Who is Yabbarov dating now? Yabbarov started a new life in the Seychelles with Rita Larchenko. Yabbarov's current activities

Age: 33 years

City: Saratov

Height: 174 cm Weight: 80 kg

17 days on project

Ilya Yabbarov born in the working-class village of Uvek in the city of Saratov. Ilya was brought up in a single-parent family: his mother raised two sons without a husband, the youngest of whom was Ilya. The boy received his general secondary education at Saratov school No. 91. Ilya had no special hobbies; the young man loved listening to music and sometimes sang himself. IN free time the guy played cards with the guys in the yard and rode motorcycles, like all teenagers.

After graduating from school, Ilya Yabbarov entered Saratov Vocational School No. 20 with a degree in Automotive Mechanic. Gas-electric welder." However, the young man never received a junior specialist’s diploma – a car repair mechanic – because, after studying for only 2 semesters, he dropped out of school.

Without finishing his education, the guy went to serve in the armed forces Russian Federation. During distribution, Ilya joined the airborne troops. At the same time, the young man wrote the first words of his song, which he dedicated to his beloved girl. Having invited his chosen one to a local bar, Yabbarov performed his composition from the stage. Visitors to the establishment liked Ilya’s song and performance style so much that they even asked him to sing as an encore. After the first public speech, it was born young man desire to become a celebrity.

After returning from the army, Ilya got a job as a laborer at a sausage factory. Soon the young man was promoted to the position of manager of the Volgograd department of the enterprise.

Because get through big stage Russian show business seemed impossible to Ilya without having the appropriate connections, the young man chose a different path for himself. In order to achieve fame after all, he applied for a casting television show House 2.

Ilya was married, and from his first marriage he has a daughter, Vlada. After the divorce, which took place on Ilya’s initiative, as he claims, there was infidelity on the part of his wife, he evaded paying alimony for a long time. ex-wife Yabbarova Kristina says that during the 7 years of their daughter Vladislava’s life, Ilya did not make a single attempt to establish contact with the child, and also did not participate in their life financially. At the end of 2017, the amount of Yabbarov’s alimony debt exceeded 100 thousand rubles, and therefore the man was limited in his ability to travel abroad of the Russian Federation, as well as the validity of his driver’s license. Also at one time, Ilya admitted that he was the father of two illegitimate sons.

Ilya Yabbarov appeared on House 2 in April 2015 and declared his sympathy for the flighty and frivolous model. However, the heart of the Lithuanian beauty turned out to be occupied: the girl showed signs of attention to the hockey player.

The man's next chosen one was. The relationship between Sasha and Ilya developed rapidly and expressively: they fought as emotionally as they made peace. Passions heated up even more when he appeared on the show new memberex-spouse Alexandra Gozias, to whom the girl gave birth to a child. Soon Alexandra left Ilya Yabbarov and returned to her husband, with whom, however, she also constantly quarreled and even fought.

Ilya, left alone again, drew attention to the model. But Ilya did not have any tender feelings for his wife; rather, he tried to make his former partner Alexandra Gozias jealous. The girl, understanding the true motives of the gentleman, refused Yabbarov, and their couple did not work out.

Yabbarov also announced himself paired with a passion, but they broke up as quickly as they got together.

Ilya’s next attempt to arrange his personal life was a relationship with a newcomer to a scandalous television project. The girl was the first to take the initiative, Yabbarov responded with sympathy, but soon well-wishers talked about Olga’s “work” outside House 2. It turned out that the girl earned her living as a webcam model. In confirmation of the suddenly revealed truth, the TV show participants saw intimate photos Rapunzel. Ilya could not come to terms with the specific profession of his chosen one, and the young people had a serious fight, and after several reconciliations and quarrels they finally parted. Olga went to the island in search of new love, which I found in the person of Nikolai Baranovsky.

After a clash with Ilya Yabbarov left the project. The presenters kicked out the young man for being rude and using obscene language. But Yabbarov was not away for long. The guy assured everyone that he had realized his mistakes and now would never behave the same.

