in a group is 25 people, for the Khokhlovka Architectural and Ethnographic Museum - 30 people.

- pensioners;
- large families;
- low-income families;
- disabled people of group III.

*** The deposit for the use of the audio guide is 1,000.00 rubles.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Perm Territory dated January 30, 2015 No. SED-27-01-10-21 from June 1, 2015 entrance ticket in the State Budgetary Institution "Perm" local history museum» and its branches for persons under eighteen years of age is free (upon presentation of the appropriate document).

The following categories of citizens have the right to free entry to the Perm Regional History Museum and its branches (upon presentation of the appropriate document):

Heroes of the Soviet Union;

Heroes of the Russian Federation;

Heroes of Socialist Labor;

Full Knights of the Order of Labor Glory;

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;

Faces, medal recipients“For the defense of Leningrad” or “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;

Former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War;

Disabled people of groups I and II;

Wheelchair users with one accompanying person;

Military personnel passing military service on call;

Employees of museums of the Russian Federation;

Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

In accordance with the state task of the State Budgetary Institution "Perm Museum of Local Lore", free admission is provided for all categories of the population every third Wednesday of the month.

In accordance with clause 4.1. Regulations on the procedure for providing social support measures to low-income large families and low-income families, approved by Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory dated July 6, 2007 No. 130-p, members of low-income families large family upon presentation of a certificate of low income and an identification document of one of the family members, free entry to the State Budgetary Institution “Perm Museum of Local Lore” and its branches is provided once a month on any day in accordance with the museum’s operating hours.

Architectural and Ethnographic Museum "Khokhlovka"
Perm region. With. Khokhlovka

Not far from the city of Perm, near the village of Khokhlovka, in the open air there is the Khokhlovka Museum of the same name - an architectural and ethnographic branch of the Perm Regional Museum.

The location of the Perm region, which is also called the Kama region or the Western Urals, on the geographical border of Europe and Asia, determined that Trade routes connecting the East and West ran through this territory. Ancient tribes of Slavs, Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples settled and lived here. Mounds, burial grounds, fortifications and other archaeological monuments of bygone times are evidence of the rich history of the Western Urals.

The cultural traditions of the region are known far beyond its borders, along with its famous natural resources. In 1890, the Ural Society of Natural History Lovers founded a local history museum, which opened to visitors in 1894. The museum has become a kind of center of culture and science in the Perm region. In the second half of the 20th century, work began on organizing a branch of the museum in Khokhlovka - an architectural and ethnographic museum of wooden architecture, which became the first museum of this type in the Urals.

Khokhlovka Museum

Occupies more than 40 hectares museum complex Khokhlovka is one of the most big museums in Prikamye. The Varnach Peninsula was chosen as the location for the architectural monuments. Exhibits of wooden architecture blend harmoniously into the surrounding landscape and allow you to enjoy a weekend admiring the combination of natural and man-made masterpieces.

Since 1969, the museum has been collecting wooden buildings from the 17th-19th centuries from all over the Western Urals for several decades.

And in 1980, a fairy-tale village similar to Berendey’s kingdom was opened to visitors, where there are churches and a bell tower, a windmill and a fire tower, peasant huts and estates.

Here you can clearly see how our ancestors lived.

The museum complex of wooden architecture unites 23 architectural and historical monuments of several centuries, representing the traditions and culture of the peoples of the Kama region.

Three zones are distinguished on the territory of the museum: Southern Kama region, Northwestern (Komi-Permyak district), Northern Kama region. The separation of sectors was associated with characteristic features architectural traditions of the selected regions of the Kama region.

Each of the wooden buildings was brought from different corners Prikamye, many of them are at least two centuries old. For example, the Church of the Transfiguration of the early 18th century. was transported from the village of Yanidor, Cherdyn region. The Church of the Mother of God of the late 17th century was moved from the Suksun district to the museum. - from the village of Tokhtarevo, the Bell Tower of the late 18th century. - from the village of Syra, and a watchtower from the 17th century. - from the village of Torgovishche. The fire station from the 30s of the last century was brought from the village of Skobelevka, Perm region.

Main exhibit

The Church of the Virgin Mary is the oldest building. The entrance to the building is preceded by a rather high staircase leading directly to the second floor. The lower tier was used to store grain and church utensils.

Next to the church, at the highest point of the peninsula, there is a bell tower, which, together with the cross, reaches a height of thirty meters. This is the only wooden bell tower in the Perm region that has survived to this day.

Interiors and exhibitions

Most buildings are open for inspection from the inside (sometimes they can be closed for restoration).

Inside there are stylized interiors of a bygone era.

You can see how the residents of Prikamsk lived in the last century and the century before last, how they managed their household and everyday life, where they prayed, where they worked. Many household items clearly show the level of technology development in those days.

Despite the fairly simple technologies used in the construction of wooden houses in those days, they look quite cozy.

Household utensils, dishes, furniture and clothing are presented to visitors. In this unique museum you can not only look at the exhibits, but also study them in action.

Various events are regularly held on the territory of the museum. holiday events, For example:

  • during the New Year and Christmas holidays - New Year's fun
  • in February or March - Farewell to Maslenitsa
  • in the summer - Trinity and Yablochny Spas
  • choir festival “Pevchevskoye Pole Prikamye”
  • music festival "Movement"
  • ethnofuturistic festival "Kamva"

“Permyak - salty ears”

The salt industrial complex brought to the Khokhlovka Museum from Solikamsk deserves special attention.

Until the 17th century, salt was expensive in Russia, since due to a lack of explored deposits it had to be purchased abroad. And in the Kama region, groundwater, saturated with salt, came directly to the surface. Salt boiling has become the leading industry in the Perm region. But working conditions in such production were very difficult. Salt was everywhere, in the air. Often the workers' ears were even corroded. That's how the saying came about. In the vicinity of Solikamsk and Usolye, even today you can find springs, the banks of which are covered with salt crystals.

Going down to the salt industrial complex, you can’t help but stop at the “Hunting Camp” exposition, which represents the trade of North Prikamsk hunters. The silence and twilight of the forest create an amazing impression, as if you are in the deep taiga. The small house was a refuge for tired hunters; in the half-hut one could light a fire and shelter from the wind, and in a hanging storehouse one could hide supplies from animals.

How to get there

An asphalt road leads to the Museum, so you can get to Khokhlovka either by personal transport or by regular bus. From Perm to the complex it is just over 40 kilometers, which is less than an hour by car.

Regular bus to Khokhlovka No. 340 runs from the central bus station. There is also a transport connection from the Upper Mulls through the Central Market (bus No. 487). The routes do not operate frequently, so it is better to check their departure times in advance.