In October 2015, she again became a participant in House 2. This time she came to Ilya Yabbarov, with whom, as it turned out, she had an affair outside the project. Ilya said that he wanted to leave the project to live with Buhun, but the presenters suggested another option: for Maria to come to the show. The girl doubted, but agreed. Maria assured that she had found in Ilya exactly the man she had dreamed of all her life. However, the project team, who knew Maria Buhun better than Yabbarov, did not believe that the girl really fell in love with Ilya. After some time, the show organizers decided to send the couple to the Seychelles. happy life did not last long, and love gave way to a showdown, the couple broke up. Maria chose Ilya Krotkov, and Yabbarov went to Polyana.

On the project, Yabbarov played the role of the head of the detention center where lawbreakers end up, a TV show, and hosted the “Judgment Day” program. Despite the fact that Ilya Yabbarov himself is quite a conflicted person, he has repeatedly participated in fights on the project. When she returned to the perimeter from Love Island, Ilya paid attention to her and began to court her, they had several romantic dates. Catherine was still married, but already reciprocated Ilya’s love.

The couple's relationship developed rapidly: Ilya even proposed to his beloved and gave her a ring. After official divorce Katya, the couple planned to go submit an application to the registry office. The couple even wanted to participate in the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition, but then changed their minds. However, soon constant quarrels began to break out between them. After some time, Ilya admitted that he and Katya broke up. He asked not to be associated with her name anymore. According to the young man, they had a serious talk with Katya and realized that it turned out that they were not suitable for each other. Moreover, Ilya chose to take all responsibility and blame upon himself, writing that it was he who was bad.

In May 2016, Yabbarov left House 2 again. Official reason care, a violation of Yabbarov’s “rights” was called intellectual property» project, i.e. use of the reality show logo: the well-known picture was depicted on the posters of the concert that Ilya was supposed to give in Saratov. The young man tried to justify himself, saying that it was not his fault, but that of the organizer of the performance, but the management of the reality show did not change their decision.

IN last days While on the project, Ilya Yabbarov tried his best to prove that he was honest and devoted, that he loved Katya Kaufman and would not fall for the beauty’s provocations. On January 5, Ilya Yabbarov was expelled from the project, and Katya Kaufman left after him. Later it turned out that one of the reasons for the separation of Yabbarov and Kaufman was that outside the perimeter, the lover refused to pay the exorbitant expenses of the fatal beauty.

At the beginning of 2017, the Yabbarovs appeared before television viewers in the new humorous reality show “Partners.” Simultaneously with his career as a showman, Ilya realized his childhood dream - to declare himself on Russian stage. The young man recorded his own musical compositions “Tea Rose” and “Letting Go”, and soon began giving concerts, where, along with his songs, he performed other popular songs in the chanson style, accompanied by live music.

However, the Saratov chansonnier managed to get back to House 2 at the beginning of 2017, but now as a full-time driver, which allowed the man to at least be close to the treasured television set.

In March 2017, Ilya Yabbarov became the main character of the “We Talk and Show” program on NTV, which was dedicated to the personal life of the notorious showman. Ilya’s former lover Elina Kovalskaya came to the studio of Leonid Zakoshansky’s talk show with complaints against Yabbarov. The girl accused the young man, who promised to marry her, of spending a lot of money on him, and as a result she ended up with him. broken trough. Kovalskaya then stated that she even paid alimony for the reality show star for his child from his first marriage. Man n Ilya did not admit any debts to Elina. The girl’s mother appeared in the studio and attacked the young man with her fists. Things even got to the point of assault when Yabbarov’s current passion appeared. It turned out that Ilya began dating Anna while still in a relationship with Elina. At the end of the episode, Ilya Yabbarov nevertheless apologized. He told his mother ex-girlfriend, which asks for forgiveness for the rude words addressed to her. But regarding the money he owes Elina, his position remains unchanged: he doesn’t owe anyone anything.

In the summer of 2017, Ilya informed fans that his girlfriend, whose identity remained incognito, was pregnant. At first, Yabbarov’s reaction was unclear - either he was happy or annoyed. It soon became clear that the girl had health problems and lost her child. The showman sincerely tried to support his beloved and talked about the planned wedding, but fans were skeptical about the news about Yabbarov’s imminent marriage.

In November 2017, information appeared online that Yabbarov did not rule out that ex-House 2 participant Olga Rapunzel was pregnant from him, and not from. According to Ilya, the young people twice had the imprudence to enter into intimate relationships without protection, and insisted on a DNA test.

At the end of 2017, Ilya Yabbarov and they spoke openly about their novel. Their relationship quickly developed on the set of one of the episodes of the evening show Dom 2, dedicated to the New Year. The ex-participant of the TV show admitted that the blonde is the woman of his dreams, and now he wants to spend his whole life with her. The violinist, in turn, did not deny the words of her new boyfriend and actively posted photos together with Yabbarov, unambiguously signing them. But subscribers suspected that this novel was fiction and the guys were only creating an appearance romantic relationships for the sake of hype.

And in January 2018, Yabbarov once again returned to the status of a participant in House 2. Returning to the project, the man immediately found himself in the thick of things. The life of the 31-year-old womanizer was full of passions every day. In February, Olga's sister Rapunzel came to House 2, who came to the project to help her older sister, and turned her attention to her. Relatives discouraged the girl from having a relationship with Yabbarov, which resulted in constant quarrels with Dmitrenko’s family. The presenters and participants of House 2 warned Alena that Ilya is a very unreliable guy and should not get involved with him, but Alena did not listen to anyone and moved into a separate room with the man. However, Yabbarov failed to remain faithful to the girl. Ilya turned his attention to, but quickly enough the couple broke up, and the participant returned to Alena.

At the beginning of the summer of 2018, it became known that Alena and Ilya were expecting a child. In May 2018, Alena Rapunzel and Ilya Yabbarov almost left House 2 due to a conflict with a participant in the TV set, but the couple still remained in Polyana.

The couple took part in the “Love of the Year” competition, and on June 7, Ilya proposed to his beloved in front of the presenters and all participants of the television project. The 21-year-old girl was moved to tears and, of course, agreed.

The lovers' happiness did not last long, because it became known that Yabbarov, instead of preparing for the wedding and taking care of his pregnant beloved, had an affair on the side. Alena found her lover on her phone intimate correspondence With former member Home 2 and threw a tantrum. Due to the stress she suffered, Alena needed medical attention and spent several days in the hospital.

Returning to the reality show, the girl announced that she was finally breaking up with Yabbarov and even got rid of her engagement ring. At the same time expectant mother noted that she would not interfere with Ilya’s communication with the child. The man made some attempts to make peace with ex-lover, but mainly at the suggestion of a television project. Alena’s mother also took Ilya’s side, and later Olya and Dima wanted to reconcile the couple, but the girl categorically refused to forgive Yabbarov and asked her relatives and presenters not to even mention Ilya’s name to her. Alena realized that she would not be able to forget old grievances, and stopped communicating with Yabbarov, blocking him on all social networks. For a long time, the future parents did not communicate, but over time they realized that they wanted to raise a common child together and therefore established communication.

Offended, Ilya went to the Seychelles, where he began to build relationships with. The girl said that she accepted a man with his difficult past, but still it was difficult for Rita to come to terms with the presence of pregnant Alena on the project. She was jealous of Ilya’s ex, their son, and besides, the girl was very angry that she was considered a homewrecker, although they began dating only after Ilya and Alena broke up. Conflicts occur in their couple for other reasons. So Larchenko constantly pulls Yabbarov outside the perimeter to build his business there, while the man prefers to remain in the perimeter of House 2 on a good salary. Larchenko often demands expensive gifts from Yabbarov.

And although they constantly tried to reconcile Yabbarov and Savkina, Ilya repeatedly stated that restoring relations with his ex-girlfriend was out of the question, because he had completely started new stage in life.

On February 7, 2019, Ilya Yabbarov and Alena Savkina gave birth to a boy. The man urgently returned with Seychelles to attend my son's discharge.

"on the TNT channel.

Ilya Yabbarov. Biography

Chanson performer from Saratov Ilya Yabbarov originally from working village of Uvek near Saratov. He was raised in a family with his mother and older brother. After graduating from school, he entered Saratov Vocational School No. 20 to study as a car mechanic and gas-electric welder. After studying for a year, he dropped out and went to work.

The first song was written by Ilya at the age of 18 and dedicated to his first love. The guy served in the Airborne Forces, then worked at a sausage factory and even managed to make a career and rise to the position of branch manager in Volgograd.

Ilya Yabbarov on the reality show Dom-2

Ilya Yabbarov came to the project " House-2"On April 24, 2015, declaring his sympathy for Kamila Korobeynikova. He was paired with Alexandra Gozias, but after he came to the girl for the project ex-husband(also Ilya), she began to rush between the two men. He announced himself paired with Nikolai Dolzhansky's passion Anna Belyakova, but they broke up as quickly as they got together.

After a clash with Kristina Deryabina, Ilya Yabbarov left the project. The presenters kicked out the young man for being rude and using obscene language. But Yabbarov was not away for long. The guy assured everyone that he realized his mistakes and now would never behave the same. There were rumors that after returning, Yabbarov was meeting with Maria Afrikantova, then with Kamila Korobeynikova. But Ilya did not build relationships with these girls.

On October 31, 2015, Maria Buhun again became a participant in the reality show “Dom-2”. This time she came to Ilya Yabbarov, with whom, as it turned out, she had an affair outside the project. Ilya said that he wanted to leave the project to live with Buhun, but the presenters suggested another option: for Maria to come to the show. The girl doubted, but agreed. Maria assured that she had found in Ilya exactly the man she had dreamed of all her life. However, the project team, who know Maria Buhun better than Yabbarov, does not believe that the girl really fell in love with Ilya. After some time, the show organizers decided to send the couple to the Seychelles. The happy life did not last long, and love gave way to a showdown, and the couple broke up. Maria chose Ilya Krotkov, and Yabbarov went to Polyana.

On the project, Yabbarov played the role of the head of the detention center where lawbreakers end up, a TV show, and hosted the “Judgment Day” program. Despite the fact that Ilya Yabbarov himself is quite a conflicted person, he has repeatedly participated in fights on the project. When Ekaterina Kaufman returned to the perimeter from Love Island, Ilya paid attention to her and began to court her, they had several romantic dates. Catherine was still married, but already reciprocated Ilya’s love.

The couple's relationship developed rapidly: Ilya even proposed to his beloved and gave her a ring. After Katya’s official divorce, the couple planned to go and submit an application to the registry office. The couple even wanted to participate in the “Million Dollar Wedding” competition, but then changed their minds. However, soon constant quarrels began to break out between them. After some time, Ilya admitted that he and Katya broke up. He asked not to be associated with her name anymore. According to the young man, they had a serious talk with Katya and realized that it turned out that they were not suitable for each other. Moreover, Ilya chose to take all responsibility and blame upon himself, writing that it was he who was bad.

In May 2016, Yabbarov again left " House-2" The official reason for leaving was Yabbarov’s violation of the “intellectual property rights” of the project, i.e. use of the reality show logo: the well-known picture was depicted on the posters of the concert that Ilya was supposed to give in Saratov. The young man tried to justify himself, saying that it was not his fault, but the fault of the organizer of the performance, but the management of the reality show did not change their decision.

In the last days of his stay on the project, Ilya Yabbarov tried his best to prove that he is honest and devoted, that he loves Katya Kaufman and will not fall for the beauty’s provocations Niki Shukurovo y. On January 5, Ilya Yabbarov was expelled from the project, and fromKatya Kaufman also followed him. Later it turned out that one of the reasons for the separation of Yabbarov and Kaufman was that outside the perimeter, the lover refused to pay the exorbitant expenses of the fatal beauty.

However, in " House-2“The Saratov chansonnier managed to get back at the beginning of 2017, but now as a full-time driver, which allowed the man to at least be close to the treasured television set.

In March 2017, Ilya Yabbarov became the main character of the “We Talk and Show” program on NTV, which was dedicated to the personal life of the notorious showman. Ilya’s former lover came to the studio of Leonid Zakoshansky’s talk show with complaints against Yabbarov Elina Kovalskaya. The girl accused the young man, who promised to marry her, of spending a lot of money on him, and as a result she was left broke. Kovalskaya then stated that she even paid alimony for the reality show star for his child from his first marriage.

Yabbarov himself, in response to Elina Kovalskaya’s complaints, said: “What did you want?! If you wanted a connection with a media person, with a guy from TV, you have to pay... Why should I be so tense?!” Ilya did not admit any debts to Elina. The girl’s mother appeared in the studio and attacked the young man with her fists. Things even got to the point of assault when Yabbarov’s current passion appeared Anna Bryanskaya. It turned out that Ilya began dating Anna while still in a relationship with Elina. At the end of the episode, Ilya Yabbarov nevertheless apologized. He told his ex-girlfriend's mother that he apologized for the rude words he said to her. But regarding the money he owes Elina, his position remains unchanged: he doesn’t owe anyone anything.

In July 2017, Yabbarov announced that he had decided to settle down, because, in his words, he was preparing to become a father. He said that he would definitely marry his pregnant girlfriend, and they would decide the issue with the wedding celebration later. “My beloved is pregnant! I am incredibly happy about this event! However, in the first weeks the fetus is very weak, so now my girlfriend has been prescribed medication. Whether the embryo has implanted or not will be known only at the end of the week. I really want a daughter, Milana, but my future wife will give my son a name. We will definitely register the relationship, but we haven’t thought about the wedding yet,” a happy Yabbarov announced on the pages of the Dom-2 publication. However, television viewers who closely followed the showman’s life on the project, upon learning the news that Ilya was going to become a father, responded with skeptical comments.

At the end of 2017, Ilya Yabbarov and Maria Kokhno talked openly about their romance. Their relationship quickly developed on the set of one of the episodes of the evening show “ House-2", dedicated to the New Year. The ex-participant of the TV show admitted that the blonde is the woman of his dreams, and now he wants to spend his whole life with her. The violinist, in turn, does not deny the words of her new boyfriend. The girl actively posts photos together with Yabbarov, unambiguously signing them.

Ilya Yabbarova. Personal life

Before the Dom-2 project, Ilya was married, and he has a daughter from his first marriage. After the divorce, which took place on Ilya’s initiative, as he claims, there was infidelity on the part of his wife, he evaded paying alimony for a long time.

Yabbarov is fond of motorsports and has 2 motorcycles. Loves to play backgammon and cards.

Thanks to Anastasia Balinskaya, some project news became known, after which all that remains is to feel sorry for Alena Savkina. Despite all the hopes of fans of Alena’s talent, she never managed to find reconciliation with Ilya Yabbarov. Moreover, instead of establishing contact, the young man decided to go to the casting.

However, upon returning from a business trip, Ilya seemed so inspired by his successes that it seemed to many that he had completely forgotten about his girlfriend and baby. At the same time, many users of the World Wide Web could not help but notice how cheerfully, cheerfully and naturally Ilya spends time with the new Rita Larina and, apparently, there is only one step left before their contact develops into something more than just friendly communication, writes site site.

So, if you believe the information that Anastasia Balinskaya published online, it becomes clear that Ilya Yabbarov gladly chose the opportunity to go to “Love Island”, where he will have the opportunity to take a break from all the nervous shocks that happened to him over the years. lately. At the same time, he was kept company by the same Margarita, who does not hide her sympathy for the young man.

“It’s a pity not so much for Savkina as for her and Yabbarov’s child, because if things continue like this, then unborn child will grow up without a father,” “Yabbarov is in his repertoire, nothing surprising” - noted by users of the World Wide Web.

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Sergei and while the girl was on vacation in Moscow, they spent a lot of time together, while denying that a relationship had begun, assuring everyone that they were connected only by friendship. As time passed, Yulia was no longer so zealous in proving that they were just friends, hinting that it didn’t matter what the relationship was called, the main thing was that it existed. What does Yabbarov have to do with this? Sergei Kucherov assures that Ilya left House 2 at will last Sunday...

Do you think we can trust the information from Sergei Kucherov? After all, he is, whatever one may say, a person close to the host of House 2, which means he is fully aware of the latest information about life on the television set. Or, after all, he wrote the news about Yabbarov on the page of Tatyana Musulbes, who asked her subscribers which of the eliminated participants in the TV show they miss the most?

Is Kucherov joking?

Or is Kucherov trolling the people, knowing how long many of them have been waiting for the expulsion of the house “chansonnier”? Today at live there was no talk about this with Yulia Efremenkova. But Sergei and Yulia constantly repeated that they were not in a relationship, they just had a lot of fun together, they both had an extraordinary sense of humor, perhaps not understandable to everyone, but Yulia and Sergei liked it.

Name: Ilya Yabbarov
Date of birth: August 18, 1985
Zodiac sign: Lion
Age: 32 years old
Place of birth: Saratov, Russia
Height: 171
Activity: participant of the show "Dom-2"
Marital status: not married

Ilya Yabbarov Russian musician, sings chanson, since the beginning of 2015 he has been filming the reality show Dom-2.

Childhood and youth

Ilya was born on August 18, 1985 in Saratov. He didn't have a father. Ilya Yabbarov has an older brother. When I was at school, I didn’t attend any classes. He can ride a motorcycle and sings well. A simple Saratov boy did not finish 11 grades, and after 9 he entered a vocational school with a specialty - a car repair mechanic. A year later he dropped out of school without receiving a diploma. Then fate threw him into the army - he served as a paratrooper. There he began to compose his first songs and dedicated them to his beloved.
The desire to become famous suddenly came to Ilya when he and his girlfriend performed a song at karaoke. Visitors asked to perform his composition as an encore. First successful public performance.

After the army, Yabbarov worked for sausage factory, he was soon promoted from a simple worker to a branch manager. IN Russian show breaking into business is not so easy.

House 2

But Ilya took a risk and signed up for the casting of the scandalous reality show Dom-2. Once on the project, he wanted to start an affair with Kamilla Korobeynikova, but she gave preference to another participant - Ilya Grigorenko.

Soon, the lonely Yabbarov was surrounded by participant Alexandra Gozias, who had arrived from the island. She had just broken up with Evgeniy Kuzin and was ready for a new relationship. The novel developed rapidly, exactly until the moment when Gozias’s ex-husband came to the project. They are connected with their husband by a child, and therefore Alexandra left Ilya and got back together with her husband.

Yabbarov’s next romance on the project began with Zhenya Schmidt, the union did not last long. Schmidt left Ilya because she found out that his feelings for ex-partner not cooled down. But our hero did not grieve for long, she came new member, and immediately won his heart.

Everything started well, but then it turned out that new darling worked as a web model. Her naked photos circulating all over the Internet became the reason for their breakup. Olga tried to restore the relationship, but Yabbarov could not come to terms with his chosen one’s past work. Soon Rapunzel left for the island and there she was not alone for long.

Personal life

Despite Ilya’s hectic life on the project, it turned out that he was previously married. And he has a large alimony debt. Ilya's wife Kristina told the media what for many years Yabbarov did not participate in his daughter’s life in any way, either morally or financially. Due to non-payment of alimony, his license was even taken away and travel abroad was restricted. For all this time, he owed his child more than 100 thousand rubles.
The scandal over alimony was very big; Ilya had to borrow money from Elina Kovalskaya. At one time they had an affair on the Dom-2 project. Yabbarov borrowed more than a million rubles from Elina. After a scandal in the media, he finally paid child support to his daughter.
Ilya Yabbarov does not have many hobbies; he visits the gym and nightclubs in Moscow with friends.

Yabbarov's activities on at the moment

In 2017, Ilya began performing on television in the humor show *Partners*, and Andrey Chuev became his partner. Yabbarov recorded several of his personal songs and began performing on TV. At concerts he performs both his own and other authors’ songs in the chanson style. He also promotes himself on his page on the social network.
In 2017, he got pregnant new girl Unfortunately, due to health problems, she lost her child. The name of Yabbarov’s chosen one remains unknown. The media he spoke about future wedding, but it never took place.
After a little time, Ilya took joint photos with Diana Shurygina, then he publicly confessed his love to her, everyone thought that they would take part together in the reality show Dom-2, but this did not happen.

In 2018, Ilya will return to the House 2 project. He is building a relationship with Alena Rapunzel.